December 16, 2008, - 4:08 pm

Hypocrite of the Day: Flabulous Filmmaker & the Auto Bailout

By Debbie Schlussel
I haven’t written much about the proposed auto bailout because I have mixed feelings about it and might write a longer column on it when I get the time.
That said, I have to laugh at the hypocrisy of the calorically-gifted Michael Moore, the filmmaker who has been documented to stiff his workers, underpay them, and refuse to pay them overtime. This has been documented over and over again.
Well, today–in an op-ed column in The Detroit Newsistan–he’s saying that Republicans don’t want autoworkers to make decent wages. Um, take a break from that hot dog and look in the mirror, dude. (I’m not linking to the piece because neither the Newsistan, its insanely jealous and ignorant op-ed page editors Nolan Finley and Richard Burr, nor Michael Moore deserve my traffic–and there’s no point in reading his pap, which is more of the same.)


I don’t like the behavior of Senators Corker and Shelby. I think it’s disgraceful. And they have a lot of the facts wrong. Still, I think it’s hilarious that he says this is about denying people decent wages, when he’s done the same with his much smaller group of employees. Hello . . .?
I do agree with him that it’s a double standard to bail out Wall Street with no questions asked or strings attached, while they give a proctology exam to the auto industry’s Big Three and their CEOs. The most annoying was Shelby’s questioning of CEOs about how much they drove and how much they rode during their travel to their second grovel trip to Capitol Hill.
But Michael Moore? Come on. He’s railing against millionaires, when he’s a multi-millionaire, himself. He rails against Wall Street, when he’s a huge investor, not to mention, just plain huge.
It’s nothing new that Michael Moore is a gi-normous hypocrite, literally and figuratively–in this case, the literal is his figure, or lack thereof. I’ve written about it numerous times over the last decade, including here and here.
But it’s always important to point it out, since it’s predictably lost on the boneheaded, pan-Islamist editors of the Newsistan, which looks on the verge of deserved bankruptcy and would be, but for a joint operating agreement.

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December 16, 2008, - 3:44 pm

SEEEEXY!: Meet the Shoe-Thrower’s Hot Sis

By Debbie Schlussel
This is Um Sa’aad (mother of Sa’aad, and probably 13 other ugly, anti-American kids), the sexy sister of Iraqi urinalist Muntadar Al-Zeidi, the guy who threw shoes at President Bush and should probably get a try-out with the Dearborn Jihadists NFL Expansion Team. His sister looks like she should be one of their cheerleaders. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, eat your pork hearts out. By the way, someone didn’t get the fashion memo against mixing clashing prints.
As you probably know, her 28-year-old, violent, immature bro is being hailed as a hero around the Islamic world. But, wait, I thought they loved America, and that they were so peaceful. They’d never cheer on the throwing of shoes or grenades at Americans or planes at American buildings. Would they?
Oh, and speaking of that, it reminds me of Um Sa’aad’s fellow beauty pageant contestant, who was all over Greater Palestinian Barbaria on 9/11, celebrating and passing out candy.
Separated at Birth?: Sis of Shoe Thrower, 9/11 Celebrator . . .



Lovely bunch, these hotties. Smokin’. Total pinup babes–the kind they probably have calendars of in the back of Iraqi and Palestinian gas stations.
The thing is, the insides of those shoes of theirs are probably not more maladorous than the people wearing them.
Al-Jazeera–Shocker!–takes up the shoe-thrower’s cause:

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December 16, 2008, - 1:05 pm

VIDEO of the Day: “Hostile Work Environment”

By Debbie Schlussel
“I’m a professional.”

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December 16, 2008, - 12:20 pm

What Happens in Vegas: When Times Are Tough, Promote Your Mob Ties; Mayor Who Covered Up Terror Threat Banks on Mob Ties

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel–the Jewish mobster who made Las Vegas into what it is today?
Well, for years, Vegas wanted you to forget him. But when times are tough, apparently the mob details are not only suddenly easy to recall, but they’re a tourism and marketing tool. That’s not to mention the mob lawyer Mayor, Oscar Goodman. He’s spending $50 million on a “Mobster Museum” and giving an ineffective female FBI Special Agent in Charge a cushy retirement job to boot.

The old downtown federal courthouse and post office is to be transformed into the Las Vegas Museum of Law Enforcement and Organized Crime. Or, as locals call it, the Mob Museum.

Silicone-Mobster Sandwich . . .

Vegas Mob Mayor Oscar Goodman:
Didn’t Mind Turning Luxor Into Mass Grave, Now Turning Courthouse Into Mob Museum

It is appropriate, says Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, because the city owes much of its success to the “made” men and associates of organized crime. They built the first big casinos in the 1940s and helped steer development into the 1980s, when mob control gave way to corporate owners.
“If we didn’t have the mob in our background, we’d be like El Paso with gambling,” he says.
Goodman, 69, knows a thing or two about the subject. He served as defense lawyer for prominent mob figures including Anthony “Tony the Ant” Spilotro, an enforcer from Chicago whose bloody character was memorably reprised under another name by Joe Pesci in the 1995 film Casino.
Another client was Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal, a sports handicapper who ran the Stardust and other properties when they were mob owned. Robert De Niro played the Rosenthal-based character in the same movie.
“Had I known who I was representing when I represented them,” Goodman quips, “I would have charged them a lot more.”

Yeah, right. He knew exactly who his clients were and what they did for a “living.” He knows it, and we know it.
Goodman is something of a liar, who doesn’t shy away from endangering American lives. As I’ve noted on this site, in 2001, when the Detroit Al-Qaeda Terror Cell was caught with surveillance tapes of Vegas and plans to bomb the Luxor and other casinos, Goodman tried to sweep it under the rug in 2004, and leaned on the Vegas FBI to ignore it, then lied about it to the press. He also tried to get authorities to ignore Al-Qaeda figures cashing millions of dollars in fake bank checks at a Vegas casino. The case was tied to Detroit Al-Qaeda figure Omar Abdel-Fatah Al-Shishani.

The mayor has been pushing for a museum devoted to the mob since winning election in 1999. The concept will incorporate law enforcement’s side of the story and organized crime’s development nationally, since so many crime families kept a finger in the Vegas pie.
The recently retired special agent-in-charge of the FBI’s Las Vegas office, Ellen Knowlton, heads the board overseeing the project. She says the bureau and Justice Department in Washington have provided assistance, as have former police and agents.
“I wanted to make sure the FBI was accurately represented,” she says. “I was not interested in any project that would glorify any criminal activity.”

Translation: I want to lie about how much the Vegas FBI contributed to taking down the mob, even though they screwed up a lot, though not as badly as they do in Islamic terrorism cases.

Joe Yablonsky, a former chief of the FBI’s Las Vegas office who retired in 1984, says he was concerned the exhibits would show wiseguys “in some sort of favorable light,” but he is reassured by Knowlton’s role. He says the heart of the story is that the mob operated in Las Vegas by skimming cash from casinos and sending it via bagmen to crime bosses in Chicago, New York, Cleveland, Kansas City and other cities. . . .
Crime is a proven attraction in Sin City.
Six nights a week, tourists fork over $56 or more for a ticket to a narrated bus ride called the Las Vegas Mob Tour. Visitors hear stories and see the house where much of Casino was filmed, a church built with mob money, the restaurant where Rosenthal’s car was bombed.
Bobby Baltus, a tough-talking tour guide in pinstripes, says visitors eat it up.
“Let’s face it, these guys built this town,” he says. “If it wasn’t for them, there probably wouldn’t be a Las Vegas.”
And, he says, “where else in America could a mobster’s lawyer become the town’s mayor?”

Where else in America would a mayor lie to his own people about the danger of planned terrorist attacks there and lean on the FBI to ignore it? Oh, wait, that’s the case in most cities in America.
I look forward to the day that we have a museum documenting the then-defunct Islamic terrorists and how they were foiled.
Sadly, while the FBI celebrates and exaggerates its role in toppling the mob–which is now a shell of what it once was–they continue to ignore and break pita with the most dangerous and vile enemies of America within.
Bugsy Siegel is turning over in his grave. At least, he had a code of honor.


Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel

From my 2007 item on Vegas Mob lawyer Mayor Oscar Goodman, it gives new meaning to, “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.” LIke I said, Bugsy is rolling over in his grave:

Vegas Mayor (and Mafia lawyer) Oscar Goodman has repeatedly denied the very valid story of how members of the Detroit Terror Cell had cased Vegas. In fact, Vegas was one of the American sites that the four Detroit Al-Qaeda terrorists planned to blow up, and reportedly had scenes of Vegas in their “tourism” videos. They considered Vegas, “the City of Satan.”
That’s why in 2004, around New Year’s Eve and until the end of January, the Homeland Security color alert level was raised to Orange and several other security precautions were taken in and around Vegas airports. The Detroit FBI office took the threats seriously, as did the Vegas FBI office.
But they were under pressure from Mayor Goodman to deny the whole thing. That’s because Mayor Goodman didn’t want to see tourism and gambling in Vegas decreased–and he was more concerned about that than the safety of countless American tourists to his city.
The whole story played out in the Detroit papers, with Goodman denying it was a serious threat–because he got caught with his pants down trying to cover it up and jeopardize American lives–and differing FBI and local law enforcement offices arguing whether it was. My friend, Richard Convertino, the prosecutor of the Detroit Terror cell disclosed this information to Associated Press. Convertino went out of his way to urge law enforcement officials in Detroit and Vegas to take the terrorist threat to Los Vegas seriously.

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December 16, 2008, - 11:54 am

FLASHBACK: Laughable Most Admired

By Debbie Schlussel
I was going through some old magazines my dad had for patients. He never threw anything out, and I figured I might find some interesting recipes or something. Not a chance. While there was the occasional cool recipe, most of the stuff from the ’70s looked awful to eat. The recipes–and the pictures of them–were dark and drab, and frankly, very plain and old-looking. Like something I might see at a senior citizens home cafeteria.
But there was this interesting item from Ladies’ Home Journal in August of 1976. Look who America’s kids–from fifth grade through high school–picked as their heroes and heroines 32 years ago. Although I’m glad to see that even back then, Ronald Reagan was on the list, he’s only #29. Check out who tops all of the lists–a future double-murderer and armed robber with the singular misfortune of being unable to find any gloves his size that will fit him.
And check out some of the other questionables: Linda Lovelace? In case you didn’t know, she’s the late star of “Deep Throat” and several bestiality porn movies. Hmmm . . . maybe kids really aren’t worse now than they were back then. Charles Manson? The Maharishi? Judge-murderer and communist Angela Davis? Yippie Hippie Abby Hoffman, Racist Gov. George Wallace, and Racist Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver? Oy! Reminds me of when Monica Lewinsky topped the list, and how Oprah regularly does. At least, Neil Armstrong and John Wayne were close to the top. Remember this list the next time they tell you, “It’s only a movie, or it’s only a TV show” or whatever.




Remember these kids were in fifth through twelfth grades in 1976. That means they’re the baby boomer generation, traditionally liberal and hippie-esque, so perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised at any of their, um, “heroes.”

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December 16, 2008, - 10:23 am

She’s BAAACK!: New Blackface Expert Consulting Firm For ICE Princess, Immigration Execs No-One Will Hire

By Debbie Schlussel
If you’re an agent with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, you probably already know about the latest absurd enterprise of airhead incompetent and tax money waster extraordinaire, Julie L. Myers.
Yes, she and one of the two other judges who gave an award to an employee dressed in Blackface–her pandering, former Chief of Staff Nick Smith–are now the heads of a company called Blackface Experts Solutions (the third judge of this contest, Theresa Bertucci, is the top ICE transition official). Well, actually, it’s called I & C Solutions. Oddly, there’s no truth in advertising, since the I and C don’t stand for Incompetence and Cronyism, which is the only thing at play in this couple’s “professional” life. Nope, it’s Immigration and Customs Solutions.



Julie L. Myers and Nicholas J. Smith: No Joke–Failed Blackface Experts Now Fashioning Themselves Immigration/Customs Experts

(Artwork, including Julie Myers Diet Coke, by David Lunde)

But would you hire these two idiots to consult your company? Only if you want bad publicity–at least, from me (I’ll publicize anyone I find out hires this Dumb & Dumber outfit) and complete and utter failure in complying with immigration and customs laws. They claim on their site that they have 25 years experience. Hilarious–experience in self-promotion and BS. That’s about it.
As a number of ICE agents have pointed out, normally someone who heads a government agency as prominent as ICE gets offers of cushy jobs in corporate America. I’m told that both Myers and Smith tried desperately to get someone to take them. But strangely, no-one wants to hire these two? Gee, I wonder why.
If you hire Immigration and Customs Solutions, you’re not only wasting your money (though not as profligately as this pair wasted tax money), but you will lose money in negative publicity and problems. The only thing they have to trade on is connections, but everyone at ICE, but for a tiny handful, hates them.
But that didn’t stop the easily-fooled Lou Dobbs from drooling and gushing over The Deposed ICE Princess on his show, last week, where she was on to defend her former Don Corleone-esque protector, Michael “Serpenthead” Chertoff, for hiring a company that uses illegal workers to clean his house (and failing miserably to check into it, while he asks the rest of America’s employers to do the work some Americans–he–won’t do).
Dobbs went on and on about how she deported so many illegal aliens (actually, it’s all smoke and mirrors, and many included people she had her men pick up as they left jail), and how she’s an expert. Actually, she knows very little, and that’s why–a videotaped speech of her speech to the Detroit Economic Club, earlier this year, showed her struggling to read what someone else wrote for her about what her then-agency does. And Dobbs failed to note that she mostly paraded herself for the cameras in front of show-raids on employers, while she allowed the real dangerous cases–student and visitor visa overstays–to fester and grow.
Oh, and she’s still pushing illegal alien amnesty via that code phrase, “comprehensive immigration reform.” The drooling Dobbs failed to call her on that. He sets his taste bar low.
Here’s the video of The ICE Princess and Dobbs–get a room, you two.

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December 16, 2008, - 12:43 am

Hey, PETA: Is a Snake w/Legs a Lizard or a Snake w/Legs and other Questions

By Debbie Schlussel
Hey PETA, methinks this Gumprechts Green Pitviper would make a very cool pair of stiletto pumps, purse, or wallet. It’s one of several new rare, exotic animal species just discovered in Asia’s Greater Mekong.
Or it since it’s green and a snake, it could be the perfect new HAMAS mascot, but I don’t believe in cruelty to animals (unless, of course, those animals are the HAMASniks, themselves).
In Asia, it’s “Snake . . . the Other White Meat.” So glad it ain’t kosher.


Speaking of the reptiles in HAMAS, just curious: Is this pic, below, of “Lygosoma boehmei,” a snake with legs . . . or a lizard that just happens to look more snake-ish than lizard-esque? Or is it simply Michael “Serpenthead” Chertoff’s view in the mirror, every day? Yeah, I worshipped the ground he slithered on, too. No, not actually. In my mind, this creature looks like the snake in Genesis before G-d cut its legs off, after it got Adam to eat the apple.

Since we’re talking about limp, twisted spines, no this isn’t the column in his back, it’s a spiny dragon millipede, “Desmoxytes purpurosea,” which produces cyanide in its glands. Let’s drop a ton of these babies on Gaza.

And then, to my friends at PETA a/k/a PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans), there’s this portion of a cool, warm new jacket–an Annamite Striped Rabbit. Sorry, PETA, but I’d rather wear fur than be naked.

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December 15, 2008, - 4:07 pm

Debbie Does Sports: Separated @ Birth?–Heisman Trophy Winner Sam Bradford & . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Heisman Trophy Winner Jim Plunkett? My friend, Brett Winterble of Covert Radio Show, thinks so. And, check it out, he’s right–there is a resemblance. Plunkett is of Hispanic heritage (and possibly Native American, as was claimed in some reports, but is in dispute–the NYTimes still claims Plunkett is). Sam Bradford, who won the Heisman over the weekend, is a Native American, or as I call it, American Indian–a Cherokee.
When I was in high school in the mid-’80s, our family was vacationed at “The Ranch at McCormick Inn” at Scottsdale, Arizona, and Jim Plunkett was staying there, too. We found this out because my sisters and I inadvertently splashed him from the pool. People said to us: Do you know who you just splashed? We didn’t. But he was a nice guy about it and even signed footballs. It was right after he and his Raiders teammates won the Superbowl. And I can see the resemblance (Bradford is on the left):





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December 15, 2008, - 1:21 pm

Classy E-Mail of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, some guy–who claims to be “Joe Smith,” but is probably actually be named Mohammed or Hamida–is upset that I said Thomas Tamm, a guy who violated the attorney-client privilege and broke the law by disclosing classified information, should be prosecuted. The nerve of me.
So upset, that I just got this little gem from him/her:

From: Joe Smith
Date: Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 1:16 PM
Subject: re: Will Thomas Tamm Be Prosecuted?
Dear Debbie:
You are a stupid fucking anti-American whore that needs to learn your ass from a hole in the ground, you stupid fucking twat.

Look at the e-mail address. At least, there’s truth in advertising there.
Ah, the highbrow-ness of the disagreeable left. You stay classy, “Joe Smith”!

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December 15, 2008, - 1:07 pm

VIDEOs of the Day: Do They Stand the Test of Time?

By Debbie Schlussel
Back in the day, I loved both of these songs, but only one of them–the second (which is on my Zune and my IPod–for my workout music)–stands the test of time for me (looove the awesome guitars in it). It’s interesting that both of these one-hit wonder videos were considered futuristic in their time. Now, they’re not even “old school,” just cheesy. Bad plot more suitable for a porn flick . . . check, girls–and guys–with big hair . . . check, loud synthesizers . . . check, never heard from again . . . check, check, check. The leopard-skin jumpsuit in the first one just doesn’t do it for me, but I do wish I had a guitar with those powers.
So, whaddya think? Did you like these songs back in the day? Do they stand the test of time for you? I’m kinda surprised by the lyrics of the first one, which I definitely didn’t pay attention to back then.

**** UPDATE: Looks like Aldo Nova’s leopardskin unitard was a hint of the future. He’s now a songwriter for Clay Aiken.

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