September 5, 2008, - 11:27 am

Schlussel TV Guide: Rupert Murdoch, Saudi Prince AlWaleed Won’t “Stand Up to Cancer”

By Debbie Schlussel
Tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern, ABC, CBS, NBC, and several cable networks will air “Stand Up to Cancer,” a one hour special to raise cancer awareness and money for cancer research.
But one network is missing: FOX, the network owned by NewsCorp, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, and–by at least 5.46% (and reportedly much more) Saudi billionaire and jihadist Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal.
Instead, FOX is airing two hours of “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” And none of the FOX-owned cable networks are broadcasting, “Stand Up to Cancer” either. By making this programming choice, Murdoch and Prince AlWaleed are showing us they are neither smarter than a 5th-grader, nor display even 5th-grader levels of empathy and compassion.



I am not a cancer activist. But it is a disease that spans all strata of American life and, actually, all human life–rich and poor, young and old, most ethnic groups. Few Americans alive don’t know at least one person afflicted by or touched in some way by cancer. And we don’t have a cure for most cancers.
As readers know, last year, I lost my beloved father to pancreatic cancer. Very little is known about the disease and there are no symptoms. For most people, when it is discovered, it is a death knell with usually imminent death within six months. Wouldn’t it be great if we could make some advances in discovering the causes of this disease and a way to detect this cancer?
Well, had FOX gone along, even more money and awareness would be raised tonight. Instead, the greedy billionaires Murdoch and Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal will probably get better ratings than usual for the banal hit show pitting stupid adults against smart-aleck kids. The great population of tv-watching American ignoramuses who don’t want to face the threat of cancer, learn more, and possibly help out, will all flock to watch this dumb show hosted by Jeff Foxworthy.
No-one has asked Murdoch or the Prince why they can’t lend just one hour on their network to help the cause of treating and solving the cancer epidemic.
But I’m asking: Why is their greed so great? Why is their drive to do an hour of community service in America so small? I guess they don’t want to “Stand Up to Cancer,” until they–G-d forbid, in Murdoch’s case–get cancer. (Alwaleed, on the other hand, is himself a cancer.)
Yet again we see FOX and FOX News a/k/a PAWNN (the Prince Al-Waleed Networks) in action. They ignore, I report, you decide.

Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, Rupert Murdoch Won’t Stand Up to Cancer

Read more about “Stand Up to Cancer”, how to donate, and where the money goes. I’m impressed by the organization’s “dream teams,” which are like Manhattan Projects to find cures for various cancers.
Read more about pancreatic cancer.
**** UPDATE: Reader TJ is spot on:

This is at its core. Fox insults its perceived “blue collar” base by running, well, “base” programming like “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” and denigrating imagery of women (a la O’Reilly) when they could be featuring “Stand Up to Cancer.” Plus, studies have repeatedly proven that conservatives give more to charity than liberals. FOX had its big chance, but blew it.


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September 4, 2008, - 6:52 pm

Is Bill O’Reilly Sabotaging John McCain?

By Debbie Schlussel
Is Bill “Who’s Looking Out For Falafel/Loofa?” O’Reilly letting his incredibly-sized ego sabotage John McCain’s night?
Reader/Blogger Barry Popik thinks so and reading his points, I agree.
Tonight is supposed to be John McCain’s only real domain, after a week that was dominated by Sarah & Bristol Palin hype.
But after months of refusing to appear on O’Reilly’s show, Barack Obama pulled a smart move, agreeing to an interview, but insisting it would air tonight–which means that O’Reilly will have to move his usual cadre of Playboy and Penthouse centerfolds, porn stars, and stippers to another wholesome night.
As Barry Popik notes:

BHO and O’Reilly agree to an interview tonight at 8 p.m.? How dare BHO suggest it! How dare O’Reilly agree to it!


Who’s Looking Out for You? Neither of These Dudes

Here’s what BHO doesn’t want you to see–and ratings whore O’Reilly agrees:
8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Speaker: U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Video: “Vice Presidential Nominee Governor Sarah Palin”
Speaker: Former Gov. Tom Ridge (Penn.)
Video: “America’s Place in the World”
Speaker: Mrs. Cindy McCain
9 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Video: “Senator John McCain”
Speaker: Presidential Nominee John McCain

I agree. O’Reilly is really a jerk for doing this to McCain. He’s helping Obama.
And I don’t put anything past him. Remember when he appeared on Oprah to plug his book and called new-age radical Oprah–of all people–a “traditionalist”? The guy will say or do anything if it helps him. A total phony.
And don’t forget that when Jews were being kicked out of their homes in Gaza, O’Reilly stated on his poorly-rated nationally-syndicated Westwood One radio show that the only reason Jews lived in Gaza is “because they want cheap land.” And he particularly singled out American Jews. Yup, Jews are cheap and motivated by lucre–thanks for the tip, Bill. But, no, you’re not an anti-Semite. Nu-uh.
For the record, Jews who lived in Gaza mostly lived there–not for the “cheap land”–but out of principle because it was part of Israel, and they didn’t want to give Israeli land to a Palestinian terrorist state. Most of those Jews paid a tremendous price in security expenses and, in many cases, blood–their family members killed by Islamic Palestinian terrorists. They risked their lives to live there, which is anything but “cheap.”
Who’s looking out for you? If you’re John McCain or anyone else, not Bill O’Reilly. He’s looking out for the guy in his mirror. No-one else.
So tired of this guy’s fraudulent act.
By the way, I can already predict the whole interview. It’ll go like this:
Bill O’Reilly Chorus: I mean . . . C’mon! I mean . . . C’mon! I mean . . . C’mon!

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September 4, 2008, - 3:52 pm

Change Liberals Can’t Believe In: Lefties Mad That Palin BabyDaddy Took a Shower; Double Standard on Obama Kid

By Debbie Schlussel
Liberals at the Huffington Post are apoplectic that Bristol Palin BabyDaddy Levi Johnston actually took a shower and shaved. Horror of horrors. And he took the shower after a hockey game several months ago. We can’t have that. He should have stayed sweaty, smelly, and gross for months. Right?
The Huff-and-Puffingtons even did a before and after. And whaddya know–it’s a conspiracy of makeovers when a guy showers and shaves between participating in a sporting event a long time ago and a Republican convention this week? How dare he waste the water and razors. Talk about petty and small.
Here’s the Huffington Post Before/After Comparison of a Candidate’s Soon-to-be-Relative:


Levi Johnston’s non-“Makeover”: Shower and a Shave

Here’s the Debbie Schlussel Before/After Comparison of a Candidate’s Relative:
Malia Obama’s Makeover: Hiding the Cornrows

And, as reader Abraham points out, the liberals and media don’t seem to be bothered by a far different makeover conducted on Barack Hussein Obama’s oldest daughter, 10-year-old Malia, who had cornrows before her Democratic National Convention appearance, and suddenly didn’t. Voila–no cornrows. Was this some sort of attempt to make the Obama kids more palatable to White people? Why, the Obama’s would never do that, would they?
Um, if you’re gonna go to such a ridiculous issue–the looks of a relative of a Presidential or VP candidate–and you’re gonna look at makeovers, here’s a tip:
If you are going to ignore the new, non-cornrows hairstyle, don’t harp on a guy because he engages in basic male sanitary hygiene.
Remember, Arianna Huffington, you and your crew “went there” first. Talk about double standards.

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September 4, 2008, - 2:52 pm

GOP Palin Mr. Mom Derangement Syndrome

By Debbie Schlussel
Although there are many readers who’ve written to agree with me, regarding my column earlier today–about the GOP’s and many conservatives’ strange new embrace of the Mr. Mom lifestyle and discarding of traditional gender roles of moms raising kids out the window–I note that I’ve really struck a very sensitive, raw nerve among the tiny (but still far too big) Mr. Mom constituency in the GOP.
Here are the three angry Mr. Mom demographic members’ intolerant e-mails. I just have to repeat that these people are just a little too touchy for a reason. They doth protest too much because–contrary to what they’re saying–they seem a little embarrassed by their situations. I’ve removed the surnames and e-mail addresses so as not to shame them:


Mr. Hockey Mom, Todd Palin

Sadly you see no joy for how good Americans are meeting the challenges of today. It is not the 1900’s. Our own handsome, intelligent, well-kept son is a Mr. Mom and our grandchildren thrive and we are soooo proud of him and the deep love, patience and commitment he shows his family daily. Life isn’t a cookie-cutter. You are so sadly bitter and short sighted.
Walt and Yvonne
Raleigh, NC

Of course, the parents of Mr. Mom protest. They’re embarrassed. He’s not the man in the relationship. His wife is. But they have the “kept” part right.

From: Ann
Date: Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 1:49 PM
Subject: I won’t read your lousy crap on Palin again.

Well, no explanation from Ann. But I’m guessing she brings home the bacon, and someone in a jockstrap is the hockey mom bulldog in lipstick.

You recent comments regarding Todd Palin are why I won’t read or pay attention to your opinions anymore. You are obviously a very smart, intelligent woman, but it’s obvious you are not married and certainly do not have kids. As one who does, and owns a business with my wife, and raised a few kids, your comments are way over the top. I’ll bet I am not the only one who will “take a pass” on your blog from now on.

Actually, not. Very high traffic to this site, today.
Bruce adds a “PS”:

Tell me when you have your sex change

Yup, new mental disorder: Mr. Mom Effeminate Derangement Syndrome (MMEDS, as in, take yours).
Oh, and just to provide a little balance, here are two more of the many e-mails I received from those who agree with me (some were posted after the column, earlier today):

Kudos on your post Palin nomination. I’ve been voicing the same concerns of abandonment of duties to my friends who think this a good thing.
Just long ago many of the concerns on social ideas behind the feminist movement and independence are voiced in Melanie Phillips’ book on the women’s voting movement at the turn of the century. I intend to read this book.


Dear Debbie:
I couldn’t think of another conservative to point this out to, because everyone is on the Sarah bandwagon right now. I agree with you about the family and the responsibilities of caring for the kids, the weird names, etc., etc. . . .
Thanks for all you are pointing out about the “holes” in this VP pick. Like you, I will vote for Sarah and John, but I will be “holding my nose” as they say.

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September 4, 2008, - 1:15 pm

Funniest Sports Story of the Day: One NFL Player Accuses Other NFL Player of Stealing His Stuff

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s always entertaining to read about one multi-millionaire stealing the dirty underwear and money clip of another multi-millionaire:

New Lions running back Rudi Johnson said former Lions running back Tatum Bell stole two of his bags from the locker room Monday.
Johnson said when the bags were returned Tuesday, they were empty – missing his identification, credit cards, about $200 in cash and some undergarments.
“All this happened once he got released,” Johnson said Wednesday as he came off the practice field. “He came here to get some stuff out of his locker. That’s when he scooped the bags up. Some real shyster, conniving stuff, man.”


NFLer Tatum Bell Took Fellow Player’s Bag, Money

Bell said it was an honest mistake. He said he intended to pick up some bags for a former teammate, and he grabbed the wrong ones. He said he never opened the bags and doesn’t have anything of Johnson’s.
“I ain’t no thief,” Bell told the Free Press in a phone interview. “I ain’t never been one, and I ain’t never going to be one. It was all a misunderstanding.”

But apparently it isn’t. There are a lot of inconsistencies in the story, like how the bags were returned completely empty. And the Detroit Lions are looking over the video like it was game tape. Read more.
I love a story like this. It’s funny. It’s entertaining. And it’s a nice apolitical break.
Oh, and here’s a little appropriate old school musical video accompaniment:

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September 4, 2008, - 11:30 am

Winners & Losers in Saying Buh-Bye to Detroit Mayor Kwame “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick

By Debbie Schlussel
In 2001, when Kwame Malik “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick was running for Mayor of Detroit, I warned people he was bad news. But no-one believed. They thought this thug in hip-hop clothes and urban bravado would be a reformer and savior of Detroit.
Well, today he submitted his resignation from the Detroit Mayoral seat and pleaded guilty to two felonies. He will do several months of jailtime.
While we say good-bye to Kwame “The Kingpin,” there’s bad news that comes along with it.


Deposed Detroit Mayor Kwame “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick

First, things will be boring. I will miss the non-stop opportunity to comment on the Pimp-Daddy Mayor and laugh at the dumb voters of Detroit who elected and re-elected the Kingpin, despite all evidence that he was a thug, lied under oath, treated his job like a kingship, and behaved like the star of a rap video. The people of Detroit got what they deserved. And they cost their city, and the rest of us a lot in the machinations everyone has since been put through to get rid of him.
Next, there is Monica “Shrek” Conyers, “beard,” er . . . wife of Communist Congressman John Conyers. This crazy woman who made Detroit City Council sessions and her personal life funnier than the Three Stooges, will now become President of the Detroit City Council. Read a couple of refreshers on Princess Monica, here (including great video) and here. With the Kingpin’s resignation, current Detroit City Council Prez Kenneth Cockrell, Jr., the classy-if-naive son of a pro-Palestinian Marxist, will now become Detroit Mayor, and Conyers gets his spot.

John & Monica Conyers

And finally, there is the faux-conservative villain and enabler in all of this. Michigan’s fake Republican Attorney General Mike Cox now running for Governor of Michigan (if he gets the nomination, I will probably have to vote for the Democrat). Cox has been all over Detroit radio and TV from the Republican National Convention, claiming victory in this, even though he not only had nothing to do with it, but he covered up Kilpatrick’s crimes. He stopped the Michigan State Police from investigating a party at the Mayoral Mansion which apparently resulted in the execution-style murder of two strippers.
Cox was a lieutenant in the Democratic machine which created the Kilpatrick machine and he was friends with Kwame. As a serial-adulterer who has a kid out of wedlock and allegedly had sex with a stenographer in a videotaped empty courtroom as a Wayne County Prosecutor, Cox behaved much like Kilpatrick, though slightly more discreetly.

Michigan Faux-Conservative Attorney General Mike Cox

And Cox and Kilpatrick shared resources. Lynn Aronoff, a pseudo-Republican operative, served as one of Kilpatrick’s chief campaign fundraisers. This year, she’s been helping Cox, and pimping this pan-Islamist and enabler of Islamic terrorists to Jewish Republicans at a recent meeting of the Republican Jewish(In Name Only) Coalition. It’s not a coincidence that Aronoff–whose mother and ex-con father are big Cox donors and supporters–worked for both Kilpatrick and, now, Cox.
Cox conducted a brief (non-)”investigaton” of the alleged party and the strippers’ murder, clearing the Mayor of it all and saying the party never happened. (Cox was rumored to be at the party and it was also reported that he covered up the party and compromised his “investigation” to protect the then-undisclosed stories about his own multiple extra-marital affairs.) But once everyone else finally began going after the Kingpin, Cox–as is his manner–piled on and is now using the story to pimp himself as a future Governor.
On the radio, today, Cox said this is a “good day” for Detroit. But what he really meant is that this is a “good day” for Mike Cox and his non-stop ambitions.
Buh-bye, Kwame the Kingpin, Hello, Monica and Mike. Detroit–and Michigan–just can’t help themselves to save their lives.
Neither will ever recover from its current condition until there is a full house-cleaning. And that means getting rid of Monica Conyers and Mike Cox–part of the same McNamara-Kilpatrick machine–from the political scene.

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September 4, 2008, - 5:28 am

With Nomination of Mr. Mom as Second Lady, GOP Throws Traditional Family, Values, Masculinity Out the Window

By Debbie Schlussel
Last night, John McCain’s VP choice Sarah Palin hit it out of the ballpark with her speech at the Republican National Convention. She was tough, charming, and effective. It was a great speech.
But that’s not the point.
When Palin was initially announced, last Friday, as the McCain choice, I cheered her on. What I didn’t realize is that she had five kids, some of them very young. What I also didn’t realize was that, for all the talk by the GOP about this “hockey mom,” the real hockey mom in this picture–for the last two years, at least–has been Mr. Mom, Todd Palin.


Todd Palin: The Real Hockey Mom in This Story

And for the last several days, my jaw dropped to note the partisan pandering on both sides of the aisle, first as prominent liberal feminist women suddenly discover that a woman actually should stay home and raise a family, but second–and far more disappointing to me–as conservatives and Republicans suddenly endorse the fictional notions that 1) a woman can do it all and working women are good at raising a family–nix on both; and 2) it’s not a problem that a man quit his job and subvert his life to raise the family in submission to the ambitions of his wife.
It’s odd–and, frankly, jarring–to hear formerly traditional family values conservatives throw it all former principle out the window to adopt the lingua franca of what was once the exclusive domain of the Gloria Steinems and Betty Friedans of the world, to call “sexist,” those who raise the issue of Sarah Palin’s ability to mother her family and be a full-time working woman at the same time.
What is, since Friday, now “sexist” to these many conservatives-cum-lemmings, was yesterday “traditional family values.”
Ditto for the issue of unwed teen mothers. While many conservatives cheer on and have adopted serial-adulterer and sexual-harasser Bill Cosby as their voice to the Black community to denounce “kids having kids”, a future Vice Presidential kid having a kid is no longer objectionable to them.
I’m pro-life and glad this kid isn’t having an abortion, but come on. You can’t spend decades–as many conservatives, including myself, have–denouncing the ever younger age at which kids are having sex and babies, and then sweep it under the rug on a Vice Presidential nomination dime. Period. There wasn’t a single word to the girls of the country–who are looking at Bristol Palin–that maybe they should wait to have sex, that maybe they’re too young to conceive babies. Why not?
I criticized Nickelodeon for cheering on Jamie Lynn Spears’ unwed teen pregnancy and had similar comments for another undue darling of conservatives and lefties, the movie “Juno“. And the GOP and conservative movement deserve the same jeers for cheering on Bristol Palin. Cheer on the decision not to have an abortion–that’s great. But remain silent on her trashy, irresponsible behavior–hell no.
If Bristol Palin had a full-time mother at home, would she be in this situation now? We’ll never know.
Back to Todd Palin. The man has youthful, sexy, masculine looks, engages in masculine sports, and had physical, masculine, working-class jobs, until he gave them up to become Mr. Mom.
After the Palin pick was announced on Friday, I’d planned to compare his masculinity and manliness as Alaska’s “First Dude” to the femininity of Michigan First Lady Daniel Granholm Mulhern, the girly husband of Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, who has an effeminate voice, adopted her surname, was planning to join the priesthood, and was an AIDS fundraiser.
When Granholm was first elected, I used to mock her husband, er . . . male wife on my Detroit-based radio show. Most hilarious was a much publicized Inauguration weekend ceremony Mr. Granholm Mulhern hosted, featuring ten other men who were proud to stay home and play mommy, while their wives had careers. One man bragged how proud he was to change diapers and see the kids off to school–while his wife worked in politics (they’re now divorced). Mr. Granholm also proudly attended a tea for gubernatorial first ladies, where he and the chicks were given a seminar in picking out new china, linens, and curtains for their husbands’ gubernatorial mansions.
Like I said, I planned to contrast the real-man quality of Todd Palin to this woman in a man’s body, who–we don’t know for sure–shares the Michigan Governor’s bed and the wife role in the marriage.
But that was before I learned that Todd Palin, too, assumed the position–the wife and mother role that social conservatives have long decried as an unnatural subversion and denial of the male hunter-gatherer wiring and a disastrous, feminist-imposed blurring of gender roles, which they’ve adopted in all the most socialist European countries with horrible results and the further degradation of the family unit.
All reports say that Todd Palin took many months leave from his job to cook, change diapers, and ferry the kids around.

An oil-field production operator on Alaska’s North Slope, Mr. Palin has taken months off work to help manage a household of five children. . . .
When a Wall Street Journal reporter spent two days following Gov. Palin in June, Mr. Palin kept a low profile, mostly tending to his youngest son, Trig, as the governor attended events in the Anchorage area. Often, female bystanders asked him to pose for photos.

Is that really the new GOP archetype for a man–loyal wife, mom, and supermodel? Last night, Rudy Giuliani–never a social conservative–asked why they never ask if a man will have enough time to raise his family and be Vice President.
Well, we never asked that before in the GOP because many of us are conservatives who believe (at least, pre-Palin) that it’s a mom’s job–the wife’s job–to do that. We didn’t buy into the Michael Keaton-Teri Garr comedy template.
It’s funny to hear airheaded pseudo-conservative peroxide-heads, like “The View” moron Elisabeth Hasselbeck and FOX News’ Megyn Kelly attack as “sexist” anyone who challenges the idea that Sarah Palin can’t raise her kids and be VP at the same time. She can’t. Period.
Hasselbeck cites her job on the vapid anti-male yenta-fest as a hint that you can do it all. Sorry, but she’s an airhead who spends an hour in make-up and wardrobe and another hour making a fool of herself on national TV pretending to be a conservative and exuding idiocy, and maybe another hour at the gym. Three hours of easy work a monkey could do. That’s not being VP or even any sort of real career woman, which is far more demanding. Like I said, these blonde airheads are channeling the ghost of Friedan and the soon-to-be-ghost of Steinem, not conservatism.
When Dan Quayle–speaking for most social conservatives–dissed TV’s “Murphy Brown” for having a kid as a single mom and raising it without a dad, that wasn’t the only issue. The issue was also that she was a full-time TV reporter and anchor on the show, and the kid was going to be raised by a nanny. A kid needs not just a father in its life, but a mother. And they need a father who wears the pants and mother who figuratively wears the skirt.
That’s what traditional conservatives believed . . . until Friday. It’s what the left and the feminists did not . . . until Friday.
While I’m glad that the Sally Quinns and Joy Behars and Baba Wawas of the world are suddenly on our side, when did we decide we needed to start scoring in their endzone, once they start to conveniently come around to our position in this one instance?
And I ask you, do you think that even Mr. Giuliani–one of the more liberal Republicans (a man whose counterterror positions earned my support in the GOP primaries)–would give up his career to stay home and raise kids, while wife Judy Nathan earned and brought home the bacon? Not a chance. So his comments last night, eschewing those who criticize that unconventional lifestyle, are bunk. Phony.
When Dan Granholm Mulhern became Michigan’s First Lady, I asked my mostly-male radio listeners if they’d give it all up to stay home and have their wife provide for the family. A few jokers called in and said they’d love to be kept men. But people who are kept don’t change diapers or drive carpool. The vast majority of my listeners wouldn’t hear of it. It’s not natural. It’s for wimps and men who, at their peril, ignore their natural instinct to be men, which in their DNA means to be the breadwinner.
At that time, in early 2003, Newsweek ran a story about men who stayed home while their wives worked. It wasn’t a choice–many were laid off. Most found it degrading. And moreover, they knew they didn’t have control. Their wives had suddenly become the men in their households.
And pretty soon, that reverse in gender roles may be in the Vice Presidential mansion.
Social conservatives (until Friday) lamented working women who have latchkey kids home alone, warehouse their kids in daycare, or assign motherly duties to a nanny. What exactly do they think will happen in the Palin family if she becomes Vice President and he becomes Second Lady?
I like Sarah Palin, and I will be voting for her, more than John McCain.
But is her Mr. Mom marital employment and child-rearing dynamic a good example for the boys of America? Is it a good example for the girls of America?
Only if you want your men–no matter how studly and masculine–to be women, and your women–no matter how good-looking and feminine, as Mrs. Palin is–to be men.
For conservatives to sweep these issues under the rug now that “one of ours” is doing it, is to say that for all these years, our movement was a fraud.
**** UPDATE: Reader Barbara shares my perspective on this and the whole McCain “package”:

Just finished reading your article about Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol and her husband Todd and honestly, Debbie, this is why I read your column on a regular basis.
You are one of the greatest conservative voices in this country (right up there with Rush in my opinion). I too have a hard time accepting that all of a sudden being a Mr. Mom is o.k. and having children out of wedlock and at 17 is o.k.
I am having a hard time looking the other way, but I’m having an even harder time listening to hypocrite Republicans who now believe it’s o.k. to accept this when we have the possibility of getting votes because of it. I intend to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin because I don’t want an “Obamanation” among other reasons, however, one of the main reasons I stopped donating as frequently to the RNC was because I believed they were too busy trying to coddle to the Democrats. They believed that would help and all it got us was, among other things, a bloated farm bill, an expensive and useless education bill (coordinated with Ted Kennedy of all people), no resolution to illegal immigration , no oil drilling in the US, etc.
Keep up the great work, Debbie, you are truly a voice in the wilderness for us.
P.S. Driving home the other night during the Democrat Convention I was waiting for the traffic report on the radio station that carries Sean Hannity and that was when I found out that Elizabeth Hasselbeck (?!) was reporting for Fox from the convention??? That vapid airhead??? What the hell does she know about politics or about anything for that matter-what an insult! Now she’s at the Republican convention reporting? Just FYI, she doesn’t come close to representing me or any of my Republican friends/family.

Well, she knows about eating enough bugs to come in fourth on a bad “reality” show. That’s about it.
*** Reader, er, “ex-reader” Bruce is so upset by this column, he claims he won’t read me anymore:

You recent comments regarding Todd Palin are why I won’t read or pay attention to your opinions anymore. You are obviously a very smart, intelligent woman, but it’s obvious you are not married and certainly do not have kids. As one who does, and owns a business with my wife, and raised a few kids, your comments are way over the top. I’ll bet I am not the only one who will “take a pass” on your blog from now on.

Actually, my readership is growing every day (except in the Mr. Mom demo), but it looks like I hit a raw nerve with Bruce, from whom I’ve never heard before (so I can’t tell if he’s actually a reader or a seminar e-mailer). He sounds very defensive, and I think we know why. I also think we know who wears the pants in his family. I doubt he’s a conservative.
Hmmm . . . this classy “reader” Bruce just e-mailed again:

Tell me when you have your sex change.

**** Reader Scott, who makes clear that he is not loyal to either major political party and has not yet made his decision:

Just read your most recent column ‘With Nomination of Mr. Mom as Second Lady….’ and I commend you for staying true to your conservative beliefs while the majority of Republicans at this time are suckling at the teat of Sarah. I read your opinions because I find it necessary to hear what people are saying, not Republicans, or Democrats, but people with regard to the state of our world.

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September 3, 2008, - 4:55 pm

Sleeping With Adel Al-Jubeir & Dan Senor: The Foreign Policy “Experience” of Campbell Brown v. Sarah Palin

By Debbie Schlussel
The McCain campaign canceled a scheduled CNN appearance by John McCain on the show hosted by the world’s most inane and annoying interviewer, Larry King. They did so because of a rude interview by Dale Alma Campbell Brown a/k/a Campbell Brown with McCain spokesman Tucker Bound.
The obnoxious interview–posted below–was four minutes of repeated interrupting, smirking, and faces a 2-year-old would make, all on the part of Dale Alma Campbell Brown. It focused on Brown’s contention that McCain Vice Presidential choice, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, doesn’t have foreign policy experience.
But there are a couple of inconvenient truths that struck me:
1) By serving as concubine to Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir, Campbell Brown has a whole lot more “foreign policy experience” than Sarah Palin.
Would you want her to be Vice President?

Yup, as I’ve repeatedly noted Brown “dated” (euphemism) then-Saudi spokesman and current Saudi Ambassador Al-Jubeir, accompanied him to Saudi Arabia, and even whored out her news coverage at NBC for him. As I’ve also repeatedly noted, at the time she was covering George W. Bush and, when Saudi then-Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah visited the Bush ranch in Texas, she refused to report on the Saudi prohibition of women from the Waco Airport tarmac and air traffic control tower. She never disclosed to NBC Nightly News viewers that she was, ahem, “dating” Al-Jubeir.
Again, with this relationship, Brown has more foreign policy experience than both Palin and Obama combined. Still wouldn’t want her to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Campbell Brown Has Lots of Foreign “Policy” Experience w/ Adel Al-Jubeir

2) Dale Alma Campbell Brown’s husband Dan Senor had zero foreign policy experience, and yet he was one of the two top guys running Iraq as the right-hand man and press spokesman to Paul Bremer.
Sorry, but I would rather have had Sarah Palin running things in Iraq than Senor. Senor and Bremer de-Baathified the Iraqi government, removing all Sunnis and handing the whole country over to Iran-backed Shi’ite extremists. GUH-reat job. The disasters bgan with Senor and Bremer.
But did Brown question why a guy, Dan Senor–whose sole previous experience was serving as press secretary and advisor to pro-Hezbollah/Arafat Senator Spencer Abraham and working at the Bin Laden Carlyle Group–was allowed to run Iraq at a time when it was our number one foreign policy involvement. Did Dale Alma, er . . . “Campbell,” question her hubby’s lack of foreign policy experience? Nope. And she wasn’t even sleeping with him at the time.
Running Iraq when our troops were being killed was arguably far more important than a Vice President who attends funerals and high school grand openings. And Dan Senor was never vetted. There was no Campbell Brown smirking and making faces and interrupting ad nauseam, about him.
Even with his “experience,” Senor is still clueless. For example, he recently wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece praising Argentinian President Carlos Menem for being against Iran, Islamists, and terrorism. But, on the contrary, Menem accepted $5 million from Iran to cover up Hezbollah”s/Iran’s involvement in the Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center bombing and delayed for years the investigation into it. Senor is a complete ignoramus. Yet, not only was he allowed to run Iraq (and screw it up, big-time), but was considered to become White House Press Secretary.
Really, if I were the McCain people, I’d have thrown all of these things into obnoxious, pretentious Brown’s face.
And I would have asked her about her father’s experience serving time in a federal prison and what she knew and when she knew it.
This woman is a skank and needs to be put in her place, and not just by the Saudi who was bedding her.

Shut Up, Saudi Ho

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September 3, 2008, - 3:49 pm

Triple-Cross: Mounting Bush Failures in Domestic War on Islamic Terrorism

By Debbie Schlussel
Three things I’ve repeatedly warned about, all of them coming to fruition:
* When Islamic Jihad founder, chief, and U.S. frontman Sami Al-Arian was sentenced a few years ago–after pleading (since the government basically failed in its prosecution of him on terrorism charges, when the jury deadlocked on half the charges and acquitted him of the rest), everyone was praising it. But now me–I warned that it was a softball sentence. A slap on the wrist.
Yesterday, he was released from prison, even though he was found in contempt for refusing to testify in a related Islamic terrorism trial. GUH-reat plea agreement, Department of (non-)Justice.


Now Free to Plan More Terrorist Attacks

* Also yesterday, prosecutors dropped most remaining charges against two defendants, Mufid Abdulqader and Abdulrahman Odeh, in the Holy Land Foundation trial–which they’ve already lost (the jury acquitted the men of most charges and deadlocked on the others). Don’t look for the U.S. to win against the remaining defendants, Ghassan Elashi and Shukri Abu Bakr.

Holy Land Foundation Funded HAMAS

* Muslim commercial airline pilot Erich Scherfen was originally suspended and soon-to-be-fired from flying because he was on the terrorist watch list. But, no worries, he’s back on the job, after letters and suits from his lawyers.
Would you want to fly on his plane? I sure wouldn’t. For your information, he flies for Colgan Air, Inc., which provides connections for Continental, United, and U.S. Airways.
Watch this video of Scherfen and his wife. They are extremist Muslims dedicated to jihad.

Gee, aren’t you glad President Bush and our troops are fighting the terrorists over there so that “we won’t have to fight them on our own soil”? Well, technically, we aren’t fighting them on our own soil. We’re capitulating.
It’s a great line for the next generation of fairy tale books for kids.
Will any of this change if John McCain is elected President? Don’t hold your breath.

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September 3, 2008, - 2:15 pm

Israel Had Nazi Doc Mengele in Its Sights, Let Him Get Away to Get Eichmann

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve always wondered how Israeli Mossad agents were so skillfully able to locate, kidnap, and bring to trial Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann from his secret perch in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but NOT Dr. Josef Mengele a/k/a “The Angel of Death”–the Nazi doctor who conducted Islamic-style barbaric experiments on Jewish twins and other concentration camp inmates. Mengele stitched together and dissected young Jewish children while they were alive and without anesthesia (and he murdered many more). He’s since been declared dead.
(By the way, a GREAT presentation of the Israeli operation capturing Eichmann is the TV movie, “The House on Garibaldi Street,” which ran on ABC in 1979 and is only available on VHS. It’s based on the Isser Harel book of the same name.)
Rafi Eitan, now an Israeli Cabinet Minister and one of the Mossad agents who participated in the Eichmann capture, says the Israelis actually did find Mengele while they conducted the Eichmann operation, but they didn’t want to jeopardize the Eichmann op:


Israeli agents who kidnapped Nazi mastermind Adolf Eichmann from Argentina in 1960 found the notorious death camp doctor Josef Mengele but let him get away, one of the operatives said Tuesday.
Mengele was one of the most wanted Nazi war criminals, a doctor who conducted cruel experiments on twins and dwarves at the Auschwitz concentration camp and killed children with lethal injections. He selected prisoners who would be subjected to his experiments and sent others straight to their death in gas chambers.
Rafi Eitan, now an 81-year-old Israeli Cabinet minister, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he and other Mossad agents located Mengele living in a Buenos Aires apartment with his wife at the time of Eichmann’s capture in 1960.
But they decided that trying to nab him would risk sabotaging the capture of Eichmann, who implemented Adolf Hitler’s “final solution” to kill European Jewry and was deemed a more important target.
It was known that Mengele was living in Buenos Aires around the time of Eichmann’s capture. But Eitan’s comments indicated the Israelis were closer to him than had been previously thought – and shed light on why they decided to abandon an attempt to catch him. . . .
Mengele was infamous for his sadistic experiments in the death camps. He injected dye into the eyes of twins to change their color and sewed them together to try to create artificially conjoined twins. He ordered twins killed simultaneously and then dissected for examination of their organs. His horrors earned him the title “Angel of Death.” . . .
The Mossad men located Mengele’s apartment, and on one specific day even knew he was at home, Eitan said. But the next day, Mengele left with his wife for what the agents believed would be a temporary absence.
At the time, the Israelis had already snatched Eichmann and were holding him in a safe house while they waited to whisk him out of the country. They feared that if they waited for Mengele to come back, the Eichmann operation would be discovered. Eitan said they decided it was not worth the risk.
“When I have a bird in my hand, I don’t start looking for the bird in the bush. I’ll take the bird in my hand, put it in a cage, and then deal with the one in the bush,” Eitan said.
By the time the Mossad sent a team back to Buenos Aires a few weeks later, it was too late.
“After Eichmann’s capture was made public, he disappeared entirely,” Eitan said.
After missing him in Argentina, the Mossad had another shot at catching Mengele in Sao Paolo, Brazil, two years later, Eitan said. But the organization had other “operational priorities,” and Mengele got away again. He would not say what those priorities were and the Mossad then lost track of Mengele.
Having eluded capture for 34 years, Mengele drowned in Brazil in early 1979 and experts identified the body as his six years later. . . .
OSI [DS: Office of Special Investigations in the U.S. Justice Dept.–it’s the Nazi-hunting and prosecution arm] documents also show that Isser Harel, who oversaw the kidnap operation, told the OSI the Israelis attempted to capture Mengele in May 1960 at the same time they caught Eichmann. According to Harel, Mengele was able to escape, going underground after reports of his whereabouts appeared in the media, the OSI documents say.

Hmmm . . . I see an opportunity for Steven Spielberg here. Maybe he can repent for making such a great movie, like “Schindler’s List,” and make a movie about the Eichmann and Mengele operations, arguing that it all wasn’t worth it and that Nazis were nice, classy people, just like he did with “Munich.”


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