November 10, 2008, - 11:05 am

Meet Iran’s New Travel Promoter . . . USA Today?!

By Debbie Schlussel
When the country ushers in a President-elect who wants to make nice-nice with the modern-day Hitler-in-waiting, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the country’s most read newspaper, McPaper, apparently feels it’s its job to promote tourism to that bastion of extremism and Jew-, Christian-, and America-hatred.
Who cares about the suffering U.S. economy, and why promote tourism to Maui, Sedona, Coral Springs, or San Diego, when you can promote tourism to that luxe paradise we all wish we could visit . . . Tehran?!
This was the cover story of Friday’s USA Today “Destinations & Diversions” section. It’s written by reporter Laura Bly, who tells us that Iran–this country whose leader says the Holocaust never happened, but wants to bring on the next one–is “welcoming” and “await[s] intrepid Westerners.”
I think a lot of things about Iran, but a “diversion” and “welcoming” aren’t the first words that come to mind–unless you’re an extremist Muslim or one of those three whacked out nutjob self-hating rabbis who agree with the mad Ahmadinejad’s worldview. Yup, USA Today is Iran’s new Ministry of Tourism-American Auxiliary:


And after this article, there was a companion USA Today piece about how not all women in Iran wear the hijab–the Muslim headscarf. Big whoop.
What’s next on the USA Today vacation getaway schedule–early 1940s Auschwitz?

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November 9, 2008, - 12:59 pm

70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht: Too Many of My People Have Forgotten

By Debbie Schlussel
Today is the 70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht–the “Night of Broken Glass”.
On that night, Nazis raided, vandalized, burned down, or otherwise destroyed German Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues, while non-Jewish residents and police and fireman watched and did nothing.
On November 9-10, 1938, more than 90 Jewish people were murdered and about 30,000 Jewish men were sent to concentration camps where they, too, would mostly face death.
Anti-Semitism always dominated Europe, which is why my paternal grandfather’s family left for America at the turn of the century and my paternal grandmother left not long after. But the night of November 9, 1938 marked the official start of the Holocaust–the official symbol that this European anti-Semitism had escalated to a level of even more unspeakable horrors against Jews than previously imagined.


Photos from Kristallnacht, November 9-10, 1938: Jews Arrested and Sent to Concentration Camps, Synagogues and Jewish Businesses Destroyed . . .




It was a loud disruption to the cocooned view of German Jews that they were cultured and mostly assimilated and, many of them, wealthy, and that their fellow Germans would never harm them. On that night, they finally realized that, in fact, they were not the equals in society they’d believed for centuries that they were. As many of my readers and friends have noted this week, these German Jews have their contemporaries in the liberal Jews who voted for Barack Obama and the party dominated by anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment, the Democrats.
They are the same Jews who constantly do “outreach” to Muslims who openly hate them and praise Hezbollah and HAMAS and homicide bombings. They are also the same Jews who love to mindlessly utter the tired “Never Again” phrase, but gladly associate with those who will ensure that in a generation or two it very likely could happen again.
They are Jews like Jewish News owner Arthur Horwitz who, last week, endorsed Obama in his left-wing rag and this week commemorates the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Through all of this, he is engaged in a commercial partnership with Hezbollah agent, Osama Siblani, owner of the Arab American News–who openly praises Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic hate and HAMAS and Hezbollah terrorist attacks on Jews, prints vile anti-Semitic editorials against Detroit-area Jews, and whose brother is an executive of Al-Manar (Hezbollah’s TV station). Horwitz is trying to promote Siblani’s paper and make it more effective and lucrative.
Yes, the “comfortable” German Jews have been reborn (with apologies to the German Jews of those days who even themselves didn’t behave like the Arthur Horwitzes of today). And they have forgotten the sounds of the breaking glass, of the 20 Jewish suicides of that night seventy years ago, of the screams of 30,000 people arrested and sent to the camps, just because they were Jewish.
While there are no Kristallnachts here right now, and Americans from the center to the right–who are not of the Pat Buchanan bent–are largely philo-Semitic, we also saw, just two weeks ago, “Hit a Jew Day” at a St. Louis public school and have seen increasing incidents of anti-Semitism all over America and violent brutal attacks against Jews all over Europe, particularly in France.
I, myself, have endured the death, rape, and torture threats from four American residents–ALL of them Muslim. Today’s Nazis don’t wear the swastika, they wear the crescent. And they find their most vocal supporters on the left and in the party of the left and its new President-elect. And, yes, they have far too many PC-types who are also yes-men–though to a much lesser extent–in the Republican Party.
Seventy years and many have forgotten. I haven’t forgotten. I have the photos of my late maternal grandmother, Adela, and her friends in their Nazi-imposed Gold Jude star patch. And I have the memories of the many stories my late maternal grandfather, Isaac, told me over the years of his struggle to survive in the death camps and his many close calls with it as he subsisted as a bag of bones working in many camps, including Dora.


My Grandmother Adela (2nd Row, Third From Left)

& Her Fellow Yellow Star Wearing Seamstress Friends

Far too many of us have forgotten. Fortunately, a few of us remember.
There are many famous pictures of what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews on that particularly night 70 years ago in Germany and for years to come all over Europe, while Muslims–including Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem–begged them to speed up the Final Solution and export it to include the Middle East and North Africa.
My late father, H.L. Schlussel, MD, used to point to the picture of a Nazi SS soldier pulling a rabbi by his beard. He would juxtapose it with his favorite photo by Allan Tannenbaum, of bearded religious Jews in Israel’s Judah and Shomron–the so-called “West Bank”–protecting their homes and lives with M-16s. “That Was Then, This is Now,” was the slogan my father would put on the makeshift copies of the two photos he put together.
Sadly, as my dad lamented, even the “now” may soon be the “then” because my fellow co-religionists, both in Israel and here in America, do not learn from history. They ignore it.
Today, there are different architects of the Final Solution, but the plan is the same. Unfortunately, our impending President wants to hang out with them–the Ahmadinejads and Khaled Meshaals (of HAMAS) of the world–and they happily send him their congratulations and entreaties.

70 years, but that’s in the past. It could never happen now . . . . Right?

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Sir Edmund Burke

This Is Now, But it Could Soon Be “Then” . . .


My Dad’s Favorite Photo: Allan Tannenbaum Photo of Religious Jewish Settler with M-16, Elon Moreh, Israel, 1988 – Copyright, Allan Tannenbaum.

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November 7, 2008, - 4:37 pm

Your Day in Islamic Grievance Theater

By Debbie Schlussel
An extremist Muslim gets his laptop checked when he returns here from who knows where (that “W” of the basic five Ws in reporting is missing–since the Muslim in question is probably returning from Iran). Yes, Customs agents are actually trying to do their job.
It’s hardly news and certainly not front page news. But it’s both here in Detroit because anytime a Muslim gets a papercut or sneezes, we have to hear about how they are victims of something or another–usually something for which we’re to blame.
Such is the case with Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, a Shi’ite Muslim cleric in Dearbornistan Heights. Today, the fact that Customs and Border Protection officials in Detroit didn’t succumb to the usual PC and checked his laptop, is FRONT PAGE NEWS in the Detroit Newsistan.
Making a Muslim go through these things–things we all must go through because of Muslims who attacked our country and murdered Americans–is a no-no. Especially when a Muslim has to wait–in this case, a whole 20 minutes.



Mohammed Ali Elahi w/Laptop

& With Buddy, Hezbollah Spiritual Leader Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah

What’s not mentioned–of course!–is:
* that Elahi is an Iranian; that he worked for Ayatollah Khomeini as the spiritual leader of his Navy;
* that he’s close buddies with and frequently visits, Hezbollah spiritual leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah–the man who issued the order to blow up our Marines and embassy in Beirut;
* that he was sent here by the Government of Iran and Hezbollah to radicalize Detroit’s Shi’ite community–and that those are the two parties believed to have funded his ornate and lavishly appointed mosque;
* that he repeatedly visits Iran and tries to hide it;
* that he lied on his applications for visas, a green card, and U.S. citizenship and didn’t disclose these things;
* that his mosque is or has been the place of worship for Hezbollah financier Talal Chahine, convicted honor murderer Khalil Chahine, and several indicted and convicted Hezbollah operatives for charges including bank fraud, mortgage fraud, tax evasion, real estate fraud, credit card fraud, etc., etc., ad naseam;
* that more than one of his congregants has been detected with explosive material on their bodies when they returned to America through the Canadian border;
* that at least one of his congregants has been caught with Hezbollah recruitment videos, videos of himself at a Hezbollah training camp, and photos of himself burning the American flag;
* that he has repeatedly defended Hezbollah, HAMAS, terrorism, and homicide bombings in his regular anti-Semitic column in the Detroit Newsistan.
Yes, who cares about these things? Certainly not fabricator/”reporter” Gregg Krupa, who is in bed with Islamists and who many believe is on the take. These unimportant facts about Elahi have no place in an article about how this poor, religious man had his laptop searched. They’re not important security considerations, and we should be more concerned that we make sure we do not check the laptops of anyone who happens to worship Mohammed. It’s simply not nice. And we need to show them how nice America is.
Expect lots of that “making nice-nice” from President Obama.
And that’s today’s edition of . . .
Your Day in Islamic Grievance Theater.
The Waaaaah-mbulance is on its way to pick them up.
BTW, if you know anything about journalism–or even nothing–you know that there are “five Ws” (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) in reporting. That’s so basic, it’s High School Journalism 101.
But the only “W” that seems to matter these days is the “Who”. When that “Who” is a Muslim and he/she is the “aggrieved”, that’s the only thing worthy of reporting, apparently. That’s why we didn’t find out the real “Who”–ie., who Elahi is–and the “Where”, as in from Where was he returning when his laptop was briefly examined.

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November 7, 2008, - 4:20 pm

Weekend Read: “Compassionate Conservatism” Loses Elections & Elects Radicals

By Debbie Schlussel
A Congressman I once worked for used to say, “If you have two slobs, support your own slob.” He meant that Republicans should always support their own liberals as opposed to Democrat liberals running against them.
But, the thing is, our slobs lose elections, especially when the Slob-in-Chief is in the White House and another slob is the next candidate after eight years of fatigue over slop.
As I always say, voters always prefer the real slob (the liberal Democrat who isn’t afraid of what he/she is) versus the fake slob (the Republican who tries to pretend he/she is a moderate and votes like a tax-and-spend PC liberal).
Today, former Congressman Dick Armey has a great piece, “‘Compassionate’ Conservatism Was a Mistake.” As usual, he’s right on the money (as he is about the threat Islam poses to America). An excerpt:


To Survive, GOP Must Take Dick Armey’s Advice

The liberal pundits who embraced the candidacy of Barack Obama are also eager to issue a death certificate for free market capitalism. They’re wrong, and they remind me of what the great Willie Nelson once said: “I’m ragged but I’m right.”
To be sure, the American people have handed power over to the Democrats. But today there is a categorical difference between what Republicans stand for and the principles of individual freedom. Parties are all about getting people elected to political office; and the practice of politics too often takes the form of professional juvenile delinquency: short-sighted and self-centered.
This was certainly true of the Bush presidency. Too often the policy agenda was determined by short-sighted political considerations and an abiding fear that the public simply would not understand limited government and expanded individual freedoms. How else do we explain “compassionate conservatism,” No Child Left Behind, the Medicare drug benefit and the most dramatic growth in federal spending since LBJ’s Great Society?
John McCain has long suffered from philosophical confusions about free markets, and his presidential campaign reflected as much. Most striking was his inability to explain his own health-care proposal, or to defend his tax cuts and tax reform. Ultimately, it took a plumber from Ohio to identify the real nature of Barack Obama’s plan to “spread the wealth.”

Read the whole thing.

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November 7, 2008, - 3:13 pm

Weekend Box Office: Raunchy “Role Models”, “Soul Men” Appeal to Lowest Common Denominator

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m getting really tired of movie comedies that would be more worthy of your ten dollars, were they not so raunchy and vile. That’s the case with both of this weekend’s new offerings, “Soul Men” and “Role Models”. My advice is to skip both and rent a good movie like “The Final Patient” (read my review), instead. Or wait for next week’s selections, including “Quantum of Solace” and “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. I did not review “Madagascar 2”.
* “Soul Men“: This movie, about two members of a former hit Motown-style group (think “The Temptations”, or a male version of “The Supremes”), had an interesting, interesting story and a lot of funny lines. But parts of it were so raunchy, stupid, and silly, that it made the movie entirely unworthy of your $10. You don’t need to be a prude to feel that way. There are only so many utterances of the P-word one should have to endure in a movie (I’d prefer zero).


Parts of it are simply vile. I mean how many gratuitous naked female breast shots must I endure, especially incongruously enormous ones? Haha, funny. Juvenile and moronic, as were the many gratuitous and gross sex scenes, including one where a woman removes her dentures. Blechhhh.
It was clear the movie was trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator in urban America. And in that realm, it succeeded. If you like hip-hop videos and obscene rap songs, you’ll like this. For the rest of us, stay away.
Samuel L. Jackson and the late Bernie Mac play former members of a successful soul/pop group, whose third member has just died. He left them to become a successful soul act, and they left him to become, respectively, a con serving time in jail for coke possession who has become a down-on-his-luck auto mechanic, and a retired car wash magnate. They’re invited to perform at a VH1 tribute to their former partner and overcome their mutual dislike for a cross-country road trip to New York to do the show. Many cameos by the late Isaac Hayes grace this unworthy film.
I would have given this vulgar movie more Marxes in the ratings system, but there were a lot of funny lines, and I liked how they made fun of hip-hop dummies (a hip-hopper think T. S. Elliot is rapper Missy Elliot, and he calls musical instruments, “instrumentators”). (Best line in the movie: “You ain’t had a hit since Ike hit Tina.”) So I give it . . .
* “Role Models: This is basically the White version of “Soul Men” with a different story line. It’s a vulgar buddy movie about two 30-something immature guys who work for an energy drink company and travel to schools making anti-drug presentations. Because of an incident at one of those presentations, they find themselves sentenced to community service, consisting of working as mentors to troubled kids at a “Big Brother/Big Sister” style organization.
The two men, Seann William Scott (“Stiffler” from “American Pie”) and Paul Rudd mentor the kids and get into lots of trouble. One of the kids is a Dungeons-and-Dragons-obsessed nerd (“McLovin” from “Superbad”) and the other is a young Black kid with a foul mouth and obsessions with naked women’s breasts. Need I say more? It’s a really funny movie with a predictable ending, but it’s very low-class and full of gratuitous sexual references, obscenities, and naked butt and breast shots. Enough of this oversexed crap that is so weak it uses this as a crutch.
Um, sorry, but a ten-year-old Black kid speaking like a sewer just isn’t that funny to me. Ditto for his “mentor” (Scott) encouraging the interest in breasts and “enhancing” the dialogue.
Best scene in the movie: Toward the beginning, when Paul Rudd attacks a barista in a Starbucks-esque coffeehouse regarding the pretentious “Venti” and “Tall” names for sizes, something that has annoyed me and many others for years. But that was the only good scene in the movie, and it’s all significantly downhill from there.
The only other redeeming part was the other mentor (Rudd) and his mentee (McLovin), who encourages him to be himself and win at the Medieval fighting re-enactment game he plays. But it wasn’t redeeming enough to make this movie worth your time or excuse the vileness of the rest of it. The movie simply appealed to the lowest common denominator to appeal to teen and frat boy America.

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November 7, 2008, - 12:29 pm

Hilarious: Obama Makes Predictably Absurd Appointment (First of Many)

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, when Michigan Upper Peninsula blogger Orlin Bowman told me that Barack Obama appointed Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm and former Democrat Congressman David Bonior to his economic advisory team, I though Orlin was joking.
Sadly, he was not.
As you may know, the Governatrix Gran-HO–as I like to call her–has presided over the transformation of Michigan to the point of one of its worst economic depressions ever. Yes, Michigan is in a depression, NOT just a recession. And, while some of it is due to the failure of the auto industry, a good deal of it is because of her rampant tax-raises, spending, and hundreds of millions of dollars she’s giving to Hollywood bigwigs to come film movies here, then leave with our money.


Obama Economic Advisor/Michigan Dem Gov. Jennifer “Gran-HO” Granholm, Who Led Michigan’s Depression (w/Crony/ Hezbollah Imam Hassan Qazwini)

What’s next–appointing Ahmadinejad as head of Homeland Security? Well, he’s gonna be talking to him, real soon.
Read Orlin Bowman’s brief, on point remarks about the Obama Gran-Ho appointment. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is just south of Canada, and was once likely to be part of it. Maybe Orlin is considering secession.

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November 7, 2008, - 12:01 pm

Rahm and Ari: More on the Emanuel Bros

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, after I wrote about new Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel and his brother, Hollywood superagent, Ari Emanuel, readers asked for more.
As I noted, the Emanuels’ father, is a brilliant Israeli-American medical doctor who helped in Israel’s fight for independence, passing secret code to Menachem Begin. But, as I also noted, the Bros Emanuel take after Mommy Emanuel, who took them to protests. I also noted that while Rahm Emanuel served as an IDF volunteer during the Gulf War, he’s no hero and forced Yitzchak Rabin to shake hands with Terrorist-in-Chief/mass murderer Yasser Arafat at the White House for a Clintonian photo op. And finally I noted that brother Ari Emanuel represents, among others, thug criminal Mark Wahlberg, annoying Sacha Baron Cohen, and anti-Israel/pro-HAMAS Michael Moore–a likely Obama White House guest.
Since readers wanted to know more, I recommend you read this 1997 New York Times profile of the Emanuels, which–while glowing–gives insight into their upbringing courtesy of their leftist mother (and bright, heroic father).


Bros Emanuel: Ari Emanuel w/Mega-Producer Weinstein; Rahm Emanuel w/Obama

There’s an urban pseudo-principle, “Bros Before Hos”, but an examination of the Emanuel Brothers is a twist on that hip-hop street adage. The Emanuels are simultaneously Bros AND Hos.

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November 7, 2008, - 10:42 am

But Where’s the Rock’N’Roll?

By Debbie Schlussel
Sex and drugs at Obama victory party. Shocker. Reporter smells whiffs of pot in the air. Kinda like Barack’s Columbia and Harvard dorm rooms. Eau de Snoop Dogg.

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November 7, 2008, - 10:01 am

Quote of the Day: Chips-On-Their-Shoulders Still Affixed to Gazillionaire Black Celeb Obama Fans; #1 Movie Star in U.S. Claims America “Reject[s]” Blacks

By Debbie Schlussel
Will HOprah Winfrey ever stop using her show as an Obama-gloatfest? Don’t count on it. Yesterday, two days after the election, HRHSBotU [Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe] Oprah was suppoed to be promoting Will Smith’s upcoming movie, “Seven Pounds,” but instead, she spent the first 25 minutes of her daily TV talk show co-gloating with Smith about Barack Obama’s election.
The display of the matching giant chips–more like boulders–on the shoulders of this pair of gazillionaires was hilarious only in its absurdity. After being asked how he felt about the Obama win by HRHSBotU Oprah, Will Smith answered, thus:

You wanna be a part of America, but we’ve been rejected for so long that it’s hard to take ownership.


HUH?! Did I just hear the number one box office draw in America–the highest paid movie star in Hollywood (who makes $20 million plus per film)–who is embraced over and over in every hit movie he makes by mostly White moviegoers, just say “we’ve been rejected for so long”? Did I just hear him utter the word “we” in conjunction to “rejection” to include the wealthiest woman in the entire entertainment industry–one of the wealthiest women in the entire world and the most influential woman in the world, the woman who was made so by mostly White viewers and O Magazine subscribers? This is “rejection”? Hello . . . ? Earth to Will Smith . . . .
Please tell me what this guy knows from rejection . . . or this calorically-endowed middle-aged woman? Is he referring to “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”–his star vehicle and the show that White American TV viewers turned into the most successful comedy on TV for several seasons running? Is he referring to his stint as a rapper, both as Will Smith and as half of “DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince”, when he became an instant gazillionaire because White teens bought his music in droves?
Sorry, but Will Smith is no sharecropper. He never knew slavery. And he’s never known rejection. Instead, he has been embraced over and over and over again by mostly White audiences and fans. Ditto for Oprah, Tiger Woods, and myriad others over the years. Barack Obama’s election didn’t prove a thing. If they didn’t realize that they’ve been embraced, regardless of skin color, by all of America that made them wealthy and powerful beyond their wildest dreams, they’ll never realize it.
And it’s just absurd to hear the number one movie star tell the number one female entertainer–both of ’em Black–about how “we’ve been rejected for so long.”
Time to dump those garish chips on your shoulders, which make you look like silly fashion victims. They may be all the rage in urban America. But they’re accessories that clash very loudly with your success.
Oh, and by the way, it seems that the other accessory Will Smith likes to wear is that foot-in-mouth lollipop. Remember, this is the guy who not long ago said that Hitler was basically a good person who didn’t wake up in the morning and say, I think I’ll kill some Jews. Uh, yeah, Will, that’s exactly what he woke up saying, every single morning. Get a fricking clue.
He’s also the guy who–on one of many previous visits to the Oprah Show–said that he was surprised to play a Black cowboy in “Wild Wild West” because Black cowboys were unusual. Really? That’s news to the history books, since Blacks were a sizable number of the cowboys in the 1800s and played a big role in the Old West. I’ve written about this repeatedly over the years. But, hey, it interferes with the chip-on-his-shoulder, “rejected-by-America” narrative he prefers. Why let the fact interfere with an agenda? Some people’s favorite role is playing the victim. And they’ll never give it up.
Sooooo tired of this guy’s political pronouncements. Great actor . . . but shut the heck up and act.

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November 6, 2008, - 4:48 pm

It’s Jesse Jr., Senator Jackson If You’re Nasty: Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You

By Debbie Schlussel
Recently, I warned you of yet another negative likely byproduct of an Obama Presidential victory: “U.S. Senator” Jesse Jackson, Jr.
As I noted “Son of Jesse” (like “Bride of Chucky”) is a moderate compared to his loony father. But only slightly. Everything is relative. The guy is one of the most left-wing Congressmen in the U.S. House.
Well, Jesse Jr. is heavily lobbying Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich for the appointment to Obama’s seat, and he’ll probably get it.
Then, there’s the matter of Joe Biden’s seat. Guess who wants that? Another famous son, Beau Biden, the Senator’s son, who is currently Delaware’s Attorney General and preparing for a nine-month National Guard deployment to Iraq.
Goodbye, Senator Barack Hussein Obama . . .


Hello, Senator Jesse Jackson? . . .

Like Father, Like Son: Jesse Jackson, Sr. & Jr.

We just got rid of two political dynasties–Bush and Clinton. Now we may get in their place two far worse ones.
Remember the time when America was a nation of commoners and not a nation of political dynasties and royalty? I mean, isn’t this part of why we broke off from England?

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