July 10, 2008, - 9:50 am

More “Exposure” of Unethical Muslim FOX Anchor Fanchon Stinger, Nothing New to Schlussel Readers–FOX 2 Forced to do CYA Story to Respond to Schlussel (by Pseudonym Reporter)

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE #2, 07/15/08: FOX News/NewsCorp’s Fanchon Stinger used Morning News Show as 20-minute Farrakhan Infomercial; did Pandering interview with Farrakhan at behest of Nation of Islam boyfriend, a key Farrakhan associate ****
**** UPDATE, 07/11/08: FOX 2 News Dumps Fanchon Stinger, But Refuses to Clean House or Change Cancerous Newsroom Policies ****
To my readers across America and the rest of the world:
Although this story concerns a FOX News/NewsCorp news department in Detroit, the story should concern you, because the same thing is, sadly, occurring in news rooms all over the country (and the world), where political correctness and dishonesty dominates and journalistic ethics–if they ever existed–are a thing of the past . . . .
Readers have been following my coverage of Fanchon Stinger, the Muslim anchor/reporter who is the face of FOX News/NewsCorp’s owned-and-operated Detroit affiliate. Now FOX 2 is trying to cover its very exposed rear (watch the video) in response to repeated inquiries regarding news first reported here on this site.


Muslim Sludge Duo: Fanchon Stinger, Rayford Jackson

As I noted, Stinger had a multi-year “relationship” (euphemism) with married father, Rayford Jackson a/k/a Rayford Jackson Muhammad, a top leader in the Nation of Islam and a close Louis Farrakhan associate. Jackson is now embroiled in an FBI investigation of a Detroit City Council bribery scheme, involving a $47 million contract with the the City for a sludge treatment plant. As I also noted, Stinger was involved with Synagro and put some of Jackson’s assets in her name. And she and Jackson apparently coordinated large, matching campaign contributions to the Bush-Cheney 2004 re-election campaign.
As I noted, Stinger had an interest in the sludge treatment plant deal–she was paid by Synagro for marketing, “media consulting,” and PR, while she was employed by FOX News/NewsCorp and paid an annual
salary of at least $325,000 to be solely an anchor and reporter. But that money–which puts her in the top 1/4% of money earners in Michigan–was not enough for Stinger.
Even though she was handsomely paid NOT to have outside interests that would compromise her news coverage, she wanted more and wasn’t about to let that thing called “journalistic ethics” stand in her way. Records, posted below, show she formed Stinger Strategies, LLC on September 14, 2007, just three days before a September 17, 2007 letter went out lobbying for the Synagro deal in Detroit to go through. Sources say Stinger may have even written the letter.

Stinger also had another entity, Stinger Strategies, Inc., for several years. Started when she became a news anchor in January 2004, it dissolved in 2007 (see Articles of Incorporation, below).
Just who were the clients of Stinger Strategies, Inc., and how much did they pay her for “media consulting”? How many of them got favorable coverage on FOX 2 News? Did Stinger get money from Rehab Amer, a devout Muslim mother accused of killing her young boy, on whose behalf Stinger lobbied in many news reports and got Amer “cleared,” even though many things about the case point to Amer’s guilt? How much money was Stinger Strategies, Inc. paid by Imad Hamad and the pro-Hezbollah/pro-HAMAS American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, when she hosted events for them and then favorably covered it on FOX 2 News?

And how many other FOX 2 News reporters and anchors have private companies in which outside interests pay them? Who are those interests?
Now, FOX 2 News–in the face of its personnel visiting my site daily for the REAL story on Fanchon Stinger, and in the face of a front-page Detroit Newsistan story about Stinger–has been forced to respond. Last night, its chief investigative reporter “Scott Lewis” did a story on Stinger, in which he claimed that he and the rest of his colleagues at FOX 2 are surprised and disturbed by Stinger’s heavy involvement. But that’s a lie, which even he betrays in the story, as he notes that he and his colleagues knew of Stinger’s relationship with Jackson.
The story–though it is deceptively packaged as an expose on Stinger–is really what is conventionally known by three letters: C-Y-A, as in Cover Your [Butt]. People will be distracted by the photos of a Ferrari and Rolls Royce, which Jackson apparently put in Stinger’s name, per her permission.
“Lewis” claims that Stinger never covered or reported on Synagro. But that’s not the point. She gave friendly and warm interviews to parties involved with Synagro, and never disclosed to viewers that she had a monetary interest in kissing Conyers’ butt, which she did. Conyers allegedly took bribes from Synagro and cast the vote that broke the tie in favor of Synagro. Below is a picture from Conyers’ personal website in which Stinger is warm and fuzzy with her on a FOX 2 Morning Show interview. “Lewis” didn’t comment about that.

FOX “Journalist” Fanchon Stinger “Interviews”

Her Apparent Partner in Sludge, Monica Conyers

Nor did he comment about Stinger’s coverage of news stories such as glowing coverage of the Louis Farrakhan visit to Detroit–in which her boyfriend was heavily involved–or the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign, to which she had contributed, in violation of FOX 2 News and FOX News/NewsCorp’s policies. When a past FOX 2 News anchor, Rich Fisher, donated to the campaign of Republican U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham, FOX 2 News made a big deal out of it and made Fisher issue an apology. With Stinger–who, unlike Fisher, is Black, female, and Muslim–no-one seemed to mind or notice.
“Lewis” says in his report that Stinger’s relationship was “considered her personal business.” And that’s where the problem lies. If Diane Sawyer was dating one of David Duke’s top people, it would not be “personal business.” It simply wouldn’t be acceptable. And Stinger’s “dating” (euphemism) of the Black version of that–a top Farrakhan associate–is equally outrageous, though not treated that way by the FOX 2 Newsroom or parent company, FOX News/NewsCorp.
None of what you saw in the “Scott Lewis” FOX News piece is new to my readers. I was the first media outlet to report on Stinger’s “relationship” with Rayford Jackson. I was also the first to report that Rayford Jackson put some of his property and assets in Ms. Stinger’s name, and that she had a personal interest in Synagro. So, it shouldn’t be news to you that cars in Stinger’s name included a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce, and a Mercedes–cars that even on her $325,000 -plus annual salary, Stinger could not afford. Sources say Jackson drove those cars.
The real lesson here is that a Muslim Black female anchor and reporter got away with everything and escaped all scrutiny from a liberal, politically correct newsroom. Despite complaints from myself and even a top executive at FOX News/NewsCorp, FOX 2 continued to look the other way on Stinger’s behavior and involvement with causes that compromised her objectivity. She was an activist and crusader, NOT an impartial reporter. And she got paid for some of her activism.
Many of you may be wondering why I put the name “Scott Lewis” in quotation marks. That’s because, sources say, “Scott Lewis” is not his real name. He uses a pseudonym. Yes, fake names are okay on radio, when you’re spinning Top 40 records. But not in a serious news operation in a major market when you are the top investigative reporter for that news outfit.
“Scott Lewis” can claim he’s investigating whatever needs to be investigated, but we won’t know for sure. We won’t be able to look into him and see what his interests are, the details of his records. And that’s significant. While Stinger got a free pass and zero scrutiny by FOX 2 News, we can’t even begin to try to scrutinize “Scott Lewis” or what his interests may be because we don’t know who he really is. There’s something a little hypocritical in that.
There simply isn’t the transparency and open and honest dealings with the FOX 2 viewing audience that FOX 2 News and its investigative unit, “The Problem Solvers,” demand from those it targets in slanted hit pieces.
And he’s not just a “reporter” either. He, too, is an activist. A few years ago, “Lewis” was recorded on tape telling a client of mine that the client should dump me. “Lewis”–who has told third parties he is Jewish–said he was troubled by the fact that I wrote a New York Post column and got the FBI to revoke an award to “former” PFLP terrorist, marriage fraud perpetrator, and current ADC-Midwest leader, Imad Hamad–a man with whom “Lewis”‘ FOX 2 and Fanchon Stinger have a close relationship, so close that–as I noted previously–FOX 2 reported as news a fraudulent press release sent out by Hamad and ADC, tried to cover up a previous negative news story on Hamad, and frequently farmed out FOX 2 News personalities to host controversial ADC events. By telling my client this, “Lewis” was no longer covering the story, he was trying to orchestrate the story and became a part of it.
And finally, the other lesson is: When you are a Muslim under investigation and don’t want to get noticed, eat at a kosher restaurant. The Southfield, Michigan restaurant, at which “Scott Lewis”–whoever he is–and FOX 2 surveilled a lunch meeting with Stinger and Rayford Jackson Muhammad is a strictly kosher pizza place, “Jerusalem Pizza.” Oh, the irony of Jackson Muhammad–who frequently denounced Jews and Israel–needing to rely on those same Jews for shelter and cover. The restaurant, owned by friends of mine, makes excellent pizza, by the way (and has all the vegetarian fake meat toppings you can think of–kosher Jews do not eat meat and dairy together). I recommend the place highly.


One last thing: Today, for the first time ever, the Detroit Newsistan noted in a back story on Jackson Muhammad that he is a member of a Nation of Islam mosque. But, mark my word, that’s the first and last reference to Islam you’ll ever see in the mainstream media, with regard to Fanchon Stinger and Rayford Jackson Muhammad. Still, perhaps it’s progress.
Bottom Line: Who is watching the self-appointed watchdogs? At FOX 2, nobody.

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July 9, 2008, - 3:46 pm

Letters to the Editor of the Day: Answering the Boy Who Cried “Wolf”, er . . . Islamophobia

By Debbie Schlussel
Last week, on the eve of Independence Day, the Wall Street Journal Op-ed page ran a piece by Islamofascist Junaid Afeef, “Obama Should Embrace His Muslim Heritage.” The piece contained the usual BS you hear from Islamic Spokesmodels: that Islam is peaceful, that most Muslims are moderate, that they are the victims of all of us who are unduly prejudiced, that they would all put down their AK-47s and disposable Tracfone IEDs tomorrow if only Obama would embrace his ties to them, yadda, yadda, yadda, dogpoop, dogpoop, dogpoop.
Well, it seems that the well educated WSJ readers aren’t buyin’. Today, the Journal ran a selection of letters, and every single one of ’em is good. The first one, I don’t agree with the first half of it. But the last sentence is pretty good. I’m putting that letter last. The rest are excellent!:

It is not irrational to fear Islam when we daily see property being destroyed and people murdered by terrorists, who use Islamic teachings and quote directly from Quranic verses to justify their actions.


Moderate Muslims have not been able to use theology to effectively refute the terrorists. We see the lack of women’s rights and lack of freedoms that exist wherever Islam rules. All cultures are not equal and we don’t want the Islamic culture introduced into the West. Our ancestors worked too long and too hard for the freedoms that we have, and we don’t want to be taken back to a 7th-century misogynistic, totalitarian ideology that cloaks itself within religious doctrine in order to hide its true goal of world domination.
George McCallum
Bethesda, Md.
I believe the anti-Muslim sentiments are not a product of fear or a lack of understanding. Rather they are based on a perception that Islam and mainstream democratic values are somehow irreconcilable.
Maneesha Sharma
Charlotte, N.C.
I can’t say that I have read, seen or heard everything, but since 9/11 the Muslim world community has not raised its voice in anger against the terrorist perpetrators of evil. Why not? They raise their voices against cartoonists and authors; why not against killers?
Those in the Muslim world who stay silent are the true Islamophobes. Do they fear their own religion and so do not dare risk challenging the killers?
Mr. Afeef, look inward, and get your imams to issue fatwas condemning Osama bin Laden and all his ilk at every mosque world-wide and Islamophobia will disappear.
Alan A. Fleischer
New Canaan, Conn.
Rather than trying to debunk the bigotry of Islamophobes, I would ask Mr. Afeef to address the shortcomings of his own faith and its lack of a discernible, peaceful direction. Don’t smear the African-Americans, Chinese, Latinos and Jews of this country by associating their respective oppressions with the plight of today’s Muslim.
Denounce the violence, human rights violations and religious intolerance that are pervasive in Muslim nations, and watch the fear and lack of understanding of Islamophobes in America erode.
Brian Kling
Palatka, Fla.
Regarding Junaid Afeef’s “Obama Should Embrace His Muslim Heritage” (op-ed, July 3): As a Christian I wouldn’t mind hearing Barack Obama positively acknowledge his father’s Muslim background. It could be a very good thing, especially given Mr. Obama’s exposure and international credibility. But to do so with a “can’t we all get along” ethos, as Mr. Aleef seems to suggest, will be no more helpful than Islamic public relations straining to assure the world that “jihad” is not just confined to a holy war intended to kill unbelievers.
Dr. James Rueb
Moraga, Calif.

Mega-Kudos to all of these well-educated people. They are not fooled by the well-greased Islamic PR machine.

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July 9, 2008, - 12:16 pm

Dearborn Muslim Hezbo Pleads Guilty in to Sending Schlussel Anti-Semitic Death/Rape Threats; HOW YOU CAN HELP

By Debbie Schlussel
A couple of weeks ago, Mohamad Fouad Abdallah a/k/a “Mike” pleaded guilty to sending me anti-Semitic rape and death threats during the Israel-Hezbollah War in 2006. Read the entire plea agreement here–I’ve posted the three most important pages below.
Abdallah, a Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah supporter–and apparently, Hezbollah member–from Dearbornistan, didn’t like my writing about the many Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah supporters in Dearborn. And so he decided to settle things the way the Islamic world settles ’em: threatening to rape and kill me. A refresher on what he sent me (you’ll notice the important/offensive subject lines were left out of the plea agreement for some inexplicable reason):

— michael b mikeb1968@hotmail.com wrote:
From: “michael b” mikeb1968@hotmail.com
To: dschlussel@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:34:47 -0400


— michael b mikeb1968@hotmail.com wrote:
From: “michael b” mikeb1968@hotmail.com
To: dschlussel@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:35:33 -0400




Of course, he told the FBI he “didn’t mean it and was sorry,” which is what they all say, when they get caught.
And by the way, the FBI believed Abdallah was involved in Hezbollah. They raided his residence and seized his computer. FBI Special Agent Mark Green, who is the Hezbollah intelligence guy at the Detroit FBI (among other things), participated in the raid and interview of Mr. Abdallah.
But Mr. Abdallah got off easy. Unlike non-Muslims who send far more benign e-mails to Muslims, Mr. Abdallah was offered a very lax deal: He gets to plead guilty to a misdemeanor, rather than the multiple felonies he should get and would get if he weren’t a member of the protected and favored “Religion of Peace (and Rape and Death threats)”. A felony would have been important because it would be the only thing keeping this Hezbo from legally owning and possessing firearms. But why protect Americans from this Islamic criminal, when we can help him out in his mission?
And because then-U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno” (now a Bush appointed federal judge) refused to prosecute Mr. Abdallah or any of those who sent death threats to me–and only prosecuted those who sent e-mails to Muslims rather than vice versa, your tax dollars had to pay to fly in federal prosecutors from the Justice Department’s Office of Civil Rights to handle the case. I hope you are as disgusted as I am by this waste of federal tax dollars because a local Islamofascist butt-kisser (now a Bush judge) refused to do his job.
I’ve written about the double standard–the far lower standard of “justice” I got against Robert Mustaq John and what I had to go through to get him prosecuted by the Feds, versus their drooling over and leaping to far tamer cases of “hate crimes” “against” Muslims. Read about what I went through here and here. And I wrote about airheaded liberal Magistrate Joan Azrack, who didn’t follow federal sentencing guidelines and was soft on this pan-terrorist.
Oh, and don’t look for this to get the coverage in the mainstream media that federal indictments of two men–who sent more benign e-mails to an extremist Hezbo Muslim Imam–got. The feds charged those men were charged with felonies, and it was all over Detroit and national mainstream media.
A note about the plea agreement: Not that it would justify a thing, but Mohamad Fouad Abdallah never wrote in his death and rape threat e-mails why he was sending them or that they were in reference to a specific post I wrote. The plea agreement claims it was something I wrote about “two Arab men,” but clearly, he was responding to what I wrote about the Hezbollah supporters and agents here in the greater Detroitistan area.
Mr. Abdallah stands to serve a year in prison and pay a $30,000 fine (the maximum is $100,000). I need your help in getting this Hezbollah sympathizer and death/rape threat purveyor sentenced to that year. Even though it is the minimum sentence, according to federal sentencing guidelines, you never know what judges will do.
This case is before Federal Judge Marianne O. Battani, one of the brightest minds not only on the federal bench for the Eastern District of Michigan, but among jurists nationally. A Clinton appointee, she is a no-nonsense judge. I hope you will write her–it has to be via snail mail–and ask her to sentence Mohamad Fouad Abdallah to the year in federal prison that he deserves. Write her, referencing United States of America v. Mohamad Fouad Abdallah, Case Number 2:08-cr-20223 (and please copy me) at:
The Honorable Marianne O. Battani
United States District Court
for the Eastern District of Michigan
Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse
231 W. Lafayette Blvd, Room 277
Detroit, MI 48226

Mohamad Fouad Abdallah is the third of four Muslims who’ve sent death, rape, and torture threats to me, who has been prosecuted. Robert Mustaq John pleaded guilty, last summer (and was sentenced to several months in prison) and Wasil Burki was indicted (he is in Pakistan). Only Lola Elzein-Merhi (a Shi’ite Lebanese woman in Dearbornistan Heights)–who admitted to FBI Special Agent Mike Glennon–that she sent me these six scary death, rape, and torture threats remains to face the music.
Thankfully, I had two very good FBI agents–Mike Glennon and Mike Fitzgerald–pursuing these cases. I was lucky.
A note about Abdallah’s attorney, Arthur Weiss. Yes, he’s a Jewish guy and a sleazebag. He represents sundry drug dealers and Islamic terrorists and has no qualms about it, because, hey, they pay his legal fees.
In the mid-’90s, when I was interviewing for jobs out of law school and not knowing anything about Weiss, I once interviewed with him. At the time, I was representing athletes, and he was on the registered sports agents list for the NBA or NFL (I can’t remember which), and I wanted to continue to be involved in that. At the interview, he told me that he represented drug dealers and that’s why he joined the sports agents list–because he thought the feds would confiscate his drug agent clients’ fees. Sadly, that didn’t happen.
This guy gets one adjective from me: Blechhhh!
And one last word about this: The ADL–the Anti-Defamation League–which bills itself as defending the Jewish people, did nothing for me. I complained about these death threats to the Michigan ADL, headed by former cable marketer and eternal airhead Betsy Kellman. They ignored me, and instead Ms. Kellman made statements that the people likely to start terrorist attacks in town would be Orthodox Jews killing Muslims. Oh, and she hosted Hezbollah terrorist lawyer Nabih Ayad at a “diversity” event.
That bi-otch gets way more than a “Blecch!” adjective from me. That would be too generous.
A reminder of some of the other Muslim death, rape and torture threats I’ve gotten in the last several years:
* Robert Mustaq John:

* Wasil Burki:

— Wasil Burki wasilburki@yahoo.com wrote:
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 00:06:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: Wasil Burki wasilburki@yahoo.com
To: dschlussel@yahoo.com
You fucking jewish whore I feel like firing up one of those old gas chambers and just burning up your fucking bigot pussy! I am coming for you bitch and I am gonna fuck you GOOD. You fucking cunt! Move to fucking Isreal and leave us in peace you god damn bitch.
You all fucking jews deserve each other, fucking cunt.

* Lola Elzein-Merhi (who first invited me to lunch–where she probably would have killed me–and also posted on my site as “JewishLeader”):

— Lelzein@aol.com wrote:
From: Lelzein@aol.com
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:20:13 EST
Subject: (no subject)
To: dschlussel@yahoo.com
It would be an honor to meet you! I would absolutely LOVE to go out to lunch with you one day! I’ve always loved your articles and I adore you! I’m currently a student at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, and I wouldn’t mind taking advice from a lovely young lady like you! Please contact me, thank you so much!


— Lelzein@aol.com wrote:
From: Lelzein@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 01:38:02 EST
Subject: Whats up Slut?
To: dschlussel@yahoo.com
Hey you fuckin whore, I can’t wait to fuck your mom and grandparents tonight, I am going to FUCK your world up.
Your JEWISH friend!


Posted by: JewishLeader at December 17, 2005 01:22 PM


Posted by: JewishLeader at December 17, 2005 01:24 PM


— Lelzein@aol.com wrote:
From: Lelzein@aol.com
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 23:24:17 EST
To: dschlussel@yahoo.com
. . . . I’m really young, much younger than you are, and I show more respect and maturity than you do or ever will.

Religion of Peace? I don’t think so.
* Justice For Muslims v. “Justice” for You: Federal Judge Azrack Goes Soft on Robert Mustaq John
* Double Standard: My “Justice” vs. Justice for Muslims in America
* Where I Am Today & What I’m Saying: Sentencing of Robert Mustaq John, Muslim Alien Hate Crime Perpetrator

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July 9, 2008, - 11:09 am

Conservative?: Sean Vannity Promotes Leftist Ted Koppel’s “Insights,” Anti-Semite Buchanan . . . Again!

By Debbie Schlussel
As much as he wishes he were Rush Limbaugh, yesterday offered us yet another insight to why Sean Hannity will never even come close. He’s simply a clueless individual who doesn’t know much about being conservative unless he’s mimicking what he just hear on Rush’s show or repeating some talking points the FOX News producers provided him.
Yesterday, on his nationally syndicated radio show and on his FOX News TV show, Vannity not only featured, but gushed over, both left-wing “journalist” Ted Koppel and anti-Semite Pat Buchanan.
On his radio show, Vannity gushed to Koppel. “Don’t be a stranger. We love having you on, and we love hearing your insights.” Perhaps one of Hannity’s tutors needs a refresher on just who Koppel is. For over two decades, Ted Koppel hosted a nightly late-night news show in which he repeatedly took up the mantle of left-wing causes. In the few occasions when “both side” of an issue were provided, he was condescending and rude to the conservative and helped the liberal along with friendly, softball questions. “Nightline” would have been more appropriately called “Leftline.”



Sean Vannity & “Great Americans”:

Let Freedom Ring for Leftists & Anti-Semites

Now, with a gazillion cable channels and the internet, Koppel has basically disappeared from the scene. He was ousted by ABC from “Nightline,” the ratings of which sagged tremendously in his last years at the helm. And he considered taking a job at Al-Jazeera’s English language network. That’s how anti-American and left-wing Ted Koppel is. But, instead, Koppel took a job doing documentaries for the Discovery Channel. Still, he is basically out of the limelight.
So, who swoops in to rescue and promote Koppel and his documentary glorifying the Chi-Comms? None other than Sean Vannity. You’d never see this from Rush Limbaugh. Rush regularly and rightfully lambasted Koppel and his one-sided nightly “news” show. It’s simply nauseating to see, now that Koppel has fallen into relative obscurity, to see a so-called conservative–Sean Hannity–promote him and push him back into the mainstream.
Then, there’s Sean’s other friend, Pat Buchanan. As I recently told you, Vannity promoted Buchanan and praised and gushed over him and his new pro-Hitler book. But once wasn’t enough. Vannity promoted this draft-dodger–whom he calls “a great American”–on his radio and TV show again, last night.
Nauseating. And it should put the lie to Sean Vannity’s claimed pro-Israel positions. Sure, Vannity spouts the pro-Israel line. But it’s not heart-felt. He does it because he knows that, today, you really can’t be a star in the conservative movement if you’re not pro-Israel. It’s all an act for him. Otherwise, why would he promote this blatant anti-Semite Buchanan, the left-wing/anti-Israel Ted Koppel’s “insights,” and have been friends with neo-Nazi Hal Turner?
A refresher on some of the things Sean Vannity’s “Great American” Pat Buchanan said about Jews:
* Read Meryl Yourish’s “Pat Buchanan: Hitler’s Willing Prevaricator“.
Reader Thee Bruno:

William Buckley, years ago, said that Pat Buchanan was an anti-Semite and wrote a very long article in his National Review magazine supporting his charges.
Pat Buchanan said that Desert Storm was a war started by G.H.W. Bush at the behest of Israel.
Pat Buchanan engaged in Holocaust revisionism as to his defense of John Demjanjuk, the notorious SS guard at the Treblinka death camp during WWII, saying that its gas chambers could not have inflicted so many deaths.
Pat Buchanan & Sean Hannity: Perfect for each other.

Reader Charles:

I don’t know if you read his recent insane article, “Was the Holocaust Inevitable?” As I read it I knew the man had finally lost his mind. He first says Germany did not want any of it’s land back from the Versailles treaty!? Are you kidding me, that is how Hitler rose to power. He preached it! He sent troops into the Rhine to take it back! Those territories were where its’ industrial heartland! Second Hitler did take some of the French fleet when they surrendered. When we began our landings of North Africa they were firing on us! Second, Hitler was building a fleet, but rushed ahead with war. There were plans for a German aircraft carrier but they were scrapped. Hitler’s problem was he was impatient. He built defenses in the Rhine because if his invasion failed he needed defenses to bring troops back from the east! Brittan only lost her empire because of FDR. Churchill never wanted to give it up, but FDR forced him to. Too many conservatives still let him on the air. Another one of them is Laura Ingraham. She is another one who needs to be told to keep this jackass off the airwaves. When he is finally marginalized in the conservative movement I am throwing a big party.

Bottom line on Sean Vannity: When he’s not plagiarizing the work of others, the man is completely clueless and promotes the likes of Buchanan and Koppel.
If you promote the views of anti-Semites and leftists, you are no different than they are.

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July 9, 2008, - 9:43 am

Let Their Breasts Sag: “Axis of Evil” is Huge Trading Partner of Evil–Under Bush, U.S. Exports to IRAN Swelled 1800%!! Included Arms and Bras

By Debbie Schlussel
And to think I was upset that the Bush Administration was allowing Coke and Pepsi to export their goods to Iran. It’s far worse than that. It turns out that the Bush Administration is even more hypocritical than even we knew–reversing a Clinton Administration stranglehold on Iran in trade.
In 2001 we exported only $8.3 million worth in goods to Iran. Last year it was $146 million. And, as with the Coke and the Pepsi, it wasn’t just the “bare necessities” that the Bushies allowed to go to prop up this Crown Jewel in the Axis of Evil. It should be noted that one of those Bushies was Julie L. Myers a/k/a The ICE Princess, who was in charge of enforcing export and boycott laws in one of her many 11-month jobs she did so poorly:



There are plenty of items on Iran’s shopping list the United States is more than happy to supply: cigarettes, brassieres, bull semen and more.
U.S. exports to Iran grew more than tenfold during President Bush’s years in office even as he accused it of nuclear ambitions and sponsoring terrorists. America sent more cigarettes to Iran – at least $158 million worth under Bush – than any other product.
Other surprising shipments during the Bush administration: fur clothing, sculptures, perfume, musical instruments and military apparel. Top states shipping goods to Iran include California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio and Wisconsin, according to an analysis by The Associated Press of seven years of U.S. government trade data. . . .
“I understand that these exports have increased. However, we believe that they are increasing to a segment of the population that we want to reach out to, we want to know and understand that the U.S. government, the U.S. people want to be friends with them, want to work with them to integrate them into the world economy and become partners in the future,” Gonzalo Gallegos, a State Department spokesman, said Tuesday when asked by reporters about AP’s findings.
The government tracks exports to Iran using details from shipping records, but in some cases it’s unclear whether anyone pays attention.
Sanctions are intended in part to frustrate Iran’s efforts to build its military, but the U.S. government’s own figures showed at least $148,000 worth of unspecified weapons and other military gear were exported from the United States to Iran during Bush’s time in office. That included $106,635 in military rifles and $8,760 in rifle parts and accessories shipped in 2004. . . .
Iran received at least $620,000 in aircraft parts and $19,600 worth of aircraft during Bush’s terms. Iran relies on spare parts from other countries to keep its commercial and military aircraft flying. In some cases, U.S. sanctions allow shipments of aircraft parts for safety upgrades for Iran’s commercial passenger jets. . . .
The U.S. government seems uncoordinated on efforts to limit trade with Iran.
The Securities and Exchange Commission sought to shine a light on companies active in Iran but stopped after business groups complained. The Treasury Department allowed some companies and individuals suspected of illegal trading with Iran to escape punishment. . . .
The United States sent Iran $546 million in goods from 2001 through last year, government figures show. It exported roughly $146 million worth last year, compared with $8.3 million in 2001, Bush’s first year in office. Even adjusted for inflation, that is more than a tenfold increase. . . .
Top U.S. exports to Iran over Bush’s years in office include corn, $68 million; chemical wood pulp, soda or sulfate, $64 million; soybeans, $43 million; medical equipment, $27 million; vitamins, $18 million; bull semen, $12.6 million; and vegetable seeds, $12 million, according to the AP’s analysis of government trade data compiled by the World Institute for Strategic Economic Research in Holyoke, Mass. The value of cigarettes sold to Iran was more than twice that of the No. 2 category on the export list, vaccines, serums and blood products, $73 million. . . .
Also getting Bush administration approval for export to Iran were at least $101,000 worth of bras; $175,000 in sculptures; nearly $96,000 worth of cosmetics; $8,900 in perfume; $30,000 in musical instruments and parts; $21,000 in golf carts and/or snowmobiles; $4,000 worth of movie film; and $3,300 in fur clothing.
Few people or companies asking U.S. permission to trade with Iran are turned down by the Treasury Department
, the lead agency for licensing exports to sanctioned countries. During Bush’s terms, the office has received at least 4,523 license applications for Iran exports, issued at least 2,821 licenses and 213 license amendments and denied at least 178, Treasury Department data shows.
Neither the Treasury data nor trade data compiled by the Census Bureau identifies exporters or specifies what they shipped. The AP requested those details under the Freedom of Information Act in 2005 and still is waiting for the Treasury Department to provide them.
Though some trade with Iran is legal, some businesses prefer that people not know about it.
Citing corporate financial reports, the SEC published a list online last year of companies that said they had done business in Iran or four other countries the State Department considers state sponsors of terrorism. The SEC withdrew the list after business groups complained, but it is considering releasing one again. . . .
Business groups oppose publishing such lists. It “could inappropriately label companies with legitimate activities as supporters of terrorism,” the European Association of Listed Companies told the commission earlier this year. [DS: Uh-huh.]
An AP photographer strolling through shops in Tehran had no problem finding American brands on the shelves. An AP review of corporate SEC filings found dozens of companies that have done business in Iran in recent years or said their products or services may have made it there through other channels. Some are household names: PepsiCo, Tyson Foods, Canon, BP Amoco, Exxon Mobil, GE Healthcare, the Wells Fargo financial services company, Visa, Mastercard and the Cadbury Schweppes candy and beverage maker. . . .
The Bush administration’s record enforcing export laws is mixed. The Office of Foreign Assets Control let the statute of limitations expire in at least 25 cases involving trade with Iran from 2002 to 2005, according to one internal department audit. The companies involved, disclosed to the AP under the Freedom of Information Act, include Acterna Corp., American Export Lines, Parvizian Masterpieces, Protrade International Corp., Rex of New York, Shinhan Bank, Phoenix Biomedical Corp., World Cargo Alliance and World Fuel Services.

My view is that the real evil is in those–ie., the Bush Administration–who prop up the evil. I don’t only blame those who are evil for being evil. I blame us for enabling them and their evilness.
It’s incredible: The Clinton Administration was choking Iran, and the Bush Administration propped them up beyond belief. Heckuva Job! I hate to say this, but overall, the Clintonistas in their 8 years were far tougher on terrorists than the Bushies in their 7.5 years thus far.
And I love the Bushies, saying that these exports are going to a “segment of the population that we want to reach.” Hello . . .? Do they really think that only revolutionaries and not Islamist hardliners smoke cigarettes? Do they think Ahmadinejad’s allies in the farming community would never try bull semen to breed their animals, that Mahmoud’s wife doesn’t wear a bra or cosmetics? Did they hear that Bin Laden uses cellphones and a modern toilet? That Mrs. Assad wears cosmetics and a bra? Modern exports go to terrorists, too. And they enable the terrorists–ie., Ahmadinejad–who are in power.
Are bras really a humanitarian cause? What is the “suffering” if Iranian women go braless and sag? Maybe that means their husbands will have less sex with them, ergo less future Iranian males for their military. Regardless, the bras aren’t even made in America. So, who is this helping?
Gee, while we sent them bras and cigarettes and bull semen, they voted madman Ahmadinejad into office. So our exports don’t seem to have achieved the Bushie’s goal.
From the Clinton Administration slogan of “It’s the Economy, Stupid,” we’ve now arrived at the Bush Administration slogan of, “Stupid is As Stupid Does.” Only now, we’ve come to find out that the same people correctly calling out Iran as a point in the Axis of Evil are the Stupid ones propping it up.
Oh, and this is yet another reason why no American–Jew or otherwise–should be supporting AIPAC, which opposes and has crushed all bills that strengthen an embargo on Iran.

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July 8, 2008, - 12:48 pm

Nauseating: Achille Lauro Hijacker, Murderer of Leon Klinghoffer Freed

By Debbie Schlussel
In 1985, Palestinian Islamic terrorists allied with Abul Abbas a/k/a Abu Abbas hijacked the Achille Lauro cruise ship, on which Jewish American Leon Klinghoffer and his wife were celebrating their wedding anniversary. The helpless, wheelchair-bound, 69-year-old Klinghoffer was murdered–shot in the head and thrown overboard–because he was an American and a Jew. Full details here, from my 20th anniversary coverage.
U.S. authorities wanted to arrest and try the hijackers, but unfortunately, Italian authorities did so instead. And as we feared, they got lax sentences.
Yesterday, the Italian government announced that it freed Achille Lauro hijacker Ibrahim Fatayer Abdelatif, now 43. Sadly, he now has many years of life left, unlike those he took from Mr. Klinghoffer. Abdelatif is now looking for a country that will grant him political asylum, since Italy is expelling him. He does not deserve such a generous fate.


Leon Klinghoffer: American Hero in Life & Death

But I am not sure how Abdelatif would be treated here in America. For several years, I’ve had credible information that another man involved with the Achille Lauro hijacking was given asylum and granted U.S. citizenship. He is living here under a pseudonym and was allowed in, ostensibly to provide more information on bigger terrorist fish. I’ve always wondered what is a bigger fish than a terrorist hijacker and murderer of an American citizen in a wheelchair. But the terrorist is apparently living here in freedom and involved in dealing and smuggling illicit drugs, for which authorities are now trying to get him. We’ll see. But I’m not holding my breath.
For now, I’m awaiting trial of Monzer Al-Kassar, the Syrian terrorist who sold the gun used to shoot Leon Klinghoffer and was involved in the conspiracy to blow up the Jewish Community Center and Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in the 1990s.
Here is what my friend, Lisa Klinghoffer–the daughter of the late Leon Klinghoffer–wrote me about her late father on the 20th anniversary of his murder:

Dear Debbie,
Thank you so much! It has been a tough time for me this past week. We went to the cemetery and cried. I have tried to be so brave and stoic over the years and do the work that we do in Leon’s honor and memory. But sometimes, I just have “a moment,” and all families have to go through the same, as we do.
Thanks for remembering. I mean that’s what it’s all about: to remember and to educate so that perhaps one day ……….
Lisa Klinghoffer

Ironically, the Achille Lauro hijacking was done to demand the release of pan-Hezbollah Druze terrorist and murderer of several Israelis, Samir Kuntar, who is now being released by the Israelis (along with many other lie terrorists) in exchange for a few dead bodies.
Sadly, they did not get enough justice against Ibrahim Fatayer Abdelatif or Samir Kuntar. Both will now be free to murder and commit other bloody acts of terrorism again.
But one thing is for certain: Both of them will Rot. In. Hell.

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July 8, 2008, - 12:34 pm

Word Poll Holds More Bad News, Silver Linings for McCain

By Debbie Schlussel
An Associated Press-Yahoo News poll holds more bad news for the John McCain campaign, with a few silver linings.
Asked what words come to mind when they think about the two major Presidential candidates, the most popular (19%) first word for McCain is “Old.” For Barack Obama, it’s “Change.” (19%)
I’ll start with the main silver lining first, which is that the 1,759 adults surveyed in the June poll are just random adults, not likely voters or even registered voters. So, whether or not they represent those who will be voting and deciding the Presidency in November, is unknown.
The second silver lining: the second and third most popular first words for both:

* McCain: “Military Service” (9%); “Record, Qualifications” (8%)
* Obama: “Lack of Experience” (13%); “Dishonest” (9%)

Let’s hope the ones who chose these phrases are the ones voting.

Which words first come to mind for you on these two guys? Take the full poll.

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July 8, 2008, - 12:23 pm

Bad News for Centrist-to-Conservative Pro Football Fans

By Debbie Schlussel
The good news is that they’re making changes on the NBC Sunday Night NFL studio show. The bad news: uber-leftist Keith Olbermann continues to infect the air . . . and the airwaves on the show.
Dan Patrick, who formerly teamed with Olbermann in his mustache days at ESPN’s “SportsCenter,” will rejoin Olbermann. Reacting to the news, Olbermann made an obnoxious comment about there being too many people on the show already. Well, you can always leave, Keith. Many of us wouldn’t miss you or the hot air:

Dan Patrick, the longtime ESPN anchor, will this season join NBC’s Sunday night NFL studio show – where he’ll reunite with Keith Olbermann, his on-air ESPN SportsCenter partner between 1992 and 1997.


Patrick will also join a big cast on a show wrapped around NBC’s Sunday primetime game.
He’ll be the show’s third co-host – along with Olbermann and Cris Collinsworth – on a show hosted by Bob Costas that includes analysts Jerome Bettis, Tiki Barber and reporter Peter King.
Said Olbermann Monday: “My concern is that we didn’t have enough people on the show. We really needed that 19th guy.”

Again, we really don’t need the 19th guy if his surname is Olbermann.

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July 8, 2008, - 10:40 am

FOX Removes David Duke’s Girlfriend From Investigative Reporting Unit, But Tries to Keep Her on Staff

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE #3, 07/15/08: FOX News/NewsCorp’s Fanchon Stinger used Morning News Show as 20-minute Farrakhan Infomercial; did Pandering interview with Farrakhan at behest of Nation of Islam boyfriend, a key Farrakhan associate ****
**** UPDATE #2, 07/11/08: FOX 2 News Dumps Fanchon Stinger, But Refuses to Clean House or Change Cancerous Newsroom Policies ****
**** UPDATE, 07/10/08: FOX News/NewsCorp Does CYA-story on Muslim Anchor Fanchon Stinger; Covers Up Important Info ****
Well, it’s not David Duke’s girlfriend. Just the girlfriend of a top leader of his Black counterpart’s organization, Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. As we know, they would never allow the girlfriend of David Duke or one of his top people to be the face of a mainstream TV station in a major market. But they knew and allowed Fanchon Stinger to be the anchor of the station’s top-rated morning show and serve as an investigative reporter while they knew that for years she’d been heavily involved with one of Farrakhan’s top people.
As I reported last week and yesterday, Stinger–a Muslim anchor/reporter and employee of FOX News’ NewsCorp–is “dating” (euphemism) a top Nation of Islam leader and key Farrakhan associate, Rayford Jackson a/k/a Rayford Jackson Muhammad. Jackson is at the center of a bribery scandal involving the Detroit City Council and a multi-million dollar Detroit sludge treatment plant, and Stinger is involved also. Sources say that Jackson may have put some of his assets in her name and she, therefore, had an indirect interest in the deal, which is why she was sued as a co-defendant with Jackson in a 2007 lawsuit and why she accompanied him to a meeting designed to get Detroiters to agree to a plant in their neighborhood.

FOX Anchor Fanchon Stinger

“Dating” Top Associate of the Black David Duke

As I noted, this illicit relationship colored Stinger’s and FOX 2’s coverage of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, Islamic and Arabic issues, and the Detroit bribery scandal, including her interview with apparent FBI target Monica Conyers. And as I noted, this relationship resulted in some interesting and apparently coordinated campaign contributions to a political campaign which Stinger covered on her morning show.
Stinger is on paid suspension, but FOX 2 is trying to rehabilitate her and find a way to bring this tainted “journalist” back on the air. FOX 2–the FOX News/NewsCorp owned-and-operated Detroit station–is trying to get around Stinger’s untenable actions and associations by removing Ms. Stinger from it’s investigative reporting unit, “Problem Solvers.” On July 3rd, FOX altered both the shorter and longer versions of Stinger’s bio on the station’s website, removing its description of her as a “Problem Solver.” Both bear this notation:

Last Edited: Thursday, 03 Jul 2008, 10:10 AM EDT
Created: Tuesday, 15 Aug 2006, 10:13 AM EDT

But that’s not enough. As an anchor, Stinger interviewed (and would continue to interview) personalities with whom she knew she had a conflict of interest, including Monica Conyers. Her presentation has been biased, and she hasn’t disclosed her interests on the air. That includes when a personal trainer–with whom she had a relationship–suddenly appeared on the FOX 2 morning show to tout his services.
The fact is, a credible news operation simply cannot employ any anchor/reporter who has personal and/or business relationship with the subjects they cover. And a credible news operation certainly can’t have as its key anchor–or even one of its reporters–the girlfriend of a key figure in one of the most vile, racist organizations in America.
Fanchon Stinger must go.
E-mail FOX 2 General Manager Jeff Murri and tell him that removing this anchor from a reporting unit is not enough. Tell him you don’t want to watch a news anchor who conducts interviews with those with whom she has interests and doesn’t disclose her conflicts of interest to you the viewer. Ask him if he would hire top Klansmen’s girlfriends as anchors and reporters?
If it were on the air in the 1940’s, would FOX 2 employ an anchor who was, um, “dating” Goebbels or the head of the German-American Bund?
Sadly, the answer might be in the affirmative.

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July 8, 2008, - 9:36 am

On Terrorists w/ U.S. Criminal Records: The Stunning News is That Top Terrorism Officials are “Stunned”

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m not sure why everyone–including FOX News’ “terrorist fist jab” chick, E.D. Hill–is so shocked that many of the Islamic terrorists we catch in the Middle East have criminal records and arrest warrants here in the U.S.
We’ve long known that we’ve made it easy for Islamic terrorists to get into the U.S. undetected, very easy for them to stay here and commit crimes, and very difficult to get rid of them. That’s only changed for the worse under George W. Bush, and will be his Presidency’s historical legacy many years into the future when its wreckage becomes painful enough for us to feel.


Islamic Terrorists in Our Midst Give America The Finger

Before They Give Us the Fingerprint

That’s why unlike many “stunned” people–including so-called terrorism experts who don’t actually know much–I wasn’t surprised by the Washington Post’s front-pager about this. Take special note of Frances Townsend–Bush’s clueless, incompetent national security “expert” and her reaction. That reaction alone should tell you how dimwitted and unqualified she was for the job. I pity the companies that now hire her as a “security consultant,” since they’re pouring their money down an empty pit, in her case:

In the six-and-a-half years that the U.S. government has been fingerprinting insurgents, detainees and ordinary people in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa, hundreds have turned out to share an unexpected background, FBI and military officials said. They have criminal arrest records in the United States.
There was the suspected militant fleeing Somalia who had been arrested on a drug charge in New Jersey. And the man stopped at a checkpoint in Tikrit who claimed to be a dirt farmer but had 11 felony charges in the United States, including assault with a deadly weapon.
The records suggest that potential enemies abroad know a great deal about the United States because many of them have lived here, officials said. The matches also reflect the power of sharing data across agencies and even countries, data that links an identity to a distinguishing human characteristic such as a fingerprint.
“I found the number stunning,” said Frances Fragos Townsend, a security consultant and former assistant to the president for homeland security. “It suggested to me that this was going to give us far greater insight into the relationships between individuals fighting against U.S. forces in the theater and potential U.S. cells or support networks here in the United States.”

“Stunning”?! Where the heck has Fran Townsend been for the last decade? Well, sadly, for a significant chunk of it, she’s been at the White House, which should explain our porous borders and limitless Islamic immigration. Oh, and by the way, Townsend was responsible for the government NOT pursuing various top HAMAS and Al-Qaeda terrorists uncovered by FBI counterterrorism agent Robert Wright. She put the kabosh on it, until it was too late. When a few–like HAMAS operative Mohammed Salah–were finally pursued, it was too late. (Salah beat the terrorism charges.)
Wow, was she ever an affirmative action hire! [For those about to call me racist, the chick is White. But she clearly only got her job because she has a uterus, not because she has a brain.] For the record, Townsend’s hubby was a classmate and friend of Bush at Andover and Yale (gee, I wonder how she got the job–I’m sure cronyism had nooooothing to do with it).
And to be fair, we must forgive Townsend for not recognizing that terrorists were entering our country, committing crimes, and then leaving–all with ease. After all, Townsend was too busy wearing hijabs and hanging at mosques and pretending to be a supermodel, to actually concern herself with national security (see pics herein). She was also a self-anointed White House Sexpert, declaring “Bin Laden is impotent” (I think a gazillion terrorists are proof positive to the contrary).



Fran Townsend: “Stunned” Former Bush National Security Sexpert

@ Mosque & Pretending to be a Supermodel

As they analyzed the results, they were surprised to learn that one out of every 100 detainees was already in the FBI’s database for arrests. Many arrests were for drunken driving, passing bad checks and traffic violations, FBI officials said.
“Frankly I was surprised that we were getting those kind of hits at all,” recalled Townsend, who left government in January. They identified “a potential vulnerability” to national security the government had not fully appreciated, she said.

Ya think? Only an idiot like Fran Townsend wouldn’t have recognized this actual (not “potential”) vulnerability to national security in the last seven years.

The people being fingerprinted had come from the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan.

So, now–and actually for many years–we know that we are letting these dangerous Islamic terrorist criminals into our midst with ease. It’s not that we know about it. It’s, what the heck are we gonna finally do about it?
And that’s where the true malpractice and negligence is, because our government won’t do a thing to crack down on these people. Yes, they are refusing entry to those whose fingerprints they have, who h ave already committed crimes on our soil. But they’re doing nothing to stop the ones with clean records, who will soon commit the same crimes.
Do we really think Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah send people into America with dirty records? They’re far smarter than that. But we will do nothing, in the name of showing Muslim countries how open and tolerant we are. And that’s why more and more Islamic terrorists will come and go from America and commit crimes. And our borders will get easier and easier to traverse.
That’s why the article is not what’s disturbing. What’s disturbing is that those who should know better are “stunned” by this info, and that those who DO know better, won’t do a damned thing to change the system.
And part of the problem is ICE–Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Blackface expert and incompetent ICE chieftess, Julie L. Myers told USA Today that her main priority is the ICE show raids on employers and workplaces. She doesn’t care about visa overstays and violators–the category rampant with terrorists and criminals. That’s why these terrorists got in, obtained criminal records, and mostly never faced trial. They weren’t properly located, detained, tried, and jailed.
Myers is more concerned with the benign Latino plucking chicken feathers from kosher poultry, so she can get on TV. Islamic terrorists? Myers is too busy having dinner with them at the Hezbollah Social Club to deport ’em.
America . . . Desperate But Not Serious.

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