October 28, 2008, - 1:53 pm

Meet the New York Times’ New Political Columnist

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Bono? He’s the guy who paid $1,700 to fly his favorite hat–yes, really, his hat!–First Class to a concert he played in Iraq in 2003.
Now, the U2 lead singer has been hired by the New York Times to lecture us in op-ed columns on topics like Africa and poverty.
Yeah, we really need a guy who wears $5,000 Chanel sunglasses, lives high on the hog, and wastes money to fly his hat First Class to lecture us about poverty. Just like we needed him to tell us–along with his stooge, fellow hypocrite, Mr. Angelina Jolie a/k/a Brad Pitt–that we, the American taxpayers are stingy and don’t give enough to charity.



Hypocrite Bono–with his His Jet-Setting Hat–Now New York Times Pundit

Just like we needed Bono to tell us that we Americans should forgive trillions of dollars in debt owed to us by countries like Terrorist State Sudan (which hosted Bin Laden for years while he planned our destruction and blew up our embassies). This is all despite the fact that financial statistics consistently show that America is the most generous country there is and that American citizens, on average are more generous than anyone in the world.
I’ve had more than enough of limousine, private jet liberals–especially wasteful celebrity hypocrites–telling hard-working Americans how their money must be spent.
Sadly, Bono was courted by not just the Clintons but every high-ranking member of the Bush Administration, including the star-struck President, himself. They, Jesse Helms, and pseudo-conservative Laura Ingraham–also star-struck–repeatedly slobbered and gushed over this fraud in rose-colored (in his case, literally) glasses.
Here’s a quote Ingraham features on her website:

Ingraham is smart to see the value in talking about global and national issues with [U2’s frontman Bono] who is, not only in the spotlight, but has the respect and admiration of so many listeners.

Bush, with Bono by his side, announced he was forgiving a good deal of American taxpayer money owed by Terrorist Sudan and other countries ruled by despots.
Yes, faux-conservatives like Bush and Ingraham–not liberals–legitimized left-wing phony Bono, which led him on the path to this new gig.
Would love to read an op-ed by Bono about how and why he doesn’t pay a dime of taxes in his native Ireland (under a tax break for artists and entertainers), and why he feels people who actually do pay their share here in America should pay for him to feel good in his has-been days.
I’d love to hear in an op-ed why Bono employed a convicted IRA terrorist as his bodyguard, or why–if he’s so concerned about the poor and downtrodden–right after the 9/11 attacks, he and U2 skipped a scheduled concert performance to raise money for the familes of fallen heroes’ and victims’ families, but then showed up to a paid gig at Madison Square Garden, lecturing concertgoers to have “empathy for Muslims. They go to church, too.” Really? And I thought it was a mosque. But what do I know?
More recently, Bono shilled for Gitmo Islamic terrorist David Hicks who worked for the Taliban pleaded guilty to trying to murder American soldiers in Afghanistan.
I’d also like to know why he–if he’s so concerned about the downtrodden–he pursued an extensive lawsuit against a destitute former assistant to get $5,000 in clothes he gave her twenty years ago.
Since his American concert tours are among the most successful in recent years, grossing upwards of $260 million, maybe he’ll write about just how much of that he, himself, gives to charity, instead of constantly schnoring [Yiddish for “mooching”] from America and calling them “stingy” and “cheap”.
Bono’s “Red” campaign to raise money for debt forgiveness and AIDS relief in Africa–with all of its fanfare on Oprah, at The Gap, and elsewhere–was a huge failure, just like his wife’s eco-friendly clothing line, Edun, is. I predict the third strike with his hypocrisy in print on the pages of the New York Fishwrap. Sadly, unlike in baseball, the three strikes won’t mean he’s out.
What’s next–the New York Times inviting Elizabeth Taylor and Baba Wawa to give us tips on how to have a successful marriage? Maybe George Michael and Clay Aiken can write about what it’s like to be a heterosexual on the pages of the “Newspaper of Record,” too.
I have an even better idea: Jeffrey Dahmer can arise from the dead and write the New York Times food column.
I repeatedly come back to the one-time quote from Kiss’ Gene Simmons a/k/a Chaim Witz, who unfortunately doesn’t take his own advice:

We don’t comment on whales and the rain forest. We don’t try to be ambassadors to Bosnia. Duh. You need a rock star for that? Some idiot who couldn’t tune a guitar six months ago is now an environmental specialist? I blame media for giving rock stars more credence than they deserve. Why don’t they ask Al Gore how to play bass?

Read some of my previous columns and posts on Bono:
* “Bush’s Absurd Rock Star Advisor
* “Questions for Bono
* “Not a Good Samaritan: TIME’s Phony Person of the Year
* “Pop’s Bono Shills for Gitmo Terrorist
* “Bono: Lawsuit Proves He’s Stingy, Petty (When It’s HIS Own Money)

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October 28, 2008, - 9:48 am

Don’t Worry About That Ever Happening, Maggie: Homely Actress Who Said US Deserved 9/11 Won’t Sleep w/ McCain Voters

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m getting really tired of the terrorist tactics of the Obama campaign: videos encouraging kids to tell their grandparents they won’t help them with Tivo or texting unless they vote for Obama and enlisting unfunny “comedienne” Sarah Silverman–whose greatest “achievement” is calling Chinese people “Chinks” on “The Tonight Show”–to make a highly offensive, obnoxious video telling Jewish kids to similarly hold their grandparents hostage, saying they won’t visit them unless they vote for anti-Israel Obama. If those were my grandkids, I’d tell them, “forget about any future Channukah presents”.
But the least effective “appeal” is homely actress Maggie Gyllenhaal’s statement that she won’t sleep with someone voting for McCain. Uh, don’t worry, Maggie the “beauty queen”, no-one who votes for McCain (and probably most who are voting for Obama) would touch that unless his life depended on it. Even boyfriend Batman wouldn’t sleep with her (and let her die).


Maggie Gyllenhaal: Proud Member of Sag, er . . . SAG

Wouldn’t Sleep w/McCain Voters, Called Reagan “Idiot”

As you’ll remember, I’ve written at length about universally ugly (on the inside and out) Maggie Gyllenhaal who said we deserved the 9/11 attacks because, she claims, “America has done reprehensible things”. Her fiance and father of her kid, Peter Sarsgard, and her brother, Jake Gyllenhaal, starred in the failed, anti-American, anti-war bomb, “Rendition” (read my review), last year. They’ve all gotten rich off America, but don’t seem to like it too much.
Here’s the video from ABC’s “The View”. She calls Ronald Reagan an “idiot”, and airheaded, inept, faux-conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck “responds” with a dumb lesbian comment about how she wants to “have a slumber” with Gyllenhaal, even though she’s voting for McCain. Haha, funny. Where’s Joe Pesci’s “Goodfellas” character when I need him?

Can you see why Hasselbeck ain’t exactly the best choice to be Sarah Palin’s campaigning partner, as she was over the weekend? (Talk about credentials. Hers are coming in fourth on reality show “Survivor” and being married to a quarter-rate NFL quarterback brother of a half-rate NFL quarterback.)
I say lock both Hasselbeck and Gyllenhaal on a desert island for a lifetime of “slumbers”. We wouldn’t miss either.

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October 27, 2008, - 9:59 pm

She’s No Palin: Michelle Obama Now Lying About Gazillion Dollar Custom-Made Designer Wardrobe; Claims She Shops @ J. Crew, Online

By Debbie Schlussel
Since Michelle Hussein Obama is now lying about her gazillion-dollar, custom-made designer wardrobe in order to play class warfare against Sarah Palin, she needs to be called to the mat.
For the last six months or so, we’ve been treated to stories and pictures of Michelle Obama’s designer wardrobe and details of how much of her stunning wardrobe is custom-made by an expensive Chicag-based designer. Then, we were treated to spreads of Michelle Hussein Obama’s exorbitant designer label wardrobe, bearing names you only see on celebrities and wives of millionaires. There’s a reason that Michelle Obama made People’s Best Dressed List, and Vanity Fair’s.
But, now, with the flap over the $150,000 the RNC spent on a wardrobe for Sarah Palin, Michelle Obama is lying and pretending she buys her clothes online and from J. Crew.


US Magazine Spread: Michelle Obama’s Expensive Designer Duds

Couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Here’s what she’s now telling Jay Leno:

No $150,000 wardrobe malfunctions for Michelle Obama.
“Actually, this is a J. Crew ensemble,” the wife of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama told Jay Leno in an appearance on his show Monday.
“You can get some good stuff online,” she added.

That’s a lie. Obama’s wardrobe–which probably exceeds $150,000–is well known to be that of high-priced, exclusive designers. Endless profiles have been written about her custom-made tailored frocks from personal designer Maria Pinto. And then there are her gazillion-dollar outfits from Moschino, Narciso Rodriguez, and Azzedine Alaia.
The Wall Street Journal did a huge profile of Pinto and her personalized pieces for Mrs. Obama, to the tune of thousands of dollars. The New York Times wrote about the Pinto-Obama style relationship, too. In September, US Magazine did a two-page spread of Mrs. Obama’s fancy designer duds. The ugly brooch she wore on her teal dress at the Democratic National Convention cost well over $200 alone.
Mrs. Hussein Obama also told Jay Leno that, while she won’t criticize Sarah Palin for the expensive clothes (which she didn’t mention was the McCain campaign’s decision, not Palin’s), she said, “When we buy clothes, we buy it ourselves.” Well, sure, that’s because, while the Palins had to pay for their own home, the Obamas had their $1.6 million-plus home purchased for them in a sleazy land deal by Tony Rezko, who enabled them to buy only the home at a well-below list (and market) price. So, they have a lot of extra cash on hand for designer duds.
And the Obamas are rich, unlike the Palins. Obama’s books sold many copies and Mrs. Obama was making well over $300,000 annually as a crush-the-poor-on-healthcare hospital exec. It’s not like the Palins can afford Mrs. Hussein Obama’s wardrobe. Obama, himself, shops at exclusive Dubai-owned Barney’s, where men’s suits are several thousand dollars apiece.
The Palins are relatively modest people. I really wish the McCain campaign and RNC hadn’t done the whole clothing deal. It really took away a real chance at contrasting these two families and how they live their lives. And it is turning into a never-ending story right before the election.
Either way, Michelle Obama–especially on the issue of expensive clothes–is a phony. She’s no average Josephine who shops at J. Crew. She’s a rich elitist with high-priced personal couturiers that would make Sarah Palin–and most Americans–blush.
But for the next week, she’s suddenly one of “the little people.”

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October 27, 2008, - 4:15 pm

America’s Retailers to Staff: If Obama & Dem Congress Win, We’re Screwed

By Debbie Schlussel
This is a very important negative on Obama, which isn’t getting nearly enough play.
The fact is that if conventional wisdom says Obama is stronger for the economy than McCain, the conventional wisdom is ignoring what is appropriately nicknamed, “The Employee No Choice Act.”
If will have significant ripples throughout our economy,with a lot of store closings and lost jobs. If you think things are bad now, wait until this happens:

Retailers are meeting with store managers to warn how a strong showing for Democrats in the Nov. 4 election could cause what they fear would be more economic pain for their companies, in particular by potentially making it easier for unions to organize stores.

Obamaconomics . . .


The companies are worried about presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s stated support for the Employee Free Choice Act, which would do away with secret balloting and allow unions to form if a majority of employees sign cards favoring unionization. The legislation, retailers fear, would have improved chances of becoming law under a Democratic administration.
The legislation passed the House last year but died amid a Senate filibuster and a threatened presidential veto. The issue in this election is whether Democrats, who hold a 51-49 majority in the Senate, can win the presidency and gain enough seats to prevent Republicans from using procedural motions, such as filibusters, to thwart legislation.
The bill was crafted by labor as a response to more aggressive opposition by companies to union-organizing activity and as a way to shield workers from antiunion pressure from their employers.
Home Depot Inc. in recent weeks has held meetings between its employee-relations managers and all the company’s salaried employees, including district managers and store managers, on how the Free Choice legislation would change the union-organizing process.
“We think the most basic element of any democracy is the vote by secret ballot, and this bill effectively eliminates that right,” said Home Depot spokesman Ron DeFeo. . . .
Target Corp. Chief Executive Gregg Steinhafel said his staff has been working to educate senators about how the bill would hurt retailers by raising costs and lowering sales.
“We call it the Employee No Choice Act,” he told analysts this week. “We think it could be very damaging to all of American business, and we stand strongly opposed to it.”

If the Democrats control both houses, they will pass this law and Obama will sign it. Unions will engage in gestapo tactics to pressure those who won’t sign cards or vote for bringing in the unions. I wouldn’t be surprised if employees who oppose unions are victims of vandalism and physical attacks. This is that dangerous.
Again, just wait until this passes. Again, more stores will close, and more people will be out of work. They won’t have money to spend at your business and/or employer. And then, we really will be forced into a depression.
Things will get really bad. I shudder at the prospect.
If you are turned off by social conservatism, if you equate McCain with Bush, and/or if all you care about is the economy, this is reason number one to vote for John McCain.

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October 27, 2008, - 3:31 pm

Feuds I Wish Would Never End: Capt. Kirk v. Sulu

By Debbie Schlussel
And now, we interrupt this Presidential campaign with the latest in my series on “Feuds I Wish Would Never End”. I wish this one would last forever:
William Shatner versus George Takei. The former played Captain Kirk on “Star Trek,” and the latter played “Sulu” on the same show.
Recently, Sulu had a gay wedding ceremony at the Japanese American National Museum, and Captain Kirk is mad that Uhura and Chekhov were invited but not him.
In fact, the Shat is so steamed that he had his publicist interview him on the topic, asking softball questions, and posted it on his website. As Shakespeare once wrote, Captain Kirk, Thou Doth Protest Too Much. And beside that, who wants to go to a gay wedding, anyway?


William Shatner/”Capt. Kirk” v. George Takei/”Sulu”

Or Is It the Other Way Around? . . .

Beam me up, Scotty, and please don’t let this Starship Enterprise tiff ever end.
I do have to give Shatner credit, though. At 77, toupee or not, he looks great (after several wives, including one who died under mysterious circumstances) and regularly answers questions from fans via YouTube video, like this latest one:

Here’s partial video of my fave Shatner video ever:

Watch more Megavideo videos on AOL Video

Feuds I Wish Would Never End:
William Shatner/”Capt. Kirk” v. George Takei/”Sulu” (Or Is It the Other Way Around?) . . .

Aretha Franklin v. Tina Turner . . .

Baba Wawa v. Star Jones . . .
Dr. Death, Baba Wawa & Star Jones Swimsuit Edition

HAMAS v. Fatah . . .

Donald v. Rosie . . .


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October 27, 2008, - 2:50 pm

You Stay Classy, Islam: Peaceful “Moderate” Muslim E-Mail of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
Memo to this Muslim idiotic joker:
They don’t make halal 3-foot bratwurst. You must have meant the tiny, cocktail-sized pig-in-a-blanket miniature hot dogs, and I’m really not interested.

From: Walt Kreiger-Goetz libertine777@lycos.com
Date: Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:54 PM
Subject: Helping find Moderate Muslims
To: writedebbie@gmail.com



Dear Debbie, I am a moderate muslim, who was once a Spehardic Jew DS: It’s “Sephardic”, and I doubt this idiot ever was one–Sephardic Jews have been and continue to be victims of Islamic persecution and brutal violence]. I would like to publicly proclaim my alligiance to your cause by shoving a 3 foot frozen bratwurst up your skanky ass, perhaps in front of a mosque. Would you be willing to Youtube it? And Debbie, your time to save Israel is limited. When Jewish women reach their middle thirties, they acquire a condition that Jerry Seinfeld calls “Manface,” and we believe this is why Israel is losing the demographic battle. And no Deb, you are not my obsession, I save my hate obsession for Daniel Pipes, because he is a real hook-nosed faggot of a jew. My hate does pay off because Daniel Pipes is scared to death of me ’cause he knows that if I see him, I’m gonna turn his testicles into Hummus.
[DS: Redacted because it’s the Hebrew name for G-d used in vain] and lots of Curses to Israel,
your Islamofascist admires,
Wally Bin Tahini and
Abu Moskowitz
P.S. Israel is looking for immigrants to be led to the slaughter all the time. If you don’t like my country, get the hell out of it!

Um, whose country? Who said I live in Lebanon?
FYI, “Abu Moskowitz” is my nickname for Brian Moskowitz, the Islamo-pandering Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent in Charge for Michigan and Ohio–the man who is the key reason we have so many Islamic illegal aliens living free and clear in both states.
As Ron Burgundy would say, You stay classy, Muslims . . .

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October 27, 2008, - 2:07 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Michigan Cops Say Diva Michelle Obama “Won’t Be Seen With Us, Allow Us in Her Presence”

By Debbie Schlussel
I thought that we were about to elect a President, not a queen. But Michelle Hussein Obama has other ideas.
Some Michigan cop friends of mine sent me this, about how Michelle Obama has treated them throughout Michigan, ie., like the plague. She can’t be seen by the “little people” who protect us and keep us safe everyday, risking their lives to do it.
I’ve left out the name of the police officer to protect the officer’s identity and, frankly, job. You know how the Obama mob gets.
More evidence that if you liked First Lady Hillary Clinton, you’ll loooove First lady Michelle Hussein Obama, who makes Hillary’s (and Bill’s) treatment of the Arkansas State Troopers sound like a day at the beach:

First Hand from a Clinton Township Police Lieutenant
[DS: Clinton Township is a Detroit suburb.]
For those of you who know me, I rarely talk politics.


Michelle Hussein Obama Doesn’t Like Cops, Treats ‘Em Like the Plague

Those are private matters for the most part, but I just have to vent a little.
I would call myself a conservative as 99% of Policeman are, and almost always vote Republican, but I also know that they are all Politicians.
We are stuck in a quagmire of a two party system, and the non-politician independent has no chance to change this country or run this country.
I am not trying at all to dissuade your vote, but Obama has really
cheesed me off. . . . I have heard these stories of Obama making the Police and Secret Service (who protect his dumb butt) stay out of his eyesight.
Well, I learned it well Thursday, October 9th. Michelle Obama was in Clinton Twp., Michigan Thursday for a rally at our biggest High School. My department had a small role in protecting her. About 8 Officers were detailed to the School for HER security. I was offered the overtime but turned it down.
One of my Sergeants, and best buddies was assigned there. He came back infuriated. The rumors are true!!!
My Sergeant was providing security in a hallway as Mrs. Obama was moving from room to room for different reasons. He was told by the SS [DS: Secret Service] that when she came down his hall, he had to duck behind the corner and not allow her to see him. He questioned this several times to be sure he heard it right, and the SS agent (embarrassed of course) had to hide from her view, too.
It is outrageous that the persons running for the President of our
country on the Democratic side, has so much disdain for men and woman in uniform, they demand that they are kept from their view!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets be clear. This was not in the public.
This was not an Honor Guard detail standing behind her on stage in front of thousands. This was in a hallway, out of the public eye, and the Obamas refuse to even see an Officer or Soldier in their view. The Police have to hide!!!!!!!
WHY???????????? That’s the scary question! What else is going on here?
No wonder he refuses to wear the flag on his suit or salute the flag.
It will be a terrible day if Obama is elected to run our country I love so much.
It is so sad that these people are the few who we have to choose from
for the most powerful position in the world!!!!!!!!!
It’s almost unbelievable!! Thanks for letting me vent!!!!!!!!
I already heard about this straight from the mouths of the Michigan State Police that are on their Motor Unit. They were told to “hide” behind the bus when Obama exited it so that he couldn’t see them. Our (the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office) Motor Unit, along with the State Police, escorted McCain when he was in town, and we were right out front, where we could proudly be seen. I don’t know how you think, but the only people I have known in my career that don’t want to be seen near cops are criminals….thats scary!

Yes, it is.

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October 27, 2008, - 11:25 am

Yet Another Reason the Supreme Court Was Wrong in Nixing Death Penalty for Teens; An Obama Court

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember the Supreme Court decision striking down the death penalty for juveniles, no matter how heinous their crimes? Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the decision that said society considers juvenile criminals “less culpable than the average criminal.”
While teens in America continue to commit ever more brutal and disgusting attacks on innocent people, they don’t get the punishment to equal the crimes they commit.
The latest example of someone who is NOT “less culpable than the average criminal” but got a “less culpable” punishment, is Thomas Daugherty, now 19.
When he was 17, he and then 19-year-old Brian Hooks and another 19-year-old, trolled the streets for helpless, homeless people to brutally attack. They hid baseball bats and viciously beat these vulnerable people who were down-on-their-luck as it is. And they had so much fun beating the homeless, they even videotaped it. One of their homeless victims, Norris Gaynor, was sleeping, and they brutally beat him to death.


This is not a case of circumstantial evidence, where it’s in doubt whether these people committed this murder. They videotaped it.

A man was sentenced to life in prison Thursday for killing a homeless man with a baseball bat in 2006 and harming two others. One of the violent attacks was captured on video, outraging homeless advocates nationwide.
Thomas Daugherty, 19, received the sentence for his role in the death of Norris Gaynor. Prosecutors say Daugherty and 21-year-old Brian Hooks, who will be sentenced Friday, hid baseball bats in their pants and sneaked up on homeless people including 45-year-old Gaynor.
Gaynor was sleeping on a park bench when the teens beat him so badly they broke his nose, five ribs and crushed his skull. . . .
Daugherty and Hooks were both convicted last month of second-degree murder and two counts each of attempted second-degree murder. Prosecutors sought first-degree murder charges against them, but did not seek the death penalty against them or a third defendant because Daugherty was 17 at the time and is ineligible for capital punishment.
Daugherty’s defense attorney and family members painted a picture of a child wrecked by his upbringing including his parent’s divorce at a young age and his drug use from age 11.
A third defendant, William Ammons, 21, pleaded guilty in May to felony murder and aggravated assault in the beatings and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Prosecutors said the teens were smoking marijuana and drinking vodka when they decided in the early hours of Jan. 12, 2006, to go cruising and “beat up some bums.” They drove to three separate locations, first assaulting Jacques Pierre, 61, who was captured on video.
The ferocity of the assaults shocked homeless advocates.

In my view, all three of those involved deserve the death penalty. They knew what they were doing. And they took innocent, defenseless people’s lives away in a deliberately painful way, meant to induce suffering.
I think the death penalty should rarely be used and only in the most extreme cases. This is one of them.
Sadly, the Supreme Court took that option away.
Yes, Kennedy was a Republican pick, but expect more misguided decisions that deny justice . . . with an Obama Supreme Court.

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October 27, 2008, - 10:44 am

Another Dark Side of an Obama Presidency: “U.S. Senator” Jesse Jackson, Jr.

By Debbie Schlussel
Yet another dismal symptom of a Barack Obama presidency might be a horror flick appropriately entitled, “Nightmare: Son of Jesse”.
It’s official. If Barack Obama wins, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., progeny of racist, anti-Semitic loon (and White people’s salad spitter) Jesse Jackson, announced he will push to be the replacement for Obama in the U.S. Senate from Illinois. The Senator’s replacement would be chosen by Illinois liberal Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich, who is tight with both Obama and the Jackson klan.
Goodbye, Senator Barack Hussein Obama . . .


Hello, Senator Jesse Jackson? . . .

Like Father, Like Son: Jesse Jackson, Sr. & Jr.

While Jackson Jr. is slightly less offensive and more diplomatic than his father and isn’t as anti-Israel, all things are relative. Jesse Jr. is a far-left semi-less-unpalatable version of daddy.
Yes, a Barack Obama victory in November isn’t just a tragedy for America at its pinnacle of political leadership. It’s also a strong splash in a puddle, with many very painful ripples. Among them, a likely “U.S. Senator Jesse Jackson”.
On the bright side, since Obama is to the far left of any U.S. Senator–including Socialist Bernie Sanders of Vermont–Jesse Jackson, Jr. might just be to the right of Barack Hussein Obama’s votes in the U.S. Senate. But, as I said, everything is relative. This guy–Jackson, Jr.–is the Left of the Left.
Best to allow Obama to remain in the U.S. Senate rather than giving him moving trucks to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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October 27, 2008, - 12:46 am

URGENT APPEAL: Please Help Reader Marty’s Infant Grandson, In Desperate Need of Surgery

By Debbie Schlussel
Dear Readers:
It’s rare that I make appeals on this site and I will retain that policy. But it is my strong belief that we need to help one of our own, generous reader Martha “Marty” Beck. Her very cute grandson infant, Luke, pictured below, is afflicted with a condition that requires immediate surgery, which costs $19,000 and isn’t covered by insurance.


Baby Luke Mann Needs Our Help

(Thanks to David Lunde/Lundesigns for Assistance with Image)

The surgery is scheduled for November 25th, but they need to raise the money within the next week-and-a-half. So far, they’ve raised $6,000, so I hope you can help Marty raise the balance for her dear grandson. Marty and her daughter and grandson are in desperate straits, and you should note that Marty, herself, was very generous on one of the few other occasions when I appealed for readers to help out.
Let me tell you a little about Marty. When I first appealed to readers to help support Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury (the Muslim journalist who is on trial for his life in Bangladesh for praising Israel, America, and Christians), Marty–who is a woman of modest means–immediately made a sizeable financial contribution. She frequently e-mails to find out about Shoaib’s welfare and his trial, which is ongoing.
Now, I am hoping we can return Marty’s generosity to help save her grandson. Here is the text of fliers that Marty and her family made for their appeal, along with details of how you can help:

This is Luke Mann. He is 3 months old and has Sagittal Synotosis. This means that the soft spot down the back of his skull has fused together too quickly and isn’t allowing his brain to grow side to side at all. If this condition is left untreated it could cause a mental or physical disability because of pressure put on the brain. His health insurance will not cover the procedure that would give him the best hope of beating this. His family has started a foundation called Luke’s Star Foundation, with a bank account at Huntington Bank in Chicora. All donations are considered tax deductible. Receipts are available upon request.
Email address for Luke:
Donations taken at:
Huntington Bank
101 S. Main Street
Chicora, PA 16025

You can also donate via PayPal to Marty. Her account is listed under her e-mail address: MartyB3655@aol.com.
Marty is a good conservative, devout Christian, and proud American who worries about the future of our country under creeping Islamic impositions. But this is beyond politics and is another aspect of our future, the welfare of her innocent, young grandson, who–like many Americans–is the victim of insurance companies, which are, in my opinion, a form of socialized medicine.
They are not just begging for money. Marty and her daughter have held yard sales, church fundraisers, spaghetti dinners, etc. But they can only raise so much.


Reader Marty and Her Grandson, Luke

Marty writes:

We’re desperate. We are under severe time restrictions here.
We’ve started a foundation for kids like Luke (my daughter and I) who are falling through the cracks of the insurance companies, and if we raise more than enough for Luke’s surgery, the rest will go to kids like him.
When my daughter, Morgan, and her husband went to North Carolina to see the surgeon, they stayed at the Ronald McDonald house, and met kids who are facing problems that their insurance won’t cover. One little boy is allergic to the sun and can’t go outside or even be in a room above 60 degrees without breaking out in hives and having breathing difficulties.
There’s medicine that will help him, but again, the insurance company denies the coverage, telling him to just stay indoors. Right – a kid spending the rest of his life indoors to save the insurance company a buck or two! He’s next on our list to help.
We have a tax number as a non-profit organization, so you might want to tell your readers that any donation is tax deductible, and we’ll be happy to send them a receipt if they request it. The foundation is called Luke’s Star Foundation, and any checks sent to the bank should be made out that way. We also have an email address set up – StrFoundation@aol.com if people should have any questions. No website yet – we’re working on that, slowly.

I hope you will help reader Marty to save her grandson’s life and future mental and physical development.
Politics and the Presidential election are important. But when it comes down to it, matters like this–desperate life and death situations faced by our loved ones–are infinitely more important.
Let’s ask ourselves what we would do if we were in the situation, in which his parents find themselves, unable to afford the expensive surgery insurance won’t cover.
We’d have no alternative but to rely on the kindness of strangers.
Please help Marty’s grandson, Luke Mann.

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