July 22, 2008, - 2:45 pm

Jackson Etiquette: When in Doubt , Name Your Kids After Linens

By Debbie Schlussel
Apparently, loony former “King of Pop” Michael Jackson got tired of being outdone by other celebs, who gave their kids such “beautiful” and “creative” names like Apple (Gwyneth Paltrow’s brat), Pilot Inspektor (Jason Lee’s spawn), and Moxie CrimeFighter (Penn Jillette’s kid).
Either I’m behind the times or he changed the kid’s name, but I’ve just learned the important world news (from the July 28, 2008 issue of People) that Jackson’s youngest kid, age 6, is named “Blanket.” What–Pillow, Mattress, Percale, 3,000-Thread, and Comforter were already taken? Who needs Biblical names like Sarah and Jacob when you can name your kid after linens?


“White” Men Can’t Name Kids:

Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson

Apparently, the former pop star was in need of attention so he wore his usual weirdo mask and pajamas and took “his” three kids (formerly blond and now brunette or wearing wigs), including Blanket, to a Vegas bookstore. The funny thing is that “People” said that Jackson was:

wrapped up in a blanket.

Given the history of accusations against Jackson for child molestation and given the name of his kid, I got confused about which kind of blanket they were referring to–Blanket Jackson or an inanimate sleep accoutrement.
Good luck when this kid gets teased mercifully as “Wet Blanket.”
Yet another scintillating example of why celebrities should set the social and political agenda for America.


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July 22, 2008, - 2:04 pm

Meet ABC News’ Newest Reporter, Ben Affleck: Fan of Chomsky, Hater of America; Gives Oprah Mag his Anti-U.S. Book List

By Debbie Schlussel
What do you do when you’re a fat, washed up actor who could never act, is tired of waxing your back, and now can’t attract movie-goers? Oh, and you can no longer attract media attention as Mr. J-Lo a/k/a Ben-Lo?
Well, if you’re Ben Affleck, you become a reporter for ABC News. Affleck has been hired by the network news division to shoot a “documentary” (sounds like Michael Moore, only not as fat . . . yet) for “Nightline,” the ABC’s latenight news show. Yup, sadly, I had to “read” the July 14, 2008 issue of Us Magazine to learn this. See the caption on the pic, below.
I’m not sure if this–a left-wing movie star now serving up the news–should be a source of irritation because Affleck’s far-left, airheaded views are really no different from those of most other network TV news reporters. His are just out there for us to see.


Meanwhile, the arrogant Affleck tells the August issue of Oprah’s “O” Magazine that among his five fave books–the ones he says “made a difference” in his life–is far-left Noam Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Consent.” What a coinky-dink: Affleck and tyrant Hugo Chavez (and airhead swimsuit model, Elle MacPherson) are fans of the same hate-America author. Says Comrade Ben:
I’m grateful to the book for introducing me to Chomsky, a political analyst [with] startling briliance. . . . Chomsky is a writer I believe everyone should read.
Red Ben also notes something he’s noted before–on Oprah’s daytime talk show–that he’s also in love with Howard Zinn and his “A People’s History of the United States,” a far left, hate-America, revisionist “history” of America that is sadly a textbook in many U.S. classrooms.
In the rest of new ABC News reporter Affleck’s choices, Jihad Ben–who tells us he majored in Middle Eastern studies in college, but doesn’t tell us that he dropped out of college after barely a year of attending–attacks American foreign policy in the Mid-East. Methinks there’s not much about the U.S. that Ben Affleck likes, except the green America’s strangely stuffed in his bank account and the freedom of speech that allows him to put forth his incredible arrogance and hatred for this country.
Please, Ben, go back to making great movies like “Gigli.”

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July 22, 2008, - 9:35 am

Tom Campbell: Will Republicans Stop a Pan-Jihadist from Becoming California’s Next Governor?

By Debbie Schlussel
Republicans always claim the mantle of the anti-Jihadists. And for the most part, they are.
But when a supporter of jihad and terrorism comes to the midst of the G.O.P., that anti-jihadist/counterterrorist mantle comes crashing down. The Republican Party simply refuses to denounce pan-Islamists in its midst I’ve detailed that repeatedly on this site, from Michigan and Ohio GOP officials hanging out with and praising CAIR to pan-Islamist Grover Norquist’s puppetmaster machinations at the Bush White House.
Now, the G.O.P. has an interesting opportunity to finally show it means business against terrorism . . . in the California gubernatorial race. Since Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is term-limited and elections for the new guy are being held in November 2010, some candidates are already setting up shop.


Jihad-enabling GOPer Tom Campbell Wants to be California Gov.

On the G.O.P. side, one of those is the notorious former Congressman Tom Campbell. Saturday’s Wall Street Journal reports that Campbell stepped down as Dean of the business school at U.C.-Berkeley and launched an exploratory committee. Sadly, this will go beyond mere “exploration.” Campbell is running for Governor of California.
Campbell, a liberal Republican, is well known for his support for Islamic terrorists. He made the cause of Islamic Jihad founder and U.S. frontman Sami Al-Arian his cause. And he made extremist Muslims whose families were active in Al-Qaeda his key policy advisors.
From my September 2005 column about how Jewish Republicans were set to host Campbell (they replaced him as a result of my column):

When [Sami] Al-Arian was fired from the University of South Florida, from which he ran his terrorist network, Campbell wrote a letter of support praising Al-Arian and asking the University president to reconsider her decision. In the letter, Campbell noted that Al-Arian helped him raise money for his failed U.S. Senate bid.
[Campbell’s] donors have included Nihad Awad, executive director of the anti-Israel Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) . . . .
Other Campbell donors, besides Al-Arian, included Muthanna Al-Hanooti, an official of an Islamic charity that is a major donor to what the FBI identified as HAMAS’ Jordanian operation [DS: Since I wrote this, Al-Hanooti was indicted as a spy for Saddam Hussein]; and Tariq Hamdi, an Al-Arian associate, who was indicted last month on immigration and mortgage fraud charges and has fled the country. According to testimony in the trials of perpetrators of the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings, Hamdi provided the satellite phone battery to Osama Bin Laden that was instrumental in those bombings.
Another donor, Abdurahman Alamoudi, was captured on video in front of the White House announcing his support for HAMAS and Hezbollah. . . . His indictment connected him with assorted Islamic terrorist groups and activities.
Those are Campbell’s donors. Then, there are Campbell’s former employees.
Suhail Khan held several key positions for Campbell, including Press Secretary and Policy Director.
But Khan is an Islamist who invited terror supporters and anti-Semites to the Bush White House (where he once worked) and whose father brought Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri into the United States to raise money for Al-Qaeda. His father, Mahboob Khan, late founder and head of the Santa Clara Mosque, brought Zawahiri into the U.S. twice on a fake passport in the mid-’90s to raise money for Al-Qaeda. . . .
With a policy director like Suhail Khan, it’s no surprise that Campbell consistently voted against Israel while in Congress.

That’s the shortened version of what I wrote about Tom Campbell in 2005. Read the whole thing.
Sadly, Tom Campbell is still around. Not only is his political career very viable. He could very likely be California’s next Republican Governor. Unless Republicans stop him.
So, is the Republican party really the anti-jihadist party? Will Republicans pressure him to drop out of the race and tell him that supporters of Islamic Jihad frontmen and employers of Al-Qaeda family members are not welcome in the G.O.P.? Will Republicans finally decide that their mythical “big tent” is not so big that it includes every nut and fruitcake willing to vote their way and show America that there are limits?
We shall see, but I’m not holding my breath. As I’ve written, the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), which touts itself as representing Jewish and pro-Israel concerns to the G.O.P. (but which actually just pimps the GOP on the Jews), invited Tom Campbell to be its featured speaker at a California event. When I wrote about it, they received an avalanche of angry calls and were forced to replace him. But they knew who Tom Campbell was, and they’ve never denounced him. Will Matt Brooks, who heads the RJC, oppose Tom Campbell’s candidacy for California Governor? Don’t bet on it.
What if Tom Campbell becomes the Republican nominee for Governor of California in 2010? Will a “counter-terrorism” President McCain and his Vice President (which sadly might be phony “anti-jihadist” Mitt Romney) campaign for this Republican enabler of the Islamic terrorists on our soil? Yes, they will.
Will Jewish Republicans at the RJC do a thing to stop Campbell? No, they won’t.
Don’t bet on Republicans breaking a fingernail over pan-jihadism in their midst. It’s only when it’s on the other side of the aisle that they give a damn. And always bet against the empty slogans of Republicans who claim to be against terrorism, but do nothing to excommunicate–and everything to enable and promote–the pan-jihadists on their side of the aisle.
Is the GOP really the party of counterterrorism? With Tom Campbell still comfortably in its fold and boldly planning to run for Governor on the elephant party’s ticket, not really.
And, with a record like his, if I were the California Democrats, I’d pray that Tom Campbell becomes the GOP nominee.

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July 21, 2008, - 3:33 pm

Immoral Support: My Underwire Bra Funded the America-Hating Far Left?

By Debbie Schlussel
One of my favorite things to read is the “Remembrances” column in the Saturday edition of the Wall Street Journal. It’s not really an obituary section. It’s usually a couple of articles about great or interesting American entrepreneurs and inventors, who recently died. Most of them are not well known names.
This past Saturday, one of the profiles–of the late Shirley Magidson–indicated that many women across America have been funding the Black Panthers, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and other far-left causes by virtue of what holds up their breasts.
Magidson and her late husband, Herbert Magidson–she an industrial designer and he a mechanical engineer–apparently invented or improved the construction of underwire bras and the molded cups that go with them. Through that and their company, Metric Products, Inc., they became fabulously wealthy.


Immoral Support: This Funded the America-Hating Far-Left

And they spent a lot of their money on the left. While they welcomed Martin Luther King Jr. as an overnight guest at their home and gave to charity, they spent underwire bra profits on some unsavory things:

In his memoir “Spock on Spock,” Dr. Benjamin Spock, a close family friend, wrote: “If anybody was in charge of the opposition to the war in Vietnam, it was Herb Magidson.”
The family held fund-raisers for the Black Panthers, the Berrigan brothers, Daniel Ellsberg and numerous activist causes. Herbert Magidson died in 1977.
Metric is still a leader in the bra-cup and underwire businesses, with clients including Vanity Fair Mills and Victoria’s Secret, says Rita Haft, Mrs. Magidson’s daughter. After the 2004 tsunami, her mother traveled to Sri Lanka, where the company’s manufacturing is centered, and donated funds to build 40 new houses for refugees, Ms. Haft says.
In 1980, Mrs. Magidson helped to found the Southern California branch of Physicians for Social Responsibility, the antinuclear group that shared a Nobel Prize for Peace in 1985. As a leader of the group, Mrs. Magidson journeyed to Stockholm for the awards ceremony. She also was part of a delegation to Peru to visit Lori Berenson, an American prisoner who became an international cause celebre.

Lori Berenson is a communist activist who hates America and tried to help communists take over Peru. She deserves to rot in Peruvian jail.
Given this list of awful causes, it’s sad to think that America’s women, including me, funded all of this by vurtue of their lingerie.
Know where your money is ultimately going and whom it is supporting. Sometimes the products you buy fund the movements you detest.

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July 21, 2008, - 2:22 pm

ABSURD!: Citizenship & Immigration Services Holds Confab in Sanctuary City

By Debbie Schlussel
There is no end to the absurdity that dominates the Department of Homeland Security. In addition to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), one of the worst DHS agencies, in terms of jeopardizing our national security is Citizenship and Immigration Services, which–as I’ve repeatedly documented–spends less than six minutes (!) per background check on each immigration applicant. This is the agency whose chief picked himself to get an award in a contest that illegally discriminated against U.S. born citizens.
Now, this week, the dysfunctional agency is holding its national convention in America’s only cross-dressing Sanctuary City, San Francisco. From one disappointed DHS tipster and patriot:


You no doubt know about the San Francisco “amnesty” program for illegal alien juvie crack dealers.
What you may not be aware of is that the Citizenship & Immigration Services (CIS) will be holding their annual nationwide conference for all CIS attorneys in that sanctuary city. From July 20th to the 25th in the Mark Hopkins, pumping thousands into San Francisco’s economy, all the while ignoring that city’s outrageous sanctuary policy. It never occurs to these bureaucrats to simply boycott all sanctuary cities!

Not only won’t CIS boycott San Francisco, it embraces it.
Where are the Village People when you need them? Methinks a new anthem is in order to replace “YMCA” or “In the Navy,” with some tribute to our incompetent friends at DHS and CIS.

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July 21, 2008, - 2:02 pm

Advice for Men Who are Women & Women Who Are Men

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m no advice columnist, but reading the advice column, “RelationTips By Dennie Hughes,” in USA Weekend (distributed in newspapers nationwide by Gannett), makes me think I’d be way better at it then the liberal, airheaded Oprah clones out there. And Hughes inane column not only gives me an insight into the decline of masculinity, femininity, and sanity in America (far worse on all fronts than I’d earlier diagnosed), it also tells me most advice columnists in America are dolts, Ms. Hughes not excepted.
Check out these two letters from readers seeking advice. I’ve followed them with my to-the-point advice, instead of including Ms. Hughes’ soggy rejoinders.
From USA Weekend, July 4-6, 2008:


Dear J.S.:
Being excluded from important decisions, like which pastels will dominate the floral arrangements, must be very frustrating . . . for a member of “The Village People.” Are you a subscriber to “OutWeek” magazine? No worries, though–a man interested in wedding planning looks like many things, but “bully” is not among them. Man up. Or find someone at the Liberace festival to marry in California. Then, you can do all the wedding planning you like.
From USA Weekend, June 27-29, 2008:

Dear A. R.:
While I do like the idea of “hack Gloria Steinem and Sean Penn doll” parties, tell your friends the N.O.W. salad days are over. And the insane witchcraft and hatred of men won’t work. You and your friends really must stop overdosing on the Oprah show. People who have hacking doll parties not only deserve to be dumped, they should have never been proposed to.
BTW, if Barack Hussein Obama loses in November, will Michelle Hussein Obama will hold one of these glorious parties? Time to throw away the Ken Dolls and grow up.

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July 21, 2008, - 1:02 pm

Movie About Arab Daughter in U.S. Paints Americans as Cold, Abusive, Pedophile Soldiers

By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve repeatedly noted, August is well known as the cemetery for bad movies. If a movie debuts then, it means that studios and theater owners expect it to die a quick death.
And August is when “Towelhead” debuts. I haven’t yet seen this creepy movie about Jasira, the 13-year-old daughter of an Arab and a cold, slutty American chick. But it features such “delightful” scenes as the father taking his daughter to buy tampons and discussing “flow.” GUH-ROSS.
Then, there is the way the Americans treat this Arabic girl. A neighbor, an American military reservist, is a pedophile who essentially rapes (and sodomizes) her. Her mother is a mean, uncaring person, whose second husband also abused Jasira. It seems the only thing accurate in this movie is that her father is upset she’s dating a Black guy. We’ll see how accurate it gets, as in, does he honor-kill her, like Sarah and Aminah Said? Here’s the trailer and a clip (“Sharmuta” means whore, but the word in Arabic is far more offensive than “whore”):

Just so you know, actress Summer Bishil, who plays the wronged Arab daughter in this movie also plays the wronged Muslim daughter in another anti-American movie slated for the August cinema cemetery, “ICE The Movie,” a/k/a “Crossing Over.”

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July 21, 2008, - 11:59 am

BIG NEWS: “Model” Hamtramckstan Muslim Councilman Arrested for Beating Wife

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve written a great deal about Hamtramck, Michigan, the city wholly surrounded by Detroit that once was home to Polish immigrants’ homes and businesses (including my great-great-uncle Chaim’s shoe shop), but which is now over-run by Islamofascism, as growing populations of (mostly illegal) Muslims from Yemen, Bangladesh and Eastern Europe move in.
As I’ve noted, Hamtramckstan features the Islamic call to prayer from early in the morning to late at night, and Muslims have had the sheep which they planned to slaughter wandering all over the city. Still the Detroit area press have cited Hamtramck and its Muslim elected officials–who, thankfully, failed to take the majority in last year’s elections–as a model of Islamic integration into American democracy, and they frequently cite and quote Muslim councilman Shahab Ahmed.
Well, now, we come to find out that Mr. Ahmed actually is a model Muslim American citizen and an emblem of the religion’s “integration” into America, since Ahmed was arrested for spousal abuse, Saturday Night:


Shahab Ahmed: Model Muslim City Councilman & Wife Beater


Hamtramck City Council Member Shahab Ahmed was arrested on Saturday, facing charges of spousal abuse.
Neighbors said they saw two police cars pull up in front of his home Saturday afternoon.
Hamtramck police would not comment on the case until after an arraignment.
Neighbors said the councilman often plays with his children and goes for bike rides in his neighborhood.
They were shocked to hear of his arrest.

So what? Jeffrey Dahmer’s neighbors were shocked, too.
I’m not shocked at all. Abuse of women and daughters, as we know, is a frequent feature of Islamic families. It’s allowed behavior.
Ahmed, originally from Bangladesh was the first Muslim elected to the Hamtramck City Council, and received the most votes of any candidate in last year’s Hamtramckstan elections.
Yup, Shahab Ahmed is the model Islamic City Councilman in America, indeed.


July ’07 Hamtramckstan Election Results (Muslims Are Circled)

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July 21, 2008, - 10:56 am

Slippery Slope: After Child Murderer Kuntar’s Release, Up Next for Israel is Homicide Bombing Planner Barghouti’s Release

By Debbie Schlussel
Mazel Tov [Congrats], Israel. You’ve set the value of spilt blood and justice even lower.
After the country’s absurd release, last week, of child-murdering terrorist Samir Kuntar (and four other terrorists) to Hezbollah in exchange for two dead bodies, HAMAS is now emboldened to broker it’s own disgusting deal with the limp Israelis.
If Israel wants Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit back, they will now have to turn over hundreds of Palestinian Islamic terrorists, including the murderous Marwan Barghouti a/k/a Abu Al-Kassam, to HAMAS. Israel set the stage for this kind of lopsided deal with terrorists, and now it will never end.
As has been discussed for years, Israel will likely release Barghouti a murderous homicide bombing planner, whose “work” resulted in the murder of over 40 innocent civilians, including a monk. Barghouti was also Yasser Arafat’s paymaster to homicide bombers.


Marwan Barghouti: Mass Murderer on Gilad Shalit Barter List

As I’ve noted, Condi Clueless and George W. Bush have repeatedly pressured Israel to release this scumbag, and now Israel appears to be on the cusp of doing so.
HAMAS has issued a list of 450 Islamic terrorists, including Barghouti, which they want the Israelis to release. And they’ve asked Israel to pick another 550 terrorists to release. 1,000 mass murderers for one life. From my July 2007 post about Barghouti:

A Tel Aviv judge convicted former Fatah-Tanzim militia commander Marwan Barghouti, 43, on May 20, 2004, of murder for his involvement three terrorist attacks in Israel that killed five people. He was acquitted for 33 other murders due to lack of evidence of his direct involvement in those crimes.
Barghouti was also convicted of a charge of attempted murder, membership in a terror organization and conspiring to commit a crime. The prosecution was seeking to sentence him to five consecutive life terms. The court said in its verdict that “Barghouti was responsible for providing the field units with money and arms . . . .” The judges said that the attacks were sometimes “based on instructions” from Yasser Arafat.
The court found Barghouti responsible for a June 2001 attack in Maale Adumim, in which a Greek monk was murdered, a January 2002 terror attack on a gas station in Givat Zeev, a March 2002 attack at Tel Aviv’s Seafood Market restaurant, in which three people were murdered, and a car bomb attack in Jerusalem. . . .
On June 6, 2004, Barghouti was sentenced to five consecutive life terms and 40 years.
More on Barghouti:

The Al Aqsa Brigades [Islamic terrorist group], headed by Arafat, was put under the direct authority of Marwan Barghouti, who had no compunction in using women and even children to execute terrorist activity, which killed hundreds of Israelis.

I posted several letters written from Barghouti to Arafat, asking him to pay the “martyrs.” Read the whole thing.
Unfortunately, in addition to their willingness to discuss such an irresponsible deals, the Israelis aren’t exactly being tough on Barghouti. Barghouti is reporting, from his prison cell, on the condition of Israeli soldier Shalit. How the heck is he getting information from HAMAS, inside an Israeli prison? That should tell you something about the level of security there–the Israeli prisons are porous, just like ours.
And members of the Israeli Labor party are meeting with this monster.
Well, we can’t help Israel, if it won’t help itself. A weak country under an even weaker “leader” (Ehud Olmert) cannot stand.

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July 21, 2008, - 9:40 am

Chutzpah: ’93 WTC Terrorist Plasters NYC Subways w/ Islamist Ads

By Debbie Schlussel
There is no end to the nerve of Muslims who would destroy us. And that’s mostly because we–our government and institutions–kowtow to them and literally allow them to get away with murder.
Over the past decade, I’ve written a lot about Imam Siraj Wahhaj a/k/a “Jeffrey 12X”, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 WTC attacks. But to date, Wahhaj walks free because, while Bill Clinton’s U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, named him as a co-conspirator in the Al-Qaeda attack, she didn’t indict him.
And FYI, from my 2004 column which mentioned Wahhaj:


If you’re unsure whether CAIR supports terror, Wahhaj should seal the deal. An unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Wahhaj served as a character witness for the “Blind Cleric,” Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who was convicted in the bombing. Wahhaj was tight with four of those convicted in the bombing, two of whom were his mosque congregants.
In a 1991 speech before the Islamic Association of North Texas, Wahhaj a/k/a “Jeffrey 12X” (from his Nation of Islam days) called Operation Desert Storm, “one of the most diabolical plots ever in the annals of history” and predicted that America will fall unless it “accepts the Islamic agenda.”

Now, according to the New York Post, Wahhaj is plastering New York City subways with an advertising campaign promoting Islam. Well, at least, they’re telling the truth by having a terrorist as their spokesman. Wahhaj is prominent in a YouTube video promoting the subway ads.

You’d think the guy would be happy to get away with his failed plan for mass-murder and stay silent after that, thanking his lucky stars. But you would be wrong. Remember, he’s Muslim. And there is no dearth to their hubris and gall.
Since 1993, Wahhaj has not only NOT crawled under a rock and hid, he’s been a keynote speaker and revered Muslim figure at CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) dinners and ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) events.
And now, there’s the subway campaign:

Allah board!
An Islamic group plans to blitz 1,000 subway cars with advertisements this September in a campaign being promoted by a Brooklyn imam whom federal officials have linked to a plot to blow up city landmarks.
The group says its mission is to explain the true nature of Islam to non-Muslims who believe the religion is bent on acts of violence – but Siraj Wahhaj, the inflammatory imam who appears in a promotional YouTube video for the project, has defended convicted bomb-plotters and called the FBI and CIA the “real terrorists.”
US Attorney Mary Jo White even named Wahhaj one of 170 unindicted co-conspirators in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the thwarted plan to blow up a slew of buildings.
“In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing, and the only thing that will remain will be Islam,” Wahhaj said in one of his sermons.
The stark, black-and-white ads of the Subway Project promote Islam with the goals of clearing up long-held misconceptions about the faith and reaching out to those interested in becoming Muslim, according to the Islamic Circle of North America, the group behind the campaign.

Well, using Wahhaj in connection with this makes it clear there are no misconceptions. Not that we needed the confirmation.

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