August 28, 2008, - 10:11 am

Mitt Happens: Veep Candidate or Not, Romney Continues to Flip-Flop

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember how Mitt Romney won Michigan’s Republican Primary?
He promised millions in wasteful taxpayer loans and grants to the auto industry, while John McCain told Michigan’s laid off auto workers the truth: These jobs are not coming back.
Well, now, while he’s not-so-quietly running as a candidate for John McCain’s Veep selection, he’s flip-flopping.
In Denver to serve as McCain’s anti-Obama attack dog, he shied away from his previous position–apparently a lie–on government subsidies for the auto industry. That’s despite the fact that John McCain, formerly against the loans and grants, flip-flopped the other way and endorsed the aid, last week.


Michigan native Mitt Romney declined Tuesday to discuss his vice presidential hopes — or to support the loan guarantees for the auto industry that have become an increasingly important feature of the presidential campaign in battleground Michigan.
Romney, who won Michigan’s Jan. 15 primary in part on a pledge to help rebuild the domestic automakers, is widely viewed to be on John McCain’s short list of potential running mates. . . .
At a press conference and at a luncheon with reporters sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, Romney repeatedly declined to comment on his vice presidential prospects. He criticized Obama as too inexperienced to be president, and stopped short of supporting the domestic auto industry’s call for federal loan guarantees to help it make the transition to more fuel-efficient vehicles.
McCain himself endorsed the guarantees last week, after having previously expressed skepticism.
“I think it’s important that we maintain an automotive sector in this country,” Romney said, adding that it was important to the economy and to protecting the defense industry’s base.
But asked about the loan guarantee proposal, he said: “What the nature of our support would be is something I anticipate would be developed over time.”
At a later news conference at the Republican National Committee’s “response center” in Denver, Romney acknowledged that McCain has supported the idea, but he does not.
“I did see Senator McCain has spoken out about being open” to the idea of guarantees, Romney said. . . .
Any aid, he said, is “something that should be a process of extensive negotiation, with a recognition that government should not bail everybody out, but if government is going to be involved, that it be something that involves all the parties, and there be giving from all the parties involved.”

For the record, I’m against those subsidies. While the money would greatly help my state of Michigan, where much of automotive America is based, and on which the Michigan economy unsmartly put all of its eggs, the money won’t bring the American auto jobs back. Instead, it will subsidize continued bloated multi-million dollar salaries and benefits packages for the incompetent CEOs that got Ford, GM, Chrysler, and the rest where they are now. And it will help subsidize the unwieldy health plans that cost $1,500 per each GM car to cover costs of Viagra for auto retirees.
But the fact that Romney ran on this and now admits he lied tells me he’s not exactly the best material for McCain’s choice of Vice Presidential running mate.
And, trust me, the Obama people will use this, big-time, in states like Michigan and Ohio, where auto workers are out of jobs.
Romney is as much a flip-flopper as John Kerry. No difference. And whaddya know, they’re both from the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts.
Like I always say, Mitt Happens . . .But Hopefully Not to the White House.


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August 28, 2008, - 5:45 am

Midweek Box Office: “The Jerk” Makes Boring, Moral Equivalency Terrorism Flick “Traitor”

By Debbie Schlussel
Leave it to Steve Martin–yup, that Steve Martin–and a liberal Jew, Jerry Nachmanoff–to make yet another insipid, “they hijacked my religion”/”Christians are terrorists just like Muslims” movie in the mold of Rosie O’Donnell’s ideology.
Now, I know why Steve Martin–who wrote and executive produced this movie–played “The Jerk.” He wasn’t really acting, apparently. His boring Bin Laden cinema, “Traitor“, debuted in theaters, yesterday.
Posters for this awful movie say, “The truth is complicated.” But, more accurately, the truth is actually very simple . . . and it’s not in this movie. Silver screen sleeping pills are, though.
When I first saw the trailer for the movie, I thought it looked like a “blame-America-for-creating-the-Islamic-terrorists” flick.


Real-Life Traitor Steve Martin:

The Jerk Wants You To Know America’s Just Like Islamic Terrorists

It’s that and more. Worse is the highly objectionable moral equivalency that swaths itself throughout this boring, sleep-inducing movie that’s a bad rip off of what was a great Showtime miniseries, “Sleeper Cell.”
The plot is similar: A Black undercover operative who is a devout Muslim goes deep undercover to infiltrate a terrorist cell planning an attack on America. (In this one, the Muslim is Don Cheadle.)
But that’s where the similarities ends.
Whereas “Sleeper Cell” was exciting and mostly accurate from beginning to end, “Traitor” manages to make even explosions, bombs, and terrorist plots extremely dull amidst the non-stop pan-Islamist propaganda pimping throughout. I literally fell asleep several times, desperately trying to stay awake through this almost two hours of drivel.
Cheadle plays Samir Horn, a Sudanese-born son of a man mixed up in the Muslim Brotherhood. His father is blown up when he’s young, and Horn is raised in Chicago by his Muslim mother who dons a hijab and looks like she walked out of Farrakhan-casting central. And yet, somehow, Horn is a moderate helping America fight terrorists? (In real life, not on this planet.) FBI agents don’t know Samir is really a CIA operative on our side.
This movie is peppered with the same old, hackneyed, false narrative about Islam, which we heard from everyone including President Bush right after 9/11.
Here’s a sampling of some of the moral equivalence dialogue peppered throughout this 2-hour ordeal in ennui:
A terrorist says to Samir:

They forget that the Americans were once terrorists to the British.

Funny, this is almost an exact quotation from real-life CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) chief Nihad Awad and MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council) chief, Salam Al-Marayati.
When FBI agents visit Samir in a Yemeni jail, one of them tells him that he’s selling weapons to terrorists to kill innocent people. He responds:

America uses bombs on innocent people, too. They just have darker skin.

The FBI agents don’t disagree. And in real life, that’s often the FBI view.
When an investigation is done into Samir’s background, his former employer says they fired him because he’s a Muslim and that their clients don’t like Muslims. That’s the justification–we’re hit over the head with it in this movie–for getting involved with terrorism: because America treats Muslims so badly and discriminates against them at every turn (which is why they flock to live here in the tens of thousands, every year). We’re the real bad guys, we drive them into this life.
When America makes Samir a high-value terrorist target, the terrorists with whom he’s working tell him:

America put a fatwah on you.

Get it?–America puts fatwas on people just like Muslims do. We’re all terrorists. We’re all the same. We’re no better.
We repeatedly hear the hero of the movie and assorted Muslims say the same old BS–“They betrayed Islam”–about terrorists. That’s interesting, because when I watched 10,000 Muslims in Dearbornistan marching daily on the streets to show their support for Hezbollah in 2006, I didn’t hear a single one of ’em say, “They betrayed Islam,” amidst their cheering for “the martyrs.” Not one lamented how Hezbollah murdered over 300 U.S. Marines and civilians in Lebanon and countless other innocent civilians at the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires.
And there are plenty of quotes about how Americans, especially Christians, are just like Islamic terrorists. More on that, below.
Some of the movie is actually reflective of reality, but it’s juxtaposed with constructs that Muslims and Hollywood liberals want you to believe:
* Guy Pearce–an actor I used to like (until this movie)–plays the lead FBI counterterrorism agent on the case.
Bad suit–check, awfully-played accent (with Southern comments about “mah deddy, the Baptist minister”)–check, and horribly out-of-date goatee and haircut–check.
Pearce, like many clueless FBI counterterrorism agents I know, thinks he knows everything and is the “expert” on Arabic and Islam. He lets us know that he fell in love with the world’s ugliest language, Arabic. And being the “expert”, he, of course, notes the repeated far-left lie that Christians are terrorists as much as Muslims.

The Klan burns crosses and calls it Christianity. It seems every religion has two faces.

(Yup, remember when Christians blew up the Empire State Building and the Jefferson Memorial on 9/11 and murdered 3,000 Americans? I remember it well, as much as I remember all those embassies in Africa those awful Christians blew up in 1998. And that cruise ship, on which the evil Christians shot and killed a Jewish man in a wheelchair. And then there’s my fave terrorist group, “Christian Jihad.” Etc., Etc., Etc.)
Just to make the point, this stupid moral equivalency dialogue is uttered in response to statements made by his “ignorant”, violent sidekick/partner, FBI agent Neal McDonough (THE Jump the Shark actor for the 2000s–everything he’s in stinks and fails), who swears a lot and really doesn’t understand those peaceful Muslims, what with him uttering things like:

That’s some crazy sh-t, Muslims blowing themselves up for the 72 virgins.

He, of course, beats up Muslim terror suspects like Horn and has a thing or two to learn from the FBI agent who loves Arabic, respects Muslims, and thinks all Christians are Klan terrorists and just as bad as Muslims.
* Islamic terrorists in a terror cell get into the U.S. on student visas, and guess what? Only one of ’em is actually going to college. That’s often true in real life.
But the movie departs reality, when authorities find that out: ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) makes every single Muslim on a visa stand in line at federal buildings and go to intense questioning sessions. Yeah, like that would happen. In my dreams.
As I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, the FBI never pursued a planned program to look into just a few hundred student visas after 9/11, and ICE–for PC reasons–ignores Muslims on student visas and rarely investigates those who violate them and/or overstay. This remains the case, even after it was learned that British Muslim doctor terrorists tried to get medical internships and residencies here.
And, of course, this was used as a construct in the movie for the FBI agent to denounce profiling and comment on how it never works in finding terrorists. Uh, sorry, but it does work. That’s why we don’t do it. That–and political correctness.
* The Islamic terrorists have moles inside the FBI, including an Arabic translator who leaks everything to the terrorists.
That part is, sadly, very true to reality.
But, in this movie, it’s balanced out by very loyal-to-America counterterrorist Muslim Arab FBI agents, like a woman named “Layla.” That part isn’t true. Many Arab and Muslim FBI agents–like Nada Nadim Prouty (a Druze Arab who worked for Hezbollah), Gamal Abdel-Hafiz, and Wilfred Rattigan–have tipped off terrorists and refused to investigate Muslims. Sorry, there ain’t no Special Agent Laylas in real life.
Oh, and by the way, I learned something else Islamic terrorists and we, Americans, have in common. We both “dream in English.” Awww, I knew we were the same.
The most disturbing thing about “Traitor” is not its awful messages of moral equivalency, it’s the movie’s target audience. Because Cheadle is Black, the movie has been promoted ad nauseam in Black America. At a screening I attended, the packed audience received free passes from Detroit Black radio stations. Sadly, they clapped for the movie at the end. Even more tragic, they laughed with and cheered the various anti-American dialogue in the movie, including the line about how America is just like the terrorists because we allegedly bomb innocent victims who “have darker skin.”
Do these people who are voting for Barack Obama really hate America this much? Do these Americans really think America’s that bad? Yes, they do, if this is any indication.
But their reactions reflected naivete and ignorance. The audience, for instance, reacted with shock and laughter to the part of the movie in which Yemeni police help Islamic terrorists break out of prison. But this has happened in real-life in Yemen many times over the last several years. Yes, only a clueless crowd that doesn’t read a paper would like and ignorantly buy into the PR BS put forth in this failed flick.
And Islam is heavily pushed as a respectable, superior religion in this movie, with Cheadle being peaceful, devout, and the movie’s hero at the end. I guess we don’t have enough Black Americans converting to Islam. So, Steve Martin and Jerry Nachmanoff took it upon themselves to help in the proselytizing department. Louis Farrakhan and Ibrahim Hooper thank you, “The Jerk.”
The end of the movie is another rip-off–this time, not from “Sleeper Cell,” but from Judaism. Samir and FBI agent Pearce quote from the Koran about how if you save or take a life, it’s respectively like saving or killing a whole world. But, like much of the Koran, that’s a well-known precept stolen from Judaism. (The parts of the Koran and Islam not stolen from Judaism, are shoplifted from Christianity.)
The only briefly laudable part of this movie is when an FBI agent (Pearce) asks Samir’s mother whether or not her son is a very devout or extremist Muslim. She responds:

He’s a Muslim. I don’t believe there’s a sliding scale.

And this movie is extremely bad. I don’t believe there’s a sliding scale.

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August 27, 2008, - 12:53 pm

Sleeping with the Enemy: Those Jewish Microloans in New Orleans

By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve repeatedly noted on this site and elsewhere, despite the fact that Jews helped the Black civil rights movement more than anyone else–some of them even giving their lives–Blacks continue to be the most anti-Semitic group in America. Whereas anti-Semitism among all other ethnic groups (except Arabs and Muslims) has gone down over the decades, it hasn’t in Black America. And in every ethnic group (except Arabs and Muslims), as socio-economic (income and education) status rises, anti-Semitism goes down . . . except among Blacks. The Jacksons and Sharptons and Farrakhans–the blatant anti-Semites–are revered in Black America.
So, it is in the backdrop of all of this information that I grimace at yet another stupid Jewish donation of money to help enable more Black anti-Semites.


They & Their Supporters Laughing @ the Jews . . .

All the Way to the Bank

The Jewish Funds for Justice (hint: anything Jewish with the word “Justice” in it is always far-left and doesn’t actually stand for Justice, but Suicide) has a new campaign, the “8th Degree” campaign named for Maimonides’ term for the highest form of charity, which he described as making loans to someone in need to help themselves (as in start a biz or otherwise become self-sufficient). But Rabbi Moses Maimonides was talking about loans to other Jews, not those who hate the Jews.
Starting Friday, the charity will make micro-loans of $5,000 to $15,000 to New Orleans victims of Hurricane Katrina to help their businesses recover and to start new businesses. Most of the recipients will, no doubt, be Black. And most of them will, no doubt, be the same Farrakhan, Jackson, and Sharpton supporters who have no problem with the Nation of Islam and anti-Semitism. In poll after poll, the majority of Black Americans are anti-Semitic. Period.
And the funds will be distributed through a New Orleans credit union, so even the word Jewish won’t be impressed on these likely anti-Semites’ minds when they cash their checks. Not that that would make a difference, since Michael Schwerner’s and Andrew Goodman’s deaths marching for Black civil rights in Mississippi didn’t make a dent.
Leave it to liberal Jews to spend money on funding and enabling their enemies. The Jewish Funds for Justice a/k/a Suicide is a far-left group, and its leaders are–surprise!–backing Barack Hussein Obama. Jewish Funds for Justice founder Mik Moore is on a leave of absence to campaign for Obama and help combat the truth of Obama’s anti-Semitism and Muslim past.
And don’t look for Black anti-Semitism–including among New Orleans recipients of this Jewish largesse–to dissipate anytime soon.
What’s that rustling sound I hear? The sound of Maimonides’ bones revolving in his coffin. It’s quite clear that Maimonides–who tragically had to advise the Jews of Yemen on the permissiveness of of forced conversion to Islam to save their lives during the Muslim domination of Andalusian Spain, at the same time that he had to serve as an advisor to the Muslim Spanish King–wasn’t thinking of this kind of “charity” when he spoke of the highest form of charity.
Maimonides didn’t believe in suicide the way the Jewish Funds for Suicide, er . . . “Justice”, does

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August 27, 2008, - 11:44 am

Gays Target Bolthouse Farms Over Gay Marriage Ban Initiative

By Debbie Schlussel
If you’re like me, you love Bolthouse Farms fruit and vegetable drinks (though rarely have them because they’re veeeery high in calories).
But gays in California don’t.
They’re boycotting the company because the man who founded and sold the company three years ago–William Bolthouse–is a huge backer of Proposition 8, a California ballot initiative to ban gay marriage in California. He donated $100,000 to Proposition 8 backers.
So, now a fruity drink is no longer the “fruity” drink.
Oh, and by the way, did you know that opposing gay marriage is now a “hate crime”?
Californians Against Hate is the gay rights group, which is leading the boycot of donors of $5,000 or more to the anti-gay marriage campaign.


Gay Marriage Activists Boycott Bolthouse Farms, Other Businesses

Bolthouse Farms can handle it. It’s a huge company with sales across the continent, and its bottom line hasn’t been affected. It’s the smaller businesses that are being hurt by this gay extremism and intolerance.
Two of the businesses which donated–A-1 Storage, a self-storage company, and Manchester Grand Hyatt (both of which are in San Diego)–are also targets of the gay boycott. I urge you to patronize these businesses if you live in the San Diego area or are visiting (especially for the hotel), since the misnomered Californians Against Hate has already hurt them:

Same-sex marriage was legalized in California in June after the State Supreme Court ruled a ban was unconstitutional. That set the stage for a ballot proposal to outlaw gay marriage. Both sides see California as the crucial battleground state that could determine how far same-sex marriage rights can be extended. Fund raising has poured in from across the country. . . .
San Diego’s Manchester Grand Hyatt is now the target of a boycott that was kicked off after its owner, Doug Manchester, donated $125,000 to the campaign to support Proposition 8. With the help of a local union, gay-rights activists managed to convince two professional associations to cut back on some events they planned to host at the hotel. A hotel official said both groups are keeping the rooms they have blocked off for their events but moved some meetings and other events to other venues.
In an email responding to a reporter’s question, Mr. Manchester said, “We have received support from those that are in favor of Prop 8 which has made up for some of what is being lost as a result of the boycott. Nonetheless, we are saddened by all the divisive nature of the movement.” . . .
Jennifer Kerns, a spokeswoman for, the largest fund-raiser for the Yes on Prop 8 campaign, says she expects it will become more difficult to entice corporations to contribute to her cause.
“The moment [Mr. Manchester] wrote the check, he found himself to be the target of numerous boycotts and protests,” she said. “Our side has a significant challenge in that.” Ms. Kerns noted that the greater chunk of her group’s funding will likely come from individuals and religious groups, such as the national Catholic organization Knights of Columbus, which recently contributed $1 million to the campaign.

Not surprisingly, gay rights groups aren’t boycotting businesses that are contributing to the campaign to keep gay marriage legalized in California.

San Francisco-based Pacific Gas & Electric, the state’s largest utility by revenue, donated $250,000 to defeat Proposition 8. A spokeswoman said the company received some complaints from its 20,000 employees and six million customers, and it was able to handle the protests internally.

Sadly, Californians against gay marriage probably can’t boycott this company because, as with most utilities, it likely has a monopoly on the energy it provides. And you don’t want to be without gas and electricity.

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August 27, 2008, - 10:39 am

Three Cheers for the . . . LPGA?: Biz That Needs American Viewers Mandates ENGLISH

By Debbie Schlussel
Not being a fan of women’s sports–especially not the WNBA or LPGA–I never thought I’d be praising an organized women’s sports league, much less the organizer of the Dinah Shore Classic a/k/a America’s national lesbian convention in Palm Springs.
But the LPGA is doing something all American businesses–and actually all American institutions and organizations–should be doing:
Mandating English.
If you don’t speak English, you face suspension. Bravo! Or, in this case, I guess it’s, “Brava.” (Yes, I know, that word is Italian, but if you’re reading this, you know I speak English.)


For many years, the LPGA tour has impressed upon its membership the significance of communicating efficiently in English. By the end of 2009, it will be mandatory.
The LPGA is adopting a policy that will require its member golfers to speak English or face suspension. All players who have been on the tour for two years could be suspended if they fail to pass an oral evaluation of their English proficiency starting at the end of the 2009 season. The tour announced the policy to its South Korean membership in a mandatory meeting Aug. 20 and has spoken to many players from other countries.
There are 121 foreign players from 26 countries, 45 from South Korea.
“We’re focusing on the fact that we’re in the sports entertainment business and we have to interact with fans and sponsors,” LPGA deputy commissioner Libba Galloway said. “We want to emphasize to our players that they need to be approachable.

Hillary Clinton didn’t speak in Spanish at last night’s Democratic National Communist Confab. And there’s a reason. The Dems know that Americans who speak English still command the ballot box (despite the many ballots printed in a gazillion languages–another travesty).
And the LPGA tour knows that people who consume its primary moneymaker–TV broadcasts–are still mostly English speakers.
But there’s another reason: Though the LPGA Tour has players fro many foreign countries, as noted above, the largest number of foreigners in the golf league are from South Korea.
And unlike what I call the “Jose Lobby”–La Raza, LULAC, and assorted other Hispanic organized whining orgies–the “Cho Lobby” just isn’t powerful enough yet. If they were–if Korean-Americans were as well-organized as Hispanic and Muslim lobbies–this rule would never fly.
But don’t worry, the Florida ACLU is on the case.
We should applaud the LPGA for doing the right thing, even if it wasn’t done for the right reasons (marketplace and money versus what’s good for America):

The LPGA policy says players who have been on the tour for two years can be suspended if they fail an oral evaluation of their English proficiency starting at the end of the 2009 season.
The tour provides tutoring and language-learning software to its players and will work with those who fail the test.
“It’s something that has been coming about gradually,” said LPGA deputy commissioner Libba Galloway, who added that only a few of the organization’s members can’t speak English. “We’re more of an international tour now, but we’re an American-based tour and the players need the tools to interact with fans and sponsors. One of those tools is to speak English.”
No major U.S. sports leagues, however, require players to speak English. Nor do the PGA Tour or ATP.
“We are proud to have tournaments in 30 countries and players from over 100 competing in them and have no plans to impose a common language on them,” ATP spokesman Kris Dent said.

Dumb move. The LPGA is making a smart move, regardless of what liberal lawyers try to do.

Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Florida, said a language requirement could be in violation of state law.
“Florida law prohibits discrimination in public accommodations,” he said. “They may well violate Florida discrimination laws because language is a key element of person’s national origin. People should be judged on their ability to perform a job. English fluency has no more to do with the ability to play 18 holes of golf than whether you walk 18 holes or ride 18 holes.”
Galloway, however, said the LPGA can stand its legal ground. “Organizations and businesses in general have the right to make requirements on skill sets necessary for their employers,” she said. “We as a membership organization have the right to establish obligations that our members must adhere to in order to do the things fundamental to conduct our business.”
One of those is to play pro-ams.
“If there is a language barrier hampering the pro-am experience, that hurts,” Pepper said. “You don’t want any barriers when it comes to what the LPGA does best, and that’s to interact with fans, sponsors and pro-am players.”
Seon Hwa Lee, the only Asian with multiple victories this year, works with an English tutor in the winter. She told Golfweek, which first reported the new policy Monday, her English is improving. “The economy is bad, and we are losing sponsors,” Lee said. “Everybody understands.”
The policy was endorsed by Kate Peters, tournament director of the LPGA State Farm Classic. “This is an American tour,” Peters said. “It is important for sponsors to be able to interact with players and have a positive experience.”

Exactly. Speaking English is a matter of survival. Not just for the LPGA Tour, but for America as we know and love it.


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August 26, 2008, - 6:50 pm

Detroit Newsistan Freudian Headline of the Day: It’s Official–Lebanon Now Part of Iran

By Debbie Schlussel
I love The Detroit Newsistan “editors”, their incredible “knowledge” of the world, and their excellent capitulation skills. Clueless Editorial Page Editor Nolan Finley made his editorial page the official occupied territory of Ayatollah Khomeini’s Navy spiritual leader Mohammed Ali Elahi, the criminal-record endowed head of Michigan CAIR Willis Delano Anthony, Jr. a/k/a Dawud Walid, and FBI award revokee, “former” Islamic terrorist, and marriage fraud perpetrator Imad Hamad.
And, as I’ve also noted, the papers other “editors” repeatedly gaffe their headlines. They once noted that the “West Bank” was in Pakistan. They’ve noted that Hillary Clinton and Osama were meeting. And in today’s print copy of the paper, they’ve officially recognized what Iran wants . . . that Lebanon is officially part of Iran:



Well, some would argue that now that America and Israel have allowed Hezbollah to take over, that Lebanon is, indeed, the newly-annexed part of the Iranian Shi’ite Islamic Empire.
Still, someone needs a geography lesson. And it’s not the readers. It’s the ones who pretend to know more than them. But don’t.

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August 26, 2008, - 5:59 pm

Marhaba: Help “Welcome” Al-Jazeera in Colorado

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, I told you how residents of Denver suburb Golden, Colorado got their City Manager, Mike Bestor, to reverse his boneheaded decision to host Al-Jazeera for a barbecue in his backyard. But, as I also noted, the Buffalo Rose bar in Golden will now welcome the Terrorist News Network and its American boob, Josh Rushing.
Well, my readers in Golden need your help if you are anywhere nearby. They plan to give Al-Jazeera a special, All-American welcome. Please help them, tomorrow after work. Details here.
Golden-area reader Laura sends this from Golden activist Laurel Imer:

Don’t forget to show up with your American flags!!
Please pass this on to your patriotic friends and family:


Al-Jazeera is BROADCASTING FROM The Buffalo Rose in Golden, CO

If you disapprove of welcoming a news agency that gives open air time to terrorists . . .
Please proudly & loudly drive up and down 12th St. between Washington & Ford in Golden (Or as close as they will let you!) with your American flags!
On the afternoon/evening* of Wed., Aug 27th
Al-Jazeera will be trying to broadcast from the patio bar of the Buffalo Rose!

*It’s an after work event!
Below is a GREAT letter from a wonderful woman that I met at the City of Golden Council Meeting:
To My Fellow Americans,
As a follow up on our grassroots effort to challenge Al Jazeera and the City Of Golden,Co, you may have read or heard in the news, we brought a challenge before the city council on Thursday August 21, 2008. Our efforts were rewarded by having the city manager apologize for his mistake and cancel the BBQ that had been previously been planned, to be hosted by him, at his home.
This was a small victory for us , but we weren’t done yet. We had t-shirts printed to sell as a boycott of The Buffalo Rose in Golden, Co – the “Biker Bar” that is hosting Al Jazeera media during this week of the DNC. The shirts were sold out in less than 24 hours over the weekend, and all proceeds went to Operation Uplink, a program to get prepaid calling cards to our troops.
This has been a great demonstration of truth in action. Along with organizations such as The VFW, The American Legion, The Combat Veterans, Military personnel, and average citizens, it is proof that when a group of people stand up for our rights, the truth ,our troops and the moral values on which this country was founded, –
Great things can happen!
I am disappointed that more people in the media chose not to think that this was an important issue. I believe strongly that this was no accident on the part of Al Jazeera media in choosing Golden, Co. and specifically The Buffalo Rose for their propaganda campaign. A biker bar, of all places is just the kind of thing they would want to show to their Islamic viewers. I would have expected someplace more neutral in it’s demographic makeup. There are other choices in the city of Golden, that would probably have better representation of the “inclusive and diverse” community that Al Jazeera and the City of Golden were trying to promote. Realistically speaking, they have no intent of showing Golden in a positive light. The possible repercussions of a group of American patriots and bikers riding through the streets, defending their constitutional rights, could turn into an interesting piece of journalism, all while Al Jazeera’s cameras are rolling. I hope that as the days progress our American media outlets can see that this is truly something to take notice of, and that it is not too late. There is still time to get attention if the proper people are contacted.
There is a website now in place to get more information, It is being continually updated and is an important piece of the puzzle, allowing us to reach an even larger audience with our message of truth. Our main goal is to educate people on who and what Al Jazeera represent to our American way of life, our Troops and our FREE Country.
I want to thank all of you for your help in getting our message out to the citizens of Golden and the world. I have experienced a renewed faith in the democratic process on which our Republic was founded.
Proudly Serving,
Laurel Imer

Please help these people welcome Al-Jazeera, if you can.

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August 26, 2008, - 5:31 pm

Oprah, Michelle Obama, The Huxtables & That Ugly Pin

By Debbie Schlussel
Okay, so I’m not the only one who noticed that every single mainstream news commentator said, last night, that the Obamas had to show the country that they’re like “The Cosby Show’s” Huxtable family . . . as if all of America is a heterogeneous group of racists who’ve never been exposed to an upper class family (which is what the Obamas are versus the middle class Huxtables) before.
But, perhaps, I am the only one who noticed that, yesterday, prior to Michelle Obama’s speech, Oprah Winfrey chose to air a re-run of her show featuring the former child actors of “The Cosby Show.” If you don’t think that was deliberate, I have some land at Harpo studios and several acres inside Oprah’s fridge to sell you.
Ugly Pin or Not, Michelle Hussein Obama . . .


Ain’t Jackie Kennedy or Claire Huxtable

I also noticed that Oprah was like the commentators in this carefully selected, carefully timed re-run. She and others remarked over and over again that Cosby was criticized by all the mainstream TV critics as not reflecting reality, because they said a middle class Black family like that of Heathcliff Huxtable didn’t reflect reality. HUH?
Just what critics on which planet was she talking about? The TV and other cultural critics almost universally (if not universally) gushed over “The Cosby Show.” Hello . . .? Sorry, but you ain’t gonna turn “The Cosby Show” and its huge success into victimhood, much as you try. Just as the commentators are somehow in the belief that no White Americans believe that Black Americans are anything but drug-dealing thugs in the inner city. It’s preposterous and its more of the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton “White-America-is-racist” victimhood, only done far more subtly and smartly.
Hmmm . . . I don’t recall the Huxtables saying they weren’t proud to be Americans or hanging out with terrorists who bombed the Pentagon. But maybe I missed those episodes.
And finally, after hearing Michelle Obama’s breathless, shouted speech, which was delivered just horribly, I couldn’t help but repeatedly wonder what the heck that ugly brooch at the center of her chest was. It looks like someone put a steel rose on top of ugly ancient whale teeth painted turquoise or teal. They keep compairing her to Jackie Kennedy in the way she dresses, but I’d say last night’s ugly brooch worn by Michelle Hussein Obama was just ugly. Just like her real views.

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August 26, 2008, - 5:12 pm

Great Advice Regarding Snakes @ Zoos . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Exercise in the Obvious: Don’t let the 10-foot python out of the cage.

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August 26, 2008, - 4:15 pm

How the Dem Platform Shifts

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve been at movie screenings all day (seeing lotsa pure dreck), but am back now.
I hope you’ll note how the Democratic Party Platform has shifted in just four years. Good-bye, national security and terrorism, hello . . . gay rights, gun control, and illegal aliens.
Oh, and it gets worse. Not only do the dems not think terrorism is a problem, they think we need to “understand the circumstances and beliefs that underpin extremism.” More liberal BS about the “root cause” of terrorists, rather than condemning them. Nauseating:


In 2004, national security and terrorism had top billing and took up the first half of the Democratic Party platform, which was the first since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The platform promised retaliation for a terrorist attack with “overwhelming and devastating force,” making reference to the “war on terror” seven times. It identified winning “the global war against terror” as the primary national-security challenge.
A draft of this year’s platform refers to a general “war on terror” just once and argues for policies that “expand our understanding of the circumstances and beliefs that underpin extremism.”

As for the planks that sound like “moderation,” it’s as phony as Barack Obama.

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