July 17, 2008, - 1:06 am

Do You Wear an “Obamaka”?: Fashion Tips for Liberal Jews Who Support Barack Hussein

By Debbie Schlussel
Some months ago, I witnessed a disturbing fashion trend. No, not “Obama” tattoo tramp stamps, but something almost as bad . . . and perhaps worse: the B. Hussein O. campaign has been producing and selling “Obamakas”–yarmulkes with the Barack Obama Presidential campaign logo on them.
I cannot imagine a more silly and ironic fashion idea.


For those of you who don’t know, a yarmulke–pronounced “Yah-Muh-Kuh,” thus the Obamaka moniker–is a Jewish religious skullcap that looks like a beanie and which is worn by men (though some annoying liberal women wear them–and they look like outer space lesbians when they put them on). It is supposed to symbolize modesty–and that there is something higher (G-d) above you.
My brother wears one, my late father wore one, and many religious Jews wear them. Most Orthodox Jews wear them always, except to bed. Others wear the yarmulke only when they are in synagogue their once or twice a year–they’re the ones who wear the tacky, blindingly shiny faux-satin yarmulkes that they then force all the Presidential candidates to temporarily don when they make the obligatory synagogue campaign stop.
For the record, wearing a yarmulke is not a commandment or requirement under Jewish law or from the Torah. It is a custom and probably the among the least important and least required Jewish religious observances there are.
**** UPDATE: Reader David disagrees with me on this point and cites Jewish oral Torah:

I didn’t want to post this on your site because it gets too technical for your average reader unfamiliar with Jewish Law. I don’t know the exact citation, however, I know that in the Shulchon Oruch as well as the Mishnoh B’ruroh [DS: Two sources of Jewish law], it states that it is forbidden to walk four cubits or to recite any holy words such as blessings, words of Torah, etc., while one’s head is uncovered. This is why even little children are made to wear a Kippa [DS: Yarmulke], to develop a fear of Heaven. Thanks.

I always marvel at Conservative and Reform Jews, who force non-Jewish visitors to their synagogues and temples to wear the ugly satin yarmulkes when these same Jews drive on the Jewish Sabbath and violate all of the other Jewish precepts and tenets. But wearing that ugly satin beanie, that’s important to them as an ultimately powerless Jew power symbol. I remember when I was at a conservative synagogue in the ’80s and they made Gary Hart wear a shiny satin yarmulke. It was funny.
So, it’s in light of all of that that I find it kind of annoying–no, nauseating–to watch the Jewish hypocrites now wearing the Obamaka, who keep none of the Jewish laws, know little about Judaism except for getting Chanukah presents and ingesting matzoh ball soup, and who–far more disturbing to me–look the other way on Barack Hussein Obama’s recent past activities with Palestinian terrorism supporters Edward Said, Ali Abunimah, and Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s friendship with blatant anti-Semites like Louis Farrakhan and Wright and membership in an anti-Semitic church, Obama’s eagerness to hang with Iran, and Obama’s current Nation of Islam employees who will certainly head to the White House with him.
I really wish these Obamaka-donning Jews would take the beanies off. It’s not that I judge their lack of religiosity, just their overabundance of stupidity and sheepleness and despise when they use Judaism as a cover and/or excuse for it. We don’t need them identifying our religious garb with the Obama campaign. It’s bad enough already that 2/3 of my fellow co-religionists will be voting for this fraud for President.
The Jews who wear the Obamaka will be wearing a yarmulke–if you can call this that–for the first and last time with this chapeau charade. It’s all an act. They’re the Jews who, through assimilation and intermarriage, will die out and be lost to the Jewish community in a generation or two, if not quicker. A vote for Obama is just a rite of passage in hastening their departure.
The Obamaka fashion victims remind me of this joke about the Rabbi who ate a bacon and cheese sandwich on Yom Kippur, with a side dish of shrimp, then allowed his richest donor’s dog to have a bar mitzvah (all of which is proscribed in Judaism for various reasons). They’re hypocrites. And the Obamaka is the symbol of their hypocrisy.
These are the Jews who brag on the far-left, anti-Israel, pan-terrorist Daily Kos that they’re proud to wear the Obamaka or proud to have seen one of their fellow moron-owitzes wearing one. These are the same people who were and would be “capos”–Jews who worked for the Nazis and turned in other Jews so they could eat better or get better treatment–at the camps in Nazi Europe.
But, it’s a free country. And people are free to dress poorly and be the fashion victims of stupid accessories.
And since I do believe in freedom of choice and the freedom of people to look stupid and advertise their hypocrisy, I’ve decided to give the Obamaka masses some more choices for yarmulkes. I’ve asked DebbieSchlussel.com Jedi Master of PhotoShop David Lunde of Lundesigns to make me these yarmulke choices for the sheep-owitzes and sheep-steins that support Obama.
As a member of the Obamaka-of-the-Month club, you, too, can wear one of these highly fashionable (for idiots) Obamakas:








If you take offense to these Obamaka fashion choices, please realize that a Jew wearing a yarmulke featuring the Obama emblem is as absurd as a Jew wearing a yarmulke featuring any of these designs. And on that note, a special shout out to my vegan-trisexual-multi-racial-PETA-anti-nuke-communist-raw-foodist-9/11-trutherist-Brangelina-fan “friends” at the Nazi-funded Media Matters for America, who are monitoring this site, and who I’m sure will whine and over-react on their site about these Obamaka choices, the way they did with my Valentine’s Day candy hearts.
We’re crafting more Obamaka styles since, again, we’re “pro-choice” when it comes to this particular liberal obsession. Please comment below with your suggested Obamaka styles.
For the record, I’m not exactly endorsing a McCainaka, either. But it’s a far smarter choice than the deathly Obamaka, which is basically announcing to the world, “Suicide ’08.”

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July 16, 2008, - 1:46 pm

New Jib-Jab Video is Lame, Far Tougher on McCain

By Debbie Schlussel
I don’t like JibJab, and I don’t see what the hype is over these guys. Sure, their first Presidential Election video in 2004 was cute and entertaining. But their videos since then are pretty lame, in my view.
And check out this latest one for this year’s White House contest. It’s far tougher on John McCain and barely has any jabs for Obama. The only things good in it are the parts with Hillary and Bill Clinton. And there’s no Michelle Hussein Obama in this video at all–strange, since she’s one of his biggest weaknesses. Oh, sure, now they have a gimmick where you can insert yourself into the vid. Interesting, but not interesting enough to save this very weak video. Looking forward to when their 15 minutes are up:

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July 16, 2008, - 12:57 pm

Se Habla Blarney?: Bennigan’s Now Has Spanish Menus; “Carlos Murphy’s”?

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s another sad sign of the times, in which illegal aliens are dominating and their language–not English–is taking over:
Bennigan’s Grill & Tavern is now offering menus in Spanish at ALL U.S. locations. Well, now we know why Bennigan’s removed the “Irish-American” adjective from it’s emblem. I mean, who founded this place . . . Juan Bennigan?

Old Bennigan’s Emblem Versus the New One . . .


People will never learn English, if they aren’t forced to. Steps like this are regressive–in the wrong direction, unless you’re headed toward reconquistador “paradise,” Aztlan.
Maybe they should change the name to Carlos Murphy’s (the name of a now-defunct Mexican-Irish Detroit-area restaurant).
Well, on the bright side, at least they’re not offering Arabic menus–though there are, ironically, Mexican restaurants in Dearbornistan that feature such menus.
Coming up: “Ahmed O’Houlihan’s Falafel & Shepherd’s Pie Hut.”
Bennigan’s . . . Se Habla Blarney. Luck O’ the Coyotes.

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July 16, 2008, - 12:37 pm

Pop Star Tells of Black on Light-Skinned Racism

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m no fan of pop singer Rihanna a/k/a Robin Rihanna Fenty’s music. But I do admire that she has the guts to speak frankly of the racism that we not dare speak of. And her description certainly betrays the claim made by many Black activists that Blacks can’t be racist.
She details the racism she suffered in her native Barbados, where Blacks are majority race and control its government and institutions. The August issue of “In Style” Magazine reports:

As a child in Barbados, singer Rihanna, 20 stood out. “Having lighter skin wasn’t a problem in my household, but it was when I went to school–which really confused me at first,” she said. “The harassment continues to my very last day of elementary school.”



Bottom line: Racism is all over. It’s neither exclusive to White people and Americans, nor even dominant among them. Contrary to what the race merchants would like you to believe, America is relatively moderate on race, when you compare it to Black, Arab, and Muslim countries and their treatment of minorities, where it is universally atrocious.
Just ask the White farmers (oops! there are basically none left) of Zimbabwe. Ditto for the virtually extinct Black Christians of Sudan.
And remember, how they treat light-skinned Blacks is not a good omen for how they will treat White people.

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July 16, 2008, - 11:11 am

Another Terrorist Giveaway: Sad Day in Israel is Just Another in Recent History of Terrorist Capitulation ; Hezbollah Strengthened

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: Carl in Jerusalem has multiple important entries and video on Samir Kuntar and how Al-Jazeera and Hezbollah savages are celebrating the release of this murderer. All of it is must-read/must-view stuff. ****
As you probably know, today, Israel releases five Hezbollah terrorists–including Samir Kuntar, who brutally murdered a family–in exchange for the bodies of two dead Israeli soldier, who were certainly brutally and savagely tortured by Hezbollah, before their ultimate murder. A look at banners Hezbollah posted in English–for the world to read–tells us how nauseating this deal is, and how empowering it is to our enemies. And the deal does not even include the body or known location of Ron Arad–an Israeli soldier missing for decades (it includes a “report” on his past–big deal).
These Hezbo Banners Are All Over South Lebanon–There’s a Reason They’re In English . . .



Kuntar is most significant because in 1979, as a Druze terrorist for both the Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah and the Sunni Palestinian terrorists, Kuntar shot an innocent Israeli father, Danny Haran, in front of his two daughters and wife. Then, Kuntar took Haran’s 4-year-old daughter, Einat, and smashed her skull with his rifle. Haran’s wife hid in a crawl space and accidentally suffocated their two-year-old daughter, Yael, to silence her cries, so Kuntar wouldn’t find and kill them, too.


Three innocent lives snuffed out for no legitimate reason and a family destroyed. An Israeli policeman was also killed.
It’s nauseating that Israel is doing this, but, as I’ve noted extensively on this site, it is, sadly, not the first such lopsided and ill-advised Israeli deal with terrorists. It is just the latest of many. Compared to those, this “deal” for dead bodies is actually “conservative”. In the past, Israel has exchanged hundreds and even thousands of terrorists for a few dead bodies and a live traitor/drug dealer Jew, who was working for Hezbollah, but was a buddy of Ariel Sharon.
If Israel were smart–if it was not suffocated by the wimpitude and appeasement of Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, and the others who’ve engaged in these disgusting fool’s exchanges–the country would never have engaged in such trades over the years. And they’d stop doing them now.
But, instead, today, Israel trades a brutal, vicious murderer of a young family for dead bodies, something America hasn’t done yet–and I hope we never do.
Today, Israel strengthens Hezbollah tremendously. The terrorist group has a week of celebrations planned, and they will be welcoming this savage as a hero. Today’s Wall Street Journal details Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s personal involvement in the deal. I can’t imagine America on the phone with Bin Laden negotiating the release of Byron Fouty’s body or Nick Berg’s in exchange for the release of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to a hero’s welcome.
That’s exactly what releasing Kuntar is. As I noted recently, the Achille Lauro cruise ship was hijacked by Palestinian terrorists in the ’80s for Kuntar’s release. Leon Klinghoffer was murdered in his wheelchair and sent overboard to an unceremonious, brutal burial at see for the release of Kuntar. Neither Israel nor America budged at that time. We had heroes running things then–Ronald Reagan and people like Menachem Begin and Yitzchak Shamir.
I feel sorry for the families of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, the Israeli soldiers Hezbollah kidnapped and whose bodies will be returned. But their sons are dead, and bringing back their bodies does not in any way justify the release of this inhuman pan-Islamic terrorist. And wasn’t their release a condition of Israel ending its war with Hezbollah in 2006? It was, so why add this murderer and 4 others to “sweeten” this devil’s trade?
Trades like this, coupled with the capitulation of Olmert, will be Isreal’s death. Where once a country said no to terrorists, it had relative, de facto peace and far fewer deaths. Where it began to appease and self-amputate, mass murder became rampant, and its ultimate total destruction drew closer and more assured.
That’s why they are partying in South Lebanon, this week and thereafter. Samir Kuntar is not just the face of evil. His release is the face of Israel’s decline and withering.
My late father was especially disturbed about discussions surrounding the release of Kuntar. I am glad he is not around to see this despicable day in Israeli “history.” What a strange way to mark 60 years of survival.
* Read my commentary on past Israeli prisoner exchanges with Hezbollah and the Palestinians–includes details of previous terrorist prisoner trades.
*** From the commentary of Nina Keren, mother of released terrorist Samir Kuntar’s victim Danny Haran and grandmother of the two young children he murdered:

When I close my eyes at night, I see Einati’s black eyes, wide open in fear, not understand why her hero of a father was not saving her the rifle hitting her on the head.
For more than 29 years, I have sentenced myself to silence. The difficult incident, in which I lost my son, Danny, and my two granddaughters, Einat and Yael, in such indescribably cruel circumstances.
But today, just before you cut the sentence of this despicable murderer, I can no longer smother my screams.
Five life sentences were given to this same beastly person. In a few days, he will be freed, before even one life sentence has run out? How will I bear the moment when he crosses the borders and turns from a despicable monster to the new hero of Lebanon.

* Shmuel Rosner on “Live Terrorists for Dead Bodies: Why Does Israel Keep Agreeing to Prisoner Exchanges?

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July 16, 2008, - 11:04 am

OOPS! – Correction: Photo Screw-up

By Debbie Schlussel
Sometimes–more frequently than I’d like–I make screw-ups on this site, and I apologize for them. I try to correct them as quickly as possible. But sometimes I take a long break from my computer before I discover the screw-up. Yesterday, I posted a photo advertising the Tom Cruise 25th anniversary. I thought it was odd. I posted another photo, which was supposed to be Tom Cruise jumping on a couch on the Oprah show, saying that would be a far more interesting ad to draw us to the weird Cruise’s 25th anniversary self-celebration. When I originally checked, the right photo was up. But I added something to an old draft, and an incorrect pic of Tom Cruise’s most recent wedding accidentally replaced the intended photo, thus you might have wondered what I was talking about. It has been fixed.
Check it out.


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July 16, 2008, - 10:21 am

Why Are Muslims @ the Border So Protective of Their Electronics?

By Debbie Schlussel
Today, USA Today has an editorial whining about Customs and Border Protection agents searching people’s laptops and handheld devices at the Canadian and Mexican borders. (Michael “Serpenthead”/”Mr. Burns” Chertoff has a very limp op-ed in response.)
Given that various of these electronics have been used to blow up Americans abroad and could be used to do the same here–and given that terrorists use laptops to plan their attacks, I’m not sure what the problem is here. Except that the ones do the loudest whining are Muslims.
USA Today doesn’t tell you that in its ACLU-esque editorial today, but it did in a cover story just after Independence Day. The story was about Jawad Khaki, a British Muslim (USA Today won’t admit in the story that he’s a “Religion of Pieces” member) who expatriated to the U.S. and frequently travels abroad. He bitched about the fact that his smartphone has been repeatedly checked at the border. And to make the point of how faux-patriotic he is, like many Muslims after 9/11, he poses in front of an American flag. Awww, touching.


Muslim Faux-Patriot Supermodel:

Jawad Khaki Doesn’t Want Feds to See His Smartphone @ Border

Khaki’s an upper class executive, after all, and they would never–nevah evah!–commit terrorism, would they? Especially a British Muslim who repeatedly travels in and out of America. Nope, not your ideal candidate for an evil-doer. Methinks Jed Clampett and his nephew Jethro are far more likely to blow up Americans for Allah than a British Muslim who goes on mysterious trips in and out of America. Same with Grandma Josephine. She’s more likely to blow up Americans with her electronic heart monitor than a British Muslim guy named Jawad with his smartphone.
And listen to the torturous, hurtful “harassment” Mr. Jawad has had to subject himself to, all in the name of that unimportant thing called national security:

“I’ve had to unlock my phone and show them my scheduled tasks, calendar and contacts,” said Khaki, 50.

Wow, can you believe they put this formerly-British Muslim through such horrible treatment? So sad, too bad. I feel like I have to cue up the Ron Burgundy scene from “Anchorman,” in which he tells us how important he is.
It’s much ado about nothing. If this Muslim man is upset they check his smartphone, here’re a few tips: 1) Don’t bring it. 2) Don’t travel. 3) Go back to Britain, where Muslims have free reign and your phone won’t be checked by puppies wearing booties.
And you have to wonder why Muslims at the border are so protective of their electronics. What are they hiding? Don’t forget that the two smiling “Just Fireworks” Muslims caught in a terrorist plot in South Carolina were using their laptop when they were caught by state troopers.
If Mr. Khaki is so upset and inconvenienced at the border by opening up his phone for a few seconds of examination, he ought to try flying. Then, he’d have to join the rest of us and find out that we have to take our shoes off, walk on the scuzzy floor barefoot, and open up our laptops to a chick with a TSA badge, who sometimes–in the case of Detroit–is wearing a hijab. Now, THAT is real degradation.

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July 15, 2008, - 6:12 pm

CORRECTED: On Tom Cruise’s Self-Celebration: Is It Just Me . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
**** CORRECTION: For some reason, even though I posted the pic of Tom Cruise Jumping on the Oprah Couch, it didn’t post, and instead featured a pic of his recent wedding, not my intent. Fixed now. Scroll Down. ****
. . . or is there just something weird and wrong about this? Tom Cruise is marking 25 years in showbiz in a very ostentatious and conspicuous way.
Maybe it’s just that everything Tom Cruise does gives off this strange vibe. But this ad, below, has been running on a number of movie websites, and it’s just odd. Yes, we all like to mark our anniversaries professionally, but I can’t imagine the late great Jimmy Stewart engaging in this kind of self-congratulatory promotion for 25 years in acting. And I can’t remember any other living actors doing it. So, it seems strange to me that Tom Cruise is doing it.


And rather than this shadowy profile of his face and outline of his head–which seems like something a follower of the L. Ron Hubbard science fiction religion would do–I think that this would make a better ad for Tom Cruise’s 25th anniversary.

Then, we’d all click over.

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July 15, 2008, - 5:05 pm

HOprah Watch Language Studies: Oprah Invented Yiddish!

By Debbie Schlussel
It was bad enough when Al Gore claimed he invented the Internet. But, now, Oprah claims she created Yiddish–the German-Hebrew hybrid spoken by most Jews in Europe in the early 20th Century and the centuries prior.
Today–in a show that’s a re-run–Oprah Winfrey claims she invented the word “Shlumpedinka,” a word she uses to describe a sloppily dressed person. In a pretty conceited segment (and isn’t the whole show and Oprah enterprise a giant monument to the conceit that is Oprah?), Oprah showed various clips of herself using the word “Shlumpedinka” over the years, and then she repeatedly said these, “I made up the word,” “I don’t remember when I made up the word,” I don’t know how I came up with the word, I just invented it.”
Yup, a regular genius, this one. And a plagiarist.


Oprah: All Natural Faux Yiddish Wordsmith

In fact, Oprah never invented any such word. She ain’t that smart. The word “schlumpy” or “shlumpy” has been in usage in the common American vernacular since well before Oprah was a known personality. It’s what is known as “Yinglish” or a “Yiddishism,” both of which mean Yiddish slang that is a mixture of Yiddish and English. The word–which means sloppy, slovenly, or coarse in appearance or behavior/personality–comes from the Yiddish world Zhlub, often pronounced Schlub (to the lazy tongue), which has the same definition as Schlumpy.
That Oprah adds the “dinka” part to the end of it, is also not her invention, as many Jews–like my grandparents from Poland–who also spoke Polish, used “ka” or “inka” as suffixes to a an adjective to make it into a noun descriptor. For example, my late maternal grandfather always called leftist U.S. Senator Carl Levin–for whom he would never vote (nor would I)–a “linka,” which means leftist.
Though she would now like us to think she’s so funny and creative and take credit for the Yiddish language, in fact Oprah did NOT invent the world Shlumpedinka, just as she did not do a host of other things for which she would like to take credit in America. Oprah surrounds herself with a number of left-wing Jewish associates–Jews who hate Judaism and Israel even more than Oprah does. That’s probably where she heard and from which she appropriated the term.
Unlike Oprah’s claim, Shlumpedinka is like another word that became common to the Jews in America, and became a fancy word in the English vernacular: copacetic (also, copasetic). The word came from the fact that many Jewish immigrants in New York in the early 1900s used a Hebrew term, which was changed into American slang. The Hebrew phrase, “Kol B’Seder,” meaning “everything’s in order” or “everything’s okay,” was not properly heard or pronounced by many non-Jews in the New York area. They turned it into “copacetic,” as in everything is “copacetic,” meaning everything is okay.
That’s often how the English language evolves in America. But it ain’t got nothin’ to do with the self-anointed new female Webster and Yiddish plagiarist.
So, to sum up:
* Al Gore–the Internet;
* Oprah–Yiddish . . . and
* “Shlumpedinka,” the term that Oprah falsely claims as her invention, but which best describes the horrid values she’s projected onto America and the rest of the world: slovenly, unkempt, boorish, and disgusting.
Again, girl ain’t no wordsmith.

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July 15, 2008, - 2:21 pm

Advertising Agency Whores to Chi-Coms . . . & Chi-Coms’ Enemies

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve long said on this site that it’s not just Hollywood that whores America out for the almighty dollar, but also Madison Avenue–the advertising industry.
Now, there’s quite a stark example, as advertising agency Omnicom Group Inc.’s TBWA Worldwide does ads both promoting and attacking the Chi-Coms on the occasion of the upcoming Beijing Summer Olympic Games.
The story exposes not just the whoredom of the morally bereft ad industry, but also the cowardice of Amnesty International, which originally contracted for the anti-China ads, then dumped them in favor of more pro-China ads. Would they do the same with their other frequent target, Israel? Don’t bet on it.
Anyway, here’s the hypocrisy in words and pictures:


Whores: Same Ad Agency Does Pro- AND Anti-Chi-Comm Olympic Ads

In recent weeks, Omnicom Group Inc.’s TBWA Worldwide has been working on both sides of China’s global image. On behalf of sportswear maker Adidas AG, TBWA’s Beijing office has been running a campaign focused on Chinese pride, showing Chinese athletes supported by throngs of fans.
At the same time, the agency’s Paris office was working on another ad campaign on behalf of Amnesty International that showed Chinese athletes being tortured by Chinese authorities. In one of the print ads, a person has been attached to a target normally used in the shooting competition at the Games. At the bottom, it says, “After the Olympic Games, the fight for human rights must go on.”
Word of the human-rights campaign is now spreading through China, and TBWA and Amnesty International are disavowing the ads.
The stir comes at a delicate time for TBWA, which could face a backlash in China and was already competing for renewed business from Visa Inc., a major sponsor of the Games. It also makes TBWA the latest international marketer to run afoul of China’s complex political and social landscape. . . .
Amnesty’s London headquarters decided weeks ago to spike the ads from its Olympics campaign, which is focusing more on positive change that might come from the Games. “The result was not suitable for the messages we are trying to convey with our Olympics campaign,” said Amnesty spokeswoman Josefina Salomon.
But Amnesty still allowed TBWA to run the ads once so they could be entered into the Cannes competition. It won a bronze award.

What a fraud. Or rather, several frauds: Amnesty International pretending to be on the side of human rights, then rolling over for the Chi-Coms, allowing its ad agency to pretend it’s a real ad for a competition, and the agency pretending to be on both sides of the Chi-Coms.
More whores than the throngs working Detroit’s Eight Mile, except that the ones in advertising get paid far better rates, for what some might argue is far less service.

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