August 7, 2008, - 5:58 pm

Me on the Michael Reagan Show Tonight

By Debbie Schlussel
I will be on the nationally syndicated “Michael Reagan Show,” tonight at approximately 6:45 p.m. Eastern Time. We’ll be discussing, among other things, jailed Detroit Mayor Kwame Malik “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick. Listen Live.


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August 7, 2008, - 1:55 pm

“Religion of Peace” Tolerant (& Classy) E-mail of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
Whenever Muslims preach tolerance and lecture you about Islamophobia think about the many e-mails like this that I’ve gotten. This latest one came into my YouTube account, so I don’t have an e-mail address for “fdiab,” but if you wish you can respond to his/her YouTube account.

fuck u jewish whore… and the rest of your pig spawn race.. u fucking jew scum… israel can label the arabs as terrorists all they want and they can suck george bush’s cock and manipulate the U.S. all they want like the snakes they are… but remember this jew… your people always are looked down upon, spit upon, and will never have their zionist ways fully come to life… u people have been opressed for a reason… example the egyptians, the germans, etc. etc. because you fucking conspire and lie and manipulate… u are all scum and i shit and piss on u…. by the way im and american and im ashamed that part of my tax money goes to israeli cunt bags… israel is only strong because it is supported by america… otherwise it wood be wiped off the map and into the medditerannean sea…

That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .

Diab is an Arab Muslim surname, usually Shi’ite Lebanese.
You know how we’re always lectured that we Westerners don’t understand that modesty is so much more important for Muslims than the rest of us. Clearly, this Muslim uttering this filth doesn’t seem to have that value. And it’s funny–pretty much every single death threat or piece of hate mail I’ve received from this “modest” religion includes four letter words and other obscenities. Modesty. Uh-huh.
Don’t expect our friends at CAIR or MPAC or ISNA to condemn this e-mail, to call for tolerance and love, or to cite this e-mail in their “Incitement Watch” e-mails. They monitor my site, and are probably smiling, cheering, and applauding.
“Religion of Peace.”
**** UPDATE: “fdiab” was apparently not done. He/she/it also sent me this message to my YouTube account:

fucking kill ureself u fat jewish whore

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August 7, 2008, - 12:50 pm

Muslim Fine Whine of the Day: You Can’t Tell the Truth About Who Sells Oil

By Debbie Schlussel

**** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATE: Nissan Video Arabs Whine About Added ****

Arab Muslims are outraged–OUTRAGED!–at Michigan Republican Congressman Mike Rogers over a stupid, shoddy, but entirely non-offensive video he made, in which an Arab is depicted as an oil producer. The video is posted below.
This story reminds me of the time I screened the movie, “United 93,” about the 9/11 hijacking of United Flight 93. After the movie, I asked a few Muslim attendees what they thought, since I noticed the frowns on their faces. “It was biased because they made the hijackers Muslim,” a hijab-encrusted woman said.
Yup, the Muslims and Arabs want you to think that the hijackers of the planes on 9/11 didn’t have names like Mohammed Atta or Nawaf Al-Hazmi. The makers of “United 93” should have invented new hijackers named Patrick Houlihan and Brian Cohen and John Smith.


Congressman Mike Rogers Says No To Islamic Terrorist Imad Hamad

(Hamadafat by Six Meat Buffet/Preston Taylor Holmes)

And so it goes with the current Muslim outrage over an amateurish video made by Republican Congressman Rogers, in which–at about 2:22 in–one of three men depicted as oil producers is wearing a keffiyeh, the Arab male headdress. After all, when we think of who produces and sells America oil, we’d never think of Arabs, would we? The Arab Gulf made its money from selling peanuts, computers, and Twinkies, right? You know, Bilal Al-Gates of Microsoft?
Well, apparently, you can’t say that Arabs–Arab Muslims–are the ones selling a good deal of the oil to us. And apparently you can’t recognize that the majority of the countries in OPEC–the illegal monopoly, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries–are Arab (Muslim) ones.
FBI award revokee, marriage fraud perpetrator, and “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad and his Muslim-dominated American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee are outrage–OUTRAGED!–over the Rogers video.
It’s much ado about nothing, just as with almost every loud wine coming from Muslims. If they spent as much time doing something productive as they do whining and developing new ways to kill people, they might actually be in a better position.
The video is stupid. It’s a waste of tax money–animation (even if bad, as here) is very expensive, and I wonder how much he wasted on it. The script on the screen is way too small, so you can’t even read what the heck it says. The stupid animation makes Schoolhouse Rock look like cinematic excellence. And that dumb “music” that sounds like sheep being beheaded, as the animated “oil barrels” march? It’s the sound of suicide.
PUH-LEEZE: Watch Rep. Mike Rogers’ “Anti-Arab” (@ 2:22) Video . . .

But there’s nothing offensive in it. There are three men depicted, Hugo Chavez, a Russian man, and an Arab. Yup, those are who sells oil, right now, since we won’t drill offshore or in ANWR.
The outrage is stupid, but it’s in the tradition of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and their shakedowns. Hamad and his fellow Islamic terrorists want to get a U.S. Congressman to apologize to them and kowtow. And it’s not just any Congressman. Mike Rogers–a former FBI agent–is very pro-Israel and very anti-Islamist (and is also tight with Christian Lebanese opposed to terrorist group Hezbollah). Imad Hamad and gang don’t like that. And they’re using this non-outrage to get him to bend. So far, he’s thankfully telling them where to go.
Then, there’s the Nissan ad, airing in Israel, showing limo-riding Gulf state Arabs in keffiyehs being upset that a Nissan car will take away their oil profits by using less oil.
This is offensive? Why? Are they not rich from oil? What did they sell to make their fortunes and where did they sell it? Tampons to Samoan women?
Time to tell the whining AMERICAN Muslim Arabs to drink a fresh glass of “SHUT THE F— UP!”
A reminder to Imad Hamad: Islam is NOT a race. Neither is being an Arab. Hello . . . ? Learn English.
**** UPDATE: Here’s the Nissan ad that aired on Isreali television, which has brought out similar fake, baseless outrage by Arabs. You don’t need to know Hebrew or Arabic to know what’s going on in it: Arab oil sheiks are upset because they believe that the Nissan Tiida’s good gas mileage will bankrupt them.

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August 7, 2008, - 11:33 am

NRA Had Spy in Gun Control Group; Muslims Have Spy in NRA

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s kind of incredible that a woman who already acted as a spy and infiltrated animal rights groups on behalf of a medical supply business was not discovered and was able to infiltrate gun control groups for the NRA. It tells you that the gun control nuts don’t vet their people too well. Methinks that will change now.
When reading this story, keep in mind that while the NRA had its spy in the gun control groups, a more dangerous gun control group–Islam–has its spy on the Board of the NRA–bearded (in many senses), pan-Islamist mouth-frother Grover Norquist.


Mary McFate, NRA’s Spy in Gun Control Groups;

Grover Norquist, Islamofascists’ Spy in NRA

A gun-control activist who championed the cause for more than a decade and served on the boards of two anti-violence groups is suspected of working as a paid spy for the National Rifle Association, and now those organizations are expelling her and sweeping their offices for bugs.
The suggestion that Mary Lou McFate was a double agent is contained in a deposition filed as part of a contract dispute involving a security firm. The muckraking magazine Mother Jones, in a story last week, was the first to report on McFate’s alleged dual identity. . . .
The 62-year-old former flight attendant and sex counselor [DS: interesting job combo] from Sarasota, Fla., is not new to the world of informants.
She infiltrated an animal-rights group in the late 1980s at the request of U.S. Surgical, and befriended an activist who was later convicted in a pipe bomb attack against the medical-supply business, U.S. Surgical acknowledged in news reports at the time. U.S. Surgical had come under fire for using dogs for research and training.
McFate resurfaced in Pennsylvania and has since spent years as an unpaid board member of CeaseFirePA and an organization called States United to Prevent Gun Violence. She also twice pushed unsuccessfully to join the board of the nation’s largest gun-control group, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
“It raises some real concerns with the tactics of the NRA. If they’ve got one person, maybe they have more. If they’ve done this dirty trick, what else have they done?” said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, which planned to search its offices for listening devices and computer spyware. . . .
At States United, McFate served as federal legislation director, meeting with members of Congress on Capitol Hill and writing letters. Over the years, she also stuffed envelopes, attended rallies and took part in conference calls and strategy sessions.
In retrospect, Helmke said, he now realizes McFate stopped by the Washington office for meetings and conference calls that could have been handled by phone, and perhaps pushed too hard to join the board or lobby Congress.
But as for any secrets she might have been privy to, the gun-control groups said they have little to hide, since they put their message and information about their budgets on the Web.
The allegations against McFate stem from a lawsuit brought against officials with Beckett Brown International, a now-defunct security firm based in Maryland. A former beer distributor who bankrolled the firm accused them of defrauding him.
Boxes of documents filed in the dispute reveal that McFate worked as a subcontractor for Beckett Brown and that the firm’s clients included the NRA. And they show that McFate billed the firm for unspecified intelligence-gathering services, submitting among other things a request for a $4,500-a-month retainer in 1999.
The documents also reveal that McFate — that is her maiden name; her married name is Mary Lou Sapone — tried to get daughter-in-law Montgomery Sapone hired by Beckett Brown. Montgomery Sapone worked as an intern at Brady Campaign headquarters in 2003, the gun-control group said. . . .
Timothy Ward, a former Beckett Brown principal who said in a sworn statement that McFate worked for the firm, declined comment Tuesday through a person who answered the phone at his new company, Chesapeake Strategies Group. The NRA now uses that firm for intelligence-gathering, another Chesapeake official said in a deposition. . . .
“I feel flattered that the NRA would feel that they would have to infiltrate Ceasefire of PA. Obviously, they’re hearing our footsteps,” said Phil Goldsmith, the group’s president. “Frankly, I think it’s a waste of their money. We don’t deal in state secrets.”

While this woman was paid $4,500 a month in 1999 from the NRA, being a spy for Islam pays better. Just ask the well-funded Grover Norquist, who not only laundered money for Jack Abramoff and Indian Tribes and their casinos, but also has taken some hefty fees from extremist Muslims in the Gulf.
The difference: The NRA has long known about Norquist’s activities on behalf of Islamists bent on destroying America. Yet, it has kept Norquist on its national board. The gun control group is voting to get rid of the NRA’s spy from its board forthwith.
If you’re an NRA member, ask them why Grover Norquist is still on their board. His Islamic paymasters believe in gun control for everyone but Muslims.
To give you an idea of how well Islamists have infiltrated the NRA via Grover Norquist, you should note that in 2002, after a couple of years of speaking at the NRA’s annual convention, I was invited yet again–in writing–and accepted–in writing.
But, soon, an NRA official telephoned to disinvite me, because NRA Board Member Grover Norquist didn’t like that I had written about Sami Al-Arian’s terrorist activities on behalf of Islamic Jihad (including the murder of American college student Alisa Flatow) and about Congressman Darrell Issa a/k/a Jihad Darrell’s support for Hezbollah (Issa also said the Republican Party’s biggest problems are their positions on abortion and gun control).
At the end of the day, I was reinvited, after I informed the NRA that I would talk on the Howard Stern show about how the NRA answers to Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah, rather than worrying about defending the Second Amendment. Wayne LaPierre personally apologized to me, thanked me for not saying anything about it, and vowed to get rid of Grover Norquist, but he never did. The same goes for Jewish NRA board members including past President Sandy Froman, who likes to throw her Jewishness around. It’s because they did nothing that Grover is still on the NRA board.
And after speaking at the 2002 NRA convention, I was never invited back. The NRA is Islamist occupied territory.

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August 7, 2008, - 11:07 am

BREAKING: Detroit Pimp Daddy Mayor Kwame “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick Sent to Jail for Violating Bond

By Debbie Schlussel
I never thought any judge would have the guts to jail Detroit’s Pimp Daddy Mayor Kwame Malik “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick. But, just minutes ago, 36th District Court Judge Ronald Giles–who donated to Kilpatrick’s campaign–jailed Hizzoner Kilpatrick for violating conditions of bond by making an unauthorized trip to Windsor, Canada. Kilpatrick will spend the night in jail.
Kilpatrick used as an excuse that he needs to close the deficit of the City of Detroit and that if he is jailed, 2,000 people will lose their jobs. Uh-huh. The judge didn’t buy it.
Kilpatrick’s lawyers went across the street to appeal the decision in Circuit Court, but I bet they lose. There is no “palpable error” or any other reason to reverse the decision. The hearing on that is tomorrow, Friday, at 9:00 a.m.


And if you don’t believe that the people of Detroit get what they deserve, keep in mind that on Tuesday, a good chunk of Detroiters returned to office the mother of The Kingpin to represent them in Congress.
Yup, the City of Detroit . . . the Joke That Keeps on Givin’.
Local news anchor Guy Gordon just said on the air that he feels sorry for the Mayor’s wife, Carlita Kilpatrick, and his sons, because she will have to explain to them that “Daddy’s not coming home tonight.” Um, Guy, come on. You know that’s something she’s had to tell them on very many nights before this one. The Mayor’s extensive harem is a major element of many of the legal problems he’s now in.

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August 7, 2008, - 10:36 am

World Peace in a Passport: More Wisdom from Half of the Ambiguously Gay Damon-Affleck Duo

By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve repeatedly noted on this site and elsewhere over the years, world travel and more exposure between cultures and countries doesn’t help us at all. In fact, it hurts us. The Muslims who come here from other countries hate us even more. Sayyid Qutb, Osama Bin Laden’s late spiritual guru, hated the West even more after he went to college in Greeley, Colorado and saw–horror of horrors–men and women ballroom dancing. Oh, and those 19 men a few years ago who mingled with Americans for months and then murdered 3,000 of ’em? Hmmm . . . .
But don’t tell that to Matt Damon, the femme half of the ambiguously gay Damon-Affleck duo (which, by the way, endorsed Barack Hussein Obama). Nope, that “genius” Damon–who, like Red Ben, likes the anti-American screeds of Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn–has the solution for world peace . . . in a passport.
Damon tells the September issue of Conde Nast Traveler (out August 19th):


He wishes that Americans were less insular, and quotes the fact that only 21 percent of Americans have passports. “I think many of our problems as a country would be solved if people had thick passports,” he says. “There’s just no substitute for actually going and seeing things.”

Yes, gas would be back to 91 cents a gallon, if only we all tried to get permission from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to visit (except the Joooos, who aren’t supposed to be there).
And the rising inflation and unemployment in America would be instantly solved, if we all just traveled to Fiji.
By the way, Matt Damon, did you perchance see the passport of Mohammed Atta? He travelled to Hamburg, to other parts of Europe including purportedly the Czech Republic, to his native Egypt, to America, etc. I’d say he had a “thick passport.” He saw America. He went and saw The Pink Pony. And guess what? That didn’t stop him from murdering 3,000 Americans.
Ditto for Bin Laden’s passport. Much thicker than Damon’s.
There are plenty of Americans who’ve never ventured outside our borders. And I’d take them, any day, over “world travellers” like Damon, George Soros, Barack Hussein Obama, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Madonna, to run America.
“Actually going and seeing things” abroad doesn’t make America better. It only helps the travel industry and someone else’s economy–usually the economy of those who hate us.
Jimmy Carter’s passport is pretty thick, too. Anyone want him back in the White House?

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August 6, 2008, - 8:48 pm

More Midweek Box Office: One of Year’s Best Movies, Insipid Chick Flick

By Debbie Schlussel
Earlier in the day, I posted my review of “Pineapple Express.” Forgot that two other movies are debuting at theaters, today:
* “Bottle Shock“: This is ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF THE YEAR, definitely in my top five, thus far. Based on a great true story, it is patriotic, pro-American, anti-French, funny, and good all-around. It reminds us of what makes America great and what we need a lot more of at this time–our can-do spirit.
Set during our nation’s Bicentennial in 1976, Alan Rickman–the raging anti-Israel fanatic (thanks to reader Facts of Life for that tip)–plays a Brit expat in France, looking for a way to get respect in Paris and customers into his wine shop and academy. With help from an American expat (Dennis Farina), he comes up with the idea of a blind taste test–American wines from Napa Valley versus French wines.


Rickman travels to the Napa Valley and meets with several vintners to taste their wines. They think he’s a snob, but soon discover that he’s fair and has taken a liking to some of their wines.
The movie focuses on the characters of Chateau Montelena, a Napa Valley winery in debt and barely surviving. It is the dream of Jim Barrett (Bill Pullman), a lawyer who leaves a thriving law firm where he is partner to struggle and realize his dream of producing fine American wine. His hot, loser son, Bo (Chris Pine) is more than he appears, but is a hustler when we see him at the beginning of the movie. Then, there is Gustavo, the Mexican winery-hand, who has developed his own wine on the side, and Sam (Rachael Fox), the gorgeous summer intern, who is the object of desire of both Gustavo and Bo.
Best dialogue in the movie, is when Bo and his father are talking about Bo’s lifestyle. Bo can’t remember the name of a woman he slept with the night before:

Bo: I slept with a person, not a name.
Jim (his dad): It’s 1976. Woodstock was seven years ago.

Other great line, from Alan Rickman, as the British Frenchman:

Why don’t I like you? It’s because you think I’m an a–hole. And I’m really not. It’s just that I’m British and you’re not.

And finally, this line, when the Americans win the blind French wine tasting competition:

We have shattered the myth of the invincible French wine.

You don’t have to know anything about wine–I don’t–to love this movie. And you will learn a lot. The title, “Bottle Shock”, is what happens to wine when it rolls around in the cargo section of a plane. That’s elemental to a portion of the movie that shows part of what makes America great.
I cannot say enough great things about this charming, proud-to-be-American movie. I laughed and cheered. You will, too. GO SEE IT!!!!
* “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2“: Oy, this is like “Sex & The City” lite for teen girls. Gag. There is only one White man in this movie, and has a bad father. But maybe White men should be happy, since every other guy in this movie is basically a girlie-man tool-ette.
While the first installment of this movie was somewhat charming–but mostly annoying (and promoted the idea of a teen girl practically raping her counselor at soccer camp), this sequel is insipid and even more annoying.
The movie has more crying, whining, pouting, shouting, screaming, and drama than five decades of SoapNet. Make it stop. Please.
We now find the four homely 17-year-old girls–who had a pair of pants that miraculously fit all of them perfectly–are older and in college. The Peurto Rican one (America Ferrera from “Ugly Betty”) is a clumsy drama costumer, who lucks out and gets the leading role in a summer Shakespeare play in Vermont. The goth one (Amber Tamblyn) is forever angry and pouty over her Korean boyfriend and the unprotected sex they had.
The only decent-looking one–the blonde–is on a summer archeology dig with unrealistic, moderate Muslims in Turkey, but leaves to meet the grandmother whose letters were hidden from her. And the Greek one learns to draw at summer art school, and goes back and forth between relationships with a nude Black model and her Greek true love who got married because he made someone pregnant.
Yup, you really want your girls to see this movie, right?
Insipid, stupid, pointless, and bad for young girls. If this is grrrlpower, I’m glad I’ve long been an adult.

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August 6, 2008, - 5:04 pm

Class Act: TMI From ABC News’ “Nightline”, “20/20” Host Martin Bashir

By Debbie Schlussel
I guess when you are a Muslim and have a classy-sounding English accent, you can get away with a lot. Listen to the Too Much Information an audience heard from Martin Bashir of ABC News, who hosts both “Nightline” and “20/20” news shows and is a privileged member of the “Religion of Peace”:

“I’m happy to be in the midst of so many Asian babes.
In fact, I’m happy that the podium covers me from the waist down.” . . .
He went on to say that a speech should be “like a dress on a beautiful woman – long enough to cover the important parts and short enough to keep your interest – like my colleague Juju’s [ABC News colleague, Juju Chang]”.


I don’t think Chris Hansen would be able to get away with talking about his, um, aroused state as host of a banquet.
Mind you, this was at an Asian American Journalists Association event. Sounds like the guy had too much to drink–a no-no in his religion.
Thanks to reader Ari for the tip.

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August 6, 2008, - 4:16 pm

Midweek Box Office: “Pineapple Express”

By Debbie Schlussel
When a movie co-stars Rosie Perez (for whose Spanglish I need a translator), it’s in trouble.
While I liked the ultimate message of “Pineapple Express“, which is “Don’t do drugs and don’t deal ’em either,” getting to that message was like watching salami being made–we’d rather not see the process. This movie was extremely violent, bloody, and disgusting. And while parts of it were very funny, it’s like all Judd Apatow movies: I’m embarrassed I laughed.
I like actor James Franco, but he can and should do better than this. He plays Saul Silver–an obviosly Jewish stoner drug dealer, whose only mature characteristic is that he takes care of his “Bubbie” (grandmother). I really wish the Jewish Apatow would stop inserting the gratuitous Jewish references in his disgusting, vulgar movies. We don’t need to claim him.


Silver sells his pot customer, loser process server Dale Denton (Seth Rogen), a rare exotic strain of marijuana, “Pineapple Express.” Denton is about to serve a man, when he sees the man and a female cop (Perez) shoot to death an Asian man. Denton drops the pot he’s smoking and drives away.
But the man who did the shooting is Saul Silver’s drug kingpin supplier–who killed a rival Asian gang leader–and he figures out that the pot is his “Pineapple Express,” tracking down both Silver and Denton, who are now on the run from him. The rest of the movie is Silver and Denton running from the drug kingpin and Rosie Perez in a series of very bloody, violent, disgusting “madcap” scenes.
Like I said, this is typical Apatow stuff plus your typical stoner movie, which means it’s mostly skipworthy. Yes, it’s funny in parts (but not enough), but not enough to make up for the lame plot, the obvious ad-libbing, and the blood and violence.
Seems to me they smoked too much “Pineapple Express” when they wrote this script. Is it just me . . . or are you sick of the Seth Rogen’s “disgusting nerdy loser Jew” act? Come up with something new–and less self-hating.

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August 6, 2008, - 3:06 pm

“Desperate But Not Serious” Dumbass Move of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, this is the latest brainy move in fighting terorrism, isn’t it?
An Islamic man on the Terror Watch list caught driving on a revoked license with a stolen credit card was given bond by a stupid Tennessee judge–and FBI agents who did nothing–and is now lost in the great American abyss.

A man arrested in a Tri-Cities traffic stop is on the F.B.I’s terror watch list, according to court documents filed by the Tennessee Highway Patrol.
27 year old Abdul H. Khan of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was pulled over on Highway 19E north of Elizabethton by Tennessee Highway Patrolman M.D. Musick.


That ’70s Show Terrorist Abdul Khan Made Bail in 5 Hours

According to a court affidavit filed by Musick, Khan was going 77 m.p.h in a 55 m.p.h. zone, was driving on a revoked license, and was in possession of a stolen credit card.
“I checked Mr. Khan’s driver’s license status through the NCIC computer and his privilege to drive was suspended in New Mexico on April 19,2008 and he was on the FBI’s terrorist watch list. He was therefore placed under arrest and transported to the Carter Co. jail.”
According to jail records, five hours after Khan was arrested, he made bond from the Carter County Jail.
The T.H.P. referred our questions about this case to the F.B.I. An F.B.I. spokesman said the Bureau doesn’t comment on investigations.
Khan has a court date set for October 7th.

What the FBI spokesman really meant: the Bureau doesn’t comment our on laziness, stupidity, and being dumbasses.
Anyone really think he’ll show up for the October 7th court date?
Methinks he’ll have jihad martyred himself by then or fled to Whereeverstan.
America . . . Desperate But Not Serious in the War on Terror.
Oh, and by the way, if they couldn’t deny him bond based on the terrorist watch list designation, the revoked driver’s license, and the stolen credit card, at least they could have kept him in jail for dressing like he came off the set of “That ’70s Show.” Nice shirt.
Kudos to patrolman Musick for catching this guy. Jeers to the judge who gave him a bond so small he made bail in 5 hours. Will find out the judge’s name.
Thanks to my friend, the amazing Brett Winterble of Covert Radio and reader Duane for the tip.

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