August 26, 2008, - 10:17 am

Gazillionaire NBA Player Commits Mortgage Fraud

By Debbie Schlussel
Michigan is now in third place among states with the highest rates of mortgage fraud. And it’s not just the poor Michigan economy or the languishing death of the auto industry.
As I’ve noted before, it’s Hezbollah. One of the cities with the highest rate of foreclosures is Dearbornistan. Not by accident. A number of Shi’ite Muslim mortgage defrauders–many of whom I’ve noted on this site–used mortgage fraud to help make quick, large sums of cash, then sent it “back home” to Hezbollah in Lebanon. (And this isn’t just a Shi’ite or Hezbo phenomenon. Religion of Peace members from the Sunni/HAMAS/Al-Qaeda side have used the same schemes.)


Lindsay Hunter: NBA Multi-Millionaire Involved in Mortgage Fraud

Well, now even an NBA multi-millionaire got in on the act. Because, apparently, the NBA gazillions just weren’t enough for Lindsay Hunter. He’s under investigation by the FBI for mortgage fraud. And it appears he was engaged in it, allowing a third party to use his bank account as a fraudulent indication of an inflated income in order to qualify for a mortgage.
Yup, Lindsay Hunter couldn’t spare any of his millions to pay for the dude’s house. But your millions–in terms of higher fees banks will charge you to pick up the slack–no prob. What–you say you don’t have millions? Well, what does Hunter care? He’s still got his. And is laughing all the way to the bank. For now.
Let’s see if the Detroit Pistons have any backbone and if owner William Davidson says, “I won’t have a mortgage defrauder on my team. We paid him millions, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy his greed. So, buh-bye.” (Full disclosure: I went to school with Davidson’s kids Ethan and Marla, and Davidson was a large contributor to my campaigns for the Michigan House of Representatives. He’s generally a good and decent guy, but for those glass plants he owns in Saudi Arabia.)
Here’s the scoop:

The FBI is investigating whether Pistons guard Lindsey Hunter and business associates duped a $35,000-a-year boiler operator for Pontiac Public Schools into buying a $1.25-million house in Bloomfield Hills that he couldn’t afford, the man’s lawyer said Monday.
Attorney Michael J. Smith of Sterling Heights said his client, Bruce McClellan of Waterford Township, recently told the FBI that Hunter and Iron Johnson, Hunter’s partner in L&I Enterprises, promised to pay him $300,000 in 2007 to buy the house in the 1700 block of Morningside Way. The deal called for McClellan to hold the house for one or two months until it could be purchased by someone else.
But the purchaser never materialized, McClellan never got his $300,000, his excellent credit rating is ruined and the house went into foreclosure, McClellan told the FBI.

Yup, that’s the classic mortgage fraud scheme. That’s how they do it. A lot of the Muslims in Dearbornistan get a Black person with good credit to do this and then they pay him a few thousand in cash for the privilege of ruining that credit (and pocketing their hundreds of thousands in cool cash).

Smith told the Free Press he’s contemplating suing Hunter and others to recover damages for McClellan, who is on the hook for the $1.25 million mortgage. . . .
McClellan told the FBI that he bought a car from Johnson, who discovered that McClellan had excellent credit and introduced him to Hunter.
McClellan said Johnson and Hunter then proposed the real estate deal. Although he told them he couldn’t afford such an expensive house, McClellan told the FBI they told him not to worry.
Hunter then added McClellan’s name to his checking account, making it appear to potential lenders that McClellan had a substantial income to go with his excellent credit score, a source familiar with the investigation told the Free Press.
McClellan said he closed on the house in April 2007, but never lived in it and no buyer ever materialized. He told the FBI that he saw Hunter’s vehicles sitting in the driveway on multiple occasions.
McClellan told the FBI he was unable to make the $11,500 monthly payments on the house, ownership of which is reverting back to the mortgage company, Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. Smith said McClellan would be responsible for any difference between what is owed on the mortgage and its eventual sales price. . . .
Meanwhile, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office confirmed Monday that a deputy assigned to the Wayne County mortgage fraud task force is investigating a separate real estate transaction in which Hunter appears to be the victim.

Victim? Right. Clearly, Lindsay Hunter is well-schooled on the ins and outs of mortgage fraud. I doubt he let anyone take advantage of him.
BTW, I’m not saying this man, McLellan, is innocent here, either. I think he knew he was breaking the law when Hunter proposed the deal and the bank account fraud. No-one pays you $300,000 to briefly buy a house . . . unless they’re committing mortgage fraud, money-laundering, or both. Both should be punished.
Oh, and Hunter’s been in trouble in the past:

Hunter, 37, was a Pistons’ first-round draft pick in 1993. In March 2007, he was suspended for 10 games by the NBA for testing positive for the banned substance phentermine, a prescription amphetamine.
Hunter called it a stupid mistake, blaming the positive test on a diet pill he received from his wife, Ivy.

Blaming it on his wife–whatta man.

His contract is up, and it’s unclear if the Pistons plan to sign him for a 16th season. He is coming off a two-year, $4.5-million deal.

Hmmm . . . $4.5 mill per year was not enough. How do you spell Greed? L-I-N-D-S-A-Y-H-U-N-T-E-R.
Lindsay Hunter: Fancy, pretentious name, not-so-fancy activities.

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August 25, 2008, - 4:08 pm

All Looks, No Substance: Nose-Plugs ’08; UPDATE: More on Barry’s Nose Job

By Debbie Schlussel
Earlier today, I noted that Joe Biden would be the first official Veep candidate for a major political party who had hair transplantation a/k/a “plugs.”
I noted that it’s symbolic of the Obama candidacy: all looks and zero substance. There’s no there, there.
Well, reader Suzette reminds me that Barry Obama had a nose job, too:

It’s all about appearance right? Hair plugs and nose jobs. . . Just a little off the tip. And add little more on the top.

Obama-Biden = Nose-Plugs ’08.
Kind of appropriate, given we’ll all have to wear those with them in the White House.


**** UPDATE: Reader Suzette sends this additional item on Barry Hussein Obama’s rhinoplasty, and notes:

I don’t care about the nose job per se…but I find it ironic that this is a guy who is trying so hard to be black…but threw his nose under the bus.

Yup, he’s thrown so many people and so many things under the bus, pretty soon he’ll have to drive a monster truck to get over it all.

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August 25, 2008, - 2:28 pm

Your ICE @ Work: Released Convicted Alien Attempted Murderer into American Abyss to Complete Kill

By Debbie Schlussel
Rumor has it that incompetent Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) chieftess Julie L. Myers a/k/a “The ICE Princess” will go on a long tax-funded vacation starting this month and lasting until the end of her term in December. Yup, you’ll be paying for her to do nothing and have fun for a few months.
But not to worry, her equally incompetent second-in-command, proud high school grad John P. Torres–who rewards women who sleep with him with promotions for which they’re unqualified–will be running our nation’s immigration enforcement agency until the new President appoints a new ICE head honcho. (I know, I know–I’ve written that college is a waste of time, but since we have no other current standard to measure competence and diligence, you’d at least expect top government execs to measure up.)


Ma Phomphong Murdered Because

The ICE Princess, John Torres Set Him Free

(Julie Myers Diet Coke by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

Both The ICE Princess and Torres were in charge (he as head of ICE’s Deportation and Removal Operations) at the time that, in 2006, Ma Phomphong was released on parole from prison, after doing time for attempted murder. Phomphong was ordered deported, but instead of doing that, Myers and Torres released Phomphong from an ICE detention facility into the general American population to murder one person and try to murder another.
On Thursday, Phomphong committed suicide, but not before he beat almost to death a man who befriended him and bought him beer and murdered the 61-year-old woman who was the man’s girlfriend.
Julie Myers and John P. Torres have blood on their hands. This alien murderer was released on their watch with their approval.

Bobbie Johnson bought beer for the guy who slept in a garage down the street from his north Sacramento home.
Ma Phompong, 28, apparently returned the favor by shooting Johnson’s longtime companion dead. Then Phompong beat the man who befriended him halfway to the grave.
On Thursday, Phompong, a parolee from Stanislaus County, apparently killed himself with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in Fresno.
The apparent suicide ended a 12-hour standoff with police and a manhunt that began the night before with the shooting death of Anna McCaleb, 61, and the attack on John- son, 59, that left him with a broken eye socket.
“I just hope nobody else has to go through something like this in their life,” said Ginger Ferguson, Johnson’s sister. “People have to be very careful about who they befriend and let into their homes because you never know.”
Ferguson said Thursday that her brother was undergoing facial reconstruction surgery to repair bones that shattered when he was hit in the eye. She said he did not know McCaleb was dead.
“I don’t want him to give up,” Ferguson said. “Trying to keep his will is the main thing we’re trying to do right now.”
On Wednesday night, Sacramento police were called to a home on Price Court in north Sacramento, authorities said. Inside, officers found McCaleb shot to death.
They found Johnson badly beaten and locked in a garage.
Authorities said the suspect, later identified as Phompong, had stolen the victims’ Toyota Tundra pickup and likely fled to Fresno. . . .
Phompong was paroled Aug. 22, 2006, after serving nearly nine years of a 13-year sentence for an assault with a deadly weapon conviction that stemmed from a 1998 knife attack. Stanislaus County Assistant District Attorney Carol Shipley said Phompong initially had been charged with attempted murder in the assault. She said Phompong attacked the victim because he had testified against Phompong in a previous case.
In September 2006, Phompong had been ordered deported by a judge, but was released from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody that December under parole supervision, according to officials at ICE and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
Phompong was assigned to a parole agent in Modesto.

As reader Kevin remarks:

Doesn’t it give you that warm and fuzzy feeling that after a judge orders him deported, ICE took it upon themselves to release this productive citizen back into society . . . to ruin more lives.

More like hot and bothered.

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August 25, 2008, - 1:22 pm

@ the DNC: Patriotism Prevails Over Al-Jazeera @ Denver Area Backyard; Boycott Buffalo Rose Bar

By Debbie Schlussel
People always ask me what they can do in response to the items I write. The best answer is always to complain and voice your opposition when something is amiss.
Your voice does make a difference, and frequently has when you’ve responded to items on this site and elsewhere.
Here’s the latest example where citizen activism prevailed over Islamism at a venue near Democratic National Convention:

The city manager of Golden, Colo., has decided to withdraw his invitation to let the Al-Jazeera news network broadcast from a barbecue in his backyard on the final night of the Democratic National Convention.
City manager Mike Bestor has apologized for any divisiveness he caused in the city of about 18,000, about 15 miles west of Denver.


Bestor made his decision after a City Council meeting Thursday at which residents complained the event with the English-language service of the Middle East news network would be disrespectful to veterans and active U.S. soldiers.


After listening to citizen comments at Thursday night’s City Council meeting, City Manager Mike Bestor decided to “disinvite” the international news network from doing interviews from his backyard during the Democratic National Convention. . . .
Bestor said he offered to host the backyard barbecue on Thursday as a private person, with the environment and health care as topics served up with hot dogs and hamburgers provided by al-Jazeera.
The idea, he said, was to show that Americans can disagree on politics but still work together.

Hmmm . . . Since when is Al-Jazeera “Americans”? The station is run from Qatar and owned and funded by the Qatari royal family. Interesting that this group is now “Americans.” Someone needs a geography refresher.

Bestor withdrew the personal invitation and said he realized that as city manager, the barbecue tied al-Jazeera to the city. He apologized for “the divisiveness this has caused the community.”
During two hours of public comment at the council meeting, residents spoke for and against al-Jazeera broadcasting from Golden.
Jim Dale, who is a veteran, said at the meeting that he has fought for First Amendment rights and welcomes the network.

Hmmm . . . U.S. military services is now the fight for the rights of the Qatari royal family?

Others questioned whether the network will skew coverage a particular way and whether the network’s presence is disrespectful to veterans and those serving in the military.
“It’s not OK for the city to roll out the red carpet for a network that is so closely tied to terrorists,” said Steve Hosie.
Al-Jazeera correspondent Josh Rushing [DS: I’ve written all about Rushing, “Al Jazeera’s American Boob,” the dumbest Marine ever to serve America]. . . still intends to do interviews Wednesday about the economy and war at the Buffalo Rose saloon in downtown Golden.
Hosie said the Buffalo Rose’s support of the al-Jazeera interviews will cost the drinking establishment, including a stop on this Sunday’s biker poker run. “None of us will walk in there again,” Hosie said.

Good for Hosie. I say, boycott Buffalo Rose if you’re in Golden, Colorado.
Voicing your concerns sometimes changes things for the better.
Even better will be when Mike Bestor is deposed from his position. He knows what Al-Jazeera is about. Yet, he invited them to his home to hang. I’m glad his city pressured him to do the right thing and rescind, but where the heck was his mind when he invited them?

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August 25, 2008, - 12:19 pm

OOPS! As Suspected, She Really Can’t Sing

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember David Lee Roth’s isolated vocals? That’s nothin’, compared to this painful compilation of Britney Spears minus the gazillion background singers and technical resynthesizing of her voice, sent to me last week by reader Ari. Oy:

Remind me again why people at one time bought her CDs. Proof that anyone can become a pop star with the right packaging and a lot of computer work.

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August 25, 2008, - 11:12 am

First Hair Club For Men Veep?: Vain Joe Biden “Plugs” the Toupee Presidency

By Debbie Schlussel
Last year, I wrote about how the Hair Club for Men picked Mitt Romney a/k/a “Mitt Happens” as the Presidential candidate with the best hair.
But perhaps they should have picked Joe Biden. He, after all, now has a special status as the first Vice Presidential pick of a major party to have a very obvious set of hair plugs. He is the only Veep candidate I know of to have gone from being bald (other than at infancy) to suddenly having a growing mane in front. There is no doubt he had hair transplants. The guy is wearing Barbie’s hair.
Look at the photos of him a couple of decades ago: Bald. Now, a weird set of Barbie Doll-style plugs in the middle of his forehead (and still very bald in back).
Biden’s plug job is so obvious he’s for years been a “don’t do” on sites like “,” as in this customer question from 2006:
Joe Biden in 1988 . . .


Joe Biden in 2008 . . .

Will I end up with a hair transplant like Senator Joe Biden?
I have a large bald area in the crown (top/back) with more hair in the front, but still thinning with a high hairline. I am concerned that a hair transplant in my case will show significant improvements in the front but I’ll still have a large bald spot on top/back.
Here’s an example of my concern about hair transplantation – Sen. Joe Biden. He looks like he’s had a hair transplant (if you compare now to old photos) and looks pretty good in front. But when his head is tipped forward, the top and back are quite sparse compared to the thickness of the front . . . that does not look natural. I would think a U.S. senator could afford the best hair restoration procedures so this is concerning me.
This is what I’m afraid of. Thoughts . . ? Joey

Methinks it’s kinda symbolic of the whole Obama candidacy. It’s all about fake, faux, phony, false. And the tacky Biden hair job is just the latest extension, the latest symbolism of this fraudulent Presidential candidate and his whole crew. And it’s a blatant sign of vanity above substance. All those poor people he claims to care about out there, why didn’t he just go bald and donate to them the thousands he spent on new follicular growth? It’s akin to having a female candidate who has obvious, large breast implants. It’s for bimbos and strippers. And Joe Biden is a himbo, sad to say.
Sorry, but I liked George Washington’s wig in the Commander-in-Chief position better than I like this fraud with plugs being a heartbeat away from that position.
And it’s not just that Biden’s hair isn’t really his or that the many speeches and words he and Obama have stolen from others (like, in Biden’s case, British Labor Party figure Neil Kinnock) aren’t theirs. It’s that nothing is real or the truth with these guys.
It’s all smoke and mirrors . . . and Barbie’s plugs.
Oh, and by the way, every time Biden refers to “rich Republicans” or his “working class roots” in Scranton, Pennsylvania, ask him how much a hair transplant job costs.
Hint: This vanity cosmetic procedure is far more expensive than an average working class family can afford.
**** UPDATE: Some people think this video on Biden and his hair plugs is funny. I will reserve comment:

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August 24, 2008, - 11:12 am

Erratum: Najah Bazzy, Islamic Nurse Ratched

By Debbie Schlussel
On Mother’s Day, May 11th, I wrote about how an extremist Muslim (redundant) mosque in the Detroit area honored jihadist Muslima nurse, Najah Bazzy. I wrote that she was intimately involved in Medicaid fraud. That was a typo. The word “intimately” should have read “apparently,” and has been corrected.
I stand by everything I wrote about Ms. Bazzy. All of the evidence strongly suggests that not only was Ms. Bazzy involved in Medicaid fraud but was intimately involved in it. More to come on this and Najah Bazzy. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, read some of my past work on Najah Bazzy, Muslima enemy of America on our shores.

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August 22, 2008, - 3:05 pm

Weekend Box Office: Lotsa Duds

By Debbie Schlussel
Lots of garbage debuting at the movies, this weekend. Yes, I sat through hours of this crapola so you don’t have to. And, ironically, the relative (and I stress the word, relative) best is made by two of the most unlikely people. (My review of “The Rocker” was posted earlier in the week.)
* “The Longshots“: Who’da thunk that obscene rocker Fred Durst (of the group, Limp Bizkit) and foul, racist, anti-cop, scumbag rapper Ice Cube would make the most palatable and family-friendly fare of the weekend?
But they did. Durst directs and Ice Cube stars and produces in this film based–very loosely–on the true-life story of Jasmine Plummer, the first female Pop Warner (youth football) quarterback.
Normally, I’m against these movies about female quarterbacks. We’ve seen a million of ’em–from “Quarterback Princess,” Helen Hunt’s TV movie when I was a kid to, now, this. But one thing in the movie’s favor: It’s not a feminist movie or pro-Title IX celluloid propaganda. I like this aspect of it–that it’s not in-your-face.


Still, it’s hackneyed and filled with the usual sports cliches. And the most objectionable thing about it is that the story is a lie against fathers. In this movie, the father has abandoned his wife and daughter and is a loser and a jerk. In real life, I’m told, Plummer’s father was there and her family was intact.
Then, there’s Keke Palmer, who ably plays Plummer in the movie. The talented young actress looks like a model and her character dreams of becoming one. But the real-life Plummer is far more masculine. She was a national youth wrestling champion and said she chose football because she didn’t like to play with Barbie dolls.
But there is truth to one thing. Her team, with her as quarterback, did reach the finals of the Pop Warner football tournament in Florida.
While it is full of trite sports movies lessons, it was overall a charming movie for kids and their families. But, like I said, we’ve grown tired of the manufactured “evil father” tripe coming from Hollywood, so explain to your kids that that part is pure fiction.
* “Death Race“: This extremely bloody, violent, and just plain horrible remake of the 1970s movie “Death Race 2000,” is nothing like the David Carradine/Sylvester Stallone original, in which racers drove across the country and got points for running people over (including crazy fans who set themselves up to be hit).
Instead, this one is set in a prison, where Jason Statham (who plays a has-been race car driver down on his luck) was sent after he was framed for murdering his wife.
This movie is preposterous. Statham is told by warden Joan Allen that if he races in and wins the “Death Race” (a televised auto race to the death among competing prisoners), he’ll go free.
There’s really not much more to this, other than that it’s sickening, disgusting, just plain stupid, and a complete mess.
Skip at all cost. Ridiculous.

* “The House Bunny“: “Revenge of the Nerds” called. It wants its plot back. Where that movie–about nerds in a frat house in college becoming cool and popular–was hilarious and even had a weird charm to it, this is just a bummer.
What happens when a Playboy playmate (Anna Faris) hoping to become the Miss November centerfold gets kicked out of the Playboy Mansion by Hugh Hefner? She becomes homeless . . . and gets a job as a housemother for a nerdy sorority and makes them cool and beautiful (well, sort of–we’re talkin’ Demi Moore’s homely daughter and another actor I’m convinced is a man in drag).
Any movie that features Hugh Hefner, his three girlfriend playmates, AND Demi Moore in speaking roles . . . well, you know it can’t be good.
Like I said, it’s basically a bad remake of “Revenge of the Nerds,” using sorority sisters instead of frat boys, with a Playboy bunny character thrown in for bad measure.
Mildly entertaining, but mostly just dumb. The jokes are mostly stupid. I laughed less than a handful of times.
Best line in the movie:

You’re 27? That’s like 59 in Bunny years.

Skipworthy. Rent “Revenge of the Nerds” (“Oh, No, the nerds saw me naked!”) instead.
* “Elegy“: I sort of liked the message of this movie about an empty, hedonistic professor whose life is basically full of sad, empty relationships. But it was kinda like watching salami-making to get there.
This chick-flick May-very December romance movie gave me the creeps. It stars 64-year-old (pro-Palestinian) Ben Kingsley as David Kepesh, a cultural critic who supports the concept of “emancipated manhood”–which basically means sleeping around and eschewing marriage, which he thinks was his one big mistake in life (he divorced after having a son).
Kepesh has lots of empty sex with students and other young women (as well as the older Patricia Clarkson), but gets captivated by one student, Consuela (Penelope Cruz). He falls in love, but he feels foolish as an older man in love with a younger woman and is embarrassed to attend her college graduation party.
It was very hard for me to believe the romance between this senior citizen and the much younger woman who was once his student. It not only gave me the creeps, but some of the dialogue was more suited to a porno flick. Yuck:

Kingsley: You have the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen.
Cruz: You like them?
Kingsley: I worship them.

Or this:

Kingsley: This girl will never once tell me she yearns for my c-ck.

Or this scintillating discussion of Cruz’s past boyfriends’ turn-ons:

Cruz: He liked to watch me menstruate.

Then, there is a comment about pulling a tampon out.
Didn’t need to hear the gratuitous Kingsley comment that Cruz’s “Cuban, Ronald-Reagan-loving-parents” were the proud parents of someone who engaged in obliging this “turn-on.” Now, it’s Ronald Reagan’s fault that some fictional Cuban characters had extremely disgusting sexual habits?
Classy script.
Now, do you understand why I find this movie creepy (in so many ways)?
And it frequently seemed like the movie was more of an excuse to show extended shots of Cruz’s naked chest, more than anything.
The many close-up shots of Kingsley’s giant nose didn’t help the movie. (Whatta schnozz!) Nor did the scenes of Cruz with mid-length hair and bangs and suddenly long hair. Or the shots of the part Asian and very ethnic Kingsly with his “son,” the very waspy-looking, whitebread actor, Peter Sarsgaard.
The movie was mostly sad and depressing and throws you a completely different story about 20 minutes toward the end, which seems like an entirely different movie.
The best dialogue in the movie is delivered by Dennis Hopper, who plays Kingsley’s fellow womanizing professor and poet:

Kingsley: For a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, you display an incredible lack of imagination.
Hopper: That’s why they gave me the damn prize.

Or this:

Hopper: You have to stop worrying about growing old and worry about growing up.

Mildly entertaining, though sort of Wood Allen-esque. Very depressing, but a great message about growing up versus growing old: They are two different things, and the Hugh Hefner lifestyle is emotionally bankrupt in the end.


*Hamlet 2:Shakespeare is turning over in his grave.
One of the dumbest, crudest, worst movies of the year. English actor Steve Coogan plays a washed-up, loser actor who teaches drama in an Arizona public high school. His students are mostly Hispanic with some bigots. They don’t give a damn. He is with a loser wife or girlfriend who’s trying to get pregnant. He’s putting on a stupid musical in which Hamlet goes back in time on a spaceship. Oh, and they make fun of Jesus Christ. It was supposed to be a comedy, but simply wasn’t funny. Not even barely.
This movie seemed like a fifth grader wrote it and inserted lots of expletives. The only good part was Amy Poehler playing a typical ACLU lawyer biotch. But even that was overdone, and lasted for only like five minutes total of this whole exercise in vomit.
Uggh. Completely absurd. And a complete waste of ten bucks and two hours.
* “Stealing America: Vote by Vote“: This left-wing documentary is the same old stuff you’ve been hearing about how Republicans allegedly stole the election in 2004 (and 2000). While there were a few interesting things I learned, it was mostly the stuff you’ve already heard over and over and over and over. Not sure how this is a “documentary,” since it’s so one-sided. When the heck will they move on from this whining?
But here are a few interesting points from this boring, repetitive movie:
* Republican Congressman Tom Feeney hired someone to write a program that automatically switches someone’s vote away from what they really chose. Then, he was a Florida legislator. Scary guy.
* Anti-Israel, pan-Arabist, pro-Obama faux-Republican Senator Chuck Hagel owned the company that counted votes in Nebraska, including the votes for his re-election race. Hello . . . ? That’s a huge problem, and no-one cared.
* Exit polling companies, when their exit polls are wrong, change their exit polls to reflect actual polls. Isn’t that cheating? How are they “exit polls” if you changed the results you got when people “exited” the polls?
And finally, there was the repeate of Al Gore supporters’ whine that if all the votes in Florida were counted he would have won. Maybe so, but he and his people chose not to count the entire state. Their fault. They weren’t cheated out of it. They chose.
On one thing I do strongly agree with the moviemakers’ apparent viewpoint: Since I ran for the Michigan House twice and lost by just one vote the first time, I, myself, am against the use of electronic or computerized voting machines. As the movie showed, there’s no record of the actual votes, and it’s very easy to write programs that change the results.
We should rely on paper ballots (not the punchcard kind–I experienced the hanging chad problem a decade before the Bushies in Florida did). We should use the ballots, on which you connect the arrow to the candidate of your choice or fill in the circle. Then, there’s a concrete record easy to recount and hard to fake.

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August 22, 2008, - 2:34 pm

Proud Obama Delegate Leads Islamic Medicaid Defrauding Agency, Helps Illegal Aliens

By Debbie Schlussel
Whether or not Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim (and under Islamic law and on the Arab street, he IS), yet another top Islamic leader involved in helping Muslim illegal aliens cheat America, is a BHO delegate to the Democratic National Convention.
Taleb Salhab is an Obama delegate from Michigan.
He’s also national outreach director for ACCESS, the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services. I’ve written extensively about this tax-funded, Muslim-dominated agency, that was raided by the FBI for defrauding Medicaid on behalf of pregnant Muslim aliens the agency brought to the U.S. to give birth to their anchor babies here. ACCESS also opposed putting Hezbollah and HAMAS on the State Department terrorist list and is the largest aider and abetter of Islamic illegal aliens in America. They help make sure illegal aliens have it easy here, while your taxes fund their stay.


Taleb Salhab: Obama Delegate Helps Muslim Illegal Aliens

Salhab, a Palestinian Muslim, also headed the Palestine Aid Society, which was under suspicion for financing Islamic terrorism against Israel.
And there’s another problem. Salhab runs a tax-funded program that involves Arabs in American politics (why are your taxes paying for this?). Guess whose campaign they’ll be working on?
Since Salhab is very active in the Arab and Muslim campaign for Obama, it’s very likely that if Obama is elected, he will get a job offer in an Obama administration.

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August 22, 2008, - 2:05 pm

Are You Tired of Special Parking Spaces?: Hybrid Drivers the Latest So Anointed

By Debbie Schlussel
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of the gazillion special classes of people for whom parking spaces are reserved.
We began with handicapped spots. Fine. People with disabilities, I understand that. I feel bad for their physical misfortunes . . . though many of the people I see using those aren’t actually handicapped (a lot of fraud there). And it’s hard on businesses who have small lots, very few spaces, and must provide the mandated number of empty spots that rarely go used.
Then, there were the “expectant mother” and “mother to be” spots. In many cases, those are the women who probably need the most exercise of walking across the lot, as they’ve eaten more ice cream than pickles.
And don’t forget the “employee of the month” parking spot at many retail giants.


Now, the latest is hybrid-only spaces at Home Depot, Office Depot, and Ikea. Completely annoying, especially when you consider that many hybrids are neither cheaper nor do they save much gas. Why do they deserve special treatment while we search in vain for an empty parking space within a mile of the front door?
I wonder what would happen to me if I parked in a hybrid spot (I don’t drive a hybrid). Would Ikea’s green-nazis give me a ticket? Would they not let me purchase their pressed particle-board contemporary splendor? (For the record, I like modern furniture, and while I dislike Ikea’s lefty policies and gazillionaire hypocrite owner, I love the furnishings.)
What’s next–special parking spots for illegal aliens, the non-English speaking, Muslims, vegan lesbian yoga teachers who were artificially inseminated?
Don’t laugh. At least some of these are likely in our future.
A business is free to do what it wants to attract customers. But sooner or later, people will grow tired of a retailer that deals in cheap chic but engages in tactics, which repeatedly elevate certain political classes.
It’s a bad way to do business. And eventually, it backfires.

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