December 4, 2008, - 2:31 pm

Chickification Nation: Guess Who Retailers Are Relying on to Save the Day? . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Not women, but the “new women”:

Can men rescue the holiday shopping season this year? Retailers hope so. Many stores have remodeled, expanded their men’s departments and added new products and new gifts in an effort to keep men spending through the downturn.
Bloomingdale’s renovated and expanded the men’s tailored clothing floor at its New York flagship. Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus and Macy’s say they’re carrying more men’s goods this holiday season. J. Crew this month opened its second men’s-only store, in Paramus, N.J., just months after opening its first, in New York’s Tribeca neighborhood. In recent months, designer men’s-only stores have opened in London, from Dolce & Gabbana and Lanvin, and in Los Angeles, from Salvatore Ferragamo. Cheap-chic retailer H&M added a higher-priced men’s collection in September. . . . Luxury-goods makers have a lot riding on men this season.


For the first nine months of the difficult retail-calendar year that began Feb. 3, sales of men’s apparel have risen 1% to $4.3 billion from year-earlier levels, according to MasterCard SpendingPulse, a MasterCard Inc. service that tracks spending in all payment types. Sales of women’s apparel, by contrast, have fallen 6% to $15.1 billion in the period, MasterCard SpendingPulse data shows. That underscores several years of stronger apparel-sales growth for men than for women and upends the industry’s generally accepted idea of men as unwilling shoppers who ignore trends and rarely spend on impulse.
When consumers cut back on spending in October, the men’s category took a hit. But the 8.3% drop in sales for that month wasn’t as steep as the 18.2% dive that women’s apparel took, MasterCard SpendingPulse says.
Last week, when Saks Inc. posted a wider-than-expected third-quarter loss, the luxury retailer cited contemporary men’s apparel and men’s footwear as areas of strength. The men’s business also outperformed other categories at Bloomingdale’s, Chief Executive Michael Gould said at a conference hosted by Emanuel Weintraub Associates late last month. “We have great hopes for the men’s business,” he added.

It used to be that women drove spending and most of the ads and sales were aimed at them. But this new attention to men is not necessarily a good thing. The upturn in men’s clothing and luxury goods sales is due to a trend I watch on this site–the chickification of men. They’re becoming more trend- and fashion-conscious. While I’m sure some of this is due to spending by gay males, they’ve remained a constant and the uptake is due to the feminization of America’s men, causing more and more of them to be fashion slaves. Yup, men are the new women, more and more and more.

[M]en have grown more fashion-conscious and continue to update their wardrobes with slimmer silhouettes and to replace items that wear out. Women, by contrast, have more clothes in the closet that they can rotate and feel less need to buy more. . . .
Sales of men’s apparel and accessories can produce higher profit margins for retailers. One reason, says Harry Bernard, senior executive vice president with retail consultants Colton Bernard Inc., is new merchandise doesn’t arrive as often, putting less pressure on retailers to cut prices and clear out goods to make room for new styles. Men tend to be “less price-sensitive than women are when it comes to buying,” adds Sanjay Srikanth, a partner at consulting firm A.T. Kearney.

Hmmm . . . Maybe Oprah can do an “Oprah’s Favorite Things for Men” show, complete with moisturizer, mani/pedi kits, and pastel nailpolish.

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December 4, 2008, - 12:15 pm

Terrorist’s Lawsuit Against Prosecutor, FBI Agent Proceeds: An Omen of What’s to Come When Obama Closes Gitmo

By Debbie Schlussel
The case of Karim Koubriti v. Richard Convertino and Michael Thomas is illuminating about what will happen–what we will see a lot of–if and when Barack Obama closes the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and releases some of the terrorists onto U.S. soil (because no other country will take them).
Koubriti was a convicted Al-Qaeda terrorists, until vengeful, jealous, politically-correct “Justice” Department officials and an unhinged federal judge, Gerald Rosen, worked in concert with Koubriti and other terrorists’ lawyers to overturn the jury conviction.
Longtime readers of this site and my work elsewhere are familiar with the case of Convertino, about whom I first wrote in a 2003 New York Post column, reprinted here.


Former Prosecutor Rick Convertino

Sued by Al-Qaeda Terrorist Karim Koubriti

Despite everyone at the Justice Department working against him, Convertino prosecuted and convicted several Detroit Al-Qaeda terrorists who had diagrams of the take-off order of American and Israeli planes–AWACS and F-16s–at the U.S. Airforce Base in Incirlik, Turkey. They also had videotape of several U.S. sites, including Disneyland and Las Vegas, which featured some of them singing songs about jihad. They’d planned to blow up all of these places and a hospital in Jordan.
The men and their plans were discovered when FBI agents were looking for Nabil Al-Marabh, a Bin Laden right-hand man, who was in the top 10 on the FBI’s Most Wanted List. Al-Marabh was not at home in the apartment at the house on Detroit’s Norman Street, but Koubriti and several others were. And their plans, diagrams, and over 100 jihadist videos were discovered by agents.
Convertino, despite all odds, won convictions of most of the terrorists in the first post-9/11 jury trial for terrorists. But we can’t have that.
Convertino’s boss, then-U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins, was in bed with Islamic extremsists and terrorists to the point that he was the date of a “former” Islamic terrorist at an awards banquet. He was upset that Convertino obtained a conviction that implicated local Muslim and Arab agencies, including ACCESS (the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services), which spent thousands in your tax money to provide job training–Commercial Drivers License and HAZMAT Hauling Certificate training, no less!–to the terrorists. And Collins and Convertino’s colleagues were jealous of his positive attention in the press all over the world for the convictions.
So Collins and Justice Department officials worked with the convicted terrorists’ attorneys to look for ways to overturn Convertino’s convictions and ruin his life. And they succeeded.
Within days, the Detroit and national media were rife with daily attack stories savaging this honest, decent, religious Catholic father of five, whose only crime was to convict Islamic terrorists for trying to attack America. A Justice Department official–believed to be Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathon Tukel–even outed a Muslim confidential informant who helped on the case and jeopardized the man’s life, all to get back at Convertino. The informant’s name appeared on the front page of Detroit’s major newspapers. (I represented the informant in an unrelated matter.)
Next, they got the Judge to overturn the convictions of these terrorists over a red herring. And finally, they prosecuted Convertino.
Imagine this: You are a federal prosecutor who worked day and night to convict people who wanted to murder Americans. And suddenly, the feds are prosecuting you for having done so.
Convertino beat the charges. Jurors, for a second time, said that clearly these men were terrorists and that Convertino saved American lives by prosecuting them.
But, despite that, the witchhunt doesn’t end there. And this is where the Al-Qaeda terrorists at Gitmo should take note.
Koubriti is suing Convertino and FBI Agent Michael Thomas. Yesterday, Judge Marianne O. Battani ruled that–despite, federal immunity rules that immunize officials from personal lawsuits over the performance of said federal duties–Koubriti’s absurd lawsuit will go on. You’ll remember that Battani is the judge who also declined to throw the bookat a Muslim Hezbollah supporter who threatened to rape and kill me for being a Jew and exercising my First Amendment rights.
Imagine the message this sends to all federal prosecutors and law enforcement agents. It’s chilling–Don’t go after terrorists, or you’ll be subject to endless, baseless civil lawsuits from them.
The Battani decision is boneheaded, absurd, and–hello . . .–it’s against the law which clearly provides immunity to Convertino and Agent Thomas.
This is exactly what the Gitmo detainees whose countries won’t take them will do when they get to settle on U.S. soil. That’s where things are heading.
And that’s the future of America. Over ten years ago, I wrote about the litigation jihad. Since then, many others who’ve discovered America, have discovered this issue.
And it is only going to get worse.
The Koubriti lawsuit against Rick Convertino and Mike Thomas is only the beginning.
When Obama closes Gitmo, get ready for our courts to get clogged by more lawsuits from the Ahmeds, Mohammeds, and Mahmouds–former residents of a Cuban beachside resort full of video games, movies and La-Z-Boys.
Meanwhile, “former” Al-Qaeda terrorists Karim Koubriti drives a truck throughout Michigan . . . while he waits to collect his cool, former-terrorist-ambulance-chasing cash.
Muslims call this “Halal money.” I call it, Al-Cha-ching. In many ways, it’s more powerful and dangerous than the most explosive IED.
Rick Convertino isn’t just sitting back and taking this lightly. He sued the federal government and his lawsuit is proceeding. One sticking point is Detroit Free Press reporter David Ashenfelter, who–despite Convertino’s pleas–published the name of and outed a Muslim confidential informant in the case and jeopardized his life. Ashenfelter is repeatedly fighting his required presence and answers to questions at a deposition.
The deposition is scheduled for Monday. He must answer questions regarding all of the federal officials who leaked confidential information to him about Convertino and the Muslim informant. If he doesn’t, he should get the same fate as Judith Miller. That’s the law.

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December 4, 2008, - 11:31 am

Dumbest PC Outrage of the Day: I’m a Lifelong “Whopper Virgin”

By Debbie Schlussel
Are you a “Whopper virgin”? Since I keep kosher, I am, and–it’s safe to say–I will die a Whopper virgin.
And while I’m not offended with this moniker, liberals are upset about Burger King’s new series of “Whopper Virgin” ads, featuring Thai Hmongs, Transylvanian farmers in Romania, Inuit tribes in Iceland, and other indigenous peoples in far-flung locales around the world.
In the humorous ads, which debut Sunday evening on TV and at, these various remote ethnicities were asked to taste test the Whopper versus the Big Mac. I’ll go out on a limb and predict that, since the ads are produced by BK, these native peoples didn’t pick the Big Mac.
But humorless liberals, who can’t take a joke and for whom everything is offensive, are incensed, claiming the ads–which they have yet to see–are “tasteless and potentially exploitative.”
Here are the preview ads. Judge for yourself. They look harmless to me:

Based on these preview videos, I think the ads look clever and are going to be funny and entertaining. These forever-annoyed liberals and PC-police will be howling at the wind.
But some Hmong activists claim that they are being looked at as backwards in the ads, as if they never had a burger. That’s ridiculous. They went to places where people, in fact, never had a burger, much less a Whopper or Big Mac. I wonder what the Hmong–there are many Hmong immigrants in Wisconsin and I worked to help the Hmong poor there, when I was in grad school–will say about “Gran Torino,” where some of them are portrayed in an even less flattering light (though others are portrayed positively).
And then there are the others–liberals who feel we must respect and bow down to the Third World, and other Hmong activists who actually liked the ads:

How do you market burgers after you’ve tried everything else? Taste tests in Transylvania.
Next week, Burger King kicks off a major ad campaign that involves a unique twist on the tried-and-true marketing technique of taste testing. The campaign is already generating controversy.
The No. 2 burger maker in the U.S. asked farmers in the Transylvania region of Romania, the Hmong tribe of Thailand, and other folks in far-flung places to sample its Whopper alongside McDonald’s Big Mac and declare the winner.
One ad, set to begin airing Monday, features images of villagers in traditional garb choosing the Whopper over the Big Mac. A Transylvanian woman, an Inuit tribesman from the Icelandic tundra and others point and, in their native tongues, declare their preference for Burger King’s flagship product.
“We traveled to find the most isolated people in the world…the world’s purest taste test,” a voiceover says.
Burger King says it was trying to find “Whopper Virgins,” which is also the name of its campaign. “We wanted to see how the Whopper would perform in a world that didn’t have ad or marketing awareness or any sentimental attachments” to either brand, says Russ Klein, president of global marketing, strategy and innovation at Burger King Holdings.
But it didn’t take long for the campaign to get flame-broiled by controversy. Teaser ads, which started running earlier this week to help build excitement for the campaign by showing snippets from the experiment, have been criticized by bloggers and pundits as tasteless and potentially exploitative.
A headline on the blog Stereohyped read: “Burger King Storms Innocent Villages to Plunder ‘Virgins.’ ”
Another blogger, on Walletpop, wrote: “What might irk people is the concept that Burger King is taking its fat-laden fast food to people who aren’t used to this stuff in their diets, who aren’t usually subject to our crass commercials, and who probably don’t really care too much.”
Alan Siegel, chairman of Siegel + Gale, an Omnicom Group branding firm, warns that the ads “could be interpreted as the crass part of America talking to the Third World.” . . .
Lo Neng Kiatoukaysy of the nonprofit Hmong American Friendship Association, in Milwaukee, said she and a small group of Hmong she works with viewed and liked the teaser ads.

To Alan Siegel and the others, I say, PUH-LEEEZE. “The crass part of America talking to the Third World”?! Go tell it to your ACLU support group. Sounds like Siegel’s a little jealous that Crispin Porter + Bogusky ad agency produced these ads that are destined to be a hit . . . and not his agency.

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December 3, 2008, - 3:44 pm

A Schmuck Reminds Us Why He’s a Schmuck: Mr. Burns Seeking Muslim Speaking Tour Invites

By Debbie Schlussel
G-d, I can’t wait for Mr. Burns to go. Not that The Lesbionic Woman will be any better. But it’s hard to get any worse than Serpenthead.
Whatta Schmuck, but hey, he’s greasing the skids for that lucrative Arab/Muslim speaking tour thing:

The Bush administration’s point man in protecting America against terrorism says U.S. investments in safety should not be restricted to airport screening machines or border fences. Michael Chertoff says the U.S. also should spend more on foreign-aid programs, scholarships for foreign students and other tools of so-called soft power. . . .
Mr. Chertoff said he came to his views over the past six months or so, when he finally had time to think about big-picture challenges. Now, he said, “a lasting victory in the safeguarding of the country” can be achieved only by marrying traditional security with winning “a contest of ideas, and a battle for the allegiance of men and women around the world.”


Buh-Bye, Soon: Michael “Serpenthead” Chertoff Delusionally PC as Usual

It’s unbelievable that this idiot–any idiot–is still pushing this crap. The fact is that going to school here doesn’t make Muslims hate us any less or solve any problems. It just breeds hatred and disrespect at how pliable, gullible, and overly tolerant we are of those who hate us–and makes them hate us more. Just ask Homaidan Al-Turki’s maid, er . . . slave. Or the late Sayyid Qutb, whose most famous follower is Osama Bin Laden. Yup, that scholarship and course of study at Colorado State College of Education in Greeley, Colorado was reeeeeeal helpful.
Oh, and remember those 19 guys who went to school here to learn how to fly planes? Well, they weren’t on scholarship, but do you really think if we paid for them to go to flight school they wouldn’t have crashed them into buildings and terminated nearly 3,000 Americans?
Anyone who does is a complete fool, as Chertoff keeps reminding us that he is.

It is a case that President George W. Bush’s critics have pressed for years, although Mr. Chertoff is careful not to criticize his boss. The term “soft power” was coined and popularized in the 1990s by one such critic, Joseph Nye, a Harvard professor who is among the nation’s pre-eminent liberal thinkers on foreign policy.

Puh-leeze. There is no such thing as “soft power.” It’s like hot ice cream–just soup. It sounds like a stupid feminine porn film title–“Soft Power” starring Cherry Hills. The only power our enemies understand is toughness and no mercy. That’s the only thing they respect. Until we get that, more of us will get killed. And this dump “soft power”–which belongs more in a tampon or women’s deoderant commercial–won’t save a single life.

[H]e said he intends to keep speaking about the issue after he leaves office. His message resembles statements Monday by President-elect Barack Obama and others on his national-security team: that the U.S. must rely on the power of its moral example alongside more traditional military means to achieve its goals abroad.

Aha! So, Chertoff, looking for a job now, knows that no-one would hire this incompetent to head their security or disaster management since he was a disaster in both. So, he’s preparing himself for the halal rubber chicken circuit and seeking speaking engagements. So that explains why he cozied up with some of the most extremist pro-Hezbollah imams on the planet.

Mr. Chertoff said that in the short term, the nation is almost as secure as it can get. On a scale of one to 10, he said, the U.S. is around an 8-plus.

Are you fricking kidding me? What drugs is this guy on?

He said increasing exchange programs is vital, because most people who visit the U.S. carry away positive attitudes for a lifetime. Foreign aid can also boost public perceptions of the U.S. as it did in Europe after World War II, he said.

Like I said, Sayyid Qutb, the 19 hijackers, Homaidan Al-Turki, etc., etc., ad nauseam.
Expect Mr. Serpenthead Burns to appear soon at a CAIR banquet near you.

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December 3, 2008, - 12:31 pm

This Guy Does the Work Some Americans–Whining Public School Teachers–Won’t Do

By Debbie Schlussel
I admire the entrepreneurial spirit of Tom Farber. In a time when public school teachers are constantly whining about how they have to take money out of their own pockets to pay for treats or other unnecessary things for students, Farber isn’t whining.
He’s actually taking initiative and is a great role model for his students on how to solve financial problems in tough economic times. He’s a calculus teacher, but should probably also be teaching business classes:

When administrators at Rancho Bernardo, his suburban San Diego high school, announced the district was cutting spending on supplies by nearly a third, Farber had a problem. At 3 cents a page, his tests would cost more than $500 a year. His copying budget: $316. But he wanted to give students enough practice for the big tests they’ll face in the spring, such as the Advanced Placement exam.


Ad Sponsors Pay for Teacher Tom Farber’s Calculus Tests

“Tough times call for tough actions,” he says. So he started selling ads on his test papers: $10 for a quiz, $20 for a chapter test, $30 for a semester final.
San Diego magazine and The San Diego Union-Tribune featured his plan just before Thanksgiving, and Farber came home from a few days out of town to 75 e-mail requests for ads. So far, he has collected $350. His semester final is sold out.
That worries Robert Weissman, managing director of Commercial Alert, a Washington-based non-profit that fights commercialization in school and elsewhere. If test-papers-as-billboards catches on, he says, schools in the grip of tough economic times could start relying on them to help the bottom line.

And this is bad because . . .?

“The advertisers are paying for something, and it’s access to kids,” he says.

Apparently this guy has never seen Nickoledeon, weekend morning TV ads, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam. The ads on the tests (see the photo) are tame and unintrusive. It’s far better than the barrage of ads kids were forced to watch at school on “Channel One.”

About two-thirds of Farber’s ads are inspirational messages underwritten by parents. Others are ads for local businesses, such as two from a structural engineering firm and one from a dentist who urges students, “Brace Yourself for a Great Semester!”
Principal Paul Robinson says reaction has been “mixed,” but he notes, “It’s not like, ‘This test is brought to you by McDonald’s or Nike.’ ”
To Farber, 47, it’s a logical solution: “We’re expected to do more with less.”


Tom Farber: Teacher With Entrepreneurial Spirit

Whenever I hear public school teachers whine about how they had to pay a few hundred dollars out of their pocket on supplies for students in a year, I think: Hmmmm . . . a very tiny price to pay for eternal job security through tenure (despite incompetence and ignorant children coming out of public schools), whole summers off and lots of paid federal holiday vacations, and full healthcare benefits.
Now, I’ll think that and of Tom Farber, a teacher who did instead of whined.

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December 3, 2008, - 11:47 am

Hmmm . . . Maybe This is Another Big Hint . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . .Why Islamic Terrorists Should Be Treated as Enemy Combatants and not put in our lame criminal justice system:

A reputed former leader of Al Qaeda who is serving 32 years in prison for stabbing a jail guard in 2000 must be resentenced, a federal appeals panel in Manhattan ruled on Tuesday, because a judge wrongly concluded that the man’s crime did not meet the legal standard for terrorism.
Federal prosecutors, who argued that the attack met the standard for terrorism, had sought a life sentence for the defendant, Mamdouh Mahmud Salim. Officials have described him as a founder of Al Qaeda and a former top aide to Osama bin Laden.
Mr. Salim pleaded guilty to stabbing the guard, Louis Pepe, in 2002.


Mamdou Mahmud Salim, Al-Qaeda Savage

Prosecutors said that the stabbing was part of a fruitless plan to take hostages and escape from the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan. Mr. Pepe, who was stabbed in the eye, was left with severe brain damage.
At the time of the stabbing, Mr. Salim was awaiting trial in a terrorist conspiracy case stemming from the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in East Africa, in which 224 people were killed.
He later testified that he had become frustrated with his lawyers, and stabbed Mr. Pepe so he could take his keys, unlock a visitors’ room, and attack his lawyers so they would withdraw from his case.

Two things:
1) Had this cretin been classified as an enemy combatant, perhaps he could have been kept in Gitmo, instead of tried and sent to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. A prison guard might still have sight in both eyes and not have brain damage.
2) If we didn’t treat these guys as criminals, but as the high-risk national security problems they are, he wouldn’t have endless appeals in court, and this case wouldn’t even be in the news, regardless of the fact that the Court of Appeals got it right.

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December 3, 2008, - 10:56 am

What Happened to Dan Kliman?: Another Innocent American Victim of Islam Thrown Down Elevator Shaft

By Debbie Schlussel
In real life, as in the movies, people don’t fall down empty elevator shafts by accident. They’re usually pushed.
On this site, I’ve repeatedly written about Ismael Ahmed, who founded and for decades ran ACCESS–the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, which has soaked taxpayers for billions to bring in thousands of Muslim illegal aliens, fund their every social service need, defraud Medicaid, and provide job-training for several Al-Qaeda terrorists. Ahmed now runs the Michigan Department of Human Services.
As I’ve noted, when Ahmed’s first wife, an American non-Muslim, wanted to divorce him, he took her on a trip to New York. Suddenly, she was found dead at the bottom of an elevator shaft under construction. He apparently got rid of her and got away with it.


Dan Kliman, MD:

Gay Pro-Israel Activist Latest Victim of Muslim Elevator Shaft Killing Method

Now, the same thing has happened to Dan Kliman, MD, a gay pro-Israel activist in San Francisco. Like Ahmed’s wife, his body was found at the bottom of an elevator shaft under construction, in the building where he was taking Arabic language instruction.
Coincidence? Sorry, but there are no coincidences. Not ones like this. Gay, a Jew, pro-Israel, and American–hmmm . . . a perfect four-in-one target for a Muslim kill:

Dr. Daniel J. Kliman, an Alameda physician and one of the Bay Area’s foremost pro-Israel activists, stepped into an open elevator shaft by accident last week and died.
His body was found Monday by workers inspecting an elevator in the historic, nine-story Sharon Building at 55 New Montgomery St., where Kliman apparently plunged to his death Nov. 25. . . .
Kliman, 38, . . . was perhaps best known as co-founder of S.F. Voice for Israel, a 4-year-old organization that vociferously demonstrates on behalf of Israeli causes. He also maintained a practice in Alameda as a doctor of internal medicine and was an ardent proponent of vegetarianism and alternative transportation to cars.
He had been taking Arabic language courses in the Sharon Building for three years and was last seen, investigators said, on the night of Nov. 25, when he went there to attend a class on the seventh floor.
Police Inspector Matt Krimsky said Kliman apparently fell through an open elevator door on the seventh floor, although the building’s manager insists the door must have been secured.
The elevator in that shaft was out of order at the time, building manager Brad Bernheim said. By design, doors to a malfunctioning elevator are clamped shut and can be opened only by a mechanic, said Erika Monterroza, spokeswoman for Cal/OSHA.
The details of how Kliman wound up in the shaft are being investigated by police and Cal/OSHA. . . . [T]he Sharon Building’s elevator had been inspected Nov. 4 and was found to be sound. . . .
Some in Kliman’s activist community wondered Tuesday if he had been killed by someone he loudly opposed in street demonstrations over the years. . . . Faith Meltzer, a member of S.F. Voice for Israel, said she will push police to investigate the matter until all chance of homicide is eliminated.
“It’s hard for me to believe this wasn’t deliberate,” Meltzer said. . . . The Arabic class Kliman came to attend on the last night of his life had been canceled. . . . Managers of the program that runs the classes, Pacific Arabic Resources, declined to comment Tuesday.

Hmmm . . . the class was canceled, the elevator was secured, the people who taught the class were probably Arab Muslims. And he fell down the elevator “by accident”? Just like Ismael Ahmed’s first wife?
Uh-huh. Sure they did.

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December 2, 2008, - 4:10 pm

Shocking: Another WNBA Team Folds

By Debbie Schlussel
If a tree fell in a forest, but nobody was there to hear it, did it make a noise? What’s the sound of one hand clapping?
Both of these describe that Weird Nuisance Brought on America, that Waste of National Broadcast Airtime, that league that Will Net Bupkus Always . . . the WNBA.
I’d call it the Women’s National Basketball Association, but we’re not really sure they’re women. Only their chromosome test analyst and electrolysist know for sure.
I’ve been writing about the WNBA for years and finally got sick of even noting this non-entity propped up by the NBA for affirmative action reasons. One thing remains constant–no-one cares. No-one buys tickets, no-one goes to games when the tickets are given them for free, and no-one watches.
Maybe that’s why the Houston Coments are finito. Ya think?:


WNBA President Donna Orender said the franchise that won the league’s first four championships is disbanding.
Orender said the league-owned Houston Comets would be shut down because new owners couldn’t be found. . . .
NBA Houston Rockets owner Leslie Alexander, the original owner of the Comets, sold the team to Houston businessman Hilton Koch last year. The WNBA took over the Comets earlier this year and began a search for a new owner.

Yup, they can shove Title IX down people’s throats all they want, but American consumers ain’t buyin’.
And come January, lesbian pro basketball will lose a fan to the Department of Homeland Security.
Like I said, tree falling in empty forest.
New League Slogan: The WNBA . . . Man Up. Or is that, Woman Up? Hard to tell.
Some of my past WNBA coverage here, here, here, here, and here. More here. All of them still apply today, and I think you’ll appreciate the humor.

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December 2, 2008, - 3:54 pm

Entertaining, Deranged Anti-Semitic E-mail of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
Note: Whenever they use the term “Zionist”, you know what they really mean–“Jew”, or more likely, “Dirty Jew.”
Everyone’s a pop psychologist . . .

Date: Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 3:50 PM
Subject: Dear Debbie
You are pathetic.
Your over the top makeup and fake body parts speak of an unsatisfied sex-life and long term frustration. Your Zionist exclusionist world view screams I want my emotionally withholding Zionist daddy to love me, but he won’t so I will go for the approval of racist self worshipping men just like him in my never ending quest for value and self worth as described in my fathers misogynistic world view.
Pity you…..

Um, my dad is dead (and incidentally he proved his love day in and day out–and had three daughters, to whom he was hardly the misogynist). And finally, everything is 100% real on this body, except my hair color (I proudly acknowledge that I am not a dumb blonde because I’m neither dumb nor blonde).
Like I said, everyone thinks they’re my pop psychologist. Many aspire. Few–actually, none–are called.

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December 2, 2008, - 3:36 pm

Investigative Journalist: Afghan Muslims Bought Real Mexican Passports in MUMBAI

By Debbie Schlussel
Todd Bensman, a Texas-based investigative journalist and TV reporter who now works for the San Antonio Express-News, has long been known to federal agents as THE expert on non-Mexican nationals and how they come into America, South of the border. His excellent work has disproven the claim that few dangerous Muslims come over here through Mexico. He’s reported ad nauseam on suspected and known terrorists here on fake and real passports who’ve slipped in. A lot of the stuff you see or hear on cable news or in national newspapers originated with Todd’s scoops.
Yesterday, Todd sent me his excellent work from March, documenting how Afghans bought real Mexican passports in Mumbai. It’s important reading, especially given the Pakistani Muslim terrorist attacks perpetrated there, last week.
Todd wrote me:

You have to wonder what Mumbai has sent US. My story, which didn’t get picked up and was completely ignored, shows a route from there to Mexico and then the U.S., where real Mexican passports were on sale to anyone in South Asia!

Read his article.

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