November 19, 2008, - 2:26 pm

It’s a Liberal Celebrity Thing, You Wouldn’t Understand: Pitt-Jolie Daughter Wants Male Name Change

By Debbie Schlussel
You’re a bizarro half-assed movie star, who admitted to a cutting addiction and other weird things. Your body is covered in tattoos, and you cheered on Palestinian kids as they sang of murder and terrorism and “revenge” to “take back Jerusalem.” Oh, and you stole your movie star hubby from another movie star wife.
So, you adopt a gazillion United Nations of Bennetton kids as accessories, and have a few of your own out of wedlock–giving them all pretentious names and having them raised by nannies.
And guess what? At age 2 1/2, your daughter wants to become a man:

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s two-and-half-year old daughter . . . Shiloh will only respond to the name ‘John.’


The New Addams Family:

Parents of Shiloh/”John”, Funders of Failed Anti-Prop 8 Campaign


Brad Pitt made this hilarious admission to Oprah Winfrey on her program scheduled to air Nov. 19.

Um, it’s not that hilarious. Just stupid.

“She only wants to be called John. John or Peter. So it’s a Peter Pan thing,” Pitt says. “So we’ve got to call her John. ‘Shi, do you want …’ – ‘John. I’m John.’ And then I’ll say, ‘John, would you like some orange juice?’ And she goes, ‘No!’ So, you know, it’s just that kind of stuff that’s cute to parents, and it’s probably really obnoxious to other people.”

And, of course, her uber-liberal, anything-goes parents put up with and encourage this absurdity.
Today, it’s the name. Tomorrow, it’s the reassignment surgery for “John.” So sad, too bad. No love lost for leftists like Angie Voight who cheer on the murder of innocent civilians by terrorists.
Reader Duane disagrees and thinks this is all a made up story designed for Pitt’s anti-Proposition 8 agenda for gay marriage:

Yeah, I am sure that it was the two year old’s agenda and not the guy that gave $100,000 to fight Proposition 8? Liberals using children for their agendas borders on child abuse.

Duane, I think you’re right.
I don’t know about you, but I’m Jolie-Pitted to death. If only America would write these two hypocrites a “Dear John” letter, and not to their daughter . . . but to them.

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November 19, 2008, - 10:11 am

Good News: Obama Re-Unites Entire Elian Gonzalez Kidnapping Team

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, it’s not the entire Elian Gonzalez Kidnapping Team, since Janet Reno is still off somewhere driving her red truck, watching WNBA games, and enjoying her subscription to the Brush Cut of the Month club.
But with the choices of Greg Craig as White House counsel and Eric Holder as Attorney General, Barack Obama has re-united 2/3 of the Elian Gonzalez Kidnapping Team (puppetmastered from 90 miles away by Castro). Not a good sign for Cuban refugees trying to flee Communism with their kids.
Craig was the Castro-directed lawyer for Elian Gonzalez’s father Juan Miguel Gonzalez, and his fees were paid by the pan-Castroist National Council of Churches. As Assistant Attorney General Holder was the second-in-command to then-Attorney General Reno, and he was in charge of making the final decision to commit the thuggery of sending in the INS to kidnap Gonzalez from his Miami cousins at gunpoint. He orchestrated and oversaw the exercise in jackbootery.



Greg Craig, Eric Holder–Elian Kidnappers:

Former Clintonistas/Current Obama’ites, Helped Deport Elian to Castro Cuba

Castro must be proud that both his gringo boyzz are back in power with the new El-Presidente-Elect.
Here’s what I’ve written about Greg Craig in the past:
* From my 2007 post on Greg Craig:

Craig, who once worked on the staff of Ted Kennedy, served as the lawyer who orchestrated the whole return of Elian Gonzalez to Cuba for a life under Castro’s Communist tyranny. He was chosen by assorted lefties and the Cuban government to “represent” the interests of Elian Gonzalez’s father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, who was then under the thumb of Cuban minders in America. He kept father Gonzalez from defecting, too. And Craig’s legal fees, at the time, were paid by the National Council of Churches. And don’t forget, Craig also helped orchestrate the INS raid, kidnapping Elian from the home of his Miami relatives. That started the whole ball rolling.

* From my April 2000 column on Greg Craig:

Craig was Bill Clinton’s personal attorney in the Lewinsky/Impeachment matter. The same Bill Clinton who wants to open up trade to Cuba. And this little fly, called Elian, is in the ointment. Craig was also a director of policy planning to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, one of the top positions setting foreign policy at the State Department. The foreign policy at the same State Department that’s crawling with Castrophile bureaucrats who’d love to open trade with Cuba while its people suffer in tyranny. Craig also serves on the board of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The same Carnegie Endowment that wants to end the embargo with Cuba, so that its wealthy, elitist members, like Craig, might freely smoke a Cuban cigar. . . .
Isn’t Craig’s bill being picked up by the government of Castro . . . oops, I mean the National Council of Churches(NCC)? Yup, that’s the problem. Nobody’s coming clean about who’s paying Craig’s bill. Probably because, as it’s been rumored, Castro’s been giving the money to the NCC and using the organization as his willing shill. Either way, these two despicable entities–Castro and the NCC–have an agenda. An agenda that’s anti-freedom, pro-tyranny, and 180 degrees from what’s in the best interest of Juan Miguel. And it’s clear that Craig is taking his direction from them, not his client. . . .
While working for Ted Kennedy, he pushed the world to divest from and impose sanctions on South Africa. But Cuba, what a great country to trade with! In coordinating Clinton’s non-policy on Tibet, Craig “smoothed over” Tibetan protests over oppression by the Chinese, so his Boss-in-Chief could hold two garish summits with the Chinese oppressors. This is the Craig-Clinton version of justice.
Craig makes much of his representation of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. But lifting an old guy from tyranny does not allow you to dump a young kid back into it. Solzhenitsyn would never support sending Elian back. And Castro would never support guys like Craig on Cuban soil. Castro threw lawyers who represented pro-democracy Cubans (whose only crime was speech) into the same torturous Cuban prisons with their clients. And Craig represented John Hinckley, Jr., Ronald Reagan’s would-be assassin. Can you imagine what Castro would do to a man who represented his attempted murderer?
Shakespeare said: First, we kill all the lawyers.

To my friends at the U.S. Secret Service, that’s just Shakespeare jokingly saying it. It’s not me recommending it.

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November 19, 2008, - 9:27 am

In Nod to Barack & Blackie O, “America’s Designer” Not Proud to Be American Last 8 Years

By Debbie Schlussel
Is “America’s Designer”, Ralph Lauren, going to return the profits from all of his U.S. sales for the last eight years? You might wanna think twice the next time you’re thinking of buying a Ralph Lauren/Polo shirt or suit. Or even Lauren’s new lower-priced line, “Old Glory”.
Lauren (whose real name is Ralph Lifshitz, but “Polo by Ralph Lifshitz” doesn’t exactly portray the image he’s pimping)–who made billions from American consumers by wrapping his clothes in the American flag and our sense of patriotism–isn’t exactly patriotic.
Lauren told USA Today that–like President-Elect Obama’s wife, Michelle Hussein Obama a/k/a “Blackie O” (shorter version of “the Black Jackie O”)–he wasn’t proud to be an American for the last eight years (see sidebar column–“I Lived What Obama’s Talking About”). And, of course, he’s pimping himself to be the new designer outfitter of Blackie O’s White House haute couture:


Fake Cowboy Ralph Lifshitz Lauren:

Pimps Out America for Obama & Blackie O

The country of the past eight years is “not the America I want to be a part of,” Lauren says, although it’s “still my country,” he’s quick to point out. He has hope in Obama. “I’m very excited. I think he’s going to be effective. I have confidence in him. He will equalize America.” . . .
Lauren says he’d be thrilled to outfit the new first family.

We know that, like Hollywood, most designers are uber-liberals. But you’d think that–in the interest of good business–a designer wouldn’t exactly trash the biggest market for his clothing, the market that made him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams after a humble beginning as a Lifshitz of Brooklyn.
I didn’t see Ralph Lauren returning the gazillions he made from American consumers over the past eight years–the citizens of that country he didn’t want to be a part of. I didn’t see him giving up the Hamptons mansion and swanky digs in suburban New York for a hovel in Pakistan over the last eight years. He seemed pretty happy to cash his checks here over the last eight years–ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching.
I didn’t see Lauren/Lifshitz stop his selling of the American image of sporty rugged individualism over the last eight years of his not wanting to be a part of it. I didn’t see him say for the last eight years: I’m taking a time out because I’m no longer proud of the American dream and aspirations for upward mobility that I’m selling.
I have a lot of Ralph Lauren Polo clothing left over from the ’80s. It’s classic and timeless–never going out of style. My junior high classmate and friend, Adam Helfman, and I used to only wear Polo in 8th and 9th grades at Hillel Day School. We wore this stuff because we thought it embodied all that’s great about America–the rugged outdoors and the great west of American history; and the clothing that we two Jewish Americans wore to symbolize that, unlike anywhere else in the world, in America, we, too, could achieve the status of those to whom the manor were born.
In college, I wrote a term paper about the America and patriotism Ralph Lauren was selling, the same America and patriotism I thought made him a success. Apparently, the patriotism was phony, and the America–well, he didn’t exactly believe in it.
Apparently, Ralph Lauren doesn’t actually buy into the dreams he was selling to middle class America through his designer duds. At least he didn’t for the last eight years. Which means I don’t buy what he’s selling for the next 8 . . . or 80.
Don’t be shocked if, after throwing the last eight years of America under the bus, he’s suddenly the designer of one of Blackie O’s inaugural gowns or outfits.
Like I said before, there is so much throwing of people and country under the bus by those associated with Barack Obama, pretty soon they’ll need to replace the buses with monster trucks. Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

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November 18, 2008, - 2:45 pm

Anti-2nd Amendment Liberal Gun Kitsch; PLUS, a Great Holiday Idea For “Man w/ The Golden Gun”

By Debbie Schlussel
Don’t you just love how the many liberal celebs who want to take our guns and Second Amendment rights away are always the ones with bodyguards with guns? And the ones who love to hypocritically glorify guns as a fashion or showbiz “statement.”
Take this celebrity–the male half of the Madonna-Guy Ritchie divorce. Check out the shoes–the heels on those babies. US Magazine claims the this person is “politically aware and pushing the buttons.” Uh, no, she’s politically left and pushing the hypocrisy. The fashion statement being made is: I’m against guns for you because they’re dangerous and not cool. But look at me–aren’t I dangerously cool with these guns?


Most of us don’t have $2,200 to waste on a single pair of gun-heeled shoes. We actually need real guns to protect our mere $202 for a month’s worth of food.
Oh, and check this out from a past issue of one of my favorite magazines, “Ready Made”. It’s a do-it-yourself and craft magazine (I’m a very artistic, crafty, sewing/painting/drawing/gluing kind of person and have sewn and made a lot of cool things, of which I’ll post photos in the future). But the magazine is based in Berkley and, sadly, is constantly subtly pimping left-wing lifestyles, like gay marriage on cover, which is extremely annoying when the stuff inside is so good.
Here’s a cool project these Berkleyites–who’d take away our guns in a heartbeat–featured in a past issue a few years ago. I’m going to make one. Even though Black Friday is a week-and-a-half off, this would make a cool gift, and I think you could do it for less than the $80 estimated cost. It may be that this is the only semiautomatic gun you can own, if President-Elect Obama has his “bitter anti-gun-clinging” way. And with the new Bond flick out, it’s a way to make your man (or woman) the new “Man with the Golden Gun” (or paint it a different color if you don’t like Gold).




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November 18, 2008, - 2:38 pm

Hmmm . . . Guess Which Party Always Brings Back the Draft . . . & Is Talking About it Now?

By Debbie Schlussel

If You’re Worried About Doing Fifteen Jumping Jacks, the Answer is Yes.

–New Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel pimps draft and mandatory national service to NY Daily News. And the joys of living in barracks from age 18-25.

Well, I guess if you never really registered for the draft until you and your buddies forged it at age 47–and are now Commander-in-Chief–you ain’t gotta worry.

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November 18, 2008, - 2:29 pm

Video of the Day: Paris Hilton Voters–“How Obama Got Elected”

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve made this point before . . . several times. And I’ll say it again: Election Day is the Million Moron March. Or in the case of this November, the 63 Million-Plus Moron March. Compare how much they know about Congress versus how much they know about Sarah Palin’s personal life. You can skip the first 42 seconds (which is annoying Obama music):

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November 18, 2008, - 12:54 pm

Sad Non-Joke of the Day: Michigan GOP Chair Who Pandered to Hezbos, Helmed Mass GOP Losses Wants to Run RNC

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s been front-page news here in Detroit that Michigan Republican Chair Saul Anuzis is running for the Chairmanship of the Republican National Committee.
But if you care about freedom and about the Republican party standing up against Islamic terrorists, Anuzis ain’t your guy. And beyond that, if you want to win elections with candidates possessing core conservative values–or win any elections at all with any candidates at all–Anuzis is the last guy you want.
In fact, if the Republicans elect Saul Anuzis as Chairman of the Republican National Committee, they clearly want to lose more elections and get wiped off the political map.


RNC Chair Candidate Saul Anuzis: Recruited Hezbos to Michigan GOP

Anuzis, in his several years atop the Michigan Republican Party has lost control of the Michigan Senate (in 2006), lost a Gubernatorial election with a billionaire candidate who spent about $35 million of his own money, and lost just about everything else. And don’t forget Anuzis’ own hand-picked candidate for the Michigan Supreme Court–liberal, pro-choice trial lawyer and Geoffrey Fieger associate Marc Shulman. Shulman barely beat the Libertarian candidate for Supreme Court Justice.
When John McCain pulled out of Michigan, an inept, unprepared Anuzis had almost no money to give his candidates, despite two years of warnings that the state GOP was in debt and needed cash for campaigns. What kind of Republican chairman relies on an out-of-state campaign’s cash to rise the tides of all of its candidates?
A bad one. And not one you’d wish on the national Republican party. Unless they want to go the way of the Whigs. Or the LaRouchies.
And then, as I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, there’s Saul Anuzis’ “outreach” to extremist Shi’ite Muslims who openly support Hezbollah and are tied to its finance. Anuzis recruited anti-war activist, open Hezbollah cheerleader, and vocally anti-Israel Nasser Beydoun to run as Michigan’s U.S. Senate candidate. Anuzis bragged about this to a Detroit Newsistan columnist and to Lincoln Day dinner audiences throughout Michigan.
But Beydoun openly praised Hezbollah as “the martyrs” and “the freedom fighters” at several pro-Hezbollah rallies. And Beydoun was openly anti-war well before Anuzis pandered to and recruited him. That’s not to mention Beydoun’s foundation, which sends hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hezbollah’s stronghold of Bint Jbeil. The foundation is directly tied to Hezbollah financing and fugitive indicted Hezbollah financier Talal Chahine, whom Beydoun eagerly defends in the Detroit media.
I asked Saul Anuzis if he would end his open “outreach” a/k/a pandering to Shi’ite Muslims who openly support Hezbollah. He refused.
You really want this guy running for RNC Chairman?
Anuzis claims he should be RNC Chair because he embraces the web, has a blog, and uses e-mail. Big whoop. So does everyone. And yet, he still loses elections. Why would Republicans reward and promote a loser?
Don’t rule his chances out. Despite the hype about Michael Steele (who’d be an excellent choice) and others, Anuzis has the inside track to the 100 representatives to the RNC who vote on this.
Make sure your state National Committee people vote no on Hezbollah “outreach” and Michigan Republican ineptitude and say no to Saul Anuzis. Or you might see a lot of Nasrallah fans lunching with him at the Capitol Hill Club.
One other thing: Saul Anuzis is also a liar. I’ve known him for many years, and when I was general counsel for the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative–Ward Connerly’s victorious ballot proposal to rid Michigan of race-, sex-, and ethnicity-based affirmative action in public admissions, hiring, and promotions, I called Saul on behalf of our campaign. Saul made a commitment to me that he would not only not oppose us, but that he’d eventually embrace our initiative and promote it. Instead, he opposed us. You cannot trust this guy. Period.

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November 18, 2008, - 12:15 pm

Happy B-Day, Mickey: My Favorite American Icon Turns 80

By Debbie Schlussel
Mickey Mouse, to me, symbolizes everything great, light, and funny about America. He’s one of my favorite symbols of America and American kitsch. The animated Disney character turns 80, today, and still has a spring in his step, even if he was defamed and appropriated by Hezbollah in the last couple of years. My favorite Mickey appearance is as the sorceror’s apprentice in “Fantasia.”


It’s also auspicious that in the same year Mickey Mouse turns 80, 63 million plus Mickey Mice chose Barack Obama as President. Below is the “new and improved” hip-hop Mickey and terrorist keffiyeh-wearing Mickey, in honor of the occasion.

**** UPDATE: Jimmy Lewis of Rouge Revival has a lot of great stuff on Mickey Mouse’s 80th. Check it out.

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November 17, 2008, - 9:48 pm

HILARIOUS: Video Of the Day – “That’s a Knife”

By Debbie Schlussel
One of the greatest movie scenes of the ’80s “re-enacted” by Lego (19 seconds):

Now, here’s the original version–I almost like the toy version better (47 seconds):

And here are a couple of very quick good ones (too quick, actually–9 seconds and 3 seconds)–I definitely prefer these to the real-life Gov. of Cauliflower:

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November 17, 2008, - 7:59 pm

More Evidence That . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . PhD = BS. Not that we needed any.

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