November 5, 2008, - 1:39 pm

The Obama Caste System Began With Last Night’s Victory Speech

By Debbie Schlussel
Did you notice what I did from the photos of last night’s Obama victory speech?
He has a caste system. Notice the fence in these pictures. There were huge crowds of people smushed together beyond the fence. But those are the little people. Inside the fence, that’s where the people Obama really cares about are standing. There’s plenty of room. It’s where Oprah and Spike Lee and Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson are.
Yes, this President-elect who preached “spreading the wealth” and “equality” and “fairness” and all of these other nebulous liberal BS terms actually has a caste system, too. Unless you are a big celeb, you’re outside the fence. But if you’re a gazillionaire pan-Islamic Black talk show host and her producers, or an anti-Semitic millionaire shakedown preacher, or if you’re an anti-Semitic Black-centric filmmaker, you are among the exclusive few inside the fence.
It’s like the Marxist that he is: Each according to his needs . . . unless you’re a member of the Politburo.



Most of America’s “Little People” are Outside the Obama Fence.

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November 5, 2008, - 12:18 pm

The Two Big Stories/Questions Now: Rev. Wright @ ONauguration?, Bush Pardons

By Debbie Schlussel
Since we now find ourselves in the midst of Bush’s lame duck last days in office and Obama’s transition to taking the oath of office, here are two stories I look forward to writing about:
* Bush Pardons: Who will President Bush pardon before he leaves office? I’m betting that it won’t be the landslide of scum that Bill Clinton pardoned. While Bush has at least one sleazy brother–Neil–who has taken money from others (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) to influence Bush, I’d bet you won’t see anything like the Rodham Brothers who lobbied Clinton for a sudden new “client” seeking a pardon (who paid them $400K for the privilege). I doubt we’ll see Bush do any pardons of drug kingpins like Carlos Vignali, as Bill Clinton did.
I’ll bet we won’t see anything like the Marc Rich pardon, though we will see a deserved complete pardon for Lewis “Scooter” Libby (who was once Marc Rich’s lawyer).


Not Out of the Picture

I’m sure we won’t see anything like the Mel Reynolds pardon. Etc., etc., etc.
President Bush’s past pardons–if they are any indication of his future ones–went to people who were mostly not well-connected, but who committed minor, harmless crimes and became good citizens. I hope that’s what we see come January 2009.
* Rev. Wright and the Inauguration: After attending the anti-American, anti-Semitic Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church for two decades and refusing to disavow him, Obama finally realized he needed to cut the guy loose for strictly PR purposes.
But now Obama’s President. Will he invite Wright to his Inaugural festivities? Um, I mean the “Onaugural.” I’d put money on it. Will he invite him to the White House? Don’t bet against that. I think it’ll eventually happen.
I think slowly and quietly, Rev. Wright will be back in the Obama fold.
I’m also wondering whom Obama will choose to head up Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Let’s hope Tommy Lasorda’s buddy, John P. Torres, is nowhere in the mix. But the appointments will come later rather than sooner. The pardons and Inauguration invites are more immediate.
What other stories do you predict as the Bush Administration ends and the–shudder the thought–Obama White House commences?
**** UPDATE: Reader “rbb” bets Oprah is the first invited guest in the Lincoln Bedroom. Could be, but the real story there is whether her companion in the Lincoln is named Stedman . . . or Gayle.

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November 5, 2008, - 11:30 am

It’s Bad, But All is Not Lost; We’ll Be Back–Depression is For Liberals

By Debbie Schlussel
In 1964, another U.S. Senator and supposed conservative from Arizona was the Republican nominee. (He was conservative then, but in his later life became quite liberal on a lot of things.) His name was Barry Goldwater.
Not only was he resoundingly defeated all over America by the Democrat nominee, but Republicans lost huge numbers in the House and Senate and lost control of everything and anything around the country.
But we came back. In 1980, Ronald Reagan became President and the Reagan Revolution began.
But I don’t think we’ll have to wait 16 years this time, as conservatives had to do then to get a real conservative as the Republican nominee and take back the White House.


In those days, there was no internet, no cable, no gazillions of ways to get your news and truth unfiltered by the liberal media.
Yes, liberals will play dirty–as they always do–and pass whatever laws they can and do whatever nastiness they will to keep their regime in place permanently.
But we can beat them. We have before and we will again.
We will be back. We haven’t lost all. If we were that weak to begin with, we wouldn’t have had just under half of America vote for us with a weak candidate who ran a lousy campaign, after eight years of an even weaker guy.
We will be back. We can’t give up. We must keep fighting for our country and view this as a setback, not an eternal defeat.
I think reader Jeff W sums up why we lost quite well:

First of all, I blame the tard Republican party.
I voted for McCain, but he ran a lousy campaign besides being a lousy choice.
I blame George W. Bush for having zero leadership this past year.
I blame the Republicans who always want to shun the conservatives to appeal to the mushy middle.
Wow!, welcome to the Peoples Republic of United States for the next 4 years. Our freedoms are now going to be taken away slowly and gradually. We have allowed the yahoos, the lazy, the stupid take over for the sake of Oprah.
Trying to find some light, maybe after 4 years of this train wreck we’ll see another Ronald Reagan step up.
Things for sure about to change. Here comes the hangover after the big party…..

The Republican Party needs to take Jeff W’s sentiments–which represent the views of millions of Americans–to heart. If they do, we’ll be back.
And please, no candidates who claim to read the paper every day, yet can’t name a single paper they read, and don’t know that “the bailout” was not about healthcare reform or “job creation”. Hate to post a liberal website’s video, but this kind of candidate did NOT help–conservative or not:

Hate to pile on, but please . . . pick someone who actually knows why they’re conservative and can actually articulate it. Not an empty vessel of ambition and air.
They don’t have to have a college degree or be a great intellect. Just know what the rest of us who actually do read a paper know. I know she is not the reason McCain lost, but she didn’t help. And I hope she is not the nominee in four years, or we will lose again.
In any event, don’t be depressed. We must move on and toward future victories. Depression and other psychiatric conditions of the mind are for liberals.
We pull ourselves up.

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November 5, 2008, - 10:45 am

Yes, There Were Bright Spots in the Republican Defeat: Buh-bye, Hezbollah Joe, Slimy Paul, Arafat’s Sununu

By Debbie Schlussel
Yes, there were some bright spots, yesterday, around the country–especially here in Michigan, where Hezbollah Joe a/k/a Republican Congressman Joe Knollenberg was soundly defeated. I predicted this defeat, and it happened.
* See Ya, Sununu
Palestinian New Hampshire Senator John Sununu–who was very anti-Israel–lost to a liberal Democrat. Again, if he is the type of Republican that is offered up in the future, I will continue to work against that type. I want to elect Republicans and a Republican majority. But they have to be conservatives. And they have to be against terrorists and terrorism.
* Buh-Bye, Hezbollah Joe
Joe Knollenberg, the man who gave millions of your tax money to jihadists–to Hezbollah, an anti-Semitic Arab museum, and a liberal anti-Israel camp in New England which breeds homicide bombers–and then collected thousands in campaign money from Hezbollah puppet Nijad Fares and his buddies, is gone. Liberal Democrat Gary Peters beat him.


Republican Congressman Hezbollah Joe Loses

In two years, without Obama on the ticket, the Republicans can get this seat back if they put up a real conservative against Peters–and one who doesn’t act as Hezbollah’s personal American banker. In that case, I will support a Republican nominee. In yesterday’s case, I urged my readers and many of my friends in Knollenberg’s soon-to-be former district to vote for Peters. Several were, like me, conservative Republicans who normally could never vote for a liberal like this, but I convinced them. Hezbollah Joe must go.
Now, he’s gone. And now, I hope the Republicans find a real conservative and a real opponent of Islamic terrorism.
* Paul Welday, CAIR & Iran’s Best Friend Loses Michigan House Race

Paul Welday:

Friend of CAIR, Hezbo, Iranian Hostage-Takers, Muslim Medicaid Defrauders, Loses

I tried very hard to get Republican voters in Detroit suburbs Farmington and Farmington Hills to elect Richard Lerner–a genuine conservative Republican, a brilliant financial mind, and an opponent of Islamic terrorism (who happened to be Jewish)–as the Republican nominee in the primary. But they did not and, instead, chose CAIR-panderer and otherwise sleazy Paul Welday, a supporter of pan-Islamic causes in several arenas, as the Republican nominee. Welday, as then-chief of staff to Hezbollah Joe, helped get Hezbollah the $86 million in our tax money.
I contacted all my friends, again, before this election and let them know about Jihad Paul’s record.
Kerplunk. He lost to liberal Democrat Vicki Barnett.
As with Hezbollah Joe, I hope the Republicans will give us a real conservative with genuine opposition to terrorism and the Islamicization of our country–like Richard Lerner. When that happens, I will support that person wholeheartedly.
Until then, they will continue to get Democrats like Vicki Barnett in what could have been a Republican seat.
* Local Dark Spot: Michigan’s queen-of-skank bimbo county commissioner, Carey Torrice–who thinks she’s a stripper and a model/actress, got re-elected in the Obama tidal wave. At least two more years to laugh at and make fun of her.

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November 5, 2008, - 10:00 am

Sore Winners: You Stay Classy, Obamaniacs

By Debbie Schlussel
This morning, in my entry on favorite Presidential movies, an Obama supporter calling himself “ace-o-aces”, left this classy comment, which echoes some of the e-mails I’ve been getting from Greater Obamania:


Yup, they can’t even be happy with their win. They need to continue the hate, and we will see far more of this escalation downward over the next four years.
Yes. We. Can. escalate the decline of American civilization.

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November 5, 2008, - 9:44 am

America Elects the Vibe Magazine President . . . With Some Help From Little Beirut

By Debbie Schlussel
My friend, Linda, says that America elected the “American Idol” President, yesterday. But–as the trite saying goes–America elected “The Vibe Magazine” President . . . with a little help from a mob of Hezbollah members who now dominate Dearbornistan politics.



Little Beirut Goes For Obama: Dahan Alnajjar Votes in Dearbornistan’s 7th Precinct

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November 4, 2008, - 11:28 pm

Sadness: John McCain Concedes, While Detroit FOX News Affiliate Cuts Away to Video of Obama Supporters’ Gyrations

By Debbie Schlussel
John McCain just finished delivering his concession speech. It’s the classiest, most gracious, most heart-felt concession speeches I’ve ever heard. The guy is a mensch. It was a great speech, well delivered, and sad to hear. If only it was a victory speech.
Also, sad: Detroit’s FOX News affiliate, which is owned and operated by FOX News’ NewsCorp, cut away to scenes of urban Obama supporters doing victory dances and assorted “Soul Train”-style gyrations, while Senator McCain was delivering his concession speech. The audio was the McCain speech, but the video was the Obama hip-hoppers acting like they were in a Diddy video.
Rude, obnoxious, and disgusting on the part of FOX 2 News. Credit that to FOX 2’s classless News Director Dana Kennedy Hahn.
**** UPDATE, 11/05/08: Reader Jim of Rouge Revival writes:

Read your piece this a.m. … and wanted to let you know that I was actually watching the Detroit Fox News Affiliate (Fox 2 Detroit) last night … when they made the executive bone-head decision of the century, to show the “soul train gyration” celebration in Grant Park while John McCain was giving his concession speech. I was appalled as well and followed up this morning with both a phone call to the station, and a certified letter, documenting my disgust AND my choice to now get my local news from Channel 7 Detroit.

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November 4, 2008, - 9:17 pm

Some Favorite Presidential Movies

By Debbie Schlussel
Recently, I was inducted as a member of the Detroit Film Critics Society.
That means that along with Tom Long of The Detroit News and other prominent Detroit-area movie critics, I vote on our choice of the year’s best film, etc. It’s similar to the other film critic societies that each major city around the country has. You often read of their choices for best picture in the national papers.
About a month ago, members of our organization were asked by a Lansing, Michigan reporter to note two of our favorite films depicting American Presidents, real or fictional.
I picked one of each:
* Terry Crews’ portrayal of President Camacho–reader Ari reminds me that his full name is President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho–in the 2006 movie, “Idiocracy“: This is a movie readers of this site know well, since I constantly note how fast we’re approaching that fiction as our reality. If you haven’t seen that movie, you must rent it. Trust me, you’ll love it, since it documents well our dumbing down and decline. I’ve posted this video several times before, but I just can’t get enough of President Camacho’s “State of the Union” address sometime in the year 2500. Pour yourself a glass of Brawndo, because with tonight’s overwhelming vote for Obama, we’re headed there even faster and sooner than expected.

* Charlton Heston’s magnificant portrayal of President Andrew Jackson in his pre-White House days in “The President’s Lady.” A classic, classy movie from 1953.
Which movies and Presidential portrayals would you pick?

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November 4, 2008, - 6:10 pm

Congrats, America!: With Obama Rout, We’re the New Europe

By Debbie Schlussel

**** Bumped Up from 4:26 p.m. ET ****

The best thing I’ve read on today’s election is, “Is America Really Going to Do This?” the column written last week by an outsider looking in–Britain’s great Melanie Phillips. She’s the author of “Londonistan”, who has written about the decline of Europe under Islam and leftism. Now, it’s happening here.
This morning, as I drove around my largely-Black suburb of Detroit, I saw long lines–veeeeery long lines–at many polling places. I’ve never seen anything like it in over two decades of voting. I saw people waiting for hours, parking lots completely parked up with people parked on the side of the road very far from the polling places. I saw lines, even at 10:45 a.m. in my city of 100,000.


And it occurred to me: For years, whenever I heard liberals whine about how the majority of Americans eligible to vote don’t and that they have low turnout, I thought this was a huge compliment to America. They would always compare that to the high voter turnout that regularly occurs in Europe. But in Europe, their countries are unstable. A single election could change everyone’s lives and some would lose everything. In America, we were relatively stable. An election wouldn’t really change our lives. More dummies and slackers stay away from the polls, and America was better off.
But, today, all that changed.
With Black Panthers ruling the polling places and idiocy ruling the minds, America is now unstable. This election will instantly change our lives . . . for the worse. And dummies and the mob mentality are dominating voting booths across America. Our country is now unstable like those of Europe. The numbers of Muslim aliens and U.S.-born Muslims will eventually mirror those of Europe. We’re just a decade or so behind.
Congrats, America. We’re the new Europe.
(No deodorant, lack of showers, and women without shaved pits and legs can’t be far behind . . . along with the Islamic wildings and mobs.
I can already smell it. And it’s malodorous.)

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November 4, 2008, - 5:17 pm

An Orthodox Jewish Reader Laments American Jewry’s Suicide Move For Obama

By Debbie Schlussel
Today, many of my co-religionists jerked with their knee, instead of thinking with their brains, when they overwhelmingly cast their votes for Barack Hussein Obama. Those of us who made the smart decision, today–who actually remembered that we are Jews and that we are Americans, and voted for John McCain are, sadly, very much in the minority.
Reader Scott says in a few sentences what I tried to say earlier today in a very long column about the dominant Jewish idiocy in favor of Obama, which will be our death (maybe not now, but soon enough).
Scott’s letter says it well:

Hello Debbie,
I have become a fan of your website. I am not sure how I first came to it, about a week ago, but I think it was a link from [another site that kicked me off for exposing Darrell Issa’s ties to Hezbollah and Grover Norquist’s jihadism].




Mazel Tov, Obama: The American Jewish Community Has Jumped the Shark

Your article today on the Jewish Federation [DS: censoring a terrorism expert because they are in the tank for Obama despite all the evidence that he is our and America’s enemy] was dead-on.
I am an Orthodox Jew (born to liberal, secular parents), and I completely agree with your assessment of what is happening with the vast majority of secular Jews [DS: who are liberals and support Obama], who are doing everything they can to make sure that America becomes a country that no longer wants us.
Please keep on fighting the good fight, you are a light.
I am heading to a Torah study class tonight, and intend to read parts of your blog to the men there.
Let’s hope for a McCain victory tonight.
May you be Blessed with only Goodness,


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