July 29, 2008, - 9:54 am

Mystery: Was American Involved in Islamic Terrorist Bombings in India . . . Or is He an Innocent Victim?

By Debbie Schlussel
An e-mail from the computer of Kenneth Haywood, an India-based American citizen and general manager of an executive training firm called Campbell White, warned of the Islamic terrorist bombings in India on Saturday:

In the name of Allah the Indian Mujahideen strike again! Do whatever you can, within 5 minutes from now, feel the terror of Death!

Soon after, 22 bombs were detonated in the attacks, killing 42 Indians and wounding over 180. The attacks were in Ahmadabad, which has a significant Islamic presence. And the English language e-mail from an Islamic terrorist group taking credit for the attacks was sent from Haywood’s computer.
He claims his computer was hijacked, and it may well have been. That would be a smart move by Islamic terrorists in India to attempt to implicate an American.


But, as we know those involved in terror have many different characteristics (sometimes including American citizenship–ie., Adam Gadahn John Walker Lindh, etc.), but usually one commonality: Islam (or working at the behest of Muslims). And sadly, many Islamic terrorists have visited America and come in and out.
So, is Haywood an innocent man who has been unfairly implicated? For now, it certainly looks that way. But maybe it’s a double-fake.
I’d love to know more about Haywood, and why this e-mail message apparently emanated from his computer, in particular–too coincidental that they snagged an American’s network.
Haywood is a 48-year-old, whose home was raided by Indian police, but they haven’t arrested him. More from AP:

Police in Mumbai traced the e-mail back to the Internet protocol address of Haywood, who lives in Navi Mumbai, a satellite city across the water from India’s commercial capital.
His firm’s Web site said it offers “accent neutralization, cultural comprehension and verbal/non-verbal communication.”
The Mumbai police said that he had been questioned but not arrested and that they were still investigating whether he could have been involved or whether his e-mail account was hacked.
“He is a suspect, yes,” said a police officer involved in the investigation. “He may not be a suspect as well.”
State Department spokesman Gonzalo Gallegos said Washington had no information.

Based on this story, it sounds like Haywood may have been targeted, but maybe not:

The IP address for the email claiming responsibility for an obscure group called the Indian Mujahideen was traced by police to Haywood’s laptop. They then raided the plush 15th-floor apartment.
Officers believe the email could have been sent by anyone within two floors of Haywood’s flat.
“He has never been detained, but we have called on him and questioned him as part of the investigation,” said Parambir Singh, a senior officer in the anti-terrorism squad.
“He has said his email ID was hacked and evidence we have gathered shows that his network was used to forward the mail.”
The Hindustan Times newspaper quoted Haywood, a business consultant, as saying the technician who set up the web connection had insisted he not change his default password.
He told the paper he had already complained about excessively high browsing bills: “I found that my net usage had suddenly increased and I started getting inflated bills.”
Singh said Haywood and the other occupants of the flat – variously reported as being another man or his family – were still being questioned.
“We are not saying that they are suspects, but at the same time we cannot, at the moment, give them a clean chit,” he said.

So, is Kenneth Haywood an innocent victim of terrorists hijacking his computer? Or is he somehow involved? It’s weird that he’d take advice never to change his default password. Also odd that he claimed he saw a rise in his net usage and didn’t look into it. The guy is, after all, a business consultant. Would you want someone consulting your business who didn’t do these basic deeds of diligence?
What do you think? Innocent or Guilty?
Oddly, the Campbell White site does not list a “Kenneth” among its staff . . . at least, not anymore.
Video from the attacks:

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July 28, 2008, - 3:52 pm

Topless “Showgirls” Star ls MTV’s New Self-Esteem Teacher for Girls; Far From Miss Barbara’s Dance Center

By Debbie Schlussel

Is it just me . . . or is there something just a little bit wrong about having a semi-porn star teaching adolescent girls self esteem?

Remember Elizabeth Berkley? The woman who is most famous for playing a stripper in soft-core porn is MTV’s new self-esteem coach for your teen girls. No joke.

In case you’re not familiar, Berkley is the “Saved By the Bell” star who didn’t want to end up as unfamous and loser-esque as her co-star “Screech” a/k/a Dustin Diamond (porn hasn’t worked for him, either). So, she took her top and most of her bottom off for the cameras in the flop semi-porn flick, “Showgirls,” about a ruthless stripper who sleeps with everyone in town to get ahead. Yup, a great textbook in self esteem. The movie was as disgusting as it was stupid.

Elizabeth Berkley: MTV’s New Self-Esteem Teacher for Adolescent Girls

Full disclosure: As Detroit area kids, Berkley and I both went to dance classes at Miss Barbara’s Dance Center, where we took jazz and tap dancing. But after that, our similarities ended. Her entire family moved to Los Angeles so this spoiled princess could live out her dream as an actress. And here’s something sicker than her horrid flick: her brother, who attended college in Michigan and is now a doctor, took his frat brothers to see his sister take it all off on the big screen.

I wonder how the conversation went: Hey, check out my sister’s breasts. Check out her a–. Class act, that Berkley family.

For the last several years, since her topless stripper flick bombed and she couldn’t get more than minor parts in movies, she successfully dug for gold, marrying Ralph Lauren’s nephew. And she’s been coaching young girls on self-esteem, offering them advice and how not to give in to peer pressure at her website, “Ask Elizabeth.” Berkley’s also been conducting self-esteem workshops for girls.
This is an interesting line of work, coming from a woman who took her clothes off to make it (and still bombed) and reportedly got plastic surgery (beyond the obvious nose job). How’d you like her advising your daughter? If you answered positively, you haven’t seen “Showgirls.”

Now, Berkley, who just joined the cast of cable’s lesbian show, “The L-Word,” is working with MTV to develop a new reality show based on her self-esteem workshops. The pilot shoots this fall. One wonders if she teaches the girls how to pole dance and utter such witty “Showgirls” lines as,

Hi, I’m Heather. Would you like to have a “private dance” with me?


I like having nice t-ts.

But don’t worry, Elizabeth Berkley has her priorities and morals straight just in the way they need to be relayed to better your daughter’s “self esteem”: She’s a member and promoter of PETA a/k/a PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans).

And I say, why stop at a woman who only played a semi-porn star in a bad movie? While they’re at it, maybe MTV should hire a real-life porn star or a prostitute to teach girls self-esteem?

Ask Amy Bailey, the scumbagette MTV Vice Presidentette who decided to produce the show. I’ll bet “The View’s” Elisabeth Hasselbeck thinks it’s a marvelous idea.

Remember Scott Peterson, now serving life in prison for murdering his wife? Maybe he should get a self-esteem for boys show on MTV.

I hear the Menendez bros are looking for an opportunity to influence America’s future leaders, too.

MTV’s New “Self Esteem”: You, Too, Can Have a Daughter Who Aspires

To be the Next Star of “Showgirls – Fully Exposed Edition”


I had lunch a few years ago with our former dance teacher, Barbara Fink, who publicly praised Berkley in People magazine. But privately, she was embarrassed that her most famous student was famous for moves she didn’t teach young girls–taking off all of her clothes and writhing on a pole. “That’s very slutty,” she told me. Wish she woulda had the guts to tell that to People.

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July 28, 2008, - 3:32 pm

Videos of the Day: National Association of “Girlfriend, No, You Di’in’t”

By Debbie Schlussel
I know this is from last week, but it’s so highly entertaining in so many ways. And for all of the hype it brought, her book is still only at the 150,000 rank or so at Amazon. The better of the two videos is first, but both are, like I said, highly entertaining in so many ways.
By the way, as a general rule, beware of any show, whose bumper music intro and outro is “Whoo-Whoo, Whoo-Whoo, Whoo-Whoo.”
So two “ABW”s walk into a bar, er . . . onto a talk show set:

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July 28, 2008, - 2:41 pm

Your “Homeland Security” $$$s @ Work: Is It Just Me . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Or is there something seriously wrong with the fact that the Department of Homeland Security just announced an increase of millions of dollars in grants for “anti-terror programs” to illegal alien “sanctuary cities” New York, Houston, and San Francisco?
Um, the number one “anti-terror program” is the enforcement of immigration laws, the violation of which is how any number of Islamic terrorists get into and remain in this country.
If we truly meant business–and we truly do NOT–we would tell these cities that if you remain a sanctuary city, you don’t get the Homeland Security money.



Michael “Serpenthead”/”Mr. Burns” Chertoff

Continues to Aid & Abet Illegal Aliens

Since most of the millions in DHS grants the cities get is pork money that doesn’t go to counter-terror measures and enforcement, anyway, it would not endanger those cities. And since the money goes to pork and BS expenditures, you can bet that the withholding of millions of these funds would lead to a whole lot less cities declaring themselves sanctuaries for illegal aliens.
Not only should these cities NOT get increases in Homeland Security money, they shouldn’t get ANY of the money at all.
But that’s not the way the fraudulently-named Department of Homeland Security works. It’s not about our homeland and it’s not about security.
It’s about the five “P”s: Politics, Pandering, PC, and the Peter Principle. Period.
The Serpenthead (Michael Chertoff) continues his slither.

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July 28, 2008, - 12:57 pm

The $50 Grilled Cheese Sandwich; Plus, The Schlussel Grilled Cheese Recipe

By Debbie Schlussel
My fave comfort food meal is grilled cheese, but I rarely have it because the cheese and bread add up to a lot of calories.
But just reading about these grilled cheese sandwiches makes me full. All are overpriced (and that’s in addition to the one at $50), and they all sound better than the pictures of the final product. Here’s a “taste”:

At Ohio’s Melt Bar & Grilled, the entire menu is dedicated to nothing but decadent grilled cheeses. . . .
A favorite is the big popper (inspired by the appetizer jalapeno popper): herb cream cheese and sharp cheddar, “blended” with grilled jalapenos, poured onto bread, then smothered in beer batter and deep fried. It’s then topped with powdered sugar and served with a side of blueberry syrup for dipping. . . .


How Many Calories?:

Melt Bar & Grilled’s Deep Fried Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Back at the Four Seasons, . . . grown-ups get a mix of mature cheddar, Swiss and parmesan emulsified in a few black truffles and truffle oil, served on brioche, grilled, and dabbed with Dijon mustard. The sandwich also carries a grown-up price tag of $19. . . .
[Then there’s] the white-truffle version offered at Gilt restaurant, inside the New York Palace Hotel. The price is a whopping $50.
“I can see how some people might balk at that,” says executive chef Christopher Lee, who dubbed the sandwich Gossip Grill after it was featured on the television show Gossip Girl. “But we sell about 15 a night.”

This one sounds delish:

For night-owl diners, Proof in Washington, D.C., has the Drunken Grilled Cheese on its late-night menu. Chef Haidar Karoum created the $11 sandwich as a way to use up the leftover gourmet cheese his wine bistro serves during the day. He takes chunks from up to 18 cheeses, blends them together with a splash of chardonnay, garlic cloves and black pepper, and serves them between Pullman brioche that has been sauteed in butter.

My own grilled cheese recipe is:

* 2-3 slices of cheese of different varieties–I like American, cheddar, provolone, or Muenster
* a tomato slice
* dried oregano (sometimes, I add a few scraps of scored, chopped fresh basil, instead of dried oregano)
* fresh ground pepper
* spicy mustard (I like Plochman’s Koscuisko Spicy Brown Mustard)
* toasted rye with caraway seeds or toasted pumpernickel

What’s your favorite grilled cheese sandwich?

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July 28, 2008, - 11:54 am

That’s Your “Conservative”?: “View” Airhead Hasselbeck Cheers on Lesbo Song’s Success (& Graphic Masturbation Song)

By Debbie Schlussel
And now for today’s news about ABC’s annoying anti-male yenta-fest, “The View.”
Faux-conservative/genuine airhead Elisabeth Hasselbeck cheered on singer Katy Perry and her new hit song, “I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It,” and began singing it herself. She also cheered on the song’s success.
This is your “conservative”? True justice will happen a few years from now when Hasselbeck’s daughter, Grace, starts living out the song her very stupid mother thinks is so great for radio airplay. Oh, by the way, don’t forget, Hasselbeck is one of Sean Vannity’s good friends. I guess they didn’t get the talking points on this one yet. Hasselbeck pretends outrage about low-rise undies for girls but cheers this on. Her family values act is phony.
Watch the video and tell me if this is the kind of song you want your kids singing and if a conservative would applaud this song and it’s success:

Oh, and by the way, “conservative” Hasselbeck also applauded Perry for the success of her other song, “UR So Gay,” the first two lines of lyrics of which go like this:

I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf,
While j-cking off listening to Mozart.

It ends with these, um, “lyrics”:

You’re so gay and you don’t even like boys
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like
No you don’t even like… PENIS

Yup, can’t wait until her kids, Grace Hasselbeck and Taylor Thomas Hasselbeck, start singing that song.
“Mommy, what does ‘J-cking off’ mean?”
And that’s in addition to her not saying a word, as Baba Wawa, two weeks ago, discussed her Fourth of July love-fest vacay with the terror-sponsoring Assads of Syria. I guess she didn’t get the talking points on Syria and Bashar Al-Assad, either. Idiotette.
Let’s see: supports affirmative action, Title IX for women, Al Sharpton against Don Imus, loves and applauded Snoop Dogg, likes lesbian and masturbation songs on the radio, saw no prob with Baba Wawa’s 4th of July confab with Syrian terrorist leaders, repeatedly cries on TV, called Rush Limbaugh, “a dream crusher, a dream killer.”
Yup, sounds like a “conservative” to me. How ’bout you?

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July 28, 2008, - 11:14 am

Pro-Life?: Don’t Try Speaking at Wayne State U

By Debbie Schlussel
Wayne State University–the tax-funded school based in Detroit–funds various speakers and events held by student groups . . . unless they are pro-life.
That’s the subject of a lawsuit filed by pro-life students against the politically-correct school:

A student group is suing Wayne State University over the denial of money for a week of anti-abortion events, saying its free-speech rights were violated last spring.
Students for Life said it is a registered campus organization. And like other groups, it believes it should be entitled to a portion of student fees.


The group said it sought $4,000 from Wayne State’s Student Council for snacks, T-shirts, fliers and publicity, but the request was rejected. A smaller budget also was turned down.
A lawsuit filed this week in federal court in Detroit said the initial request was rejected because of “spiritual and religious” references. But the anti-abortion group said it doesn’t have a specific religious affiliation.
“Access for these groups to funding and facilities must be provided without regard to the group’s viewpoint. When a public university enforces a viewpoint-discriminatory policy, the school violates the Constitution,” attorney Joseph Martins said in a statement Thursday.
A message seeking comment was left with Wayne State’s public relations staff.
The events included an opportunity for students to have their picture taken with a model of a fetus.
The group wanted to hold a “pro-life trivia game” on a stage at Student Center North Commons, a busy area, but was told by campus officials to use another area, according to the lawsuit.
“Some people would no doubt likely find it difficult to eat lunch if they have strong opinions either for or against your group,” Christina Basso of the Student Center staff said in an e-mail attached to the lawsuit.

Well, then I guess Wayne State, in the future, will deny funds to the various extremist Islamic groups that it funds on campus. They’re opinions make it difficult to eat lunch, too.
The pro-life students are represented by the Alliance Defense Fund, a good choice versus the in-state and incompetent Thomas More Law Center, which typically takes and loses these cases and which recently employed Emily Zanotti a/k/a E. M. Zanotti, a mentally unstable, anti-Semitic “conservative” blogger who defended anti-Semitic, Muslim death, rape and torture threats against me, my parents, and grandparents (more about her soon).
Bad luck for the pro-life students, though. They drew far-left Jimmy Carter appointee Avern Cohn as the federal judge who will hear the case. He’s the same judge that gave Hezbollah spy/FBI agent/ CIA agent Nada Nadim Prouty a fine of a few hundred dollars as her “sentence” for spying on America on behalf of an Islamic terrorist group and ruled that Islamic illegal aliens who paid off an INS inspector should be re-admitted into the U.S. after they were deported.
He won’t be on the pro-life students’ side, though if they lose with him, they can win on appeal.

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July 28, 2008, - 10:15 am

Obama’s Manufactured Western Wall “Privacy Breach”

By Debbie Schlussel
For those who do not know, when people visit the Western Wall–one of the holiest sites in Judaism–it is traditional to write a prayer on a small piece of paper, roll it up, and insert it into a crevice in the wall, in the hope that G-d will answer the prayer.
After Barack Obama’s fraudulent photo op diplomacy visit to Israel last week, much has been made about his prayer at Israel’s Western Wall being made public, reportedly in breach of his privacy. The manufactured outrage is absurd.
And I don’t believe this clearly-staged Obama “privacy violation” for a second. But, predictably, so many of the clueless–including plenty of gullible conservatives–are all upset for Obama. (One of these people also believed the Gaza giveaway to the Palestinians was a brilliant diplomatic move that gave Israel goodwill from its neighbors and other countries.) What dupes.


The Obama campaign doesn’t do anything by accident. Everything is planned, re-planned, and over-orchestrated. If you read the prayer that Obama wrote, it is quite apparent that it was carefully crafted for public consumption. That it has since been published by Israel’s Ma’ariv, allegedly in violation of his privacy, achieves two purposes: 1) it makes Barack Hussein Obama, yet again, look like the magnificent, innocent victim of some alleged unfairness of some sort, and 2) it makes him look like such a nice and thoughtful guy when you read his prayer.
Here’s Obama’s “private” press release, er . . . “prayer”:

Lord – Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will.

Wow, that’s some pretty secret, private stuff, ain’t it? I mean, it doesn’t at all sound like it was meant to be public or was carefully written. Right?
Now, if Obama wrote something like this, then I’d say he really meant the prayer to be private between himself and G-d and that he never meant for us to see it:

Please, G-d, forgive me for supporting Islamic terrorists throughout my career; for staffing my U.S. Senate offices with members of the hateful Nation of Islam; for my lifelong association with the hateful Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his church, and the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan; for surrounding myself with extremists, including those who blew up U.S. government buildings; for lying about my religious background and not acknowledging that early in my life I was born and raised a Muslim; for my association with Jew-haters like Edward Said and Ali Abunimah (in addition to Wright and Farrakhan); for my flip-flop-flips on Jerusalem as the undivided eternal capital of Israel.
For my dumping of Nation of Islam member Cynthia K. Miller as treasurer of my campaign when I decided to run for Prez and knew she’d be a liability and embarrassing to my campaign because of her membership in this cult that in reality I think is neither racist nor bigoted in its hatred of Jews, Whites, and every non-Black group; for my lying to the American public on so many things and past radical positions; for my fake birth certificate and still not providing a valid one to the American public; for my wife’s lifelong embarrassment of being from a country that gave her, myself, and our family so much. Please, G-d, for these and all the transgressions I’ve made against the American people.

Of course, he’d never write such a prayer and insert it into the cracks or the Western Wall. Because he’d be afraid people would read it. Because he knew all along his prayer would be leaked to the newspapers. Because he knew his campaign and the complicit, left-wing Israeli mainstream media would be complicit in helping them leak it. Because he knew that his campaign–and never he–would craft and carefully worded, magnanimous, humble and pious-sounding (ie., very UnObama) prayer for all of the world–particularly American voters–to read.
Obama’s “privacy” violated? His “private prayer” blasphemously disclosed to the public against his wishes and intentions?
If you believe that, I have some land, near the house that Tony Rezko and his wife bought for Obama, to sell you.
Oh, and that student who has now apologized for “stealing the prayer”(now that Obama soaked the story and the prayer for every last drop)? Just how much did the Obama campaign pay him to do it?
Not sure what the Shekel to Dollar exchange rate is these days.
But I know that we don’t know who the student is, only his first initial and that he claims it was a “prank.” Uh-huh. I wouldn’t be shocked if this “student” is also a U.S. citizen who votes and is voting for Obama, just like his fellow members of the Obama campaign team.

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July 25, 2008, - 3:13 pm

Weekend Box Office: Funny But Vile “Step Bros”, Gayest Anti-Christian Movie Ever-“Brideshead”; UPDATED: Horrid/Morbid “X-Files” Review

By Debbie Schlussel
Not much of a great selection at the box office, this weekend.
* “The X-Files: I Want to Believe“: I want to believe I didn’t just waste two hours at this horrid piece of doggie dung. Because the studio did not offer a full critic advanced screening, that was a sure sign it was crap. And it was. Plus, they made both stars available for even the tiniest radio stations’ interviews–again, not a good sign. It’s been six years since the TV show of the same name went off the air, and let’s hope it’s far more than six before they ever make another flick based on the show. This is simply awful.


Not sure how this bloody, morbid movie, featuring severed heads and limbs managed to pull a PG-13 rating, but DO NOT take your kids to see this long boring movie in which the psychic who leads former FBI agents Mulder and Scully to the murderer, is a child molesting Catholic priest who raped 30-odd alter boys. He’s played by Billy Connolly–that annoying Scottish “comedian” who’s never funny. And there’s enough screaming, whining, and bitching by the aging Gillian Anderson (as Scully) to last five decades of soap operas. The overwrought melodramatics–please, make it stop. But even with all that, I fell asleep–it was that slow, boring, and terrible–and didn’t miss much.
Agents Mulder and Scully, as we know, are the FBI agents who investigate the paranormal. The movie starts with them gone for years from the agency. Mulder is a hermit whose career has been ruined and discredited by the agency, which has brought him up on charges. Mulder is a practicing medical doctor, trying to save her patients, one of whom is dying of a rare brain disease. She’s looking into DNA experiments. Meanwhile, the FBI has an agent missing, and they come to Mulder and Scully for help. All is forgiven, if he’ll only return, which he does. Looking for the agent takes him–via the priest molester psychic–to a farm where they experiment on dogs and humans with DNA.
A lot of severed heads–including one that’s still alive–and body parts in this long, boring, preposterous plot. This movie is a mess, filled with complicated, non-sensical stories about a missing FBI agent and doctors who work with DNA to sever heads and give them new bodies they sew on so they can live. Yes, I just spoiled it, but who cares. It sucks.
Yes, some TV shows need to end when the ratings go down, and never come back. The world will be better off if Scully and Mulder stay retired and paranormal forces have their way. That–and most other things–are better than sitting through this painful movie.
Mucho skipworthy.
* “Step Brothers“: I’m embarrassed to say that I laughed (a lot) at this disgusting, vile, lewd, and vulgar–but very funny–movie. The language and images were just non-stop filthy and Guh-Ross.
Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly play 39- and 40-year-old immature moocher losers, each of whom still lives with his single parent. When the parents get married, they move into the same room. Initially, they hate each other, then they ally against the successful, annoying older brother of Ferrell’s character and plot to stay in the house their parents want to sell.
There’s a lot of ad-libbing and each gag goes on too long, like a bad SNL skit made viler. Just, ahem, a “taste” of the disgusting stuff in this flick: Will Ferrell’s character licks dog-poop, and there’s a close-up–extreme close-up–of it. YUCK! Also, Will Ferrell puts his testicles (it’s a prosthetic, but still, eeuuww!) all over a drum set. And, as I recall, there are quite a few naked men’s butts. Blecccch. NOT FOR KIDS. Oy.

* “Brideshead Revisited“: You already know you’ll hate this movie when you note that it has the same name as and is based on the same story as a BBC/PBS TV series of the same name. Not only did I not want to “Revisit,” I didn’t want to “visit” in the first place.
This horrid, depressing, boring, slow movie is about a middle class, atheist Oxford student during pre-WWII. He meets a flamboyantly gay student from an extremely wealthy English family of nobility. The gay falls in love with him, and they kiss. Gay Mardi Gras in Italy ensues. And then he falls for the gay guy’s sister, and they kiss (and sleep together). But the mother keeps them apart and marries her off to someone else because she won’t allow her daughter to marry a non-believer and non-Catholic. The gay guy becomes an alcoholic and dies young of some sort of illness in Africa. The sister leaves him. Their controlling, religious Christian mother dies. And then WWII starts. The end.
Religious people in this movie are evil, cold, and extremely mean. The movie is a complete attack on religion and G-d with no basis. Extremely anti-Christian.
Just awful. Pointless. And skipworthy.

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July 25, 2008, - 2:46 pm

Happy Un-Birthday, FBI: PC, Pan-Islamist Law Enforcement agency Turns 100

By Debbie Schlussel
Today is the 100th birthday of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). But there’s nothing to celebrate, and that’s probably why there’s not a lot of fanfare.
The FBI is the most over-rated law enforcement agency on the planet. With a giant PR budget and a ton of TV shows that make these G-Men look like they actually know what they’re doing, the agency is in actuality a bloated bureaucracy, filled with political correctness fanatics, who usually do their pandering to criminals over a falafel and shawarmeh meal.
With a ton of Muslim terrorist atop the FBI most wanted list, the agency has taken to feting their most extremist supporters on our soil and trying to squelch Americans who use their rights to try to expose the Muslims on our soil.
Say what you want about J. Edgar Hoover, but as I’ve repeatedly said on this site, I much prefer his lingerie and dresses to the hijabs, keffiyehs, and burqas the guys now running the agency seem to prefer.



You’d never have seen Hoover eating a cannoli with Al Capone at “Carmine’s” or sending memos to agents telling them that the phrase “Cosa Nostra” is no longer to be included in agents’ vernacular.
But, today, this century-old agency whose main mission is appeasing the Islamist enemy–not investigating and catching criminals–is doing all of those things with extremist Muslims who are consulted on their every move.
Imagine top FBI brass under Hoover holding brainstorming sessions with the Gambino, Lucchese, and Genovese families on how to better kowtow to organized crime and let them know that we’re nice.
Again, happenin’ today between top FBI brass and top Muslim terrorist-supporting brass.
Unhappy 100th b-day, FBI. Let’s hope your agency doesn’t last another century. Time to be replaced.
Exit Question: Was the birthday cake halal?
Famous But Incompetent. Fond of Butt-kissing Islamists.

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