January 4, 2009, - 1:12 pm

VIDEO: Former Israeli Amb. Dan Gillerman on Al-Jazeera English re HAMAS

By Debbie Schlussel
While Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman does okay here, the Al-Jazeera International a/k/a Al-Jazeera English (the English version of the Terrorist News Network) anchor gets his anti-Israel propaganda in. Still, perhaps worth watching.
Neither asked, nor answered is the point I raised about all this, last week: The rockets have been shot at Israel for several years now. Why now? A Tzippi Livni/Ehud Barak campaign commercial, less than two months before elections in which both seek to become Israeli Prime Minister. That’s why. But the Al-Jazeera guy doesn’t want to acknowledge the rockets, and Gillerman doesn’t want to admit Israeli politics.

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January 4, 2009, - 12:33 pm

Islamic “Modesty,” Edition # 5,721: A Picture’s Worth a Gazillion Words

By Debbie Schlussel
Over the years, I’ve written on this site and elsewhere about that oxymoron called “Islamic modesty.” We were lectured about it by so-called conservative Jeff Jacoby and liberal ACLU-niks, with regard to female interrogators at Gitmo . . . because, you know, no other religion values modesty, just Islam. As I noted then, we saw the Islamic modesty on display at The Pink Pony strip club and with prostitutes, both of which were patronized by the 9/11 terrorists. (Read my column on this, “Sex and the Islamic Terrorist.”) And we’re often lectured by Muslims about how they need separate swimming sessions, beaches, gym hours at Harvard (and everywhere else), basketball audiences when Muslim women play, ridiculous-looking smurf outfits in the Olympics, etc., etc., ad nauseam.
Oh, and that’s not to mention the constant thing about how a Muslim woman needs to have her hair covered, lest a strand of unwashed hair turn on a sexually-starved Muslim male beast who can’t, unlike most humans, be expected to control his urges and impulses. Well, check it out. This picture says it all about Islamic modesty.


Department of Homeland Modesty

I’ve seen so many examples of Muslim women flaunting such “modesty”–with hijabs and niqabs (full-ninja face veils), while they wear tight clothes showing everything, low-rise jeans and low-cut blouses flouting the “don’t do crack” rule, cheat on their husbands (who are also cheating on them), and sleep around.
Yup, another “modest” HAMAS supporter in America flaunting her “modesty.” But, hey, so long as the hair is covered, right? The trite saying “A Picture’s worth 1,000 words,” is anachronistic. This picture speaks a gazillion about the hypocrisy of Islam, here in America and everywhere else.
Here’s a little tribute music to this latest example of Islamic modesty.
**** UPDATE: I just remembered–in Flint, Michigan, this Muslima would be arrested and/or ticketed for indecent exposure or disorderly conduct. To refresh your memory, here are the guidelines–I guess we non-Muslim Americans are more modest than Muslims after all:

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January 2, 2009, - 11:49 am

“Religion of Peace”: Danish Police Arrest Palestinian Terrorist Who Shot Israelis at Mall; Adam Sandler, Take Note

By Debbie Schlussel
Last year, Adam Sandler made, “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” (read my review), a dumb movie about an Israeli Mossad agent-turned-hairstylist who bands together with Palestinian and Hezbollah terrorists to fight their “real enemy”–the evil White American capitalist landlord.
But the story unfolding in the last several days in Denmark tells us who the Israeli hairstylists’–and all Westerners’–real enemies still are: the Palestinians, who this story shows us are all potential and/or likely terrorists.
In Denmark, Israeli hairstylists working at a mall salon did not get hired and then get to make peace with and marry the beautiful Palestinian terrorists, the way Adam Sandler portrayed it. Nope. Instead, they were shot by them (and I doubt their shooter was beautiful, as if it matters).


Real Life is Not “Zohan”: For Israelis at Danish Salon,

Palestinians Are Still the Terrorists

Here’s the latest on the story:

Danish police on Thursday arrested a 27-year-old man of Palestinian origin on suspicion of shooting and wounding two Israeli citizens at a shopping mall in central Denmark and charged him with attempted murder.
A city court remanded the man in custody for four weeks. The Danish citizen, born in Lebanon, pleaded innocent but admitted to possession of a firearm before the judge ordered the rest of the hearing to be held behind closed doors.
A gunman on Wednesday fired several shots at two Israeli youths who worked at a hair salon in the Odense shopping mall, wounding one in the leg and the other in the arm.
The Israeli men were both still in hospital on Thursday but their injuries were not life-threatening. Police said the pair had been in Denmark for about a week.
The attack came on the fifth day of Israeli air strikes against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, prompting speculation in Danish media of a link to developments in the Middle East.
A police spokesman told Reuters the suspect had surrendered himself to authorities early on Thursday, but that the motive for the attack was still unknown.

Hmmm . . . a Palestinian Muslim shoots at two Israelis at a mall in Europe, and they claim that “the motive for the attack was still unknown.” I think it’s very well known.

Chief Inspector John Jacobsen told Ritzau news agency that every motive for the crime would be investigated.
“We are following all the leads we have,” he said.

Yes, that’s the real-life story Adam Sandler should have made a movie about.
Our friend, Ken Sikorski of Tundra Tabloids, a well-known expert on European jihad, has been on this story from day one, and, today, he has video from Danish TV along with a transcript. The story interviews the friends of this Palestinian terrorist. From the looks of things, they are probably jealous of their would-be martyr friend. Ken’s site is a must-read. He has important items you won’t read elsewhere on a daily basis, and he breaks news about things in the U.S. on his site over there in Finland.
Earlier this week, there was the Molotov cocktail thrown at a Jewish synagogue in Chicago, then this shooting. I think the motive is very clear. As is the cause: Islam.

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January 2, 2009, - 11:04 am

Eco-Nuts Will Love This

By Debbie Schlussel
For years, environmentalists have decried the use of salt to treat snow and ice on roads and sidewalks. They say it gets into the water supply and lakes and kills the fish and other wildlife. While it does eat away at cars, nothing beats its effectiveness.
Last year, all the rage was using a substance made from beet juice, instead of salt, to melt clear the ice. This year, rock-salt prices are way up, and new alternatives are being tried. But I’d bet that none of these are as effective as salt. Apparently, the biggest rage this year is molasses, but the bottom line is that it still needs to be mixed with salt–and try getting that mixture off your shoes. And then, there’s garlic. But, even with an innocent substance like garlic, animals rights people and others are finding a problem:

Soaring rock-salt prices are prompting communities across the U.S. to try novel alternatives for clearing snow and ice, including molasses, garlic salt and a rum-production byproduct that smells like soy sauce.


Salt Reigns Supreme: Plowing & Molasses Alone

Won’t Make Streets Safe for Driving

Rock-salt prices normally surge in January and February, when communities running low on salt resort to buying the de-icing compound on the open market. But after last year’s fierce winter taxed supplies, state and local government officials ordered tens of thousands of tons more salt ahead of this season. The high demand pushed salt prices to $60 to $120 per ton in many places, from last year’s range of $30 to $50 a ton. . . .
Many towns are testing new methods to make their ice-fighting more efficient. . . .
This past summer, engineers in Ohio’s Hamilton County sought bids to supply about 15,000 tons of salt. . . . The county decided to try to make the 11,000 tons of salt it had on hand last for a winter of de-icing 1,500 miles of road lanes. To stretch it, Mr. Hubbard’s department has been mixing its salt with gritty, non-toxic ash left over from coal-fired power plants.
“When the sun shines on it, it helps attract radiation, therefore it helps melt the snow,” Mr. Hubbard said. “We’re sort of experimenting.” Mr. Hubbard said the ash mixture doesn’t melt the snow as fast, but it does add traction to the roads.
Ankeny, Iowa, a Des Moines suburb, sprinkled garlic salt mixed with road salt on its streets last month after a local spice maker gave the town nine tons destined for a landfill. Public Works Director Paul Moritz said some residents complained the fragrant topping would sicken their cats and dogs. He says he checked with a veterinarian, who told him the pets would have to swallow huge quantities to become ill.
“I don’t mean to be too flippant about it,” said Mr. Moritz, “but I don’t think any dog went out and licked up three blocks of streets.”
He says the garlic salt has been effective in clearing roadways.
Paul Simonsen, a maintenance superintendent for the Washington state department of transportation, has been mixing de-sugared molasses into saltwater, creating a gooey mixture that can keep roadways clear for three or four wintry days, he said.
The mix consists of molasses from a local supplier, calcium chloride and brine donated by a local dairy company. . . .
Pingree Grove, a village west of Chicago . . . for the first time paid $3.50 a gallon for 4,200 gallons of Magic Minus Zero, a de-icing compound made by Sears Ecological Applications Co., of Rome, N.Y.
The liquid, which is formulated from the leftovers of rum-making, is such an effective additive that Pat Doherty, Pingree’s director of public works, said the town has used less than half as much salt as it would have under similar weather conditions.

Hmmm . . . maybe we should invest in salt instead of gold.

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December 31, 2008, - 4:17 pm

No Chocolate (Or Benetton or Coca-Cola) For You: Iran’s HAMAS Soup Nazis Riot Against, Burn Down “Zionist” Businesses

By Debbie Schlussel
In Iran, which has terrible inflation and unemployment, madman leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad must be having a good time, since–temporarily–his citizens are forgetting the problems he’s helped bring upon them. Instead, Iranians–in support of HAMAS and against Jews and Israel–are rioting and looting businesses they say are “Zionist.” That includes Nestle, Benetton, Coke, Pepsi, and Calvin Klein (forget about their Calvins–there’s nothing between them and their hate). For the record, Benetton is not owned by Jews and is anti-Israel (more on that below). Today Iranians torched a fairly new Benetton store and have these dumb “No Chocolate for You” anti-Nestle HAMAS Soup Nazi signs in Farsi.
FYI, the real-life “Soup Nazi,” Ali “Al” Yeganeh, is an Iranian-born Muslim. So, it’s not actually such a stretch.



No Nestle for You: Iran’s Uni-browed HAMAS Soup Nazis Take a Stand

TEHRAN–A BRANCH of Italian clothing retailer Benetton was set on fire in Iran amid angry protests against the Israeli onslaught on the Hamas-ruled Gaza, media reports said on Wednesday.
The store, located on Dowlat street in upmarket north Teheran, ‘was set on fire by unknown people,’ conservative Jomhuri Eslami newspaper and several other media reported.
The Teheran fire department said the cause of the incident, which occurred very early on Tuesday, was under investigation, ISNA news agency reported.
Benetton ‘is said to be linked with the Zionist network,’ government newspaper Iran charged, adding that its opening in the Islamic republic ‘has sparked several disputes over the past two years and people and student bodies objected to its activities.’
Several Benetton stores have opened in the past two years in fashion-starved Iran, where global brands have largely been absent since the 1979 Islamic revolution.
Last year a group of prominent MPs protested against Benetton’s presence in Iran, alleging that it was owned by a ‘Zionist millionaire’ and that its fashions were a bad influence on female consumers.
Angry protests have been held across Iran since Israel launched a deadly air raid on Gaza on Saturday.
On Tuesday evening a group of Iranian demonstrators stormed the British diplomatic compound in Teheran to protest London’s stance towards the Israeli offensive, which has so far killed at least 374 Palestinians.
Iran is a staunch supporter of the Islamist movement Hamas and does not recognise its archfoe Israel.
Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei decreed on Sunday that anyone who died in the defence of Gaza would be deemed a martyr.
Islamic republic conservatives have long urged consumers to boycott ‘Zionist’ products, ranging from Coca-Cola and Pepsi soft drinks, to Calvin Klein clothing and Nestle food products.

Reality check: Benetton is not a Jewish-owned company, nor is it pro-Israel. In fact, 67% of it is owned by the Benetton family, which is not Jewish. And the company sent out an anti-Israel brochure, entitled “Enemies,” which was full of lies. That’s not to mention a dumb Benetton Jewish-Arab kiss ad, meant to offend.
Well, no-one ever accused Muslims of being the smartest people in the world. Remember, there’s a reason his name was Einstein, not Al-Einawi.
Like I keep saying, we can’t say it’s a clash of civilizations because when you’re dealing with Muslims, you’re the only civilization involved.
No Nestle–or United Colors of Benetton–for you.

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December 31, 2008, - 3:43 pm

Chi-Coms Made HAMAS Missiles That Hit My Cousins’ School; Contained Metal Pellets Designed to Kill and Maim

By Debbie Schlussel
Earlier today, I relayed a photo and e-mail from my cousin, Arnie Schlissel, who lives in Be’er Sheva, Israel. He sent photos of the Be’er Sheva school where his wife, Karen, teaches, and which was hit by a HAMAS rocket. Fortunately, because of the rockets, much of Israel is in a sort of emergency, and the school was closed to avoid the harm to the children and other civilians that these HAMAS rockets are meant to cause.
Now, it’s been reported that this missile that hit cousin Karen’s school was made in China and contained metal pellets designed to inflict maximum human injury. Let’s hear it for the Chi-Coms. They make everything we buy at Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and elsewhere. And they also make these weapons of death and destruction for terrorists. Gee, for all the anti-capitalism they preach, they are the ultimate capitalists with no moral compass:



HAMAS Missile Made in China Hits Israeli Schlissel’s School

Home Front Command’s deputy chief says rocket fired at Negev city can cause much greater damage than the Qassam; adds that all events with 100 or more guests will be cancelled due to attacks
“We are witnessing the expansion of the rocket fire emanating from Gaza to a radius of 30 – 40 kilometers (about 19 – 25 miles),” the deputy commander of the IDF’s Home Front Command said Wednesday.
Brigadier-General Avraham Ben-David told reporters that in light of the rocket attacks on Beersheba, all planned events with over 100 participants will be cancelled, including New Year’s Eve parties.
Referring to the rocket attack that severely damaged a Beersheba school earlier in the day, Ben-David said the IDF’s decision to cancel classes in all of the Negev city’s educational institutions “saved lives”, adding that school will be out at least until the end of the week.
Ben Gurion University announced that it will also remain closed until the end of the week.
Addressing residents’ claims that the city’s bomb shelters are run down and uninhabitable, Ben-David said that on Monday the IDF instructed the local municipality to open all of the shelters and make certain that they are fit for use.
The army official said the rocket that struck the school in Beersheba was manufactured in China, is heavier than the Qassam and can “potentially cause much greater damage.” He said the rocket contains metal pellets that can spread out across a radius of up to 100 meters (about 328 feet) from the point of impact.

Remember this the next time you hear Palestinians and the liberal media whining that Israelis are hitting HAMAS-supporting “civilians.” What do they think my cousins in Be’er Sheva and the kids Karen teaches are? Military? Hello . . . ?

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December 31, 2008, - 2:51 pm

Yo Soy Boy Scoutano: Illegal Aliens Are New “Boy Scouts of America”

By Debbie Schlussel
I have mixed feelings about the Boy Scouts of America’s new target for recruitment.
The Boy Scouts are, sadly, a dying organization. The group has been denied funds and come under attack from the United Way and gay activists because it tried to protect young boys from possibly predatory gay scoutmasters and also because it does not allow atheists.
And so–because it has been severely defamed and lost interest among the general American population of boys–the group has decided to actively recruit Hispanic immigrants to the scouts. There’s nothing wrong with going after legal immigrants’ kids, and the Boy Scouts would be a good influence on them to help them become fully American.
But the Boy Scouts of America are not discriminating against whom they recruit, and they are knowingly going after illegal aliens. Plus, the Boy Scouts are reversing what made it a good organization.



To wit, instead of influencing these kids to understand and absorb themselves into American culture and adopt good values, the Boy Scouts is being absorbed into the Hispanic illegal alien culture. For instance, the Boy Scouts of America now has its brochures translated into Spanish, discouraging young Boy Scout from learning English in America. And the group is combining Cub Scouting with soccer. No offense, but most American boys are not into soccer, and certainly not as much as Latino countries are. This encourages separatism, rather than an acceptance of American culture–say baseball, or the REAL football.
Oh, and by the way, there’s sort of an affirmative action going on here beyond all that. The Boy Scouts have made it their goal to double Hispanic Scout membership by 2010, the Boy Scouts of America’s Centennial.
But why not double inner city membership in the Scouts, where it is needed regardless of whether the residents are Black or Latino? And why not in rural and suburban America?
There is a reason the Scouts are not succeeding with non-Hispanic boys. And it has everything to do with marketing and life lessons. The Scouts are doing a terrible job with the former and do such a great job with the latter.
Remember when it was cool for a boy to dream of becoming an Eagle Scout?
They need to find a way to make it cool again. And that doesn’t mean Spanish brochures and recruitment of illegal aliens.
For the record, I was a Girl Scout Brownie as a kid. We had a special Jewish troop for all of the girls in my class at Akiva Hebrew Day School, where I went to elementary and middle school. My mother and our family friend, Sheila Guyer, ran it from the Guyer family home’s baseement. And I enjoyed it a lot.
Also for the record, our brochures were not in Hebrew and the Brownies never did anything to cater to Jews to get us to join. We did it because it was fun and something common to many American girls our age. The only thing Jewish about it was that we were all Jews. Oh, and we only baked and ate kosher food. Plus, no meetings on Jewish holidays.
The Girl Scouts are a whole different animal from the Boy Scouts. The Girl Scouts has been very PC in the last decade or so, and always bowed to political pressure. Until this latest recruitment of immigrants–legal AND illegal–the Boy Scouts didn’t waiver from important traditions.

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December 31, 2008, - 10:15 am

Video of the Day: Ft. Lauderdale HAMASniks Slither Out From Under the Rock; Tell Jews to “Go Back to the Oven”

By Debbie Schlussel
I was going to go to last night’s Dearbornistan HAMASapolooza and film it. But I had better things to do. And it looks like I made the right choice. The Ft. Lauderdale version is so much more “enlightening” and revealing. This video, posted by Carl in Jerusalem, Pamela Geller/Atlas Shrugs, and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, is very entertaining.
As reader “I Am Me” points out, between 3:20 and 3:40, one of the “peaceful” Palestinians in a hijab tells Jews to go back to the oven. “Go back to the oven, you need a big oven.”
Toward the beginning we’re shown the sewer mouth of a Muslim woman dressed all “modestly.” Hmmm . . . doesn’t modesty of your actions matter more than your fraudulent uniform? Then, there’s another guy telling us how this is to show the “beauty of Islam.” More like the “perpetual ugly of Islam.” Kudos to Tom Trento for braving this toilet of Muslim excrement to film and report on this:

Ah, a nice taste of Gaza City on the streets of America. This is what we get for letting them come here in unlimited numbers.
Forget about “Free Palestine.” Free Fort Lauderdale. It’s become occupied by vermin and is badly in need of heavy-duty disinfectant.

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December 31, 2008, - 9:51 am

Schlissels of Israel Report: HAMAS Missile Missed Us By That Much; My Cousins’ School Hit

By Debbie Schlussel
My cousin, Arnie Schlissel, our family historian and archivist, lives in Israel. (Some of us spell it differently, but most Schlussels, Schlissels, and Schlessels are related.) He sends this report about the HAMAS missiles hitting Be’er Sheva, where he and some of the Israeli Schlissels live. Below is a picture of the Schlissel kids’ school, which was hit. This isn’t the first time HAMAS has tried to strike the Schlissel/Schlussel/Schlessel family. A couple of years ago, a HAMAS-allied terrorist group, Ahmed Abu Al-Raeesh Brigades, hacked our family tree website and posted martyrdom propaganda.
Sorry, HAMAS–you missed the Schlissels:



HAMAS Missile Hits Israeli Schlissel’s School

Just to let you know that the Schlissels of Beer Sheva are all ok.
Last night Karen jovially said “I hope the schools will be closed tomorrow.”
She was jovial because she was thinking of a day off. (She’s a teacher).)
I’m sure it never crossed her mind that about 12 hours later it would be hit by a missile.
We are receiving about 1 minute warning before missile arrives, and so we all make sure we have access to safe place. Each of us has a reinforced room in our home that serves as a bomb shelter.

We keep hearing the anti-Israel mainstream media moan about the HAMAS children hit by Israelis. Fortunately, Israel is in a sort of state of emergency, and kids weren’t in this Israeli school, where there are–you know–kids.
Next time you hear anyone say that Israel is using “excessive force,” think about the kids who could have been inside this school, and would have been, had school not been canceled.
Imagine your home, today, on New Year’s Eve, under constant attack by missiles with one-minute warnings, and you and your family hiding in a bomb shelter, like my cousins are doing today. If America responded to try to make it stop, would that be a “disproportionate response”?

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December 30, 2008, - 7:04 pm

Sign of the Times: Everyone’s a Celebrity, Including This Guy I Never Heard of

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s a sign of the times when even the most minor person with the most minor role in association with a sort of celebrity dies, and it’s news. Here’s what I mean. Today, several papers I read published an article about the death David Alexander Smith a/k/a “ICE”–the choreographer of Olympic Gold Medalist Usain Bolt.
Why the heck would an Olympic track star from Jamaica, who is perhaps a Muslim that can’t spell Hussein(?), need a choreographer? Well, by “choreographer” they mean that he taught Bolt his, um, “touchdown dance”–this stupid “Gully Creepa” dance he did when he won his gold medal. This is a celebrity? Hilarious.
Next thing ya know, I’ll be reading the obituary of the person who once gave Obama a hanky in which to blow his nose while on the beach in Hawaii.
Here’s video of Usain (Pat and Vanna, I wanna buy an “H”) Bolt doing this Gully Creeper, er . . . Creepa thing. Watch it and tell me if the guy who, um, “invented” this stupid gyration is worthy of worldwide obituary notice. Below that is a news story from Jamaica about this dude. Strangely, they no longer speak English in Jamaica, and I need a translator for most of the people being interviewed.

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