December 11, 2008, - 11:50 am

More Things We Missed. . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . On yesterday’s sparsely perpetrated “Day Without a Gay.” Gee, how would life ever go on without this stuff?

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December 11, 2008, - 5:25 am

The Unity Center Mosque: Hateful American Mosques Who Hack Members’ E-mail & the Lawyers and Stupid Jewish Women Who Love Them

By Debbie Schlussel
Why is a Detroit area mosque hacking the website and e-mails of its members, then suing them to cover it up, and silence them?
What’s hacking, er . . . happening, at the falsely-named Unity Center Mosque should be a lesson to the few “moderate” Muslims in America about what will happen to you if you open your mouth. Your mosque will expose you, threaten your life, and sue you. Mosque members did this to stop its members from protesting their treatment and contacting me.
Those “maverick” mosque members–religious Muslims who are trying to be moderate and accepting and liberal–created a petition and a blog protesting the Wahhabi and Salafist takeover at their house of worship, a website, and a foundation empowering moderate Muslim women. They’re upset that certain extremist members of the mosque, along with their Saudi-trained imam, are squeezing out and persecuting anyone with liberal viewpoints and any woman who refuses to cover her hair outside the mosque.



Unity Center Mosque: Using Terrorists’ Lawyer Shereef Akeel to Sue Members, Silence Them & Cover Up Hacking

(Artwork by David Lunde/Lundesigns)
But the mosque didn’t like their expression of this. Freedom of speech about the mosque?–We can’t have that. So, some mosque members apparently got someone to illegally hack into that website and obtain e-mails those members sent me and others. During the summer, they bragged about having e-mails the distraught, persecuted mosque members sent me. (Again, not to worry–my e-mail account is safe and secure, but the sender’s apparently was not.) Then, they realized that they were admitting involvement in illegal behavior–cybercrimes.
So, to cover this up and ultimately obtain the e-mails legally, the mosque hired Shereef Akeel–the lawyer for Islamic terrorists, terrorist charities, and Iraqis at Abu Ghraib suing for a big payday–to file a lawsuit against the pseudonymous members. (Read the lawsuit complaint.)
The unethical lawsuit was filed this fall to cover up the previous hacking and illegal obtainment of e-mails, which Akeel is well aware of. Upon filing suit, Akeel filed a subpoena with Google to, after the fact of the apparent crime, legally obtain the gmail account e-mails Muslims from the mosque sent to third parties. Oh, and the mosque wanted to find out the real identities of the mosque members, who posted and e-mailed under fake names, to protect their lives.
I’m very familiar with this lawyer, Mr. Akeel. He’s tried to suppress my own free speech–and failed–on several occasions. Now, he’s trying to silence Muslims’ freedom of speech. His best friend, FBI investigatee Mohammed Alomari, the author of countless anti-Semitic, anti-American conspiracy theorist texts.

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December 10, 2008, - 6:55 pm

Day Without Gay Also Means . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . A Day Without This (thanks to my friend, Bonzerwolf–ICE-Free For Life, for the tip):

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December 10, 2008, - 5:31 pm

My Best Film, Actor Nominations, Etc., Circa 2008

By Debbie Schlussel
Last night was the deadline for nominations for the Detroit Film Critics Society. As I noted on Monday, I’m a member of this group, and the movie studios have been sending me DVDs of movies and holding special screenings ad nauseam (and ad sleepium).
Below are my picks. Some of the movies grew on me, others lust their luster as the year went on. In some categories, it was tough to eliminate movies, like Best Picture, I had like eight choices and had to get rid of “Doubt”, “Slumdog Millionaire”, and “Flash of Genius.” I had to remove Clint Eastwood for Best Actor, because I could only vote for five. I’ll have my own, separate list of my Top Ten Best & Worst Films of 2008, at the end of the year or beginning of next. Stay tuned for that.
In other categories, since I had to rank my five favorites, I put names on there that I really didn’t like that much, like Marisa Tomei in “The Wrestler.” She plays an aging stripper and appears topless in the movie. I don’t like to give awards to women for taking their tops off onscreen. But as far as supporting actresses go, there wasn’t much to choose from. If I could just vote for Best Picture and Best Actor, that would be good. I don’t really care much about the rest.


So here are my picks ranked in order. You may not have seen or heard of some of these movies because they aren’t out yet, but will be shortly.

1) “Boy in the Striped Pajamas”
2) “Gran Torino”
3) “Henry Poole is Here”
4) “And When Did You Last See Your Father?”
5) “Defiance”
1) Clint Eastwood (“Gran Torino”)
2) Mark Pellington (“Henry Poole is Here”)
3) Danny Boyle (“Slumdog Millionaire”)
4) Anand Tucker (“And When Did You Last See Your Father?”)
5) Randall Miller (“Bottle Shock”)
1) Colin Firth (“And When Did You Last See Your Father?”)
2) Luke Wilson (“Henry Poole is Here”)
3) Greg Kinnear (“Flash of Genius”)
4) Philip Seymour Hoffman (“Doubt”)
5) Mickey Rourke (“The Wrestler”)
1) Demi Moore (“Flawless”)
2) Melissa Leo (“Frozen River”)
3) Meryl Streep (“Doubt”)
4) Kristen Scott Thomas (“I’ve Loved You So Long”)
5) Mena Suvari (“Stuck”)
1) Anil Kapoor (“Slumdog Millionaire”)
2) Liev Schreiber (“Defiance”)
3) Michael Caine (“Flawless”)
4) Dennis Hopper (“Elegy”)
5) Stephen Rea (“Stuck”)
1) Misty Upham (“Frozen River”)
2) Amy Adams (“Doubt”)
3) Ahney Her (“Gran Torino”)
4) Marisa Tomei (“The Wrestler”)
5) Patricia Clarkson (“Elegy”)
1) Anil Kapoor (“Slumdog Millionaire”)
2) Asa Butterfield (“Boy in the Striped Pajamas”)
3) Dev Patel (“Slumdog Millionaire”)
4) David Hayman (“Boy in the Striped Pajamas”)
5) Ahney Her (“Gran Torino”)
1) “Doubt”
2) “Burn After Reading”
3) “Bottle Shock”
4) “Defiance”
5) “The Bank Job”

I’m still recovering from my movie coma.

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December 10, 2008, - 3:26 pm

Please, No. No-no-no-no-no. Don’t Even Think About It

By Debbie Schlussel
Out of business school (which I went to after graduating from law school), my first job was as an assistant counsel at a large insurance company in north central Wisconsin. It was a nightmare. A complete culture clash for them and for me. My secretary made it a point to tell me right away that I wasn’t the first Jew she ever met, that she had had exposure to “those people” on “The Nanny” and “Seinfeld.”
“Those people whine a lot,” she told me. It didn’t matter that this town and my secretary’s family were literally the poster children for inbreeding. It’s the whining by comedians on TV that’s the prob. Well, the actress who played the Nanny actually is a problem.
Yes, Fran Drescher. Unfortunately, the unelected ambassador of my people to remote Wisconsin was this walking vessel of the worst stereotypes of Jews all put together in one bad paper mache and plastic surgery project.


Fran Drescher: Please, No Nanny State Senators!

I find the woman to be an embarrassment, not to mention an uber-annoyance.
And now she thinks she should be a U.S. Senator, replacing Hillary Clinton:

It’s no laaaaugh, reaaaaaly!
Comedic actress Fran Drescher wants to go from playing nasally New Yawkers in films like Saturday Night Fever and sitcoms like The Nanny to representing New York in the U.S. Senate.
Publicist Jordan Brown delivered the straight line that Drescher is really, really serious about the seat held by Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton. Brown cited Drescher’s experience as an actress, advocate for women’s health and public diplomacy envoy for the U.S. State Department.
The 51-year-old This is Spinal Tap actress joins a field headed by Caroline Kennedy.

No, really.
I’m not sure who would be worse–her or Caroline Kennedy. Either way Drescher would be great material, as I’m sure she’d insert her stiletto into her mouth on a daily basis. First projects: Free nationalized rhinoplasty for everyone! A silicone boob in every pot.
Just call her, Senator Yenta.
Not Exactly Senate Material . . .

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December 10, 2008, - 2:58 pm

Who is Sam Perry?: Car Company Uses “Average White Guy” Oprah Leaned on @ Obama Speech to Get Federal Bailout

By Debbie Schlussel
I used to be high on Tesla Motors. It’s the company that makes electric cars that are cool to look at. I once called for making the car more affordable and gushed:

220 miles per charge, less than 2 cents per mile, and 0 to 60 in 3.9 seconds, baby!

But not anymore. And apparently, the 2 cents per mile is actually a lot more per mile if Tesla gets its way. And that’s where the guy who lent his shoulder to a weepy Oprah comes in. I’ve heard of tactics to get a federal bailout, but this one takes the cake in pop culture pathos.
Remember election night? Remember how “egalitarian” “Yes We Can” Obama had a special section for VIPs to hear him . . . and then everybody else–all the little people–had to stand much farther away behind ropes? (That’s how they told most people, “Um, No You Can’t.”)
Well, Oprah was in the VIP section, and she was seen weeping and leaning on the shoulder of some overweight nerdy-looking guy. She presented him on her show as some random, average guy named “Sam” who flew to Chicago and took a train to Grant Park because he wanted to see Obama’s “historic” BS speech.


Sam Perry: Average White (Rich) Guy Supported Oprah @ Obama Rally; Now, We’re Supposed to Finance the Expensive Car He Buys

Well, it turns out this “Sam” guy is not just your average nerdy guy, and this explains what he was doing in the VIP section.
His name is Sam Perry, and he’s a very wealthy Silicon Valley business consultant. He just paid $109,000 for a new Tesla car. It’s only the 100th Tesla car sold, and you have to be somebody to get one. There’s a long waiting list.
Tesla had a special ceremony in its Menlo Park, California showroom to hand over the car to Perry. And that’s no coincidence. Tesla now wants a $350 million federal loan so that it can make the car available for $57,000 instead of $109,000. And you know who is good friends with the next President–the guy who can make this cash handout happen? Well, her name starts with an O, and the guy who just bought the 100th Tesla Roadster in a special ceremony just so happens to have lent her his shoulder on election night.

Tesla Motors Wants Your Bailout Cash, Too

Coincidence? Think again.
Gee, I can’t wait til we give $350 mill in cash to a company because they have a connection to a guy who lent his should to Oprah. I know that supporting Oprah’s ever-growing girth is a feat, indeed. But Why the heck do we need to finance an electric car company, when people clearly don’t want to buy one at the price they set? Why should we artificially subsidize it, when there isn’t even a place to plug that many cars in, anyway? If the market can’t bear a $109,000 car, then that company should go out of business? Gee, Rolls Royce and Lamborghini are still in bid’ness and we’re not financing them. Nor should we. And it’s not like Tesla Motors has any rippling effect on the economy like the Big Three do. It’s up to Tesla, not us, to make it’s product more economical.
When the heck will these handouts stop? And where’s yours and mine?
Boy, I knew she gained weight, but supporting her slovenly body is getting reeeeeeeally expensive.
Ka-ching. Namesake Nikola Tesla is turning over in his grave. If only he had the chutzpah to ask for this much loot.

A Shoulder To Lean On = Pocket Change You Can Believe In

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December 10, 2008, - 12:03 pm

Coincidentally, on the “Day Without Gay”: PLEASE Stop Sending Me Videos of Gays Singing Channukah Songs

By Debbie Schlussel
As you’ve probably heard by now, today is the “Day Without Gay,” on which gays are encouraged by gay activists to “call in gay” and not show up to work or buy lattes, so that we will see how the world would allegedly collapse without the Liberaces, George Michaels, Clay Aikens, male hairstylists and stewardesses, er . . . flight attendants of the world. Oh, and a day without attacks on Mormon churches.
By “coincidence,” a ton of Jewish people keep sending me this annoying, unentertaining video of a gay choir from Seattle, called “Captain Smartypants,” singing a traditional Channukah song, called “I Have a Little Dreidel” (dreidels are the spinning tops with Hebrew letters that are traditionally used in a Chanukah game). Captain Smartypants think they’re cute by dressing as cowboys–and they’re calling this, “Brokeback Dreidel.” Please, nooooooo. I’ve already seen The Village People, and 1/5th of them doesn’t make it any better.

I say, please make every day a “Day Without Gay.” I cannot stand this gay group singing the song. It isn’t funny. It isn’t cute. It’s just annoying. Why is it supposedly of interest when a group of Fruity Pebbles sings songs from my religion? I don’t get it. Am I supposed to appreciate this act–a group of gay men mocking my religion–for its supposed inner kitschiness and campiness? Um, no thanks.
Please, again, may every day be a Day Without This Crap. A day without AIDS, a day without lavender, a day without Barry Manilow simply doesn’t bother me too much. Ditto to a Day Without Captain Smartypants Perverting Channukah Songs.

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December 10, 2008, - 11:37 am

Why Did FBI, U.S. Government Protect Candidate #5, Jesse Jackson, Jr. in Blagojevich Scandal?

By Debbie Schlussel
ABC News is reporting that Candidate #5, in the indictment of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, is Son of Jesse a/k/a Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. As I’ve repeatedly written on this site, Jesse, Jr. was likely to get the seat, though I didn’t know it was because he agreed to pay to play. I’m not surprised though.

According to the FBI affidavit in the case, Blagojevich “stated he might be able to cut a deal with Senate Candidate 5 that provided ROD BLAGOJEVICH” with something “tangible up front.”
Jackson Jr. said this morning he was contacted yesterday by federal prosecutors in Chicago who he said “asked me to come in and share with them my insights and thoughts about the selection process.”
Jackson Jr. said “I don’t know” when asked if he was Candidate #5, but said he was told “I am not a target of this investigation.”



Like Father, Like Son: Jesse Jackson, Sr. & Jr. a/k/a “Candidate #5”

Oh, he knows he’s Candidate #5, just as sure as Gov. Elliot Spitzer knew he was Client #9.

Jackson Jr. said he agreed to talk with federal investigators “as quickly as possible” after he consults with a lawyer. . . .
“It is impossible for someone on my behalf to have a conversation that would suggest any type of quid pro quo or any payments or offers,” Jackson Jr. told ABC News. “An impossiblity to an absolute certainty.”


“Senate Candidate #5” played a key role in the Governor’s efforts to obtain something of value in exchange for the Senate appointment, according to the FBI affidavit.

And neither is Reader/Blogger There is NO Santa Claus. He and his wife grew up in Chicago, and he repeats the trite but true, “Timing is Everything.”
In this case, TINSC questions why the FBI pounced on Blagojevich before Candidate #5 a/k/a Jesse, Jr. got his meeting and the chance to take action and provide more incriminating evidence that he was prepared to undertake the bribery. TINSC says the feds are protecting Jesse, Jr., and I agree–it sure looks that way. Why wasn’t Jesse, Jr. arrested and indicted, too?

Well… it seems that the very NEXT scheduled interview for the vacated U.S. Senate seat was none other than Jessie Jackson Jr. Jr. has kept his nose clean in Chicago politics for 12 years as a Congressman; an admirable record, I might add.
With the Feds wiretapping Gov. B’s solicitations for money in exchange for the appointment, Jessie Jr. would have become dirtied up in the affair.
Who knows! Maybe Jessie might even break and offer to pay up with the tape recorder on.
With a new boss coming to Washington D.C. any Chicago-based FBI agent knows he must prevent this; especially if he/she thinks Jessie Jr. is the new President’s favorite to fill his old job. That is why the FBI acted yesterday.

Look for Son of Jesse to get away with it, just like daddy always does. Justice isn’t blind at all. Our federal justice system sees things through very tinted, politically correct glasses.
Sleaze is an inherited gene in the Jackson family tree. Sadly, the FBI forgot the “I” when it came to Son of Jesse and prematurely pulled the plug on the surveillance. Deliberately.

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December 9, 2008, - 4:13 pm

The New “Gender Gap”: You Know Who’s Really Hardest Hit . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . by the tough economy? Men. 12,000 more women are working than were at this time, last year. Yet, 1,069,000 fewer men are working than a year ago.
And while this article doesn’t say so, I think one of the reasons is affirmative action. Companies can’t let minorities and women go, or they’ll suffer lawsuits, so they sacrifice the most expendable first, and that’s the White Male. Another problem is the loss of American manufacturing jobs, which were an excellent domain for blue collar males without a college degree.

The careers of Neal Boyle and Scott Hacker couldn’t be more different. Boyle, whose education ended with high school, worked 20 years crushing rocks at the US Gypsum plant in Charlestown. Hacker, who holds an MBA, changed firms several times as he moved up the management ranks in New England’s financial services industry.
But today they find themselves in the same place: laid off and looking for work. And together they represent the face of the current recession, one that is overwhelmingly male.


Recession?: Only for Men; Women Gain in Tough Economy

Men are losing jobs at far greater rates than women as the industries they dominate, such as manufacturing, construction, and investment services, are hardest hit by the downturn. Some 1.1 million fewer men are working in the United States than there were a year ago, according to the Labor Department. By contrast, 12,000 more women are working.
This gender gap is the product of both the nature of the current recession and the long-term shift in the US economy from making goods, traditionally the province of men, to providing services, in which women play much larger roles, economists said. For example, men account for 70 percent of workers in manufacturing, which shed more than 500,000 jobs over the past year. Healthcare, in which nearly 80 percent of the workers are women, added more than 400,000 jobs.
“As the recession broadens, the gap between men and women is going to close somewhat,” said Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University. “But right now, the sectors that are really getting pounded are intensely male.”
The divide is far starker than it was in last recession, when the technology crash battered professional and technical sectors in which women now hold more than 40 percent of jobs. From the beginning of 2001 to the beginning of 2002, the number of employed men declined by about 900,000, while the population of women with jobs fell by about 700,000. The male-dominated construction industry held up much better then, too, as falling interest rates began to fuel the housing boom. . . .
Construction firms, in which 90 percent of workers are men, have cut more than 500,000 jobs, or nearly 7 percent of employment, over the past year. Men account for more than 60 percent of employment in investment firms, which through October had cut 1 percent, or 9,000 jobs. . . .
Finding jobs to replace the high-paying, blue-collar work that traditionally sustained men like Boyle and their families is among the greatest challenges facing the US economy, said the Center for Labor Market Studies’ Sum. The erosion of these jobs has undermined both family income and family structure, he said. . . .
“We lost a lot of jobs that used to be an opportunity for these young guys,” Sum said. “But we haven’t figured out how to create good-paying, blue-collar jobs for men who don’t have a college degree.”

So, when are White males gonna get their affirmative action, since they’re clearly now the disadvantaged group in America? Don’t hold your breath.
Despite this single story in the Boston Globe, the rest of the liberal mainstream media is still singing the same old tune about how women and minorities are hardest hit in these economically depressed (or is that “recessed”?) times. Today’s Wall Street Journal has stories about how more women are selling their eggs for money in these tough times, and about how the Small Business Administration loan caps allegedly hurt women and minorities.
Get out the (pink) violin.
Maybe we should call ours the “Title IX” economy, because, after all, “equality” here means dumping on the men.

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December 9, 2008, - 11:10 am

Islamic “Modesty”: Muslim Darwin Award Winner Takes Western Lives in “Sexual” Jihad

By Debbie Schlussel
You know that Islamic “modesty” we keep hearing about? Despite the fact that 9/11 hijackers visited “The Pink Pony” strip club and patronized prostitutes, the liberal media–and Jeff Jacoby–were all up in arms about Islamic modesty when it was reported that sexy American interrogators may have touched their body parts on Gitmo detainees’ backs.
Well, as I’ve written time and again–including in “Sex & The Islamic Terrorist,” there’s no such thing as Islamic “modesty”. Their religion has no special monopoly on it, and frankly Christianity and Judaism have stronger claims.
Just as a reminder, here’s yet another example of the real Islamic “modesty.” Sadly, it took Westerners’ lives. Oh, and it happened right after he left prayers at the mosque (which this politically correct report refers to only as “services”) and a trip to a “lap dancing club” and called around for a prostitute. Let’s hear it for “Islamic modesty,” baby!:


The Fruit of Islamic “Modesty”

A speeding drink-driver [DS: sic] who was masturbating at the wheel of his car as he killed two people was yesterday jailed for eight years – but told he could be free in just four.
Imran Hussain’s Audi Q7 was travelling “like a speeding bullet” and as though he had a “death wish” before it hit the car of an airport-bound family set for a dream holiday in Florida.
Drivers who ran to his aid on the M62 told police Hussain’s genitals were partially exposed before he tried to run away, snarling at them: “Who the f**k are you? You don’t know who I am. I’m going to have you killed.” Gary Proctor, 47, and 16-year-old son James died. His wife Catherine, 44, suffered six broken ribs and facial wounds.
Hussain, 32, a father of four, was twice the legal limit and drove at speeds of up to 120mph following a row with his wife and a visit with pals to a lap dancing club.
He stopped at services [DS: Real English Translation: Islamic prayers at the mosque] in the early hours “staggering and clearly drunk”. His driving was reported to police by three motorists minutes before the crash near Rochdale. One even saw him stop and hurl a bottle from his car before setting off again.
Andrew Nuttall, prosecuting, said Hussain called directory inquiries for the number of an escort agency before the crash.
He said: “His attempts to contact the agency and finding him aroused indicates he was sexually excited and handling his private parts at the time of the collision.”
Jailing him at Manchester crown court, Judge Andrew Blake said: “It must have been a symptom you were not giving full attention to driving.”
Hussain, from Bradford, admitted causing death by dangerous driving and drink driving. [DS: sic]
He was jailed for eight years and banned from driving for 15 years.
He will have to serve half before being considered for parole – but as he has served 125 days on remand he could be free by September 2012.
The maximum sentence he could have faced was 14 years.
The Proctors were travelling from Wakefield to Manchester Airport.
After the hearing, Mrs Proctor said in a statement: “I feel it is the end of my life. Suddenly you are no one’s wife or mum any more. One of the worst things is the loss of a future for James.
“I will never see him get married or see him have a family of his own and allow me to be a granny. My hopes and dreams have been taken away.”

Yup, whatta religion of peace!


Gary & James Proctor, Latest Victims of Islamic “Modesty”

Read “Sex and the Islamic Terrorist.”
**** UPDATE: My friend, Linda, writes:

In addition to the obvious hypocrisy about modesty, what about imbibing alcohol? Don’t the vice police in a certain country of our good friends and allies arrest Westerners for consumption of alcohol??? Not that any members of the Royal Family of course would indulge…..

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