August 18, 2008, - 6:00 pm

On Rick Warren: What Neither Candidate Said @ the Saddleback Church

By Debbie Schlussel
Everyone watching the Presidential race is talking about the “debate” at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church.
But no one and neither of the candidates said what should have been said. And that’s that John McCain had no business being at a church of a man who legitimizes and panders to the same country he says he will not: Syria and its leader, Bashar Assad.
Rick Warren not only went to Syria, he praised it as a moderate country and expressed his admiration of it. Maybe next he’ll do the same for Myanmar and Sudan.
While his performance there was impressive, McCain is supposed to be the guy who says we’re fighting in Iraq so we don’t have to fight terrorists here–a completely fraudulent argument since the terrorists are already here and while we’re fighting them there, we’re capitulating to them here.


The Company He Keeps:

Rick Warren Fetes Syrian Terrorist Tyrant Bashar Assad

So what the heck was he doing at the church of a left-wing pseudo-evangelical who reaches out to terrorists–who reaches out to terrorist host-state Syria, where sundry Islamic terrorist groups have their headquarters, where Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner lives in freedom and sanction, where Munich Olympic terrorist Jamil Al-Gashey lives in peace and sanction?
Why did John McCain not say no to Rick Warren? Or if he felt compelled to participate in this “debate,” why did he not say anything about it? He could have scored a lot of points by saying at some point during the debate that he thought it was wrong for a prominent American Christian pastor to legitimize this awful Nazi-like regime in Syria. But he said nothing.
That nauseates me. It shows me that, like Barack Hussein Obama, John McCain has no qualms about the company he keeps. And you can’t tell Obama you object to his ideas of dealing with terrorist states like Iran and Syria with no preconditions, and at the same time elevate the Christian minister who does exactly that when he gives the evangelical seal of approval to a mass murderer–Bashar Assad.
Any preacher or minister that fetes a man who barbarically tortures democratic dissent–as Assad does–and who is involved in the rape of another country, as Assad and his father, Hafez El-Assad did to Lebanon (not to mention the flattening of their own population in Hama), does not deserve the presence of a future President.
We know where Barack Obama stands on “outreach” to these despots. We thought we knew where John McCain stood.
With this Rick Warren confab, perhaps we were wrong.
By the way, I do not believe for a second that Pastor Rick Warren represents the thinking of most Evangelical Christians in America. Most of them are against pandering to and legitimizing Syria and the Assads. But, by appearing at Warren’s church and not pointing this out or voicing a tad of an objection, McCain helped elevate this left-wing pandering to Syria.

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August 18, 2008, - 5:23 pm

Interesting Read: Poetic Justice for Ex-Hit Man in Detroit

By Debbie Schlussel
As a federal agent friend of mine says:

There are no swans in the sewer.

He uses that to describe informants he’s used who are less than perfect in the criminal record department. They’re often needed to get even worse scum in the sewer.
And likewise, sometimes prosecutors have to make deals with the less than savory to get the big fish. What I object to is that often they make deals with pretty big fish to get at fish that don’t seem as big.
For instance, who could be bigger than a hitman from a drug gang? The only thing bigger–in terms of death and destruction–is the kingpin.
That brings us to the case of Nate Craft. He was a hitman. He made a deal with prosecutors And now he’s out of the joint. Still, he can’t leave his house and is required per probation laws to remain in Michigan, where those he fingered want to kill him.
Not that I feel bad for him. I don’t. And I can’t understand why prosecutors made a deal with this admitted killer of over 30 people! He was considered “one of the most ruthless members of the vicious Best Friends” drug gang. Says Craft:

Half the time I wasn’t paying too much attention to (the gang’s hit list). We would just go out and start popping people.

Hard to believe the feds found a reason to make a deal with this cretin.
And now, there’s poetic justice of sorts, as he lives in fear in his home in Detroit. Still, he’s alive.
While I agree that the feds and local authorities have an interest in showing snitches and stoolies that they’ll be protected if they tattle, in this case, making a deal with this guy sounds ridiculous. Yes, there are no swans in the sewer, but making a deal with the most unswanlike in the sewer . . .?
A very interesting story and read. But keep in mind that the Detroit Newsistan is sobbing for this serial murderer, and that’s the wrong tack here.
Like I said, his fear now is something of poetic justice.
So sad, too bad.

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August 18, 2008, - 2:03 pm

Bleccch!: Tonight on HBO . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . one of the ugliest Kennedys profiles one of the ugliest White House correspondents. Oops, I think I just doubled the number of viewers to the two cat-ladies who have HBO.
Rory Kennedy–whose scheduled wedding led to the death of the previous Obamessiah (JFK, Jr.)–made a “documentary” gushing over far-leftist, Arab, anti-Israel, pro-terrorist White House correspondent Helen Thomas, who is apparently 88 years old. Ms. Kennedy’s previous docufakery was an attack on America’s soldiers in Iraq, regarding something we’ve never heard about: Abu Ghraib. (The hags of “The View” liked it.)


Rory Kennedy, Helen Thomas: Ugly Documents Ugly

Both these “dames” are as ugly on the inside as on the outside.
Must Skip TV.
**** UPDATE, 08/19/08: Thanks to reader “Ripper” for reminding me of this classic Tony Snow moment, in which he thanks Helen Thomas for giving us the Hezbollah position:

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August 18, 2008, - 12:53 pm

Still NO Olympic Memorial For Slain Israeli Athletes; When TV/Hollywood Had Guts

By Debbie Schlussel
A couple of weeks ago, I noted that in 36 years, there still hasn’t been a formal Olympic memorial to the slain Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. (Read my 2002 column on the history of anti-Semitism at the Olympics, the slain Israeli athletes at Munich, and the continued Olympic refusal to officially memorialize them.)
Although the International Olympic Committee claims it does not memorialize athletes, Mitt Romney–who organized the 2002 Olympic Games–wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on a stupid Alvin Ailey dancers tribute to Florence Griffith-Joyner, whose death was rumored to be tied to her rumored use of steroids. The Israelis gave their lives for being Jews at the Olympics. Flo-Jo gave her life for . . .?
Romney could have memorialized the Israeli athletes but also chose the Flo-Jo absurdity, instead. So much for this fraud who claims he understands jihad and radical Islam and wants to be McCain’s Veep. Mitt Happens.



Now, Carl in Jerusalem says there is a scheduled Olympic memorial to the Israeli athletes on Monday Night. But he fails to note that this “memorial” is no different than the previous ones held by others at previous Olympics. It is NOT an official Olympic event and DOES NOT have the approval of the International Olympic Committee. That’s why Olympic head honcho Jacques Rogge WON’T be there. And it’s why he WON’T allow a formal event like Flo-Jo got.
In fact, the widows of the slain Israeli athletes are rightfully upset:

Two widows of Israeli team members killed at the 1972 Munich Games urged Olympic chiefs on Monday to include a tribute in opening ceremonies to those who died in the standoff with Palestinian gunmen.
Eleven Israeli athletes and coaches were taken hostage by the Black September militant group, which was demanding the release of Palestinian prisoners. They were killed in the standoff, in which five of the gunmen and a German policeman also died.
“We feel (the tribute) has to be in the framework of the Olympics because they were part of the Olympics family. They were not just people who came to visit the Olympics.” Ankie Spitzer, widow of fencing coach Andre Spitzer, told reporters.
The Israeli embassy in Beijing hosted a memorial event attended by Israel’s team, diplomats and Olympic officials.
International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Jacques Rogge attended a similar event in Athens in 2004 but sent former IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch this year.
“Samaranch has been absolutely negative to our request all these years. He said we were bringing politics to the Olympics. We said we were not political at all,” said Spitzer.

Recently, I watched the DVD of “21 Hours at Munich,” which ABC aired in 1976 as a TV movie. It was nominated for two Emmys. Today, none of the networks would have the guts to air this movie, much less would the Hollywood charlatans nominate it for any award. It is chilling and tearjerking at the end when Israeli athletes in helicopters know they are about to die and utter the “Shema,” the Jewish prayer about the monotheism of G-d.
(I highly recommend you buy this DVD and see this movie from the days when Hollywood wasn’t afraid to say and do the right thing about Islamic terror.)


These athletes, of Blessed Memory, deserve an official memorial with Jacques Rogge not only in attendance, but with the official Olympic seal and endorsement, such as in the opening ceremonies, like Flo-Jo got.
As I said two weeks ago, what’s so great about the Olympics. The answer still remains: nothing. That these people who claim to embody a nebulous “Olympic spirit” cannot find it within themselves–after 21 hours of their horrid security (which led the Israelis’ murders) and 36 years of requests from their widows and families–tells us the Olympics means nothing.
There is no Olympic “spirit,” except the endorsement of evil (the Palestinian terrorists now have their Olympic team–and their “leader” is the paymaster for the Munich murders, Mahmoud Abbas) and the refusal to memorialize the good.
In case you were wondering how the Arab terrorists infiltrated the Olympic Village, aside from the poor security, here’s how the New York Times reported it at the time:

Partial explanation of how the Arabs knew so much about the Israeli compound in the Olympic Village came from Dr. Bruno Merk, the Interior Minister of Bavaria. He said that at least one of the terrorists was an official employee in the village and that there was reason to believe some of his confederates had also obtained accreditation.

The Germans eventually let all the surviving Munich terrorists go, after Arab terrorists hijacked a Lufthansa plane that October. They were given a heroes welcome in the Arab Muslim world. Today, the only believed surviving Munich terrorist, Jamal Al-Gashey, lives in Syria in peace and freedom, unlike his victims who were murdered.
These Israeli Athletes Gave Their Lives for the Olympics . . .



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August 18, 2008, - 11:00 am

OUTRAGE: Hezbollah Terrorist Who Trained in Dearbornistan Park w/ AK-47 Goes Free; May Be Medical Doc in Mich

By Debbie Schlussel
More Desperate But Not Serious America.
Remember Houssein Ali Zorkot? More on him here.
He’s the Hezbollah fanatic and apparent terrorist arrested last year, who trained in Dearbornistan’s Hemlock Park with an AK-47 and maintained a pro-Hezbollah website stating that he was going to take action on behalf of Hezbollah in the “start of my personal jihad (in the US)”. He wore camouflage face paint and was a medical student at Wayne State University.
Well, you may soon be saying Dr. Houssein Ali Zorkot, because Zorkot was sentenced to only two years probation. Free as a bird.


This was on Houssein Zorkot’s Now-Defunct Website . . .

Yup, this man who was obviously training for a terrorist attack, tried to flee police, and whom police thought was going to shoot them (they had to zap him with a taser), was given freedom. I have represented people on minor drunk driving offenses who’ve gotten way worse. And they weren’t training to kill anyone, announcing it on their websites.
Here’s a brief flashback from the Zorkot story:

Officers used a Taser, which struck Zorkot between his shoulder blades. The electrical jolt caused him to fall to the ground, where he began rolling back and forth while yelling “Ali Ackbed.” [DS: It’s “Allahu Akbar”–allah is the greater or greatest”.]
When Zorkot refused to comply with officers’ orders, he was stunned again and taken into custody. As police placed him into the back of a patrol vehicle, he allegedly said: “You think this is over? This is not over.”
Evidence technicians then searched his vehicle and found two pairs of cloth gloves; a military combat belt with a canteen and two knives; boots with socks; a receipt for the AK-47 rifle and ammunition; a gunlock and keys; a list of metropolitan Detroit shooting ranges; numerous photographs of Zorkot standing in front of a billboard depicting “various Muslim extremists;” a briefcase containing a laptop; and a cell phone.
Two cameras, a portable AM/FM radio, a pair of binoculars, four computer CDs, an Army surplus bag, a camouflage face paint kit, a Lebanese flag, a VCR cassette of “The Never Ending Story,” and eight prepaid international phone cards were also found inside the vehicle.

This is a huge moral victory for Hezbollah and its various operatives and supporters inside America–of which there are plenty who are a lot more discreet than Houssein Zorkot. And it’s a huge moral victory for the tens of thousands of Shi’ite Muslims in Dearbornistan and Dearbornistan Heights and throughout the Detroit area–all of whom support Hezbollah and most of whom were rooting for and defending this guy, Zorkot. None of them spoke out against Zorkot or what he did.
It’s also a victory for Dearbornistan’s corrupt, pan-Islamist Mayor John “Jack” O’Reilly, who withheld info on Zorkot’s initial arrest for three days, claiming this was to delay “panic” of another terrorist attack. Abu O’Reilly, who defended Zorkot as merely disturbed and not a terrorist, is laughing–in his case, probably all the way to the bank. O’Reilly, who voted for a lucrative, shady deal for Hezbollah financier Talal Chahine, is believed to have taken money from Chahine, just as his friend and predecessor Dearborn Mayor, Michael Guido, did.
Had Dearbornistan cops not stopped Zorkot, who knows how many people he might have murdered in an attack with his AK-47?
The screw-up in prosecuting this guy can be blamed wholly on the Wayne County Prosecutor, Kym Worthy–the woman who is garnering positive headlines for her prosecution of Detroit Mayor Kwame Malik Kilpatrick. While she was busy courting the headlines, her office–utilizing an Arab assistant prosecutor–bungled the case entirely (probably deliberately) and then agreed to this ridiculous plea deal with Zorkot. Interesting that while Worthy is tough on the Mayor of Detroit, she is soft on Hezbollah terrorists who want to become doctors and do who knows what to their patients.
I also blame Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Diane Hathaway, who agreed to this absurd plea deal and gave him the lenient two year probation sentence. Hathaway’s name was not mentioned in news reports, but I called around to the courts to get the details. She could have rejected the plea deal. She could have given him a tougher sentence. She chose neither of those options because, obviously, Judge Hathaway, is soft on terrorism.
Clearly, America is not only not more serious since September 11, 2001. It is less so. Ironically, Zorkot was arraigned last year on September 11th.
With the knowledge that Houssein Zorkot now walks free, the victims of September 11th are probably turning over in their graves.
Like I said, don’t be surprised if Zorkot finishes up medical school and is admitted to practice medicine in the State of Michigan. I will be following his “career.”
America . . . Desperate but Not Serious in fighting Islamic terrorism on our own soil.
When searching his home, police found photos of Houssein Zorkot in front of this Hezbollah billboard. We still don’t know who took the photos and was in on his jihadist plans. Since his telling that info to authorities was neither part of his plea agreement nor his sentence, we’ll now never know.


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August 15, 2008, - 2:50 pm

Weekend Box Office: “Henry Poole” One of Year’s BEST; Anti-Communist “Singing Revolution” Skips Estonian Anti-Semitism/Nazism, Demented But Okay Woody Allen’s Latest;

By Debbie Schlussel
**** Read my reviews of “Tropic Thunder” and “When Did You Last See Your Father?” From Earlier in the Week ****
Among this weekend’s offerings at the box office is ONE OF THIS YEAR’S BEST MOVIES, “Henry Poole Is Here.” Due to dueling movie screenings, I did not screen “Fly Me to the Moon,” and did not see “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” because the screening was on the Jewish Sabbath. I hear both are substandard. “Mirrors” was not screened for critics, a hint that it’s bad.
* “Henry Poole Is Here“: This is ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF THE YEAR! It’s hard to describe this movie without giving away key spoilers. But this movie is a must see.


If you are a person of faith, see this movie. It is about the power of belief in G-d and miracles. And it brought me to tears–of both sadness and, at the end, joy. It is moving without trying to be, and it’s well done. It’s about how those who do not believe, those who are atheists and agnostics, fail to see what’s right before their eyes.
Even though it had Christian and Catholic themes and I am a religious Jew, as a person of faith I loved this movie. Finally Hollywood has made a movie for us.
Luke Wilson, who does an excellent job, in this movie as the lead, a man who plops down money on a house in the neighborhood where he grew up. He’s a negative, pessimistic man who is down on life and just wants to be left alone as he drinks himself into stupor after stupor. He keeps telling people he won’t be living at the house for a long time.
Wilson’s unwelcome next door neighbor, a religious Hispanic Catholic soon discovers that a rust stain, from a bad stucco job on Wilson’s home, resembles Jesus. Soon, Catholics from all over come to see the stain, and miracles begin to happen.
I can’t say much more or it will ruin the movie for you. And this is a movie well worth seeing. I cannot say enough great things about it.
It’s sad this movie was debuted in the movie cemetery of August. Go see this movie and catch it while you can. Better seen on the large theater screen than on DVD.
* “The Singing Revolution“: Playing at arthouse theaters, this short documentary (1.5 hours) seems very long. It’s about how Estonians managed to destroy the Soviet Communist yoke of tyranny on their country through nationalistic songs about freedom at an annual singing festival, called “Laulupido”. Lollapalooza it ain’t. It’s more important than that, BUT . . .
And a big BUT:
While I’m strongly anti-Communist and love the rare documentary that shows its horrors and the victory over it by people’s yearning to be free, I couldn’t help but remember the history of Estonian anti-Semitism and pogroms against and persecution of Jews in that country, which continue even today.
The Estonians are not wholly innocent people, and they’ve not been called to task over their tyranny against the Jews in this movie. That’s a gaping hole in this movie because it purports to tell the history of Nazi and Communist domination of the country.
When the Nazi’s takeover of Estonia is mentioned, it is quickly glossed over and pawned off on the “Estonians had no choice” baloney. They had a choice, and they chose to not only fight alongside the Germans, but to endorse and participate in the Nazi mass murder of Jews. That’s a choice. And they chose it. They even had a special SS Waffen unit that was especially brutal in its treatment of Jews and other Nazi victims. And Estonians continue to choose this immoral and outrageous path in their continuing embrace of the Nazis and anti-Semitism.
Yes, they were victims of Communism, but the Estonians were also perpetrators and aided in the Holocaust–and that far outpaces and overshadows their “victimhood.” More than anything, Estonians were perpetrators, NOT victims. To skip that part of the story is to not tell their story at all. And to lie. Again, while I like any anti-Communist documentary, especially one with a happy ending, I don’t like fake-umentaries and docu-fakeries. And that’s what this is.
Plus, it was long, boring, and seemed very dated. What was 1.5 hours should have been 20 minutes. We don’t need to hear the same stuff repeated over and over and see a million little kids singing songs that sound terrible and which we can’t understand.
* “Vicky Cristina Barcelona“: I had mixed feelings about this 39th film from Woody Allen. My initial reaction is, “This is Demented, with a capital ‘D’.”
But, after all, I did like the conclusion of the movie: That if you cheat on your stable but boring relationship, you’ll only get trouble; and if you constantly seek an “exciting”, “passionate”, melodramatic relationship, you’ll only get trouble and never be happy.
Still, I’m not sure it was worth watching the salami-making in between to come out with that message.
The best thing about this movie is the beautiful scenery and architecture of Spain–the cities of Barcelona and Oviedo are the settings. Having never been there, now I don’t have to go there and spend money and give funds to left-wing, America-hating Spaniards. I’ve seen it in this movie.
The story is about two close American friends, Vicky (Rebecca Hall)–who is staid, conservative, and engaged to be married to a regular and boring, but stable, guy–and Cristina (Scarlett Johansson), who looks down upon stable American-style relationships and sees herself as a Barack Obama-style citizen of the world, who seeks a European-style (or what she thinks is “European”) passionate, messy, and melodramatic relationship. They travel to Spain on vacation and are staying at an older American couple’s house.
They meet a Spanish artist (Javier Bardem), who recently had a messy divorce with his ex-wife, Penelope Cruz. He invites Vicky and Cristina to fly on his plane to Oviedo, spend, the weekend with him, and have a three-some. Vicky declines, but comes along to protect Cristina. Eventually, both fall in love with and sleep with Bardem, and it ruins Vicky’s life and relationship forever. Cristina then moves in with him and eventually has a weird menage-a-trois relationship with Bardem and Cruz.
The best part of the movie is Vicky’s fiance’s monologue about Cristina’s pretentious hatred of stable married relationships and her endless, unhappy quest for something more and more deviant, complicated, and melodramatic.
Like I said, some good messages, but you have to tread through too much demented excrement and bizarre stuff to get there. Everyone is unhappy and crazy in this movie. Typical Woody Allen.

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August 15, 2008, - 2:27 pm

Drink George Washington’s Whiskey

By Debbie Schlussel
Early last year, John Fund wrote a very interesting piece on George Washington’s Distillery. It’s been reconstructed near his Mount Vernon home, and Fund wrote about how Washington’s distillery was probably the #1 producer of whiskey in all of colonial America:

When it came to his own future career as a distiller, Washington paid careful attention to the business. Mount Vernon owns the original financial ledger for the operation. This was no retiree’s hobby; the ledger shows many important local families were customers and made the distillery very successful. The good times ended after Washington’s sudden death in 1799 at age 67. His distillery passed into the hands of other owners and by 1814 had been dismantled to provide construction materials for nearby homes.


Had Washington lived longer, who knows how big his infant whiskey operation could have grown? At the dedication of the rebuilt distillery, Mr. Rees spoke of what might have been: “If Washington had lived another five or maybe 10 years, I think one of his descendants would be sitting right there, in this audience, right next to the other CEOs of the nation’s best distilleries.”
But today’s whiskey barons have nothing to fear from a new Mount Vernon-sponsored whiskey line. Mr. Rees says he plans to limit the new output of Washington’s brew to a few commemorative bottles that will raise money at auction for Mount Vernon’s educational programs–which attract over a million visitors a year to the historic site and the new museum complex next to it.

Fund tried the whiskey and liked it. Now, you can try it, too, get your commemorative bottle, and tour the facility. From today’s USA Today Food Dispatches:

Take a swig of Washington’s whiskey
Now everyone has a chance to drink like a Founding Father.
Whiskey created at George Washington’s reconstructed distillery near his home at Mount Vernon, Va. – once the largest whiskey distillery in the fledgling USA – is on sale on the premises and in the mansion’s gift shop. For $25, spirit connoisseurs receive a 50-milliliter bottle (the size of an airplane mini) of a limited-edition blend of 11 American whiskeys vatted and bottled on mansion grounds. It’s 121 proof, so modern-day drinkers are advised to cut it with water. A shot glass is included.
Built on the grounds of Washington’s original distillery, the George Washington Distillery is 3 miles south of Mount Vernon and is open from April through Oct. 31. Admission is $4 for adults, $2 for children ages 6-11 and free for children 5 and under (discounts apply when combined with a Mount Vernon trip). Information: 703-780-2000 or

Read more about George Washington’s Distillery here and here.


Check Out the Real George W’s Whiskey

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August 15, 2008, - 2:12 pm

Religion of Cyanide Cannisters: About the Muslim in Denver with Cyanide

By Debbie Schlussel
Many readers have sent me articles over the last three days about Saleman Abdirahman Dirie, the Somalian-born Muslim Canadian who snuck into the U.S., had no passport, and was found dead in his Denver hotel room with enough cyanide to kill many, many people just weeks before the Democratic National Convention there.
Is he a terrorist? Hell, yeah. Must we ask? This story should be headline news, but predictably has been shunted off to the margins.
Of course, his sister says he’s not a terrorist, just “misunderstood” and mentally troubled (as they all are . . . when they’re caught). Same old BS. Oh, and he “hijacked his religion”–or maybe “cyanide poisoned his religion”.


I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t travel with cannisters of cyanide. Something about that restriction of only three-ounces of toothpaste.

Private Investigator Bill Warner
has much more on Dirie and his apparent links to Islamic extremists and terrorism supporters.
Sirius Patriot Channel host Mike Church asks another great question:
How many cannisters of cyanide were there in his hotel room before Dirie was found?
We’ll never know . . . until it is too late.
Meanwhile, tell the non-Muslim little old ladies not to dare bring more than three ounces of shampoo in your carry-on luggage.

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August 15, 2008, - 12:54 pm

“The Dark Prince”: Most Famous American Bimbo Now “Dating” UAE “Milk” Sheikh

By Debbie Schlussel
You know how the Islamic world views most American women as slutty, ignorant bimbos? Well, now, an unnamed Abu Dhabi Prince has added to his harem an American woman who most fits that description: Pamela Anderson. Abu Dhabi is one of the seven United Arab Emirates.
Anderson calls the unidentified Sheikh, her “Milk Sheikh.” (The thing is that the “kh” at the end of the word “Sheikh” is not pronounced like a hard K, and more like the sound of clearing one’s throat. Not that anyone expects this anti-Einstein to know these things.)
I guess it doesn’t bother Anderson that the Abu Dhabi ruling family, the Al-Nahyans, funded anti-Semitic speakers and literature spreading Holocaust denial, 9/11 Trutherism (saying Israel, the Jews, and the CIA were behind 9/11).


Aging Baywatch Babe Finds Her Dark Prince:

Latest Concubine of Abu Dhabi Al-Nahyan Harem

I also find it interesting that Anderson–a strict vegan and outspoken animal rights activist and PETA spokesperson–isn’t bothered by the barbaric, strict Islamic halal slaughter of animals, to which the Al-Nahyans adhere.
Not, of course, that she has enough brain cells to comprehend these things. Or care.
Apparently Anderson met the unnamed Al-Nahyan family Prince when she visited Abu Dhabi for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. (Hmmm . . .I wonder what “Wish” she was fulfilling–“I want to contract Hepatitis-C before I die”?)
The Prince and his family then hired this siloicone-valleyed blow-up doll to design an “eco-friendly, green” hotel in the emirate. Don’t you love how a woman who lives in a Malibu mansion and wastes energy left and right, is going to “design” one of those? Who knew this aging Baywatch babe earned an architecture degree? (The same goes for fellow celeb-eco-hypocrite Brad Pitt, also “designing” a “green” hotel in Abu Dhabi and consuming more energy than 1,000 average Americans.)
This “match” is yet another example that betrays the BS Muslims claim about their need for modesty in America and at Gitmo. Nothing modest about disease-ridden Anderson or “dating” (euphemism) her. Maybe the Milk Sheikh can make a Tommy Lee-style porn video with her.
Oh, and on other thing: Anderson and the unspecified Sheikh Al-Nahyan have been spotted together in an L.A.-area gay bar, The Abbey. Homosexuality? Another no-no in Islam–including in the emirates, except when they’re raping foreign young boys. (Pam, keep your young sons at home.) Gays are persecuted and punished with death in “moderate” Abu Dhabi.
Pamela Anderson and the unnamed Milk Sheikh . . . Sounds to me like a match made in 72-sluts harem paradise.
First, Britney Spears, now Pamela Anderson. It’s the latest bimbo trend: “Dating” (euphemism) a Muslim guy. They can all of our bimbos (and their diseases), so long as there is no reproduction involved.
Would love to see ’em in burqas, for a change.
**** UPDATE: This is HILARIOUS. Reader Ari writes:

Wacky foreigner who hates Jews comes to America to get into Pamela Anderson’s pants?
Wasn’t that the plot of “Borat“?

Life imitates “art.”

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August 15, 2008, - 12:09 pm

Poor Sports Savage Good Sport Mark Spitz; Spitz Should Have Been Invited to the “Phelps Olympics”

By Debbie Schlussel
As I wrote earlier this week, it’s completely unfair to compare 1972’s true amateur Mark Spitz in tiny Speedo bikini to 2008’s high-tech, unitard encased Michael Phelps. Who knows, given the same conditions–and if they were the same age at the same time, if Phelps would beat Spitz?
That said, Mark Spitz has been an incredibly good sport in wishing Phelps well and in repeatedly telling interviewers that he hopes Phelps beats his 36-year record of holding the most Olympic Gold medals from any one Summer Games. He’s also said he’s held the record for too long, and that it’s time to be broken.


Mark Spitz Should Have Been Invited to Phelps Olympics

But Spitz is rightfully upset that no-one in the U.S. or International Olympic Committees invited him to the Olympics to watch Phelps break his record. Stupid move on their part. Here you have a champion magnanimously wishing another breaks his record, and no-one cares to invite him. He’s simply ignored. And, frankly, from a marketing standpoint, it’s stupid not to invite him. Speedo–whose suit Spitz wore in 1972–should have invited Spitz.

“You don’t go to the Olympics just to say, ‘I am going to go.’ Especially because of who I am,” Spitz, now 58, told a French wire service. “I am going to sit there and watch Michael Phelps break my record anonymously? That’s almost demeaning to me. It is not almost — it is.”

Exactly right.
The NHL invited Gordie Howe to watch Wayne Gretzky beat his all-time goal-scoring record. And other sports teams and leagues have done the same when other big records were broken. It’s not only the right thing to do, it’s great PR–PR, which everyone blew in the case of Spitz. To leave Spitz out is simply indecent.
But most jarring is the reaction Spitz has gotten from others, who’ve responded to Spitz, calling him a “poor sport.” The Detroit Free Press has a round up. HUH?:

Mark Spitz’s complaint about not getting invited to Beijing to watch Michael Phelps go after his record of seven gold medals isn’t getting much sympathy in the swimming community, Charles Robinson writes at Yahoo! Sports.
“Mark Spitz had one more gold medal left in him after all,” Robinson writes. “And in a medley event, no less: arrogance, vanity and back-to-back legs of self-pity.
And former Michigan head coach Jon Urbanchek, a U.S. assistant, told the Baltimore Sun of Spitz: “His time is gone. I’m sure he can afford a ticket if he wants to be here. It would have been nice for him to be here and witness it. I really feel he contributed a lot to swimming. But it’s time to turn the reins over to somebody else. You’ve got to move on with life. Get a life after swimming.”

These people are obnoxious. And, frankly–especially in the case of Urbanchek–they sound a little jealous that they never achieved Spitz’s sports greatness. Spitz has exhibited none of these negative attributes.
Spitz should buy his own ticket and pay for his own trip to see his record “broken”? It’s chutzpah to expect him to do that. But that’s what several of his critics are saying.
Yes, Spitz canceled plans to become a dentist and built a career as an endorser after the Olympics. But he was too much before his time in that career. In his day, he didn’t make millions of dollars in endorsements like Michael Phelps has already made and will continue to earn. Yes, Spitz did okay. But he’s not a multi-millionaire like Phelps or anything close. Today, he is a pitchman not for Viagra, but for Botox–things Phelps will never have to do because at the end of the Games he can retire at age 23 with millions. And, unlike Gordie Howe and his wife when Gretzky beat his record, Spitz has been incredibly warm and gracious to Phelps.
He deserved not only a free round-trip, first-class ticket for himself and his family to watch Phelps, but the royal treatment. As a then-agent of an Olympic Silver medalist diver, I watched at the 1996 Olympics as many former medalists of old (Mary Lou Retton, Bart Connor, etc.) were flown in and welcomed by Olympic officials as part of the extended but fraudulent Olympic “family”.
To not invite Mark Spitz, is not just wrong. It’s tasteless.
And everyone involved in this giant omission of him ought to be ashamed.
From what I wrote about Phelps v. Spitz, earlier this week:

If Michael Phelps gets the 8 medals and sets the record, what will that do for you, me, or America? Not much. But it’ll do a heckuva lot for sales of that Speedo unitard swimsuit contraption. Didn’t Jamie Lee Curtis, Jane Fonda, and Olivia Newton-John wear those in the ’80s? Remember, Mark Spitz was a true amateur in a tiny Speedo bikini with a hirsute body to slow him down. This guy, Phelps, is a well-paid, vitamin/electrolyte/magic protein-engorged professional encased in a second-skin cheater’s uniform.

Phelps is one of the great Olympic athletes. But he is not necessarily greater than Mark Spitz, regardless of whether he “breaks” Spitz’s record.
**** UPDATE: Reader Sean writes:

Thanks for covering the issue of Mark Spitz not being at the Olympics.
I heard the on-air commentators mention it once this past week, touching on the basics of the issue, then never bringing it up again. I’m sure they got silenced afterward. It’s bad enough the IOC wouldn’t invite a legend to the games, but I have NO IDEA why the USOC would neglect bringing him over. Like you said, this could have been a P.R. GOLD MINE for them, showing the still-smiling Spitz as he sees his record broken, the link to today’s U.S. Olympian to the past greatness that inspired him. But all this begs the question: Why? Why did neither Olympic body invite him? There’s probably a story there, and I’d be willing to bet there’s petty back-stabbing involved.

I bet the same way on this.
**** UPDATE #2: Reader Charles has another theory, which–given the anti-Semitic history of the Olympics–I think has a lot of validity:

I read your position on Mark Spitz. It occurred to me that you have omitted something really important.
The IOC and the US Committee under Avery Brundage were outright anti-semites. I believe Spitz’s treatment is more of the same.
In the ’36 Berlin Olympics they did not allow the Jews, such as Marty Glickman, to race so as not to embarrass Hitler. The Arab terrorists attacked the Jews, the games just went on. To tell the truth I wont even watch the damn show.

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