July 18, 2008, - 8:38 pm

Stuff I Really Like: The SUMO Omni

By Debbie Schlussel
My fave new product is the Sumo Omni. This is one of the coolest pieces of “furniture” I’ve ever owned.
It would be unfair to call the Omni–a supersized pillow– a modern-day, multi-functional bean bag chair. Covered in space-age, ballistic nylon, available in 10 cool colors (mine is black), and filled with polystyrene foam “Sumo beans,” it’s waaaay cooler than that. When I think of bean bags, I think of ’70s hippies, tackiness, and lack of comfort and function. But the Omni is modern, far more comfortable, and very fashionable. It fits almost anywhere and is chameleonic in the various forms and shapes you can mold it into.


Made of high-tech materials, it’s like a giant moveable mattress/chair/recliner/gamer chair. At 18 lbs., it’s light and easy to carry. It has over 10 different uses, including as a crash mat, lounge chair, recliner, love seat, floor pillow, and mini-mattress.
Watch this Sumo Omni demonstration video:

Other Sumo Omni videos here.
I received my Sumo Omni a few weeks ago. And I can’t get enough of using it. I sat and reclined in it while I reviewed movie DVDs on my TV. I played video games in it. I molded it into a bed-like reclining position and relaxed while I read a book. Each experience was enjoyable and relaxing. At my height of about 5’2″, the 4.5′ x 5.5′ Sumo Sack could even be used as a mattress of sorts. For kids, it definitely could be This thing is fantastic.

And aside from being easily totable and stored, it’s also easily cleaned. The nylon covering is stain-resistant and can be wiped down with soapy water and a cloth. The cover cannot be removed, but it has velcro closures for a secondary closing of the cover.
Sumo is the very cool company owned by Andrew Milligan. He designed the Sumo Omni, as well as several other cool pieces of moldable furniture and modern memory foam mattresses.
You can mold and reposition the Sumo Omni in so many ways and the free-form space-age nylon holds the position well, until you shift positions.
I wish they had this when I was in college, as it’s an ideal gift for your college-aged kid who needs a multi-functional, easy cleaned piece of furniture that can easily fit in small spaces.

A few minor caveats:
* At first, as I sat in my new Sumo Omni, I occasionally caught a very mild whiff of the filler. But designer Milligan says the smell goes away after a little use. And he is right. The tiny hint of a smell is gone.
* If you’re older, have a bad back, or need help getting up from the ground, this might not be the item for you. As I said, this is really a great gift for college-aged kids, but also for younger kids and 20-something and 30-something adults who–like me–enjoy fun, multi-functional, comfy furniture. If you can sit in a gamer chair and get up, you can safely do the same with the Sumo Omni.
* The Omni–in so many of its positions–is so comfy, you might fall asleep, as I did a few times.
The Sumo Omni is $149, which includes free shipping. But it is well worth the price. It’ll last a long time and is so functional and comfortable.
I was sent a free Sumo Omni, in exchange for a review. I was not required to give it a positive review. But, frankly, they didn’t need any requirements. I’d definitely buy one.

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July 18, 2008, - 8:30 pm

Stuff I Really Like: A New Feature

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m starting a new feature, something I’ve wanted to do for a while. While I like reviewing movies, discussing politics, news, and pop culture, and writing about Islam and the Mid-East, like everyone else I need a break. And I have my outside interests. Some products I’ve bought, I really like–whether it’s gadgets or snacks. And I want to introduce them to you.
Also, just as I see the movies I review gratis and get free copies of the books I’m reviewing, I’ve gotten offers of free products in exchange for reviews, and I’m starting with today’s review of the Sumo Omni, my favorite new product. Check it out.
I will always let readers know if I’ve received a free product or paid for it myself. Either way, I’ll always tell you the truth about what I think. Remember the Reese’s Elvis Peanut Butter & Banana Creme Big Cup?


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July 18, 2008, - 7:05 pm

Weekend Box Office: Great/Violent “Dark Knight,” Homo Mia!, Fat Muslim Cheating/Agit-Prop Flick, Charming Senior Love Story, Cool Murder Mystery

By Debbie Schlussel
Lots of interesting flicks debuting this weekend at the box, and three of them I actually liked. But I will never ever forget the scene seared in my mind of a morbidly obese Muslim in London having sex with (or is that on?) his wife. GUH-ROSS!
* “The Dark Knight“: This second installment in the Christian-Bale-as-Batman series is a great dark adventure, but too violent for kids. Read my complete review.
THREE REAGANS (Minus One Reagan for Extreme Violence in Movie Kids Will See in Droves)


* “Mamma Mia!“: More like Homo Mia. This truly painful musical aimed at women and gay men is a must-not-see tribute to slut-dom and single motherhood. Read my complete review.

* “Elsa & Fred“: Who knew that a Spanish film about two very senior citizens could be so charming and touching? Even if you hate chick flicks–as I do–you’ll enjoy this movie, which includes Rome and a tribute to a classic movie. The quirky Elsa and the uptight Fred are fun to watch, and it’s good to know that you can find love even in your life’s twilight. At arthouse theaters. In Spanish with subtitles, so you have to read quickly to watch.
* “Tell No One“: A great thriller with a too-convenient ending, this French murder mystery focuses on a doctor who remains the key suspect in his wife’s murder. But ten years later, no-one is ever arrested and suddenly evidence starts pointing to him, even though mysterious online videos suggest his wife is still alive. So which is it? Is she dead? Did he kill her? Or is it all a set-up? With English subtitles, so if you don’t speak French, you’ll have to work. Well worth it, though the ending is slightly cheating. In arthouse theaters.

* “Brick Lane“: Let me start by saying that the very unpleasant scene of a morbidly obese Muslim dude having sex on top of his wife will, sadly, be forever be burned into my mind. Offensive to my eyes in so many ways.
A Muslim village girl from Bangladesh, whose mother committed suicide, is married off to a VERY FAT British Bangladeshi Muslim. She moves to Great Britain, where she is unhappily married to the fat dude, who has repeated employment and money probs and is kind of a failure.
She has an affair with a younger Muslim guy who becomes a radical. In the meantime, her husband borrows money from a Muslim woman in the Muslim London neighborhood, and they have to pay exorbitant interest (interesting, since the Koran prohibits Muslims from paying interest and Muslims from charging other Muslims interest). The woman’s husband learns of the affair and doesn’t honor kill her. Yup, it’s fiction. And BOOOOOOORING.
Plus, aren’t you tired of movies showing Muslims around the world upset over the 9/11 attacks, especially since London Muslims–like the ones in this movie–continue to celebrate those attacks 7 years later? Like I said, it’s fiction. Ditto for the scenes in which we’re repeatedly told about and shown this mythical “backlash” that never happened to Muslims after 9/11–which, in this movie, is what caused Muslims in London to become extremists and terror supporters (even though they always were).
Again, FICTION. The only accurate line of dialogue in this movie is when the morbidly obese Muslim hubby shouts,

Why did Allah curse me with daughters?

Yup, ain’t it grand to be a Muslima. In arthouse theaters.

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July 18, 2008, - 3:50 pm

Do They Wear Obamakas, Too?: The Rabbis @ the “Saudi” “Interfaith” “Tolerance” Confab

By Debbie Schlussel
You’ve heard of football great Dick Butkus. Now, meet the Rabbis Butt-Kiss.
While a picture speaks 1,000 words, sometimes a geographic location speaks 1,000,000 words.
In this case, the location is Madrid, Spain–scene of the interfaith faux-tolerance conference fraud put on by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. I mean, seriously, is it just me, or is there something funny about a King who can’t hold his phony interfaith conference in his own country, because it’s illegal there? And is it also just me, or does it speak volumes that a Saudi-ass-kissing rabbi–one of several Jewish “religious figures” who attended this joke of a conference–cannot be listed as an Israeli, which he is?


Rabbis Kiss Butts of Saudi King Abdullah

& Campbell Brown’s Ex-Boyfriend Adel Al-Jubeir

Rabbi David Rosen, head of inter-religious relations for the Islamist-butt-kissing American Jewish Committee (which, in Detroit, Lewinskyizes the most extremist, Jew-hating, Hezbollah-and-HAMAS-supporting Islamic leaders and imams it can find), is an Irish-Israeli rabbi, whose presence at this fraud is being hailed by idiots as “a sign the Saudis are reaching out.” But he–strangely–isn’t listed as an Israeli in conference literature. Gee, I wonder why.
Yup, geography speaks a million words for an “interfaith tolerance” conference that cannot be held in Saudi Arabia and cannot acknowledge Israeli participants.
Oh, and another thing, while the conference is going on in Madrid and Rabbi Rosen is kissing his rear, here’s what’s still being taught (and nicely summarized by Radar Magazine, frequently a critic of mine) in “tolerant” and “interfaith”ful King Abdullah’s country:

1st Grade
“Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words-(Islam, hellfire)
‘Every religion other than ____ is false. Whoever dies outside of Islam enters ____.'”
5th Grade
“Just as Muslims were successful in the past when they came together in a sincere effort to evict the Christian crusaders from Palestine, so will Muslims and Arabs emerge victorious, God willing, against the Jews and their allies if they stand together and fight a true jihad for God….”
8th Grade
“Lesson Goals: 1) The student notes some of the Jews condemnable qualities….”
“God told his Prophet, Mohammed, about the Jews, who learned from part of God’s book that God alone is worthy of worship. Despite this, they espouse falsehood through idol worship, soothsaying and sorcery. In doing so, they obey the devil…”
“God told his Prophet Mohammed: say to those who cast aspersions on your religion: has anyone told you who will receive the harshest punishment from God on the Day of Resurrection? They are the Jews, whom God has cursed and with whom he is so angry that he will never again be satisfied. Some of the people of the Sabbath were punished by being turned into apes and swine. Some of them were made to worship the devil…”
“God punished the Jews in several ways for their unbelief and error. Explain the ways….”
9th Grade
“The prophet said, ‘The hour [of judgment] will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, until the Jew hides behind rocks and trees, until the rocks or the trees say, ‘O Muslim! O servant of God! There is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him’….”
11th Grade
“The Prophet said, ‘Do not greet Jews and Christians with the words ‘Peace be upon you.’ If you come upon one of them on the road, force him to the narrower part.'”

Any so-called rabbi that hangs out with the purveyors of this nauseating, deathly propaganda is working with the Nazis and doing his best to send us all–regardless of religion–to the ovens.
Saudi “Interfaith”–my butt. Saudi “Tolerance”–what comes out of my butt.
Sounds like these rabbis are prime candidates for the Obamaka of the Month Club . . .


Sgt. Schultz & Dhimmi Obamakas by David Lunde/Lundesigns

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July 18, 2008, - 3:19 pm

Me on Al-Jazeera

By Debbie Schlussel
I am scheduled to be on Al-Jazeera English, the international English language version of Al-Jazeera (viewed in 120 million homes), live on Saturday Night at 10:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
I will be on the channel’s global news program, and ironically, I won’t be discussing Middle Eastern issues.
I’ll be on with Susan Burgess, a Democratic party activist and superdelegate, who believes that “sexism” is prevalent in American politics, based on Hillary Clinton’s failure to clich the Democratic nomination. Of course, I disagree. If anything, we’ve bent over backward for women–and Hillary is a case of that.
At last check, Al-Jazeera English wasn’t on most cable systems in America, so you’ll have to check. But to all of my extremist enemies throughout the Islamic world and the ten moderates living in hiding and utter fear, you’ll be able to see me.


As readers know, I’m no fan of Al-Jazeera–its Arabic original or its English incarnation or its American boob personalities–which I believe are far-left and Islamofascist. But, as in the past, I do not turn down opportunities to appear on those networks (I’ve appeared on the Arabic Al-Jazeera), as I believe our side needs to get out there, especially on these channels.

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July 18, 2008, - 1:35 pm

“Mamma Mia!”? More like Homo Mia: Former James Bond Falls Far in Painful Movie Aimed at Gays, Women; Feminist Attack on Batman

By Debbie Schlussel
Did you know that feminists are trying to turn this weekend’s box office take into a battle of the sexes? They are, and in this “Mamma Mia!” versus “The Dark Knight” contest, it’s really no contest. They’re gonna lose.
When the “Sex and the City” movie came out earlier this year, I wrote that it was a national IQ test for women. If you liked it, you failed. What I didn’t realize is that it was a two-part test.
The second part debuted at Midnight, last night. It’s “Mamma Mia!” More like Homo Mia! This dopey, annoying musical set to the songs of ’70s pop group, “ABBA,” is an ode to slutdom and what gay men want to project onto straight women and their relationships.


And it’s painful. The three middle-aged, haggish, oversexed women at the center of it all–Meryl Streep, Christine Baranski, and some chick with a butch haircut and an English accent, whose name I don’t care to know–are the “Sex and the City” women in ten years. Blechhhh! Who wants to see and hear three dirty old women simultaneously having hot flashes and yearning for orgasms, set to music now played only in gay dance clubs?
Middle-aged women and gay men. That’s who. Yesterday, I arrived late to the screening of the movie, and I went to a midnight showing to see the beginning that I missed. Amidst a cinema multiplex filled with males attending several sold-out showings of the excellent-but-violent Batman flick, “The Dark Knight,” the theater also had the midnight showing of “MM!” thinking that women would flock to see it, while their husbands and boyfriends saw Batman. No such “luck.” In the empty theater along with me were three middle-aged women and a gay guy. In his effeminate voice, he said to me, “I’m not a Batman guy, I’m a Mamma Mia guy.” No kidding. (Except maybe about the “guy” part.)
There’s some sort of weird feminist anti-Batman backlash hype the press is trying to generate against “The Dark Knight” and in favor of “MM!” USA Today did a whole piece on this movie as “The Dark Knight” for women and a sign of grrrrlpower at the movies. And this weekend, NOW–the National Organization for (Ugly) Women–is billing its three-day annual conference in Bethesda, Maryland, with this theme:

No Capes, No Masks, No Boundaries: Feminist Super-Women Unite!

Uh, no thanks. “Super-Women”? There’s a reason no-one uses “Wonder Woman” and “NOW” together in the same sentence.
Since it’s a musical, you have to wonder why they cast Pierce Brosnan as one of the male co-stars. Hearing him attempt to sing is like hearing the sound of animals being beheaded. Truly distressing and excruciatingly painful. I searched in vain for the industrial strength earplugs I keep in my purse.
It’s truly embarrassing and pathetic to see the fall of this formerly suave James Bond now forced into singing, karaoke-style, the playlist of an Elton John-George Michael soiree, while wearing–as he does at the movie’s conclusion–a fluorescent, tight jumpsuit and platform high-heeled boots. How do you say “007” in fruity-speak?
Then, there’s the plot of this thing: Meryl Streep plays a single mother hippie whose daughter is getting married. The daughter doesn’t know who her real dad is and surreptitiously read mom’s diary to find out. During the time she was conceived her mother slept with three different men, so she invites all of them to her wedding. The tripartite family values of being a slut, I guess.
In the meantime, Streep is trying to dissuade her daughter from getting married and push her toward pursuing her career instead, which (this isn’t a spoiler because you really don’t care anyway) is what she ultimately does. And all the while, Streep’s two slutty, middle-aged friends in heat are desperately hitting on anything in pants. Embarrassing and classless.
The message of the movie: marriage is bad, and ho-dom and sluttery ain’t no big thang. Everything all works out in happiness at the end of such a lifestyle. At least, on-screen.
Most of the movie is women crying, weeping, or shrieking hysterically. Who needs it? The “jokes” in this movie are so bad, it’s not funny. I didn’t laugh once. Listening to the throngs of mindless women who crowded the evening screening cackling loudly and non-stop at the most lame of lines and scenes drove me crazy. It was unbearable. As was their applause and standing ovation at the end for this unworthy, substandard, mindless waste. Oy vey.
If there’s one thing that’s good about this movie, it’s Meryl Streep’s surprisingly decent singing voice. But it’s not enough to justify wasting ten bucks and two hours.
It’s not that I don’t like musicals–one of my favorite movies is the classic, “Showboat.” And last year’s “Sweeney Todd” was cool. It’s that I don’t like dumb movies that waste two hours of my life I’ll never get back.
And I don’t dislike some of ABBA’s hits either. It’s just that in this movie, the ’70s called, and they want their songs back. The members of the now defunct ABBA are not complaining, of course, because this is a new and expanding revenue source for them. And I can’t blame them.
But if you’re a guy whose wife or girlfriend wants to drag you to see “Mamma Mia,” take it from me, kill yourself first. You’ll thank me from your man cave in Heaven.
Keep your manhood–and sanity–intact, and go see “The Dark Knight,” instead.
The only ABBA song that truly fits here is “S.O.S.” But this ship is beyond saving.

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July 17, 2008, - 2:25 pm

Review: “The Dark Knight”–Great Movie, But NOT For Your Kids

By Debbie Schlussel
Tonight at 12:01 a.m., “The Dark Knight,” the latest Batman movie and 2nd installment featuring Christian Bale as the Caped Crusader, debuts at theaters.
It’s a great movie, with a terrific–if gritty and graphic–message of good versus evil. Batman refuses to kill anyone, and he insists that his non-superhuman counterpart, District Attorney Harvey Dent (the talented Aaron Eckhart), abide by his standards. And to hold up Gotham and justice Batman even takes the blame for bad things he didn’t do. Batman never stoops to the level of his enemies.
The mob is still controlling Gotham through five banks that it runs. While Dent has put half the mob away, a Chinese money-launderer with a corporation that does the laundering, is helping the organized crime syndicate evade justice.


But the Joker steps in. He wants a piece of the action–half of it–from the mob. And he shows them–brutally–that he means business. Soon he’s working with them–or they’re working for him. Everyone’s scared of the Joker, because he cannot be reasoned with. He’s insane.
The Joker realizes that he must take Batman down to keep the order in the chaos he’s created. So he takes hostages, kills people, and blows things up, until he gets Batman to appear and play his game. To make matters worse, there’s the burgeoning problem of mere mortal Batman copycats, who don the cape and try to play the hero, all over Gotham. I don’t want to say too much more about the plot, as it would spoil the movie for you.
At 2.5 hours, the movie goes quickly and doesn’t seem that long, though there are several stories going on, and we meet an interesting looking new villain, other than the Joker. There is a lot of action, a lot of explosions and things on fire. Interesting terrorist plots–some a little too interesting and real. But definitely creative and believable. Your heart is definitely pumping seeing this. It’s fun, exciting, and has everything you’d expect from a superhero movie (except a little too much violence). And the use of technology in the plot of this film is very cool. The movie is partially shot in IMAX (with the very heavy IMAX cameras).
Michael Caine, as Bruce Wayne’s Butler, and Morgan Freeman as his gadget-guru and CEO of his company, is also back. Caine warns Batman that fighting for good and winning against the most evil people always has its very high costs. But in the end, it is worth it.
Katie Holmes as prosecutor Rachel Dawes is replaced by the homely Maggie Gyllenhaal (who famously said America deserved 9/11), who is annoying in her wispy, babytalk voice. It stretches belief that playboy Bruce Wayne–whom we see with lots of beautiful airhead models–would go for this woman, who doesn’t add much to the movie. Not believable when the Joker repeatedly tells her how “beautiful” she is. She’s now dating Harvey Dent, the D.A., though Bruce is still hopelessly in love with her.
There was one weird inconsistency I noticed. The Joker’s hair is black and greasy for most of the movie, but in some scenes toward the end, it’s suddenly dark green. Perhaps a mistake in makeup with the actors that played the Joker after Heath Ledger’s death?
The always great Christian Bale is fine here, too. But there isn’t a lot of Bruce Wayne onscreen (and you know that Batman doesn’t talk a lot with his husky voice), and Heath Ledger’s Joker–Ledger is thoroughly convincing and does a great job of portraying the vicious, sinister, unbalanced-but-calculating villain–gets more screentime than anyone, including Batman. Ledger is clearly the movie’s star, and that’s the scary part. In a way, it’s as if Hollywood is choosing this evil, vicious, sick villain over the hero.
And, as I wrote earlier this week, I’m troubled that this movie–which kids will want to see and which features a comic book superhero marketed to young kids–is very violent, though bloodless. By my count, upwards of 50 and maybe almost 100 people–all of them killed by the bad guys and most of them innocent people–are killed by gunshot at close range or stabbing. And all of them are killed by the bad guys. That’s not to mention the hideous disfiguring scars on the Joker’s (Heath Ledger) face, “extending” his smile. There are several graphic descriptions given by the Joker regarding how his face was carved up. It is gruesome for young people to see.
Some people are excusing this by saying that this Batman movie isn’t being marketed toward kids. But that’s like saying a particular genre of Lucky Charms isn’t being marketed toward kids. We know Batman as a superhero and icon of childhood hero-worship and delight. To make such a violent Batman film isn’t fair to the few responsible parents who will have to struggle to say “no” to their kids’ request to see a Batman movie. It’s rated PG-13, and I suspect it missed an R rating because it doesn’t show much of the blood that results from so many killings (which is a bad thing–it somewhat makes killing look painless and consequence-less).
The title isn’t a lie–this movie is far darker than “Batman Begins.”
And while I recommend you go see it–again the message is GREAT, I also recommend you leave the kids at home.
THREE REAGANS (One Reagan Deducted Because of Too Much Violence in Movie Kids Will See)

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July 17, 2008, - 1:50 pm

Pictures Speak 1,000 Sad Words: Israeli Grief v. Hezbo Man Boy Murderer Love Association

By Debbie Schlussel
Here are some emblematic photos from yesterday’s Israel-Hezbollah “trade” of Islamic terrorist murderer Samir Kuntar and other terrorists for Israeli bodies. As I noted yesterday, the Israeli soldiers bodies were probably tortured beyond recognition. Today, Carl in Jerusalem confirms the sickening details. A quote from one of the Israeli verifiers of the bodies:

If we thought the enemy was cruel to the living and the dead, we were surprised, when we opened the caskets, to discover just how cruel.

Back to the photos. If you’ll note, the Israelis–humans–are sad and stricken with grief and respect. On the other side, the savages from Hezbollah are partying and celebrating, including the Hassan Nasrallah-Kuntar squeeze–yet another chapter in the Hezbollah Man Boy Murderer Love Association.
I’d say the pics are a stark contrast in the clash of civilizations, but that would assume that there are actually two civilizations here. We know better though, as there is civilization within Israel and animal savagery to its north . . . and its south . . . and its east . . . and its west.


Ehud the Idiot Comforts Widow Karnit Goldwasser




2 of Samir Kuntar’s 4 Victims, Einat & Yael Haran

(Photo from IsraellyCool, which has excellent commentary)

Hezbo Savages Smooch Murderer Samir Kuntar:



Jihadist Martha Stewarts: Hezbo Balloons Honor a Murderer

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July 17, 2008, - 11:08 am

Good News for Christmas ’08!: Now You Can Buy Your Daughter an S&M Ho Barbie

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember when Hasbro had plans to make and market “Pussycat Doll” stripper dolls to six-year-old girls? After protests from you, my readers, and other Americans, Hasbro dumped that dumb idea.
But who needs Hasbro when you have Mattel. The company is now selling this S&M ho-looking Barbie, “Black Canary Barbie,” based on a D.C. comics superhero.


Black Canary Barbie & Comic Book Character

Yes, I know, it’s based on a comic book superheroine. But so what? Just because a comic book illustrator is irresponsible or draws a suggestive figure in something aimed at adults, doesn’t mean that a girls doll company needs to follow suit. Do you really want your daughter or granddaughter playing with a doll that doesn’t cover half of her body and dresses like she’s ready to walk the streets? Yes, I know, Wonder Woman also doesn’t cover half of her body, but come on. She isn’t wearing leather and fishnets and looks a whole lot more wholesome.
Would you buy this for your daughter or granddaughter?
Some people say it’s just for collectors, but come on. BTW, here’s a cool “collector” Barbie which, according to InventerSpot, is coming out in the fall (but is already available for purchase all over the net), taken from Hitchcock’s classic, “The Birds”:

I bet your daughter would love it. I know I would.

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July 17, 2008, - 10:38 am

OUTRAGE: Obama Calls ICE Agents “Terrorists” @ La Raza Confab; Clearly Didn’t Get the ICE Lactation Memo

By Debbie Schlussel
Check out this video and transcript from Barack Obama’s speech at the La Raza (The Race) convention yesterday in San Diego (thanks to Hot Air for the tip and the transcript). In it, he calls Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents “terrorists.”
This is an outrage. We can’t have a President who calls American law enforcement agents “terrorists.” Not only is it bunk, it’s just unacceptable behavior and should be an absolute bar to occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It’s sickening. And clueless-as-usual Obama doesn’t know what he’s talking about because it’s explicit ICE policy–per the ICE lactation memo–not to seize nursing mothers and per other ICE policy, not to separate parents from their children.
Where are ICE Chieftess Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess” and her chief protector, DHS Secretary Michael “Serpenthead”/”Mr. Burns” Chertoff, on this? Why aren’t they denouncing this outrageous attack on THEIR agents?

When communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids, when nursing mothers are torn from their babies, when children come home from school to find their parents missing, when people are detained without access to legal counsel, when all that is happening, the system just isn’t working, and we need to change it.

Um, they all get access to legal counsel. Why the heck does he think immmigration court is tied up for years, and everyone is always filing a million appeals to their cases and few are deported? Through black magic (oops, is it racist now to use that term when I’m writing about Obama)?
Absolutely, none of this is accurate. And this is yet another bad omen for a Barack Obama Presidency–that the man doesn’t operate on facts, isn’t interested in accuracy or truth, and doesn’t know what the heck he’s talkin’ about.
G-d Help This Troubled (Obama)Nation.

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