August 20, 2008, - 3:01 pm

Housekeeping: I Need Your Help

By Debbie Schlussel
Over the last several weeks, I’ve received complaints from several readers that this site loads too slowly and/or that it makes some readers’ computers crash.
I’ve tried to address the issues by compressing images, and some readers have responded that the problems have been eliminated. However, other readers have responded that the problems persist and that they believe there is java code that is causing problems in Firefox. I haven’t had these probs, and I use Firefox. And my webmaster does not believe there is any java code.
So, I ask you, dear readers, to please let me know–either in the comments section of this entry or by e-mailing me–whether or not the problems persist for you.
Do you have problems loading my homepage? Is it still too slow? Please let me know, so that I can address the problems as quickly and fully as possible.


I really appreciate your help in this endeavor and your continued readership and patience. Though I try to stay up to date, sometimes I feel like even I am a Flintstone operating in the Jetson age.

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August 20, 2008, - 2:37 pm

Mabrook! [Congrats!]: Iran/Hezbollah Now in Afghanistan

By Debbie Schlussel
If you’re keeping score–as I am–the Bush Administration, through invasions, insistence on “free elections”, and or looking the other way, has now handed over three countries to Iranian-allied Shi’ites, Iran itself, and/or its proxy, Hezbollah:
* Iraq
* Lebanon
* Afghanistan
Yup, you read that right: Afghanistan. Well, it’s not yet “handed over” to the Shi’ite revival, but we’re now seeing signs that Sunni Muslim-dominated Afghanistan is now Iranian-allied or Hezbollah-allied.
The main sign is that weapons heretofore rarely seen in Afghanistan and now seen on Iran-allied Shi’ite terrorists in Iraq (who are trained by Hezbollah), are now being found in Taliban-controlled areas of Afghanistan.


While some so-called “military analysts” say this means that the Taliban can get any kinds of weapons it wants from anywhere, I don’t buy that. It’s very clear where the weapons are suddenly coming from: Iran, Hezbollah, or both. Here are the details:

U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan have discovered a rare cache of sophisticated weapons designed to kill troops with a lethal spray of ball bearings, according to a report confirmed by military officials.
Troops uncovered 89 anti-personnel rocket-propelled grenades after their patrol was fired on by insurgents in late June, according to the Triton Report. The Pentagon uses the report, produced by the British firm HMS, for information on global terrorist attacks.
The report notes that Shiite insurgents in Iraq have been photographed carrying similar weapons. They are known as Type 69 airburst, anti-personnel rockets. The rockets are designed to hit the ground near troops, bounce 6 feet and explode, killing those within 15 yards with a shower of 800 ball bearings.
In Afghanistan, the weapons were seized in Khost province, which borders Pakistan. Insurgents plan and launch attacks from havens in Pakistan.
The weapons are rarely found in Afghanistan, said Army Capt. Christian Patterson, a military spokesman there. Their presence, he said, has not changed enemy tactics or how U.S. and Afghan forces pursue insurgents. He said he could not speculate about who supplied the weapons to insurgents.
Charles McMinn, deputy research manager for HMS, said the source of the weapons is unclear. They have been found in Iraq, which bought thousands of them under Saddam Hussein, he said. There is no evidence the rockets in Afghanistan came from Iraq, he said.

Like I said, the source of the weapons seems quite clear. They are found on Iranian-allied Shi’ite terrorists in Iraq. And that’s an indication that these came from a key Shi’ite source, too. Don’t let the Pakistan reference fool you. Even though the weapons were found near Sunni-dominated Pakistan, Shi’ite Iran has its supporters and agents there, too. And the Taliban who were going to use these weapons were likely trained in their use by Hezbollah.
More and more evidence that, as we look the other way, Shi’ites and Sunnis always work together when they’re fighting their ultimate enemy: us.
Despite liberals’ and ignoramuses’ claims to the contrary, Sunni Al-Qaeda (and in this case, its proxy, the Taliban) and Shi’ite Iran frequently work together when it suits their purposes.

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August 20, 2008, - 11:05 am

Why is the Media Making Such a Big Deal Out of the Anchor Baby Gold Medalist?

By Debbie Schlussel
Is it just me . . . or are you also bothered by the mainstream liberal media’s heavy coverage of Henry Cejudo’s Olympic gold medal win in wrestling?
Usually, no-one cares who won the gold medal in wrestling, whether it’s an American or not. Unless you are a big wrestling devotee or fan, I doubt you can name a single American medalist in wrestling from any Olympic Games.
But Cejudo is different. Why? Not because he won the 55-kilogram men’s freestyle event in Beijing. But because his parents are illegal aliens from Mexico–ahem, “undocumented aliens”, as AP and NBC News’ Brian Williams all called them in their PC coverage of Cejudo. And Cejudo is an anchor baby. (At least The New York Times had the guts to call his mother an “illegal immigrant.” That’s progress.)


Henry Cejudo: Proud American Gold Medalist is Also Proud Anchor Baby

Kudos to him that he won an Olympic gold medal, but he’s an anomaly–the exception, NOT the rule. His story is great. His mother worked hard as a janitor and construction worker, and he’s clearly proud to be an American. But she took jobs from and lowered wages for American citizens. And she was breaking the law by being here. Whether or not her son won a sporting event on behalf of America does not excuse that, nor is it anything other than an anomaly from the usual illegal alien “contribution” to America.
We see these stories occasionally–about the high school valedictorian going to Harvard who is an anchor baby or an illegal alien that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) seeks to deport. And now, there’s this touting of Cejudo.
But most illegal aliens and their birthright citizenship-endowed kids–anchor babies–are not Olympic gold medalists or Harvard-bound valedictorians. They are leeches on the system, at the very least. And often, criminals. Or worse–if you go to Dearbornistan or Brooklyn or other Islamic centers around America–they are America-hating, Medicaid-abusing, terrorist-supporting burdens (and possibly terrorists themselves).
So while the mainstream media wants to impress upon us that illegal aliens are the producers of Olympic gold medalists for America and that anchor babies are the Olympic gold medalists themselves, that’s a nice fairy tale which the odds don’t support.
Henry Cejudo is the aberration, not the usual manifestation of the mass problem of 12-20 million illegal aliens and many more anchor babies in our midst.
And was Cejudo’s Olympic gold medal worth anything to American taxpayers versus the cost of services his parents likely took from American tax-funded coffers? Does his Olympic gold medal win give you, the American taxpayer, anything of value other than a fleeting, ephemeral sense of pride (if that)?
Exit Question for the mainstream media touting Cejudo’s gold medal win:
How many kids of illegal aliens, how many anchor babies have won Olympic gold medals for America? Versus how many continue to take American jobs, leech American tax-funded services and benefits, commit crimes against Americans within America?
One (and possibly up to a handful) versus millions?
Sorry, but those stats don’t back up the singular and rarely duplicated Henry Cejudo narrative.
You know the old saying about how if you work hard in America, you can do anything? Now, the media is changing the trite adage:
If your parents sneak into America, evade immigration authorities, and cheat the system, you can do anything.
Not that Henry Cejudo didn’t work hard. But his parents worked harder . . . at piercing America’s borders and breaking the law.

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August 20, 2008, - 10:33 am

Amusing: SanFran Activist Fights PC, Anti-Car Cyclists; Do Bike Lanes Cause Pollution?

By Debbie Schlussel
While San Francisco activist Rob Anderson was once a draft dodger, I find his opposition to San Francisco’s anti-car, pro-cyclist plans, very amusing. I think you will, too. (And, as for the draft-dodging, at least he served prison time for it–13 months, whereas draft dodging chickenhawk Ted Nugent made millions rocking and never served a day.)
While I like riding my bike when I can and am for doing anything that bankrupts our oil-rich Muslim “friends” around the world, Anderson has some good points and his successful legal challenges to the City of Open Closets by the Bay is fun to watch:

New York is wooing cyclists with chartreuse bike lanes. Chicago is spending nearly $1 million for double-decker bicycle parking.
San Francisco can’t even install new bike racks.
Blame Rob Anderson. At a time when most other cities are encouraging biking as green transport, the 65-year-old local gadfly has stymied cycling-support efforts here by arguing that urban bicycle boosting could actually be bad for the environment. That’s put the brakes on everything from new bike lanes to bike racks while the city works on an environmental-impact report.
Cyclists say the irony is killing them — literally. At least four bikers have died and hundreds more have been injured in San Francisco since mid-2006, when Mr. Anderson helped convince a judge to halt implementation of a massive pro-bike plan.(It’s unclear whether the plan’s execution could have prevented the accidents.) In the past year, bike advocates have demonstrated outside City Hall, pushed the city to challenge the plan’s freeze in court and proposed putting the whole mess to local voters. Nothing worked.
“We’re the ones keeping emissions from the air!” shouted Leah Shahum, executive director of the 10,000-strong San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, at a July 21 protest.
Mr. Anderson disagrees. Cars always will vastly outnumber bikes, he] reasons, so allotting more street space to cyclists could cause more traffic jams, more idling and more pollution. Mr. Anderson says the city has been blinded by political correctness. It’s an “attempt by the anti-car fanatics to screw up our traffic on behalf of the bicycle fantasy,” he wrote in his blog this month.
Mr. Anderson’s fight underscores the tensions that can circulate as urban cycling, bolstered by environmental awareness and high gasoline prices, takes off across the U.S. New York City, where the number of commuter cyclists is estimated to have jumped 77% between 2000 and 2007, is adding new bike lanes despite some motorist backlash. Chicago recently elected to kick cars off stretches of big roads on two Sundays this year.
Famously progressive, San Francisco is known for being one of the most pro-bike cities in the U.S., offering more than 200 miles of lanes and requiring that big garages offer bike parking. It is also known for characters like Mr. Anderson.
A tall, serious man with a grizzled gray beard, Mr. Anderson spent 13 months in a California federal prison for resisting the draft during the Vietnam War. . . .
In 1995, Mr. Anderson moved to San Francisco. Working odd jobs, he twice ran for a seat on the city’s Board of Supervisors, pledging to tackle homelessness and the city’s “tacit PC ideology.” . . .
That year Mr. Anderson, who mostly lives off a small government stipend he receives for caring for his 92-year-old mother, also started a blog, digging into local politics with gusto. One of his first targets: the city’s most ambitious bike plan to date.
Unveiled in 2004, the 527-page document was filled with maps, traffic analyses and a list of roughly 240 locations where the city hoped to make cycling easier. The plan called for more bike lanes, better bike parking and a boost in cycling to 10% of the city’s total trips by 2010.
The plan irked Mr. Anderson. Having not owned a car in 20 years, he says he has had several near misses with bikers roaring through crosswalks and red lights, and sees bicycles as dangerous and impractical for car-centric American cities. Mr. Anderson was also bugged by what he describes as the holier-than-thou attitude typified by Critical Mass, a monthly gathering of bikers who coast through the city, snarling traffic for hours. “The behavior of the bike people on city streets is always annoying,” he says. “This ‘Get out of my way, I’m not burning fossil fuels.’ “
In February 2005, Mr. Anderson showed up at a planning commission meeting. If San Francisco was going to take away parking spaces and car lanes, he argued, it had better do an environmental-impact review first. When the Board of Supervisors voted to skip the review, Mr. Anderson sued in state court, enlisting his friend Mary Miles, a former postal worker, cartoonist and Anderson Valley Advertiser colleague.
Ms. Miles, who was admitted to the California bar in 2004 at age 57, proved a pugnacious litigator. . . . She . . . convinced the court to review key planning documents over the city’s objections.
In November 2006, a California Superior Court judge rejected San Francisco’s contention that it didn’t need an environmental review and ordered San Francisco to stop all bike-plan activity until it completed the review. . . .
Meanwhile, Mr. Anderson . . . continues to blog from his apartment in an old Victorian home. “Regardless of the obvious dangers, some people will ride bikes in San Francisco for the same reason Islamic fanatics will engage in suicide bombings — because they are politically motivated to do so,” he wrote in a May 21 post.
“In case anyone doubted that you were a wingnut, this statement pretty much sums things up!” one commenter retorted.

I can’t speak for the wackjobs in cross-dressing Frisco, but my politics is all about bankrupting the Islamic fanatics and their oil-rich Gulf nation (and other Islamic nation) benefactors. While bicycling is a minor way to do that, a far more impactful way to do it is to start drilling offshore, in Alaska, and all over America.
Anderson is right about one thing: the politics of the San Francisco cyclists is PC and anti-auto. They’re green extremists, not lovers of liberty and freedom. It’s not the same politics as yours or mine.
I’ve looked at Rob Anderson’s blog, and even though he’s a liberal Democrat, he is to be lauded for decrying the PC far-left fringe that’s taken over his own party and for constantly fighting the PC-crowd.
Based on a cursory read, he sounds like he’s a relative voice of reason and moderation in what is so far off the deep end in San Francisco.

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August 19, 2008, - 4:03 pm

Status v. Money: The Tough Job of Selling Blue Collar Jobs to Unemployed White Collar America

By Debbie Schlussel
As I noted recently, the value of a college degree is ever diminishing. Now, the welding industry is trying to plug a shortage in welders and iron workers to address a backlog in orders.
And welding now pays more than many jobs typically filled by a college grad.
But there’s a rub: How do you sell a higher-paying blue collar job to an America that now looks down on blue collar jobs and would rather take on large college loans and debts to get a degree and earn less?
It’s a problem that is associated with a country that produces less and less and consumes more and more. As I’ve noted before, America can’t survive as strictly a consumer nation. We must produce. If welder jobs aren’t filled, they’ll get filled by someone else who comes here or go somewhere else and take dollars away.


Snobbery–undue snobbery by empty-headed wannabe frat boys and sorority sisters–is killing America.
And I don’t think even the host of “Dirty Jobs”–Mike Rowe, who’s been recruited to sell blue collar jobs–can do the job.

The Wall Street Journal
has the interesting details:

Even as the economy slumps and unemployment rises, strong demand for power plants, oil refineries and export goods has many manufacturers and construction contractors scrambling to find enough skilled workers to plug current and future holes.
With the shortage of welders, pipe fitters and other high-demand workers likely to get worse as more of them reach retirement age, unions, construction contractors and other businesses are trying to figure out how to attract more young people to those fields.
Their challenge: overcoming the perception that blue-collar trades offer less status, money and chance for advancement than white-collar jobs, and that college is the best investment for everyone. . . .
Companies and unions don’t dispute that college can be a wise investment, but they also say some unionized craft workers can earn more than the average college graduate, without the burden of student debt.
“You earn while you learn,” says Brian Couch, a young electrician, in a video posted on the Web sites YouTube and MySpace. “It’s not like going to college where you go to school for five to eight years and have to work a part-time job.”
That video and several others like it were developed by public-relations firm Pac/West Communications for Local 48 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the National Electrical Contractors Association in Portland, Ore.
The two groups have teamed up for the online campaign to encourage high-school graduates to consider an apprenticeship as an alternative to college. . . .
Dusty Henry, a 25-year-old electrician in Portland, Ore., who belongs to IBEW Local 48, says he earns $34 an hour working on renewable-energy projects while some of his friends who went to college are having a hard time finding jobs.
“I chose the path that I wanted to take…and learned as much as I could for that one thing,” Mr. Henry said. “You go to college to kind of figure out what you want to do, but if you don’t figure it out, you go out with debt and you still don’t know.” . . .
Skilled-labor shortages are likely to intensify in coming years as more workers retire and the economy picks up again. By 2012, FMI predicts, nationwide demand for electricians, masons and pipe fitters, if their numbers remain constant, will exceed supply by at least 5%. Regional and seasonal shortages are expected to be much steeper.
Between 1995 and 2005, the percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds in college rose to 39% to 35%. Manufacturers, contractors and unions don’t dispute that college can be a wise investment, but they also say that unionized craft workers can earn more than the average college graduate. . . .
Michael Arndt, training director for the 300,000-member United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the U.S. and Canada, says a journeyman in his union — someone who has graduated from an apprenticeship — could earn about $30 an hour, or $1,050 for a 35-hour workweek. By comparison, median weekly earnings for workers 25 and older with only a bachelor’s degree amounted to $999 in the second quarter of 2008, according to the Labor Department.
“To the extent that people are picking college, they’re turning down construction,” says Kenneth D. Simonson, chief economist for the Associated General Contractors of America, an Arlington, Va., trade group.
To encourage young people to think about a future in the building trades, Mr. Simonson’s group has put together kits for elementary-school students that show, among other things, how to build a bridge out of popsicle sticks.

America is going to have to change the way it pushes college to those who aren’t among the great minds. They’d be better off choosing a less intellectual path, like learning one of the skilled trades.
That’s not to say that skilled workers are dummies or that skilled work is for dummies. But the fact is that while most of America is now pushed toward college, that’s a mistake. We need a division of labor. Not everyone is going to be a writer or mathematician, and a country that pushes everyone toward that path or toward attaining an often worthless degree is an America that will sink.
Everyone wants status, but not everyone can get it. And when everyone goes the same route to attain it, that route loses its value.
I’m not saying the state/government should decide who does what. That’s statism and they do that in Europe and did it in the then-Soviet Union and other communist states. I’m saying we shouldn’t push and encourage everyone to go to college.
Clearly, the marketplace has decided that college is devalued when everyone does it. It’s now just a commodity that anyone can buy.
Time to encourage people to the skilled trades so we remain a producer nation.

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August 19, 2008, - 2:51 pm

Red Smurf Aerodynamic Burqa Meets the Olympics

By Debbie Schlussel
You’ve heard of the burqini–the smurf-esque, unsexy Muslim women’s bathing suit. Now, check out the Olympic aerodynamic burqa/Red Smurf costume spotted by Mark L. Jackson of Mark’s Soap Box. Technically, this is not a burqa, since we can see her face (it’s a “hijab”), but you get the point. If it did cover her face it would look a lot like the headgear worn by some of her fellow co-religionists at the Munich Olympics. Frankly, she already resembles them (I’ve posted the comparison pics, below).
Mark has all the details on who this woman (at least, we think it’s a woman but only a DNA test knows for sure) is and what she’s doing at the Olympics.


“Religion of Peace” @ Munich ’72 Olympics, Beijing ’08 Olympics . . .

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August 19, 2008, - 2:32 pm

HILARIOUS Video of the Day: “Bowling for Mermelstein”

By Debbie Schlussel
Thanks to reader Ari, this is from John Safran v. G-d. I don’t agree with Safran about liberals and “Qibla”, since they’d be falling all over themselves to accept a Muslim word in Scrabble. But the rest is hilarious. Have made the same points as the rabbi re-guns and the Holocaust:

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August 19, 2008, - 1:54 pm

The Musharraf Template & Jimmy Carter W. Bush: How to Get Screwed by America by Supporting America

By Debbie Schlussel
Unfortunately, yesterday’s resignation of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf was not the conclusion of the Bush Administration’s major screw-up in Pakistan.
It’s only the latest nadir. And things will get far worse. Extremist Muslims will take over. It’s not a question of if, but whether sooner or later. And I vote, sooner. Look for Iran II, Ayatollah Khomeini-takeover-style.
Musharraf’s resignation is a major symbol of the Condi Clueless/Bush policy of screwing those who help America. The interracial foreign policy folly couple of Bush and Rice have left us so many souvenirs of how to screw up the world . . . and screw your allies. I wrote about this, late last year, when many clueless, ignorant, and prominent conservatives were all teary-eyed over the death of Benazier Bhutto, whom they mistakenly seemed to believe would be the savior of Pakistan and eradicator of terrorism there (even though she was a proud supporter of the Taliban and all forms of Islamic terrorism).


When we look back at Musharraf’s years, we see a Prime Minister caught between an extremist Muslim population that dominates his country and the pressure from Americans with whom he, as one of the few true (but largely powerless given his radical population) Muslim allies of America, sided. Musharraf basically committed political suicide in his own country by siding with the Great Satan, in opposition to the pro-Bin Laden populus over which he presided.
And Bush and Rice and company rewarded him by forcing free elections upon him, forcing him to appoint a Prime Minister who was a political opponent , and forcing him to take back into his country two exiled criminals–Benazir Bhutto and her husband–whose goal was to unseat him. Musharraf complied under the extreme American pressure to all of these demands. Then, when Bhutto failed to take over and was instead assassinated, how did America repay Musharraf yet again? By putting more pressure on him and by not supporting him.
True, Musharraf was not the greatest counterterrorist on earth, and came to power in a coup from an Army he headed, which was dominated by the pro-Bin Laden I.S.I. But he was the best ally we could ever hope for–and now do not have–in shaky Pakistan. Way to go.
Now, Musharraf resigns and he is a testament to any precarious leader–particularly in the Muslim world–of what America will do to you if you help America, of what the Americans will put you through if you support America in the war on terror against the wishes of your own population: America will ruin you.
Guh-reat message. Thanks, President Jimmy Carter W. Bush and Condi Clueless.
With free elections creating HAMASastan in Gaza; with rewarding and paying off Fatah terrorists in the rest of the Palestinian authority with American taxes for mortgages, business startups, and more; with the neglect of the situation in Lebanon (other than to push for freer elections to help Hezbollah gain power); with the constant do-nothingness and empty threats vis-a-vis Iran, while the country continues its nuclear aspirations; with the expansion and completion of the Shi’ite crescent and accompanying revival by our handing over Iraq to Shi’ite extremists allied with Iran; with the neglect of the Soviet renaissance via attacks on Georgia; and now with the Shah-like, Carter-esque ushering out of Musharraf in Pakistan for radicals to fill his void, aren’t you glad the Bush foreign policy is “prevailing”?
When America has Bush and Condi Clueless dithering with its foreign policy, who needs enemies?
T Minus Four Months. Not soon enough. It’ll only get worse under the next guy, but they helped get the ball rolling.
Yup, if I’m a leader of a country who’s considering an alliance with America, I look at Musharraf’s demise and say, thanks but no thanks, W.

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August 19, 2008, - 9:48 am

On CNN’s New GOT(Obama)V Effort: Great Daughtry “Foreigner” Cover, But . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve always been against these stupid “Choose or Lose”, “Rock the Vote”, “Declare Yourself,” and other celeb efforts to get young people to register to vote and get out and vote (liberal Democratic) on election day. It’s all about–and solely about–putting the big “D” (and this year, the big “BHO”) back in the crib at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
In 2000, when I was on ABC’s “Politically Incorrect” with the Goo Goo Dolls’ Johnny Rzeznik and Metallica’s Lars Ulrich, both of whom were then involved in this effort. When I asked them, both admitted (thankfully) that neither was registered to vote (Ulrich said he wasn’t even an American citizen then). Conveniently, of course, that part was edited out of the show–can’t make these celebs feel bad or embarrass them when they try to do “good” (like getting more young dummies into the polling booth to mess up America).


CNN’s “Elect Obama” Effort Should Have Middle Finger Up

Now, the latest party getting involved is CNN, with its “League of First Time Voters.” Get it?–It’s a riff off of “League of Women Voters”. Haha, funny (where’s Joe Pesci when I need him?). Not exactly the best imagery–using the name of a group of crotchety, dinosaurish, lesbian wrinkliettes, to get younger people to vote. And another question? Isn’t CNN supposed to be reporting the news, NOT making it and getting people registered to vote?
Sadly, CNN has enlisted the only successful “American Idol” contestant I like, Chris Daughtry, in its “Get Out the (Obama) Vote” effort, with a cover of a great song, Foreigner’s “Feels Like the First Time” (it’s part of my workout music–luv Foreigner!). Daughtry’s got a great, powerful, modern-rocker singing voice, and I like his cover of the song a lot. Though it doesn’t compare to the original, it’s as good as a cover will get.
Compare (and tune out the CNN Obama-heavy voter drive BS parts in part of the Daughtry video):

Original FOREIGNER . . .

Hard to believe that the Foreigner original version is now THIRTY years old. Yup, from 1978. Make you feel old?
It’s annoying enough that CNN is involved in trying to get people to vote. They’re supposed to be telling us the news, NOT manufacturing an election result. Even more annoying that they’re using an ’80s song ostensibly about sex to try to get people to do it. Actually, that makes it very cheesy.
I like the Daughtry cover, but his getting involved in this CNN voter stuff makes him as cheesy as Ulrich and Rzeznik were in 2000. Street cred lowered, Chris.
If you can’t decide to register to vote and go to the polls on your own, you shouldn’t be voting. Doubly so, if you need CNN and Chris Daughtry to tell you to do it.

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August 19, 2008, - 9:07 am

Good News: After ICE Raid on Kosher Meat Plant, Deported Illegal Hispanics Replaced with . . . Imported Extremist Somali MUSLIMS

By Debbie Schlussel
Here’s where I guess we say, “BLACK HAWK DOWN ON POSTVILLE.”
Yup, after $10,000,000 spent on the absurd raid on a kosher meat plant in May, only about 300 illegal aliens supposely deported and given zero jailtime (even though many were multiple deportees), here’s what’s happening at Agriprocessors in Postville, Iowa:
Buh-bye, Hispanic illegal aliens. Hello, “semi-legal” Muslim Somalian extremists:

In their place are newcomers drawn, as they were, by reports of job openings at Agriprocessors, or recruited by labor agencies contracted by the plant. Many of the new workers are Somali men who keep to themselves and gather to share food and coffee at a storefront on Postville’s main drag. . . .

ICE “National Security” From Bad to Worse: At Iowa Kosher Meat Plant, Hispanic Illegal Alien Deportees Replaced By . . .


. . . Extremist Muslim Somalians

About 150 Somalis, refugees who live and work legally in this country, have arrived to work at Agriprocessors since the raid. At first, most were single men, but a growing number of women are starting to join them. In the evenings, the long, lanky men in loose fitting clothes and women, swathed in traditional Muslim dresses and hijabs, can often be seen walking from the meatpacking plant to downtown.
There, inside the former “Sunday Mattress” store, where the windows still tout Fulls, Queens, and Kings, Hassan Aar described the pull of work that lured him from Minneapolis to Postville.
“It’s a good place to be,” said Aar, 27, who left his wife and three young sons behind in the Twin Cities. “I heard there was work here, so I came first to get settled. If it works out, then I will bring them.”
There are plans to turn the downtown storefront into a Somali restaurant, and a food distributor has contacted Juan Figueroa, the owner of Sabor Latino, about stocking Somali items.
Yet, even as Aar and other Somalis tentatively contemplate a future in this place of rolling hills and pastoral beauty, Guatemalan immigrants are fighting to keep their own dreams from slipping away.

Remember, these are the same Somalian Muslims who refused to ring up pepperoni pizza and other pig products at Target, refused to take blind dogs and people carrying alcohol in their cabs at the Minneapolis airport, got Tyson Foods to initially replace a paid Labor Day day off with a Muslim holiday, etc.
Um, we need more of them and less Hispanics in America?
GUH-REAT candidates for cutting and packaging kosher meat. . . AND poisoning it. Don’t think I’ll be buying Rubashkin and Aaron’s (among the Agriprocessor kosher meat brands) anymore.
Question: Why the heck is our government making it so easy for Somalian Muslim extremists to become legal and get jobs in factories and meatpacking plants, and so difficult for Mexicans, Guatemalans and other Hispanics? And where are LULAC and La Raza about this?
Oh, wait, both groups are allied with Islamic and Arab illegal alien advocates. Big mistake.
I’m against amnesty for illegal aliens as much as the next guy, but why the heck are we giving an infinite number of green cards and citizenship to Somalian Muslims and deporting the mostly Catholic Guatemalans and other Hispanics? How is that a benefit to America? And who the heck at Citizenship and Immigration Services decided we didn’t have enough Somalian Muslims in America and raised the quota to infinity?
Yup, that’s who I want preparing my kosher meat, extremist Muslims bent on my destruction.
I can just see it now: Like at Tyson Foods, the Somalian Muslims preparing my kosher meat will soon unionize and get Eid Al-Fitr (and soon, Eid Al-Adha) as a paid day off.
Only in America. Only in stupid America.
Thanks a gazillion, Julie L. Myers. The ICE Princess strikes again. T Minus 4 Months.
Sadly, when she leaves her incompetent, proud high school grad replacement, John Torres, takes over ICE. No difference (except that women have to sleep with him to get promotions).

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