October 16, 2008, - 3:31 pm

As Redd Foxx Would Say, Don’t Vote, You Big Dummy

By Debbie Schlussel

**** Bumped Up From 10:31 a.m. ****

I’ve been arguing for years that all of these “Rock the Vote” campaigns and whines about many Americans not voting are baloney and counterproductive. I call it the “Million Moron March.” In 2002, on ABC’s “Politically Incorrect”, I called Lars Ulrich of “Metallica” and Johnny Rzeznik of “The Goo Goo Dolls” on their absurd efforts at their concerts to register more idiots like the ones they see in the mirror, to vote. When I asked them, both admitted they weren’t registered–a good thing (Ulrich wasn’t even a U.S. citizen). Of course, all of that made it to the cutting room floor because we can’t make celebs or their dumb “register imbeciles to vote” efforts look bad on national television, especially on a show entitled, “Politically Incorrect.”
I don’t want some multi-pierced Jeff Spicoli who can’t find his own navel (except to pierce and tattoo it to death) entering my voting booth. Don’t push them to vote or making it easier. Make it harder. That’s not elitist. It’s common sense. Dummies have no biz in the voting booth. It’s malpractice, as demonstrated well here:

From my 2004 review of “Team America: World Police”, I wrote this about voting:

And they’ve [filmmakers Matt Stone and Trey Parker] redeemed themselves in other ways. In a recent Rolling Stone interview, they ripped Sean “P. Diddy” Colmes’ “Vote or Die” campaign. What P. Diddy really means is “Dummies Register to Vote Kerry or Die,” though those options might not be mutually exclusive.
Stone said he didn’t think uninformed people should be encouraged to go to the polls. And I agree. It’s only the liberals who want to register every Spicoli (that means you, Sean Penn) who can’t even decide the next place to pierce or tattoo, much less choose the next leader of the Free World. Remember Bill Clinton’s Motor Voter Bill? It’s helped P. Diddy on his way to getting a Million Moron March into the booth to pull the lever.

Dummies Across America, please do me–and the rest of your country–a favor: Stay home on election day. Oh, and by the way, we all know for whom most of these dummies are voting: A guy whose initials–and much else–stink.


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October 16, 2008, - 2:45 pm

You Know It’s a Bad Sign When . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Barack Obama now pulls most campaign money out of Michigan, since he’s confident of winning here, and the Republican National Committee pulls out of states like Wisconsin and Maine to shift dollars to “Red States” to protect its turf.
That’s the sign of a party that is losing the battle and being forced to do what I call “reverse containment.” It’s kind of like what we’ve forced Israel to do with it’s continuous self-amputations of Gaza and parts of the so-called “West Bank.”
It’s never a good sign for a warrior. It means he’s losing the war in borderline lands and must shore up his own land. That’s what the McCain camp is doing.
Never a good thing. It means you’re on defense.


What would you do at this stage of the game if you were running the McCain campaign?
I know one thing I’d do: Shut down the Sarah Palin fashion team. No lie, the McCain campaign reportedly spent thousands of dollars on a fashion team to select and buy new clothes–including a $2,500 Valentino jacket for her to wear at the Republican National Convention. The McCain campaign spent nearly $10,000 on clothes for Palin, just for the convention. What a waste of money when you’re tied to limits your opponent isn’t.
Is this really the kind of spending appropriate to a campaign–McCain’s–that is sorely limited in its budget because of campaign finance limits that McCain agreed to abide by, even after Barack Hussein Obama broke his pledge to do the same?
Dump the clothiers and haute couture spending and suck it up.

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October 16, 2008, - 2:00 pm

Barack Obama’s Friends Saluted Cult Serial Killer

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, I noted a musical glorifying serial killer and cultist Charles Manson. As reader Ryan points out, Barack Hussein Obama’s friends seem to like mass-murderer and racist Manson. Check out the comments of terrorist William Ayers’ wife Bernardine Dohrn:

Taking charge of the podium, dressed in high-heeled boots and a leather mini-skirt – her signature uniform – Dorhn incited the assembled radicals to join the war against “Amerikkka” and create chaos and destruction in the “belly of the beast.”
Her voice rising to a fevered pitch, Dohrn raised three fingers in a “fork salute” to mass murderer Charles Manson whom she proposed as a symbol to her troops. Referring to the helpless victims of the Manson Family as the “Tate Eight” (the most famous was actress Sharon Tate) Dohrn shouted:

Dig It. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!


While I think it was good that John McCain hammered Obama on Ayers in the debate last night, it would have been great if he’d asked Obama whether or not he agrees with these comments glorifying a mass murderer.
So, will Manson get a Presidential Pardon at the end of an Obama Administration?
Ya never know.

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October 16, 2008, - 12:36 pm

Enough About Joe the Plumber: Is Nightmarishly Bad Kevin Costner Flick Coming True?

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s not that I have anything against Joe the Plumber a/k/a Joe Wurzelbacher. He’s a Midwesterner, like me, and he wants to start a small business–an admirable pursuit. He seems like the average, common-sense-endowed, hard-working, blue-collar American. And he strikes me as a very smart, likeable guy. All good things. In fact, I like Joe the Plumber far better than McCain and Obama.
It’s just that–with his name mentioned ten or 11 times at last night’s final Presidential debate–I had to wonder if I was seeing life imitate bad art.
Remember the horrid Kevin Costner movie, “Swing Vote“? Well, how could you? Very few went to see it, and it bombed. But it was about a blue-collar worker who, because of a fluke, got to decide the election with his single vote. The Democratic and Republican Presidential candidates packed up their team and moved to “Bud”‘s hometown and held debates for an audience of one. All of the campaign commercials were directed toward him.

Unlike the drunken, ignorant “Bud”, Joe the Plumber seems responsible and he gets it. He sees that Obama is a socialist who wants to take his hard-earned money and tax him out of starting his small business. Costner’s “Bud” was an idiot. Joe the Plumber is the exact opposite.
That said, I think it was a mistake to focus so much on Joe the Plumber that much. It was fine for McCain to point out once or twice, or even three times, that Obama was bad for Joe the Plumber and the rest of us who find ourselves in Joe’s position–a great symbol of how Obama’s policies are bad for small business owners and average Americans. But there are lots of other American voters. Millions of ’em. And I think both candidates took the risk of boring them with the constant Joe references and made them wonder: What about us? Pandering to one voter among millions is annoying.
Maybe I’m wrong. But I think the person who got the most mileage out of last night’s debate was neither McCain nor Obama. The guy who benefited most was . . . Joe.
Enjoy those 15 minutes, Joe. And I hope you’re able to buy and succeed at your small business, realizing the American Dream. I wish you well, Joe.
And I’m so glad you’re a heckuva lot smarter and on the ball than Kevin Costner’s “Bud” from “Swing Vote.”
Sadly, I don’t think you’ll get to decide the election as in “Swing Vote.” Unfortunately, we may have a lot more Spicolis than Joes planning to vote in November. I hope not, but I’m not holding my breath.

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October 16, 2008, - 9:47 am

“Priorities”: More Evidence That Football Ain’t Brain Surgery (Or Rocket Science)

By Debbie Schlussel
When I think of amputees, I think of brave soldiers who lost their limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan or innocent victims of cancer and freak accidents.
But now, college football gives us an example of a man who has a far more “courageous” reason to lose his limbs–a Class A example of a future American rocket scientist/brain surgeon: Trevor Wikre.
Priorities, Shmiorities:

Trevor Wikre had a choice: Lose his pinkie finger or lose his football season.
“I said, ‘Cut it off,’ ” Wikre says. He took no time to ponder. “I knew right away,” he says. “It wasn’t a hard choice.”
Wikre, 21, is a guard for Mesa State College, a Division II school in Grand Junction, Colo. He had told teammates a couple of weeks earlier how much he loved them as brothers.
“I said, ‘I’d take a bullet for you,’ ” he says. “Well, this was my chance to put words into action. This was my bullet.”


Trevor Wikre: Genius Who Amputated Pinky to Avoid Sitting Out Season

The Mesa Mavericks will play their first game on national cable TV Thursday night (8 ET, CBS College Sports) vs. Western State (Colo.). Mesa is 5-2, 5-0 in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference.
The trauma came Sept. 30 when Wikre’s right little finger shattered at practice. He pulled off a glove, saw bone jutting out and asked trainers to tape it up. They declined and got him to the hospital, where doctors advised him that he needed season-ending surgery.
“I’m a senior,” Wikre (pronounced WICK-er-EE) says. “If they put pins in there, my career was finished. I told them to just take it off. They said I was being dramatic. I said, yeah, well, losing my season is dramatic, too.”
Doctors tried to dissuade him, he says, but they were at last persuaded to take the finger at the second knuckle, leaving a stump.
“Even with the operation I was going to have trouble with it later in life,” he says. “I think that’s why they let me” make the decision to amputate.
Wikre missed one game. He played last week with a rubber cast in a 26-3 win against Colorado State-Pueblo.
Did he find any difference in how he played? “Just one less finger to hold with,” he says, laughing softly.
How about differences in life?
“I can’t hit the P on the keyboard very well,” he says. “I have to train my ring finger to get over there. It takes time.”
Wikre got change at the grocery store the other day and felt the coins slipping through his fingers. The pinky is the plug that closes a clenched palm. . . .
Wikre, 6-3, 280 pounds, is majoring in K-12 education and adaptive physical education. He wants to be a phys ed teacher for special needs children.
Traci Young, his fiance, is a bank teller who graduated from Mesa last spring.
“I thought it was pretty crazy, but if you know Trevor you understand,” she says. “Sometimes he’ll stick it in my face as a joke and I’ll squeal. It’s gross to look at but, you know, I’m getting used to it.”
Mesa coach Joe Ramunno lost his left pinky in a shop class accident in 1979, his senior year in high school.
“We’re a matched set,” Ramunno says of the bizarre coincidence. “I’m a good source for him on how it is to live with.”
Unlike Wikre, Ramunno did not choose to have his pinky amputated. “The doctors made that decision for me,” he says. And he would have advised Wikre to save his finger, but it was gone before the coach could give advice.
“He’s pretty darn committed to this team,” Ramunno says. “I know where his heart is at. He’s a special young man.” . . .
The symbol for a team that finishes No. 1 is an index finger held high. “I don’t need my pinky for that,” Wikre says.

With good sense like this, there’s no word on whether Mr. Wikre is the product of his mother and grandfather, but I wouldn’t bet against it. I also wouldn’t bet that this idiot would make the same sacrifice for his country . . . but for his Division II college football team, that’s the ticket.
Giving up your finger to avoid sitting out a season of college football. I think we’ve just found this year’s Darwin Awards Winner.
**** UPDATE, 10/17/08: Reader Logan agrees and speaks from personal experience:

I just got through reading your column on the football player who amputated his finger so he could play his senior year of football, and just had to give a quick opinion. Now please forgive me if there are a few typos in this e-mail or lack of captilization, for the reason is because this past sunday I accidently cut my pinky deeply with a potato slicer. Since the accident my pinky has had a couple of bandaids on it, including 5 butterfly bandaids to close the gap some so that it doesn’t bleed and can heal properly in the days to come. Since the accident, I’ve been discovering more and more how valuable this finger truly can be. day to day activities such as typing, driving, lifting weights, twisting the bottle cap off a pop bottle, etc are much more challenging than they should be for me, and only makes me long for the day when I can use all 5 of my fingers on my left hand again.
So to the football player I would say this, while I’m sure your teammates and coach appreciate you giving up this sacrifice so you can play one year of football, you’ll be spending the remainder of your days wondering if it really was worth it. and hey, maybe he might, but for division II college football? I doubt it, but I have to admit I’ve never been an athlete, so who knows.
Thanks for reading! Love the columns as always, even if I disagree occasionally. Its just nice to see a columnist go after radical islam more often than anyone else.

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October 15, 2008, - 12:08 pm

Is Your Kid Going to the Charles Manson Show?

By Debbie Schlussel
Recently I got this e-mail from a reader:

I have been a fan of yours since I first heard you on the Stern show years ago. I live in Texas now, near Austin. My daughter has told me that she and her friends have decided to go to a show that glorifies Charles Manson, the serial killer. I am concerned that she is getting a very distorted view of this monster, and because I am a single mother there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do. Aren’t there victims rights laws about this kind of thing? The show is thestripcult.com, and it is all ages which means my daughter can go without my permission. I’m sorry to burden you with this but I am concerned and I even asked the police if there was anything they could do but they said no.


Thanks to David Lunde/Lundesigns for Help w/Image

I do not know if this reader’s daughter is under-aged and/or living in the reader’s house, which in either case, would be grounds for the mother to put her foot down and say: no show. My dad would tell me: If you go to that show, you’re out of my house and don’t get a dime from me anymore. And he’d give me info on the real story of Charles Manson and make me read it. It reminds me of when “The Brady Bunch” kids admired Jesse James, and they were set straight about it by Mr. Brady, who made them meet relatives of James’ innocent, murdered victims.
In any event, I feel for parents who must deal with this kind of thing, and I wanted you to be aware of this disgusting show glorifying this mass-murdering cultist. (There’s even a website devoted to glorifying all things Manson, including this show, and a “Charles Manson Funpage“. In fact, it’s difficult to find websites against Manson. Sick.)
What’s next–a live show/musical glorifying O.J. . . . or Bin Laden? Oh, yeah, we already have plenty of stuff coming out of Hollywood glorifying the latter guy.
Just a brief refresher on Manson for the clueless:
Charles Manson is a serial killer. He deserves to die but in liberal California they canceled the death penalty he got and deserved. He and his cult of blind followers, “The Family”, brutally murdered innocent people. This lowlife isn’t deserving of any sort of respect or admiration whatsoever, much less a musical.
That this scumbag is now an American cult figure and folk hero is yet another sad sign of America’s rapid decline.
**** UPDATE: Reader Sean writes:

I wish I could say that I’m shocked that people are making money out of glorifying Charles Manson, who murdered innocent, unsuspecting people in an attempt to start his “race war.” But should we be surprised? People have been making money off products glorifying Che and his “revolucion” for years, and he killed at least a couple of hundred people and ordered many more killed.

Sadly true.

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October 15, 2008, - 10:58 am

Magic of Google 2001 Shows Obama May Have Been Involved in Muslim Organizing

By Debbie Schlussel
As you may know, Google is celebrating its tenth anniversary and is allowing people to search Google as it was in 2001, enabling you to get all the results available back then. (They’re not making use of 1998 results available because 2001 is the earliest good version available, they say.) It’s available at Google.com/search2001.html until the end of the month. It’s an interesting exercise in politics and pop culture, since, back then, names like “Brangelina” don’t refer to two the union of two vapid left-wing celeb-hypocrites.
Reader “CaliforniaScreaming” did a search under the 2001 Google and found this item, which shows Barack Obama is listed on a Chicago Black community organizing website under “Organizing and Islam” and is grouped along with a number of shady Nation of Islam figures. You know what they say about “the company you keep”. That’s with whom Barack Hussein Obama was keeping company back in 2001.





Thanks to David Lunde/Lundesigns for Help w/Images

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October 14, 2008, - 10:40 am

EXCLUSIVE: Who is Majida Mourad? Muslim-Americans/Arab-Americans for McCain Chief Committed Federal Crimes, Lied on Top Secret Clearance Forms; Right-Hand (Wo)Man to Hezbollah Bud Abraham; Plus, Who is Randa Fahmy Hudome?

By Debbie Schlussel
You’ve heard of Mazen Asbahi, who resigned as head of Obama’s Muslim campaign after news of his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood came to light (and who is reportedly still working with Obama, anyway). You’ve also heard of Minha Husaini, the current head of Obama’s Muslim outreach, who attended a meeting with open anti-Semites and terrorism co-conspirators.
Now, meet Majida Mourad, the beauty school grad who falsified federal employment and top secret security clearance forms and gave details of security for our nuclear weapons to Muslim nations on the State Department terrorist list.
Majida Mourad heads both Muslim-Americans for McCain and Arab-Americans for McCain, and is a lobbyist for Arab and Muslim nations.


Majida Mourad (w/BoyToy Jim Kimsey):

Heads Up Muslim-Americans for McCain, Has One Up on “Grease”‘s Frenchy
Mourad has many former top co-workers from the Department of Energy seeing red because it is well known that she lied on federal employment and top secret security clearance forms–a federal crime–and got away with it, with the help of her friend, then-Secretary of Energy, and now partner, fellow Lebanese Arab-American Spencer Abraham. Both Abraham and Mourad are partners in The Abraham Group, which represents Arab and Muslim nations lobbying America.
When Abraham became Secretary of Energy, he enlisted the White House to appoint Mourad as one of his top Energy advisors. But upon applying for the job, Mourad lied on both her SF-171 form for federal employment and her application for Top Secret security clearance–a federal crime–claiming she had a college degree from Indiana University. In fact, after several semesters at IU, Mourad barely completed enough credits equivalent to a year at college at the time.
The only degree Mourad did in fact have at the time was a diploma from a cosmetology school. So, as a beauty school graduate, she does have one up on Frenchy, the “Beauty School Drop-out” from “Grease.” Oh, and the divorced Mourad (who also went by the married name Majida Dandy), was an uncredited extra in a pool party scene on the ’90s TV series “Beverly Hills 90210”.
Given this information, the use of Mourad in the McCain campaign–after John McCain had to dump federal insurance fraud convict and Hezbollah agent Ali Jawad in May–raises serious questions about the McCain campaign’s vetting process when it comes to Middle Easterners and about which Arabs and Muslims would get hired in a McCain administration.
Mourad who worked for pro-Hezbollah/Arafat former U.S. Senator and Energy Secretary Abraham throughout his political career, is now Abraham’s partner in lobbying on behalf of various Muslim and Arab nations seeking energy contracts with America. So much for John McCain’s claim that he doesn’t want lobbyists on his campaign.
Sources close to Abraham also say that Majida Mourad does not do anything without the tacit approval and involvement of Abraham–who sent $86 million of your tax money to Hezbollah in South Lebanon at the request of the Arab American Institute’s Jim Zogby, who blocked federal tracking of alien visa holders entering America (also at Zogby’s request), and who was one of two U.S. Senators who refused to sign a letter to Bill Clinton asking him to condemn Yasser Arafat at the height of homicide bombings in Israel in 1999 and 2000. Read the complete dossier on Spencer Abraham’s pan-jihadist activities.
Last week, the Detroit Free Press disclosed that Abraham has been serving as a surrogate speaker to Michigan Arab voters on behalf of John McCain. Sources close to Abraham say that Abraham is heavily tied to and closely involved with the McCain campaign and that Mourad’s involvement is proof of that. So much for John McCain’s claim that we must fight the terrorists over there (Iraq) so we don’t have to fight them over here. Now we know that the terrorists’ Senator and Energy Secretary is squarely inside the McCain campaign.
Those familiar with Mourad are outraged and alarmed that John McCain has enlisted her for more than half a year to head up his outreach efforts to Muslims and Arabs. About a dozen individuals who worked with her confirmed that Ms. Mourad claimed repeatedly on applications for both federal employment and Top Secret security clearance that she was a graduate of Indiana University.
But, in fact, while Mourad went to the school part-time, at the time she had barely completed a full year of credits at the school. I checked with Indiana University’s Registrar’s Office, and the school confirmed that Majida Mourad attended University of Indian’s Kokomo campus and finally graduated with a 2-year Associate’s Degree (the equivalent of a Community College degree) in June 2004, after four semesters of correspondence courses and just a few months before she and Spencer Abraham were dumped from the Department of Energy by an angry Bush Administration and well after Ms. Mourad lied on her federal forms.
IU says Ms. Mourad attended the school for 12 semesters over 11 years from Fall 1993 through Summer 2004. The school also confirms that Mourad “attended” online/correspondence courses from 2002 to 2004, while she was supposed to be working full-time at the Department of Energy. Yes, you the American taxpayer paid her high salary at Energy not only after she had the chutzpah to lie on and falsify forms, but also while she was “attending school” full-time.
Her former colleagues are alarmed that not only did Ms. Mourad and Spencer Abraham cover up her federal crime of lying to get Top Secret security clearance and federal employment, but this beauty school grad also frequently toured high-security federal nuclear laboratories with high security nuclear energy, technology, and weaponry. Several published schedules of then-Energy Secretary Abraham’s trips to nuclear facilities confirm that “90210” extra and senior Energy advisor Mourad was with him.
In December 2001, Paul Sperry–now an editorial writer at Investor’s Business Daily–reported on then-Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham’s pledge of $1.2 million in additional tax dollars to a United Nations program, in which Abraham gave tours of and a course about U.S. security measures for nuclear reactors to representatives from countries including then-Saddam-controlled Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, and Sudan, most of which were then on the State Department Terrorist list (and most of which remain on that list). Energy Department sources say that it was beauty school grad, federal employment/top secret security clearance form falsifier, and Abraham senior advisor Majida Mourad who allowed and oversaw this outrageous compromise of our national security.
So, how did Majida Mourad get away with lying on federal forms and not doing jailtime?
Here’s how it went down, according to several Bush Administration sources. Abraham wanted the Bush Administration to appoint beauty school grad Mourad to the position of one of his top senior advisors at Energy, as a political appointee. After she filled out the forms and lied about having a degree from Indiana University, the White House did its due diligence and discovered that she, in fact, had no degree from Indiana University at the time. The White House told Abraham that Mourad was not to be hired and that she would get no political appointment. Abraham was told that Mourad had to go.
But the White House chose not to prosecute Mourad. Behind the White House’s back, Abraham hired Mourad anyway. He got away with it by hiring Mourad as a contract employee and she continued to work as his senior advisor, accompanying him on all trips around the world.
When several Department of Energy employees objected to the continued employment of Mourad on the grounds that she committed a federal crime and falsified at least two federal applications, Abraham and then-Energy counsel Lee Otis (incredibly now a Justice Department attorney) fired several of them. They also required other Department of Energy employees to sign confidentiality agreements, promising not to disclose Mourad’s crime, in order to retain their employment. And finally, Abraham and Otis threatened Energy employees with retaliation in the form of lawsuits and prosecution, were they to disclose Mourad’s crime.
Yes, these are the people on “reformer” John McCain’s campaign.
When the White House learned that Mourad remained atop Abraham’s staff despite her falsification of federal forms, it was a source of anger, as was the knowledge that Abraham also covered up another crime committed by his senior staffers–an anthrax threat prank involving an envelope containing baby powder, which required the entire Department of Energy to be evacuated. Abraham also refused to fire or allow prosecution senior Energy employees involved in that crime.
Sources say that all of these things–his continued employment of application falsifier Majida Mourad and the anthrax prankers, coupled with Abraham’s enormous incompetence during the 2003 Blackout (during which he refused to return to the U.S. from a tax-funded family jaunt to London) and failure to get an energy bill–were the reasons the Bush White House fired Abraham after the 2004 election.
I spoke with Congressman Tom Davis–who has held hearings on federal employees with falsified applications and fake degrees–in connection with this story. While he was not told the identity of the individual in question, he was told that it was a member of the McCain campaign team. “Anyone who lies on a federal application or form should not be hired for the job and should definitely be fired,” he said.
So, why did Spencer Abraham risk his career and persecute whistleblower employees to protect fellow Lebanese Arab Majida Mourad and cover-up the federal crimes she committed?
Although there have been allegations of a personal relationship between the attractive Mourad and Spencer Abraham, sources say that is unlikely and that the more likely reason is that Abraham likes Mourad’s access to celebrities and the wealthy. The 38-year-old Mourad has been squired around Washington by 69-year-old gazillionaire AOL founder Jim Kimsey. And she was rumored to have “dated” her former employer, Congressman Sonny Bono, which sources say was a likely reason she was not employed long by his successor, Congresswoman Mary Bono. Mourad bragged to third parties that Mrs. Bono gave Mourad a David Yurman bracelet with eyes on it as a parting gift, saying “No matter where you go, I will always have my eye on you.” And Mourad told a Washington magazine that an ideal date of hers was when a boyfriend flew her to London to have dinner. (Very low maintenance woman.)
Mourad is also tight with pro-Hezbollah, pro-Syria, anti-Israel Republican Congressman Darrell Issa a/k/a Jihad Darrell, with whom she recently co-sponsored the showing of a Muslim movie at an Arab film festival in Washington.
Sources say that if John McCain is elected, Majida Mourad is in line for a top appointment in the McCain Administration. Question: What kind of job do you give to a beauty school grad and “90210” extra, who committed a federal crime falsifying applications, gave details of our nuclear weapon security to Muslim nations on the State Department Terrorist list, and likes to “date” rich men?
Well, maybe she could be the official consort of Guantanamo detention facility.
Not surprisingly, both Spencer Abraham and Majida Mourad refused to respond to repeated requests for interviews about Mourad’s falsification of federal employment and security clearance forms and Abraham’s orchestration of the ensuing cover-up.

Who Is Randa Fahmy Hudome?
Another one of Spencer Abraham’s former top employees at the Department of Energy–with strong McCain campaign ties–is Randa Fahmy Hudome, a Muslim lawyer and anti-Israel lobbyist whom he hired to his Senate staff and then appointed to Associate Deputy Secretary of Energy. Ms. Fahmy, also now a lobbyist for Muslim and Arab nations, was tight with Yasser Arafat and famously posed with her daughter for a photo kissing Arafat on the cover of The Washington Times. Currently, a lobbyist for Libya, Fahmy brags on her bio that she was responsible for removing the country from the State Department Terrorist List.
Ms. Fahmy was also on the board of ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid), a “charity” under investigation for allegedly financing HAMAS and other similar Palestinian groups. And she’s been on the board of the pan-Islamist, anti-Israel Arab-American National Museum and the Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights. And she’s a frequent Mid-East policy analyst on Al-Jazeera, the Terrorist News Network.
Fahmy’s husband, Mike Hudome (who is also the father of the kid who kissingly posed with Arafat), makes the McCain campaign commercials you see on television.


Randa Fahmy Hudome: Muslim Anti-Israel Activist w/McCain Ties
From Ms. Fahmy’s own bio, there’s a very clear picture of what she stands for:

Prior to her executive branch experience, Randa was Foreign Policy Counselor during Senator Spencer Abraham’s (R-MI) tenure in the United States Senate. During the six years she spent in the legislative branch, she was credited with shaping many pieces of legislation that affected U.S. interests abroad.
From 1992-1994, she was the congressional liaison for the National Association of Arab Americans (NAAA), the premier lobbying organization of the Arab American community which is devoted to promoting peace and stability in the Middle East through a balanced U.S. foreign policy in the region.

Translation: Whenever anyone uses the term “balanced” U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, they don’t mean balanced, at all. They mean anti-Israel.
What kind of influence will Randa Fahmy and her husband Mike have on John McCain’s Mid-East policy?

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October 13, 2008, - 6:11 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Hezbollah High Principal Caught in Scandal

By Debbie Schlussel
Since 2006, I’ve been writing about Dearbornistan’s Fordson High School a/k/a Hezbollah High, the nation’s first majority Muslim public high school funded by taxpayers. Upward of 90% of the students at Hezbollah High are Muslim Arabs.
I’ve also written about the school’s principal, Imad Fadlallah, the cousin of Hezbollah spiritual leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah. Imad Fadlallah has used Hezbollah High to impose his own personal shariah system, eliminating prom, harassing Christian teachers and coaches, and promoting Islam everywhere, including on the football field.


Hezbollah High: Violent, Bigoted Fordson Principal Imad Fadlallah is Hezbollah Spiritual Leader/Terrorist Mohammed Fadlallah’s Cousin

I’ve written about how Fadlallah allegedly hit students. And I’ve also written about allegations that Fadlallah altered grades of Muslim students, allowing them to graduate, and graduated students with barely half the credits necessary to graduate in Dearbornistan public schools.
Now, what’s this I hear from sources that Dearborn Public Schools is allegedly set to unveil the results of an investigation of Fadlallah regarding improperly graduated students without sufficient credits? Yup, Fadlallah has been graduating students who earned only 23 out of a required 44 credits from his Hezbollah High.
There is a huge cheating scandal going on at University of Michigan -Dearborn among its Muslim Arab students–mostly those from Hezbollah High. Now, we know why.
What will happen to Imad Fadlallah? Probably nothing. This is Dearbornistan, remember?
So, how did Fadlallah get away with this kind of thing? Well, he is protected by the Muslim chorus of whiners and harassers that plague Dearbornistan’s every inch of bureaucracy and government.
That includes the recent past Dearbornistan Public Schools Superintendent John Artis, who was rewarded with a cushy post-retirement job at ACCESS–the tax-funded and United Way-funded Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, which helps Muslim illegal aliens bilk America.
Oh, and sources say that Artis was also rewarded with a luxe vacation at Imad Fadlallah’s South Lebanon home. Complete with Hezbollah protection, I’m sure.
This is how America works when we let Islamists and shariah fanatics take over. And this is how it is going to be all over America, because we did nothing to stop it.
Read more about Imad Fadlallah, here and here.

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October 13, 2008, - 3:49 pm

The Synagogue Bombing for Civil Rights That Black America Forgot

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, congregants of the Jewish synagogue, The Temple a/k/a The Hebrew Benevolent Congregation of Atlanta, Georgia, marked the 50th anniversary of the bombing of the synagogue. The Temple was bombed because it became the site of sermons on racial equality and civil rights, on the Jewish holidays.
But 50 years later, American Jews see how they were repaid for their sacrifices on behalf of the civil rights movement. With sermons like the hatred of Jews and Israel and hugs for HAMAS from Rev. Jeremiah Wright. With derogatory comments about “Hymietown” and Nixon’s “insensitive Jewish advisors” (the two advisors to whom he was referring weren’t Jews but were of German extraction) from Jesse Jackson. With comments about “Zionist interlopers” from Al Sharpton. With comments about a “gutter religion” from Louis Farrakhan.


The Temple Bombing in 1958

Mark my word: There will never be a bombing of a Black Church by Nazis and Muslims because the church was too philo-Semitic. And that’s because–in poll after poll–Anti-Semitism remains strong in one community in America (actually two communities, if you include Muslims): the Black community. Because they don’t know about and/or don’t care a whit about the sacrifices that Jews made for them in America. They’ve rewarded it with anti-Semitism.
Yes, there are some notable examples, with philo-Semitic, pro-Israel Black ministers, like Rev. Keith Butler and Rev. Glenn Plummer of Detroit and my friend, Rev. Dr. Barnett Jones, the Police Chief of Ann Arbor. They are great people.
But, sadly, they are not–unlike Jackson, Farrakhan, Sharpton, and Wright–among the most prominent and revered figures in Black America.
And that’s what the Barack Obama candidacy and his 20-plus year relationship with Rev. Wright and his tight relationship with the anti-Semitic Nation of Islam reminds me of.
I think of the bombing of that synagogue for sermons on civil rights for Blacks since 1946 (the synagogue was bombed by White supremacists on October 12, 1958), and I ask:
What have we Jews learned from that bombing and the resulting fifty years of anti-Semitism espoused by the most admired figures in Black America?
What have we Jewish-Americans learned when 60% of us, in poll after poll, still plan to vote for Barack Obama, a man who held a 20-plus year relationship with a man who was not afraid to spread his hatred of Jews at his and Oprah’s church?
Apparently, the 60% have learned nothing. It is as if they were there at that bombing in 1958, and have been brain-dead ever since. And, frankly, the vast majority of the current congregants of The Temple–a Reform synagogue–will be among those 60%, since liberal Jews tend to dominate Conservative and Reform Judaism, whereas conservative Jews are found in great numbers in Orthodox Judaism.
I am glad Jews were a vital part of America’s civil rights movement. The pigment of one’s skin should never be a reason for the denial of basic human decency and equal treatment. But I am outraged that we continue to be–along with America, itself (Rev. Wright’s “G-d Damn America”)–a target of the hatred of the community we stood up for.
The way to reward this hatred is not to move it into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
When the dust settles after November, how many Nation of Islam members will work in a Barack Obama White House? How many anti-Semitic Black ministers, like Jackson, Farrakhan, Sharpton, and Wright, will find themselves with A-list invites at Obama’s inauguration?
The bombing of the Temple in Atlanta is a forgotten event by not only the community that was the target of the bombing, but by the community for which the Temple stood up which made it a target for that bombing in the first place.

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