December 2, 2008, - 2:43 pm

BARF!: FBI Agent Keeps Muslim Prayer Rug in Office To Impress Muslims

By Debbie Schlussel
The guy pictured below in the tie-less bad Don Johnson/”Miami Vice” look from the ’80s is Drew Parenti, FBI Special Agent in Charge of Sacramento.
But this brown-nosing uber-panderer isn’t auditioning for the role of Crockett or Tubbs (either of whom frankly would be more competent at dealing with the enemy). No, he doesn’t have a tie on because Muslims–the most extreme among them–don’t respect ties. It’s Western garb, and they want the world to know, Ahmadinejad-style, that they reject all things western. So congrats, Agent Parenti, you’re now a graduate of the Islamist School of Barbaric Fashion.


Would Don Johnson do this?

FBI Agent Drew Parenti Drools Over Muslims @ Masjid Annur, Sacramento

And if pandering at an Al-Qaeda fundraising mosque isn’t enough, Special Agent Parenti keeps a Muslim prayer mat in his office to impress Muslims. Awww, isn’t that special. If it were the 1930s, I suppose he’d keep SS paraphernalia in his office. Or maybe a special “Jewish leather” lampshade:

For months, Sacramento’s top FBI agent kept a Muslim prayer rug in his office.
It was for Imam Mohamed Abdul Azeez, religious leader of the SALAM Islamic Center in Sacramento, who attended a citizens’ academy with Drew Parenti at the FBI office.
Parenti hasn’t converted to Islam. He’s been trying to convert Muslim leaders who might be suspicious of his agency after 9/11 and the Lodi terrorism case.
And, after years of distrust, Azeez and other local Muslims believe they have found a friend in Parenti.

Translation: “Friend” in this case means “useful idiot.”

The local FBI chief has visited several of the area’s 14 mosques, ready to answer tough questions. He also has recruited an Egyptian Muslim agent who is known to the community and worships regularly at SALAM (Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims) and other local mosques.
Local FBI agents and Muslim American leaders now come together “through friendship and partnership, not eavesdropping,” Azeez said.

Oh, goody. I feel so much safer now.

Two months after he arrived in Sacramento, Parenti recalled, he was intrigued by a newspaper headline, “New-Wave Imams,” featuring Azeez, who had just become imam at SALAM.
“I realized I did not know much about Islam,” he said.

Um, you still don’t know much about Islam, brother.

Parenti said the FBI understands “the overwhelming majority” of Muslims “want the same things we all want – they want safety for themselves, for their family.
“They want the freedom to express their views and pursue their faith without fear of retribution or harassment,” Parenti added. “There’s the same exact sense of shared American values that everybody else has.”

Well, he got part of it right. They do want safety and freedom of religion and expression for themselves and their families, just not for us. That’s not the “sense of shared American values that everybody else has,” buddy.
Note who the FBI picks for this task. A guy with no knowledge of Islam, whose expertise is drug-trafficking in Mexico. Yup, that’s the guy you want “outreaching” to Muslims . . . if you’re a Muslim.

Parenti, a graduate of California State University, San Diego, with a degree in Spanish, is a 24-year FBI veteran. He once supervised the anti-drug trafficking program in Mexico City.

They got the tabula rasa they wanted in this sycophantic ignoramus.
J. Edgar Hoover is turning over in his bra.

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December 2, 2008, - 1:16 pm

Just Got Back From Seeing Clint Eastwood’s “Gran Torino”

By Debbie Schlussel
I just got back from a critics’ screening of Clint Eastwood’s new movie, “Gran Torino,” and I’m floored. I loved, loved, loved it. “Dirty Harry” is back. Yes, I know it’s not a Dirty Harry movie, but if you liked Eastwood in the days when he played law and order tough guys who got the bad guys–as opposed to the contemporary Eastwood of anti-war and pro-euthanasia movies–you’ll love this.
I can’t post a review yet until the movie comes out, but I can tell you I plan to give it FOUR REAGANS PLUS. It’s definitely one of the best movies of the year. I bet it does mega-profits at the box office, as opposed to his recent anti-war bombs. This is the kind of movie Americans wanna see.
If you’re counting your pennies, as we all are in these tough times, and can only see one movie over the holidays, this is the one. Well worth the ten bucks. The movie comes out on Christmas Day in limited release and wider release after.
Stay tuned for my review right before Christmas. For now, here’s the trailer:

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December 2, 2008, - 9:32 am

In Mumbai, a New Spielberg Movie Idea

By Debbie Schlussel
After the massacre of 6-8 Jews at the Chabad Lubavitch Nariman House in Mumbai, I thought, Hey, when does Steven Spielberg do the movie?
Ya know–he could take the story of the Jews tortured and then executed by Islamic terrorists and do with it what he did in “Munich.” Based on what he did in that silver screen abomination, imagine the possibilities for a future Shlemielberg epic film, “Mumbai”:
* Ignore the touching stories of Rabbi and Mrs. Holtzberg and their child, who is now an orphan, just like Spielberg did regarding the Munich victims’ children, and focus on the cutness and innocence kiddies of the terrorists who planned this attack.
* Show us what humanitarians and classy people the Islamic terrorists were–make up fictional stuff about how they bought bread at gourmet bakeries and had their daughters learn to play classical piano. Tres chic.


“Mumbai” Artwork by David Lunde/Lundesigns

* Illustrate what nice guys these terrorist savages were because, like he did in “Munich”, he could make up a fake account of how an Islamic terrorist gave the Mossad agent assigned to kill him, an aspirin for his headache.
* Show that it’s really pointless and an outrage to go after those who planned the attacks because, hey, violence breeds violence, and going after the Munich terrorists brought us 9/11, right?
* Invent a fictional Mossad agent who is all weighed down by Jewish guilt and BS liberal doubt and just wants to quit because he can’t handle the killing of these “innocent” not-so-innocent terrorists.
It’s not so far-fetched. Don’t be surprised if 30 years from new, a gerontological Spielberg or one of his ilk in Hollywood does yet another revisionist version–a la Spielberg’s “Munich”–of yet another horrific terrorist attack–and those who seek a just and deserving response to terror that doesn’t involve nudge ACLU lawyers.
That’s just the way everything coming out of Lalaland is these days, regardless of the horrid box office bottom line for this drek.
Yes, I know–most of the terrorists are dead, but six are still alive and the others who planned this are alive, too, just as the planners of the Munich massacre were alive and the ones the Mossad put rightful hits on.

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December 2, 2008, - 9:28 am

The First Half of This is Funny

By Debbie Schlussel
The Monopoly Man goes bankrupt. I am posting this only because I like the first half. The second half is, well, disgusting.
At the beginning, this video was cute and well-done about the economic times we are in. But in the last half , it goes significantly downhill with truly tasteless humor. I suggest watching until 1:15 or so. Just remember, I’m Debbie Schlussel, and I approve only the first half of this message. Definitely not the second half.

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December 2, 2008, - 9:01 am

Just One Question About That Gauche $30K Ring Obama’s Buyin’ For the Missus

By Debbie Schlussel
Who is the “other woman”?
Hey, this is the “new” Camelot, done Fitty-Cent style [no, it’s not a typo–rapper “50 Cent” pronounces his nickname minus the second “f”]. And the ring has echoes of the garish multi-million dollar ring Kobe Bryant gave his wife after, you know, “the incident in Colorado.”
Oh, and by the way, what was that Obama was saying about the “greed” and “corporate excesses” of Wall Street? What was that he was saying to Barbara Walters about how they shouldn’t be able to spend on these high ticket items, while America hurts and shareholders are suffering?
Hmmm . . . look in the mirror, Mr. Egalitarian. It’s not me who’s playing the politics of envy. He did that for the last two years-plus. After all that, buying this gaudy ring–that resembles Home Shopping Network fare, if not the pricetag–is beyond hypocritical. So much for Michelle Hussein Obama’s faux “I shop at J. Crew” any-woman BS.


All That Glitters is Not Black Gold:

Is Obama Ring Just a Gift or Over-The-Top “I Cheated” Guilt-Ring?

By the way, $30,000 or not, that ring isn’t just gauche, it’s hideous. Looks like something someone who just won the Powerball jackpot would buy to show, “Hey, I’m Somebody!”
More proof that money doesn’t buy taste. Or class.
Exit question: Doesn’t this ring look like it came from Diddy’s or Snoop’s pinky finger in a rap video from five years ago? Or on the finger of one of the scantily-clad skanks they hired to shake her butt to the camera?
The New Hip-Hop Camelot . . .

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December 1, 2008, - 2:19 pm

Faux Condemnations and Burial Plot Pretense: Crocodile Tears From Muslims Over Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

By Debbie Schlussel
Some ignorant conservatives, along with the predictable liberal mainstream media, are falling for the crocodile tears from Muslims in response to the Mumbai attacks perpetrated by Muslims.
First, there’s CAIR–the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the HAMAS front-group and unindicted co-conspirator in terrorism. CAIR “condemned” the attacks. But, in fact, in its faux-“condemnation” declined to mention the Jewish and Israeli hostages, only mentioning Brits and Americans. That’s because CAIR doesn’t actually condemn the attacks on the Jews or their executions.
And even had CAIR specifically condemned those, it would be phony, since it has always been CAIR’s policy never to condemn homicide bombings and attacks on innocent civilians by Hezbollah, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, etc. Those are no different than the attacks of last week.



The Real Islam

Oh, and lest you miss the real point of CAIR’s “condemnation”, I’ll repeat it for you, here. It’s not about the victims. It’s about the Muslims–you know, the “real victims” of all terrorism (despite the fact that they are almost always the perpetrators and almost never the victims):

The Washington-based group [CAIR] also asked the Indian government to protect all its citizens from the type of retaliatory attacks that have taken place following similar incidents in the recent past.

Because you know, Muslims who murdered dozens and wounded hundreds are not the ones who are really violent. It’s the “retaliatory attacks”–the “backlash” that never happens and, frankly, should happen or the terrorism will continue–that should be our priority.
Then, there are the Indian Muslim cemeteries, which are letting you know–to great mainstream media reception–that they won’t accept the remains of the Islamic terrorists for burial.
Wow, thanks for the favor.
It’s really surprising to me that some so-called conservatives are sooooo ignorant and uncritically thinking when it comes to Islam that they bought these crocodile tears hook, line, and sinker.
But here’s the real scoop. Muslims in India know that non-Muslims there are sick and tired of their crap and far less PC about Islam. They don’t want further bad publicity or gravesites that will be scenes of deserved vandalism and protests. This ain’t about doing the right thing. Or about charity. With Islam, it never is.
When they start denying burial plots to HAMAS and Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad and Fatah homicide bombers and terrorists at Islamic cemeteries all over the world (and especially in the Mid-East), then it’s something to take note of. Until then–as in when hell freezes–this is a calculated, empty, cheap PR ploy. That’s something Islam knows how to do well.
They aren’t doing this out of kindness, but out of recognition that it will bring increased, deserved ill will toward them from non-Muslims in India who are sick and tired of their crap.
Oh, and by the way, I’m sure the Paki Muslim cemeteries will happily oblige. Don’t you worry your little heart about it.
Calling any favorable attention to this story is like gushing over the “the hijackers hijacked our religion” crap we constantly heard after 9/11.
All BS. Pure bullcrap.
Muslim “condemnations” of Muslim terror attacks? Muslim “denial of burial plots” to Muslim terrorists?
Three letters: B-F-D. Big Deal, with a very appropriate adjective in the middle.

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December 1, 2008, - 12:36 pm

Department of Theresa Bertucci’s Brother’s Funeral Security

By Debbie Schlussel
The Department of Homeland Security apparently underwent a name change, recently. It’s now the Department of Theresa Bertucci’s Brother’s Funeral Security.
Last week, I told you how Homeland Security Blackface-Expert-with-a-GED, Theresa Bertucci, illegally and improperly pulled several of the scarce few Federal Protective Service Police from guarding federal buildings in New York, so that they could sit outside her brother’s funeral at Saint Raphael’s Church in East Meadow, New York.
The self-important Ms. Bertucci is Deputy Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). She well knows that it’s a complete abuse of power and authority, aside from the fact that it’s an illegal use of taxpayer funds.
Here are the shots of your federal Homeland Security dollars at work:



FPS Police Guard Theresa Bertucci’s Bro’s Funeral @ St. Raphael’s Church:

The Police You Pay to Protect Federal Buildings Must Protect a Bureaucrat’s Family Function?

While federal buildings–atop terrorists’ lists of top targets–went unguarded, Theresa Bertucci improperly and illegally used your federal tax money to look important in front of family members who no doubt aren’t very impressed with this fake-it-till-ya-make it former clerical worker with little experience who now thinks she’s a cop or a Kennedy (take your pick). But Federal Protective Service Police are, by law, only permitted to guard federal buildings, not pretentious officials’ brothers’ funerals.
It’s apparently lost on Bertucci that a funeral is about remembering the deceased, not about showing off the faux-accoutrements of his sister’s power. But even if she doesn’t get that, she, at the very least, should have had a “Duh!” moment about how illegal and improper this was.
But not this GED achiever, who also didn’t have a “Duh!” moment when she gave a federal employee dressed in Blackface a “Best Original Costume Award.” And yet, she’s still there.
Bertucci has repeatedly tried to kill the Federal Protective Service and cut its personnel. Despite being rebuffed by Democrats in Congress, she succeeded anyway by cutting the pay of FPS police and agents and causing many to quit. Oh, and the ones who are left have to sit outside her brother’s funeral as some sort of accessory that shouts, “Don’t you know who I am?”
What if someone were to attack one of the buildings that these agents didn’t protect that day? There are that few FPS officers that this was the case–buildings went unguarded so that Bertucci could look important and feel special.
Would this answer suffice if people died in a terrorist attack?:

Well, I couldn’t protect that building, Sir. I was ordered to protect Deputy Assistant Secretary Bertucci’s Brothers’ funeral, instead.

It’s incredible that Bertucci is not only the Second-in-Command at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the top transition official for ICE.
Talk about poor judgment. Not just hers, but every idiot that advanced this idiot in her curiously rising career.
Oh, and by the way, Bertucci used her pull at ICE for more cronyism. That’s how her daughter, Nicole Bertucci, got hired as Freedom of Information Act Officer for Department of Homeland Security Policy (after a series of other jobs Mommy got her at the department). Hmmm . . . I wonder how a FOIA request about her mother would be complied with.
I invite my readers to contact the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security regarding this improper use of taxpayer money.
Also note that several ICE officials–who should have been spending the day you paid them to work on immigration enforcement, enforcing our immigration laws–spent the day improperly using government vehicles to attend Bertucci’s brother’s funeral.
Were illegal aliens hiding in his coffin? If not, their attendance and use of federal vehicles was entirely improper and not permitted under ICE rules.
From my sources:

Among attendees at the funeral were ICE Office of Investigation and Detention and Removal Operations senior leadership from the local area. From Federal Protective Services, Region 2 Deputy Regional Director Chris Pappas and Region 2 Threat Management Branch Chief Denis McGowan were present. Both arrived in government vehicles and were most likely on official time. Though these senior Regional managers were likely directed to appear, ethically they should have refused knowing that their attendance at the funeral using a government vehicle and on official time would be a violation of federal law.
The mandatory penalty for misuse of a government vehicle is a 30-day suspension. Title 31 of the U.S. Code, section 1349(b), states that an employee who willfully misuses or authorizes the misuse of a government vehicle shall be suspended for at least one month, and could even be fired. This is also outlined in the ICE Table of Offenses and Penalties, page 21, item K.4., among other offenses.

Exit Questions: Do you think your employer would give you a paid day off (and free limo service) to your fellow employee’s brothers’ funeral?
Do you think your employer would let you take company security officials away from company facilities to guard your brother’s funeral?
Do you really think terrorists know–or care–who Theresa Bertucci is? Do you think they’d target her brother’s funeral?
Frankly, from what I know about her, not only would terrorists be happy with her in power at Homeland Security and ICE, they’d want her to be President.
So long as Alfred E. Neuman isn’t available. (With apologies to Mr. Neuman for daring the comparison.)


Blackface Expert, ICE #2 Theresa Bertucci:

Illegally Used FPS Police As Bling @ Bro’s Funeral

(Theresa Bertucci Blackface Image by David Lunde/Lundesigns)


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December 1, 2008, - 11:40 am

Indian Homeland Security Chief Does the Work Some Americans Won’t Do

By Debbie Schlussel
After the 9/11 attacks, not a single FBI or CIA official was fired. Not a single one had the honor and decency to resign. In fact, as I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, FBI officials who repeatedly thwarted FBI Special Agent Harry Samit’s efforts (see also here)to uncover the 9/11 plot through Zaccarias Moussaoui’s hard drive, were promoted and retired with huge pensions. The fact that they and FBI Director Robert Mueller repeatedly failed the most basic counterterrorism knowledge in lawsuit deposition questions, had no effect. And agents who tried to do their jobs–like Samit and Robert Wright–were persecuted.
And with screw-up after screw-up, not a single Department of Homeland Security official has had the decency to resign (except the guy who was caught soliciting underaged sex online). Hurricane Katrina management, Blackface awards at costume parties, continuing TSA security breaches–none of these were cause for Michael Chertoff, Julie Myers, or Kip Hawley to resign their posts.


Classy Ex-Indian Homeland Security Chief Shivraj Patil:

Resigned Over Failure to Stop Mumbai Attacks

Now, we see how real law enforcement officials with class, dignity, and honor behave . . . in India:

On Sunday, with corpses still being pulled from the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower hotel, . . . [Indian] Home Affairs minister Shivraj Patil stepped down from the job to take “moral responsibility” for not stopping the attacks.

And there’s more similar dignified behavior. Failed politicians resign in India, too, after they practiced incompetence by ignoring warnings of Muslims bringing explosives on boats:

Mumbai state head offers to quit
The chief minister of the Indian state of Maharashtra has offered to resign amid criticism of the handling of the Mumbai attacks.
Vilasrao Deshmukh said he was awaiting a Congress party decision. His deputy, RR Patil, has already resigned.
Correspondents say there are calls for more resignations amid questions over the response to the attacks, and whether all the gunmen have been found. . . .
Mr Deshmukh told a press conference on Monday: “I have offered to resign. If the responsibility of the attacks is on the chief minister, then I will go.” . . .
Also, Reuters news agency quoted Damodar Tandel, head of Maharashtra’s main fishermen’s union, as saying he had warned the government about attempts to bring RDX explosives to Mumbai by sea but no-one acted on the information.

Hmmm, that last part sounds just like America.
**** UPDATE: Reader Infidel Pride, who is from India and has always provided great insight into the country, writes that this isn’t actually so classy or dignified:

All the Indian resignations you are describing above were forced by the party chief in private, and offered by the fired officials in public. Reason is simple – India has elections coming up latest 6 months from now, and suddenly, jihad is front and center. Given the number of terror attacks on India over the last year, this resignation or firing was actually long overdue.
The other 2 politicians who are resigning – one of them called last weekend’s carnage a ‘small thing that happens every day’, and that comment provoked outrage, given that the jihadis were/are planning to kill 5000 infidels. The other official took his actor son and producer friend to one of the gutted hotels, thereby displaying crass judgment, and that’s why he’s on his way out.
Nothing noble on their parts.

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December 1, 2008, - 10:50 am

Most Ironic Black Friday Bumper Sticker

By Debbie Schlussel
I laughed when I walked through the Target parking lot on Black Friday and saw this bumper sticker on one of the cars:

Out of a Job Yet? Keep Buying Foreign


Um, just where does this person think 85%-plus of Target’s products are made?
Here’s a hint: You won’t see the “Made in America” label much at Target.
But you will see “Made in China” and “Made in Taiwan” on a lot of those TVs an other electronics you bought in doorbuster deals.
And you will see “Made in Jordan,” “Made in Syria,” “Made in the United Arab Emirates,” “Made in Indonesia,” and “Made in Malaysia” on most of Target’s clothes and workout gear. Guess what all of those countries have in common?
Here’s another hint: They’re all from the “Religion of Peace,” and vast majorities in all of these countries–including the workers who made those clothes and whose salaries you finance by buying them–all openly support terrorist groups like HAMAS, Hezbollah, and even Al-Qaeda. They hate America, but aren’t missing the opportunity to make a buck off the bargain-conscious U.S. consumer.
It’s, frankly, too late to push for buying Made in America purchasing. We’ve shipped almost all of our manufacturing elsewhere. We’ve, sadly, become a consumer nation . . . to our detriment.
And if the bumper sticker I saw was meant to be about buying American cars, well those, too, as I’ve previously written, are not necessarily made in America. The parts on some American cars are made outside of the U.S., and some whole American cars are made elsewhere. Meanwhile foreign cars, like Toyota and Mitsubishi, are often made here in the U.S.
It’s murky, and it’s virtually impossible to “Buy American” anymore.
Here’s my bumper sticker:

Out of a Job Yet? Keep Driving Around with Dumb, Meaningless Bumper Stickers to Black Friday Events

Actually a better one–now passe–would have been:

Out of a Job Yet? Keep Voting for Obama

Well, it can be used in 2012.
Read my July column, “Is Buying American Patriotic?


Buying American: Hard to Do, These Days

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December 1, 2008, - 9:56 am

Murdered Mumbai Jews Were Tortured by Islamic Terrorists, Were Disproportionate # of Foreign Victims

By Debbie Schlussel
As per their usual, the “Religion of Peace” members who slaughtered at least six–and probably eight–Jews at the Mumbai Lubavitch Chabad House, first tortured their Jewish victims before they executed them.
We’ve seen it before. We’ll see it again, as long as we continue to do nothing to crackdown on this most barbaric, savage group of cultist Moongod worshippers:

Jewish victims made up a disproportionate number of the foreigners killed after 10 Muslim fanatics stormed a series of sites in the Indian financial capital.


Members of the beleaguered Jewish community in Mumbai gathered at a crumbling synagogue for a memorial for Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka, who ran the cultural centre targeted by the Deccan Mujahideen.
The couple’s son, Moshe survived after his nanny, Sandra Samuel escaped with him in her arms 10 hours after the hostage incident started. The child cried “Ima” and “Dada,” or mummy and daddy, as the service began.
Mosche’s grandparents have arrived from Israel to take the orphaned boy home and there is intense pressure to grant Miss Samuel a visa by declaring her righteous among the gentiles.
Two countries have posted officials at the JJ Hospital morgue but there are at least twice as many Israeli disaster specialists as British consuls representing the former colonial power.
Israeli officials confirmed six Jews were dead but the figure is likely to rise to eight. The total number of foreigners killed in the attacks stands at 22.
A forensic team arrived on a specially chartered flight on Sunday night. “There are still a few yet to be identified – not a lot, under five – and this is why we need the forensic team,” an Israeli diplomat said. “And there are two or three Israelis unaccounted for and we have a couple of bodies that could be them.”
Doctors expressed horror at the condition of the bodies recovered from the Nariman Building, which housed the Orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch retreat.
“I have seen so many dead bodies in my life, and was traumatised,” a mortician said. “It was apparent that most of the dead were tortured. What shocked me were the telltale signs showing clearly how the hostages were executed in cold blood.”

Carl in Jerusalem has more on the torture of the murdered Jews in Mumbai and how the Muslims were specifically told to target and kill Jews and Israelis. Read it.
Oh, and by the way, here’s a stark lesson in the kindness and mercy of Islam:

The group that stormed Bombay’s most famous institutions displayed unrestrained brutality throughout the mission. The captain of a fishing trawler hijacked by the group in Arabian Sea was found with his throat cut. . . .
One man who served a glass of water to a terrorist at Bombay’s main railway station was shot in the forehead.

Yup, as I said in my column on Friday, the Bible was, indeed, prophetic when it said in Genesis that Ishmael and his descendants would be savage wild men.

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