October 13, 2008, - 3:11 pm

In Observance of Sukkot (Tabernacles)

By Debbie Schlussel
To my friends and readers:
Tonight at sundown, the Jewish holiday of Sukkot begins (and ends next week–it lasts seven days). Therefore, in observing it for the next two days, I will be out of blog commission, but I have some things I’ve written ahead of time to be posted in the next two days, including a blockbuster column on a very disturbing member of the McCain campaign–which has serious national security implications. Stay tuned for those. I’ll be back full-time, Wednesday Night.
A bit about the holiday: Sukkot (also called Sukkos, Succos, or Succot) is called Tabernacles in English. It is one of the three Jewish harvest festival holidays, and we commemorate the Jews’ temporary existence (and temporary dwellings), while wandering in the Sinai desert.


Various Versions of Sukkahs/Sukkot

To do so, Jews build temporary huts (called “Sukkot” for plural) outside their homes. They decorate the Sukkah (singular of the word) and eat all meals there during the holiday. (My father used to sleep in it, too.) It is very fun for kids because they help decorate the sukkah, and also visit other Sukkot in the neighborhood, eating candy and other treats there, sort of like on Halloween (but no tricks or treats, and it’s way more spiritual).
It’s a very nature/outdoorsy holiday: At night, you have to be able to see the stars through the leaves that compose the roof. And many of the traditional decorations are gourds and colored, dried corn.
I will miss the Sukkah my father built every year and the many decorations he put up. As I’ve written before, my favorite was a giant laminated aerial photo of the Old City of Jerusalem with thick white tape covering up the mosque improperly and illegally built atop the Jewish Temple Mount. I also loved seeing the American and Israeli flags my dad put on the walls of our Sukkah.
Some friends of mine invited me for a meal in their Sukkah for dinner, tonight. And I can’t wait.
More on Sukkot here, here, and here.

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October 13, 2008, - 2:00 pm

Don’t Worry, America: Failing MSM Newspaper Brings You Great Financial “Help”

By Debbie Schlussel
With America failing economically, homes in foreclosure, and prices rising, you’d think that newspapers–especially failing a failing newspaper like the Detroit Free Press–would bring you news and advice you could use.
But you’d be wrong.
The liberal newspaper, today, brings down-and-out, economically depressed Michigan residents this gem of a suggestion, courtesy of wackjob freelance writer and panderer Kimberly Lifton:
Consult the “Dream Dudes”. Michael and Nicole Sebastian, for the bargain price of $1,000 per session, will tell you what your dream means. And for your $1,000, you get “dream therapy”–whatever the heck that is. I guess the “therapy” is losing two calories writing out the check.


Detroit “Free” Press: On Guard on Behalf of “Dream Therapy” Snake Oil

You see, these high class snake oil salesmen, er . . . “celebrity dream coaches” were originally in Hollywood, where they charged $10,000 per session. But apparently they couldn’t find enough suckers even in LalaLand, so they packed up their bags and moved to a place where they thought they could find a better pool of suckers: Michigan.

“We’ve been getting a lot of clients who are really worried about finances,” Michael Sebastian said.

Hmmm . . . if you’re wasting thousands of dollars to get two Hollywood failures to play psychic for you, then you probably have the answer to why your finances stink.
That’s not to mention the fifty cents you wasted on what you thought was a major newspaper and was really a pimp for cheap charlatanry.
Not to worry for the Sebastians if their expensive New Age snake oil doesn’t sell well in the economic desert of Michigan. Their friend, Kim Lifton, tells us that they’re shopping around a dream therapy reality show, starring Katherin Pacino (widow of Al Pacino’s father–wow, that’s really a stretch for trying to pretend you’re a celebrity) and their client rapper/Obama cheerleader Ludacris.
And they wonder why the Detroit Free Press is a dying newspaper. Lifton’s last Pulitzer-quality article for the Freep was how her rich, homely, terrorist-enabling friend Brenda Rosenberg has lots of pairs of expensive shoes (and in which she lied and claimed her noxious friend is a “shoe designer”–well, she is a heel).
With more articles like this from Kim Lifton, I think I prefer the Weekly World News–higher quality journalism. Looking forward to the issue where the extraterrestrial alien meets with Sarah Palin for an intergalactic Hockey Mom summit.
Oh, and did I mention this “article” was in the Detroit Free Press Business section? Hilarious.
And they complain to us about blogs. Hello . . .?

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October 13, 2008, - 1:33 pm

Tough Sh-t, America: TSA Forgets the “S” in TSA Yet Again

By Debbie Schlussel
After almost a decade of writing about the repeated security screw-ups of the TSA, I really think that the acronym really stands for “Tough Sh-t, America!” instead of “Transportation Security Administration.”
After all, while they hound us over a tube of toothpaste, while letting Ahmed and Mohammed pass quickly into the airport, they’re continuing the security foul-ups that make us unsafe.
And as I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, the TSA still does not screen airport employees, even though there are a ton of Muslim airport employees who don’t exactly love America. Detroit Metro Airport is swimming with ’em.
This latest TSA screw-up combines all of these factors:


The agency overseeing security at the nation’s airports failed for years to track security passes and uniforms of former employees, creating widespread vulnerability to terrorists, says a government watchdog report obtained by USA TODAY.
The Transportation Security Administration lacked centralized controls over the secure passes issued to some of its employees, according to Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Richard Skinner. The passes grant people access to the most sensitive areas of an airport, such as where baggage is screened or planes are parked.
Investigators found numerous cases in which former employees retained their passes long after they had left the agency.
The investigation also found that TSA uniforms were frequently not collected when employees left or were transferred.
People using improper badges, IDs or uniforms – particularly in combination – “could significantly increase an airport’s vulnerability to unauthorized access and, potentially, a wide variety of terrorist and criminal acts,” the report said.
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said the findings confirm his fears that there is inadequate oversight of who gets into airports. “The risk of unauthorized access to the secure areas of our airports is unacceptable,” Thompson said in a statement.
Thompson supported legislation that increased scrutiny of airport workers after employees were caught smuggling weapons and drugs into secure areas.

Hmmm . . . all of this makes me wonder if the TSA took Sadeq Naji Ahmed‘s security pass and uniform. How about that of Bassam Khalaf?
Don’t bet on it.
So what does incompetent clown and TSA chief Kip Hawley–who managed to keep his job in the Bush Administration despite foul-up after foul-up and PC-pander to extremist Muslims after PC pander–have to say about this gaping hole in TSA security?

We believe the . . . report overstates deficiencies as well as any potential associated security risk.

Good Luck, America. Or rather, Tough Sh-t America.

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October 13, 2008, - 12:31 pm

Yet Another Anti-War-on-Terror Film Bombs, But Hollywood Keeps Makin’ ‘Em While Taxpayers Bail Lala Land Out

By Debbie Schlussel
I took great pleasure that over the weekend a talking dog (“Beverly Hills Chihuahua) dominated the box office, while “Body of Lies”–yet another crappy anti-American film–tanked. Read my review of this horrid film. Read about >anti-American director Ridley Scott’s moral equivalency statements about America vs. Islamic terrorists.
USA Today notes that it’s the eighth recent anti-War film to flop, but the paper’s left-wing move reporter, Scott Bowles, fails to note that these are liberal, anti-war films. Instead, he calls them “Mideast war films.” He does include one quote regarding the perception that these movies will be liberal, and that’s right. That’s the reason these movies fail. They are liberal. And not just liberal, but far-left. These Hollywoodites are rooting for America to fail–in these movies and in real life.
The fact is that “The Delta Force”–which was a PRO-AMERICAN and unfairly-panned “Mideast war film”–did better than any of these (in today’s dollars/accounting for inflated ticket prices). It’s not “Mideast war films” that fail. It’s anti-American films that fail:


It may be time to relieve Hollywood’s war films of duty.
Body of Lies, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe, was supposed to snap the industry’s losing streak with Mideast war films. With a $70 million budget and Ridley Scott at the helm, it was projected to be an easy winner at the box office over the weekend.
Instead, it lost to a talking dog and a low-budget fright flick.
With a debut estimated at just $13.1 million, Lies became the ninth contemporary war drama in the past two years to go largely ignored by moviegoers. Since December 2006, the average haul for a Mideast war film has been only $11.2 million.
And some movies, such as Grace Is Gone, Home of the Brave and Redacted, have grossed less than $70,000 despite big names including Samuel Jackson, John Cusack and Brian DePalma.
“We thought we could break through with the clutter with this one,” says Dan Fellman of Warner Bros., which released Body of Lies. “But I think the climate out there makes for bad timing with anything dealing with terrorism.”
But some say moviegoers are as leery of Hollywood’s reputation as its product.
“The movies are repeating the same themes people see on TV and the Internet,” says Brandon Gray of BoxOfficeMojo.com. “But there’s also the perception that if Hollywood does take a political stand, it’s going to be liberal and Democrat.”
So some studios are reaping the benefits of being politics-free.
Disney moved Beverly Hills Chihuahua from summer to fall to offer a lighthearted alternative, and the film took the top spot for the second weekend with $17.5 million, according to estimates from Nielsen EDI. (Final figures are due today.)
And the $12 million Quarantine was a surprise No. 2 with $14.2 million. Says Rory Bruer of Sony Pictures, which released the creepy thriller: “People are steering toward things that are pure escape from the world we’re living in.”

So why does Hollywood keep making these films, despite the lack of moviegoer support? Well, it might have something to do with that giant bailout bill, which bails out . . . gazillionaire liberal Hollywood producers?!:

Even Hollywood got something out of the Senate bill: renewal of a tax incentive worth nearly $48 million a year for film and TV producers who produce their work in the United States.

As my friend, Sirius Patriot Channel 144 host Mike Church–on whose show I do movie reviews every Friday–notes, this bail-out earmark for Hollywood is worth about $500 million.
We keep bailing out not just consumers for making bad choices, but Hollywood producers, directors, and actors for making bad choices.

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October 12, 2008, - 11:06 am

“Religion of Peace”: Muslim Illegal Aliens Brutally Attack Gay Georgetown Med Students; Finally FOX Outlet Says it , “They are MUSLIM”

By Debbie Schlussel
**** Bumped Up From Friday Morning, 10/10/08 on 10/12/08, 11:06 a.m.: Thanks to reader Gina for helping me with this important video:

If any of my tech savvy readers can figure out how to upload this video to YouTube, so I can post it here, please e-mail me. In the meantime, this is Must Watch Video.
Kudos to Washington, DC’s FOX 5, which had to the guts to identify by religion the two Muslim men who brutally attacked two gay Georgetown Medical students, telling them, “If you were in my country, we would stone you.” Glad they’re finally acknowledging this isn’t their country.
Both Muslim attackers, 19-year-old Saad Elorch and 19-year-old Abdulgader Ruddad, are illegal aliens who have previous criminal convictions for drugs and asault and are wanted for deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). And they’re not just Muslim, they’re religious Muslims, as evidenced by their mother’s hijab-encrusted visage on the video. Oh, and not so religious that it didn’t keep ’em from drinking alcohol and using the vodka bottle as part of the vicious attack. Here’s the complete story:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A pair of men charged with attacking two Georgetown University students went before a judge for the first time on Wednesday, but what happened in the courtroom came as a surprise to many.
Prosecutors say 19-year-old Saad Elorch and 19-year-old Abdulgader Ruddad targeted and taunted their victims, then assaulted one of them because they are gay. In court on Wednesday, Elorch, the alleged ring leader, jumped up and begged the judge to let him go. But the judge in the case denied his request.
After the hearing, the parents [DS: the mother was wearing a hijab–Muslim headscarf] of one of the men charged in the attack ran from cameras without saying anything to the media. Both Elorch and Ruddad were denied bond by the judge in the case.
Police say the two men approached two Georgetown University students early Friday morning, and Elorch allegedly asked them if they were gay.
On Tuesday, one of the victims talked exclusively to FOX 5. He said Elorch and Ruddad, who are both Muslim, began walking with the victim and his friend, and Elorch continued to shout homophobic comments. The victim claimed Elorch said if the two were in his country, they would be stoned to death.
Investigators say the victim began walking more quickly to get away, but turned around often to encourage his friend–who was walking in between Elorch and Ruddad–to hurry up. Then, investigators say Elorch told Ruddad to hit the man, and he did.
The victim told FOX 5 he was hit in the face with a vodka bottle the suspects had been drinking from, and he was knocked unconscious for about 30 seconds. The bottle used in the alleged attack hasn’t been found.
Police reports show the two men were quickly arrested, and investigators say Elorch then unleashed a rage of racial slurs on officers.
Both Elorch and Ruddad have prior convictions on charges like drug possession and assault. Elorch was on probation in Virginia at the time of the incident.
The two men are also now wanted by ICE and the U.S. Marshall Service for deportation, but that will wait until the outcome of the current proceedings.
Elorch and Ruddad will be back in court on November 12.

Where the heck has ICE been until now. They could have prevented this by deporting these two a long time ago.
Fortunately, the “Evil Zionist” judge denied them bond, so we know they’ll be forced to show up to court on that date.
Judge Weisberg, “Evil Zionist” judge, doing the work that some Americans–ICE–won’t do: Keeping violent criminal illegal aliens locked up.

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October 10, 2008, - 3:44 pm

Weekend Box Office: Some Good Choices, But Is Ernie Davis Flick an Obama Ad?; Horrid “Body of Lies”

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE, 10/12/08: One thing I forgot to note about “Body of Lies.” It’s executive produced by my distant cousin, Charles J.D. Schlissel, who has also produced other propaganda/BS movies sympathizing with Muslims and portraying Americans as the bad guys, like “Flight Plan“. You know what they say: You can’t pick your family. I don’t know the guy and don’t plan on it. ****
In this week’s reviews, I’ve also included a couple of movies already in theaters (which due to Jewish holidays, etc. I couldn’t screen or review), the brilliant “Flash of Genius” and the lame “Allah Made Me Funny”, plus this week’s new releases. “Quarantine” was not screened for critics, usually a sign that it’s a dud.
* “Body of Lies“: The Good News: This movie wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The Bad News: This movie was horrid and very anti-American.
I had mixed feelings about this movie, but overall it stank. I’ve never seen a movie that had that many explosions and killings that was this boring and pointless. Plus, DiCaprio just looks way too young to be the head of CIA operations in Jordan. It’s not credible.


The reason I have mixed feelings about the movie is that it’s about a CIA counterterrorism operative, Leonardo DiCaprio, who works for a fat, unethical boss in Washington, Russell Crowe. I’m no fan of the CIA, as I believe the agency is pan-Arabist, anti-American, and works counter to the goals of our country. Scholar Laurie Mylroie has written some excellent books on this. This movie essentially makes the same point. Except that the point of this movie is really not about the CIA. It’s against America in general. And that’s why it’s wrong.
Basically, this movie’s message is that America’s counterterrorist operatives overseas set up innocent Muslims and frame them as terrorists, leading to their deaths; that America betrays those Muslims who give us intelligence overseas and lets them be killed by rivals; that basically America is not the good guy in the war on terror. We’re the stupid jerk and scumbag. I’d say that would be accurate domestically for FBI counterterrorism and ICE superiors.
In the war on terror abroad, I’m confident that America is the good guy far more than anyone else. We are not the same as they are.
But writer/director Ridley Scott recently told USA Today he thinks we are morally equivalent to the terrorists. That’s why there’s a horrid scene in which Islamic terrorists hammer off agent DiCrapio’s fingers and tell him, “Welcome to Guantanamo.”
Disgusting. Anyone who compares our kid glove, bountiful halal buffet, La-Z-Boy chair, Harry Potter books and videos treatment of Gitmo prisoners to this, is sick in the head. And that includes not just the makers of this movie, but all of those who act in it and lend their endorsement via their participation.
And, oh yeah, did I mention that agent DiCrapio has a sexy, religious–and largely fictional– Iranian Muslima girlfriend? Talk about smoke and mirrors.
* “City of Ember“: This is, by far, the best new release of this weekend, and it’s great for the whole family, since it’s targeted to kids. I loved this science fiction-meets-doomsday-meets-“Journey to the Center of the Earth” flick. It’s a great adventure and a tribute to individualism versus statist predetermination.
The city of Ember is buried underneath the earth, reliant on an ever-failing generator and Christmas-style lights for illumination. The founders of the city built it to get away from the bad influences of earth, feeling that their future generations would have a better life.
The city is run, almost Communist-state-esque, by a corrupt Mayor–Bill Murray–who steals from the city’s store of food. The citizens survive on old cans of food and the few greens grown at a single greenhouse on the city’s outskirts. Upon graduation, every high school graduate must pick out of a hat to learn his/her new profession for life–menial tasks like pipe-worker and messenger.
But as the generator’s blackouts get longer and longer and come more frequently, a few realize that the city’s future may soon end. Among those few are an entrepreneurial boy and a girl who’ve just received their live’s assignments and aren’t looking forward to it. Together, they exercise their individualist spirit to find a way out and up to earth. But they face many obstacles, not the least of which are Mayor Murray and his supporters.
Yes, lefty Tim Robbins is in this, but only in a minor role and he leaves the politics at home.
Charming, magical, and fun.

* “The Express“: There were points–many points–during this movie that I thought I was watching a Barack Obama campaign commercial. And, since star Dennis Quaid–who plays the Syracuse coach of Ernie Davis, the first Black man to win the Heisman Trophy–is in the tank for Obama, I don’t think this is a coincidence.
This is the story of Davis, his football-playing days at Syracuse and how he, sadly, died of Leukemia before he ever got to play a down for Art Modell’s Cleveland Browns, with his hero and friend Jim Brown. But this is no “Brian’s Song.” Not even close. Instead, it’s filled with sports movie cliches and seems old hat and manipulative.
In fact it is. I already saw this movie in 2006. Then, it was called, “Glory Road“, and instead of college football, the racial-barrier-breaking sports movie was about college basketball. Different sport, same difference. Both movies had an over-dramatic coach, in this one Quaid far over-acts. Both had similar scenes in bars where athletes went to dance because Blacks weren’t allowed in other places. Both had the racists that I know existed. But it seems like the same lines and same script over and over again.
Still, there are touching moments in this movie, like seeing Ernie Davis with his family, or how as a boy he learned to run fast from racist boys who wanted to beat him. And it’s sad when he learns he is sick with Leukemia. I would have liked to learn more about Ernie Davis the person. The parts that showed that and some of the racism he endured were moving. The scenes of NAACP meeting urging a boycott of Kresge, not so much. Those were the parts that reminded me of an Obama commercial. That and other hackneyed lines and scenarios.
Still, Rob Brown as Ernie Davis is phenomenal. He steals the movie, and I expect to see him more of him on the silver screen.
With all the “evil White guy” movies out there, I can’t wait ’til they make the movie about a White guy trying to make the Syracuse team in 2008.
* “Flash of Genius“: This is one of the best movies of the year–definitely the best still in theaters. It’s a testament to the individual versus the collective. As someone who is often plagiarized and ripped off, I especially liked this story of one man’s fight to claim the credit that was stolen from him.
It’s the true story of a Detroit engineering professor Bob Kearns (Greg Kinnear), who invents the intermittent windshield wiper, inspired by the loss of vision in one of his eyes. Ford Motor Company steals it from him, and he loses everything–his unsupportive, dream-killer wife, his kids, his job, and his livelihood–in his long fight to get credit and royalties for his invention.
I loved the fight in this man, who turned down a $30 million settlement from Ford because they would not credit him for his invention. The best parts are the scenes in a courtroom in which this non-lawyer single-handedly takes on Ford. Kinnear is at his best here.
Great lessons in this movie for your whole family and a tribute to the sacrifice and–sometimes–victory of the entrepreneurial spirit and individualism.

* “Allah Made Me Funny“: More like, “Allah Took Away the Funny”. This is basically a filmed version of one night at the “Allah Made Me Funny” tour, a traveling group of three Muslim comedians who aren’t funny. I laughed once during this almost 1.5 hours, which seemed far longer. Here’s a tip to the Palestinian uncomedian: yelling doesn’t make you funny. It doesn’t make your old, tired jokes from the fifties any less stale.
The stand-up routine is also filled with plenty of anti-White, anti-Southern, and anti-American jokes. Thanks, allah. Haha, funny. Predictably, the audience shots are filled with Muslims laughing like crazy at every single humorless utterance. I guess when your life is dominated by the “Religion of Peace”, everything seems funnier if it doesn’t involve IEDs, honor killings, and repression.
They also show us dumb, uninteresting clips of each comedian with his family. I loved how the Palestinian Muslim’s daughter is Elyse Gutierrez. I think I’d take my mother’s name, too, if I were her.

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October 10, 2008, - 1:52 pm

Obama’s Muslim Outreach Staff Yet Again Shows Terrorism Leanings, Stark Anti Semitism

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Mazen Asbahi? Barack Hussein Obama’s first Muslim outreach director was fired for his connections to the Muslim Brotherhood (but is apparently still involved in the Obama campaign).
Now, Asbahi’s replacement, Minha Husaini, will probably have to go, too. You see, she attended a meeting with Asbahi and a number of terror-supporting Muslim groups that the FBI and Department of Justice say are fronts for HAMAS and other Muslim Brotherhood terrorist groups. Oh, and a number of the people at the meeting–like Mahdi Bray–have openly supported anti-Semitism and Islamic terrorist groups:


The Obama campaign said it was a mistake for an outreach coordinator to join a meeting last month attended by leaders of two controversial Muslim groups as it seeks votes from large Muslim populations in swing states.
Minha Husaini, newly named as head of the campaign’s outreach coordinator to Muslims, attended a discussion session Sept. 15 with about 30 Muslim leaders and community members in suburban Washington, the Obama campaign confirmed. Participants included leaders of the Council of American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society, which have been cited by the government in the past for ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.
In August, the campaign’s previous coordinator, Mazen Asbahi, resigned over a similar issue. . . .
Mr. Asbahi, who also attended the meeting now entangling Ms. Husaini, resigned after questions arose about his brief tenure on the board of an Islamic investment fund along with a controversial Illinois imam. At the time, campaign officials said he was stepping down because he didn’t want to become a distraction for the campaign.
Thursday, campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt, responding to questions about the September session in Springfield, Va., said Ms. Husaini wouldn’t have attended had she known that Council of American-Islamic Relations and Muslim American Society leaders were going to be there.

Baloney. These groups will be welcome in a Barack White House (and not so unwelcome in a McCain one).

Mr. LaBolt said campaign workers’ efforts are aimed at acquaint Muslim voters with Sen. Obama’s positions and to work on voter turnout. “We have a whole faith outreach effort that includes interacting with mosque leaders,” he said.
One attendee at the Springfield meeting was Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society’s Freedom Foundation. The Justice Department has asserted in court proceedings that the society’s organizers were members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a global group promoting political Islam.
Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, also attended the session, as did the group’s legislative director. The government named CAIR an unindicted coconspirator in the Justice Department’s racketeering prosecution last year of alleged Hamas fund-raisers. CAIR said the designation was unjustified; the case ended in a mistrial, but is being brought again by the government.
Mr. Awad declined to comment. Mr. Bray didn’t respond to a request for comment. The Obama campaign said it couldn’t comment on Mr. Asbahi’s attendance at the session.

Mahdi Bray is openly anti-Semitic and, like Awad (who also goes by the name Nehad Hammad), is a vocal supporter of HAMAS and Hezbollah.
The thing is, the Bush Administration and Democrats and Republicans of all stripes have unfortunately feted these groups and individuals, lending them legitimacy when they never should have had any. Is this the beginning of the end?
Don’t hold your breath. It’s only the beginning of our end.
Yid With Lid and NBC have more.
**** IMPORTANT UPDATE: I’m reminded that I wrote about Mahdi Bray, who was at the meeting with Obama’s Muslim outreach chica, in the Detroit Free Press in 2002:

In October 1998, Mahdi Bray coordinated and led a Washington rally of 2,000 people, during which he played the tambourine as the crowd repeated, “Let’s all go into jihad, and throw stones at the face of the Jews.”
On Dec. 22, 2000, Bray organized and spoke at a rally outside the White House at which the emcee and crowd chanted responsively in Arabic: “O Jews, the Army of Muhammad is coming for you!” The Nazi swastika was openly displayed.

Yup, this is the kind of Muslim outreach Barack Hussein Obama is reaching out for.

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October 10, 2008, - 10:06 am

Yes, I’m Now Part of the “Dirty Dozen”; The Truth on Steven Emerson

By Debbie Schlussel

By now, you’ve probably seen the fraudulently-named Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting’s (FAIR) “Smearcasters/Dirty Dozen Islamophobes“, and know that I have made the list. Just so you know, FAIR is a far-left organization founded and run by the irrelevant Jeff Cohen–yup, a self-hating Jew who would run over his own mother to kiss up to an Islamic terrorist.

And being the faithful Jew (in name only; methinks American in name only, too) that he is, Cohen posted his list right before Yom Kippur, so I chose to wait until after the holiday to respond.


While it’s an honor to be named, there are quite a few on that list who actually don’t get it on Islam. Three of them–Sean Vannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Glenn Beck–actually buy into and repeat the fallacy that most Muslims are peaceful and that there are some radicals who are the minority. Daniel Pipes and Steven Emerson also parrot that line.

But I know differently, because the fact is that the majority of Muslims support terrorism. The vast majority. Not just a few hijackers and a few suicide bombers. But the MAJORITY. This isn’t me saying it. It’s Muslims saying it. And not just in poll after poll of Muslims around the world including in America. Go to the streets of “moderate Muslim” Dearbornistan and see how many Muslims dare condemn Hezbollah and HAMAS. It’s like playing “Where’s Waldo?”

The FAIR description of me is mostly accurate, except the first line. That’s a quote about me not from me but from the person who founded and runs a fan club, which I link to on my site as a courtesy. So much for FAIR fact-checking.

Here are FAIR’s “objectionable” quotes from me:

They are here on our shores, pretending to be loyal Americans, and they are plotting to take over our country. With the help of plenty of complicit Muslim-Americans, working for the government and government contractors.


As long as we continue to hire Muslims to be translators and analysts, as long as we continue to give money to Arabic and Muslim schools to teach their kids Arabic instead of non-Muslim, non-Arab Americans, as long as the FBI (and ICE) continues to turn down Sephardic Jews and Maronite Lebanese Christians who speak Arabic and who’ve applied for jobs in favor of extremist Muslims…the result we will get is…spies, spies and more spies.

Hmmm . . . couldn’t have said it better myself. And these quotes are bad because . . .?

The thing is, a “smear” is only a smear if it isn’t true. Facts are stubborn things, “FAIR”.

Also, a phobia is an unreasonable fear or hatred of something. Yes, those 3,000 lives, those many attempts further to kill Americans since, and those many attempts before are all a figment of my imagination. Phobia, indeed.


As for Emerson, they could have done better, like mentioning that even CAIR is more transparent than his deceptively-named “Investigative Project” (IP). Until a couple of years ago, Emerson kept IP as a for-profit corporation, so he wouldn’t have to report to the public–specifically to his donors to whom he constantly pleads poverty–about how many millions (reportedly $6-7 million) he has on hand. Those who wanted a tax deduction were given the option of donating to the operation of another person on the “Dirty Dozen” list who then took his cut and donated the balance to Emerson. Usually, we call that “money-laundering”.

If you’ll note, according to the site Guidestar.org, even though Emerson filed for non-profit status in 2006, to date–unlike even CAIR–he has not filed any federal tax forms yet disclosing his annual budget or even the vaguest financial figures, as required for all non-profits. The only tax form Emerson’s Investigative Project has on file is for a foundation and is basically blank and completely evasive.

As everyone in the counterterrorism biz knows, the real terrorist investigator in Emerson’s operation, Rita Katz (an Iraqi Jew who speaks Arabic, Hebrew, and English), left him around 2002, as did all of the actual terrorism investigating. Rita’s organization is SITE Intel Group–the Search for International Terrorist Entities Intel Group.

Why am I noting this? Because, after years of singing his praises, I know better.

I represented, pro bono, one of his only Muslim terrorism informants and saw how he treated the man like garbage, refused to pay him for his work, then lied about it to me in insane, harassing voice-mail messages and e-mails, which arrived at all hours of the night. And because my friendship with Rita, coupled with Steve’s incredibly insane jealousy and belief that terrorism is his exclusive property, has made me–since 2002–an object of his defamatory, behind-my-back whispering campaigns, the recipient of his insane, threatening Middle-of-the-Night e-mails (from him and his ineffective lawyer), and the repeated object of his plagiarism, since he hasn’t done any new terrorism investigation since Rita Katz left him. When Rita left, the federal counterterrorist agents I sent to Investigative Project left with her, consulting her at SITE. And there’s so much more–too much to go into here.

Yes, he’s dirty, but for other reasons . . . entirely unrelated to my legitimate views on Islam, which he publicly claims not to share.

Like I said, wish I could say it’s an honor to be with all the company named in the Dirty Dozen, but I can’t.

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October 9, 2008, - 11:18 pm

No You Di’in’t: Another Feud I Wish Would Never End

By Debbie Schlussel
Yet another ongoing bitter verbal tiff to add to my “Feuds I Wish Would Never End”. This one is probably the dumbest and most petty, among very stiff competition. Call it, “Alieness v. Predatorette, No You Di’in’t Edition”:

The Queen of Soul is in high dudgeon. Aretha Franklin, who expressed her displeasure in February after Beyonce referred to Tina Turner as “the queen” during a salute on the Grammy Awards, is now fuming over remarks by her royal rival.

Alieness v. Predatorette, No You Di’in’t Edition:
Aretha Franklin v. Tina Turner . . .


Turner, currently on tour, was silent when Franklin dubbed Beyonce’s remark “a cheap shot for controversy.” Asked to comment in a USA TODAY interview last week, Turner said, “She’s the queen of soul, and I’m the queen of rock ‘n’ roll. There were so many kings and queens there that night. Her ego must be so big to think she was the only one.” She joked, “That’s how queens are!”

I think the more accurate term here is “drag queens.”

One queen wasn’t laughing. In a statement to USA TODAY, Franklin says Turner “clearly was talking about herself” in terms of ego.
“I never figured her to resort to tacky press just to sell a few tickets,” says Franklin, who adds she has never met Turner. “I really had put her in a different class – higher than that.
“No one has been more gracious . . . to their peers than I have, and I am confident and secure enough to do so, unlike some others.”
Turner did not respond to requests for comment.

Let me tell you a little some’in, some’in about the “gracious” Queen of Calories, er . . . Soul. Aretha Franklin is the queen of gazillionaire pop stars who rip people off and don’t pay their bills. She’s been the subject of countless Detroit media stories about the gazillion lawsuits against her for not paying her bills. Even her accountant had to sue her for non-payment, after he was hired to handle her bills. But as you can see, she, herself, ain’t goin’ hungry.
It’s one thing if you’re an average Michigan citizen struggling to survive in a tough Michigan economy and can’t pay, but this woman is loaded and has no excuse other than she just doesn’t feel like it.
Oh, and there’s that ritzy contemporary mansion she owned in swanky Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. . . the one she apparently got her son Teddy to burn down, probably for the insurance money. He was caught running in the middle of the neighborhood in the middle of that night with accelerant all over his body. But both of them got away with it because of incompetent prosecutors who chose not to charge her, along with incompetent Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, who was too busy persecuting divorced fathers to charge the Franklins.
A couple of years ago, I saw Teddy Franklin in court, yet again, this time for receiving stolen property (bicycles worth over $1,000), and his and his mother’s high-priced attorney didn’t show up. His bill must not have been paid, either. It was a comedy of errors, since Teddy Franklin told the judge he works for mommy Aretha on her tour and then referred to “my problems with the house and the fire.”
Yes, Aretha is definitely the queen of something.
Feuds I Wish Would Never End:
Aretha Franklin v. Tina Turner . . .


Baba Wawa v. Star Jones . . .
Dr. Death, Baba Wawa & Star Jones Swimsuit Edition

HAMAS v. Fatah . . .

Donald v. Rosie . . .


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October 8, 2008, - 3:34 pm

Definition of Chutzpah: Guy Who Defrauded Medicaid/Mich. Taxpayers for Muslim Aliens, Asks us to Help Him “Battle Mich. Poverty”

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m often asked by non-Jews for the definition of the Yiddish (and Hebrew) word, “chutzpah.” Essentially, as it is used, it means nerve or gall.
But I’ll give you a better definition. His name is Ismael Ahmed. As I’ve repeatedly detailed on this site, Ismael Ahmed founded and headed ACCESS, the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services.
As head of this organization, he spent thousands your federal job training dollars to train Al-Qaeda terrorists in how to drive trucks and helped them try to get commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs).


Ismael Ahmed: Walking, Breathing Definition of Chutzpah

And he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars helping Muslim illegal aliens get into America, stay here, and avoid Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents (not a tough feat, given that he had a willing ally in ICE Special Agent in Charge Brian Moskowitz, a married man who was always trying to “date”–euphemism–female ACCESS employees and may have succeeded).
That’s not to mention the tax money he wasted funding the 2002 Palestinian Divestment (from Israel) Conference at the University of Michigan.
And Ismael Ahmed spent hundreds of thousands of dollars helping bring to America pregnant Muslim aliens, giving them phony social security numbers, and coaching them on how to defraud Medicaid, so that Americans would not only host the birth of tens of thousands of Muslim anchor babies, but pay for the privilege.
Now, Ahmed heads the Michigan Department of Human Services, where he is the fox over the henhouse of Medicaid in Michigan. He was appointed by Michigan Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm, who as Attorney General investigating the matter knew he was ripping off Michiganians. But she had elections to win.
But that’s not the biggest example of “chutzpah” in this story.
This is: Today, this man–who has spent decades ripping off Americans, many from Michigan, to fund their country’s future destruction–has a guest column in the Detroit Free Press asking Michigan residents to “Join [the]Battle Against Poverty in Michigan.”
Yup, the man who spent decades ripping off the Michigan working poor, having them pay taxes to fund Islamic illegal aliens, terrorist-trainees, anti-Semitic hate confabs, and Muslim anchor babies, is now asking them to help him help them get out of poverty.
Hmmmm . . . maybe if the multi-millions federal and Michigan taxpayers and United Way donors gave to Ahmed and ACCESS over the years were actually spent on poor Michigan citizens, they wouldn’t be in poverty.
Ismael Ahmed asking us to help him fight poverty in Michigan is like Osama Bin Laden asking us to help him fight Islamic terrorism around the world.
How do you define “chutzpah”? Ismael Ahmed.
Since Ahmed’s first wife (who was rumored to be preparing to divorce him) died when she “mysteriously” “fell” down an elevator shaft while with him on a visit to New York City, maybe Ismael Ahmed will also ask us to help him in the war against unnecessary coincidentally-timed deaths of first wives you didn’t get along with.
I can help by sending this tip to his current wife, Margaret Ahmed:

When your hubby is around, don’t stand near elevators.

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