August 1, 2008, - 12:43 pm

Saudis Forbid Benji and Lassie: Pets Might Encourage No-No of Inter-Gender Mingling

By Debbie Schlussel
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s muttawa’een [Islamic religious police] is banning the sale of dogs and cats and the walking of them in public.
After all, this might cause Saudi men and women to mingle–and we can’t have that. Some black sack-covered woman’s fingertips on a leash might turn some repressed Saudi male on, and he’ll have no choice but to rape her.
And the Saudi Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice claims that Saudi men are “using cats and dogs to make passes at women and pester families.”


Lassie Now Haram [Forbidden] in Saudi Arabia

Yes, this great religion of Islam is certainly something to be admired and emulated throughout the Western world. I’m gonna send Max the German Shepherd to Chop-Chop Square, right away.
And maybe Snoopy and Felix the Cat should go on that hajj, too. Throw in Snoop Dogg, while were at it. After all, he actually does promote improper mingling among the sexes, er . . . bitches/hos and pimps.
Hmmm . . . Where’s PETA a/k/a PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans), when you need them?

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August 1, 2008, - 11:31 am

Alien v. Predator: The “People” Bush/Condi Clueless Want Israel to Make “Peace” With

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s a question I’ve repeatedly asked over my lifetime and repeatedly on this site:
How are Jews supposed to make peace with these barbarians who can’t even make peace with each other?
Question #2: Why are we giving more and more of these barbarians visas and U.S. citizenship? So, we can more quickly import this stuff here, apparently.

Palestinian security forces in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are responsible for human rights abuses including arbitrary arrests and torture, in a report [released] on Wednesday.

HAMAS v. Fatah . . .



“The political struggle between Hamas and Fatah has resulted in serious human rights violations in Gaza and the West Bank over the past year,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director of Human Rights Watch, a U.S.-based advocacy group. “Security forces from both sides have targeted activists of the other party. Their abusive behavior has victimized Palestinians from all walks of life and weakened the rule of law.”

Correction: This isn’t just a “political struggle” between HAMAS and Fatah. It’s the way of life in Islam. If HAMAS or Fatah or both ceased to exist tomorrow, Palestinian barbarians would continue this conduct both amongst itself and against Israel and Christians/Jews. And so would the rest of the Islamic world.

The Human Rights Watch report echoes recent findings by al-Haq, a Palestinian human rights group based in the West Bank city of Ramallah. In a report released Monday, the group documented “acts of detention, torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment against civilians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip since June 2007.” . . .
Human Rights Watch said that over the past year, Fatah-run security forces in the West Bank have arrested hundreds of Hamas members and supporters, detaining many without warrants and torturing prisoners under interrogation. The most common form of torture was forcing detainees to hold stress positions for prolonged periods, Human Rights Watch said.

Hmmm . . . Where’s Seymour Hirsch and the NYTimes to scream about this the way they did Abu Ghraib? Oh, didn’t get the memo: Perpetrators not American, but Muslim–no cause for concern.

The report found that Hamas forces in Gaza committed many of the same abuses and that three detainees died in custody in Gaza, apparently from torture.

Well, at least Muslims are consistent: They can neither get along with each other nor us. They hate everybody.
Oh, by the way, the end of the article blames Israel. Of course. Whenever Muslims kill Muslims, blame the Jews.

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August 1, 2008, - 10:12 am

“Religion of Peace,” Religion of Pieces Edition

By Debbie Schlussel
But, wait, this can’t be. After all, President Bush told us Islam is “peace,” (and CAIRMPACISNAICNAMAS tell us that the Koran forbids violence and killing). Hmmm . . . guess he meant, pieces.
Keep in mind–authorities are still looking for this woman’s head. She could only be identified from a tattoo on her torso:

The dismembered body of a British girl aged 17 has been found in a suitcase after she was murdered in Brazil, allegedly by a man who had hoped to marry her.
The torso of Cara Marie Burke, from Southfields, southwest London, was identified by her mother from a photograph of a distinctive tattoo that said “Mum”.


Hezbollah Now HipHopbollah:

The Cornrows of Islamic Murderer Mohamed D’Ali Santos

Mohamed D’Ali Carvalho dos Santos, 20, is alleged to have admitted photographing Cara’s dismembered corpse on his mobile telephone after killing her in Goiania, central Brazil.
He told police that he murdered Cara on Saturday after she threatened to tell his parents, who live in London, that he was a drug dealer addicted to cocaine. He said that she was also considering turning him in to the police.
Mr dos Santos, a Brazilian of Turkish heritage, is believed to have been living in Britain illegally and had told friends that he wanted to marry Cara to obtain British citizenship.

Like, no way. A Muslim would never–nevah evah–do that. I’m sure he only killed her because of her “Islamophobia.”
Watch the Disturbing Video News Report:

Lenita Aves, a spokeswoman for the Goiania Policia Civil, said that Mr dos Santos had admitted killing Cara with a single stab wound using a butcher’s knife with a 25cm blade.
“He has yet to show any remorse for what he has done. He has not cried or expressed regret of any kind,” she said. . . . “He has told us he murdered her on Saturday night, left her body in the bath and went to a party before decapitating her the following day.
“The murder was premeditated. He turned the music up on the stereo moments before the crime so neighbours wouldn’t hear her screaming.”

Detectives said that Mr dos Santos’s mobile telephone contained images of Cara when she arrived in Brazil as well as pictures of her dismembered body.
The secretariat for public security in Goias state said in a statement: “He took various photos of the chopped-up body with his cellphone camera, including photos like those of the Taleban, where the decapitated head is placed on top of the body.”
Police found Cara’s torso stuffed into the suitcase near a river in Goiania on Monday. Mr dos Santos is alleged to have admitted hiding her head, arms and legs in a rural area about 20 miles outside Goiania.

Like I said, Religion of Pieces.

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July 31, 2008, - 5:02 pm

HOprah Watch: Buy Your $5 Plastic Spoon – More Oprah Hypocrisy

By Debbie Schlussel
One of the things–among very many–that makes Oprah Winfrey so annoying is her hypocrisy.
For instance, she lectures women and families who appear on her show how they need to downsize and stop spending so much money–she tells viewers the same. She, of course, says this while she spends $500 on a pair of pastel cashmere Q-Tips.
Okay, I made that one up–there are no such Q-Tips (yet), but it’s not so far-fetched. While she lectures Americans on how to downsize–and continues to maintain her gazillion square foot Montecito mansion and several homes around the country–Oprah tells her “O” magazine readers every month to buy absurdly overpriced stupid items they don’t need. This month’s “O List” takes the cake (and cuts it, if you’re lucky), with four pieces of plasticware for $20. That’s right–a plastic spoon, knife, and fork cost $5 apiece.


Oprah Says You Must Spend $20 On These 4 Plastic Utensils

Guess what Oprah? If you go to the dollar store, you can actually get a whole bag full of plastic utensils (far more than four of ’em) for $1.
It’s interesting how little the anti-male, self-anointed national psychiatrist, Oprah, understands about people, while she lectures them on things like marriage and relationships. It’s just a hunch, but I’d bet one reason some husbands get mad at their wives is about overspending on stupid things . . . like exorbitant plasticware that Oprah told them is a “must have.”
$20 for four pieces of plastic silverware. . . . Sheesh!

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July 31, 2008, - 4:11 pm

Why is Barack Obama Taking–& Lying About–Illegal Campaign Contributions from Gaza’s HAMAS Muslims?

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: And Then there were THREE. Looks like Pam missed one of the Edwans–Osama Edwan–also a Palestinian from “Rafah,GA,” who illegally donated to Obama; lists himself as a “trader”. ****
As we all know, it is illegal for any U.S. candidate for federal office (and most state and local offices) to accept campaign contributions from foreign nationals. It is also illegal for any U.S. candidate for President to accept more than $2,300 per election cycle.
So, why has Barack Hussein Obama accepted over $24,000 from Monir and Hosam Edwan in Rafah, Gaza? And why is he lying about it by noting on his official filings with the Federal Election Commission that Rafah is in Georgia? Rafah is the HAMAS-controlled city on the border of Egypt and is the site of the Rafah gate.
Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs broke the story and has the full details. How long until plagiarist Aaron Klein and WorldNutDaily rip them off as an “exclusive”? Great work, Pam.


Time for a Federal Election Commission complaint to be filed.
Obama–the candidate of HAMAS . . . literally AND monetarily.

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July 31, 2008, - 3:28 pm

Do the Math: ICE’s Dumb Illegal Alien “Self-Deportation” Plan – Select Aliens Have Only 1 in 20 Chance of Being Caught

By Debbie Schlussel
They say that people who become lawyers are those who were bad in math and science. And Julie Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess”, an incompetent lawyer and even more incompetent head of our nation’s immigration enforcement agency, is Exhibit A of that.
Yesterday, The ICE Princess–the airhead chieftess of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)–went on Spanish TV (but not Arabic or Islamic TV, like, say, Al-Jazeera) and announced a new “voluntary, self-deportation” program with a name as stupid as the idea: “Operation Scheduled Departure.”
The only Operation Scheduled Departure that I look forward to is the date Ms. Blackface Expert leaves ICE (sadly, on that day, her incompetent high school grad temporary replacement, John Torres, takes over–sleep with him and you’ll move up quickly).


(Julie Myers Diet Coke by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

If illegal aliens do the math, they won’t participate in this ICE program, which allows illegal aliens with final deportation orders to voluntarily leave the country, without ICE arresting and picking them up. Don’t we already have laws on the books that say, de facto, “leave before we catch you”?
And here’s the thing. There are 550,000 illegal aliens who have received final orders of deportation and who don’t have criminal records. Right now there are 31,000 illegal aliens who’ve been rounded up and remain in ICE detention facilities.
If ICE can only locate and detain 31,000 of the 550,000, that means if you are an illegal alien on the loose with a final deportation order, you only have an 5.6% chance of being detained. And that’s being liberal. Illegal aliens probably have an even lesser chance of being picked up by one of ICE’s 84 fugitive teams.
With the 5.6% chance, that means ICE will only round up only 1 of every twenty illegal aliens with a final deportation order. If I’m an illegal alien in America with a final deportation order, I like my odds–A LOT!–and I’m not going to voluntarily leave . . . even if an airhead Blackface expert Valley Girl, who will be out of a job before I lose my meatpacking job, tells me I should.
The ICE Princess can’t do the math. But illegal aliens can, and I predict few will turn themselves in for “voluntary, self-deportation.”
I am, however, for the voluntary, self-deportation of Julie L. Myers.

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July 31, 2008, - 1:47 pm

Right on the Money on Olmert – My Late Father’s Words Still Ring True

By Debbie Schlussel
In March 2006, my late father, H.L. Schlussel, MD, wrote a great column on Ehud Olmert and Israel’s capitulation to its enemies on this site: “One Little Lamb & 3+ Bad Wolves: A Short History of the Mid-East Peace Process”. His words on Olmert are, sadly, as accurate today as they were then:

[T]he brilliant Benjamin Franklin said, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”


Ehud Olmert: Israel’s Visionless Acting Prime Minister

Attacked his Own Citizens

(Amona Attack Photo Courtesy of Sultan Knish)

Israel’s current “temporary” Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, is a visionless political hack, who was a former Mayor of Jerusalem. His most noteworthy act, since becoming Prime Minister, was to send mounted police against unarmed children in the Jewish village of Amona. In this action, there were 200-300 casualties. Two members of the Israeli Parliament, both ex-Generals, were rendered unconscious. One of them sustained a fractured hand, and the other a possible fractured skull. (Disturbing photos at Sultan Knish.)
In a speech before the left-leaning “Israel Policy Forum,” in July 2005, Olmert stated, “We are tired of fighting, tired of being courageous, tired of victories, tired of defeating our enemies.”
With a guy like this leading the charge, can Israel survive? Doubtful! The leftist journalist, Ari Shavit, wrote in the left-wing newspaper, Ha’aretz, that Olmert’s victory in the upcoming Israeli elections would be “the beginning of the end.”

Yup. Unfortunately, the new guy (or gal) will be just as bad.
Read the whole thing.

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July 31, 2008, - 1:05 pm

“Religion of Peace”: Muslim Son of Immigrants Disfigures Jewish Model’s Face, Ends Her Career

By Debbie Schlussel
Like I keep asking, why the heck are we allowing so many Muslims–with their extremist values and violent tendencies (especially toward women)–into this country? Then, they get to reproduce like rabbits and spread the cancer, so that there’s no chance of remission for America.
The latest example is Samir Dervisevic–son of Muslim immigrants from the former Yugoslavia–who has a problem with women and has now been arrested and charged twice for violent attacks on women.
His attack on Jewish model, Liskula Cohen, left her face forever disfigured and her once-thriving modeling career down the tubes. Would you want this guy working as your doorman?
And this story is another case of “Guess the Religion.” His religion is not mentioned, nor is hers. But look at the photos. She wears a Jewish Star/Star of David.


Jewish Model Liskula Cohen:

Before & After a Muslim Smashed Her Face Up

The Manhattan doorman charged with hurling glasses at a woman’s face at the Hudson Hotel served a month in jail for horribly disfiguring a top model by smashing a bottle across her cheek at a posh club last year.
Samir Dervisevic, 25, got into a drinking-tossing dust-up with model Liskula Cohen at Ultra on West 26th Street on Jan. 14, 2007, that ended when he cracked a bottle of vodka across her face, she tearfully recalled yesterday.
The 5-foot-10 blond stunner whose beautiful face has graced the pages of Vogue, Elle and Harper’s Bazaar among others, says the fight began when Dervisevic’s friend picked up a bottle of vodka that had been served to her table and poured himself a drink.”
When she protested, she said Dervisevic – a doorman at an Upper East Side building who was born in New York to immigrants from the former Yugoslavia – exploded and threw a drink in her face.
“He called me the c-word and he started yelling at me, and then the bouncer told him to go away. He didn’t,” Cohen said. She then threw her drink on him, and he grabbed the bottle.
“He hit me with a bottle on my left cheek. The glass smashed. I went into shock,” she said.
Bouncers ushered Dervisevic away, and Cohen saw her white knit Ralph Lauren minidress was covered in blood.
“I went to the bathroom and I saw my whole career go down the drain. I looked in the mirror and saw a hole in my face the size of a quarter. I’ve been a model my whole life, and I’ve never had another job,” she said.
She rushed to the hospiTal, where she received 46 stitches – 30 inside her mouth and 16 on her face – to close the gushing wound. She said she has had trouble finding work since then because of the scars.
Dervisevic was arrested outside the club. He pleaded guilty in October, and was sentenced to 30 days in jail and three years’ probation, according to court records.
Last Friday, he was arrested again, this time for allegedly whipping three glasses into a woman’s face at the Hudson Hotel. He claimed the woman and her seven friends attacked him in the bar’s VIP section after he bumped into one of them, his lawyer said.
But the women told police that Dervisevic went “berserk” and hurled the glasses unprovoked. He was charged with felony assault.

Just 30 days for brutal disfigurement of a woman’s face. Only in America . . . and only for Muslims.
Yup, Religion of Peace and Disfigurement. Religion of Pieces of Glass in Your Face.

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July 31, 2008, - 12:34 pm

EXCLUSIVE – Good News: Abu Salim, Al-Qaeda Terrorist & Father of Obama Fundraiser, Ordered Deported

By Debbie Schlussel
In June, I posted the exclusive story about Islamic terrorist Mohammed Al-Churbaji a/k/a “Abu Salim” a/k/a “Abu Mohammed Salim”. As I noted, I was the only journalist covering the deportation trial of this man–one of the highest ranking members of Al-Qaeda in the world.
I can now share the good news: Immigration Court Judge Elizabeth Hacker ordered Mohammed Al-Churbaji a/k/a “Abu Salim” deported from the United States.
Al-Churbaji worked for Abdullah Azzam–Osama Bin Laden’s spiritual guru–and Bin Laden in their organization which was the forerunner to Al-Qaeda. Through Global Relief Foundation, he helped export jihad around the world, including in America.
As I also told you, Al-Churbaji’s son, Mohammed Salim Al-Churbaji a/k/a Salim Al-Churbaji, testified that he is a fundraiser for Barack Hussein Obama. He is also a University of Michigan student.


Mohammed Salim Al-Churbaji:

Top Al-Qaeda Terrorist Deportee’s Son is Obama Fundraiser

Mohammed Al-Churbaji, Dad of Obama Fundraiser

Worked for Azzam, Bin Laden

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July 31, 2008, - 11:56 am

Yeah, So . . .?: Olmert’s Impending Departure Will Bring New Cockroach

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: Read my late Dad’s 2006 column on Ehud Olmert–Right on the Money ****
Many right-minded thinking people are happy that corrupt, left-wing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced yesterday he’ll soon be gone.
I applaud it too, since Olmert, his left-wing hag wife, lesbian activist daughter, and draft-dodging expatriate artist son who lives in France, are the kinds of Israelis who will bring and are bringing Israel’s destruction. (His bitchy wife and daughter made a career in “Machshon Watch,” a group which harasses Israeli soldiers at checkpoints, so they can’t adequately do their job in searching and catching Islamic terrorists trying to enter the country.)
On the other hand, the reason Olmert is going is not the right reason. And that’s why I’m not celebrating too loudly.
Yes, he’s corrupt and he took money and bribes and did other improper things. But those are like a technicality, compared to the horrid things he’s done to his own country and its people.


Ehud Olmert, Almost Gone:

Israel’s Visionless Prime Minister Attacked his Own Citizens

(Amona Attack Photo Courtesy of Sultan Knish)

Olmert supported the Gaza giveaway and with Ariel Sharon, helped the Palestinians set up a HAMAS terrorist state to Israel’s west. Olmert sent armed police on horses to brutally beat up the people of Amona and two Israeli Members of Parliament, including a Brigadier General (vivid pics of which were taken and posted to the world by Sultan Knish)–all to remove Israelis from their homes to give it to Islamic terrorists.
Then, he started the ball rolling on giving up the Jewish capitol, Jerusalem, to Islamic terrorists. And he started the ball rolling on giving up Israel’s Golan Heights to Islamic terrorists. (Yes, the Jerusalem and Golan Heights deals were always whispered about, but Olmert pushed them into real play.) Then, he released a child-killer terrorist (Samir Kuntar) and four other terrorists for two Israeli soldiers mutilated bones from Hezbollah. That was after a few other outrageous, lopsided terrorist trades he made with the Palestinian terrorists.
And how can we forget the failed war against Hezbollah, in which Olmert went to war to fail and to strengthen its most fierce Islamic terrorist enemy to its north? Olmert–the first Israeli Prime Minister without a serious military background–could have won had he taken the proper steps to win the ground war, steps his Generals all urged him to take but he ignored. He could have defeated Hezbollah once and for all. Instead, he turned it into Israel’s Vietnam, giving up right after he started, losing a lot of Israeli lives, and leaving in defeat and embarrassment with a UN agreement that wasn’t worth the paper it was written on.
None of these things was bad enough for the Israeli people to dump this guy. None of it–none of the systematic self-amputation and self-suffocation of Israel by its own leader was enough to get Israel to throw him out of office. Instead, it took a minor bribery case to make him go. How likely is it that the next sado-masochist, self-mutillating left-wing Israeli Prime Minister will have a bribery scandal sufficient to get him to resign?
Not very likely. Meanwhile, whoever is at the top will be systematically destroying Israel, because not enough Israelis have the guts to say, “NO, We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore!” They will elect another Israeli Jimmy Carter.
I hope I’m wrong. But sadly, right now, I know I’m right.
The problem is Olmert–and the rest of the Israeli leftists of his ilk–are like cockroaches and Muslims bent on our destruction. You get rid of one, there are gazillions in waiting to take over. People like Tzipi Livni–who was mentored and brought up through the ranks of Israeli politics–will replace him. Livni is what we call a “doompa“, a/k/a dumbass. She’s as left as Olmert, and a whole lot more stupid. Golda Meir she ain’t. The chick is truly vapid. She’s Olmert in a skirt with slightly better hair. Yes, she turned on him, but not over policy. That was a bitch power grab move.
So, am I glad to see Olmert go? Hell, yeah. But I know it’s just an ephemeral personnel change, with little substance or policy change at the top of the Israeli government.
Shalom, Ehud. Hello, next Israeli Jimmy Carter.

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