August 5, 2008, - 10:20 am

Election Day in Michigan Has Important Consequences for the Jihad

By Debbie Schlussel
Today is election day in Michigan, where a primary is being held for party nominees for all non-Presidential offices which are going to be decided in November.
And the results of several races for the Michigan Legislature have important consequences in our fight against Islamism and the jihad. Sadly, people aren’t taking things very seriously, if turnout at my polling place was any indication–at 9:30 a.m. Eastern, I was only the sixth person to cast a vote.
Here is my analysis and (if you vote in those districts in Michigan) endorsements in three key races that have important results concerning Islam’s jihad and our fight for freedom:


* Michigan’s 37th House District (Farmington, Farmington Hills) Republican Primary: As I told readers, a sleazy political hack who is in bed with CAIR, Hezbollah, and Iran–Paul Welday–is running for State Representative in the Republican Primary against brilliant conservative businessman, Richard Lerner–who has my endorsement.
Welday, a lobbyist, is on the payroll of Iranian terrorist group, Mujahideen-e-Khalq, a group that helped kidnap and hold hostage our U.S. Embassy officials in Iran for 444 days. He’s trying to get the group’s terrorist designation removed. He also helped cover up and avoid prosecution of ongoing Medicaid fraud by thousands of pregnant Islamic illegal aliens at the hospital his brother heads and for which he is the lobbyist. He heaped praise on CAIR calling them the most democratic group he’s ever seen at an event in 2004 and helped his former boss, Congressman Joe Knollenberg a/k/a Hezbollah Joe, send $86 of your tax money to Hezbollah in 2000 and 2001.
Read all the details on Paul Welday. He has bigger ambitions, like reaching Congress. STOP HIM NOW. AND Vote for Richard Lerner.

* Michigan’s 1st House District (the Grosse Pointes and a sliver of Detroit)–Republican Primary: I have had the pleasure of speaking at length with John Simon, a bright, conservative 23-year-old half-Lebanese Maronite Christian, who reminds me of myself when I ran for the Michigan House at age 21. I hope, though, that unlike me, he doesn’t lose by one vote. He’s walked his district twice, and knocking on doors wins elections. Simon is the example of the type of Arab we need to promote in America, and who is rarely given a voice in the face of whining, vociferous Muslim extremists.
Simon’s key opponent, Pete Waldmeir, a 77-year-old former Detroit Newsistan columnist is very well known to me because he wrote an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel column against me in 1998 on the eve of election day when I was running for the Michigan House. When he wrote for the Detroit Newsistan, many of his colleagues at the paper were convinced he was on the take, and so was I. I also believed he was paid off by my opponent to write his vicious, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel column. The guy’s a scumbag and a liberal who constantly sided with trial lawyers and ambulance chasers. Oh, and he attacked John Simon’s father on his blog. Very low.
Vote for John Simon.

* Michigan’s 12th House District (Southwest Detroit’s Hispanic Area)–Democratic Primary: Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian Muslim extremist whose candidacy was touted across the country on extremist Muslim and anti-Israel mailing lists, is unfortunately a viable candidate for this seat.
Tlaib was a top official at ACCESS, the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, the agency that gets millions in your tax money to help illegal aliens, fight immigration laws, support Hezbollah and HAMAS. ACCESS was raided by the FBI for engaging in Medicaid fraud, by helping import thousands of pregnant Muslim alien women to America to have their kids here (terrorist anchor babies) and defraud Medicaid, which paid for the deliveries. ACCESS helped supply the fraudulent social security numbers.
Yesterday, Tlaib–about whom I’d never written before–attacked me on Detroit’s National Palestinian Radio (NPR) affiliate for daring to bring out her agency’s engagement in the silent jihad against America from within.
Vote for anyone but Rashida Tlaib.

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August 4, 2008, - 4:58 pm

ICE Agents Respond to Obama, Sort of

By Debbie Schlussel
Many Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents sent me a July 22 letter written “on their behalf” to Barack Hussein Obama in response to Obama’s outrageous comments at the La Raza convention, at which Obama characterized ICE agents as terrorists.
While the letter is pretty good, the author isn’t. Art Gordon, the letter writer, is president of FLEOA, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association. He’s part of the reason ICE is such a joke and Obama can get away with attacking the agency, unchallenged. That’s because–in opposition to most ICE agents–Gordon (who is NOT an ICE agent) supported President Bush in his nomination of the incompetent, unqualified Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess” to head ICE. That undue endorsement went a long way for her and she used it in getting Senate support for her nomination.


Art Gordon: Out of Touch Fed Ushered in Incompetent ICE Princess

FLEOA is not a union. Many ICE agents don’t belong to it. They don’t want to pay exorbitant dues to people like Gordon who claim to speak on their behalf and endorse positions and parties anathema to their interests. One such agent was the principled Matt Issman, a then-career ICE agent and then-Vice President of FLEOA, who was sickened by Gordon’s endorsement of Myers and who publicly spoke out against it.
And most agents view many of those involved in FLEOA as social-climbing resume-packers, such as former FLEOA Vice President Brian M. Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz,” ICE’s Islamopandering, terrorist-schmoozing Michigan/Ohio Special Agent in Charge. When he held office in FLEOA, he was schmoozing Congressmen in his quest to head ICE and climb the ladder. And Moskowitz endorsed–in the Washington Post–the jack-booted INS kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez from the home of his Miami relatives, after which he was returned to Castro’s Communist tyranny.
So, while the letter to Obama was good, you have to consider the source, Mr. Gordon, and how he helped usher ICE into the Julie Myers era and into clowndom and Rodney Dangerfield-ness.
And take it with a grain of salt. Remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Tick-tock.

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August 4, 2008, - 1:35 pm

Fatah Palestinian Terrorists Seek (& Get) Refuge in . . . Israel: “Evil Zionist Entity” Rescues Terror Supporting Scum From Other Terror Supporting Scum

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, Mahmoud Abbas, the U.S.-backed Palestinian President a/k/a Israel’s “Partner for Peace,” refused to give asylum to 180 pro-Fatah Palestinians who fled Gaza after fierce clashes with HAMAS. Their leader Abbas refused to let into the Fatah-controlled portion of the Palestinian Authority.
Abbas refused them entry, even after 11 Palestinians were killed and more were wounded during a HAMAS assault on their Gaza City neighborhood. His reasoning: He wanted them to continue the Fatah presence and continue to fight HAMAS in HAMAS-controlled Gaza.
So where did they go for asylum? Israel–the evil Jews, that’s who. You know–the evil Zionist entity.
HAMAS v. Fatah . . .



Unfortunately, Israel–ever the humanitarian sucker–granted 150 of these terrorist supporting Israel-haters asylum. Fortunately, Israel had the good sense to send 30 of them back to Gaza to go find their 72 virgins in Gazastan heaven.
This story shows us 1) how cowardly the Fatah Palestinians are, 2) how hypocritical they are, turning to Israel for asylum, and 3) how barbaric their Fatah leader, Abbas, is–since he who won’t do a thing to help his own people. Oh, and 4) how stupid Israel is–constantly embracing and helping its enemies.
But don’t worry. The world is already finding a way to ignore the 150 Palestinians Israel took in and blame Israel for not embracing 30 of its enemies as they fight each other in the HAMAS-Fatah death match.
With Israel, if it gives an inch, its enemies seize many kilometers (for a worthless piece of paper).

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August 4, 2008, - 12:41 pm

What Else Has Changed About the Olympics: Meet the HAMAS Olympic Team

By Debbie Schlussel
Since the biggest story about the 2008 Summer Olympic Games seems to be whether or not American swimmer Michael Phelps will beat (Jewish-)American swimmer Mark Spitz’s record of seven Gold Medals set at the 1972 Terrorist Summer Olympic Games in Munich, a lot of publications are doing “compare & contrast” features on the Olympics then and now.
But they forgot one key difference: Then, the Islamic terrorists were assassinating innocent athletes. Now, they’ve been rewarded for it, with an Olympic team. Watch the BS video report below, paid for by your Voice of America tax dollars, and note who is on the t-shirt of the Palestinian Olympic track dude. Hint: he’s the same guy who helped orchestrate the murder of the entire Israeli Olympic Team. We’re supposed to feel bad for these substandard Olympians and supporters of terrorism because their gym is “anything but Olympic class.” Um, hello . . .? It’s not our fault your people and your government are more concerned with the latest in homicide bombing technology. For that, look in the mirror . . . and at your T-shirt.
That Was then . . .



This Is Now . . .


Oh, one other thing: The guy who paid the Munich Olympic terrorists is now the President of the the Palestinian Authority–Mahmoud Abbas.
Spitz v. Phelps: One Comparison is Missing . . .

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August 4, 2008, - 11:32 am

The Other “Religion of Peace”: More Animal Rights Terrorism–Attempted Murder of Scientists & Their Families

By Debbie Schlussel
Even though Islamic and animal rights terrorists often have diametrically opposed views–since Muslims frequently abuse animals–they have a lot of similarities. Both have an extremist ideology that is intolerant of any divergent views and both have an extremely violent way of, um, “engaging others” with those views. Oh, and both give warnings that they are going to kill innocent people–and everyone tends to look the other way:

The FBI is investigating two firebombings targeting scientists at the University of California, Santa Cruz, as the latest in a rash of attacks against biomedical researchers who experiment on animals, authorities said.


Firebombed Feldheim Family Home: This is “Animal Rights”

One scientist and his family, including two small children, were forced to flee from a second-story window Saturday after a firebomb was lit on their front porch, filling the off-campus house with smoke, Santa Cruz police said. An adult was treated for minor injuries at a hospital and released.
Police were investigating the attack as attempted murder, said Santa Cruz police Capt. Steve Clark.
“That device had a real potential to put that family in jeopardy,” Clark said. He described the bomb as a “Molotov cocktail on steroids.” . . .
Also Saturday morning, a firebomb destroyed a car belonging to another researcher parked at faculty housing on campus. Investigators said they were treating the attacks as “domestic terrorism.”
The attacks came four days after police obtained threatening animal rights pamphlets left at a Santa Cruz coffeehouse containing the names and home addresses of UC Santa Cruz scientists.
“Animal abusers everywhere beware,” the pamphlets read. “We know where you live.”

Molecular biologist David Feldheim, whose front door was charred, was among the researchers on the list, the Santa Cruz Sentinel reported. According to his Web site, Feldheim’s lab uses mice to study the development of brain functions involved in eyesight.
Authorities would not identify the researcher whose car was destroyed but said that person’s name was not listed in the pamphlet. . . .
Police said they have no suspects in Saturday’s attacks, the first against UC Santa Cruz scientists since February, when animal rights activists showed up at the house of a breast cancer researcher during her young daughter’s birthday party.
The masked protesters pounded on the front door, and one threw a punch at the researcher’s husband as he tried to chase them away, according to police. The FBI is still investigating that case.
In recent years, three UCLA researchers who use non-human primates have been targeted with firebombs, though two failed to ignite. Animal rights groups claimed responsibility for all three attacks.
More recently, masked protesters targeting the University of California, Berkeley, have scrawled graffiti and broken windows at scientists’ homes.

Hmmm . . . eyesight, the brain, and breast cancer–none of these are more important than protecting rodents, right? Nauseating.
Even more nauseating is the response of the animal rights crowd to these attacks:

A spokesman for the North American Animal Liberation press office, which commonly posts messages from groups taking credit for animal rights violence, issued a statement Sunday saying it had not received any claims of responsibility for the attacks.
“It’s regrettable that certain scientists are willing to put their families at risk by choosing to do wasteful animal experiments,” press office spokesman Jerry Vlasak said in the statement.

In another interview, Vlasak basically declared open war on the children of scientists:

“If their father is willing to continue risking his livelihood in order to continue chopping up animals in a laboratory than his children are old enough to recognize the consequences,” said Vlasak, a former animal researcher who is now a trauma surgeon.

Yup, attack the innocent victims. Just like the Muslims do.
And just like the Muslims, the CAIR of animal rights–PETA a/k/a PUTAh, People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans–won’t condemn the attacks. They’re strangely silent.
Cat got your tongue?
Watch the video.
David Feldheim, one of the scientists targeted, was injured and speaks out about the attacks on himself and his familly.

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August 4, 2008, - 9:10 am

More on David Tenenbaum: Pentagon Inquisition of JOOOO Resulted in More American Troops Dying in Iraq

By Debbie Schlussel
Our government purposely looks the other way whenever it hires an Arab or Muslim for national security-related work. That’s despite the fact that millions of them support America’s death.
But Orthodox Jews–well that’s a different story. The Pentagon not only put them under suspicion at military bases nationwide–sending out an express, written alert that they’d spy for Israel. And the baseless, acute focus on Jews like David Tenenbaum is the reason people like Nada Nadim Prouty got away with spying for Hezbollah at the FBI and CIA.


You’ll recall that in May, I alerted you to the Tenenbaum case. David Tenenbaum was Detroit-area employee at an Army tank facility–TACOM. He was falsely accused of spying for Israel, and as “evidence,” FBI agents seized his four-year-old daughter’s coloring book during a raid deliberately conducted on the Jewish Sabbath. I noted that the Pentagon Office of the Inspector General conducted an investigation and concluded that Tenenbaum was discriminated against because he was an Orthodox Jew.
Now, the official 62-pages Inspector General report is out. And today’s Detroit Free Press has an excellent front-pager by David Ashenfelter about Tenenbaum’s decade-plus ordeal at the hands of the U.S. Army. While there is not a lot new in it, there is the news that because of the Army’s anti-Semitic witchhunt, David Tenenbaum’s important work to strengthen the armor of Humvees was dumped, which resulted in more American troops being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan:

The bogus investigation prompted the Army to scrap Tenenbaum’s 1995 project to improve the armor on Humvees, a decision that proved fatal to American troops who were sent to Iraq and Afghanistan in woefully inadequate fighting vehicles.
“The discrimination in this case ended up costing American soldiers their lives,” [Tenenbaum’s lawyer, Mayer] Morganroth said.
Morganroth’s associate, Daniel Harold, said Tenenbaum’s persecutors “have blood on their hands.”

Other interesting info:

The report said TACOM hired Tenenbaum because he speaks Hebrew, which officials viewed as an asset in working with Israel on joint projects.
Simonini and investigators for the Defense Investigative Service — now the Defense Security Service — and the 902nd Military Intelligence Group began to suspect Tenenbaum of passing secrets after coworkers complained about his behavior. . . .
The report said Tenenbaum wore a yarmulke and adhered to strict Jewish dietary rules, prompting him to bring kosher food to work rather than joining coworkers for lunch at restaurants. Colleagues questioned why he was allowed to leave work early on Fridays to prepare for the Jewish Sabbath, the report said.
The FBI looked into the complaints but found no evidence of wrongdoing.

So, let’s see, they hire him because he speaks Hebrew and can more easily deal with the Israelis. Then, the fact that he speaks it–and is an observant Jew–means he’s spying for Israel?


David Tenenbaum

TACOM officials wouldn’t comment on the report. Neither would John Simonini, a retired lieutenant colonel and TACOM’s counterintelligence chief who spearheaded the investigation.

Why was this man, Simonini, allowed to hold on to a job as a “counterintelligence chief,” when his only “evidence” that a man was spying for Israel was that he is an Orthodox Jew, speaks Hebrew (the reason he was hired for the job in the first place), and that his young daughter h as coloring books? Incredible. No wonder we are losing the domestic war on terror.


Kids’ Drawings, Shlomo Carlebach Songbook Among FBI “Evidence” of Tenenbaum “Spying”

Oh, and here’s the “warning” Pentagon intelligence sent out to beware of Jews–they are spies, you know. But Muslims, let’s bend over because 3,000 Americans on 9/11–and countless others throughout contemporary decades–is not enough:

The report suggested that Simonini and others may have been influenced by a warning from the Defense Investigative Service in 1995 that Israeli intelligence officers were trying to exploit nationalistic feelings in Jewish Americans. . . .
Unable to persuade the FBI to launch a spy probe, the report said, Simonini and others had Tenenbaum’s boss request a top-secret security upgrade for Tenenbaum, which he didn’t want because he worked on unclassified projects.
The request resulted in a 6 1/2 -hour polygraph examination in February 1997 . . . .
Tenenbaum said . . . the polygraph examination was a horrendous interrogation session conducted by a belligerent examiner who repeatedly accused him of passing secrets and demanded a confession.
” ‘I’ve done other Jews before, and I’ve gotten them to confess, too,’ ” Tenenbaum said the examiner told him, according to the report. . . .
The Office of Inspector General said in the report that it couldn’t determine who was telling the truth because the session wasn’t tape-recorded and the examiner destroyed his notes.
Tenenbaum said the examiner wouldn’t let him record the proceeding, the report said.

Gee, I wonder why. What was he trying to hide?

But the examiner’s report prompted the FBI to launch a criminal investigation, put Tenenbaum and his family under around-the-clock surveillance and searched his home on a Saturday — the Jewish Sabbath. Agents carted out 13 boxes of the family’s belongings, including their children’s coloring books.
Because an FBI agent neglected to seal the search warrant request, the news media learned that Tenenbaum was under suspicion and swarmed his home.

And I’m sure the Bureau “neglected” to seal the warrant “by accident.”

In February 1998, one year after the raid, Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Leibson in Detroit advised the FBI in Washington that the investigation had failed to turn up any evidence to charge Tenenbaum with espionage.
“There is no question that if evidence existed which would prove this case, then these agents would have found it,” Leibson wrote to the FBI.
The OIG report said the lead FBI agent on the case, James Gugino, testified that he believed Tenenbaum’s claim that he had done nothing wrong.

Moreover, after all of this, a government watchdog group says the Pentagon tried to get the Inspector General to remove the statements about how the Army engaged in anti-Semitism against Tenenbaum.
The problem here is that, even with the 62-page Inspector General’s report, not a single thing has been done to prevent this from happening again. Meanwhile, a certain other religion–um, “Religion of Peace”–continues to target Americans all over the world, including on our own soil, and continues its efforts to infiltrate our military, intelligence, and counterterrorism agencies.
While the Army, the FBI, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern half of Michigan were laser-focused on non-spy David Tenenbaum, Hezbollah spy Nada Nadim Prouty had free reign to do an Islamic terrorist group’s bidding.
Sadly, after eleven years of David Tenenbaum’s ordeal and seven years after a terrorist attack that murdered 3,000 U.S. civilians–conducted by another religion, Islam–nothing has changed.


Beware! There Are Jews in This Town!

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August 3, 2008, - 7:03 pm

Schlussel TV Guide: Chris Hansen/NBC News Do Customs & Border Protection

By Debbie Schlussel
If you’re reading this, right now, you should switch on your TV and watch NBC. From 7:00 p.m. Eastern to 8:00 p.m. Eastern, Chris Hansen–who usually sets people up on smarmy teen sex stings–is actually doing something useful: “Dateline: First Line of Defense,” a special showing us the important work Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents do at the borders, ports, and airports.
Right now, I’m watching Officer Tommy Varsamos (sp?) of Customs & Border Protection (CBP) at New York’s Kennedy Airport and his uncanny sixth sense, stopping certain “visitors” to America, whose stories don’t check out.
So far, so good. Unlike the usual stuff the media gives us, this special actually shows the good side of enforcing our borders. Kudos to Chris Hansen and NBC News for doing something good . . . for a change. Let’s hope it’s not an aberration, but the start of a trend. (I know, I know–wishful thinking.)


NBC must not think the show is that important, since there’s absolutely no publicity or link to it on its or Dateline’s sites.

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August 1, 2008, - 7:41 pm

Tyson Foods: Buh-Bye, Labor Day, Hello, Eid Al-Fitr; (Buh-Bye, America, Too)

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, folks, here it is–the beginning (or maybe the middle) of the end of America as we know it. Tyson Foods is now ending employees’ paid day off for Labor Day and, instead, giving ’em the paid day off for the Muslim festival, Eid Al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan. It is the most important holiday in Islam.
It will be interesting to see how Tyson calculates which day it is, since Muslims are never really sure on which day or two it falls until right before–and since Shi’ites and Sunnis frequently feud about when it falls.
Since I keep kosher, I don’t eat Tyson Foods products anyway, but I call on you my readers to boycott the company. It’s absurd to replace labor day with the holiday of those bent on our destruction. Any company that does that doesn’t deserve your business. (It, frankly, doesn’t deserve your business even without this, because as I’ve noted on this site, Tyson Foods employs illegal aliens and trades with Iran, helping sustain the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regime.)


Tyson Foods . . . the Official Olympic Sponsor of IslamoFascism:

Workers at Tyson Foods’ poultry processing plant in Shelbyville [Tennessee] will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day, but will instead take the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr in the fall.
A recent press release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) stated that a new contract at the Shelbyville facility “implements a new holiday to accommodate the … Muslim workers at the plant.”
The RWDSU stated that “the five-year contract creates an additional paid holiday, Iidal Fitil, a Muslim holiday that occurs toward the end of Ramadan.”

Um, it’s Eid Al-Fitr, not this fictional “Iidal Fitil.” If you’re gonna pander to Islamofascism, at least look like you know a tad about the butt you’re about to French kiss.

Eid al-Fitr falls on Oct. 1 this year. [DS: Sort of. See note above about uncertainty of the Islamic calendar.]
Tyson’s Director of Media Relations, Gary Mickelson, stated . . . “[T]he union leadership did request and receive Eid al-Fitr (which is apparently spelled various ways including Id al-Fitr and Eid ul-Fitr) as a paid holiday in place of Labor Day,” Mickelson confirmed in an e-mail to the T-G. . . .
Mickelson said that “Eid al-Fitr is one of eight paid holidays for all Team Members covered by the contract, while Labor Day is not a paid holiday.”
“Based on the contract, the other paid holidays include: The Team Member’s birthday, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day,” Mickelson said.
“Implementing this holiday was a challenge, since it falls on a different day every year and is declared on fairly short notice,” RWDSU Representative Randy Hadley said in the press release. “But the negotiating committee felt this was extremely crucial, since this holiday is as important to Muslims as Christmas is to Christians.”
“The date for this holiday (Eid al-Fitr) is not the same each year,” Mickelson said. “however, it is in the early fall.”
The press release stated there are approximatly 700 Muslims working at Tyson, but Mickelson said that Somalis only represent approximately 250 of the 1,200 employed at the plant, a little over 20 percent of the workforce.
“All Team Members who have completed their probationary period are eligible for all eight paid holidays including Eid al-Fitr,” the Tyson spokeman said.
The union also claimed that in addition to the observance of the Muslim holiday, “two prayer rooms have been created to allow Muslim workers to pray twice a day and return to work without leaving the plant.”
Mickelson said that Shelbyville’s Tyson plant “does have a prayer room to accommodate the needs of Muslim Team Members.”
“In addition to regular, non-paid breaks, all Team Members are allotted a seven-minute paid break,” the Tyson spokesman said. “Some Team Members choose to pray during this time.”

It’s ironic: a union giving up a paid national holiday tribute to labor and replacing it with a holiday honoring the most repressive and regressive religion on contemporary earth.
The United Dhimmi States of America. Tyson Foods is just a drop in the bucket compared to what we’re gonna see.

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August 1, 2008, - 2:01 pm

Weekend Box Office: Don’t Choose “Swing Vote” – Anti-Semitic GOP, “Typical” White Male Redneck Loser

By Debbie Schlussel
Is Kelsey Grammar really a Republican?
Hard to tell, since he chose to be in “Swing Vote” and portray Republicans as anti-Semites and White men as rednecks, idiots, and incompetent fathers.
You know when a movie about a Presidential election begins with an anti-Semitic Republican President scheming on how to keep Jews away from the polls, it’s not going to be even-handed or good. Or funny.
You also know that when the star of a movie–Kevin Costner–is forced to invest $20 million of his own money in an August movie release in order to get it on-screen, it’s not a good flick.


At the beginning of this overly dramatic silver-screen annoyance, it’s election day, and we see Republican President Kelsey Grammar with his evil, scheming political advisor in the Oval Office. While Grammar listens, the advisor (Stanley Tucci) tells the Republican Party of Florida to round up as many tall, blonde, Arian-looking guys they can and send them to the West Palm Beach polling places to keep Jews from voting.
Apparently, Kelsey Grammar didn’t have a problem portraying the GOP as a party of anti-Semites. And it’s downhill from there. This movie is sappy and banal beyond belief. Didn’t care for the term, “right wing blogosmear,” either.
Kevin Costner plays “Bud,” the working-class New Mexico screw-up at the center of a tied Presidential election. He promises his young daughter he’ll vote in the Presidential election, but when he doesn’t show up, she sneaks in and votes for him. An electrical malfunction prevents the vote from registering, and Costner gets to recast his vote later, since it will decide the White House race–the State of New Mexico will decide the race, and it’s tied.
To win his vote, both President Kelsey Grammar and Democratic candidate Dennis Hopper pander to him. When Bud says he thinks gays should get married, Republican Grammar shoots an ad endorsing it. When he says he’s pro-life (he doesn’t know what it means), the liberal Democrat makes a pro-life ad.
Bud is your typical Hollywood version of the middle-American White male: stupid, a drunk, immature, irresponsible, a bad parent, a poor employee, etc. Is there any other kind of White male in America, according to Hollywood (and apparently investor Costner)?
And, of course, like most of these movies, along with the dumb-dopey-working-class-immature-trailer-park-failure-father, there’s a very smart daughter, who is the adult in the movie. Are you as sick of this as I am–that, in Hollywood, the kid is often the adult and vice versa? It gets old. Madeline Carroll, the young actress who plays her, and Paula Patton, the actress who plays an aggressive, scheming local news reporter are so saccharine and phony, it’s unbearable. There is more crying, yelling, screaming, and melodrama in this supposed comedy than five decades of “All My Children.” I couldn’t take much more of this.
But, wait, it gets worse. The most annoying political commentators pollute the screen throughout: Chris Matthews, Arianna Huffington, Larry King, Tucker Carlson. They’re embarrassing, but, sadly, not embarrassed. The only one missing is Keith Olbermann. Thank Heaven for small favors.
If there was one good thing about this movie–aside from the fact that it actually ended–it was that the movie made a point against illegal aliens taking American jobs, but it didn’t make the point very well.
While Costner works at an egg-processing plant that employs a lot of illegal aliens and makes company announcements in Spanish, he loses his job because he’s a screw-up. While he complains about the problem of “insourcing”–importing illegal aliens into America to take away Americans’ jobs–he is repeatedly late to work, destroys a lot of eggs, and is just a bad employee.
If “Bud”/Costner worked for you, you’d probably be tempted to replace him with an illegal alien, too. But, then again, that’s Hollywood: They can’t even tell the truth about “insourcing”–and that it’s taking jobs from good, hard-working employees.
Worst line in the movie (uttered by campaign manager Nathan Lane to his liberal Democrat Presidential candidate Dennis Hopper):

You wanna win? Go and rip the Statue of Liberty a new one.

Bottom line: This movie stank. It was long, boring, not funny, and not exciting. I laughed like maybe once at the dopey “jokes.” So uninteresting I briefly fell asleep. But don’t worry–the non-stop cloying, maudlin and pseudo-patriotic muzak throughout the movie kept me awake, annoyed, and mostly distracted from trying to hear the dialogue.
If Kevin Costner’s “Bud” is the kind of voter that elects Presidents, perhaps we should become a dictatorship. On the other hand, we already have this system in place, because all of the Presidential candidates go on Oprah. But you’d never see a movie like this, where the one vote is cast by a typically stupid female Oprah worshipper.
The motto of this movie should be, “One man. One vote. No clue.”
SPOILER: After sitting through this horrid film for two hours, there’s no “pay-off,” even if you could legitimately call the end of this movie a pay-off. We’re not shown for whom Bud casts his vote. He goes into the polling booth, and the movie ends. Not that I really cared who he voted for. I just wanted him and his movie to go away.

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August 1, 2008, - 1:11 pm

About that Beheading on the Canadian Bus: The Cowards Who Fled & Did Nothing

By Debbie Schlussel
Many readers sent me the story about the beheading in Canada on a bus. I waited for a while before addressing it because I wanted to hear more details.
Most troubling to me is that, instead of pouncing on the beheader and stopping him from murdering an innocent person, the passengers on the bus all fled like cowards. A beheading from what I know from the videos we’ve been “treated” to, by our friends in the “Religion of Peace,” is not an instant thing. Hate to be graphic, but it’s not as quick and easy as cutting soft butter. And there was a lot of stabbing of the victim before that. It could have been stopped and no-one tried, from what I can gather from the story:


A man sleeping on a Greyhound bus as it rolled across the Canadian Prairies was killed and decapitated by his seatmate as horrified passengers fled to safety in the night, witnesses and police said on Thursday.
“All of a sudden, we all heard this scream, this bloodcurdling scream,” said Garnet Caton, who was sitting just in front of the victim on the bus. Caton said that when the attack was over, the knife-wielding killer displayed his victim’s severed head to the onlookers. . . .
Witnesses said the victim and killer, who apparently did not know each other, had enjoyed a casual cigarette break with other passengers only minutes before the attack.
Witnesses described a scene of bloody mayhem that erupted without warning on the bus, which was traveling east to Winnipeg, Manitoba, on a routine scheduled run.
“The attacker was standing up right over top of the guy with a large hunting knife — a survival, Rambo knife — holding the guy and continually stabbing him, stabbing him, stabbing him in the chest area,” Caton told CBC Television.
The attack continued as other passengers fled the bus and waited for police, Caton said. He said he, the driver and another passenger desperately tried to hold the bus door closed to prevent the attacker from leaving.

So, they stopped him from leaving, but didn’t dare try to stop him from repeatedly stabbing, then beheading someone?!

“He calmly walks up to the front (of the bus) with the head in his hand and the knife and just calmly stares at us and drops the head right in front of us,” Caton said. . . .
Police praised the calmness and cooperation of the passengers.

Praise them for WHAT?! They should be ashamed.
That was in Canada.
I contrast that with the shoe bomber, Abdul Raheem a/k/a Richard Reid, on the Air France flight to Boston. American men on the plane–including a minor league basketball player–pounced on this guy and beat him black and blue like he deserved, saving the day.
In that instance, though, the people on the plane knew that if they didn’t stop him, they would all die. On the Canadian bus, they knew if they just ran away, only the victim would be hurt–in this case, fatally.
Would this happen in America? There’s the story of the rape/murder of Kitty Genovese, where people ignored her screams and did nothing, but that was then. I’d like to think people would be different now, but with so many people unwilling to do the right thing, I wonder. What do you think?
While I do not know if it has anything to do with nationality, I’m struck by what I can imagine was a bunch of scaredy-cat people (in this case, socialist Canadians), who didn’t want to risk of themselves to help this innocent victim of a brutal murder.
If I were in that situation, I’d probably run, too. But that’s because I’m a woman, and I’m tiny. I could not possibly overpower this murderer, though perhaps I’d try to kick him in the cojones to temporarily neutralize him. I don’t know. But in America–unlike Canada–I’d have the ability in most states to carry a concealed gun with me, and that could be the equalizer in such a situation.
I’m still dismayed that none of the men on the bus tried to stop this guy. How could they just run away and do nothing while a man is being beheaded? Disgusting.
G-d Bless Tim McLean, the innocent victim of the beheading. G-d rest his soul.
Perhaps he might still be alive, if courage wasn’t such a rare commodity.
**** UPDATE: This info makes it even worse:

Passengers exited the bus, and a trucker who stopped provided wrenches and crowbars to several of them so they could keep the suspect on the bus until police came, witnesses told Canadian TV.

They get wrenches and crowbars and instead of using those to hit this murderer and put him out cold, they use them to keep him on the bus. Very sad.
**** UPDATE #2: Listen to the police scanner audio. These Canadian cops are just standing there matter-of-factly communicating about how this guy, Vince Weiguang Li, is hacking off parts of the victim’s body and eating them. Meanwhile they’re doing nothing.
Have they no sense of decency? They should have shot the guy to hell, so the victim’s family would at least have some sort of semi-recognizable body to bury. But I guess it’s against Canadian manners to interrupt lunch. I guess they only have the guts to stop guys like Hannibal Lecter in the movies.
**** UPDATE #3: Reader Sean writes:

In honor of the Canadian “heroes” who let the guy on the bus get butchered….ALONE with his murderer….I give you the lyrics from Sir Robin’s Minstrels in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.”

Brave Sir Robin ran away
Bravely, ran away…away…
When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin . . . .
He is packing it in and packing it up
And sneaking away and buggering off
And chickening out and pissing off home, Yes, bravely he is throwing in the sponge.

Sounds like another symptom of the Nanny State. “Let’s all flee and wait for our protectors to show up.”

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