December 18, 2008, - 3:24 pm

Can He Please Just Go, Already?

By Debbie Schlussel
So sick of this guy and his absurd PC pronouncements. Is there anyone who still believes that trite, hackneyed BS about “the hijackers hijacked Islam”? As we all know, the religion hijacked the hijackers. But not “Serpenthead.” He’s still greasing the skids for paid speaking engagements with Muslims and stressing his dumb “soft power” idea of pandering, that doesn’t work:

Q: Who is the war on terrorism against? Is it al-Qaeda? Is it the tactic, which seems impossible to eradicate? Or is it Islamic radicalism?
A: What we’re confronting is an ideological conflict with an extremist world view that I don’t think is an accurate representative of Islam, but uses the language or hijacks Islam for an extremist agenda. . . . It will be a process of using hard power to strike back at the leaders and using soft power to change the breeding ground where people try to recruit.


Buh-Bye, Already: Michael “Serpenthead” Chertoff Delusionally PC as Usual

Whatta fricking liar this guy is–he claims he didn’t have vacations and/or interrupted them. Uh-huh:

Q: With your job, what is life like?
A: It’s a 24/7 job. Something isn’t happening every minute of your life, but you have to be prepared every minute of every day. So I’ve had interrupted vacations; the traditional 3 a.m. phone call. In August, when most people are on vacation, I’m working at peak.

Oh, really? Remember what he did when the terror attacks happened at the Glasgow Airport, and we discovered the perpetrators tried to come here?
Newsweek quoted this guy, bragging about how he goes running for five miles every morning at 8:00 a.m., when most people are already at work or on their way. This is “working at peak”?
Don’t expect his replacement, The Lesbionic Woman, to be any better or any different. They’re best buds.
Please, Mr. Burns. Just go. Buh-bye.


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December 18, 2008, - 3:10 pm

Hey, You Know Who Owns Some Skyscrapers in New York? . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Iran, that’s who.

The U.S. government is attempting to seize a piece of a storied Manhattan skyscraper, alleging it is owned by a front for the Iranian government.
In documents filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in New York’s Southern District, federal prosecutors said the building at 650 Fifth Ave., long known as the Piaget building, is 40% owned by a company that funnels money to Iranian state-owned Bank Melli. The bank is subject to Treasury Department sanctions for allegedly financing Iran’s nuclear proliferation efforts.


650 Fifth Ave: Ahmadinejad’s Manhattan Skyscraper

The building, in a prime commercial section of midtown Manhattan just north of Rockefeller Center, was built in the late 1970s by a foundation set up by the former Shah Reza Pahlavi of Iran.
The Alavi Foundation, as it is now called, has been the subject of U.S.-Iranian tussles in the past, as some U.S. officials have tried to tie the foundation and its U.S. properties to the Islamic government that ousted the shah. The foundation continues to own 60% of the Fifth Avenue building.
Investigators from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Internal Revenue Service allege that Bank Melli’s interest in the building was disguised behind a company called Assa Corp. and associated entities incorporated in the offshore banking center of the Channel Islands. . . .
Separately, the Bush administration added Assa and several affiliates to a Treasury Department sanctions list aimed at freezing assets of those implicated in proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Wow, so glad that with less than a month left, the Bush Administration is finally showing–for a brief second–that it means business when it comes to Iran. What did they do for the rest of the eight years?
Now, it’s too little, too late–early enough in the game for the Obamaniacs to withdraw the case, if they want, once they get in.

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December 18, 2008, - 2:34 pm

Priorities, Schmiorities: The Wrong Outrage on Pastor Rick Warren, Syria’s Best Bud

By Debbie Schlussel
By now you probably know how gays and assorted other left-wingers are outraged–outraged!–that Barack Hussein Obama’s “gone rogue” on them and invited pro-life, anti-gay-marriage, New Age Pastor Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church.
And, of course, the liberal mainstream media is following suit.
But, as I noted back in the fall when John McCain and Obama debated at Warren’s Church, the real outrage against Rick Warren is his enabling of the patron-saint-state of terrorism, Syria.
Warren gleefully visited Syria with his wife and paid homage to the Bashar Assads. And he had the gall to praise Syria as a “moderate” country. He had nothing negative to say in the least about this family that has wreaked havoc on Lebanon, worked in concert with Hezbollah and Iran, used his state as a shelter for every Islamic terrorist group imaginable, Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner, Jamil Al-Gashey (the only surviving Munich terrorist), etc.


The Company He Keeps:

Fetid Rick Warren Feted Syrian Terrorist Tyrant Bashar Assad, Praised Him as “Moderate”

Not a word from Rick Warren about the extreme repression of human rights, to the point that anti-Syrian journalist Salim Al-Lawzi disappeared in Lebanon and was never heard from again, after he visited from England. The lovely Assad family sent his hands in a box to his family members in the West. Then, he was found mutilated and tortured to death–all courtesy of the Assads.
Ignoring all this in the name of a nebulous, damaging “outreach” is emblematic of Obama’s worldview, and is far more important than Warren’s views on gay marriage and abortion (I happen to agree with his views on those, but he’s done nothing to stop either, other than mere lip service).
But you know our priorities: Who cares if someone supports terrorists bent on Jews’ and Christians’ destruction and elimination? Who cares if they help the enemies of the West and cut off people’s hands decapitate the heads of those who write things they don’t like? Who cares about homicide bombings of 300 U.S. Marines and civilians?
But oppose gay marriage and abortion? Now, we’re talking.
I have news for these lefties. Their children and grandchildren might not be around to enjoy the establishment gay marriage and the continuation of abortion, if they continue to focus on the wrong priorities.
The ultimate civil right is life. And when we honor clerics like Warren who continue to prop up those who wantonly take it away, we endorse their mass murders.
It’s simply an outrage that Rick Warren will be anywhere near the inauguration of any American President . . . even Barack Hussein Obama.

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December 18, 2008, - 2:21 pm

Where I’ve Been Today

By Debbie Schlussel
Just got back from screening, “Marley & Me,” based on the best-seller about a writer’s family and their dog. Can’t post my review until it opens on Christmas Day, but I’ll say this: Save your pennies for movies on that day–there’s a lotta good stuff. Stay tuned for my complete review at Midnight, just as the holiday begins.
Until then, here’s the trailer, which simply doesn’t do it justice:

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December 18, 2008, - 10:06 am

Obama’s Pan-Terrorist, Anti-Israel Republican: About Rep. LaHood, Scary New Transportation Secretary

By Debbie Schlussel
Obama’s appointment of Rahm Emanuel’s close friend, Congressman Ray LaHood of Illinois, is emblematic of the types of “Republicans” Obama likes–RINOs.
LaHood, who is retiring from Congress, was one of the most anti-Israel Republicans–no, make that, one of the most anti-Israel Congressman–which has a lot to do with his Lebanese heritage. Although he’s a Christian, LaHood was not exactly opposed to Hezbollah or HAMAS. And don’t forget his sponsorship of the anti-Israel “Rachel Corrie Resolution,” among many other damaging votes he cast on the Middle East. (In case you don’t know, Corrie is the granola-y bim, who aided Palestinian terrorists, laughingly burned the American flag for them, then got herself killed when she stood in front of an Israeli bulldozer, trying to destroy a terrorist smuggling hideout and the driver didn’t see her–call it natural self-selection.) He’s soft on Syria and Bashar Assad, too.
And then, there’s his 2000 sponsorship of H.R. 2121, the Secret Evidence Repeal Act, designed to protect Islamic terrorists in our midst by disallowing courts and law enforcement to use profiling, secret evidence, and secret methods and sources to fight terrorism on our soil. His fellow sponsors were the usual pan-terrorist friends of Sami Al-Arian, then in Congress, Democrat David Bonior, and Republicans Darrell Issa a/k/a Jihad Darrell and Tom Campbell.


Ray LaHood: Obama’s New Transportation Sec. Loves Hezbos, HAMAS & Other Terrorists

In May, he sent a joint letter with Democratic Congressman David Price, calling on President Bush to pressure Israel and equating Israel’s defense of its citizens against terrorist rocket attacks to those terrorist attacks. The letter was supported by the usual cast of anti-Israel and far-left Jewish characters: the Arab-American Institute (which openly supports HAMAS and Hezbollah), Americans for Peace Now, Israel Policy Forum, J Street, and Churches for Peace in the Middle East (which boycotts Israel and had members serve as human shields to protect Palestinian Islamic terrorists).
He’s made several trips to Lebanon with fellow Hezbo-panderers in Congress, Republican Darrell Issa a/k/a “Jihad Darrell” and Democratic Nick Joe Rahall. Each time, he returned with either attacks on Israel or moral equivocation of Israelis and the Iranian-backed terrorist group that murdered over 300 U.S. Marines and officials.
Normally, I’d say it’s great to get LaHood out of Congress, where he can continue to be Hezbollah’s water carrier and do damage to American interests in the Mid-East. But he retired from Congress. He was out of the picture. Now, Obama has resuscitated this classic specimen of a political hack without a conscience.
Far more disturbing, as Transportation Secretary, LaHood will have access to classified information about when and where our nuclear weapons and toxic materials are being transported on federal highways. Should a man who carried water for HAMAS and Hezbollah in Congress have access to this info? Sadly, he’ll have it.
And that’s a very scary thought.
More scary, given his views on profiling and secret evidence, is the fact that LaHood will oversee the FAA. Think about that the next time you’re flying and the six flying imams get on the plane.

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December 17, 2008, - 2:57 pm

Just Like Ted Nugent, Model is Hypocrite Draft-Dodger

By Debbie Schlussel
In case you don’t remember the name Bar Refaeli, she’s the Israeli model who appeared in this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition and is the on-again, off-again girlfriend of actor Leonardo DiCaprio, or we call him here, Leonardo DiCrapio. She hopes to make it big in showbiz and Hollywood and hosts travel shows on Bravo.
And she’s a lot like Ted Nugent. How so? Well, she’s a draft dodger and a hypocrite about it. When asked by women’s mag Marie Claire who is tougher–Israelis or New Yorkers–she answered, thus:

Israelis. They went through the army, you know.

Problem is, just like Ted Nugent, she dodged the draft–and said something just a tad different, a year ago, about serving in the Israeli Army when she was asked about it by Israel’s Yediot Achronot. In Israel, everyone is required to either serve in the military or do national service. She didn’t, and she bragged about it, saying that was for the “little people.”


Hypocrite-ette: The Israeli Ted Nugent

In her interview, the Israeli model said she was not against army service, even though she never enlisted, having married an acquaintance to evade the draft. The couple was soon divorced.
“I really wanted to serve in the IDF, but I don’t regret not enlisting, because it paid off big time,” she said. “That’s just the way it is, celebrities have other needs. I hope my case has influenced the army.”
“Israel or Uganda [DS: where she was modeling while fellow Israelis were risking their lives in the Army], what difference does it make? It makes no difference to me. Why is it good to die for our country? What, isn’t it better to live in New York? Why should 18-year-old kids have to die? It’s dumb that people have to die so that I can live in Israel,” Refaeli added.

Read Carl in Jerusalem‘s past comments about this nauseating, ugly woman hiding inside a beautiful outward visage.
How do you say “hypocrite” in Hebrew? The word is tzavuah. But a great synonym is “Bar Refaeli.”

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December 17, 2008, - 2:14 pm

Important Study: Chick Flicks Are Evil; Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, J-Lo Ruin Marriages (Other Than Their Own)

By Debbie Schlussel
Among other things, Reader Ari frequently sends me stuff about how TV and movies give people the wrong idea about love and marriage (and other stuff). Yes, the concept is elementary, but the stuff Ari sends is far deeper stuff, and more funny.
And today, he sent this. Bottom line, as Ari say, “Chick flicks are evil.” Yup, Julia Roberts didn’t just ruin the marriage of her husband, cameraman Danny Moder, to his first wife. She also ruins marriages around the world–at least the marriages of those women who watch this crap (and probably worship Oprah, too). The same goes for Meg Ryan and J-Lo, and not just with Dennis Quaid, Diddy, and Ben Affleck.
Although it doesn’t say in the article–they don’t want to sound sexist and gotta be PC for you and me–I think it’s the women. Men are generally not the ones who believe in ESP in relationships. That’s the stuff of romance novels and other pop culture offerings consumed by women.
Bad for Your & Their Relationships . . .


Watching romantic comedies can spoil your love life, a study by a university in Edinburgh has claimed.
Rom-coms have been blamed by relationship experts at Heriot Watt University for promoting unrealistic expectations when it comes to love.
They found fans of films such as Runaway Bride and Notting Hill often fail to communicate with their partner.
Many held the view if someone is meant to be with you, then they should know what you want without you telling them.
Psychologists at the family and personal relationships laboratory at the university studied 40 top box office hits between 1995 and 2005, and identified common themes which they believed were unrealistic.
The problem is that while most of us know that the idea of a perfect relationship is unrealistic, some of us are still more influenced by media portrayals than we realise
The movies included You’ve Got Mail, Maid In Manhattan, The Wedding Planner and While You Were Sleeping.
The university’s Dr Bjarne Holmes said: “Marriage counsellors often see couples who believe that sex should always be perfect, and if someone is meant to be with you then they will know what you want without you needing to communicate it.
“We now have some emerging evidence that suggests popular media play a role in perpetuating these ideas in people’s minds.
“The problem is that while most of us know that the idea of a perfect relationship is unrealistic, some of us are still more influenced by media portrayals than we realise.”
The study says watching romantic comedies can spoil your love life.
As part of the project, 100 student volunteers were asked to watch the 2001 romantic comedy Serendipity, while a further 100 watched a David Lynch drama.
Students watching the romantic film were later found to be more likely to believe in fate and destiny. A further study found that fans of romantic comedies had a stronger belief in predestined love.
Kimberly Johnson, who also worked on the study, said: “Films do capture the excitement of new relationships but they also wrongly suggest that trust and committed love exist from the moment people meet, whereas these are qualities that normally take years to develop.”

Writes Ari:

I have always said that there is nothing true in the movies. Mythbusters have pretty comprehensively proven that any and all physics in the movies is a bunch of crap. It is quite obvious that the notions of “Love” in the movies is also crap. AND it’s damaging.

He’s so right. I’d bet if they did another study, they’d find that people who watch more movies are more likely to get or be divorced, and people who watch fewer or no movies are more happy in their relationships and have more stable ones.
By the way, remember “Pretty Woman”? The hooker is the heroine who lives happily every after. Yup, sounds exactly like real life.

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December 17, 2008, - 12:45 pm

Hey Conspiracy Theorists, Here’s How I “Build-a-Burger”

By Debbie Schlussel
I do a lot of radio interviews and a very infinitesmally few of them are with online shows. In general, I try to investigate the shows that invite me, and I appear on the ones that get a lot of traffic. But sometimes, I screw up. Shame on me.
Take, my interview, last week, for instance, with something called Sadly, I didn’t realize that the website and associated show apparently subscribe to 9/11 conspiracy theories and Trutherism, and just general, stale anti-Semitic BS.
I was on the show to discuss my piece on Barack Hussein Obama’s apparently fraudulent Selective Service registration. The interview went fine for the first ten minutes or so. But, then, the host, Rick Wiles, started going off about the “New World Order” and the “Shadow Government.” I was waiting to hear black helicopters buzzing in my ears from the active imaginations of this host and his audience. I told him that I want to be clear that I don’t believe in that stuff.
It went downhill from there and went something like this:

TruNews host: “Well haven’t you heard of the Bilderbergs?” he asked.
Me: “Oh, you wanna know how I build a burger? Well, first I put ketchup on and there’s gotta be mustard and relish. . .”

Real . . .


Fake . . .

TruNews host: “You’ve never heard of the Bilderbergs? [Starts explaining this mythical group of people.]”
Me: “Yes, I just told you. I love to build a burger. The bun has to be toasted. And I like ketchup and mustard . . .”
TruNews host: “Come on, you know what I’m talking about.”
Me: “I love my burgers medium well. And I think I’m gonna have to end this interview.”
TruNews host: “No, you’re not gonna hang up on me.”
Me: Click.

No wonder they don’t spell the word “true” correctly. There’s nothing truthful about this gang of nutcases and anti-Semites.
Afterward, I got a couple of angry, anti-Semitic e-mails, calling me rude and “explaining” how the Jews control the world (and how 9/11 was an “inside job”). Like I’ve always said, I’m still waiting for my share of this “control,” my piece of the “international banking system.”
For now, I’m gonna go build a burger. Drives these nutcases even more crazy when I say so.
By the way, if you want to help me Build-a-Burger, you’ll have to join me at Rami’s. It’s the only kosher burger place in the Detroit area. And FYI, the prices for kosher meat across the U.S.A. went up, thanks to Julie Myers’ dumb, wasteful raid on Agriprocessors kosher meat plant, which achieved only one thing–taking jobs from Catholic Latino immigrants and giving them to Muslim Somalian extremists.

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December 17, 2008, - 12:07 pm

So Sad, Too Bad: Parents Who Named Kid “Hitler” Can’t Find Bakery for B-Day Cake

By Debbie Schlussel
Wish I could say I feel sorry for little Adolf Hitler Campbell, who lives near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Sunday was his third birthday, and his parents couldn’t find a bakery to agree to make a birthday cake for someone with a name honoring contemporary time’s greatest mass murderer.
But at age three, the kid doesn’t know enough about what’s going on to feel bad. And when he is old enough, he’ll already be fully ingrained with his insane parents’ neo-Nazi hatred. This can be a good lesson for little Adolf in how Americans feel about Nazis and Holocaust denial, ie., that some Americans still have an iota of values and principles
His parents, Heath and Deborah Campbell, are Holocaust deniers who’ve named their other kids, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, a girl named for Schutzstaffel head Heinrich Himmler. Let me guess–JoyceLynn (if she’s smart, and defies her parents’ DNA) will not include her joyous middle names on her resume.


Awwww: Charming Adolf Hitler Campbell & Loving Neo-Nazi Social Security-Soaking Parents

Oh, and by the way, the Campbells don’t work. They’re living off of you. Mr. Campbell says that at age 35, he can’t work because of emphysema. He’s soaking taxpayers to pay for his Nazi memorabilia collection. Mrs. Campbell, in her mid-20s, says she can’t waitress because of a bad back. Tell that to every waitress in America, who breaks her back and doesn’t live off of social security at age 25.

In a living room decorated with war books, German combat knives and swastikas, a 2-year-old boy, blond and blue-eyed, played with a plastic dinner set.
The boy, asked his name, put down a tiny plate and ran behind his father’s leg. He flashed a shy smile but wouldn’t answer. Heath Campbell, 35, the boy’s father, encouraged him.
“Say Adolf,” said Campbell, a Holocaust denier who has three children named for Nazism.
Again, the boy wouldn’t answer. It wasn’t the first time the name caused hesitation.
Adolf Hitler Campbell — it’s indeed the name on his birth certificate — turns 3 today, and the Campbell family believes the boy has been mistreated. A local supermarket refused to make a birthday cake with “Adolf Hitler” on it.
The ShopRite in Greenwich Township has also refused to make a cake bearing the name of Campbell’s daughter, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, who turns 2 in February.
Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, a girl named for Schutzstaffel head Heinrich Himmler, turns 1 in April.
“ShopRite can’t even make a cake for a 3-year-old,” said Deborah Campbell, 25, who is Heath’s wife of three years and the mother of the children. “That’s sad.”. . .
Karen Meleta, a ShopRite spokeswoman, said the grocer tries to meet customer requests but rejects those deemed inappropriate. “We believe the request to inscribe a birthday wish to Adolf Hitler is inappropriate,” she said.
The grocer offered to make a cake with enough room for the Campbells to write their own inscription. But the Campbells refused, saying they would have a cake made at the Wal-Mart in Lower Nazareth Township. The Campbells say Wal-Mart made cakes for Adolf’s first two birthdays.
A spokeswoman for Wal-Mart said the store won’t put anything illegal or profane on a cake but thinks it’s important to respect the views of customers and employees.
“Our No. 1 priority in decorating cakes is to serve the customer to the best of our ability,” Anna Taylor, the spokeswoman, said from Bentonville, Ark. . . .
The Campbells have swastikas in each room of their home, the rented half of a one-story duplex just outside Milford, a borough in Hunterdon County. . . .
The Campbells said they wanted their children to have unique names and didn’t expect the names to cause problems. Despite the cake refusal, the Campbells said they don’t expect the names to cause problems later, such as when the children start school.
“I just figured that they’re just names,” Deborah Campbell said. “They’re just kids. They’re not going to hurt anybody.” . . .
“They’re just names, you know,” [Heath Campbell] said. “Yeah, they (Nazis) were bad people back then. But my kids are little. They’re not going to grow up like that.”
“Other kids get their cake. I get a hard time,” he said. “It’s not fair to my children.
“How can a name be offensive?” he asked. . . .
Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can’t landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can’t waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments.
In the foyer, Heath Campbell, who said he has German ancestry and a relative who fought for the SS, took off boots he said were worn by a Nazi solider named Daniel.
He laid them next to a skull with a swastika on its forehead, the first of dozens of swastikas seen by the Campbells’ rare guests.
There are swastikas on walls, on jackets, on the freezer and on a pillow. The family car had swastikas, Heath Campbell said, until New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families told him they could endanger the children.

I’m actually surprised and gratified to see that ShopRite won’t do the cake, especially in these tough economic times and days of political correctness so dominant that anything goes. Jeers to Wal-Mart, which never seems to have any principles, whether it means pressuring contractors to hire illegal aliens or having no qualms about glorifying Nazis.
I wonder if–but don’t expect–places like ShopRite will have the same resolve when asked to do up a birthday cake for kids named Hezbollah Smith, or Osama Bin Laden Jones, or I Luv Nine-Eleven Anderson. Don’t laugh–Muslims in Dearborn have scheduled kids’ births for 9/11 and have named their kids “Khomeini,” for the Islamic fundamentalist leader who took our Embassy officials hostage and helped lead the creation of Hezbollah.

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December 17, 2008, - 12:03 pm

Been Having Internet Problems All Morning . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
Will be back shortly. Stay tuned. Thanks for your patience.

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