October 30, 2008, - 4:27 pm

Dearbornistan Hezbo E-Mail of the Day: “F-ck You and All Your Jewish Buddies . . . Barack Obama 2008 “

By Debbie Schlussel
This e-mail was sent to my YouTube account and was sent to me by “BChami06“, a Barack Obama-supporting Dearbornistan Muslim Hezbollah fan, who is upset I’ve criticized his alma mater Fordson High School a/k/a Hezbollah High. He/she apparently graduated from the school in 2006, and his/her grammar, etc. isn’t exactly a great testament to the edyookayshun he/she got.

From: BChami06
Subject: you dumb ignorant bitch
Date: October 28, 2008
i just wanted to tell you that your so retarted because you have no idea what your talking about. I seen your website about fordson high school, and basically your doing what oprah is doing. so listen stop bitchin because obama is going to win. i got another thing to tell you your the fucking terrorist not the arabs, so get your fucking facts straight you stupied bitch. fuck you and all your jewish buddies………
” barack obama 2008 “


Hint: Dearbornistan Anti-Semitic Hezbos Support Obama

I looked at BChami06’s YouTube account, and it featured a German-produced Hezbollah recruitment video as one of two favorite videos. Apparently BChami06 must’ve realized that an anti-Semitic Obama supporter pimping Hezbollah videos doesn’t exactly help his candidate for Prez, so that video was removed as a favorite. However, BChami06’s subscription to the Hezbollah recruitment video channel–Libanon88–remains.
This new Hezbollah song/recruitment video was the favorite video for Anti-Semitic Barack Obama Dearbornistan supporter BChami06. . .

I have a message for all of you Manyook Shi’ite Hezbollah Obama supporters. This is your leader . . .

Nasrallah Girlie Man by David Lunde/Lundesigns

AmericaHu Akbar.

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October 30, 2008, - 3:11 pm

Reader Eli Was First To Push L.A. Times to Release Obama/Khalidi Video Back In April; No Dice Then, Either

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, I noted that I was unsure why Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit only just contacted Los Angeles Times plagiarist/”reporter” Peter Wallsten about releasing the video of Barack Obama at a dinner with Rashid Khalidi, William Ayers, and Bernadine Dorn, where anti-Semitic and anti-Israel statements were made. I figured he only just thought of it.
But if I had not missed an e-mail in April that I received, I guess I could have made the story happen and the pressure build sooner. My bad. And I’m glad Jim/Gateway Pundit got to it at all.
In searching my inbox today, I discovered that back in April, reader Eli (whose surname I am redacting) contacted the Los Angeles Times, asking Wallsten to release the video, at which time Wallsten declined. Eli sent me his correspondence, and unfortunately I forgot about it.
Here is the interchange:

From: Eli
Date: Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 3:47 AM
Subject: FW: CHECK THIS OUT!!!!
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Hi Debbie:
I have attached a article from the Los Angeles Times and my correspondence with Mr Peter Wallsten. Mr Wallsten replied to me:

Thanks for your note. We have no plans to post the video.
All best,
Peter Wallsten

the rest is up to you….. my hands are tied. I am only a reader of newspapers. A powerful Video is in the hands of the Los Angeles Times… you decide if it is worth to pursue.
The ball is in your court,


From: Eli
To: peter.wallsten@latimes.com
Sent: 4/11/2008 10:39:47 PM
Hi Mr Wallsten,
Lets release the Video your holding….. you write you have a Video.
The event was videotaped, and a copy of the tape was obtained by The Times (exact words in your article)
Your exact words in your article…. lets see the video. Release it to CNN.. or do you even have a Video!!!
or release it on Latimes.com

Dear Mr Wallsten,
I enjoyed your article “Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Barack Obama”. I found it very interesting.. and what I found what most of interest was the fact you have “The event was videotaped, and a copy of the tape was obtained by The Times”. Peter, I am really interested in you sharing that video especially the part of the celebration with Senator Obama in attendance and “At Khalidi’s 2003 farewell party, for example, a young Palestinian American recited a poem accusing the Israeli government of terrorism in its treatment of Palestinians and sharply criticizing U.S. support of Israel. If Palestinians cannot secure their own land, she said, ‘then you will never see a day of peace.'”
“One speaker likened ‘Zionist settlers on the West Bank’ to Osama bin Laden, saying both had been ‘blinded by ideology.'” Also in the same Video that you possess, “At Khalidi’s going-away party in 2003, the scholar lavished praise on Obama, telling the mostly Palestinian American crowd that the state senator deserved their help in winning a U.S. Senate seat. ‘You will not have a better senator under any circumstances,’ Khalidi said.”
The event was videotaped, and a copy of the tape was obtained by The Times.
Peter, lets release this video…. lets not suppress the NEWS… Lets release the video to CNN, ABC,CBS, NBC AND FOXNEWS.
Lets do the what’s right…


From: Eli
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 12:40 AM
To: peter.wallsten@latimes.com
Subject: STILL WAITING!!!!
The job of a Journalist is not to suppress the news…. if you have a story… you let your readers view and make up there own minds. If your holding on to a video that is of interest you should release it. Peter you were the one who said you have a video of the evening in Question…. how else would you have quoted the participants so accurate!!! You have a video that is of value… I can only imagine if it was a video Of Senator McCain or Senator Clinton the Video would be released… but for some reason you are giving Senator Obama Prefential Treatment. This Election is to important to play favors.


From: Wallsten, Peter
To: Eli
Sent: 4/14/2008 3:47:12 PM
Subject: RE: STILL WAITING!!!!
Thanks for your note. We have no plans to post the video.
All best,
Peter Wallsten

The Obama protection machine started early.

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October 30, 2008, - 1:07 pm

HObama: And the All-Important Pimp & Ho Vote Goes To . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats, and Gov. Ed Rendell’s people are trying to figure out how to win more of ’em over:

Allegheny County has 675 ladies ready to pull your lever.
They’re convicted streetwalkers, escorts and brothel babes collared in 2000 and from 2003-2006, uncovered during a Trib special report on local prostitution that will be published after the election.
Based on the prostitutes’ voter registration cards, they’re destined to become Obama girls in November. That’s because 78 percent of them registered as Democrats. Countywide, Dems make up only about 62 percent of voters, according to the Division of Elections.


Team HObama

The Illinois senator also has the advantage with local “johns” — 72 percent go Democratic. And convicted pimps: Four out of every five register Democratic. And for the most special of special interest groups — male transvestite hookers — they’re batting a thousand for Dems, albeit in drag.
“For years and years we had politicians paying too much attention to hookers, so it’s great to finally see hookers paying attention to politics,” said Dan Fee, a top Philadelphia Democratic consultant who helped Obama’s Pennsylvania primary campaign.
Fee’s tongue was firmly embedded in his cheek [DS: I’m not so sure about that], but pretrial detainees; people incarcerated for misdemeanors; and felons released from prison, on home arrest or in halfway houses can vote legally, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State. Based on registration addresses, Democratic sex workers likely will go the polls most heavily in Pittsburgh’s Uptown, North Side and Lawrenceville wards, with Republican prostitutes voting in Morningside, Allentown and Beechview.
“You don’t disregard any voter, but how would you even advertise with these women?” said Fee, Gov. Ed Rendell’s former spokesman. . . .
[P]rostitutes already display an impressive loyalty to the Democratic brand, at least locally. Not so with the Republicans . . . .
While about one out of every four county voters registers Republican, less than 10 percent of the oldest profession joins the Grand Old Party. What can a 72-year-old pro-business Senator from Arizona do to win over the Bordello Belt? Something involving a stimulus package?

No, just free gonorrhea and syphillis tests.
In the meantime, here’s accompanying music that I nominate as the new theme song of the impending Obama Administration:

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October 30, 2008, - 11:22 am

Yahoo: Schlussel Article Re-Obama/Khalidi Tape/Abunimah 3rd Most Blogged About Item on Net

By Debbie Schlussel
As I write this, Yahoo’s election page notes that my article, yesterday–about how I started the whole thing leading to the L.A. Times story about the Obama/Khalidi tape it won’t release and why I believe the source of the tape is Palestinian Muslim Ali Abunimah–was the THIRD most blogged about political story on the internet (scroll down to bottom of page), with 17 blogs having written about it.
So will the L.A. Times release the tape? Don’t bet on it, at least not until next Wednesday.

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October 30, 2008, - 9:48 am

SURPRISE!: Aerosmith’s Joe Perry Says He’s a Lifelong Republican, Endorses McCain

By Debbie Schlussel
As readers of this site know, I’m against celebrities being involved in politics, whether on the right (which is rare) or on the left (which is all too often). What a guy who knows how to strum a guitar says shouldn’t influence you a lick.
As readers also know, I’ve been very critical of the diarrhea-of-the-mouth of lead singer of Aerosmith, liberal Steven Tyler–especially in my column, “Rock Stars, Shut Up,” in which Tyler claimed we got attacked by Al-Qaeda because we didn’t spend any money fixing up Afghanistan (we actually spent billions–and he didn’t know what he was talking about).
For the record, I am an Aerosmith fan, but I like their music only. That’s it. (My favorites are “Dream on” and “Walk This Way.”)


Aerosmith Guitarist Joe Perry Comes Out of the Closet:

Declares He’s a Lifelong Republican, McCain Supporter

Still, since the Republicans have mostly an odd parade of Z-list, has-been celebrities, it’s fun to see a prominent old school rocker, Joe Perry of Aerosmith, declare that not only has he been a lifelong Republican, but because of national security issues and the economy, he’s endorsing McCain and breaking from the left-wing orthodoxy of the entertainment industry.
I’ve met Perry and the other members of Aerosmith several times–sad to say, I was once asked to be in an Aerosmith video filmed in Detroit and, even sadder to say, I agreed. And Perry is the only member of the band who does not talk endlessly about himself and his views on everything imaginable. He’s very shy and quiet. He’s also the only good-looking one and is in great shape–a 30-year-old would envy his nearly 60-year-old physique. Perry also happens to be on of the great rock guitarists–he’s in the top 50 of Rolling Stone magazine’s “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time”.
So it is refreshing to read this:

Joe Perry says national security and economic woes have prompted him to split from the rest of the entertainment world and throw his support behind John McCain.
” . . . Seeing so many people come out for Obama, I just felt like ‘What the hell, I might as well raise my hand for this side,'” Perry said from his Duxbury home.
The Bay State rockers have done a few fund-raisers for the Kennedy family over the years, but Perry’s endorsement of McCain marks a first for the platinum-selling guitarist/songwriter. A lifelong Republican, he said he was inspired to come forward because of ringing McCain endorsements from Rudy Giuliani and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
“I’ve been a hardcore Republican my whole life,” he told the Herald. “My mother and father drilled into me from the very start that if you work hard and be positive, you’ll get what you’re working for. I guess I’m living proof of that.”
Of criticism about McCain’s age, Perry said: “My mother’s in her 80s and she does aerobics. My manager’s 70 and he’s right there. That doesn’t bother me.”
And despite lopsided polls, he urged his fans to get out and vote.

I always knew Perry was the gem amidst the junk in Aerosmith (Steven Tyler, while a complete idiot, is also nice, but far left and very stupid). As for the rest of the group, if you think they have the good sense of Perry, “Dream On.”
From one of my previous columns on Steven Tyler and Aerosmith:

It’s the rock stars who sound like they might really know something–but don’t–that are worse.
Like Steven Tyler, lead singer of Aerosmith. I previously wrote about his recent hypocritical, phony patriotism. But worse, he’s now sounding even less patriotic, blaming America.
“After the Cold War, we could have had Genesis in Afghanistan,” he told the Boston Globe, last week. “We could have given them some schools. We could have fed them for a couple of years until they were back on their feet. Instead, we pulled out, and Russia came in and blew them apart. Bin Laden comes in and feeds them, and gives them a couple of roads–it’s like feeding heroin to pigeons. They always come back to you.”
This is ludicrous. There’s no denying Tyler’s expertise on heroin, cocaine, and many drugs to which he was addicted for most of the last three decades. But that’s about all he knows. He’s got his timeline a little wrong. And to explain away–or in any way qualify–the wholesale murder of 5,000 innocent Americans because, in Tyler’s ill-informed opinion, we didn’t make Afghanistan the newest welfare-queen satellite state, is just plain ridiculous.
And it’s wrong.
The U.S. funded Afghanistan to the tune of billions over the last two decades. In Fiscal Year 2001, alone, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Department of Agriculture, and other U.S. agencies provided over $117,869,525 in aid to Afghanistan. And that was only the figure through July 9, according to a USAID Information Bulletin on that date. The aid included food, educational assistance and many other things beyond what the new secretary of state (in his own mind), Steven Tyler, thinks we “should have done,” but, in fact, did.
And still, Afghanistan allowed the Taliban to take over and the terrorists to live and flourish there, anyway. Talk about feeding heroin to a pigeon, Steven.

Remember this, if Steven Tyler tries to “balance out” Joe Perry’s McCain endorsement with one for Obama. The most obnoxious Aerosmither, though, and also the most liberal is bassist Tom Hamilton, probably an Obama supporter, too.
Previous Columns on Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, and Politics:
* Keep Celebrity Airheads Away From Government
* Rock Stars’ Patriotic Rip-Off
* Rock Stars, Shut Up!

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October 30, 2008, - 1:37 am

When Your Democrat Elected Official Thinks She’s a Stripper: Who is Carey Torrice?

By Debbie Schlussel
Meet Carey Torrice, who got giant breast implants and wants you to see them–and the rest of her exposed flesh–every chance she gets. That’s not to mention the other plastic surgery enhancements she’s reportedly had.
Did I mention she’s a Democrat elected official in Michigan who is up for re-election on Tuesday and in a tight race? Celeb website TMZ named this Detroit-area queen of skankdom, “America’s hottest politician.” She is a County Commissioner in suburban Detroit’s Macomb County.
But in the Reagan Democrat-dominated county, residents are tired of Torrice’s embarrassing antics–wearing a band-aid bottom in a photo on a stripper website (blaming “the Republicans” for a photo she proudly posed for), bragging about having a stripper pole in her bedroom to all who will listen, and showing off so much of her chest even Anna Nicole Smith is blushing six feet under. And don’t forget her appearances on “Maury”, the daily TV sleaze-fest hosted by Mr. Connie Chung a/k/a Maury Povich.


Democrat Elected Official Carey Torrice:

She Paid Good Money For ‘Em & Damn it, You’re Gonna See ‘Em

Voters don’t like sluts, or women who desperately want to play one on TV, but have chosen political office, instead. Torrice may be one of the few Michigan Democrats who won’t ride the Obama wave expected to sweep Michigan, next week. In fact, judging from her behavior and low-class couture, it might be one of the only things she hasn’t, um, “ridden.”
Torrice’s constituents long ago tired of this peroxided ditz’s wardrobe that’s more suited for a stripper than an elected official. On her website, she features photos of herself with most of her fake boobage exposed. In fact, so much of her breasts were on display that even television tabloid show “Inside Edition” put a photoshopped ribbon over them for a report on this woman who declares, amidst giggles, on national TV, “Bikinis are my favorite thing to wear. Heeheehee.”
Watch these VERY entertaining videos:

Torrice’s website features a photo of something that looks like a cross between the parlor of a brothel or strip club lounge and a Hawaiian Tropic Bikini Contest, bearing the caption, “Carey as an official Hottie at the Hottiefest.” She is in the center of the photo wearing stripper shoes. Then, there is the photo of Torrice standing in front of an antique shop with the caption, “Signing autographs is a great way to meet and greet with your fans.” Problem is, the only person in sight is a mother with baby strollers sitting in the distance. Fans, indeed. Girl, you’re a nobody.
And here’s a basic tip for Carey Torrice:
When you’re an elected official, they’re not fans, they’re constituents.
And your district doesn’t include Bimbo-ville.

Democrat Carey Torrice in Bikini & Stripper Shoes @ “Hottiefest”

It’s funny to hear Torrice compare herself to Sarah Palin. PUH-LEEZE. Say what you want about Sarah Palin, but she is a natural beauty without artificial enhancement. And despite her face being photoshopped onto bikini and stripper shots, Sarah Palin is always modestly and tastefully dressed, regardless of whether it was before or after the RNC paid $150,000 for clothes. Her skirt hemlines are attractive, appropriate, and never higher than just above the knee. That’s the way it’s done in politics. It’s the very clear difference between sex appeal and skankiness.
No-one wants their elected official to dress like a stripper . . . or their stripper to pretend she’s an elected official. Carey Torrice doesn’t get that there’s a difference between the two professions. You might not throw her out of bed for eating crackers, but you wouldn’t want her making any policy or tax-spending decisions.
When Republicans recently sent out campaign literature showing a stripper pole and asking whether Torrice has caused enough embarrassment to Macomb County, she responded by saying:

It’s disgusting and I think it shows very little class.

Tell it to your mirror, Carey.
But it’s not just the way she dresses in photos on her website, her stripper pole and bikinis, and the usually exposed implanted melon patch below her neck. It’s that Carey Torrice is more concerned with a showbiz career than with doing the job she was elected to do and earn the $30,000-plus in salary and benefits she is paid by taxpayers for that very part-time job. Torrice skipped showing up for work and important votes so she could go to photo shoots. That included a vote she missed on possible healthcare cuts, but she had a photo shoot in Ann Arbor. Priorities, Shmiorities.
If she really wanted to be a star, she’d move to Hollywood and become an actress-waitress. But in Hollywood, silicone-valleyed women with tons of plastic surgery, heavy make-up, and sleazy clothes are a dime a dozen. And she’d never make it. But for a narcissist who craves attention, she’s getting what she wants and what she would never achieve in “the Big-time”–notoriety and Michigan taxpayers subsidizing her low-rate part-time exploits in B-movies and C-list “Hottiefests.” She may be a skank, but in Macomb County, she’s a skanky big fish in a small pond.
The contrast between Carey Torrice and Sarah Palin isn’t the only stark one. There’s the contrast between Torrice and her opponent, Bill Revoir, a part-time Christian minister and financial planner. Revoir is a conservative, who is a family man and not opting to become Michigan’s version of Jenna Jameson. He was the incumbent Torrice beat in 2006.
And, although both MSM newspapers in Detroit endorsed the skank for re-election (it’s not a stretch to say that sex-starved men in heat make the endorsements at both papers), I predict–and hope–that, next week, Revoir will win his seat back.
So, you see, in every dark cloud there is indeed a silver lining.
I believe that one of several silver linings to the Obama Michigan tidal wave, next week, will be the overdue retirement of elected Hooters Girl Carey Torrice from politics.
Oh, and Carey, I hear Jon-Jons is hiring.

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October 29, 2008, - 12:41 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Ali Abunimah is Likely Source of Secreted Obama/Khalidi/Ayers Tape; LA Times’ Wallsten Plagiarized Schlussel Back in April, Said Politico

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: Can Ali Abunimah be bought off for $175,000? Depends on what he’s getting from greater Arabia, Islamia, and Obama. ****
There has been much discussion throughout the Net about a secreted video showing Barack Obama at a dinner with terrorists Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn, and the anti-Semitic Arafat advisor, Rashid Khalidi.
The Los Angeles Times has a copy of the tape, but won’t release it because they said the source–whom I believe is Arab American Action Network (AAAN) founder and anti-Israel Palestinian activist Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada–required it not be released as a condition of sharing it. That’s because it likely shows Obama applauding an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel poem that was read at the dinner.
But what you may not know is that I started the whole story, and Los Angeles Times reporter Peter Wallsten plagiarized me. (WND’s resident ganif Aaron Klein also ripped-off the same article in May.)


Ali Abunimah: Likely Source of Withheld Obama-Khalidi Tape

A refresher: In January, I wrote an exclusive column about Barack Obama’s Nation of Islam staffers and “evolving” positions on Israel and the Jews. In March, I was contacted in writing by Los Angeles Times reporter Peter Wallsten, who told me he read my article and wanted to report on it for the L.A. Times. I agreed, provided that he credit me and/or mention my name and site in the article, to which he agreed. We spoke on the phone at some length.
In April, Wallsten wrote the story. Portions of it were lifted from my article. But I was never credited, contrary to Wallsten’s promise. Even the Politico said Wallsten plagiarized me.
I’m almost positive that the video Wallsten referenced in the story was obtained from Arab American Action Network founder Abunimah because my article–the one Wallsten ripped off from me–featured photos of Barack Obama and wife Michelle seated with PLO advisor Edward Said at another AAAN annual banquet and led Wallsten to contact Abunimah. I noted in my article–from which Wallsten got most of his info–that the pics were from Ali Abunimah’s Electronic Intifada site, in which he wrote about Obama’s 180 on Israel from those days of AAAN dinners and PLO confabs.
I believe that Wallsten contacted Abunimah about the photos and learned of the other AAAN annual banquet dinner (at which Abunimah, Obama, Ayers, Dohrn, and Khalidi were all in attendance), and that Abunimah is his source for the video.
Here’s my e-mail to him. I’ll let you know when and if I get a response.

From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 12:45 PM
Subject: Press Inquiry for Ali Abunimah . . .
To: abunimah01@yahoo.com
Did you show or provide the tape of Obama at the dinner with Rashid Khalidi to the LA Times’ Peter Wallsten? Do you have a copy of the video? Will you release it for viewing? If not, why?
Looking forward to your responses for quotation on my website.
Debbie Schlussel

As you probably know by now, last week, Gateway Pundit/Jim Hoft asked L.A. Times plagiarist/”reporter” Peter Wallsten whether he has the tape about which he wrote in April. I’m not sure why Jim waited until now, but I’m glad he didn’t wait until a week from now. I’m assuming he only just thought of it, unlike everyone else, I’m glad he had the instinct to look into obtaining the tape.
In any event, the L.A. Times–usually telling us about the public’s right to know–now only believes in “the public’s right to know what we want it to know and what will aid our pan-Obama-ist agenda.”
If I were major media sources, I would bug the heck out of Ali Abunimah and pressure him to release the tape because I’m quite sure he has it and that he is Wallsten’s unnamed source.
You heard it here first. You’ll see it plagiarized by FOX News, Sean Vannity, and everyone else, everywhere else. Watch Aaron Klein steal it like he does with all his “work.” They usually rip me off. But I do the work. They–unlike most conservatives who believe in intellectual property rights and don’t condone thievery–think I’m their bitch. And as long as you patronize those frauds, I apparently am.

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October 29, 2008, - 12:24 pm

“Religion of Peace” . . . and Beheading Black Christians in Africa

By Debbie Schlussel
**** Bumped Up from 11:47 ****
Muslims persecuting, torturing, gang-raping, and murdering Black Christians in Africa is nothing new to me. My late father crusaded against this going on in Sudan for over two decades.
It’s a reason why there are basically almost no Christians left in Sudan. And it’s also the reason, as I’ve noted before, that liberals–especially celebrity liberals like Oprah who refused to acknowledge Sudanese genocide against Black Christians for decades–have suddenly become vocal, in recent years, about Darfur, Sudan . . . because they care only about Black Muslims who are now being persecuted, and not the Black Christians, who were under brutal attack for decades.
Here’s the latest of many such “peaceful” “Religion of Peace” acts of “tolerance”:


“Religion of Peace”:

Muslims Behead Christian Convert Mansuur Mohammed

NAIROBI, Kenya, October 27 (Compass Direct News) – Among at least 24 aid workers killed in Somalia this year was one who was beheaded last month specifically for converting from Islam to Christianity, among other charges, according to an eyewitness.
Muslim extremists from the al Shabab group fighting the transitional government on Sept. 23 sliced the head off of Mansuur Mohammed, 25, a World Food Program (WFP) worker, before horrified onlookers of Manyafulka village, 10 kilometers (six miles) from Baidoa.
The militants had intercepted Mohammed and a WFP driver, who managed to escape, earlier in the morning. Sources close to Mohammed’s family said he converted from Islam to Christianity in 2005.
The eyewitness, who requested anonymity for security reasons, said the militants that afternoon gathered the villagers of Manyafulka, telling them that they would prepare a feast for them. The people gathered anticipating the slaughter of a sheep, goat or camel according to local custom.
Five masked men emerged carrying guns, wielding Somali swords and dragging the handcuffed Mohammed. One pulled back Mohammed’s head, exposing his face as he scraped his sword against his short hair as if to sharpen it. Another recited the Quran as he proclaimed that Mohammed was a “murtid,” an Arabic term for one who converts from Islam to Christianity. . . .
Mohammed remained calm with an expressionless face, never uttering a word, said the eyewitness. As the chanting of “Allah Akubar [Allah is greater]” rose to a crescendo, one of the militiamen twisted his head, allowing the other to slit his neck. When the head was finally severed from the torso, the killers cheered as they displayed it to the petrified crowd.

Why are Alpha & Omega Ministries and a couple of foreign Christian websites the only ones covering this? Well, we know why. It shows the real Islam in action. And we can’t have that.
Nor can we have any condemnations from CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, ADC, MAS, and the rest of the usual suspects in the halal alphabet soup of Islamic violence’s apologists throughout America.
All we can hear are the chorus of chirps from Jiminy Cricket and his cousins in the newsrooms and mosques all over America.

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October 29, 2008, - 12:11 pm

Video of the Day: MoveOn.org Blames Schlussel for “Obama Loss”

By Debbie Schlussel
My friend, Beth, sent me this video, which is being circulated by MoveOn.org to help Obama. It’s cute and funny, but unfortunately for them, I do vote in every single election, even for school board.
Unfortunately for me, my vote will not decide this election. Also, unfortunately for me, I personally had the experience of losing by just one vote because some people who were my friends just couldn’t be bothered to go vote and make the difference.
Plus a sleazy Judge, Edward Sosnick–who represented my opponent when she embezzled from her job, was rumored to have had a relationship with her, and refused to recuse himself–decided the case that decided the election . . . in her favor. Shocker. I was only 21 years old and thought that if you were honest, strategized well, and worked hard, you could win. Boy was I wrong. You just had to steal from your job, hire the judge, and, reportedly, have a relationship with him.

You, too, can make the same video and insert whatever name you want.

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October 28, 2008, - 3:40 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Why Is He There?: Nation of Islam Founder’s Son Flanks Kwame Kilpatrick @ Sentencing

By Debbie Schlussel
**** Must Cite Debbie Schlussel and/or DebbieSchlussel.com ****
As I write this, every Detroit media outlet is covering the live sentencing hearing for former Detroit Mayor Kwame Malik Kilpatrick.
But what none of those Mainstream Media outlets are telling you–and what you will only learn from this website–is that sitting right behind the embattled former Mayor and showing support for the crook is Rasul Muhammad, son of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad and a devout Muslim. Why is he there (complete with the requisite Nation of Islam bow-tie accessory)? Why would a prominent Nation of Islam figure appear in court to show support for the man who cost the people of Detoit millions of dollars and put them through several years of circus behavior?


Rasul Muhammad, Son of Elijah Muhammad

Flanks Kilpatricks @ Today’s Sentencing

Why do you think he’s there? The rumor is that, a few years after he is released from prison, Kilpatrick will run for his mother, Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick’s Congressional seat. Methinks the Nation of Islam is backing one of its future stars in Congress, who will probably follow in his mommy’s corrupt footsteps of being one of the most anti-Israel, anti-American, and anti-Semitic Members of Congress.
What are your thoughts on the prominent courtside appearance by Rasul Muhammad?
You won’t hear the mainstream media asking these questions, which is why both Detroit Newsistan and Free Press coverage is plunging to hellish depths, and this site’s readership is constantly growing.

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