November 3, 2008, - 3:42 pm

Cliff Taylor, The Terrorism Commercial & the Michigan Supreme Court Race: Hezbo-Pandering Michigan GOP’s Hypocrisy

By Debbie Schlussel
As readers know, I’m the one who broke the story that the judge who sentenced Hezbollah terrorist-in-training Houssein Zorkot–caught in a Dearbornistan park with camouflage and an AK-47–was Wayne County, Michigan Judge Diane Hathaway. Zorkot maintained a pro-Hezbollah website, which stated he was beginning his personal jihad against America. Hathaway approved the probation sentence, which was worked out by limp prosecutors who gave Zorkot a plea deal.
As I’ve also noted, Hathaway is now the Democratic nominee for the Michigan Supreme Court and is locked in a tight battle against Michigan Supreme Court Justice Cliff Taylor, and hypocritical Michigan Republican Party figures contacted me, telling me they were going to make an anti-Hathaway commercial lifting the information and pictures from my site.


Hezbollah Has Friends on Both Sides of Mich. Supreme Court Contest

I warned them not to do this, since Cliff Taylor has his own Hezbollah connections. He took nearly $1,000 in campaign contributions from Hezbollah agent, open Hezbollah supporter, and convicted insurance defrauder Ali Jawad. Taylor’s campaign manager, Colleen Pero, claims that under Michigan law, Taylor cannot refund those contributions to a past judicial race by Jawad. But she refused to say that Taylor wouldn’t accept a future contribution by Jawad. And Pero refused even to denounce Hezbollah–the terrorist group that murdered hundreds of U.S. Marines.
When I asked Cliff Taylor campaign manager Pero why Ali Jawad contributed to Taylor’s campaign and how they know each other, she claimed she didn’t know and insisted they don’t know each other. (She also acknowledged that she’s seen Jawad at Republican fundraisers in Detroit, and she apparently wants to stay on the good side of his wallet.) But since then, I’ve confirmed that Taylor got the money through his good friend, Hezbollah and Arafat supporter, former Senator Spencer Abraham. Spence and Cliff Taylor go way back, about 30 years when Abraham ran Taylor’s failed campaign for U.S. Congress. Abraham–who with Rep. Joe Knollenberg–secured $86 in USAID money for Hezbollah was a frequent recipient of Ali Jawad’s contributions.
Given this, it’s kind of hypocritical for the Michigan Republican Party to be running exactly the kind of ads they told me they’d run, since their candidate, Cliff Taylor, won’t even denounce Hezbollah or its agent and open supporter, convicted criminal Ali Jawad.
It’s even more hypocritical when you consider that Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis repeated to me in e-mails that he will reach out to whomever votes or donates Republican, even if they openly support Hezbollah. Michigan GOP Chair Saul Anuzis needs to take his own message to heart–the one that’s the tagline in the commercial he paid for for Cliff Taylor:

[Helping] a terrorist sympathizer?! We’re at war with terrorists.

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November 3, 2008, - 1:39 pm

Terrorism Trumps Party: 2 Dems I’ll Vote 4, Others I Support; Obama Rout May Be Buh-Bye Hezbo Joe, Etc.

By Debbie Schlussel
Tomorrow, I’ll of course be voting for John McCain and Republican for Congress and State Representative, etc.
But I’m confidently voting for two Democrats–Brenda Lawrence and Jane Boudreau in the historically Republican County of Oakland, tomorrow. I wish I could vote for Democrat Gary Peters for Congress against Hezbollah Joe a/k/a Congressman Joe Knollenberg, too, but live just south of his district. I also wish I could vote for Democrat Vicki Barnett for State Representative against Paul Welday, a Hezbollah Joe acolyte with ties to Iran.
I wish I could vote Republican in my county for these positions, but the Republicans have given me no choice. They’ve provided big government RINOs with pan-Islamist ties, instead of good conservatives who cut government and stand firm against Islamic extremism and crime.


Brooks Patterson in Dubai with Dubai Mayor, Anti-Israel Hezbollah Activist Ahmed Chebbani & Medicaid Defrauders Ismael Ahmed and Hassan Jaber


The most important issue for me is the terrorist threat to America. And in these races, that choice on that is clear:
* Vote Brenda Lawrence, NOT L. Brooks Patterson

I’m voting for Brenda Lawrence

(Shown w/ my Former Teacher, County Commissioner Eric Coleman)

First, there is “Brooks” Patterson, against whom I’ll proudly cast my vote tomorrow.
For years, Oakland County has been dominated by an alcoholic, RINO (Republican in Name Only) anti-Semite and racist by the name of Brooks Patterson. His real name is Larry Patterson, but that isn’t as pretentious, and he’s all about pretension. Oh, and did I mention that this liberal, Patterson, who supports gay rights and affirmative action calls conservatives, “the Taliban wing of the Republican Party”? That’s opposed to his anti-Semitic, Democratic wing of the Republican Party.
And he ought to know about the Taliban, because he accepted a free, luxury trip (he stayed at the swanky Burj Al-Arab hotel) to Dubai from the Taliban’s Dubaian patrons. He traveled to Dubai along with and at the invitation of open Hezbollah supporter Nasser Beydoun–who calls Hezbollah terrorists that murdered our Marines, “martyrs” and “freedom fighters”. Beydoun also heads a “charity” which sends hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hezbollah-dominated South Lebanon, where his father has a mansion. The charity is tied to Hezbollah financier and fugitive Talal Chahine. Beydoun cheered when a speaker at a Hezbollah rally called the Jews “diseased”.
Also accompanying Larry, er . . . “Brooks” Patterson on the trip was Ismael Ahmed, then head of ACCESS, the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, and the man who now heads ACCESS. ACCESS had already been in the news for being raided by the FBI for Medicaid fraud–for bringing pregnant alien Muslims to Detroit to have their babies here and for providing them with phony social security numbers so they could get Medicaid coverage, in addition to U.S. citizenship for their kids. ACCESS was also well known to be an advocate for Muslim illegal aliens and a siphon of taxpayer funds for entitlements for these illegal Muslims.
Those are Larry’s, um . . . “Brooks'” friends. And FYI, the purpose of the trip was to change U.S. policy in the Middle East. You know what that means.
Then, there’s what L. Brooks Patterson is doing here in suburban Detroit.
As a career politician, Brooks Patterson has grown my county’s government by leaps and bounds and raised its taxes and spending geometrically. Big government is his middle name, racism and bigotry is his game. Patterson has alternated his career back and forth between racism against Black people and white people. He began his career campaigning against “Eight Mile”, which was well-known code for Black people, as Eight Mile road (of Eminem movie fame) is the divider between Detroit and suburbia and at the time, between Blacks and Whites. And he made all kinds of even more clearly racist statements.
But then Patterson saw many Blacks moving here and he decided to play the reverse race card. He took over the Oakland County Republican Party and mandated that all scholarship essay contests be exclusive to Black kids. If you were a White Republican and needed extra money for college, fuhgedaboutit. He also befriended and repeatedly defended until almost the very end, Hizzoner Detroit Mayor Kwame Malik Kilpatrick.
Now Patterson, desperate to keep his job in a risky election, is back to his anti-Black racism. He’s running an ad, showing his Black female opponent in a Gold Leather blazer. The implied message: You know those Black people–they dress gaudy, and we can’t have that. They can’t be trusted.
But Brooks has shown it’s him that can’t be trusted. He’s been a habitual drunk who’s driven drunk on the job and cost taxpayers money because of it. After a liquid lunch, Mr. Tomatohead (his face is constantly bloated and red) drove his county-owned Cadillac onto train tracks in the middle of a field, causing $4,000 in damage, which taxpayers–not him–paid. Then, there was his last drunk-driving incident, where cops–not HIM–got punished for chauffeuring him home instead of arresting him. The sloshed Patterson could have had them fired. (When he was Oakland County Prosecutor he was tough on drunk drivers like the one he sees in his mirror.)
Then, there are the various anti-Semitic statements Brooks Patterson has made both to my face and behind my back since I met him when I was a Republican activist in junior high. When I attended Republican conventions in Michigan, he regularly made comments about the “kikes” and “those Jews”. Then, when I ran for the Michigan House, he had the gall to tell friends of mine that I’m an anti-Semite. Next, the Pope will be telling people I’m Catholic.
The thing is, Brenda Lawrence has a good shot to beat Patterson, who is really no different than her on taxes and spending. She, however, is not an anti-Semite or racist. While Patterson was reaching out to Muslim immigration defrauders outside of his county and far away in the Arab Gulf, Brenda Lawrence reached out to the White and Orthodox Jewish population in her majority Black City of Southfield, putting members of both of those groups on her slate.
Yes, she’s a tax-and-spend liberal who supported a $36 million millage for a giant new library. But he’s a tax-and-spend-liberal, too. In Brooks’ case, though, he’s an anti-Semitic, racist, anti-conservative (“Taliban Wing of the Republican Party”) 69-year-old fraud who has spent too much time in government and on the taxpayer dole. Time for him to be put out to pasture, where he can drink, curse the Jews and Blacks to his heart’s content, and spend his own money, not yours.
Since I was old enough to vote, I’ve always voted for whatever Democrat ran against Brooks Patterson. But none of them ever had a chance. Now, with Obama’s likely tidal wave in Michigan, one does. And I hope she wins. She’s getting my vote.
* Vote Jane Boudreau, NOT Mike Bouchard
Then, there is Patterson crony and fellow career government salary collector, Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard. Like Patterson, he also hangs with the Muslim illegal alien enablers at ACCESS, to whom he’s “outreached” many times and whose annual fundraising banquets he’s repeatedly attended. Why would a Sheriff in another county patronize an enterprise in a different county that repeatedly commits crimes and enables illegal alien Medicaid defrauders? Would your Sheriff pander to an agency that got raided by the FBI for committing federal crimes? Only if he’s corrupt.
The Company He Keeps . . .


GOP Sheriff Mike Bouchard w/anti-Semite Imam Hassan Qazwini; Qazwini w/ Hezbo Buddy Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah

Or only if he defines “returning to his Arab roots” as being a water-carrier for the Muslims who would kill his Christian ancestors if they were back in the old country. Bouchard is a Christian Arab of Lebanese descent. I generally like them. But some, like Bouchard, have chosen to become water carriers for extremist Muslims here. Sadly, Bouchard is one of those.
But, wait, there’s more. Bouchard attended the annual banquet of the openly anti-Semitic, openly pro-Hezbollah/HAMAS Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan. He took a photo with his new good friend, Imam Hassan Qazwini–a friend of Hezbollah spiritual leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, the man who issued the fatwah to murder our Marines in Beirut. Qazwini is a well-known anti-Semite and anti-Israel figure. He is openly pro-HAMAS and pro-Hezbollah and has written explicitly in the Detroit newspapers expressing these various opinions. In 1998, I wrote in the Detroit News about how his mosque hosted Louis Farrakhan and how Qazwini cheered his anti-Semitic rantings and calls for jihads against America’s Jews and Christians.
And that’s not to mention Bouchard’s close association with “Kid Rock”, ie., Bob Ritchie, who repeatedly glorifies his former drug-dealing days and federally-imprisoned drug kingpin and mass-murderer “White Boy Rick” (after whom he modeled his persona). He enlisted Ritchie to campaign for him in his failed U.S. Senate bid.
You can tell a lot about a Sheriff by the company he keeps.
That’s why I’m voting for Democrat Jane Boudreau for Sheriff. I’ve had enough. And this is the year that a Democrat–and a real law and order cop–can beat Bouchard.
* Vote Gary Peters over Hezbollah Joe a/k/a Joe Knollenberg
I can’t vote for him because, again, I don’t live in his district, but I believe (and hope) that, tomorrow, Gary Peters will beat Hezbollah’s (and the rest of the jihadists’) biggest financial enabler in Congress.
As I’ve repeatedly noted on this site over the years, Hezbollah Joe a/k/a Republican Congressman Joe Knollenberg sought $268 million in USAID money for Hezbollah in South Lebanon. He got and sent them $86 million, which went to finance rocket attacks–and who knows what else?–on Israel. His then-Chief of Staff Paul Welday (see his race for State Rep., below) admitted to me that while they pretended the money was going “to rebuild (Hezbollah) infrastucture in South Lebanon destroyed by the Israelis”, they were not going to follow the money and it likely would go to Hezbollah’s coffers for terrorist activity, training, and weaponry. Hezbollah Joe sought the money at the instruction of Arab American Institute chief James Zogby, an open anti-Semite, hater of Israel, and supporter of Hezbollah and HAMAS.
And Hezbollah Joe was handsomely rewarded for sending your taxes to a major terrorist group. Hezbollah’s American agent, Nijad Fares and his friends gave Hezbollah Joe thousands–both individually and through their pan-Hezbollah Political Action Committee. Knollenberg also received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Hezbollah agent and open supporter Ali Jawad, a convicted insurance fraud perpetrator.
But, wait, there’s more.
Joe Knollenberg sought and obtained a federal budget earmark of about $1.2 million for the anti-Israel, Islamist Arab American National Museum. It, no doubt, went to fund myriad anti-Israel exhibits at this house of propaganda, like a video claiming Israel murdered 500 in Jenin (when less than 25 died, and most of them not even from the Israelis).
And Hezbollah Joe sought and obtained nearly $700,000 in the federal budget for “Seeds of Peace”, the moral equivalency camp founded by Yasser Arafat’s fave biographer. When a Wall Street Journal reporter visited, he watched as counselors refused to intervene as Muslim campers told Jewish campers that the Holocaust never happened. Several Palestinian Muslim “graduates” of Seeds of Peace have become homicide bombers and terrorists. Another grad, Adam Shapiro founded International Solidarity Movement, considered a terrorist group, which gave shelter to two British homicide bombers the night before they blew up an Israeli bar and which also hid Islamic Jihad terrorists.
Yes, Gary Peters is a tax-and-spend liberal. But he is not a Hezbollah- and jihadist propaganda-financier with millions of your tax money, the way Hezbollah Joe is.
Time for him to go. Vote for Gary Peters if you live in his district.
Read all about Hezbollah Joe.
* Vote Vicki Barnett, NOT Paul Welday
I’m urging all my friends and readers who live in Farmington and Farmington Hills to vote for Democrat Vicki Barnett over Republican hack and fat lobbyist Paul Welday. I’ve known the sleazebag Paul Welday for many years and this CAIR-supporter cannot be trusted.
As I noted, Welday was Hezbollah Joe’s Chief of Staff when the two of them orchestrated the deal to send $86 million of your tax money to Hezbollah. I’ve also written about how Welday appeared at a CAIR event and praised them as the most “committed-to-democracy” group he’s ever seen. At the same meeting he made the moral equivocation between Yasser Arafat’s homicide bombings and other terrorism and the Israelis. That’s not to mention that he’s a paid lobbyist for an Iranian group that took our Americans hostage for 444 days in Iran in 1979-1981.
Oh, and don’t forget the ACCESS Medicaid fraud I told you about above. Welday’s brother, Doug, is Chief Financial Officer of Oakwood Hospital–where most of the Medicaid fraud is occurring with the full knowledge of Doug Welday and other hospital administrators who’ve enabled the fraud. They make big money from this, courtesy of you–the American taxpayer. Paul Welday sat on the selection committee for U.S. Attorney and selected now-Judge Stephen Murphy III who repaid Welday by refusing to prosecute Welday’s brother and hospital for the Muslim Medicaid scam, which is ongoing.
Read all about Paul Welday. Read even more on Paul Welday.

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November 3, 2008, - 12:01 pm

Live From New York, It’s the Hags of “The View”

By Debbie Schlussel
While the only funny thing here is Ben Affleck’s surprisingly excellent Alec Baldwin impersonation, it shows just how painful this horrid ABC show–on which far too many American women rely for political advice–is. It also shows just what an airhead and ineffective “conservative” spokesperson the eternal ditz, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, is. Like I said, it’s mostly not funny and way too long, as with most SNL material, but it captures these annoying, shrieking, masculine women quite well.
Whose idea was it to call them “The Ladies” of “The View”, anyway? More like Biddies. Nothin’ ladylike about ’em.

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November 3, 2008, - 11:22 am

Dear Michelle Hussein Obama . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Your jeans are waaaaaay tooooo tight. The “next Jackie O”? I don’t think so. . .


The Hussein Obamas & The Missus’ Tight Jeans in Ohio Over the Weekend

Given this, perhaps we should rethink knocking the $150,000 Sarah Palin wardrobe. To my readers, as for undignified references to a Mid-eastern animal, please don’t go there. Res Ipsa Loquitur–the thing speaks for itself.

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October 31, 2008, - 5:45 pm

HILARIOUS! Video of the Day: “That’s the Last Thing We Need When We’re Trying to Elect an African-American as President”

By Debbie Schlussel
I like the way he thinks:

Denny Crane.

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October 31, 2008, - 5:40 pm

Looks Like Bono Owes Rush Limbaugh An Apology

By Debbie Schlussel
In 2005, on his nationally syndicated radio talk show, Rush Limbaugh matter-of-factly said that rocker, faux-humanitarian, and now New York Times political columnist Bono had extramarital affairs and mistresses. He was discussing “ubersexuals”–slightly more macho metrosexuals–and cited Bono (and an alleged mistress).
Even though Limbaugh immediately apologized on the air, Bono was indignant to the nth about it and whined all over the mainstream media, insisting that he’s remained faithful to and in love with his high school sweetheart, wife Ali Hewson.
But, in fact, Rush was right all along. It’s just that Bono was never exposed . . . until now. It’s a story broken by Britain’s Daily Mail. The proof is in the . . . Facebook, where pictures have surfaced of Bono vacationing in St. Tropez with two 19-year-old (some accounts say they are 18, as in barely legal) bikini-clad (in ho-sparkle hued silver-sequined bikinis), um, “friends” of his sitting in his lap. Here are the photos of Bono on vacation with his teen skanks, Andrea Feick and Hannah Emerson.:


“Saint” Bono and His “Just Friends”


Still “Just Friends”

U2’s front man Bono (Sir Paul Hewson) has recently been spotted vacationing in St. Tropez with some young girls; 18-year old Andrea Feick and Hannah Emerson.
While prepping for the trip, Andrea posted the following message to friends: “So Bono and Simon called me yesterday and they arrived in Cannes today, so looks like we’ll have a plan! :)”
Sir Bono met up with the girls at Playboys Playground, then off to Nikki Beach Bar and then a private yacht where more fun and pictures ensued.
Some photos of the bikini wearing beauties snuggling up to 48-year old Bono surfaced on Andrea Feick and Hannah Emerson’s Facebook page. The girls were snapped sitting on Bono’s lap, cuddling and wearing his signature hat.

But not to worry. The two teen girls scantily dressed in bikinis and taking up residence in Bono’s lap at an exotic foreign locale where his wife isn’t, are “just friends”.
Uh-huh. “Just friends” . . . with “benefits.”
Yup, Bono owes Rush an apology. As with his comments about Donovan McNabb’s overhyped quarterbacking skills, Rush was right about Bono’s mistresses.
See, he told you so. And I’ve repeatedly warned you, too. As we’ve both noted, “Saint” Bono ain’t no saint.
Here’s a little appropriate old school video musical accompaniment, courtesy of Oran “Juice” Jones (‘memba him?):

Watch more imeem videos on AOL Video

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October 31, 2008, - 5:14 pm

Octo-beard?: Weirdest Facial Hair of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
I think Chicago Bulls Center Drew Gooden aspires to overtake Dennis Rodman as weirdest NBA player in history. He wants to be called “The Big Drizzle”, whatever that means, and had a weird haircut of a small patch of hair–which he says he tore off of Rasheed Wallace’s head–on the back of his head.
Now, the 6’10” player has is sporting this bizarre new beard that has seven or eight tentacles. I call it the “Octobeard”, for lack of a better name. The “I’m neither Amish nor a Rabbi” beard, doesn’t exactly roll off your tongue.
Let’s hope this form of facial hair never becomes a trend like goatees.


Read more about The Big Fo-Shizzle’s “mystical beard.”
Yup, this guy is strange. Here’s his theme song. . .

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October 31, 2008, - 4:30 pm

Stuff I Really Like: The SUMO Sac

By Debbie Schlussel
Occasionally, I bring you my reviews of some products I’ve tried. In the past, I’ve recommended, for example, Plochman’s Kosciusko Spicy Brown Mustard, but I didn’t like Reese’s Elvis Peanut Butter & Banana Creme Big Cup, which is now, not surprisingly, out of production.
Recently, I reviewed the Sumo Omni, an update modern version of the beanbag. I liked it a lot, but have since tried the Sumo Sac, which I like even better. It’s the most comfortable chair/piece of furniture I’ve ever owned.


The Sumo Sac is like a giant flexible chair/pillow/thick mini-mattress that goes even beyond updating the beanbag. It’s actually a huge chair with a specific shape and it’s sooooooo comfortable and cushy. But it’s not so soft that it loses it’s shape.
The Sumo Sac Sultan is round and measures 54″ x 54″ x 42″, and the Sumo Sac Giganator is 86″ x 60″ x 40″. Both can fit more than one person, especially the bigger sized Sumo Sac (Gigantor). The filling is 100% shredded furniture grade urethane foam, which never decompresses or loses its shape (it’s only compressed to save money on shipping and regains its actual size within 24 hours). It’s covered with an ultrasuede cover (Sumo calls it “microsuede”) that easily unzips for washing.
I’ve had the Sumo Sac for a few months and I’ve tried it out in hot weather and cold. I’ve used it to watch TV and screen DVDs of movies that studios sent me to review. I’ve slept on it (I’m tiny, but it comes in a larger size, too, if you are interested), taken naps on it, and mostly, relaxed on it. I’ve played video games on the Sumo Sac and typed on a laptop, (with the help of a MyPlace adjustable miniature laptop table. It’s worked well for me in each of these scenarios. It is so comfortable that I just never wanted to get up each time I’ve sat on the Sultan.

Mine is Pitch Black, but the ultrasuede cover comes in several other colors, khaki, blue, red, and dark brown. It’s great for a basement game room, for a place to relax in your family room or den or bedroom. It’s also a great gift for a college student to use in a dorm room, as a multifunctional piece. I’ve tried it out in both my bedroom and living room, and it worked well in both. It went well with my contemporary furniture, but would fit in with any kind of decor. I do not own a pet, but I would think a dog would love this, too. And I know that the cover washes off easily from hair.
At $249, it might seem expensive to you (the larger size is $399), but when you see the size of it, you realize that you are getting a lot for your money. The material is densely packed and it is a big chair. Again, it can seat a few people or just one.
Here’s a video from some other people who reviewed it, but I don’t agree with their conclusions. I didn’t experience any problems associated with temperature and never got too hot sitting in it, regardless of whether I was moving around or just sitting relaxing. And I didn’t find that it gave too much unless I deliberately manipulated it. I’m showing you the video so you can get an idea of the size, construction, and possible multiple uses of the Sumo Sac:

The Sumo Sac was designed by entrepreneur and designer Andrew Milligan, owner of Sumo Urban Lounge Gear. He’s got all kinds of cool pieces of comfortable furniture, which are great for college dorm rooms, apartments, and even the most chic homes. I’ve seen dumbed down, less luxe versions of his stuff by imitators at contemporary furniture stores, and those are always more than twice his prices, with puny amounts of stuffing.
Only three words to say about the Sumo Sac: I love it.

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October 31, 2008, - 3:25 pm

Weekend Box Office: “Changeling”, “What Just Happened” Only Semi-Decent Offerings Amidst Mountain O’ Crap, Esp. Vile “Zack & Miri”

By Debbie Schlussel
So many crappy movies, so little time. And yet I waste my valuable life-hours to watch this trash, so you don’t have to.
* “The Changeling“: Even though this stars Palestinian-terrorist-lover Angie Voight a/k/a “Angelina Jolie” (who cheered Palestinian kids as they sang of their desire to get revenge while taking “back” Jerusalem), it’s halfway decent. But not because of her. And not because of her naked butt and the shower scene either. Not sure why this mother of six has this need to constantly show us her naked rear in movies. Grow up, chickie.


This thriller, directed by anti-war faux-Republican Clint Eastwood, is entertaining, but waaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooooo loooooooooong. At nearly 2.5 hours, I was antsy, as it veeeery slowly tells a story that could’ve been told in 1.5 hours. And the real star–the real entertainment in the movie–is great actor and supporting cast member John Malkovich, of whom we don’t see nearly enough of in this movie. If only they’d spent half as much effort on editing this flick down as they did on the marvelous 1920s wardrobe and set design, the best thing about the movie.
It’s the “based-on-a-true-story” feature about a single mother in the 1920s whose young son suddenly disappears. She searches in desperation for him, while authorities return a boy who is not her son and force her to act as if he is. This is despite the fact that the boy is three inches shorter than her son and, unlike him, is circumcised. When she’s had enough, the Los Angeles police frame her for insanity and lock her up. They’re basically abusive and act outside the law. Malkovich plays a German-American Presbyterian minister with a radio show who rails against police corruption.
In addition to the length, the movie seemed cold to me, especially Angie Voight Pitt’s acting. She seemed distant and not angry and sad enough for a mother whose kid is missing. At other times the movie seemed way overwrought in places it shouldn’t have been.
I could have done without the scenes–albeit not graphic–of a guy chopping kids up, and the shower scene of a naked Angie Voight being hosed down by nurses in a sanitarium, complete with butt-shot. It seemed a gratuitous stunt that won’t fix this movie’s problems, espcially of length.
Otherwise, it was mildly entertaining and nearly halfway decent.
* “Zack and Miri Make a Porno“: If you wonder why America is going down the tubes fast, it’s “movies” like this.
This vile, disgusting excuse for a movie should have been rated NC-17. But I’ll bet tons of mindless American parents–the same ones voting for Barack Obama–will let their kids see this trash. Since it’s by Kevin Smith, I suppose I should be happy that it didn’t contain what he called “interspecies erotica”, like “Clerks 2 (read my review). Lots of full-frontal nudity of both sexes in this semi-porn piece of garbage.
In the “good old days”, if Superman–say, actor Christopher Reeve–played a gay porn actor in celluloid scuzz like this, his contract to play the man of steel would be voided out. But not the case with Brandon Routh, the current star of the Superman franchise and, in this movie, gay porn actor “Bobby Long”. I guess this means we’ve “evolved”, or rather devolved. Even the dinosaurs had better decency standards.
Zack (Seth Rogen, fat star of all that is gross) and Elizabeth Banks play loser roommates who’ve always had crushes on each other. Down and out on their luck and with no money, they attend their high school reunion and discover how washed up they are. So, they decide to shoot their own porno flick, in order to earn enough money to get their electricity, heat, and water turned back on. But while filming this vile enterprise, they fall in love after filming their live sex scene. Awwww. . . how romantic.
Bleccch and Eeeeuuuuwww are the two words that best describe this occasionally funny, but mostly sickening movie. Does America really need to see someone defecate on someone’s face?
If you let your kids see it, you should be sued for malpractice. If you waste your own ten bucks on this, boy are you a loser . . . just like Zack and Miri.
You don’t have to be a prude to hate this movie. But, as this movie shows, sometimes being a prude is highly under-rated.

* “What Just Happened?“: Robert DeNiro stars as a Hollywood producer who must juggle two ex-wives, kids, and phonies galore, plus erratic, tasteless directors, and director-wannabes who act like kids in this relaxing, fun inside baseball story of life in the movie industry.
It was slightly funny, and I’m partial to DeNiro, so I liked this. But while it was relaxing and fun, I’m not sure it was worth $10. Plus, it was too focused on the Jews. The crazy English director has a Hebrew “Chai” (life) tattoo on his neck that we constantly see, which was very annoying and distracting. Ditto for his whining about being descended from the Jewish shtetl in Europe. That’s not to mention the constant scenes of Israeli money man financing movies. Someone was too Jew-centric when they made this. I found that distracting.
But, hey, it features a bearded Bruce Willis (playing himself) wearing a yarmulke.
* RocknRolla: I used to think that Madonna was the complete bitch and nutcase in the now-crumbled Madonna-Guy Ritchie union. But after seeing this dumb, pointless waste of time he directed, I say they deserve each other.
While I couldn’t understand a lot of the indistinguishable cockneyed form of English that plagued this movie, I understood just fine what was going on. An English mobster is trying to get financing for a building from a Russian gangster, while in the meantime the Russian’s accountant and the English mobster’s thugs are in cahoots to steal the money. Meanwhile, the English mobster’s rock star son fakes his death and has the Russian’s missing painting.
Not funny, hard to understand their jumbled speaking, and just a waste of your money. I love gangster and mobster movies, but this ain’t no “The Departed”. Not even close.

* “Happy-Go-Lucky: It’s as if a third-grader wrote this stupid movie. It’s the moving picture definition of dumb. Two hours of a thirty-something loser teacher in England who constantly laughs and dresses like the Olsen Twins and takes driving lessons. The end. Like a bad reality show. Don’t waste your time or money.

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October 31, 2008, - 12:39 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Dance Troupe @ Obama-Khalidi Dinner (of Secreted Tape Fame) Simulated Beheadings in Recent Past

By Debbie Schlussel
**** Copyright 2008. Must cite Debbie Schlussel and link to ****
As you all know, the Los Angeles Times is holding hostage a tape of Barack Obama at a 2003 Arab American Action Network (AAAN) dinner at which his friends, Rashid Khalidi, William Ayers, and Bernadine Dohrn were in attendance. It’s the story I started when Los Angeles Times plagiarist/”reporter” Peter Wallsten ripped off my January column on Barack Obama’s Nation of Islam staffers and friendship with AAAN founder Ali Abunimah.
But here’s what you haven’t yet heard: that a kids’ dance troupe that appeared at the event has a history of simulating beheadings and stomping on American, Israeli, and British flags.



Sanabel AlQuds Dance Troupe with Sword Beheading Accessories

Reports of the partial guest list at the 2003 dinner include “the Sanabel Debka troupe”, but the group’s name is really “Sanabel AlQuds Dabka troupe.” Sanabel means “grains” or “kernels” (of wheat or barley) in Arabic. AlQuds, or “The Holy”, is the Muslim name for Jerusalem, which is ripped-off from the eternal Hebrew name for Jerusalem, “Ir Kadosh“, or Holy City.
The Milwaukee-based Muslim kids dancing troupe purports to perform the debka, a Middle-Eastern step-dance. But this group, made up of mostly Palestinian Muslims and under the auspices of the Milwaukee Muslim American Society does far more in its “performance.” And it’s frightening.
In June 2004, I went undercover and attended a Dearborn fundraising dinner for Islamic Relief, the Muslim Brotherhood charity that is a front for HAMAS and Al-Qaeda. The event was MC’ed by Rayed Tayeh, who orchestrated the Starbucks Coffee boycott and who is believed to be a HAMAS operative.
Sanabel AlQuds performed to songs calling for martyrdom to “get back Palestine.” The kids were young boys, some of them appearing to be no older than seven years old.
But they didn’t just dance the debkah.
Suddenly the Sanabel AlQuds dancers pulled out fake swords and rifles and adorned three of their troupe respectively with an American, Isreaeli, and British flag. The others pretended to behead and/or shoot the boys wearing the flags. Then they put red scarves over the three boys heads, signifying blood and no head. Then, the flags were taken off, thrown to the ground, and trampled on by this young group of Milwaukee dancers.
This was on the Sunday that U.S. contractor Paul Johnson was found beheaded in Saudi Arabia and not long after Nicholas Berg and several other westerners were found beheaded in Iraq.
Once I saw this “performance” I realized why there were signs all over saying, “No video equipment or cameras allowed.”
I wrote about this in 2004 in my review of “Fahrenheit 9/11”, because it featured Obama surrogate John Conyers who was at the Sanabel AlQuds performance and just loved it:

Take the June 13 Muslim American Society fundraising dinner for Islamic Relief, a charity with links to the Muslim Brotherhood. Conyers and his wife were the guests of honor. They watched and clapped as the Sanabel AlQuds “dancing” troop from Milwaukee–featuring boys as young as seven–sang in Arabic of martyrdom and jihad for Allah and Palestine. They didn’t need to understand Arabic, as the young boys used a rifle to simulate killing and pistol-whipping, simulated throat-slittings and beheadings, and dishonored the American flag.

Some pictures of Sanabel AlQuds Dabka troupe hint at some of this and show the kids dancing with swords (see above).
I also wrote about it in August 2006, because I’m sick and tired of the tens of millions the Mormon Church, the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, has been giving this group, Islamic Relief:

The evening’s “entertainment” consisted of young boys–some apparently as young as seven–simulating beheadings and shootings of other young boys who donned the American, Israeli, and British flags. Then they put red scarves over their heads to symbolize blood . . . and no head.

While I do not know if Sanabel AlQuds performed this particular “dance” for Barack and Michelle Obama and other guests at this dinner, I know that this was their performance in the summer of 2004, just a year after the dinner that is the subject of the videotape the Los Angeles Times will not release. It may be that this same “act” was performed for the Obamas, but that it was not part of the tape, which would be why L.A. Times plagiarist/”reporter” Peter Wallsten did not write about it.
Still, why is Barack Obama hanging out with young kids who simulate beheadings of Americans and Jews on a regular basis?
Maybe they can perform their unique, halal version of the debka at an Inaugural Ball. I’m sure the Secret Service would make an allowance for the swords . . . for the sake of political correctness.

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