January 6, 2009, - 5:59 pm

Less Blogging Today Because I Had To Go Screen This

By Debbie Schlussel
Since I try to screen all new movie releases so I can save you from bad ones and help you to the good ones, some days I just can’t put up as much as I’d like. Plus, there are the other activities I must do, for instance, a giant lawsuit against extremist Muslims I’ll be announcing in the coming weeks or months (stay tuned).
Today, I was at a screening of this–“Bride Wars.” Not allowed to post my review until it debuts on Friday, but if you read my site often, you can probably predict from this trailer what I think of it. Oh, and don’t forget how much one of its stars–Kate Hudson–hates Americans (see below). The feeling is mutual, hun.

Famous Kate Hudson description of those who made her a multi-millionaire despite zero talent:

Sometimes I’ll be walking down the street and I’ll hear some American and I’ll just go, “Of course they hate us, of course they can’t stand us.” We’re the most annoying, boisterous creatures in the world. I mean we come in and we eat mounds of food, and we’re like, “Where’s the kaachup [sic] for our French fries.”

Speak for yourself, Ms. Hudson.

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January 6, 2009, - 2:14 pm

Yet Another French Synagogue Attacked (During Trial of Other Attackers); Swedish Synagogue Attacked

By Debbie Schlussel
Normally, I would say the timing of yet another attack on a synagogue in Paris, as three other men are going on trial there for the bombing of a synagogue in Tunisia, is no coincidence.
But in France, there is so much anti-Semitic violence by Muslims, the timing may very well be that rare coincidence. On the other hand, we know that these are all Muslims and they are all supporting HAMAS, so really, it isn’t a coincidence at all.
Yesterday, the three men went on trial for the 2002 bombing. Those who perpetrated the attack include Chrstian Ganczarski, a German convert to Islam, and Wahid Naouar. But among the charged is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is in Gitmo and obviously not there to stand trial. He ordered the bombing of the synagogue on Djerba, a Tunisian island on April 11, 2002. 21 people, including two French citizens, were killed. But as we know, the targets were Jews.


Toulouse Synagogue Under Guard After Attack

At the same time–also on Monday, as the trial began–unknown (and likely Muslim) persons attacked a Toulouse synagogue, in France’s southwest, with two cars packed with bombs and explosives. Miraculously, there were no casualties.
Then, there’s the Swedish synagogue attack:

Government officials and Jewish leaders are concerned the conflict in Gaza may spill over into violence in Europe, with attacks reported against Jews and synagogues in France, Sweden and Britain.
Assailants rammed a burning car into the gates of a synagogue in Toulouse, in southwest France, Monday night.
A Jewish congregation in Helsingborg, in southern Sweden, was attacked Monday night by someone who “broke a window and threw in something that was burning,” said police spokesman Leif Nilsson. And on Sunday slogans, including “murderers … You broke the cease-fire,” were daubed on Israel’s embassy in Stockholm.

This isn’t just France or Sweden. This is Islam worldwide. America is no less vulnerable, our Muslims no less extreme and no more tolerant. That’s why others–likely Muslims–threw a Molotov cocktail at a Chicago synagogue, last week.
The churches are next on the list. Then, they came for the Christians . . . .

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January 6, 2009, - 10:24 am

Another Donor List We Must See: Who Gave Millions to CIA-Director-in-Waiting Leona Panetta?

By Debbie Schlussel
In order to get his wife vetted for Secretary of State, Bill Clinton released the donor list to his foundation. But, now, there’s another list we must see: who donated about $10 million to the Leon and Sylvia Panetta Institute for Public Policy?
Panetta, with absolutely no experience in intelligence, is Barack Obama’s choice for CIA Director. Since he has no intelligence expertise, he will be especially vulnerable to influence from those who paid most of his salary for the last decade or more. And we need to see the donor list. Frankly, he was more reliant on those donors than Bill and Hillary Clinton were on donors to Mr. Clinton’s charity. Panetta and his wife, Sylvia, apparently used the money to live on. Other than serving as a director for the New York Stock Exchange from 1997-2003, the money was the Panetta’s apparent main source of income.
Check out a copy of the latest tax filing on record for the Leon & Sylvia Panetta Institute for Public Policy. On the “Support Schedule”–which is the 13th page of the entire tax return–the Panettas list about $4 million for the years 2003-2006. There were likely in excess of $10 million in donations in the eleven years that this organization existed.


Who Paid Leon Panetta’s Salary for the Last Eleven Years?

Where did it come from? We deserve to know, so that we know who will potentially influence the U.S. spy game over the next four years or so.
So, come on, Mr. and Mrs. Panetta, release the list of your donors.

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January 5, 2009, - 4:58 pm

Spectator of UK & Jerusalem Post Cite Schlussel

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m sometimes asked why I want credit for my work. It’s like asking you why you should get paid for yours. Or why an artist should get credit for his/her painting or paid for it. I work very hard on what I write, and recognition is the lifeblood of this business. If you don’t get credit for your work, you’re howling at the wind.
That’s why I appreciate those who do give credit, the latest being the prestigious Spectator of London and the Jerusalem Post.
Brilliant Spectator columnist Melanie Phillips (who is also author of “Londonistan“) cites my writing on Islamic Relief Worldwide, a HAMAS front group “charity” (which gets tens of millions of dollars in aid from the Mormon church). Read her entire column, “The Real Agenda.” As usual, she is right on the money.
Then, there is our friend, investigative reporter Michael Freund, who is usually the one uncovering scoops around the world for the Jerusalem Post and his blog, Fundamentally Freund. He cites my story on Roseanne Barr’s support for HAMAS.
Thanks, Melanie and Michael, for recognizing my writing.

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January 5, 2009, - 3:24 pm

World’s Most Famous Overbearing Shrew (& Hubby) Gives You “Sexy” Marriage Advice

By Debbie Schlussel
Cue the Minnie Riperton music and get out the barf bag. You knew this was coming. But why didn’t we get “sexy” marriage advice from Hillary and Bill?
I subscribe to “Women’s Health” magazine because they have good workout routines and exercises, as well as healthy recipes. I didn’t think my health included banal, obvious, unoriginal “advice” from these two. But I thought wrong. Blechhhh. Oh, and it’s not just the fitness mag, it’s US Magazine, too.




Hmmm . . . Teamwork, Be Friends, Be Affectionate, Be Funny. I’m sure no married couple has ever heard such unique, insightful marital wisdom before. How ever did she (or her publicist) dream these up? Up next, genius fitness advice from the First Missus: Eat Less, Work Out.
Then, there are Barack’s rules, coupled with dumb, unPresidential, goofy photos. Same obvious non-insight: Be There For Your Family, Focus on the Future, Ignore Distractions, blah, blah, blah, etc.

US Magazine:



Musical Accompaniment:

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January 5, 2009, - 2:23 pm

“Religion of Peace” E-Mail of the Day #2: Jews Drove “Hetler” To It

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve heard from Nour Idriss before–expressing a fondness and predilection for sick sexual maneuvers and Hitler’s ovens cooking the Jews. Now, Nour is back.

From: NOUR IDRISS kayidriss@sbcglobal.net
Date: Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:07 PM
Subject: hamas
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Copy To: karamandnour@hotmail.com
I have to say that I am not ahamas supporter but the more I visit your blog the more I become one,I really think you need some serious help,but again you are a jew,so that explains it.after all what hetler did is because you drove him to it.the guy could only take so much.

Yes, this is the moderate Muslim with whom we are supposed to make peace and get along. Nour is in America–the IP address indicates Corona Del Mar, CA.
Like I always say, The Barbarians Are Already Inside The Gate.

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January 5, 2009, - 1:32 pm

More Fauxtography: Palestinians Use 2005 Footage, Parade it as 2009 IDF Attack on Gaza Market

By Debbie Schlussel
As we know, you can’t believe everything you see . . . especially when Muslims are using it as propaganda in their jihad against the non-Muslim world. They did it during the Israel-Hezbollah war, they did it before and after that, and they continue to do it.
The latest is with video Palestinians are claiming depicts an Israeli Defense Forces airstrike on civilians in a Gaza market, last week. In fact, it is footage from 2005 at Jebalya refugee camp–a hotbed of Palestinian terrorist training and bomb-making.
Read the whole story about this fakery. And don’t believe any of this Muslim propaganda. It’s more of the same fakery.

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January 5, 2009, - 12:13 pm

Poll: Labor/Kadima Campaign Commercial a/k/a HAMAS War is Working

By Debbie Schlussel
All along, I’ve been wondering where the heck Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barack, both candidates for Israeli Prime Minister in a soon-to-be-held election and both orchestraters of the current Israel-HAMAS war, were for the last several years as HAMAS rockets hit the working class poor of Sderot. As I noted, they ignored this constant attack on their citizens for years and did nothing. . . until now.
And I’ve noted that they were supporters of giving HAMAS their base in Gaza in the first place. I’ve concluded that the only way this war can be “won” is if most of the Palestinians in Gaza–and the so-called “West Bank,” too, where HAMAS has a lot of support–are decimated, which the world will never allow Israel to do, and which Livni and Barak (and Olmert) don’t have the guts to do.


Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livni, Ehud Olmert: How Many Israeli Soldiers

Will Die to Keep One of These Three Stooges in Power?

Therefore, this war can only be a loss, as many Israeli soldiers’ lives will be lost in a ground war, and HAMAS will survive. Already, this is echoing the Israel-Hezbollah war of 2006, where the soldiers who were killed were mostly religious Jewish settlers (some of them Ethiopian Jews), whose homes Livni/Olmert/Barak et al want to take away and give to the HAMAS-supporting Palestinians. That war could have been won, but Olmert didn’t have the will, nor did he and his generals issue the commands to beat Hezbollah fully, by running an effective ground war. The same thing will happen again here.
While I want Israel to beat HAMAS, there is only one way to do so–total annihilation of the Palestinians, who are all HAMAS. And again, Israel neither has the guts to do this, nor the ability to do so with its unfortunate dependence upon America and the international community.
And now there is proof that this costly campaign commercial is working. Reader “I Am Me” sends these poll results:

“We have no interest in a long war. We do not desire a broad campaign. We want quiet,” Olmert said. “We don’t want to display our might, but we will employ it if necessary.”
Ordinary Israelis are not eager to see the operation expand beyond the air-based campaign, a poll Thursday showed.
The survey of 472 people showed that 52% want the air assault to continue, while only 19% wanted to see a ground offensive. Twenty percent favored a truce.
The same poll showed dovish and centrist parties would get 60 seats in Israel’s 120-seat parliament if elections were held today, up from 53 before the operation. The big winner was Labor, led by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the Gaza operation’s mastermind. Hardline and religious parties dropped from 65 to 60. The Dialog company poll had a margin of error of 4.6 percentage points.

Are these numbers worth Israeli soldiers’ lives, when HAMAS will likely survive and be strengthened? Is the “war” worth it, when Olmert–who has, as my father pointed out, always said he no longer wants to fight to survive or to be courageous or have victories–won’t commit to a long war, which is necessary to win (unless they will drop massive bombs and decimate everyone, the only other way to win)?
As I Am Me notes:
The Israeli elections are still over a month away. If the operation stops soon these numbers could revert back for the elections.
So maybe that tells us how long this war will last, ie., until Labor (Barak) or Kadima (Livni) gets elected.

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January 5, 2009, - 1:06 am

“You Stay Classy, HAMAS” E-Mail of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
No word on whether or not this comes from the Muslim chica who showed us her “modest” thong:

From: hbs651@aol.com
Date: Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 12:15 AM
Subject: (no subject)
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
ur nothing but a zionist whore.

Well, at least, this time, they spelled “whore” correctly. I can see their articulate nature is improving with each millenium. Sooner or later, they will catch up to the eighth century. Here’s hopin’.
To paraphrase Ron Burgundy, You Stay Classy, Palestinians. . . .

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January 4, 2009, - 10:54 pm

FUNNY (& Short) Video of the Day: Israel Takes Over HAMAS TV, Tells HAMAS Leaders Who’s Next for 72 Virginland

By Debbie Schlussel
Unfortunately, as I’ve noted time and again on this site, if Israel really wants to mark HAMAS for death, it will have to send several hundred thousand and perhaps several million Palestinians to meet up with and/or play virgins in jannah (paradise), and not just the men posted in this video. Still, I like that Israel took over HAMAS TV and posted this funny video. If they truly wanted to demoralize the Palestinians, they’d have done what I had David Lunde do to show the real Hassan Nasrallah, below.
Although the video is in Hebrew, you need only see the pic to see what is being said–marked for death. But here’s my Cliff’s Notes quickie translation: This Morning, TZaHaL [the Israeli Defense Force] took over HAMAS’ “Al-Aqsa” television station and put on this video of HAMAs leaders’ faces, with targets on them, and a headline in Arabic writing saying their time is running out.


Nasrallah Girlie Man by David Lunde/Lundesigns

IsraelHu Akbar. AmericaHu Akbar.
Oh, and by the way, those HAMAS leaders–we know where they’re really going: jehenim (hell).

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