December 22, 2008, - 12:32 pm

Hell Hath No Fury . . .: Are You on the Gay McCarthyist Blacklist, er . . . Pinklist?

By Debbie Schlussel
The trite, but true adage, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” definitely applies to the scorned men who think and act like they’re women.
As I noted several months ago before Proposition 8 won at the ballot box, gays were already harassing and boycotting businesses whose owners contributed to the Prop 8 campaign.
Now, that California voters confirmed that they believe marriage is between one man and one woman, gays are going full steam ahead in their boycott tactics. Some of the same businesses I told you about before on the list. Others are new. There are even blacklists of Hollywood studio execs who gave to Prop 8. The shocker to me is that any Hollywoodites supported Prop 8.


One other thing, in honor of gays, I think in this case, it should be a pinklist, not a blacklist:

After losing on Election Day, some supporters of gay marriage are using economic boycotts and Internet lists to focus ire on the financial backers of Proposition 8.
Some on the receiving end say the tactic amounts to a blacklist, a term that conjures memories of Hollywood’s refusal to hire screenwriters and others identified as communists in the late 1940s and 1950s.
“I just hate being pigeonholed as a hate monger or bigot,” says Robert Hoehn, who contributed $25,000 to the campaign for Prop 8, which amended California’s Constitution to exclude same-sex marriage. “I have friends in the gay community, and I don’t think any of them would say that.”
Hoehn has seen protesters outside his Carlsbad, Calif., car dealerships, his name and business have appeared on websites publicizing donors, and he has received “the most vitriolic kinds of e-mails, letters and phone calls.”
“I want to make it a little hot for these people,” says Fred Karger, a retired Los Angeles political consultant who started the group and website called Californians Against Hate.
Small as well as large donors have felt heat:
* El Coyote, a Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles since 1931, has seen fewer diners and been picketed over a $100 contribution by a manager and member of the owning family. Marjorie Christoffersen told The Los Angeles Times, “I’ve almost had a nervous breakdown.”
* San Diego developer Doug Manchester, who donated $125,000 to put Prop 8 on the ballot, has seen a boycott against hotels he owns, including the Manchester Grand Hyatt on San Diego Bay. Manchester did not return calls seeking comment. Sonja Eddings Brown, spokeswoman for the Protect Marriage coalition, which supports Prop 8, said Manchester’s hotel “has lost several national conventions and conferences.”
* A-1 Self Storage, with 30 locations across California, has also been targeted by Karger’s group. Owner Terry Caster and family members donated $693,000.
Caster did not return calls but has a recording on his phone defending the contribution and Prop 8. “The homosexual community is trying to change something that has been practiced since the start of our great country,” he says, referring to marriage. “I simply exercise my right to support that which I believe in.”
Brown says she has received calls from small business owners in Hollywood and West Hollywood who have lost customers because of their donations. She said she has seen printed lists that name Hollywood studio employees who gave to the cause, an action that “replicates that feel” of blacklists of movie-industry figures who many in Hollywood to this day believe were prevented from earning a living because of their politics.

Ah, the tolerance of the gay community. So much for “diversity.” They lost at the ballot box. They were soundly defeated. And they simply refuse to accept it.
I hope that if you live in California, you will patronize these businesses now in peril. As if our economy isn’t bad enough, gays want to make it worse.

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December 22, 2008, - 12:12 pm

Our Civilized Muslim “Allies”: 8-Year-Old Girl Must Wait for Puberty to Divorce 58-Year-Old

By Debbie Schlussel
Ah, the “Religion of Peace for Muslim Eight-Year-Old Girls.” They claim to be our “allies in the war on terror,” but they actually terrorize eight-year-old girls no differently than their buddy Bin Laden would. No difference between them and him:

A Saudi court has rejected a plea to divorce an eight-year-old girl married off by her father to a man who is 58, saying the case should wait until the girl reaches puberty, a lawyer involved told AFP.
“The judge has dismissed the plea–filed by the mother‚Äîbecause she does not have the right to file such a case, and ordered that the plea should be filed by the girl herself when she reaches puberty,” lawyer Abdullah Jtili told AFP in a telephone interview after Saturday’s court decision.


“Religion of Peace”: Married Off at Eight, Must Wait for Puberty to Divorce

The divorce plea was filed in August by the girl’s divorced mother with a court at Unayzah, 220 kilometers (135 miles) north Riyadh just after the marriage contract was signed by the father and the groom.
“She doesn’t know yet that she has been married,” Jtili said then of the girl who was about to begin her fourth year at primary school.
Relatives who did not wish to be named told AFP that the marriage had not yet been consummated, and that the girl continued to live with her mother. They said that the father had set a verbal condition by which the marriage is not consummated for another 10 years, when the girl turns 18.
The father had agreed to marry off his daughter for an advance dowry of 30,000 riyals ($8,000), as he was apparently facing financial problems, they said.
The father was in court and he remained adamant in favor of the marriage, they added.

So, how many speeches will President Bush be making in this country after he leaves office? How much money will his library get from these barbarians (just like the Clintons and Papa Bush)?
And what if his twin girls were married off when they were eight?

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December 22, 2008, - 11:38 am

Three Cheers for Andy Kennedy: Ole Miss Basketball Coach Fights Back Against Muslim Cab Driver

By Debbie Schlussel
On Thursday, Cincinnati Muslim cab driver Mohamed Moctar Ould Jiddou claimed that Ole Miss men’s basketball coach Andy Kennedy assaulted him and made anti-Muslim slurs against him, including calling him “Bin Laden” and “Saddam Hussein” (which authorities are calling “racial slurs”–hmmm, they’re the same race as Kennedy). Because authorities generally take everything Muslims say as the gospel, Kennedy was charged and could face up to six months in jail. He pleaded not guilty.
I don’t believe Jiddou’s story for a second. And I’m glad Andy Kennedy is fighting back. On Friday, Kennedy filed a lawsuit against both Jiddou and a valet and said that what actually happened is that the Muslim cabdriver yelled racial slurs at Kennedy’s Black assistant coach, Torrey Ward. All four of Kennedy’s assistant coaches were with him at the time and back up his version of events.


Ole Miss Hoops Coach Andy Kennedy Fights Off Litigation Jihad


In his first lengthy statements to local media since being arrested and charged with simple assault in Cincinnati, Ole Miss men’s basketball coach Andy Kennedy said he was grateful for the university’s support and explained why he countered the charges with a civil lawsuit.
“A man takes his whole life to establish credibility,” Kennedy said. “And I cannot stand back and allow my credibility to be (ruined) based on false allegations. That was the purpose of what I had to do yesterday.”

What we have here is a case of yet another Muslim using the system to soak people and/or silence them.
Attention Muslim litigation jihadists: Some Americans actually do fight back against your attempts to use the legal system to destroy them.

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December 22, 2008, - 10:51 am

SAD: F.A.O. Schwarz, Michigan Businesses Say “Bah, Humbug” to Santa

By Debbie Schlussel
Even though I’m a Jew and do not observe Christmas, I feel the pain of my fellow Americans who are Christian, when I see these stories of the way Santa is treated. You might not know that when Jews were poor immigrants to this country, early in the last century, many Jewish men played Santa. Most already had the beard, and for many, it was the only paying job they could get.
First, there is the extremely sad story of Manley “Butch” Stowell, age 66. For most of his career, he played Santa, but two years ago, he went blind, when oxygen was cut off to his brain during back surgery. Since then, few will hire him. His wife, Enid, who plays Mrs. Santa (and looks just like her) whispers in his ear who the kids are and what they want, and most kids don’t even know he’s blind. Still, many stores that used to hire him are playing Scrooge.
Oh, and by the way, the Stowells raised 116 foster children.
Very sad:


Blind Santa Butch Stowell & Wife Enid

After a decade as Kris Kringle, businesses stopped hiring Butch Stowell after he became blind. His last annual stint as Santa is at a private party at Huckleberry Junction hosted by the Independent Order of Forresters, a Flint-based fraternal organization.
“He’d be Santa tomorrow if places would take him,” said Enid Stowell, 64. “He’s a wonderful Santa, and it makes us feel bad he can’t do it all the time.”
Butch Stowell lost his sight in 2006 during back surgery that cut the flow of oxygen to his brain. The ordeal left the man — who above all else valued children — unable to see his grandchildren and unable to find work as Santa Claus, except for the Forresters.
Enid Stowell continues to be Mrs. Claus during the holidays, but without Butch.
It’s too bad, too. He’s a good Santa, said Fran Teeple, a member of the order.
“Here you had a good, healthy, strong man up until a few years ago, and he loved to do this Christmas stuff. He didn’t want to give it up,” Teeple said. “I don’t think any of the kids know he’s blind, and we’ve hired him for many years.”
The Forresters pay the Stowells $250 for their Santa and Mrs. Claus impersonations, but they won’t take the check.
Instead, at the Stowells’ request, the Forresters give the money to the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. The Stowells get no credit for the donation, which is made in the name of Mr. and Mrs. Claus.
Even without their red suits, there was always something special about the Stowells, who for 35 years shared their love and their home with 116 foster children, two of which they adopted. They also have four biological children.
“My foster dad is so loving and caring, especially when it comes to kids,” said Rose Boatman, 45, of North Carolina. “They gave me a good foundation that I didn’t have before and showed me what it’s like to have a loving home.”
Boatman, who was 15 when she began living with the Stowells, said they were the first couple to give her a birthday party and a caring family.
The couple stopped fostering children after Butch Stowell lost his sight.

Let’s hope that, next year, businesses change their tunes on a blind Santa and understand what the holiday is all about.
Then, there’s F.A.O. Schwarz, the famed New York toystore that also famously filed for bankruptcy a few years ago. The store is using the holidays to push political correctness on your kids.
The store’s Santa doesn’t wear a red suit. Nope. He wears a booger green one, to push the “importance” of being green, as embodied in an exclusive book the store is pimping for the holidays, “When Santa Turned Green.”



Bah Humbug!: F.A.O.Schwarz Santa in Booger Green Suit Indoctrinates Kids

Bleccch. Kids toys and politics shouldn’t mix. No wonder the store had to file for bankruptcy. It’s bankrupt in so many other ways.
If I could engineer my own “Schlussel’s Gift of the Magi,” I would have F.A.O. Schwartz hire Butch Stowell as its Santa . . . in a red suit.

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December 21, 2008, - 5:46 pm

Happy Chanukah: What It Means in the Age of Mumbai Bombings, HAMAS, Hezbos; Still No Modern Maccabees

By Debbie Schlussel
As I write this, it’s nightfall in Michigan, and the Jewish holiday of Chanukah began–as all Jewish holidays do–at sundown, about an hour ago.
Chanukah is the story of miracles on so many levels, miracles Jews remember during this eight-day holiday, every year. It’s especially compelling, this year, as we remember the murder of several Jews at the Lubavitch Chabad House Jewish Center in Mumbai, India, at the hands of Islamic terrorists less than a month ago.


Chanukah is the story of the few against the many–the few Maccabees, led by Matthew [Matityahu, and then, after his death, Matthew’s son, Judah [Yehudah], who fought against oppression by Greek-Assyrian King Antiochus Epiphanies and miraculously beat him and his army, which far outnumbered the Jews. It’s the story of the one jar of olive oil which mirculously lasted eight days–the amount of time it took to make more jars–in lighting the menorah [candelabra] in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. All other jars had been destroyed or made impure by the Greeks, and it was the one jar that miraculously survived intact. Above all, Chanukah is about the age-old, repeat fight of the Jewish people for religious freedom.
As we Jews face a bleak future with Islamic extremism and violence on the rise, we also face an enemy within, just as the Jews and their Maccabees fought in their own community back in the day. The Hellenists were Jews who wanted to forsake Judaism for the secularism of the Greeks. Today, those same Jews are the ones who’ve forsaken Judaism for liberalism. They’re the ones who voted for Barack Obama, the ones who continue to pander and “outreach” to our avowed enemies in the Islamic community. I’ve written about so many of them on this site over the years, and their names need not be mentioned on this holiday. We know who they are. And their views must be crushed, just as the Maccabees crushed Jewish Hellenism.
I asked, last year, where are all the Maccabees? I still haven’t found them. There are scant few among my fellow co-religionists willing to fight for the West’s survival, and far too many who run like Roger Bannister to kiss the feet of Muslim extremists in our commmunities in America.
I’m not suggesting violence, as the Maccabees needed to engage in. But it must be remembered that the most bloody fights against and slaughters the Maccabees had to carry out were not those of their Greek-Assyrian enemies, but those of their fellow Jews, whose behavior could have meant the end of Judaism. The Maccabees showed no mercy toward these ignoramuses who embraced the enemy, toward these eager sell-outs.
Sadly, we have plenty of those types of Jews dominating my religion, today, and since there are no Maccabees, we see the results in the shrinking number of Jews worldwide. Jews who leave the religion and/or who bend over backward (and forward) to supporters of Islamic terrorism tend to be–with a few exceptions–very liberal Jews and/or their kids. Make no mistake, Bernard Madoff and many of his investors were of this ilk. That’s why their greed ruled the day, and they lost their way (except the way to the ballot box to cast their votes for the Democrats). They would have been among the carnage necessary for the Maccabees’ miraculous victory.
I also recognize that, among the Hellenists, are not just lapsed Jews, who’ve embraced far-left liberalism, but other actors, like the Justice Department, which just set a new policy of seeking no bail for Jewish defendants. We’ve become second class, because that’s the status we’ve set for ourselves by constantly rushing to defend those who’d eliminate us. If you don’t have pride in yourself, others will diss you, too. The Maccabees learned that, when they showed they had pride and bravery. They defied our modern and relatively recent stereotype, which was not typical for that time, of the Jew as weak and cowardly.
And unlike today, in the days of the Maccabees, no-one said it was verboten and impolite to say that the Jews’ enemies were all Greek-Assyrians. No-one called them bigots or Antiochus-phobes for saying so.
And so I recognize and remember all of this as I light, tonight, the first of eight candles on my Channukah menorah, marking each night of this joyous holiday. Tomorrow night, I’ll light two candles, marking the second night, and so on. The ninth candle, the shamash, is used to light the other eight. It is required to be elevated in height from the other eight candles, which are supposed to be uniform in height on a kosher menorah. (I spied menorahs on sale at Bed, Bath & Beyond that simply aren’t kosher because they don’t meet those requirements.)
A few notes on Channukah: Contrary to what Hallmark and American Greetings and Best Buy would have you believe, it is not–as I’ve noted here many times–a major Jewish holiday. That’s why, unlike on important Jewish holidays, we Jews can work, as I’m doing on this website. I only do not work while my Channukah candles–which are required to burn for a half hour–are lit up. Channukah has only become important, here in America, because of weak, ignorant Jewish parents who cannot explain to their kids that we don’t have a Christmas or a holiday at the same time of the year that is as important to us as Christmas is to Christians. This is largely a phenomenon of Jewish immigration to America.
Speaking of Hallmark, I’m often asked why the name is spelled a gazillion different ways. That’s because of English transliteration from Hebrew. It begins with a “Ch” sound, which is similar to the noise you get from clearing your throat. It’s not an “h” sound, but most Gentiles–and now, many Jews–are unable to pronounce the “ch” sound. As for the two “n”s or two “k”s, those are irrelevant, as it’s all about transliteration and phonetics. There is no right way to spell “Channukah” in English.
We play a game with a spinning top, called a dreidel. The dreidel has a different of four Hebrew letters on each side, which are the initials for a Hebrew phrase, Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, which means, “A Big Miracle Happened There [Here, if you’re in Israel].” (Ironically, Bed, Bath & Beyond sells a gold-colored dreidel, bearing a carving of the mosque on top of the Jewish Temple Mount. HUH?!)

Chanukah Dreidel

The eight gifts thing–or even one Chanukah gift–is really not part of Chanukah, either. It’s also part of the incorrect “Just like Christmas” phenomenon. In Europe, traditionally people gave gold coins–called “Channukah gelt”–and ate fried potato pancakes, called latkes. In Israel, they eat sufganiyot, jelly donuts. Jews in America tend to eat both of these on Channukah.
The bottom line is that, no matter how Channukah is celebrated by various Jews around the world, it is about Jews–with all odds against them–vanquishing their enemies, both their enemies without and within. And I note again, today that enemy is Islam and Muslims and the stupid Jewish liberals who love them. We have not chosen to fight them. They are self-appointed.
Too many self-appointed Hellenists, too. Not enough Maccabees.
On the bright side, as with all enemies of the Jewish people, with all odd against us, we defeated the Greeks and Antiochus. I’m hopeful we’ll defeat Islam eventually, too.
Like I said, Chanukah is about the few beating the many. And miracles.
And finally, I’ll repeat a message I posted last year from my friend Ruth S. King of Americans for a Safe Israel and a great patriot. I second her emotion:

I’m never a hundred percent sure of how to spell it, but I do know that it is a holiday of triumph of good versus evil and Jews versus their oppressors. May you and all those you love have a healthy and wonderful holiday. May we prevail over the millions of enemies we have. May America and Israel survive in strength, deterrence and determination. And, a special thanks to those not of our faith whose friendship and support are crucial and inspiring.

To my Jewish friends and readers, I wish you a Happy Chanukah, and to my other friends and readers, I hope this explained this fun and auspicious holiday to you. Thanks to all of you for being vigilant and helping to fight the modern-day Hellenists. And thanks to all of you who sent me Chanukah greetings and good wishes. Right back at ya!
From Shraga Simmons and Shimon Apisdorf at Matityahu’s Revolt:

The name “Maccabee” is an acronym for the [Biblical] verse “Who is compared to You among the mighty, oh Lord” (Exodus 15:11).

More on Chanukah from Judaism 101, Matityahu’s Revolt, and the Constantia Hebrew Congregation of Capetown, South Africa.
Happy Chanukah!


Temple Mount Faithful Light Chanukah Menorah in Israel

(Part of the Jewish Temple–the most holy part–has a mosque built on top of it.)

Off to light my candles. . . .

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December 21, 2008, - 3:02 pm

Pan Am 103 / Lockerbie: 20 Years Later–The Dearbornistan Connection

By Debbie Schlussel
Today marks the 20th anniversary of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 by Islamic terrorists. Although Libya gets the credit, the fact is that this operation was begun by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), and the Libyan intelligence took over and helped carry it out.
270 people–most of them Americans–were murdered. The plane was chosen because terrorists knew many Americans would be on board, a good number of them American Jews, with surnames like Cohen and Bernstein. A group of 35 students from Syracuse University were on the flight. Some federal officials apparently knew about the likelihood the plane would be attacked, as they canceled their own reservations on that flight. Yet, not a word of it was breathed to innocent civilians who were sacrificed in jihad and in the U.S. government’s silence about it.

The attack has a Michigan connection, which betrays the claim that Muslim-Americans haven’t attacked Americans in terrorist attacks. A Muslim drug dealer, Khalid Nazir Jaafar, of Dearbornistan, at the last minute, changed his flight to get on Pan Am 103. It’s believed a bomb inside his Walkman in his gym bag blew up the plane. Jaafar was a Shi’ite whose family came from Hezbollah-stronghold Ba’albek in the Bekaa Valley. That story, however, was covered up and swept under the rug in succeeding years and the trial of Abdel Basset Al-Megrahi, the Libyan intelligence officer also in on the plan.
Also significant is that the last minute booking and ticket change for Jaafar was done by a travel agency owned by Mahmoud “Mike” Younis, whose wife, Dr. Jouhaineh Maleh, is at the center of a Muslim illegal alien Medicaid fraud and birthright citizenship scam in Dearborn. Mr. Younis was, not long ago, convicted of defrauding the Department of Education’s job training program, using the same travel agency and a computer school. Mr. Younis and his businesses have been on the radar of federal counterterrorism agents for years.
Sadly, Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi was able to buy his way out of the mess, and we’ve normalized relations with the country that deliberately murdered Americans and hasn’t moderated its extremism one iota.
More on this tragedy:

After years of struggle to bring the bombers to justice, one was convicted in a Scottish court and the Libyan government agreed to pay millions to each victim’s family. Laws on everything from lawsuits against terrorists to airport security were changed. Airlines and governments adopted more humane practices for dealing with families of air disaster victims.
All of these came about at least in part because of the pressure brought by an intense band of family members who lobbied governments around the world and redefined the role of victims’ groups.
Yet it will be small comfort as they gather around a rock cairn at Arlington National Cemetery to recall the 270 who died — 259 aboard the jet and 11 more when it plunged in a ball of fire onto Lockerbie, Scotland.
“For those who’ve lost their kids, you don’t get closure,” says Daniel Cohen, whose daughter Theodora, 20, died in the bombing. “And these anniversaries are very, very difficult. It doesn’t go away.”
“The toll is enormous,” says Stephanie Bernstein, of Bethesda, Md., whose husband Michael, a Justice Department lawyer, was aboard the flight. “These families have tremendous holes in them.”
In interviews with families of the victims this week, several also criticized the Bush administration for being too quick to normalize relations with Libya, the North African country whose intelligence agent was convicted of planting the bomb on the Boeing 747.
“It was an act of war,” says Jack Flynn of Montville, N.J., whose son John Patrick was killed.

Though the death toll was less than the thousands who died on 9/11, the attack on Pan Am 103 was one of the most significant against U.S. civilians in history.
Among the dead were 35 students at Syracuse University who were studying abroad in a program that the school ran in London. They were returning home to be with their families during the holidays. Each year, at precisely the same moment as the bomb went off, the university holds a remembrance on campus to mark the anniversary. . . .
Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, a former Libyan intelligence officer who was head of security for Libyan Arab Airlines, is serving a life sentence in Scotland’s Greenock prison. But al-Megrahi, his family and his lawyers have declared his innocence and say he is a political prisoner, set up as a fall guy amid the ongoing tension between U.S. and Libya. A handful of victims’ families in Europe agree that he should be set free.
A key piece of evidence against al-Megrahi were fragments of a unique bomb detonation timer found in the plane’s wreckage. The timer was traced to a Swiss company that did extensive business with Libya. Al-Megrahi at one point rented an office at the company’s Zurich headquarters, according to the court’s ruling.
Prosecutors at al-Megrahi’s trial said the bomb, made with plastic explosive, was hidden in a portable radio in a suitcase packed with clothes that came from a shop in Malta. One of the shop’s proprietors testified that al-Megrahi bought the clothes. . . .
The reverberations of the case go far beyond the Byzantine world of espionage and Mideast politics. Pan Am families rewrote the book on everything from fighting terrorism to who deserves a memorial in the nation’s most famous military cemetery. . . .
When evidence emerged against Libya, families were initially blocked from suing because federal law gave foreign nations immunity. Families successfully lobbied to carve out an exemption in the law for terrorism. . . .
Kara Weipz, who was only 15 when the bombers struck, now heads the group Victims of Pan Am Flight 103. Her brother Richard Monetti, 20, was on the flight. The families created an ambitious agenda to find the bomber, improve aviation security and provide emotional support.

What was 20 years ago, seems like yesterday. Sadly, to so many, it’s a long forgotten blip on the ever-growing trend of political correctness by our government officials to the commonality of all of those who’ve blown up these planes: Islam.
You know–the “Religion of Peace.” Some of those pieces landed over Lockerbie, Scottland, from a plane from London that should have arrived in New York. And never did.


Pan Am 103 Victims Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery
Check out the official website of Victims of Pan Am Flight 103.


Pan Am 103 Victims Memorial, Lockerbie, Scotland
Previous Entries on Libya and Pan Am 103:
* Play With Terrorists, Get Burned: Qaddafi Reneges on Pay-Off to Lockerbie Victim Families
* 18 Years Ago Today: Remembering the Victims of Pan Am Flight 103
* Shame: What’s Behind Restoring Ties with Libya
* The Resurrection of Billy Carter

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December 19, 2008, - 3:52 pm

Weekend Box Office: Skipworthy, Maudlin “Seven Pounds,” Say No to Moronic, Repetitive “Yes Man”

By Debbie Schlussel
This weekend’s weak new box office offerings send a message: Save your movie money until Christmas Day. Hollywood saved some great flicks for then. So many good ones on one day–that’s a rarity for decades. My reviews for Christmas Day movies will either appear on Christmas Eve or by Midnight that night–but there’s a lot I liked. Stay tuned. Until then, here’s the substandard leftovers keeping some seats warm at your local cineplex:
* “Seven Pounds“: Will Smith stars in what is, at best, suitable for a Hallmark Channel movie of the week–and even then it’s shallow and silly by comparison. In this manipulative, maudlin, cloying movie–so long, it made me fall asleep–he plays IRS agent Ben, who mysteriously has the time to drive around all day in an unmarked cop car Crown Vic playing G-d and granting people in need extensions on their IRS taxes. Gee, and I thought you just had to fill in the form, and they gave you ’til October.


And that’s not the only inconsistency and truth-challenging aspect of this preposterous, boring plot. Smith checks into every aspect of the late filers’ lives. And he acts like a creep, calling a blind steak company telemarketer (Woody Harrelson) and harassing him for being blind, telling him he bets he’s still a virgin. This is supposed to be a touching, do-good movie? Whatever.
Oh, and there was so much loud, emotional background music (um, it’s supposed to be in the background) telling me I’m supposed to cry or say “awww,” I wanted to vomit.
One of the people he stalks–in this movie, it’s not stalking, it’s do-goodery Obama-style–is Rosario Dawson, in need of a new heart. Suddenly, she’s his love interest in possibly one of the most annoying, sappy relationships I’ve seen in all chick flicks and Lifetime Network programming combined. Just couldn’t take it, or the rest of this slow, boring movie.
Not Will Smith’s best work. Maybe he should go back to praising Hitler and whining about how White America hasn’t accepted him (yet makes him the highest-paid, most successful movie star on the planet by paying ten bucks to see schlock like this). Absolute dreck.
* “Yes Man“: Gee, I saw this Jim Carrey movie before, and it was called, “Liar, Liar”–and the first time around it was funny and entertaining. This time, it’s just a complete waste of your ten dollars and time. Jim Carrey’s act is old, and that’s why he gives us a substandard repeat of his shtick. Been there, seen that, laughed more.
Carrey plays a boring bank loan officer and misanthrope with no girlfriend, who is stuck in the same job forever, bitter about his ex-girlfriend, and just plain negative and going through the motions. He runs into an old friend who is in on one of these self-help cults, like Tim Robbins followers. The guru tells everyone to say yes to everything. Soon, Carrey finds that saying yes has found him a new, beautiful love interest, a promotion at work, and friendship and love all around. But it also gets him into hot water.
Yes, there are plenty of funny moments in this movie, but plenty are just plain dumb. And I’m sorry, but he and this movie lost me after the absolutely tasteless scene, in which Carrey accepts oral sex from his elderly neighbor as a thank you for fixing her shelves. We’re shown her taking out her dentures and Carrey noisily going through this disgusting scene. Um, no thanks.
The funniest thing going in this movie is Rhys Darby, the English actor who plays Carrey’s nerdy, Harry Potter-obsessed boss. Possibly worth it just to see him. But not really.

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December 19, 2008, - 12:10 pm

Nobel Not So Noble: Unduly Prestigious Prize Committee Members Took Bribes From Chi-Coms

By Debbie Schlussel
If you know anything about the Nobel Prize, you know it’s a phony baloney, left-wing BS worth $1.2 million to the recipient. With winners like Jimmy Carter, Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, and Al Gore, need I say more?
Now, there’s more evidence the over-rated, unduly prestigious award is a bunch of crap. Nobel Committee members took bribes from China–in the form of an all-expenses paid luxury trip–to the country lobbying to win a Nobel in science for the first time in over 50 years:

Nobel Prize jurors who accepted all-expenses-paid trips to China to discuss the coveted awards are being investigated on suspicion of bribery, a Swedish prosecutor said Thursday.


Badge of Bullcrap (& Bribery): Famous “Peacemaker” Gets His Nobel Peace Prize

Anti-corruption prosecutor Nils-Erik Schultz said he opened the probe to determine whether the trips in 2006 and 2008 were meant to influence the decisions of the Nobel committees. He declined to name the jurors or say how many were being investigated.
The probe was prompted by a Swedish Radio report that said three jurors from the medicine, chemistry and physics committees were invited to China to explain the selection process and what it takes to win a Nobel Prize. Chinese authorities paid for their plane tickets, hotels and meals, the report said.
If charged and convicted, the jurors would face fines or up to two years in prison. However, Swedish prosecutors often drop preliminary investigations without pressing charges.
Gunnar Oquist, the permanent secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards the Nobels in chemistry, physics and economics, acknowledged that the trips were inappropriate. . . .
Oquist said he hoped the case would not affect the reputation of the annual Nobel Prizes, which honor groundbreaking achievements in medicine, physics, chemistry, literature, economics and peace.

Dude, the reputation was already in the toilet, so, no, this won’t affect that.

The last time China claimed a science price was in 1957, when two Chinese researchers won the physics award, according to the Nobel Web site.

Question: How much did Yasser, Jimmuh, Al, etc. pay off the Nobel frauds to get their prizes? Was there a free trip to Ramallah to eat at Ahmed’s Falafel Hut? Don’t put it past them.
A prize from Cracker Jacks is far more impressive.

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December 19, 2008, - 10:54 am

OUTRAGE–New Justice Dept Double Standard: “Jews Shouldn’t Get Bail”

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember the Immigration and Customs Enforcement raid on the kosher meat plant in Iowa? As I noted then, ICE agents told me they’d never raid a halal meat plant, and none has ever been raided (even though they’ve been documented to launder money to terrorists). Illegal alien Guatemalan Catholics lost their jobs to “legal” Somalian Muslim extremists. And kosher meat is in short supply all over America. Now, there’s a new outrage resulting from Julie L. Myers and Marcy Forman’s $10 million charade of immigration enforcement.
As an American who happens to be Jewish, let me make something clear to the U.S. “Justice” Department about me and most Jews here in America: We are American citizens. We are not Israeli citizens. I do not hold an Israeli passport.


Muslims “Thank” America, While America “Thanks” The Jews

But apparently, right before we start celebrating the mighty Channukah story, the Justice Department bigots don’t get this. With a ton of Muslims fleeing to Arab countries every time they commit a crime, who is the Justice Department seeking to deny bail for? The Jews, that’s who.
Hmmm . . . is it time to get my grandmother’s old Yellow Star patch out?:

The Justice Department is contending that a Jewish defendant in Iowa should be denied bail in part because he, like all Jews, is entitled to Israeli citizenship if he seeks to immigrate to the Jewish state.
The argument against the defendant, Sholom Rubashkin, could in theory apply to all Jewish criminal suspects. Mr. Rubashkin faces multiple charges related to the alleged hiring of illegal immigrants at a kosher meatpacking plant he formerly headed in Postville, Iowa. . . .
Prosecutors cited several reasons that Mr. Rubashkin, 49 years old, is a flight risk . . . . They also argued that Mr. Rubashkin’s “Jewish heritage” made him a “de facto dual citizen” who could abscond to Israel.
“If defendant were released, he would easily be able to immigrate to Israel under the Israel’s right-to-return law, and would be allowed what essentially is…as a practical matter, dual citizenship,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Deegan Jr. said at a Nov. 19 hearing.
Mr. Rubashkin’s attorney, Baruch Weiss of the firm Arent Fox, said the government’s argument discriminates against Jews.The Justice Department’s position “means that 5,300,000 Americans would be viewed as heightened bail risks simply because they are Jews,” he argues in legal papers.
Bob Teig, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Cedar Rapids, said the government is not singling out Jews, but “making an argument related to citizenship. If someone was a citizen of Guatemala or had dual citizenship” with that country, a similar argument would apply, he said.

Um, again, I am NOT–nor is this Rubashkin dude–a citizen of Israel. I don’t hold dual citizenship, nor do most Jews in America–5.2 million of us.
And, aside from that, America has an extradition treaty with Israel and for the most part has returned defendants to justice here. On the other hand, we have no such treaty with Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, Somalia, and all of the other Muslim countries with a few million living here. Many Muslim criminals have fled to those countries to escape justice here.
Why isn’t the Justice Department pursuing a “no bail for Muslims and Arabs” policy?
Gee, maybe Jews should have thrown planes into buildings and murdered 3,000 Americans. Perhaps we’d get better treatment. Being an integral part of this country since before its founding simply wasn’t the way to go, apparently . . . at least in the “due process” being pursued by the U.S. Justice Department.
Just so you know, the Germans started by pursuing exactly this kind of policy. It was an omen of things to come there.
The Maccabees are turning over in their graves. And so are the Jewish veterans of every single war America has ever fought, including the Revolutionary War.

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December 18, 2008, - 3:59 pm

Slovenly Vanity Fair Anti-Semite Attacks Schlussel, Uses Madoff to Attack Jews

By Debbie Schlussel
I keep getting e-mails from people–some of them clearly anti-Semitic–asking why I haven’t written about investment Ponzi scheme king Bernard Madoff and his scandal. Well, for one thing, it’s been covered and over-covered to death, and I don’t have anything to add. For another, a greedy left-wing liberal rips off mostly other greedy left-wing liberals. Sorry, but that’s got nothin’ to do with me.
That said, I’m really surprised at the level of anti-Semitism leveled at me and other Jews because of this charlatan who was more left-wing than he was Jewish (he wasn’t a religious, practicing Jew by most accounts, even if he funded some, mostly left-wing and a few worthy Jewish charities).
The worst of it appears on Vanity Fair and it invokes my name. Anti-Semite, pan-Islamist, calorically-gifted (or is that, Differently Digestive?) Vanity Fair writer James Wolcott wrote this typeface version of rat-a-tat-tat:


James Wolcott (left):

Anti-Semitic Vanity Fair Writer Uses Madoff Scandal to Attack Jews, Me

Working from the deep, respectable, cushioned inside, Bernard Madoff inflicted more damage and misery on Jewish families, charities, and institutions than all of the homegrown cells of jihadists running wild in the imaginations of Pamela Geller, Debbie Schlussel, Francis Porretto, Michelle Malkin, David Horowitz, and the flat sodas at Pajamas Media. These great bloggers have been scanning the horizon for pirates, oblivious to the bomb about to go off below deck.

Not to dignify his anti-Semitism, but . . . .
Um, Mr. Wolcott, let’s be clear: While what he did was reprehensible and criminal (and he should have the book thrown at him), Madoff didn’t murder a single individual, Jewish or otherwise. He didn’t fly planes into buildings and tell people to call their families and say good-bye. 19 Muslims murdered nearly 3,000–not 3,000 Jews, but 3,000 Americans. It’s not relevant who did what to Jews, when we speak of terrorism. 9/11 should have made clear–if not, many attacks on Americans beforehand–that terrorism is everyone’s issue, not just the Jews. Likewise, why should I care whether his victims were Jewish-Americans or random Americans? That you would indicate I’d only care about the former tells me what you think of the Jews, even aside from your screed.
Bottom Line: To compare Madoff to Islamic terrorism is like comparing an ant urinating to a continental tsunami or Hurricane Katrina.
Wolcott has attacked me before (in between his repeat traipsing to Dairy Queen) because he was upset that I called Sharon Stone, “Crotchwoman,” telling his warped audience about his “Stone-on-Schlussel” fantasy (which, I assure you (and him), is all that will ever be–his fantasy). Because, after all, it wasn’t Ms. Stone who is known mostly for–and became famous because of–a crotch-bearing shot on the big screen. No, I must be mistaken because that Sharon Stone is all talent. Must’ve been some other harlot baring her bottom frontal in “Basic Instinct.”
Just like I’m “mistaken” that Mr. Wolcott is a flaming Jew-hater and flat-out (well, he’s actually not so flat, just roly-poly) moron.
Reader There Is No Santa Claus, a moderate/centrist, writes:

I’ve been hearing news in “Jewish circles” on how the Madoff scandal is hurting Jewish charities. While I don’t rejoice in that, I couldn’t help but notice that most of these charities are either moderately left-leaning or very-left-leaning organizations.
Stephen Spielberg? I’ll bet your heart bleeds for that one. Eh? (He’s a “Jewish charity”???)
Hadassah? OK, there’s worse, but still rather leftwing; even for my tastes.
Mort Zuckerman? Isn’t he the clod who raised several millions of dollars to purchase Israeli businesses in Gaza to give to the Arabs? Oh yeah! That was a bright move; a brilliant investment in the future of the Mideast.
So… like I’m thinkin’… a lot of these Jewish organizations hurt by Madoff are leftwing or left-leaning organizations that haven’t always done right by Jews or Israel even if they meant well.

TINSC, you have a point.

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