August 14, 2008, - 6:40 pm

Safe? HA!: TSA Fails “Security” Tests, Then Does Nothing

By Debbie Schlussel
Hmmm . . . with their ongoing record of screw-ups, failing security tests, and pandering to Muslims to the point their noses are brown with falafel and shawarmeh, you have to wonder if TSA really stands for Too Stupid for Anything. If this latest story is any evidence, it certainly isn’t deserving of the name, Transportation Security Administration.
Remember those tests where up to 75% of fake bombs were let through by TSA airport screeners? Well, they do the tests, but do nothing to address the abysmal results. There’s nothin’ “secure” about this:

A government program to find gaps in airport screening is “a waste of money” because it doesn’t follow up on why screeners failed to spot guns, knives and bombs on undercover agents, the head of the House Homeland Security Committee says.


A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report obtained by USA TODAY says Transportation Security Administration inspectors posing as passengers do not record why individual screeners failed to spot weapons. The TSA ran 20,000 covert tests at the USA’s 450 commercial airports from 2002 to 2007, and the results ought to be used to improve screening, the report says.
The TSA disputed the report and said it has adopted many new screening practices and technologies to close holes revealed by testing.
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., plans a hearing next month to press the TSA on making better use of covert tests.
“You have a system that’s supposed to strengthen airport security, but you don’t use the results of the tests to do exactly what you’re doing the tests for,” Thompson said. “It’s obviously a waste of money.”
Results of the covert tests are classified, but recent reports made public have alarmed lawmakers. A November GAO report said investigators repeatedly smuggled liquid explosives and detonators past airport checkpoints in 2006. An internal TSA report said screeners in Los Angeles and Chicago airports missed fake bombs on agents in more than 60% of tests in 2006.
. . .
The GAO said the TSA did not list reasons for test failures in an agency database. “The agency is not fully using the results of these tests” to close security holes, the GAO said.

Why the heck do they do tests, if they won’t respond and improve TSA screening? And why the heck do we have TSA screeners making me take my shoes off, if they miss fake bombs and won’t do a thing to make sure they find the bombs the next time?
But don’t worry, they never miss an opportunity to hire extremist Muslims to do the “screening,” and they never miss the opportunity to harass those who don’t fit the profile.


Muslim TSA Screener Inspects Nun @ Detroitistan Metro Airport

(Photo Shot by Traveler Dean Shaddock)

Kip Hawley has been atop the TSA for quite some time, and every single one of these failures and the stupid three-ounce liquid rules are all under his, um, “leadership.”
Yet, President Bush has never asked for his resignation.
Heckuva Job. T Minus Four Months for both o’ them. And not soon enough.

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August 14, 2008, - 1:28 pm

A Tale of Two Cooks: Julia Child v. Rachael Ray = Patriotism v. Vapid Capitalism

By Debbie Schlussel
I was never a huge fan of the late Julia Child because her voice annoyed me, and I didn’t like her fattening, buttery, rich style of cooking that mirrored the French. Still, no-one can deny her status as America’s great chef.
But I never knew much about her.
Now, there’s news that Child was a U.S. spy and worked for the predecessor of the CIA, the OSS–Office of Strategic Services–which helped fight the Nazis. That was when what became the left-wing CIA was actually a great, pro-America organization. And there were other celebs among the list of those who helped America, not today’s Sean Penn/Alec Baldwin screeds:


Patriotic Chef v. Dhummi Cook

Before Julia Child became known to the world as a leading chef, she admitted at least one failing when applying for a job as a spy: impulsiveness.
At 28 as an advertising manager at W&J Sloane furniture store in Beverly Hills, Calif., Child clashed with new store managers and left her job abruptly.
“I made a tactical error and was out,” she explained in a handwritten note attached to her application to join the Office of Strategic Services, a World War II-era spy agency. “However, I learned a lot about advertising and wish I had been older and more experienced so that I could have handled the situation, as it was a most interesting position.”
Child was not yet married and was applying for the job under her maiden name, McWilliams, according to previously top-secret records released by the National Archives on Thursday. She was hired in the summer of 1942 for clerical work with the intelligence agency and later worked directly for OSS Director William Donovan, the personnel records show.
Details about Child’s background and nearly 24,000 other OSS employees are revealed in the newly released documents, withheld from public view as classified records for decades by the CIA.
The 750,000 documents identify the vast spy network managed by the OSS, which later became the CIA. President Franklin Roosevelt created the OSS, the country’s first centralized intelligence operation.
The OSS files offer details about other agents, including Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, major league catcher Moe Berg, historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and film actor Sterling Hayden.

Can you imagine today’s most famous American cook, Rachael Ray, actually doing something to help America? Never. It took a lot just to get her to stop wearing the Arab keffiyeh, the garb of Islamic terrorists and their sympathizers–the story broken by Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs.
I like her recipes, but let’s face it: Ray is a vapid creation of the Food Network and Oprah and syndicated TV. Julia Child was a product of years of crafting her culinary skills and cuisine. Where Child was the symbol of class and haute cuisine, Rachael Ray is a lowest-common-denominator-of-pop-culture chef. Sadly, Child would probably not have been a success today in the Rachael Ray world that we now live in, because she was not “attractive” or “TV friendly” enough.
Oh, and by the way, there is something Rachael Ray is apparently planning in order to make nice with extremist Muslim Arabs. And it, once again, contrasts with Julia Child’s patriotism and work for the OSS.
Stay tuned.
Check out the OSS personnel files from the National Archives.

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August 14, 2008, - 12:37 pm

Heckuva Job, ICE Princess & Abu Moskowitz: Alien Brags He’s Been Deported 20-30 Times

By Debbie Schlussel
If you got a zit in the same place 20-30 times, methinks you’d dump your dermatologist or, at the very least, try a new skin treatment.
But far more dangerous than porous skin is our porous borders. And it’s simply a joke when a person, caught within our borders, brags that immigration officials know him and that he’s been deported 20-30 times.
Believe you me, Jose Manuel Sanchez-Rojaz is not the only on who fits this description. Sadly, we’ve had the same incompetent witch doctors running Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for some time now and the same failed regimen to treat the problem:

A police investigation in Cleves, Ohio led to a startling admission by an alleged illegal immigrant–that he has already been deported more than two dozen times.


Sanchez-Rojaz: Illegal Alien Deported 20-30 Times

Jose Manuel Sanchez-Rojaz, 33, was arrested early Tuesday morning by a Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputy. Sanchez-Rojaz was wanted for questioning regarding stolen vehicle. Authorities say the vehicle was stolen around 4 a.m. in the 6300 block of State Route 128.
During the questioning, Sanchez-Rojaz allegedly gave the deputy a false name and birthday. He was charged with falsification and obstructing justice.
The deputy says Sanchez-Rojaz also told him he “had been deported multiple times by immigration.” Authorities say he went on to elaborate that meant some “20-30 times.”
Sanchez-Rojaz also allegedly told the deputy that immigration officials “know me very well.”
Sanchez-Rojaz was taken to the Hamilton County Justice Center. Officials with Immigration and Customs Enforcement were also notified.
Sanchez-Rojaz is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday.

Blame “The ICE Priness,” ICE’s incompetent chieftess Julie L. Myers.
Ohio is the domain of Michigan/Ohio ICE Special Agent in Charge Brian Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz”. Blame him, too, for Sanchez-Rojaz being here, yet again. And blame him for a sheriff having to do Moskowitz’s job in catching this guy.
But, hey, Abu Moskowitz is too busy to handle these kinds of things. Too busy hanging out with FBI award revokee, marriage fraud perpetrator, and “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad, and too busy seeking out new extra-marital girlfriends.
Yup, too busy, while this guy comes in and out of the U.S. 20-30 times.
Heckuva Job!

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August 14, 2008, - 11:46 am

Meet the New Terrorism Apologists, er “Charity Investigators” . . . The Better Business Bureau?

By Debbie Schlussel
Extremist Muslim charities throughout America are upset their donations are down. They’re not upset that most Americans believe they finance terrorism abroad–as they usually do. They’re just upset that Muslims are starting to give them less because of it. Oh, and by the way, it’s not that American Muslims are against financing terrorism–in fact, they support it wholeheartedly. It’s just that they don’t want to get implicated in the legal crossfire and want to protect their own butts.
So, now, some Muslim charities–through some BS PR outfit, called Muslim Advocates–are partnering up with the Better Business Bureau, in an effort to get that kosher seal of approval. The BBB is apparently going to “vet” the charities and make sure they don’t give money to the wrong places. Riiiight.


The Better Business Bureau: Not Better, Not Terrorism Investigators

According to Wall Street Journal Palestinian reporter and Islamist apologist Tamara Audi, the Better Business Bureau will insist that boards of Islamic charities meet more often and provide a “detailed accounting of how the money collected by the charity is spent.”
Yes, forcing jihadists on American soil to meet more often will ensure that they don’t spend their charity’s money on terrorism. Uh-huh. That’ll work. Ditto for the “detailed accounting.”
Puh-leeze. The Better Business Bureau personnel are not terrorist investigators. They don’t trek to Afghanistan to see whether $60,000 that HAMAS/Al-Qaeda charity LIFE For Relief and Development raised in the name of “wheelchairs for the handicapped,” is not really going to Taliban mujahideen who make people handicapped and put them in wheelchairs. Are they gonna travel to Jalalabad and visit each alleged wheelchair recipient? Hello . . .?
I, myself, am no fan of the Better Business Bureau. I know from first-hand experience that their certification and approval process is a fraud and doesn’t mean a whit. And I don’t trust them.

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August 14, 2008, - 10:03 am

The FBI v. The Unabomber: More Bloviating and Waste From a Useless Bureaucratic Whale

By Debbie Schlussel
As I noted recently, the FBI just celebrated its 100th anniversary. But, as I also noted, it was a quiet celebration and few were celebrating.
That’s because the FBI has become a bloated bureaucratic whale, with few important cases actually cracked by the agency and a whole lot of butt-kissing to the most extreme of Muslims.
Now, the agency is fighting with the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, because he’s angry they are using his tiny cabin–from which he plotted his 18 years of bombings–in an exhibit of undeserved self-congratulation at the Newseum in Washington.


NON-FBI Special Agent David Kaczynski Cracked Unabomber Case;

Big Lie: Unabomber Shack is Not Badge of FBI Success

It’s rare that I side with serial killers, but I find it odd that the FBI is using Kaczynski’s 10-foot by 12-foot cabin as the largest display in its “G-Men and Journalists: Top News Stories of the FBI’s First Century.” In fact, but for Kaczynski’s own brother, David Kaczynski, coming forward at his wife, Linda Kaczynski’s urging and noting that the wording on the Unabomber’s notes matched his brother’s, the FBI would likely never have caught Ted Kaczynski.
Given the way the FBI does business, I’m betting people would still be getting mail bombs from the Unabomber today, but for his brother’s help.
That’s why the FBI has no business using the Unabomber’s hut in its exhibit. The agency did NOT crack the case. And to include this psycho-shack in its PR exhibit is a giant lie.
And not only is the Unabomber’s shack one of the exhibits at the FBI braggadocio-fest at the Newseum, it’s the CENTRAL exhibit and is the star of ads in the Washington Post pushing the FBI centennial exhibit.
Since, again, the FBI did NOT crack this case, that’s chutzpah. And it’s emblematic of the agency’s ever-decreasing utility. I’d love to know how much the FBI spent on helping Newseum put together this phony tribute to incompetence.

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August 13, 2008, - 2:25 pm

Now That Border is Allegedly Plugged, Aliens Sneak in On Water, Whine They Might Drown

By Debbie Schlussel
Now that our borders are supposedly plugged (and if you believe that, I have some land in the Arizona desert to sell you), smugglers are turning to the Gulf and Pacific to sneak in illegal aliens.
But some of ’em can’t swim. And the maritime smuggling route costs illegal aliens more. And that bothers alien activists, who are afraid illegal aliens might drown:

Fernando Garcia of the Border Network for Human Rights in El Paso says smugglers, who charge thousands of dollars to guide people across, will charge more, and more migrants will die navigating dangerous waters.

So sad, too bad. Attention, illegal aliens, here’s a tip: If you don’t want to drown, don’t come here.


Coast Guard Stops Water Coyote Operation

That’s the point of borders . . . to make it TOUGHER, not easier, to get in.
Predictably, the failed former INS chieftess, Doris Meissner, and some intellectual at a hifalutin’-sounding open borders think tank, are denouncing border enforcement, saying that aliens will simply find new ways to get in:

Illegal immigrants found new paths after a crackdown at the Southern California border in 1994, says Doris Meissner, then commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. She is a senior fellow at the Migration Policy Institute, a non-partisan think tank in Washington.
As a result of that earlier crackdown, illegal crossers started taking more dangerous routes through remote deserts and mountains, she says. “It has consistently been the experience that strengthening in one place leads to new places becoming pressure points,” she says. . . .
Wayne Cornelius, director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at the University of California-San Diego, says dozens of smugglers’ boats have been captured or found abandoned in the past year.
“The increase in maritime people smuggling is already with us,” he says. Extra border fortification “is only deflecting migrant traffic into other modes of entry.”

I can only imagine a King or knight of old saying, “Gee, why should I have a moat and drawbridges, when interlopers are just going to swim my moats and try to get in that way? I should just give up, fill in the moat, put down the drawbridges, and let all my enemies invade my castle, while I die.”
That’s essentially what Meissner and Cornelius are saying–that we should just give up because they’ll keep trying to get in. Yup, and people are going to keep murdering and stealing. So we should just give up on making those illegal, too. Cracking down won’t help, right?

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August 13, 2008, - 1:26 pm

Who is Rita Hauser?: Arafat-Gushing, Israel-Hating Jew is 1/3 of Trio on Team Obama GOP; “Republicans” For Obama Are Islamist-Enablers

By Debbie Schlussel
Three “Republicans” (In Name Only)–former Congressman Jim Leach, former U.S. Senator Lincoln Chafee, and Bush family friend Rita Hauser–are the leaders of “Republicans for Obama.”
But with Hauser at the forefront, they might as well call the group Lewinskys for Arafat. At least that has been the lifelong role of Rita Hauser, a virulently pro-P.L.O. fundraiser for George W. Bush. I’ve followed this woman for many years, and it’s of note that Obamaslobbering Wall Street Journal fabricator Amy Chozick, yet again, chose not to tell readers the truth. She mentions not a word of Rita Hauser’s pro-P.L.O. activities and the millions the terrorist group paid her.


Rita Hauser: Obama’s Self-Hating, Terror-Pandering Jewess-in-Chief

The most spot-on description of Rita Hauser is on Masada 2000 (with background music of “Who Let The Dogs Out?”), where she is a member of the Jewish S.H.I.T. (Self-Hating and/or Israel-Threatening Jews). Here’s just a tad:

Her unsolicited meddling on behalf of the Jewish State led to the Oslo Peace Accords and the resulting murder of more than 1,400 Jews! But this lady is not through with Israel yet, in fact, not by a long shot. On a Oct.14, 2003 C-SPAN2 speech, she told her audience, “It’s a moral duty to speak out against Israel” followed by “The Oslo Process was the best thing that ever happened to Israel!” … “a joyous moment.”

Read the rest.
According to the New York Sun, Hauser is the funder of the Edward Said chair at Columbia University occupied by the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel Rashid Khalidi who has harassed Jewish students (she likes him), and her law firm was the registered representative and lobbyist for the Palestinian Authority from the time it was still run by Yasser Arafat, her friend:

“I made a contribution,” Ms. Hauser said, describing the chair’s namesake, Professor Edward Said, as “a friend of mine. I admire him.”
As for the appointment of Mr. Khalidi to the position, Ms. Hauser said she was happy with his selection.
“I like him very much. He’s a splendid guy, a Palestinian intellectual, a first-class choice, and I think everybody’s pleased,” she said.
Ms. Hauser declined to disclose how much her foundation donated to the Said chair. . . .
Ms. Hauser’s former law firm, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, was registered with the Department of Justice as recently as 2001 as an agent for the Palestinian Authority.

If this is a “Republican” for Barack Obama, that should tell you something. And Barack Obama has a lot of questions to answer. We know he’s anti-Israel and has surrounded himself with anti-Semites from the Nation of Islam and elsewhere. But since he’s engaging in revisionist self-history and trying to pretend that’s not true, someone ought to ask him whether he endorses the views of Rashid Khalidi, with whom he’s had many connections and associations that have already been reported. He must answer yes or no, once and for all. And if the answer is “no,” then why is Rita Hauser the head of “Republicans for Obama”?
Today’s New York Sun has a great editorial exposing the anti-Israel, pro-Arafat, pro-Iran conduct of all three of these so-called Republicans for Obama. Read it!
With Republicans like them, who needs enemies?

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August 13, 2008, - 10:12 am

Charles Murray is Right: College is a Waste of Time

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve always said that college is a four-year artificial way to keep people out of the work force. For most, it doesn’t teach them anything, unless they are studying engineering or some of the biological sciences. Poll after poll shows that college students are ignorant and dumber than ever–yes, even at the over-rated Harvard and Yale. And the four years in a scenic setting don’t make ’em any smarter. On the contrary, it’s usually the other way around.
Today, scholar Charles Murray–one of my favorite sociologists and writers–has an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, “For Most People, College is a Waste of Time.” It’s an essay from his upcoming book, “Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America’s Schools Back to Reality.”


In his essay, Murray points out how silly and unnecessary college is for everyone except those studying a few scientific disciplines. He proposes, instead, standardized examinations akin to the CPA exam for aspiring accountants. He points out that standardized exams and measurements would actually open up accreditation in most fields to those economically unable to go to college. Everyone, instead, would have to do well on the same exams and could study whereever and however they wanted for those exams.
Of course, you know this will never happen. Colleges are big business. They have NFL, NBA, and NHL players to train. They have talentless, left-wing professors with the same lecture notes and syllabi as 20 years ago to which to pay $100,000 plus salaries. And, after all, doesn’t everyone need to experience a drunken frat party to say they’ve truly lived? College presidents and giant, established bureaucracies that have been built around this mass gathering of airheads, bong-hits, and Barack Obama rallies, would never allow their tax-sucking, rent-seeking, hate-America-pimping, ever-growing fiefdoms to be destroyed. Why stop this genius way to drain America’s hard-working, middle-class families of all their savings and transfer it into the pockets of lazy left-wing intellectuals who look like Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh? It’ll never happen . . . at least, not in my lifetime.
Plus, we will hear the usual stale claptrap ojections that we hear from self-anointed civil rights activists today about the SATs and ACTs–whines and complaints alleging that standardized tests are “racist” and “discriminatory.”
Still, I like Charles Murray’s idea–even if, for now and the foreseeable future, it will sadly not be in the cards. To date, employers continue to put a value (though the value is decreasing rapidly) on a degree at Schmo U. Here’s an excerpt:

Imagine that America had no system of post-secondary education, and you were a member of a task force assigned to create one from scratch. One of your colleagues submits this proposal:
First, we will set up a single goal to represent educational success, which will take four years to achieve no matter what is being taught. We will attach an economic reward to it that seldom has anything to do with what has been learned. We will urge large numbers of people who do not possess adequate ability to try to achieve the goal, wait until they have spent a lot of time and money, and then deny it to them. We will stigmatize everyone who doesn’t meet the goal. We will call the goal a “BA.”
You would conclude that your colleague was cruel, not to say insane. But that’s the system we have in place. . . .
The solution is not better degrees, but no degrees. Young people entering the job market should have a known, trusted measure of their qualifications they can carry into job interviews. That measure should express what they know, not where they learned it or how long it took them. They need a certification, not a degree.
The model is the CPA exam that qualifies certified public accountants. The same test is used nationwide. It is thorough — four sections, timed, totaling 14 hours. A passing score indicates authentic competence (the pass rate is below 50%). Actual scores are reported in addition to pass/fail, so that employers can assess where the applicant falls in the distribution of accounting competence. You may have learned accounting at an anonymous online university, but your CPA score gives you a way to show employers you’re a stronger applicant than someone from an Ivy League school.

Read the whole thing.
Charles Murray is, without a doubt, one of the great thinkers of our time. If only we would follow even a fraction of his suggestions.

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August 13, 2008, - 9:23 am

When You’re @ “Olive Garden”, Even a Slut “Celeb Endorser” is “Family”

By Debbie Schlussel
So, you’re a highly successful marketing executive. You’ve managed to make your mid-priced, mediocre, imitation-Italian, chain restaurant food a household name around America. For FAMILIES.
In fact, your establishment’s well known slogan is, “When you’re here, you’re family.”
But then, but then–something bad happens. Somebody sorta well known for doing nothing of note repeatedly endorses your product. Problem is that somebody is known for being a sleazebag and a well-known likely incubator of communicable diseases, for taking her clothes off, for being a bimbo extraordinaire, and for being one of Hugh Hefner’s silicone-valleyed reality TV concubines.
What do you do? Your national restaurant chain’s reputation as a wholesome, family dining experience–the reputation you and other advertising execs worked so hard to build–could be down the drain in an instant. Worse, restaurant fans might become former fans, and they might make some connection with the filth and diseases this woman embodies and translate it to what they’re eating. As in, “When this slut is here, her diseases and behavior are ‘family’, too.”


Hugh Hefner Concubine Kendra Wilkinson:

When Sleaze, Disease, and Silicone Come to Olive Garden, They’re Family

So you have no choice but to desperately ignore this woman and make her go away. Well, actually, you do have a choice: to denounce her. But apparently, Olive Garden simply doesn’t have the cojones to denounce this sleazebagette who shares Hugh Hefner’s cojones, and they won’t even denounce her stupid Playboy pictorial contest for Olive Garden waitresses.
Way to protect that “family” image, Olive Garden:

Kendra Wilkinson, a Playboy cover model, television star and one of Hugh Hefner’s three live-in girlfriends, professes deep love for the Olive Garden Italian restaurant chain.
The feeling isn’t mutual.
To the consternation of Olive Garden’s marketers, who have spent millions crafting the franchise’s family-friendly image, the 23-year-old adult-entertainment star and aspiring real-estate mogul repeatedly uses her spotlight to rave about its midprice eateries. Ms. Wilkinson hoists Olive Garden doggie bags in the air and extols its chicken parmigiana. She once scandalized European diners by declaring the Olive Garden preferable to any restaurants in Italy.
Ms. Wilkinson, whose tan skin and blonde-white hair project classic California, isn’t on the payroll. She is a rogue brand ambassador: a celebrity who is genuinely, publicly devoted to a product or service, even if he or she doesn’t quite embody the values that the brand’s managers may be trying to convey.
Executives at Olive Garden declined to discuss the uninvited spokesmodel. One official says the company has tried to walk a fine line with its response, maintaining the chain’s wholesome image without alienating potential customers. “I don’t feel comfortable talking about this…because it is a complicated issue for the brand.”

Complicated? I think it’s pretty simple. Why can’t they just say this?:

Olive Garden is a family restaurant. We do not endorse the lifestyle embraced by Hugh Hefner and his harem of concubines. Frankly, we at Olive Garden think that it is time for this octegenarian child to grow up. We think the bimbos on his reality show, including the one who likes our food, are poor role models for the female employees and customers of Olive Garden.

But, of course, Olive Garden doesn’t have the guts, because the restaurant might offend that key demographic of Playboy readers (for the articles, of course) and concubine centerfolds of the month. If the restaurant had the guts to publicize the message I wrote above, a lot of families would applaud.
But instead Olive Garden execs are remaining mum, as the peroxided, breast-implanted shenanigans continues:

Earlier this year, buoyed by her starring role on “The Girls Next Door,” a highly rated reality show that follows the lives of Mr. Hefner’s girlfriends, Ms. Wilkinson launched a modeling competition for attractive Olive Garden waitresses. The prize: a nude Playboy pictorial. Ms. Wilkinson took the contestants’ photographs herself.
“Our position is that our team members as private citizens have freedom to participate,” says Olive Garden spokesman Mara Frazier. “While we’re not endorsing the initiative, we’re not making choices for our employees.” Olive Garden is a unit of Orlando, Fla.-based Darden Restaurants Inc., which also owns the Red Lobster seafood chain.

If the restaurant had even the slightest guts, it would instruct employees who participate in this, um, “competition” that they will be terminated.
But, again, Olive Garden simply doesn’t have the guts. It does, though, have a lot of pasta and sauce it wants to pimp on families. . . and apparently the Hefner fan base.
Olive Garden . . . the New Hooters.
I’ve written about this ho-bag, Ms. Wilkinson, before. In August 2006, I wrote:

Playboy “model” (euphemism) and Hugh Hefner “girlfriend” (euphemism) Kendra Wilkinson is upset that Eminem spilled a bottle of water on her at a video shoot. We’re definitely NOT fans of Eminem. But, hello? This woman who repeatedly flashes the camera on “The Girls Next Door” reality show is mad that a rap star poured water on her. You’re a glorified whore. Don’t be shocked–shocked!–when a rap star treats you like one.
Live life like a wet t-shirt contestant, get treated like one.

Well, in two years, nothing has changed, except, again, that Olive Garden can’t get up the nerve to give her the verbal bitch-slap she badly deserves.

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August 12, 2008, - 3:43 pm

“ICE, The Movie” Delayed Again

By Debbie Schlussel
Readers know that I’ve been following the odyssey of the anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) movie, “Crossing Over,” or as I call it, “ICE, The Movie.” It stars Harrison Ford and Sean “Jeff Spicoli” Penn. I’ve read the script, and I’m negatively impressed.
As I’ve noted, “Crossing Over” lies about ICE policy regarding detaining alien mothers and their children–a main premise of the movie simply isn’t true. As I’ve also noted, makers of this movie eliminated a very accurate Muslim honor killing scene when Muslims whined about it. And finally, as I’ve noted, writer/director Wayne Kramer appears to have committed immigration fraud to get U.S. citizenship, since he is apparently a main character in the movie who commits the crime and since he claims he lived every step of the movie. When I first noted this, the director’s and studio’s lawyers sent me threatening letters (which didn’t work).


Harrison Ford is ICE Special Agent Max Brogan in “Crossing Over”

Many readers–including ICE agents–have asked me when the movie is coming out, since it does not appear on the schedule anywhere, and when I last wrote about it, the movie was scheduled for the August cinematic cemetery, where all bad movies go to die a quick death.
Since then, the movie has been yet again moved to the end of October. The movie was originally set to debut last November, then December, then March, then April, then June, then July, then August. That’s a bad sign when a movie keeps getting moved. It’s also a bad sign when the movie doesn’t even have a trailer or movie poster yet. I predict that this movie–IF it’s ever released in movie theaters–will bomb.

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