July 31, 2008, - 11:17 am

Do the Hiltons Want Their Money Back?

By Debbie Schlussel
After yesterday’s great John McCain commercial comparing Barack Hussein Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, one wonders what the Hiltons, Paris’ “parents” are thinking.
Not that they have a leg to stand on–because they “raised” the bimbo-ho (and named her after a pretentious city)–but it turns out that Rick and Kathy Hilton gave the McCain campaign $4,600 in March.
In fact, if you look closely at the record, Rick Hilton first gave McCain $4,600, himself–double the legal limit. So, the McCain campaign returned $2,300 of it, and in April, Mrs. Hilton–gold-digger and host of the awful “I Want to Be a Hilton” show on NBC, which flopped in the ratings a couple of summers ago–gave $2,300 in her name. The money to McCain is the only set of campaign contributions the Hiltons have ever given, according to the records linked above.


Kathy and Rick Hilton:

Womb & Sperm Donor of Paris Also Donors to John McCain

Oh, and in case you were wondering, they live in Beverly Hills 90210. One other thing: The McCain-donating Hiltons recently appeared as themselves on the soap opera, “The Young and the Restless.” Since they’re neither young nor restless, there’s no truth in advertising there.
Apparently, both candidates would be the Hilton President.
I guess the money is better in McCain’s campaign pockets than the Hiltons’.

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July 30, 2008, - 6:41 pm

Videos of the Day: Do You Want Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in the White House? How ‘Bout Hasselhoff?

By Debbie Schlussel
Here’s how I’d have ended this ad:

Just curious:
When he gets to the White House, will he
* bring one of Paris Hilton’s hair extension kits?
* fight with K-Fed over the kids and date a Muslim photog hanger-on-er?

This “Baywatch” edition is better:

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July 30, 2008, - 2:51 pm

Hey, Omaha PD: When’s the “Understanding the Polish and Catholicism” Seminar?

By Debbie Schlussel
If you live in Omaha, Nebraska, maybe you should ask your police chief why your taxes and the people you pay to enforce the law and stop crime are, instead, doing the work of the Council on American Islamic Relations and the rest of the IslamoPropaganda machine:

The Omaha Police Department is hosting a free community awareness program on understanding Arab culture and Islam from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, August 1 at the city’s public safety training facility, 11616 Rainwood Road.
The workshop will touch on the history of Arabs and Muslims in the U.S., the foundations and principals of Islam, and myths and stereotypes about Arabs and Muslims, police said. Representatives from Wichita State University’s Regional Community Policing Training Institute will present the program.


Omaha Police Chief Eric Buske, Another Islamist Buttkisser

Registration forms are available at police headquarters, 505 S. 15th St., or at the four area precincts: Northwest Assembly, 10245 Wiesman Drive; Southwest Assembly, 9864 M St.; Northeast Assembly, 4316 N. 30th St.; Southeast Assembly, 2475 Deer Park Blvd.
To have a form e-mailed to you, contact Erin Richardson at erichardson@ci.omaha.ne.us.

Call Omaha Police Chief Eric Buske, at (402)444-5600, and ask him why tax dollars are going to promote Islam and not enforcing the law.

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July 30, 2008, - 2:16 pm

HILARIOUS But Sad: “Last Responders” – Dept. of Homeland Security Agents 1st to Run From Disaster

By Debbie Schlussel
You know the term, “first responders”–police, firefighters and others who come to the scene of a disaster to treat victims, before the feds get there to do their jobs.
Well, apparently, in Los Angeles, the feds–Homeland Security’s ICE agents–are not only “last responders.” They’re “never responders.”
Sources tell me that, yesterday, after the Southern California earthquake, DHS’ Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents (who are often tasked to help FEMA, as they did in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina) were the first to run home and escape.
Here’s the embarrassing scoop, according to one of my inside sources. (Keep in mind that this was not the decision of the ICE agents themselves–whose courage and bravery I don’t doubt for a second–but of those who run the agency from the top and the bureaucrats who run its Southern California office, including the Los Angeles ICE Special Agent in Charge.):


DHS Artwork by Fred Taub/Boycott Watch

I am so furious today that I wanted to vent.
Yesterday, shortly after the Los Angeles earthquake of 5.4 on the Richter scale, ICE, Office of Investigation, LA SAC [Special Agent in Charge] office in Long Beach, closed its offices. Along with it, Riverside Investigations office also let ALL of their employees go home and Santa Ana allowed most of their employees to leave.
The law enforcement entity of Dept. of Homeland Security was the first to go running home!!!! Keep in mind that other non-law enforcement entities of DHS remained at work, called their families to ensure they were OK and remained calm.
During an “emergency,” I take it that ICE agents are not to be relied upon…..how sad is that!!!!
I understand that family is important, but honestly, the damages were minimal. When all other law enforcement entities and the fire department are out in full force, ICE agents run away. Ridiculous and embarrasing!

Yup, this sounds like the agency “The ICE Princess” a/k/a Julie L. Myers “runs” along with proud high school grad John Torres, her incompetent, unethical second-in-command.
G-d help us if there’s a national disaster. ICE will be nowhere to be seen.
But, hey, if there’s a costume party, now we’re talkin’. Especially if someone is dressed in “Blackface.”

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July 30, 2008, - 12:48 pm

Sleeping With the Enemy: The Retirement of Special Agent Bill Kowalski

By Debbie Schlussel
This past Friday, the FBI celebrated its 100th birthday. As I noted then, it’s not cause for celebration. This once great law enforcement agency is now a shell of what it once was and is composed mostly of politically-correct Islamopandering bureaucrats.
One of those Islamopanderers, Michigan FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge William Kowalski, is retiring on Friday. But it’s long overdue. I’ve followed Kowalski since 9/11, and the brown on the tip of his nose is mixed with falafel and shawarmeh. Instead of investigating Muslims involved in the funding and material support of terrorism, he hung out with and pandered to them.
I last saw Special Agent Kowalski exercising his lip-to-butt press at a Dearborn Heights mosque, where he applauded enthusiastically as the imam, the former spiritual leader of Ayatollah Khomeini’s navy, told the many feds in attendance that “what goes on in the South of Lebanon [Hezbollah] is not terrorism. It’s legitimate resistance.”


FBI Michigan’s Top IslamoButtKisser Bill Kowalski

At the time, I was dressed as a Muslim woman, and Special Agent Bill Kowalski must have felt warm all over for smiling at me and trying to let my car leave the mosque before his. Oh, the charming noblesse of FBI agents for smiling at and being nice to Muslim woman (or who they thought was a Muslima)–makes them feel sooooo good about themselves.
Here’s a tad more from that experience at the mosque, from my July 2006 recounting of it:

At the Town Hall meeting, a crying woman asked the federal officials why her husband was in jail because of “credit card problems.” She said he was arrested after FBI agents raided her home and found a poster on the wall of “our leader, Hassan Nasrallah” [head of Hezbollah]. FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge William Kowalski ran to her side, gave her his business card and patted her on the back.
The woman, Rania Rahal, and her husband, Nemr Ali Rahal–both Elahi congregants–were later indicted for credit card, bank, and mortgage fraud in a scheme to obtain $500,000. When agents raided their home, they found a video of a 2002 Hezbollah rally attended by Rahal, a video entitled, “A Martyr Speaks About Martyrs,” and a Hezbollah recruitment video, in addition to a photo of Rahal tearing and burning the American flag. In February, Customs agents at the Detroit U.S.-Canada border found “military-quality” explosives on Rahal’s and his sons’ passports. The Rahals have since pled guilty. At Mr. Rahal’s sentencing, instead of being contrite, he apologized for ruining his credit record.

After that, Kowalski bragged to a news anchor in north central Michigan about sending his “B-Team” of FBI counterterrorist agents in a deliberate attempt to crush the case a local prosecutor brought against Palestinian multiple disposable cellphone buyers who took photos of grates and the support structure of Michigan’s Mackinac Bridge.
While the prosecutor had strong evidence the Palestinians who drove to Michigan’s north were sending the phones for use as IEDs in terrorist attacks and that their photos were meant to plan an attack on the bridge, Kowalski quickly swooped in with his “B-Team” and declared the photos of grates “tourist photos.” Hmmm . . . when I’m a tourist, that ain’t the kinda photos I’m taking. After that, Kowalski’s B-Team and his fellow pan-Islamist U.S. Attorney (now a Bush federal judge) Stephen Murphy managed to usurp and destroy the local prosecutor’s case against the terrorists. They wanted the case to go away, and Bill Kowalski helped make it go away.
After all, that was good for bid’ness–at least the kind of business in which the FBI is involved in today, with the number one goal being having a good relationship with the local extremist Muslim community. And the utter pandering of the FBI’s Michigan office to the most extreme Muslims possible was the baby of FBI Special Agent William Kowalski.
He orchestrated, for example, a pander-fest at an extremist Sunni mosque in Warren, Michigan, where several FBI agents sucked up to Pakistani mosque members tied to Tanzeem-e-Islami, an anti-Semitic, pan-terrorist group. All in the name of “outreach,” this mythical holy grail with zero benefit to America’s national security.
And when, in March, federal prosecutors indicted Muthanna Al-Hanooti–a man Kowalski and other high-ranking FBI agents constantly feted–for being a spy for Saddam Hussein (after knowing about it for several years and doing nothing while his charity laundered money to HAMAS and Al-Qaeda for mass murder), Kowalski organized an apology session in which the feds told Muslims they were sorry for enforcing the law and going after terrorists:

About 50 people attended the meeting Thursday; half were federal officials from the FBI, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies; the others were Arab-American and Muslim leaders.
FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Bill Kowalski said the meeting was “part of our efforts to continue an open dialogue with the community.”

But no worries. When real terrorist threats arose, he also rose to the occasion . . . like when he sent FBI counter-terrorism agents to investigate the League of Women Voters. (Not kidding.)
There’s a reason FBI award revokee, marriage fraud perpetrator, and “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad is sorry to see Bill Kowalski go:

Kowalski earned the respect of Arab-American and Muslim leaders. . . . “We are going to miss his smile,” said Imad Hamad, regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. “There’s a personal aspect that attests to his leadership. He’s always been a true professional.”

Yeah, that “personal aspect” is ass-kissing the enemy.
Make no mistake, the retirement of FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Bill Kowalski won’t end the pandering to Islamofascists and the compromising and quashing of necessary investigations and arrests of Islamic terrorists and their enablers. He’ll be replaced by another shishka-brownnoser. Kowalski is just one of many FBI agent bureaucrats around the country who’d rather sup on shish tawook and break pita with terrorists than do the hard work of investigating and arresting them and PO’ing them.

“When I think about an FBI guy, that’s him,” said Walter Reynolds, an assistant special agent in charge in Detroit who works closely with Kowalski as the official in charge of intelligence operations.

Yup, sadly, Kowalski’s Islamopander M.O. is now S.O.P. for “an FBI guy.” And with a guy like Reynolds, in charge of intelligence operations at the Michigan FBI, it’s no wonder they never discovered who double agent Nada Nadim Prouty and what she was doing. They simply didn’t want to see it, even though they knew better.

“It’s tough to leave the FBI,” he said. “I bleed bureau blue.”

And HAMAS and Hezbollah green, too. Kowalski told the Detroit Newsistan that

he believes enhanced training and recruitment standards make today’s agents better-suited to meet the [terrorism] threat.

Wrong. Enhanced tabouli-eating skills make them better suited to pander and enhance the threat. Not beat or even “meet” it.
Kowalski will now join The Rehmann Group, a Detroit area business consulting firm that helps corporations with fraud investigations. Interesting, a fraud helps investigate fraud. Well, you know what they say: takes one to know one.
Let’s hope for his clients’ sake that William Kowalski investigates fraud a little differently than he “investigates” Islamic terrorism.

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July 30, 2008, - 11:37 am

Attn, Sharpton & Jackson: Sistaz Ain’t Got No “Digital Divide”

By Debbie Schlussel
For years, race merchants Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have been whining about an alleged “digital divide”. They’ve claimed that Blacks are deliberately discriminated against by internet technology and alleged “barriers” like the cost of computers and internet service. That’s despite the gazillion Black blogs and websites.
Now, there’s more evidence that not only aren’t Blacks on the short end of an alleged “digital divide,” but in the case of Black women, they are ahead of everyone else in terms of the amount of time spent on technology usage:

Black women are more likely than other female consumers to spend time embracing technology, and they view cell phones and the Internet as tools of empowerment and self-expression, a study finds.


Compared to other women, five times as many black women – 36 percent – use cell phones for three or more hours a day, according to research released Thursday by Time Inc.’s Essence magazine. Black women also spend more extended time using iPods, computers, high-definition TVs and DVD players.
The findings defy an image of technology consumers focused on young men, said Carmen Bryant, director of consumer research for Essence.
“All women use technology to gain control in their lives,” Bryant said. But, she said, African-American women also use technology as “a way to empower themselves to move forward.”
“They like to show their mastery of technology,” she said. “They are going to use it to help them stay active and achieving.” . . .
The survey found 42 percent of black women reported spending $100 to $499 or more on cell phones compared to 26 percent of other women.
Black women also embrace new mobile technology, with 21 percent of them using cell phone Web browsers to make purchases compared to 8 percent of other women.
That’s in line with other findings about gadget mastery: nearly two-thirds of black women said they learn every feature of a new tech product.
Bryant said that helps explain why their cell phone use is so much higher, since they go beyond the calling or texting functions and use built-in Web browsers, cameras and digital organizers.
Black women also are more likely to use the Web for product research, and they are more than twice as likely to use e-mail or instant messaging to share good deals with friends and family. . . .
The Essence study included an online survey of 800 black women and 400 non-black women ages 18 to 54. Participants had a minimum household income of $20,000 and were cell phone or Internet users.
The survey, conducted last April but only released now, has an error margin of 3.4 percentage points for the African-American women and 4.8 percentage points for “general market” women.

More results from the study:

African-American Women…………. General Market Women
36%……………….7%………………Say they use their cell phones for three or more hours a day.
8 %………………..1%………………Use their iPods for three or more hours a day.
42%………………26%……………..Report spending $100-$499 or more on cell phones.
21%……………….8%……………..Order products using the Web browser on their cell phone
43%………………20%……………..Reported contacting friends or family by e-mailing or IM if they saw a good deal for them.

So, will this news end the endless whining and shakedown attempts by Sharpton and Jackson? Don’t bet on it. They and facts are like oil and water. They don’t mix.

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July 29, 2008, - 2:43 pm

Hmmm, Bennigan’s: Maybe Catering to Illegal Aliens Wasn’t Such a Good Idea

By Debbie Schlussel
Recently, I told you how Bennigan’s decided to offer it’s menu in Spanish at all locations. This was clearly a move to pander to illegal aliens and those here who won’t learn to speak English.
I also told you how Bennigan’s dropped the “Irish-American” part of its name, another part of its pandering, “We Are the World,” PC mentality.
Well, it looks like those moves didn’t serve Bennigan’s too well:

Customers showing up for lunch at Bennigan’s restaurants in Chicago and across the country found quite a surprise Tuesday morning, when all the corporate-owned locations had signs on display reading “closed for business.”

Old Bennigan’s Emblem Versus the New One . . .


. . . Versus the New, New One


As CBS 2’s Joanie Lum reports, Bennigan’s Grill and Tavern closed all of its corporate-owned locations nationwide after filing for bankruptcy. Independent franchises remain open for business as usual.
The corporate-owned locations comprise about half the entire chain.

Buh-bye, Bennigan’s. Or in this case, Adios.
It’s very sad for all of the people who worked there and have now lost their jobs. I feel bad for them. They are the victims of Bennigan’s bad marketing strategy of catering to invaders. And I hate to say good-bye to yet another large American business. But in this case, the company made clear that the “American” part was mucho expendable.
Hasta La Blarney, Baby.

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July 29, 2008, - 2:21 pm

Shocked by Great, Patriotic “Bottle Shock”

By Debbie Schlussel
I just got back from screening the movie, “Bottle Shock,” which comes out in most of the country, next week. It is one of the great movies of the year and captures the great can-do spirit of America, so well. I’ll be reviewing it very soon. But for now, watch this trailer, and you’ll see why you must see it. I’m grateful to reader Ari, who in 2006, turned me on to the great true story behind this movie. As Ari said, then, “It warms my heart.” Mine, too.:


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July 29, 2008, - 1:34 pm

Yet Another Iraqi “Refugee” in Child Sex Crimes

By Debbie Schlussel
Last week, I told you about Waleed Wadie, an Iraqi refugee who got one of the visas we’ve been handing out to those who can’t or don’t wanna go back to their own country, even though things are supposedly better there now. Wadie brought with him his Middle Eastern values and was caught sending photos of his penis over the internet to cops who he thought were teen girls.
Then, there is the story of Rahib Al-Cholan, another Iraqi refugee–from whom it sounds like a lot of kids are refugees, rather than the other way around:

A Detroit resident has been convicted in U.S. District Court in Detroit of driving to Toledo to have sex with a girl he believed to be 12-years-old.


Shukran [Thanks]: Middle-Easterners Thank America For Giving Them Refuge

Rahib Al-Cholan, 46 — an Iraqi army veteran — will be sentenced at 11 a.m. Nov. 3 . . . . He faces a sentence of up to 30 years in prison. . . .
Agents testified in October 2007 that Al-Cholan, 46 — an Iraqi army veteran who served in tank and artillery units in Baghdad and Basra from 1982 to 1991 — solicited an undercover Immigrations and Customs Enforcement informant to provide a child for sex.
Over the course of several days, Al-Cholan admitted to the informant that he had molested more than 100 children in Iraq and of finding children in Dearborn and Detroit and trading food, toys and money for sex acts. He also said he raped at least one boy. . . .
Agents testified that after they directed the informant to tell Al-Cholan that a girl was being sold by her uncle for sex for $150 out of a Comfort Inn in Toledo, Al-Cholan drove to Toledo on Nov. 7 and paid an undercover agent posing as the girl’s uncle.


Al-Cholan is an Iraqi army veteran who served in tank and artillery units in Baghdad and Basra from 1982-91. He arrived in the U.S. as a refugee in 1995 and was granted citizenship in 2003.

After reading so many stories like this, whenever I hear President Bush or other politicians bloviate about how Arabs and Muslims come here for a better life, I think: yeah, a larger child-rape pool.
As we allow more and more Muslims and Arabs into this country, we will have more and more of this. And more and more honor killings, etc. It’s not just the terrorist threat they pose. It’s their entire ethos that anything goes, as it does on the Arab street.
As I noted, we do very little background check on anyone to whom we grant immigration benefits–such as a green card, citizenship, etc. The average time a Citizenship and Immigration Services adjudicator spends checking on each potential new citizen is less than six minutes, and that doesn’t account for bathroom and lunch breaks and six days.
And as we are allowing more and more in, that less than six minutes is becoming far less than that fast.
We can have an infinite number of Customs and Border Patrol agents on our borders and searching cars and boats, and it won’t make a difference if we continue to blindly grant refugee status and citizenship to the Waleed Wadies and Rahib Al-Cholans of the Middle East.

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July 29, 2008, - 10:42 am

U.S. Military Recruiting: Women Are the Weaker Sex, After All

By Debbie Schlussel
After all the militant feminist arguments for women in combat and more women in the military, looks like my gender is admitting that we are the weaker sex, after all. Women are shying away from Iraq and need a gentler, softer pitch . . . which kinda defeats the purpose of the word “military.”
This story isn’t rocket science or news to me (or you). But maybe to Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan’s ghost-ette. Oh and check out the photo of the recruiter supermodel in the story–they now need someone with “America’s Next Top Military Model” looks and make it look glamorous, to get women to join:

Military officials say female service members are expected to perform and be treated the same as their male counterparts once they’ve enlisted – but recruiters and academics who study the issue say the process for recruiting women, and their parents, is subtly different.


Army Recruiter, Sgt. Marietta Sparacino

In its recruiting efforts, the military “may try to reassure potential recruits and their families that women in the military don’t lose their femininity, even though they are joining an institution known for conferring masculinity and making men out of boys,” writes Melissa Brown in her paper, “A Woman in the Army is Still a Woman,” which evaluates the gender messages of decades of recruiting materials. Brown, a professor at City University of New York, took the title of her paper from an Army advertisement directed at potential female soldiers.
Brown found that females in military advertisements are often not pictured in uniform. . . and none were shown carrying weapons, as many of the men were.
The ad reflects realities Sgt. Marietta Sparacino sees every day in her job as an Army recruiter in Salt Lake and Davis counties.
“The males are much more into the range – shooting weapons and everything. The females, not so much,” Sparacino said. . . .
The number of females serving in the Armed Forces has fallen every year since 2003, the year of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, according to figures from the Pentagon’s Statistical Information Analysis Division.

There’s no NOW (National Organization for Women) in the military.

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