September 8, 2008, - 12:22 pm

Desperate But Not Serious: Three More Americans Killed Instantly By Illegal Aliens

By Debbie Schlussel
More and more Americans killed by illegal aliens. No-one doing anything about it. This time, an illegal alien in Colorado, Francis Maudaniel Hernandez, drove into an ice cream store and killed a young boy who was in line to get his scoop.
Rocky Mountain Neocon has the details on this tragedy and notes that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says it is seeking Hernandez’s release to ICE, which–given the agency’s track record–is a mistake. How long until they release him into the great American abyss?


What a Country!

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September 8, 2008, - 11:41 am

Kudos to Jordin Sparks: @ MTV VMAs, “American Idol” Tells Off Left-Wing Host (& Bristol Palin)

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m neither a fan of “American Idol,” nor one of its winners, Jordin Sparks’ singing ability. But the girl has guts, principle, and a brain. On last night’s largely irrelevant MTV Video Music Awards, leftist Brit host Russell Brand, among other things, mocked the Jonas Brothers’ “Promise Rings” (which symbolize saving yourself for marriage).
Here’s Jordin Sparks’ excellent response (Bristol Palin, take note–you needn’t watch beyond the first 24 seconds.
**** UPDATE, 09/10/08: MTV has asked YouTube to remove the video, so I’m posting this one, instead. ****

Much of the right is justly upset at unfunny British comedian Brand’s performance as host of the VMAs, last night. But what did you expect?
1) It’s MTV. They’re so left they fell off the spectrum decades ago.
2) This is the guy (Brand) who was fired by MTV UK for showing up to work on September 12, 2001, dressed as Osama Bin Laden.
3) Brand co-starred in the vulgar, full-frontal Forgetting Sarah Marshall” (read my review panning it). The movie was completely disgusting. It’s like a bad semi-porn movie. No, not like. It is. As soon as I heard he was hosting, I figured he’d be anti-American, etc. And he didn’t disappoint.
What I didn’t predict was that Brand would steal his whole leftist monologue of bad jokes from Chris Rock. Most of his lines, last night, were pure plagiarism: like the one about America’s tolerance in electing a “retard” cowboy for 8 years.
My friend, Marc Fellhauer of Detroit’s “Mike in the Morning” show called him on it. And kudos to Sparks for calling him on some of the other stuff.
Memo to Russell Brand: The ’80s hair bands called. They want their bad hair, make-up, mucho necklaces, unbuttoned shirt, and too-tight pants back.

Russell Brand, Nutjob and 2008 MTV VMA Host

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September 8, 2008, - 10:54 am

Happy Ramadan: Yet Another Muslim Attack on Jews in France

By Debbie Schlussel
When Muslims tell you that Ramadan is about peace and charitable works–they only mean toward other Muslims (and even that is not often the case), NOT non-Muslims and infidels like you and me.
A few years ago, I told you about the brutal torture and murder of Jewish teen Ilan Halimi by Muslims in France. They cut off his fingers and toes, one by one, and put burning cigarette butts to his skin, all while his parents heard his screams of agony over the phone. Then, they dumped his body on railroad tracks and he died at the hospital.
Last year, a French Jewish woman was carved with a swastika by her Muslim attackers.
In June, I told you about another attack by French Muslims against a teen-aged Chassidic Jew. After being beaten with metal bars and having his skull smashed, he was put in a coma and sustained serious brain damage.
That Was Then . . .


This is Now . . .

The latest French Muslim-on-Jew attack is even more disturbing to me because it is against young kids in the religious Zionist youth group, Bnei Akiva (Sons of Akiva–Akiva was a legendary, great Jewish Rabbi). Both my father and I (and all of my siblings) were members of Bnei Akiva as kids, and both he and I (and my siblings) attended Bnei Akiva summer camps (my father also later was a counselor–where one of his campers was comedian David Steinberg–and camp doctor).
Bnei Akiva is a great group, and it’s not just about being a modern religious Jew and pro-Israel. It’s about good values and working the land through agriculture. (Part of the reason Israel is having the demographic problem it has now is that it brought in Arabs from other lands to do the work secular Israelis wouldn’t do.)
Oh, and by the way, the attack occured during “holy,” “merciful,” “peaceful,” “charitable” Ramadan.

Three counselors from the Bnei Akiva youth movement were attacked not far from the organization’s central branch in Paris on Saturday afternoon.
The boys, aged between 17 and 18, had just finished the minha [DS: Afternoon] prayer when they were attacked by a group of Muslims, the head of Bnei Akiva’s French desk, Binyamin Tuati, told The Jerusalem Post Sunday.
According to a statement released by World Bnei Akiva spokesman Tzvika Klein, the youths were initially approached by a group of three Muslim/African immigrants who began to throw chestnuts in their direction. When one of the counselors asked them why they were being attacked, the assailants began shouting anti-Semitic remarks.
Ten to 12 attackers wearing brass knuckles joined the original three and beat the three Jews until police arrived.

The victims, Dan Nabet, Kevin Bitan and David Buaziz, had all been released from hospital by Sunday afternoon, sporting several wounds, including a broken nose, a broken jaw and stitches.
According to Tuati, the victims’ families filed a complaint with police. The incident has already been recognized as an anti-Semitic attack by local authorities. So far, police have identified three suspects.
Bnei Akiva is concerned that the incident occurred in a central area for its members, in the 19th arrondissement in northeast Paris. The area, said Tuati, was close to a school and was visited by roughly 150 children every Shabbat [DS: the Jewish Sabbath].
It was the second anti-Semitic attack near the Bnei Akiva branch in two months.

Religion of Peace?
Oh, and by the way, where is CAIR, MPAC, ISNA, ICNA, MAS, MSA, and the rest of the alphabet soup of Islam in condemning this Muslim anti-semitic violence?
Crickets chirping.
What is interesting is that many of France’s Jews are descended from Jews who escaped Arab Muslim nations, as is the case with Halimi and all three of the Bnei Akiva boys attacked by French Muslims on Saturday. They fled to France to escape this kind of thing–the open violent persecution at the hands of the Religion of Greater Barbaria, Islam.
But you can’t get away from it. Not in France. And not in America. They are there, they are here, they are everywhere, because unlike the Founding Fathers who fought them when they were pirates, we let them in freely.


French Victims of Muslims Were from Bnei Akiva

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September 8, 2008, - 9:53 am

Backtrack: LPGA Tour Backs Off English-Only Policy; Pressure from State Farm Insurance

By Debbie Schlussel
You knew this was coming. After I initially applauded the group, the apparently spineless LPGA Tour is backing off its tough English-only policy, after whining from sponsor State Farm Insurance and multi-lingual activists. Gone are the planned suspensions of those who can’t speak our language.
I warned that they would start screaming. And they did. What I specifically underestimated was the power of Korean activist groups (the largest group of foreigners and non-English spakers in the LPGA Tour are South Korean).
Yup, now Lesbians in abundant attendance at the Dinah Shore Classic can speak in any language they want, especially if they are competing on the green:

Facing anger from lawmakers and bewilderment from sponsors, the LPGA Tour backed off plans to suspend players who cannot speak English well enough to be understood at pro-ams, in interviews or in making acceptance speeches at tournaments in the United States. . . .


LPGA Tour commissioner Carolyn Bivens said she would have a revised plan by the end of the year that would not include suspensions, although fining non-English speakers remains an option.
“We have decided to rescind those penalty provisions,” Bivens said in a statement. “After hearing the concerns, we believe there are other ways to achieve our shared objective of supporting and enhancing the business opportunities for every tour player.”
Bivens disclosed the tour’s original plan in a meeting with South Korean players two weeks ago at the Safeway Classic in Portland, Ore., Golfweek magazine reported. The policy, which had not been written, was widely criticized as discriminatory, particularly against Asian players.
The LPGA membership includes 121 international players from 26 countries, including 45 from South Korea. Asians won three of the four majors this year.
The reversal was quickly hailed by two California lawmakers who challenged the original policy.
State Sen. Leland Yee, a Democrat from San Francisco, had asked the Legislature’s legal office to determine whether the English policy violated state or federal anti-discrimination laws. If it was deemed legal, Yee said he would have pushed for legislation banning such policies in California.
The LPGA Tour plays three events in California, including its first major championship. . . .
State Assemblyman Ted Lieu, a Democrat from the Los Angeles area, said he would target corporate sponsors if the LPGA Tour persisted with its English requirement. . . .
Bivens’ announcement came two hours before the Asian Pacific American Legal Center planned a news conference in Los Angeles to demand the LPGA overturn its policy.
“Until they completely retract it, issue an apology to the players and the fans, I think we’ll remain very concerned and interested in what happens,” said Gerald D. Kim, a senior staff attorney for the center. “The LPGA has gone about this totally the wrong way.”
One of the tour’s title sponsors, State Farm, said it was perplexed by the original policy. State Farm spokesman Phil Supple said earlier Friday the company asked the tour to review its decision.
Contacted via e-mail when the policy was rescinded, Supple said: “We’re encouraged the LPGA is looking at other alternatives on this issue.” . . .
Earlier this week, Bivens sent a 1,200-word memo to the LPGA membership to outline the goal behind the new policy. She said players would never be required to be fluent or even proficient in English, but rather would be asked to get by with the basics of the language.
She argued that international players who could communicate effectively in English would improve the pro-am experience, sponsor relations and could help land endorsements for the players.
“We do not, nor will we ever, demand English fluency, or even proficiency, from our international players,” she wrote. “To the contrary, we are asking that they demonstrate a basic level of communication in English at tournaments in the United States in situations that are essential to their job as a member of the LPGA Tour.”
[Lawmaker Yee] said he will continue with his request to the Legislative Counsel’s Office, as a way to prevent similar policies in the future.
Grace E. Yoo, executive director of the Korean American Coalition in Los Angeles, said . . . “We have a long fight ahead of us,” Yoo said. “This is not over.”

It is, as far as English is concerned. I guess those American viewers weren’t so important after all. Who are the customers of State Farm Insurance? It’s a good bet a significant chunk of them are illegal aliens, based on the way the organization pressured the LPGA Tour.
Regardless of whether he is alive or dead, Kim Jong-Il would be proud.
**** UPDATE: Reader Alex notes that one of the above-named opponents of the now-dumped LPGA English Only policy, California State Senator Leland Yee might not like English, but he has shown a penchant for prostitutes and shoplifting.

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September 7, 2008, - 2:04 pm

Freudian Video of the Day: B Hussein O Admits His “Muslim Faith” (No Joke)

By Debbie Schlussel
Hmmm . . . He says it so matter-of-factly, until George Stephanopoulos dutifully corrects him (thanks to reader Katherine for the tip). From this morning:

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September 5, 2008, - 7:20 pm

DVDs I Recommend

By Debbie Schlussel
When there aren’t many new movies out, I give you recommendations for movies you should rent. Here’s the latest installment.
I picked, in light of this week’s news that Israel located Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele, but couldn’t nab him, lest the Mossad agents involved risk jeopardizing their impending transfer of Final Solution mastermind Adolf Eichmann to Israel to face charges. I like movies about Nazis, in which they get their due. And they do in these two exciting thrillers.
* “The Boys From Brazil“: If only Josef Mengele a/k/a the “Angel of Death” had died the way he did in this flick in which Gregory Peck played and uncannily resembled his likeness and wickedness so well. In addition to Peck, the cast features other greats–Sir Laurence Olivier and James Mason.


Mengele is located in Paraguay by a young Jewish amateur Nazi Hunter (Steve Guttenberg at the beginning of his acting career). Soon, a Simon Wiesenthal-type by the name of Lieberman (Olivier, who is excellent) discovers a weird plot by Mengele to clone Nazis and rebuild the Third Reich. This movie was suspenseful, exciting, and heart-pounding. And it had an interesting, odd science fiction angle to it. This movie is from 1978, but 30 years later, you can hardly tell. It stands the test of time. A great thriller. (Runtime: 123 Minutes)
* “Apt Pupil“: This 1998 movie tells the story of a high school student (actor Brad Renfro–who, sadly, died of a heroin overdose at the age of 25, early this year) discovers that one of his neighbors is a wanted Nazi war criminal (mastefully played by Sir Ian McKellen).
Soon, with this secret, the student blackmails the Nazi and uses him for his own purposes. He promises not to turn him in, if the Nazi tells him about the killings of the Jews and how he did it. The boy becomes sickly fascinated. They ultimately become friends, but it is an evil bond.
This movie is so true-to-life on so many levels. This selfish, spoiled kid knows what the Nazi did, yet doesn’t seem to care much, so long as he can use the Nazi to his own benefit. He doesn’t seem to care whether the Nazi is brought to justice or how many innocent lives he took.
The tagline of the movie is, “If you don’t believe in the existence of evil, you’ve got a lot to learn.” You ain’t kiddin’. That’s definitely what happens in this movie.
There’s a great scene in this movie where the Nazi faces one of his victims. Based on a Steven King short story, this thriller is full of suspense and excitement. You definitely want to know what happens next. (Runtime: 111 Minutes)

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September 5, 2008, - 3:30 pm

Celeb Media: “Sarah Palin, Porn Star”

By Debbie Schlussel
Yes, we all know that Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin is a dead ringer for actress and unfunny comedienne Tina Fey. Some conservatives have suggested that is an insult. They’re over-reacting. The women are like twins.
That said, TMZ’s comparison of Palin to Linda Lovelace, best known for her starring role in oral sex porn flick, “Deep Throat” (and for having sex with animals in other, um, films) is an outrage. And there’s simply no comparison. They don’t look alike. At all. And since they don’t, it’s quite obvious what’s going on here. They’re trashing her over something that is just not valid. And it’s sleazy and disgusting.
Not Lookalikes . . .


TMZ’s Sleazy Comparison of Porn Star Lovelace to Sarah Palin

There’s not even a slight resemblance–other than that both are female and have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
I wonder if TMZ would ever take a photo of a male or female Black porn star and post it side by side with Barack or Michelle Hussein Obama. Don’t hold your breath.

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September 5, 2008, - 3:12 pm

Weekend Box Office: Interesting But Way Too Long Doc on Tightrope Feat Between WTC Towers

By Debbie Schlussel
There’s just one new movie at the box office this weekend which I reviewed, a documentary. The other new release, “Bangkok Dangerous”, was not screened for critics, a pretty good indication it’s bad. Will try to screen and post review later. Because there’s only this one movie, I’ll revisit my “DVDs I Like”–for great movies you can rent–later today.
* “Man on Wire“: It’s 1974 and self-trained French acrobat Philippe Petit erects and walks across tightropes from the tallest of structures. But there’s one that’s the tallest that he longs to traipse across in mid-air, the twin towers of the World Trade Center atop a thin wire.


While the feat is exciting, this documentary was far too long, and it managed, at times, to turn a fascinating feat into sheer boring cinema. On the other hand, I enjoyed seeing how Petit and his team snuck into the World Trade Center towers and eluded authorities, and you almost fell as if it was yourself, not Petit, who was thousands of feet above street-level, and could fall at any moment. Even though we know that Petit not only made it but went across and back eight times on no sleep, we feel suspense, as if he will fall, and we with him. We root for him to get across.
It’s fascinating to see how they planned and trained for the attempt and how they got the wire across and shored up to the two towers.
Somewhat interesting and entertaining, but way too long. What was 1.5 hours seemed like 3 and could have been told in a half hour. Still I find it mildly amusing, if mixed with lots of slow and inane parts and re-enactions, which are a sore point with me when it comes to documentaries.
It is eerie to see inside, around, and atop the World Trade Center towers that are now gone, eliminated by Islamic terrorists as they murdered thousands of Americans. I found it odd that no-one in the movie found fit to address that and how the participants in “Man on Wire” felt that it was no longer there. The 9/11 attacks on the towers are not even mentioned. That’s a hole in this movie that was glaring.
Other than that, there is nothing objectionable in the film, other than brief nudity in one of the unnecessary re-enactment scenes.

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September 5, 2008, - 1:56 pm

HOprah Watch: Why It’s a Good Thing Oprah Won’t Allow Sarah Palin on Her Vapid Show

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s not shocking that after making Presidential candidates pander on her stupid new-age minstrel show for the last two Presidential campaigns, pan-Islamist Oprah has suddenly decided her show can’t be a forum for the Presidential election and won’t allow Sarah Palin to shine on her daytime talk-fest. After all, she’s been running non-stop re-runs of the Obama and Cosby kid appearances on her show, all summer long. And why help the opposition.
And here are a few video reasons why Sarah Palin might not want to go on the show, anyway–it’s a toss up between the first and second one regarding which is the funniest:

In the past, I’ve written about how I believe it’s unpresidential for the candidates to appear on her show. I decried that the Bushes and Gores went on her show in 2000, and the Bushes and Kerrys went on Dr. Phil in 2004. Let’s hope there’s a bright side to this: that this ends the appearances of people who are supposed to be Leaders of the Free World on vapid, sleazy daytime talk shows.
Sadly, I think it’s a hope that won’t come to fruition.
Don’t forget the many reasons why Oprah Sucks.

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September 5, 2008, - 1:08 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Rohrabacher Took Illicit $$$, Perks from Jack Abramoff; While Abramoff Sentenced, Rohrabacher, Islamist Grover Norquist Not; Why?

By Debbie Schlussel
One of John McCain’s biggest achievements in the past several years was the hearings he held about sleazy former lobbyist Jack Abramoff. He’s the one who really got the ball rolling on exposing Jack and leading to his prosecution.
Yesterday, Jack Abramoff was sentenced to four years in prison in connection with his defrauding of federal Indian tribes in his casino gambling lobbying scheme. He is already serving a five-year-plus sentence in prison, for bankruptcy fraud.
The feds recommended a lenient sentence for Abramoff, whom they say has aided in the investigation of many other individuals connected to his scheme.
But two names are not mentioned that should be: Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and pan-Islamist & NRA Board Member Grover Norquist.


Jack Abramoff’s Unindicted Co-Conspirators Grover Norquist, Dana Rohrabacher

Now I can reveal that Congressman Rohrabacher accepted thousands of dollars in illicit funds and perks from Abramoff. Rohrabacher’s wife, Rhonda Carmony, was prosecuted for her fraudulent activities in an election campaign. Sources say that Abramoff donated thousands of dollars to Carmony’s legal defense fund. In addition to that, the sources also say that Rohrabacher and Carmony also accepted from Abramoff a free trip to Europe aboard a private airplane, where their baby or babies were baptized.
While a number of officials, including former Congressman Bob Ney, have gone down for accepting free golf trips and other bribes and lucre from Abramoff, Rohrabacher remains untouched. Why not?
Well, sources say that the reason for that is that Rohrabacher, a close friend and associate of Karl Rove friend Norquist, was being protected by Rove at Norquist’s beheast. Rohrabacher is so close to Norquist that he accompanied him on mysterious Mid-East trips to meet with Gulf State extremists and he praised the Taliban.
And then there is Norquist. Arguably, he is the person–along with Abramoff–who most hurt Americans with his part in Abramoff’s scheme. Abramoff had his Indian tribe clients pay their lobbying fees to Norquist’s non-profit Americans for Tax Reform, thus allowing them to get a tax deduction (subsidized by U.S. taxpayers) for non-deductible lobbying fees. In turn, Norquist, took his cut and then laundered the money through his organization to Jack Abramoff.
Again, neither of these individuals is in prison or even in the indictment stage for their illicit activities with Abramoff. Why?
Two words: Karl Rove.
I hope John McCain–who went after Jack Abramoff (and tried to go after Jihad Grover)–will not allow the GOP to lapse back into this kind of scamming and scheming. And I hope that McCain will put Congressman Rohrabacher at more than an arm’s length distance.

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