October 21, 2008, - 3:50 pm

I Warned You About Judge Abu Porno: ACORN-Esque Bush Judge Enables Voter Fraud, Ineligible Voters

By Debbie Schlussel
Whenever a Bush voter cites “the judges” as the reason he/she is glad we’ve had eight years of the failed George W., they cite Supreme Court Justices Roberts and Alito.
Yes, those Justices are great, but remember that we were going to get Justice Miers–because she was a good Bush brown-noser and wrote him mash notes–and only got Alito because conservatives were furious and outspoken.
And, as I tell most people who cite the Bush Justices, most important decisions never even get to the Supreme Court. They’re decided at the Federal District Court and Appeals levels. Remember, the Supreme Court accepts very few cases for consideration.
That takes us to the very liberal, very objectionable District Court judges Bush has appointed. Some of them are virtually indistinguishable from likely Kerry appointees.


Federal Judge Abu Porno a/k/a Stephen Murphy III:

Bush Slob Helps ACORN, ACLU, Obama

Take U.S. District Court Judge Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno” . . . now Judge Abu Porno (so nicknamed for his well-known penchant for looking at and sharing online porn with co-workers all day long at the U.S. Attorney’s Office–so much for Bush family values; I’m sure this porn addiction didn’t stop once he entered the Courthouse).
As you’ll recall, I opposed the Bush nomination of Murphy–first to the U.S. Court of Appeals and later to U.S. District Court. Aside from being a complete dummy, Murphy was comfortably in bed with the most extremist Muslims in the Detroit area. This slob and porn addict praised Hezbollah and joked about its presence on the State Department Terrorist list, saying he had no idea why the group was on the list because it does “humanitarian work”. He’s the one who allowed Hezbollah gazillionaire financier and tax defrauder Talal Chahine to flee the country and keep operating his Michigan restaurant chain from Lebanon even after he became a fugitive.
Murphy praised Marxist Congressman John Conyers as one of the greatest jurists he’s ever met (Conyers has a law degree but doesn’t practice, except when he’s holding Bush impeachment hearings). And he praised Ayatollah Khomeini’s Navy spiritual leader, extremist Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, a man known for his anti-Semitic rantings and ravings and a friend of Hezbollah spiritual leader, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah.
And Murphy was the one who made a sleazy deal for a guilty plea and light sentence for Hezbollah’s FBI/CIA spy Nada Nadim Prouty, Talal Chahine’s sister-inlaw. Murphy also refused to prosecute Muslim hate crimes against Jews, notably four Muslims who sent me rape, torture, and death threats, while he threw the book at non-Muslims who sent benign e-mails to Muslim extremists. Because of Murphy’s refusal to prosecute those who threatened the lives of myself and my family, your tax dollars paid extra for Department of Justice prosecutors to fly in from Washington to do his job.
Murphy made racist comments against Black people, in front of multiple witnesses, and he allowed corrupt ICE official Roy Bailey to remain on the federal payroll for four years after it was discovered that Bailey was on the take from Hezbollah and Chahine, allowing Muslim illegal aliens into the country and helping them gain citizenship.
Murphy’s relationship with FBI award revokee, marriage fraud perpetrator, and “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad was so tight, many angry federal agents commented that this mancrush resembled an ambiguously gay relationship, with Murphy warning Hamad about all raids by federal agents and apologizing within hours for them.
Yes, this is one of those GUH-REAT “Bush judges” I keep hearing about.
Last week, we reaped the first of many rewards of this awesome Bush Judge, Abu Porno, with his pan-ACORNist ruling about voters who should be ineligible. His ruling is rife with fraud.
Thanks, George W., for this fine judicial specimen:

A federal judge in Detroit ordered state elections officials today to halt one of two methods for purging voters from Michigan’s computerized voting rolls.
U.S. District Judge Stephen Murphy III told state officials to immediately stop canceling the registrations of newly registered voters whose voter identification cards are returned as undeliverable by the post office. Murphy said state officials must restore the names of 1,438 people who have been removed from the rolls under this method since Jan. 1.
Murphy said a second practice — removing the names of people who apply for driver’s licenses in other states — also is illegal, but the prospects of restoring the names of about 200,000 people, only a few of whom were wrongly removed, “would risk grave harm to the public interest by permitting a large number of ineligible voters to vote.”
The judge said the plaintiffs and defendants in a lawsuit must figure out how to deal with that problem as the lawsuit proceeds.
The ACLU of Michigan and a national student group sued Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land last month to halt both practices on the grounds that they violate the National Voting Rights Act.
Michael Steinberg, legal director of the Michigan ACLU, said he was pleased by the decision.
“We are thrilled that thousands of voters who were illegally removed from voter rolls will be able to vote in November’s historic presidential election,” Steinberg said.

Of course, the ACLU is thrilled. So is ACORN. And so is the Barack Obama team. Imagine the voter fraud Judge Abu Porno’s ruling will engender.
Yes, the trial level is where most of the important decisions are made. And where Bush appointed many liberals and dummies, like Judge Abu Porno a/k/a Stephen Murphy III and Judge Marcia Cooke, a liberal public defender, whom Bush named to the federal bench because she’s Black. She refused to give a tough sentence to Abdullah Al-Muhajir a/k/a Jose Padilla, the Al-Qaeda terrorist chieftain who tried to acquire and bring a dirty bomb into America. She opposed federal prosecutors in the case, every step of the way.
This is Bush’s real legacy, where the difference between Bush and Kerry and Obama isn’t clear at all. And it demonstrates all too clearly why it’s important to have conservative candidates who are actually conservative, which Bush never was, and who aren’t ignorant, like Bush and Sarah Palin. Otherwise, they are handled, managed, and molded by advisors who pick guys like Murphy and chicks like Cooke. Oh, and Secretaries of State like Powell and Rice.
Read all about Hizzoner Abu Porno a/k/a Stephen Murphy III.

The Company Stephen Murphy Keeps . . .


U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy w/Islamic Terrorism Supporters Osama Siblani, Shereef Akeel, Imad Hamad & Noel Saleh

Even More of the Company Stephen Murphy Keeps . . .


Stephen Murphy with Terrorist Charity Officials Khalil Jassem (left), Ihsan Al-Khatib (far right) & “Former” Terrorist Imad Hamad (Murphy’s left)

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October 21, 2008, - 1:49 pm

Dumb Stunts of the Week

By Debbie Schlussel
I never have to worry when I’m planning to be away from my computer and must prepare things for posting ahead of time. There are so many stories I never get to, so many dumb stunts . . . like these:
* My alma mater, the University of Wisconsin, from which I earned both my Law and MBA Degrees (no, I did not do the BS joint Law-MBA degree; I did them separately and earned each one):
U-W designated next weekend’s homecoming football game with Illinois as “carbon neutral.” The school will use an anonymous donation to buy carbon credits on the Chicago Climate Exchange to offset estimated game-day carbon dioxide emissions. When credits are purchased the money is invested in “green” projects.
Wow, I’ve never heard of such an extended verbal spread of fertilizer.


I’ve heard that Bucky the Badger is changing his name back to Buckingham and moving to a Red State out of embarrassment.
In my experience, there are not enough carbon credits on the Chicago Fertilizer Exchange to make up for all the carbon dioxide emissions from the brat-and-brau-laced farts of Wisconsin fans. That’s not to mention the cows outside of Madison. And the lights and electricity used to broadcast it on national TV and the energy and electricity used to keep all the restaurants and bars open for fans. How do you measure or “make up” for these things? You can’t. And there’s no reason to. Our carbon usage is just fine.
What a waste of money. What a load of Buckey-the-Badger-S.
* Amy Borkowsky: This misguided 40-something single girl is trying to raise $3 million for a 30-second Superbowl commercial advertising that she’s available to the drunken, Superbowl man of her dreams, er . . . nightmares. Her site is SuperBowlSingleGirl.com.
Wow, what a way to advertise desperation. Better name for her site: IHaveADumbIdeaAndNeedAttention.com.

Amy’s Answering Machine Now Amy’s Dumb Superbowl Ad Stunt

So far, she’s raised just over $700. Lest you be tempted to donate, please don’t. The money–if she can’t raise the three mill–will go to the United Way, which, as I’ve documented, sends hundreds of thousands of dollars to pro-terrorist Islamic and Arabist “charities” like ACCESS, the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services.
By the way, she’s supposed to be a comedienne–she’s the same Amy from “Amy’s Answering Machine” fame. And you know what I say about female comedians: They’re not funny. Ergo, they’re not comedians.

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October 21, 2008, - 10:11 am

Flashback: Liberal Colin Powell Was Advising Barack Obama Since June 2007

By Debbie Schlussel
Since I wrote about Black liberal Colin Powell’s endorsement of Black liberal Barack Hussein Obama, I remembered this piece I wrote almost a year-and-a-half ago about how Colin Powell had been advising Obama even then, in June of last year. And I also wrote about Colin Powell’s very liberal foreign policy and national security views–which mirror Obama’s–then. Ditto for his support for and benefits from race-based affirmative action.
Given all this are you really surprised that Powell endorsed Obama? Is it really the big deal the liberal mainstream press is making out of it? No and No:

June 11, 2007
Colin Powell Wants to See More Terrorists Freed

By Debbie Schlussel


I’ve never liked Colin Powell, and I’ve always seen him as the General and Secretary of State with no clothing. Everyone was so impressed with him, based on absolutely nothing. He was a lousy general, a worse Secretary of State, and a pan-Arabist who helped advance Islamists all around. True, he served our country in the military and during Vietnam, but so have many completely unsung others far better than he.
I remember, during the the Clinton Administration when Americans lined up for blocks, waiting for him to sign their copy of his book at appearances. At that time, Powell had the highest rating of any potential candidate for President. But one of the broadcast network news reporters asked people waiting in line why they liked Powell and which one of his political views they liked. No-one could answer the question. Frankly, they liked Powell because they felt good about supporting a prominent Black man for President. Yet, it was the ultimate racism, because they gave this man a free pass based on race.
Both Bushes–father and son–also engaged in the Powell treatment, giving this lefty a lot of power over military and foreign policy for no good reason other than, frankly, affirmative action. There are plenty of smart, accomplished Black men in the military, the policy analysis arena, and government–conservatives–who’d have been far better.
But rather than reward conservatives who put them in office, both Bushes rewarded liberalism by choosing Powell–a promoter of Arafat and a man who has worked especially against Bush, the son, despite the prominent positions the current Prez gave him. (I’d love to see Independent Conservative, La Shawn Barber, Thomas Sowell, or Larry Elder in a power position in this or any Administration. Then, America would be in much better shape. They’re far better than anyone currently in the Bush cabinet.)
And Powell repeatedly plays the race card. As SecState, for example, he told MTV that the Bush’s picked him because he has light skin and looks White. If a White person had said that, they’d have instantly been forced to turn in a resignation. But not Colin Powell. All hail the former foreign policy Emperor with no clothing.
Now, Powell is advising the most far-left front-runner in the Presidential race, Barack Hussein Obama, and he’s urging us to shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, and give the terrorist detainees and their ACLU lawyers access to our Judge Ito/O.J./Paris Hilton Justice system.
Yeah, that’ll work. Just ask terrorists Sami Al-Arian (acquitted on 9 counts/jury deadlocked on 9 counts, just as I predicted), Sami Omar Al-Hussayen (acquitted), Zacarias Moussaoui (spared death penalty because O.J.-style jury read Zacarias-was-abused-as-a-child pop psychology book by his brother), Detroit Al-Qaeda Terror Cell members (guilty verdicts overturned by dishonest, corrupt Judge Gerald Rosen and equally dishonest/corrupt U.S. Attorneys Jeffrey Collins, Craig Morford, and Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno”) .
Yes, we should give the ACLU and terrorists the same rights as U.S. citizens on U.S. soil and let them make such a mockery, such a circus that they go free. Great solution, Mr. Powell.
Actually, I’m glad to see Powell finally consistent in his treatment of Islamic terrorists. Where, before, he used to pander to them when they attacked Israelis and Jews, including Arafat, now Powell also panders to the terrorists who attack Americans.
Thank G-d Colin Powell never got to be President. But even though he’s just a political has-been and private citizen now, by the amount of attention the Mainstream Media give his every utterance, you’d think he is President.
And the current guy occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was too dumb to know this guy wasn’t on his side. Or America’s.

Remember, I wrote this almost 1.5 years ago, and the Colin Powell column I wrote from which I reprinted excerpts yesterday was written and published in April 2001. The more things change, the more they stay the same. That’s why Powell’s endorsement of Obama is hardly a shocker or even news.

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October 20, 2008, - 5:53 pm

Last Jewish Holiday ‘Til Channukah, I Promise

By Debbie Schlussel
Tonight at sundown is the last of the Jewish holidays for a while. The holidays, Shemini Atzeret (which means the “8th Day of the Assembly” and always comes right after the Jewish holiday of Sukkot) and Simchat Torah (which means “Happiness for the–or of the–Torah”) end on Wednesday Night. I’m out of blog commission ’til then, but have stuff I’ve written in advance for publication here on Tuesday and Wednesday, which I think you’ll find of interest. Stay tuned.

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October 20, 2008, - 3:55 pm

Hype Overkill: So a Liberal Black Guy Endorses a Liberal Black Guy

By Debbie Schlussel
So, two prominent liberal Black politicians go into a bar . . . .
It reads like a joke. But the punchline is that one of them, Colin Powell, endorses the other for the White House.


Colin Powell is and has always been a liberal. The liberal mainstream media, which, of course, wants Barack Obama to win, is making a big deal out of something that’s actually not a big deal, something that’s quite predictable.
As I’ve always noted, Colin Powell was a liberal and has been a fan of skin-color-based affirmative action, from which he’s benefited his entire life. Skin color, in no short measure is why he became a General, why he got promoted to the top of America’s military, why he was chosen for a key role in both Bush, father and son, administrations, and why he was given a coveted position on AOL’s board, which made him an instant gazillionaire, once his son (also benefitting from Bush-based affirmative action) approved the deal as head of the FCC. It certainly wasn’t his foreign policy, which was anti-Israel, pan-Arabist, and liberal, liberal, liberal. As I’ve always noted, as Secretary of State, Colin Powell was “Madeleine Albright Minus the Skirt” . . . and lipstick . . . and ugly brooches.
Powell was never a Republican. He benefited from positions in Republican administrations. There’s a difference.
From my April 2001 column on Colin Powell:

Is Colin Powell Madeleine Albright in Republican clothing?
As Secretary of State, he’s acting more like her everyday. Minus the lipstick and ugly brooches.
That should trouble anyone disgusted by Clinton’s Keystone Kops foreign policy conducted by the secretary of state in a skirt.
Albright loved being a celebrity and its associated trappings. . . .
The Czechoslovak-born Albright even had the gall to push for amending the Constitution so foreign-born Americans — particularly herself — can run for president. Indeed, she is Mad (-eleine Albright).
It’s as mad as Powell’s claim he’s a long-time Republican. In his 1995 best-selling autobiography, “My American Journey,” Powell said he is liberal on many issues. “Neither of the two major parties fits me. … The time may be at hand for a third major party to emerge.” “I admire … Bill Clinton.” During Clinton impeachment hearings, Powell’s daughter Anne got a coveted audition for co-host of ABC’s “The View,” during which she vehemently attacked Republicans and conservatives and stood up for Clinton and his private life. You can bet the young Powellette apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Her sister played a proud lesbian in an off-Broadway play, with Papa Powell gushing to the media.
Powell shares Albright’s taste for celebrities. But, even worse than attending their concerts, he’s consulting them on foreign policy. In March, he met for an hour with U2’s Bono about forgiving tax-funded loans to third-world nations. Wednesday, he met with Paul McCartney and girlfriend/model Heather Mills about their anti-landmine campaign. That’s supposed to be a defense issue. Apparently, one must be a has-been UK pop star to advise Powell on U.S. foreign policy. Who’s next, Elton John?
Then, there’s Powell’s Albrightesque behavior toward Israel. A Palestinian-sponsored torrent of terrorist bombings, shootings, and warfare now faces Israel on a daily basis. In the tradition of U.S. peace through strength defense policy, Israel responds, attacking those Palestinian installations fomenting the violence. And what does Powell do? He attacks Israel as “overreacting.” In Powell’s world, Israel should just accept the cold-blooded murder of its civilians within its own borders. Could this be connected with the $200,000 in speaking fees he accepted in November from the pro-Syrian, anti-Israel Lebanese Deputy Prime Minister Issam Fares? Powell already knew he’d be Bush’s Secretary of State when he delivered the paid Tufts University address, a huge conflict of interest.
Powell’s policies are no surprise. He’s the same guy who opposed the Gulf War. Being a “great military mind,” Powell opposed the engagement, predicting we’d badly lose in a ground war. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he and Albright pushed Clinton for military involvement in Kosovo. . . .
There’s a difference between Albright and Powell. A noxious presence, she did not carry Powell’s heavy conflict-of-interest baggage. In addition to questionable speaking fees, Powell was a large stockholder in America Online (AOL), sitting on its board. His son, Michael, now FCC Chairman, voted to approve the AOL-Time Warner merger, earning pops millions in increased stock option value when he exercised them. Now at State, Powell brought in crony AOL Time Warner Chairman Steve Case to consult and install State’s new computer system. All without a competitive bidding process. Suddenly, Powell is against sanctions, which he so adamantly supported during the Gulf War. Interesting, since Case wants to expand AOL’s empire to U.S.-embargoed nations. It’s not the only conflict of interest for the Powell family. Daughter Anne was suddenly named co-host of AOL Time Warner’s TBS network’s “War Games” show, while brother Michael regulates the company at FCC. The Powells are well-connected.
Which is why Powell, an Albright-clone, got the job. Sounding like Hillary, Laura Bush told Larry King, on Wednesday, that she helped Bush pick his advisers and staff. She said she was “proud that a lot of women are at the table.” Apparently Bush has a Clintonesque affirmative action staffing policy.
Clinton picked Albright because she was a woman. Did Bush — or his wife — pick Colin Powell merely because he’s black?
Unless it’s a mutual affinity for Beatles’ political advice, it sure seems that way.

Bottom line: If you liked Madeleine Albright’s foreign policy, you’ll love Barack Obama’s. Colin Powell will be one of his top advisors, even if it’s not in an official capacity.

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October 20, 2008, - 10:41 am

“New” Nation of Islam, Farrakhan are Same Ole/Same Ole

By Debbie Schlussel
Since last week, a number of people have been sending the story of how there are an alleged “new and improved” (and supposed more tolerant) Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan.
To quote one of the most anti-Semitic and pro-Farrakhan rap groups–Public Enemy–Don’t Believe the Hype.
This isn’t the first time Farrakhan has held a press conference or said in a speech that there’s a “new” Nation of Islam, a “new” Farrakhan. He said the same in an interview with ABC News’ “20/20” Muslim host, Martin Bashir, below. Watch the interview. There’s nothing new. Calypso Louie still holds the same racist, bigoted, anti-White, anti-Semitic–and frankly, anti-American–views he’s always held. He’s just not announcing them to the world. But he won’t take them back or apologize for them. And he still believes them.

Even in his latest “new and improved” speech, Farrakhan took the time to tell us that “Whites must stop seeing themselves as superior.” The way the polls are going, I think November’s election will tell him that we don’t. (As I’ve already noted, I’m voting for McCain and hope that he wins.) “Whites seeing themselves as superior”–same old racism from Louis X.
Oh, and by the way, in case there was any doubt, he said that Black Muslims “have to keep going our own way.” Nothing new about that. It’s the same old racist, separatist, supremacy crap we’ve been hearing from Farrakhan since he transformed himself from Calypso singer and dancer to the nation’s looniest Black racist.
One new thing, though: Farrakhan declared himself an Open Borders advocate. Gee, thanks for the tip. I doubt there are too many illegal aliens vying with him for the job as “America’s Next Top Black Muslim Racist.”
Yup, “new” Farrakhan is like “New Coke”. Slightly different flavor, but it’s the same fizz and temperament. And just like “New Coke”, the new “flavor” will go by the wayside with the old standby still dominating the Nation of Islam racism market.

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October 20, 2008, - 10:25 am

Cooking the “Islamophobia” Books: “Religion of Filing False Police Reports & Making Up Phony Attacks”

By Debbie Schlussel
The next time you hear about alleged “attacks on Muslims” and how the number is allegedly “going up” (it isn’t, it’s gone down, and pales in comparison to anti-Jewish attacks), keep in mind that CAIR, ADC, and all the other Arab and Muslim groups that keep a “tally” of these figures, cook the books with stories like that of Safia Jilani.

A Muslim student who claimed she was attacked at Elmhurst College in what school officials described as a hate crime has now been charged with making up the story.
Safia Z. Jilani, 19, of Oak Brook, told police that on Oct. 9, a masked, male attacker struck her in the head with a handgun after she entered a restroom in the Schaible Science Center on campus, according to a release from Elmhurst police.


Safia Jilani: Muslima Fabricated Story of “Anti-Muslim Hate Crime”

Police found threatening graffiti — “Kill the Muslims” — written on a mirror in the restroom, students and police said. Earlier Thursday, the victim had spoken at a demonstration called to denounce anti-Islamic slurs and a swastika she had discovered Oct. 2 on her locker, school officials said.
But late Friday afternoon, Elmhurst police announced that a weeklong investigation determined the assault never occurred; there was no gunman; and Jilani was arrested on a warrant for filing a false police report, a Class 4 felony punishable by up to 3 years in prison.
Bond was set at $10,000 for Jilani, who posted $1,000 and was released, according to DuPage County State’s Attorney’s office spokesman Paul Darrah. Her next court hearing is Nov. 17 at 8:30 a.m. before Judge Kathryn Creswell.
The initial report of the attack triggered a lockdown at the college while police searched the campus and prompted hundreds of students to rally again the following day to protest the incident.
Officials at the 3,300-student private college — which has about 30 Muslim students — denounced the attack and promised to increase security on campus, including offers of rides for Muslim students to and from classes.


A Muslim student who said a masked gunman assaulted her after he wrote anti-Muslim slurs in a women’s restroom at Elmhurst College has been arrested for filing a false police report, officials said today.
A week after the incident roiled the small college, Elmhurst Police Chief Steve Neubauer said officers had cited Safia Z. Jilani, 19, of Oak Brook, on a single count of filing a false police report. Filing a false police report is a Class 4 felony, punishable by one to three years in prison.
The announcement — made jointly by Elmhurst Police, the college and the DuPage County state’s attorneys office — concluded there was no merit to her complaint.
“The totality of all the evidence, and interviews with staff and students at the college … concluded that this incident never happened,” Neubauer said in a phone interview.
Jilani’s report followed several weeks of tension on campus that began when some students allegedly called anti-Muslim slurs at students protesting the treatment of U.S. captives at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.
As officials at the private college affiliated with the United Church of Christ last Friday called the incident a hate crime, hundreds of students rallied to show solidarity with their Muslim peers, who constitute about 25 of the school’s 3,300 students.
The college beefed up security, including foot and car patrols by Elmhurst police, and campus security offered to escort Muslim students around the campus.

They caught Jilani (and many other Muslims making up these stories of anti-Muslim attacks that never happened). How many like her have gotten away with the false police reports and haven’t gotten caught?
Plenty. Bet on it.
I’ve often compared the interlocking Muslim pro-terrorist fundraising charities and activist organizations in the U.S. to the way organized crime does business. The only difference is that instead of fronts for olive oil selling cement shoes, these organizations are fronts for “Muslim civil rights.”
But, just like organized crime, the Islamic organizations cook their books. In this case, they cook the books on alleged “hate crimes” against Muslims that never happened.

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October 17, 2008, - 1:08 pm

Weekend Box Office: “W.” Helms Bevy of Skipworthy Dreck; Still Running Western “Appaloosa” Not Bad

By Debbie Schlussel
I was unable to screen “Max Payne”, the latest vehicle of convicted criminal thug and racist Mark Wahlberg, which is based on a video game and is being universally panned by critics. I also skipped the screening of raunch-fest “Sex Drive”, which sounds disgusting. I’m including reviews of “Quarantine”, “Appaloosa”, “Battle in Seattle”, and “Miracle at St. Anna”, which I was unable to screen previously for various reasons:
* “W.“: Readers of this site know I’m no fan of George W. Bush and that I feel, as does this movie, that the guy is a lightweight and not very intelligent (the movie gets his “nuke-yuh-ler” pronunciation down pat).
But this movie was awful. It was like watching a prolonged very bad “Saturday Night Live” sketch. It was just stupid and silly, not to mention long and boring. What was two hours seemed like four. And I’m not sure what the point was, unless you and I need a selective refresher of a few things that happened over the last eight years. And, frankly, we don’t. We’re tired of it already. We just lived it . . . and are still living it. So, why would we want to see a dopey movie about it?


The good news for conservatives: The movie wasn’t as bad in its portrayal of Bush as I expected. The bad news: like I said, the movie stank. The movie actually shows Bush making some smarter comments and observations in White House meetings than I thought he’d be portrayed as making, in this movie.
And it is true to life in showing Bush say he wants democracy spread throughout the Middle East and that he doesn’t care what kind of governments it brings in, so long as they’re democratically elected. Too bad that Stone doesn’t have the guts to show us the consequences of this dumb Bush policy. To wit, that this policy ushered in HAMAS, helped bring Hezbollah to power in Lebanon, and brought Iranian-allied Shi’ites to the helm of Iraq. That is the true Bush legacy, and would have been presented in a smart movie, which this isn’t. It’s just a clownish shell.
“W.” skips over 9/11, like it was a tiny ketchup stain on a black carpet. Not a mention, of course, of any of the biggest mistakes of the W years, to which we conservatives object: the lack of any substantive new restrictions on immigration since 9/11, the Bush push for illegal alien amnesty, and the palling around with and inviting to the White House of extremist Muslims of every variety.
And here’s where more of the unfairness comes in. It’s not just the selective quotes from Bush, many of which he actually, publicly said, if in a slightly different forum or context. It’s that the movie uses endless close-ups of Bush’s face and his Christian minister’s disfigured, sleazy visage, as if that is supposed to tell us: “Hey, they’re evil.” Sorry, but that doesn’t tell me a thing. It’s just a cheap Hollywood form of manipulation that didn’t work on me.
Nor do endless scenes of Bush and his cronies eating and drinking. Just another two-bit ploy. Is Bush the only person in America–the only person in politics–who eats, the only one who supposedly ever got part of his sandwich on his face? HUH? That’s just a baloney tactic and not very good manipulation. The same goes for the scene in which Bush choked on a pretzel. It’s almost as if Stone is cheering on this real-life event because he wanted Bush to die. Has none of us ever choked on anything because our throats are “smarter” than Bush’s? Dumb.
The other characters in the movie are like cartoons and caricatures. Thandie Newton as Condoleezza Rice, or as we call her on this site, “Condi Clueless”–I just couldn’t take much of. While the movie gets her shallowness, lack of knowledge or contribution to anything substantive, and incessant pandering to Bush right, the voice that actress Thandie Newton used to sound like her, sounded like a woman with a stick up her rear. On the real Condi, that sorta works. But on this actress, it was incongruous and gave me a severe case of cognitive dissonance.
The other people, Bush’s father, George Tenet, Karl Rove, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney (played by uber-liberal Richard Dreyfuss), and Rumsfeld really didn’t look much like their real-life counterparts, but for the hair. And they were cartoons of themselves. They engaged in fictional conversations that probably never happened. So what’s the point? I mean, other than to further unfairly villainize Cheney and Rumsfeld, who were actually the good guys in this sorry administration.
The Laura Bush character is totally off the mark, showing her as a sweet, supportive, non-influential member of the Bush marriage, when in reality she’s a tough, liberal woman who donned a Muslim headscarf and dissed her husband because he announced he wanted Bin Laden “dead or alive.” That’s not depicted in “W” because why worry about fact versus fiction?
Josh Brolin looks a lot like Bush in the White House scenes, but as a younger “W”, he looks more like James Brolin (Josh’s father and Barbra Streisand’s BoyToy).
Much of the movie focuses on Bush’s early life as the Bush family black sheep, as a drunken loser who drifts from job to job while his father helps him via his cronies. It shows Bush as a failure at most things until he’s able to finagle his father’s friends in a shady financial deal that gets him the Texas Rangers team ownership without putting in much of his own financing. That story is true, but it’s only mentioned once and not examined at all. We also see dreams that Bush has. Dream sequences on a real life story in which none of the participants cooperated with the movie, is always a sign of trouble . . . and fiction. Not to mention, stupidity.
The movie tries to be, at once, a comedy (and there were some funny parts at which I laughed, but just a scant few) and a serious take on an eight-year Presidency that isn’t even done yet. It doesn’t show us anything about history and impact over time.
But that’s not the reason Oliver Stone made this movie. It’s no accident this movie comes out now, about two weeks from the election. In case you doubt that, Oliver Stone shows you footage of John McCain cheering a Bush State of the Union address.
“W.” is irrelevant and a waste of time. You can get the same by staying at home and watching Keith Olbermann or CNN. And those are insufferable, too.
* “The Secret Life of Bees“: More like “The Not So-Secret Life of How to Waste Two Hours of Your Life”. This movie was yet another Obama commercial, replete with not so subtle reverse racism.
Based on a fiction novel, this is the story of a young Southern teen, played by Dakota Fanning, and her Black housekeeper, played by Jennifer Hudson, who flee Fanning’s abusive father and racism against the housekeeper in the mid-1960s (Lyndon Johnson is running for President and the Civil Rights Act has just passed). Fanning’s mother is dead and she never really knew her.
She finds a map and hints that take her to a town where three Black sisters keep beehives and sell honey for a living, where they are sheltered from their life on the run and fanning gets a Black boyfriend who is beaten by White racists. The three sisters include Queen Latifah and Alicia Keys. (You know it’s a bad movie when three singers are playing lead roles.)
The movie is maudlin, manipulative, and full of comments like “They [White people] hate us so much, but we raise their kids fo’ em’.” The ending is predictable, and what goes on in the middle is silly and boring. There’s constant melodramatic symphonic music playing in the background, telling me how I’m supposed to feel. It was annoying.
Yes, there was tremendous racism in the South. But this sappy movies about the evil White American man versus the saintly Black women who raise bees and save the abused White child, just didn’t cut it. But, hey, it’s just in time for plenty of people to see it before the November election.

* “Quarantine“: This extremely bloody and violent doomsday-style movie–about people stuck in a building quarantined because it contains a quick-spreading strain of rabies–is a low-budget film that’s high up in box office receipts. But I found it to be annoying and a waste of time. It’s a cheap rip-off of far superior movies, like “28 Days Later” and “Night of the Living Dead.”
The most annoying part of this movie is star Jennifer Carpenter, who plays a giggly airhead TV reporter, who constantly whimpers and yells and screams. Enough already. I wanted to kill her before the rabid humans did. On the other hand, she demonstrated well how useless, ignorant, and idiotic TV news reporters are, and how they invade privacy, get in the way of things, make them worse, and jeopardize lives.
The best part of this movie–other than when credits rolled–was when a religious Muslim Somali couple is located in the building. They can’t speak English and can’t understand what is going on, a perfect demonstration of why we don’t need more non-English speaking aliens in America and how their lack of English skills can endanger lives.
* “Appaloosa“: It pains me greatly to praise a movie starring dual Marxists Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen. Harris, who also directed, was one of the most outspoken critics of the Lifetime Achievement Oscar given to anti-Communist, patriotic director Elia Kazan, a few years ago at the Academy Awards. He and his girlfriend, Amy Madigan, markedly sat on their hands when Kazan received his award, while others applauded. It was disgusting.
That said, this movie isn’t bad, as pure Westerns go. Harris plays a Marshal–Mortensen, his deputy–in a town that is run by a gang of murderous thugs headed by Jeremy Irons. They are brought in to bring law and order and justice to the town. Harris is sometimes overzealous, and his zealotry gets in the way of seeing through his new girlfriend, Renee Zellweger. A good juxtaposition of good and evil in the Old West, but not nearly as good as the infinitely far superior “3:10 to Yuma” (read my review) remake, starring Christian Bale.

* “Battle in Seattle“: Charlize Theron’s D-List actor boyfriend wanted to make a stupid movie glorifying protestors at the WTO conference in Seattle. So she obliged along with several other actors and made this annoying, irrelevant, pointless piece of tripe. Protestors were violent and disrupted a city and a conference because they didn’t like possible future treatment of some turtles. Therefore, they are worthy of glorification and exaltation? I don’t think so. But they are the heroes in this movie. Long, boring, a complete waste of time. Oh, and it also co-stars the annoying Jennifer Carpenter who stars in “Quarantine” (see above review). Blechhhh.
* “Miracle at St. Anna“: Out of all the great, true stories of heroic sacrifices Black soldiers made in World War II, anti-Semite Spike Lee chose to make this fictional, almost three hours of gobbledy-gook. This movie was a mess, replete with flashbacks and flash-forwards and pointless scenes and dialogue.
Long, boring, slow, this is the story of a Black WWII soldier who, years later, shoots a man while working at a post office. Soon, we see his story and that of his three unit mates as they traverse part of Italy during World War II, first fighting the Nazis, then fighting with a racist, incompetent commander and staying with an Italian family, as they struggle to return to their fellow troops and save an Italian orphan. Weaved into this are stories of partisans against the Nazis hiding in the forest, but also betrayed by their own and a mysterious head from a statue.
Also mixed in was the story of one of the Black troops, played by Michael Ealy, who is a creep and lecherous, bedding an Italian woman he targets for his predations. He’s not exactly something I’d say sheds light on Black heroism during WWII. In fact, he embodies the most negative of stereotypes.
A female lawyer in the movie says things to a judge that would be grounds for disbarment in real-life. Would never happen.
Like I said, this movie was long and a mess and really took away from the heroism of the story. It was a mish-mosh, not a movie. It never ends, and I was very happy–and antsy and tired–when it did.
If I were to make a film on the sacrifices and heroism of America’s Black soldiers during WWII, I’d make a movie of this story.
Miracle at St. Anna just belittles their contributions. It doesn’t honor them the way they deserve. The ending was touching but it wasn’t worth the almost three hours of boredom and annoyance to get there.

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October 17, 2008, - 12:00 pm

“Religion of Ripping Off Americans to Finance Palestinian Terrorism”; UPDATE: Indictment Added

By Debbie Schlussel
This is yet another reason why I tell you not to shop at Muslim-owned businesses, especially those that are all cash businesses, like convenience stores and gas stations, and why we need to limit immigration of Middle-Eastern Muslims, who frequently end up behaving like Bassam Hamed.
If you shopped at Ferguson Market & Liquor in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson or one of four other convenience stores, you were most likely funding Palestinian terrorism:

Fourteen people have been indicted on charges of using convenience stores to trade in stolen goods and contraband cigarettes, sending the profits to groups in the Palestinian territories.
Five stores were raided Tuesday as part of an alleged racketeering organization and at least nine people were arrested, authorities said.


The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force was involved in the investigation, but officials would not say whether they think terrorism was involved.

They don’t need to say. I think it’s pretty obvious. The money was going to fund homicide bombings and other terrorist activities to blow up and murder innocent people on behalf of the jihad.

The indictment, announced by U.S. Attorney Catherine Hanaway, said that since 2000, the organization profited from bank and wire fraud, receipt of stolen property and sales of contraband cigarettes.
The organization, led by 33-year-old Bassam Hamed, operated convenience stores that were used to sell stolen goods, Hanaway said. He and two of his brothers were among the 14 people charged.
The indictment was issued last week and unsealed Tuesday. It said members of the “Hamed Organization” transferred money to “entities” in the Palestinian territories. Officials would not disclose those entities but said they were not individuals.

Hmmm . . . let me take a guess at the “entities”: HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. I think it’s a safe bet it’s one of these or an offshoot of it.

Lawyer Rob Lutfiyya, who has represented some of those indicted in business matters, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch . . . the men came to the U.S. as teens and still have family in the Middle East.

By the way, the indictment lists the Hamed brothers with alias last names of “Lutfeyyah”, so they’re clearly related to their apologist lawyer.
Read the 40-page Indictment of 14 Palestinian Muslims ripping off America to finance Islamic terrorism.
Why are we letting “teens” like this into America? Until America changes its indiscriminate policy of allowing all aliens–legal or illegal–into the country, regardless of religion and political beliefs, we are headed for a disaster and will see more of this.
Remember, these are the Palestinian Muslims they caught. There are thousands of these cases of Muslim-owned gas stations and convenience stores across America, the owners of which engage in these activities without a second look from the FBI or other authorities.


Ferguson Market & Liquor: Your Gateway to Palestinian Terrorism

**** UPDATE: As you’ll note, this store sells liquor to us infidels, even though Islam forbids the consumption (and actually profiting at all from) alcohol. They are hypocrites, as both reader/blogger BT in SA/Stilettos in the Sand noted in the comments section of this post and as reader Nina writes:

I read you every day and each day my heart breaks even more for our country.
About the Ferguson story, I thought Muslims weren’t supposed to drink, touch, serve, sell liquor. I guess it’s OK if it’s to fund their disgusting “entities”.
What hypocrites!
I pray you stay safe in your good works.

Well, you know how it often is with Islam’s faux-piety: Infidels, Do as we say, not as we do. Remember Mohammed Atta and company at “The Pink Pony”?

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October 17, 2008, - 11:26 am

Dumb PETA Whine of the Day: As If the U.S. Auto Industry Wasn’t in Enough Trouble

By Debbie Schlussel
If you live in Michigan, as I do, or elsewhere where there are a lot of idle auto plants and laid off workers, PETA a/k/a PUTAh’s (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) latest attention-getting tactic falls not only on deaf ears, but disgusted ones.
Here’s what Dennis Rodman’s pals are up to:

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is protesting a requirement by Chrysler that factory workers must wear leather shoes or face being sent home without pay.
“I hope that you will retract this memo immediately and allow workers to wear shoes or boots made from any of the rugged, safe leather alternatives that exist today,” PETA corporate affairs director Matt Prescott said in a letter to Chrysler CEO Bob Nardelli that was distributed to the media Thursday.


Dennis Rodman & Fellow PETA Cretins to Factory Workers:

Let Them Wear Cork

Chrysler spokesman Mike Palese said a recent memo was posted at the Los Angeles parts depot to remind workers to wear appropriate footwear after a manager noticed people wearing canvas shoes.
The standard calls for footwear with leather uppers and slip-resistant soles.
“It is a safety issue,” he said. “We were just re-articulating that, in order to get the folks working there moving in the right direction for their own benefit,” he added.
Palese said that no one was going to get fired as long as they had a shoe with a strong-enough upper and slip-resistant sole.
The PETA letter was sent via an e-mail. It said, “This requirement is likely to offend many, and it may even discriminate against employees whose religious beliefs forbid or discourage the wearing of leather.”

Blah, blah, blah.
Here’s a tip: If you don’t want to wear leather, don’t work there. Do you think PETA spokesmodels Dennis Rodman or Pamela “Most Used Piece of Equipment in the Gym” Anderson would ever set foot in a factory? That’s for the little people. And I doubt many PUTAh types are working on the assembly lines at Chrysler. They simply don’t do much hard labor. They do paper pushing and whining while sipping lattes and eating tofu and edamame.
When someone gets a metal stake through his/her toes because he/she was wearing shoes made of canvas and cork, will PETA pay the personal injury and workers comp lawsuit settlement and attorney fees? Don’t bet on it.
Marie Antoinette had her “Let Them Eat Cake”, and PETA/PUTAh has “Let Them Wear Cork.”

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