January 8, 2009, - 12:26 pm

Obama Plagiarizes . . . Again

By Debbie Schlussel
So, about an hour ago, President-elect Obama said a whole lotta nothin’ on the economy in what was billed as a major speech.
And he, um, borrowed pretty blatantly. Toward the end he said something about facing down “fear itself.”
Hmmm . . . what’s that I hear? The sound of the crypt-to-Office-of-the-President-Elect hotline ringing.
The remains of FDR called from down under. He wants his line back. When you borrow from a Prez who presided during the Great Depression, it’s as if you almost want it to be just like the Great Depression, all over again.


Flashback: Obamboozled: Did B Hussein O Steal Speeches From Racist Spike Lee Movies?

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January 7, 2009, - 10:20 pm

It’s Official: Spiderman in the Tank for Obama (Ashford & Simpson, Too)

By Debbie Schlussel
Once, comic books were against Nazis and Hitler and were very up front in supporting America’s fight against them. But those days are over. Both DC and Marvel Comics long ago embraced left-wing politics, and when it came to the war on terror, they were for the most part silent. Fighting “global warming” and on behalf of other mythical left-wing creations was far more important (as was transforming Wonder Woman into an ugly, steroidal man).
Now, though, comic books are back to supporting the President, since he embodies their far-left ideology. Yup, Spider-Man is in the tank for Obama and lets us know, telling us he’s left Washington “in capable hands.” In a special issue, “Amazing Spider-Man #583,” out on Jan. 14th, the President-Elect and Obama are shown doing the fist-bump (readers know what I think about the fist-bump). In the plot, the Chameleon tries to kill Barack Obama before he gets inaugurated–feeding into the BS narrative that Obama is a martyr-in-waiting more so than any other President. But Spidey saves the day. Look at the Spiderman-Obama photo gallery (and get out the barf bag).


I’m just wondering: When Obama goes to share some baklava with his new friend Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or his buds in HAMAS, will we see Spidey cheering that on, too, and, again, tell America’s comic book readers we’re in “capable hands”?
Boy, I long for the days of Superman, Sgt. Fury, and other comic book superheroes fighting the Nazis . . . not sitting down to talk and eat wienerschnitzel with them or praising Presidents who want to do just that.
Below is a Sgt. Fury comic book from the Debbie Schlussel comic book collection. Like Spiderman, Sgt. Fury was also from Marvel Comics. Note that Sgt. Fury’s mission wasn’t to have a “dialogue” with Hitler. So sad that these days, the superheroes’ objective is girlie-man foreign policy.

In other pop culture for Obama news, ’80s has-beens Ashford & Simpson (‘memba them?) are re-releasing their annoying “Solid (as a Rock)” song as “Solid (as Barack).” No, not making this up. Hmmm . . . I thought the ’80s were the “bad Reagan years of excess.” I guess this is the Ashford & Simpson repentance for doing so well in those Reagan years, as opposed to the Barack years, in which they won’t be doing quite so well.

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January 7, 2009, - 10:01 pm

Looking for an Anti-HAMAS/Pro-Israel/Pro-America Rally in Your City?

By Debbie Schlussel
Our friend, the classy, tireless, and wise Robert Spencer, the New York Times best-selling author and proprietor of Jihad Watch has a very comprehensive list of all of the pro-Western/anti-HAMAS rallies around North America. Check to see if there is one in your neck of the woods, and please go. And, of course, don’t forget tomorrow’s (Thursday’s) rally in Detroit.
At the same link, Robert also has some great photos of himself, the lovely Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, and other protestors (including Hindus for Israel) at yesterday’s New York rally, where Robert was the speaker.

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January 7, 2009, - 4:02 pm

HAMAS Krystallnacht USA 2008: Yet Another American Synagogue Attacked

By Debbie Schlussel
I think this is the fifth attack on a synagogue or Jews around the world (outside Israel) that I’ve written about this week. This time the target is the same as the one of the targets in Mumbai.
I’ve written about the tremendous works of the Lubavitch Chassidic sect of Orthodox Judaism. Even though they faced a tremendous tragedy at the hands of Islamic terrorists in India–where a Rabbi, his wife, and four or five others were sexually assaulted, tortured, and then executed at the Lubavitch Chabad House in Mumbai.
But Lubavitch is a strong organization, which is the most growing segment of Judaism both in America and around the world. And it continues its tremendous work, including these tremendous good deeds in helping Israeli soldiers on the front lines (look at these great pics).
Now, however, Chabad is under attack again, likely from Muslims who support HAMAS (a redundancy):



CHARLOTTE, NC [CHI] ‚Äî Wednesday morning, the Shluchim [DS: that’s Hebrew for messengers, representatives, or delegates] to Charlotte, NC found their their Chabad House vandalized. Windows were shattered, objects were broken and tossed about. The Lubavitch Education Center of North Carolina, run by Rabbi Yossi and Mariashi Groner, had apparently been vandalized overnight. The situation doesn’t seem to be serious, however the incident was reported to the Police, who don’t suspect any anti-semitism, ‘just teenagers’.

PUH-LEEZE. Were these O.J. jurors in another life?
We know who did it. The so-called “Religion of Peace.”

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January 7, 2009, - 1:11 pm

How Dr. Phil Celebrates HAMAS

By >Debbie Schlussel
Oprah’s favorite useless psychologist, Dr. Phil, is celebrating HAMAS by re-running the three dumb shows he did glorifying Katherine Lester, the teenage Michigan woman who fled to Jordan to ultimately convert to Islam and marry a Muslim in Jericho, Israel. She was stopped by the FBI, but once she turned 18, she went back, lived with this guy and his hijab-encrusted family of green card seekers, and got abused by him. The girl and her family deserved the Darwin award.
As you’ll recall, I followed this story (including here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here) from the time Lester first ran away, to when, as an 18-year-old she legally moved to Jericho to live with Abdullah Psycho a/k/a Abdullah Jimzawi a/k/a Abdullah Jinzawi, to when Lester broke up with Abdullah Psycho on a dumb set of three episodes on “Dr. Phil,” during which she said the Palestinian Muslim beat, hit, and bit her.



Katherine Lester, Dr. Phil’s HAMAS Content Cow:

From Dumb Small-Town Teen Girl to Islamic Palestinian Bride


Every time Dr. Phil re-runs these shows, I get a ton of hits on my extensive coverage of this idiocy. (At the time, I even heard from Lester’s evil, starstruck stepmother, Krista, who, with Lester’s father, Terry, encouraged the relationship and whored this girl out for a free trip to New York and an appearance on “Good Morning America.”) Lester met the guy on MySpace, where his screen name was “Abdullah Psycho”–the most appropriate of his aliases. Seventeen Magazine glorified this whole ordeal to young teenage girls, with its cover story: “Online Love–Make It Work.” Barf.
Readers know my dislike for Dr. Phil, who is just more garbage in the dustbin of what was once a great American civilization. But I actually, for a brief second, thought he might talk some sense about this whole thing and the dangers of having relationships with Muslims, especially those seeking a ticket to ride to America. Boy was I wrong.
Dr. Phil was an idiot, as usual. Didn’t point out anything bad about Islam, didn’t mention the guy was a Muslim, etc. To him, Israel didn’t exist, it was “Palestine” all the way. He kept saying that Ramallah was in Gaza. It’s in the West Bank. The guy was completely clueless and clearly can’t read a newspaper or map to save his life. Yet, he deigns to save everyone else’s life.
Well, apparently, in some TV markets today, the Dr. Phil hucksterism continues with the Katherine Lester-Palestinian Muslim re-runs. A pox–or perhaps more suitable, a HAMAS missile–on all their houses.
Dr. Phil refuses to do a meaningful show in which Jewish victims of Islamic terror in ISRAEL (not “Palestine,” Dr. Phil) point out the dangers and hardships on their lives. He won’t even mention the name of the country. Instead, he’s pimping America out on his usual stable of crap.
America’s gene pool continues to decline. And America’s self-appointed national psychologist helps it move faster along its way, all while he bloodsucks on the crisis of Islamic terrorists refusing to stop sending missiles on the families of innocent civilians.
Dr. Phil’s faux-honky-tonk psychobabble is bunk.

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January 7, 2009, - 12:40 pm

Video: Toronto HAMAS Protestors Support Hezbollah, Salute Hitler

By Debbie Schlussel
Ah, the “moderate” Muslims of the West. Here’s footage reader Esther shot of the HAMAS protest, Saturday, in Toronto. Aside from the venom, guy in dreadlocks, little girl who hasn’t (yet) any idea what the heck she’s protesting for, note the Hezbollah flags. In Toronto as in Dearbornistan and as everywhere, the Muslims support a group that deliberately murdered hundreds of American Marines while they slept and American civilians at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, and killed thousands more by training Iraqi insurgents and giving them explosives to kill our troops there.
Even more important, note, between 3:00 and 3:20, the guy repeatedly doing the Nazi salute. These are the real “moderate” Muslims everywhere, the “peaceful” ones who are “just like us,” and whom we continue to welcome to this continent with open arms.

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January 7, 2009, - 11:26 am

PLEASE HELP!: Anti-HAMAS Counter-Demonstration, Detroit, Thursday, Federal Building

By Debbie Schlussel
Since the HAMAS-supporting Detroit-area Muslims have now had at least three demonstrations–including and in-your-face one on the Jewish Sabbath in a largely Jewish populated-area–I’ve been asked when those who are against Islamic terrorism and want to save our Western way of life will have a protest. Well, don’t wait for the far-left, unelected, appeasing “leaders” of the Detroit Jewish Community. Under pressure from us, they are finally having a wimpy event inside the comfort of a luxe synagogue.
But tomorrow, Thursday, at 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time, outside the McNamara Federal Building on Michigan Avenue in downtown Detroit, we will be having a counter-protest. The Muslims will be demonstrating in favor of the new Nazism, and friends of mine will be there to respond. But we need your help–your bodies to go and hold signs and show our numbers.
Please show up and dress warmly. Bring your American and Israeli flags and signs.


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January 7, 2009, - 11:11 am

VIDEO: Israeli Girl Describes Disproportionate Rocket Attacks of Last Several Years

By Debbie Schlussel
You’ve heard it before. I’ll say it again. If anyone was sending rockets to attack us, America wouldn’t wait years to respond. We would wait minutes or seconds. And we’d respond with as much force, if not more than what Israel is doing now. And we wouldn’t warn HAMAS leaders an hour before we targeted their buildings and give them advance notice.
Please watch this video from the so-called “ceasefire,” well before Israel went to war to respond to all of what this articulate young epileptic woman is describing. Below is the explanation:

In this time of conflict in Gaza, it would be good to remember the thousands of young people and children living under the threat of Kassam bombs for more than 8 years. This past summer, my 21 year old daughter Dana made this video. . . . I was unaware that Dana had made this video and she showed it to me only this morning, on this the 7th day of the war in Gaza.
Since Saturday afternoon, the Tzeva Adom (red) alarm has sounded 28 times in our kibbutz and many bombs have fallen; however, we are of high spirits and our thoughts and prayers are with our soldiers.
Please feel free to distribute this link as you see fit.
Marcell Bar-On
Kibbutz Nir-Am
Gaza Border

Nothing is “disproportionate” when you are trying to avoid mass murderers.

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January 7, 2009, - 9:54 am

HAMAS Tennis: Israeli Tennis Player Pandered to, Enabled Muslims Now Reaps Her Reward–Asked to Quit Tournament Over Gaza

By Debbie Schlussel
For years, I’ve written about spoiled Israeli tennis diva Shahar Pe’er, who is yet another beautiful airhead enabling jihadists. I’ve detailed how Pe’er continued to pander to and put up with Islamic discrimination in the tennis world and enabled it. Her silence has enabled the tennis world’s anti-Semitic apartheid, about which no tennis fans seem to be concerned.
Now, Ms. Pe’er is reaping, on behalf of Israel, the “rewards” of her enabling, with New Zealanders pressuring her to withdraw from a Women’s Tennis Association tournament in Auckland.


Shahar Pe’er: Consistently Enabled Jihadists for Tennis Paycheck

As I’ve noted over the years, Pe’er’s behavior has been disgusting. She much reminds me of the Oppenheimer family, the Jewish diamond magnates who enjoyed special privileges (the same status as Aryans) from the Nazis while their people cooked in the ovens.
In 2005 , Ms. Pe’er said nothing when her secular Muslim doubles partner Sania Mirza dumped her as her partner in India’s Bangalore Open, saying it would be best not to upset India’s Muslim community by playing with an Israeli. Pe’er said nothing. Then, Mirza dumped her again for the Australian Open. Pe’er said nothing. After both instances, Pe’er continues to play doubles with Mirza.
Then, in 2006, Pe’er and other Israeli tennis players were denied access to the Dubai Open because Israelis and those with Israeli stamps on their passports are not allowed in Dubai. Again, Ms. Pe’er did not protest. She didn’t question the Association of Tennis Professionals or press the World Tennis Association about this Judenrein tennis. The same thing happened with the Qatar Open. No Jewish Israelis, no Shahar Pe’er allowed. Complete silence from everyone in the tennis world, including Shahar Pe’er.
Then, even worse, last year, Ms. Pe’er played into the jihadist propaganda, when she became Qatar’s official Oppenheimer Family. Qatar finally allowed Ms. Pe’er to come to the country to play in its open, but only her and a few select, top Israeli players . . . and only because Qatar wants to host an Olympics and is bidding on the 2016 Games. All other Jewish Israelis need not apply for entry into the Gulf State. Pe’er played right into it, posing for all the world’s newspapers to which Qatari officials paraded her in traditional Qatari garb to show us what a nice, liberal, “moderate” place this anti-Semitic, Israel-boycotting, Al-Jazeera-funding state is.
And now, suddenly–far too late–Shahar Pe’er has discovered that–whaddya know–she’s a Jew and an Israeli. Anti-Israel activists are pressuring the ASB Classic Tennis Tournament to force Pe’er out, over the Israel-HAMAS war. And they’re pressuring her to withdraw. She has suddenly found a tiny bit of pride, but as I say it is far too little, far too late:

Israeli tennis player Shahar Peer has rejected calls for her withdrawal from the ASB Classic tennis tournament over Israel’s invasion of Gaza, saying she can take no responsibility for her nation’s military action. . . .
Peer was provided with extra security as she played a second round match Wednesday, beating Barbora Zahlavova of the Czech Republic 6-3, 4-6, 6-2. She later told journalists she could do nothing about the politics of the Middle East.
“I have nothing to do with this,” she said. “I’m Shahar Peer. I came here to play tennis. I know I’m from Israel and I’m proud of my country and that playing tennis is what I’m going to do tomorrow.”
Peer, 21, said she had tried to ignore the events in Gaza but her own brother, a military reservist, had been called up.
“Two days ago, I was crying a bit, actually more than a bit, so it was a hard time for me,” she said. “I hope as soon as possible it will end and we will all be happy, because no one wants to be in a war.”
Peer said she had never previously been the focus of protests and had even been the first Israeli to play in the Muslim country of Doha, Qatar, where she was warmly received.

“Warmly received,” my butt. That was a PR ploy by jihadists. And her response about the HAMAS-Israel war isn’t exactly a rousing, enthusiastic defense of Israel. If this were a Muslim player, he/she’d be waiving the HAMAS flag. I have respect for Pe’er’s brother. He’s on the front lines. As for Ms. Pe’er, she’s been for several years an enabler of the new Nazis. She only cares about herself and her tennis career. There were plenty just like her in 1939.
First, they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I was a tennis player and had special privileges. Then, they came for the Jewish tennis players. But I said nothing, because my name is Shahar Pe’er, and it was far too late.
Reader Barbra agrees:

I thought you’d be interested in this story, as I read on your website a few months ago about Shahar Peer. She is the tennis player from Israel who had no problem selling out her country and her heritage by donning Muslim garb for the opportunity to play in Doha, Qatar. That was the story you posted on your website.
The current tournament she is playing in (in Auckland, N.Z.) is requesting she withdraw because of the situation in Gaza. She is refusing to withdraw. Interesting, but certainly not surprising, that now she claims she’s “proud of her country,” and even goes on to brag about “being the first Israeli to play in Doha.” It is painfully obvious that for her, at least, it is all about what suits her at the time and not honoring where she came from.
I am a huge tennis fan, but honestly this type of thing never struck me as disingenuous until you opened my eyes. I thank you for that. I am a Christian.

Shahar Pe’er is emblematic of the Israeli government’s current “leadership.” They said nothing about HAMAS rockets for three years, and before that, they handed HAMAS the base from which to send the rockets–Gaza. Now, suddenly, they are upset, when an election that could elect or defeat one of them is coming up. Suddenly, Ms. Pe’er is upset when her tennis paycheck is under fire.
The selfishness, political correctness, and currently chic meekness of the Jews is what always brings the Jews down, not our enemies.

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January 6, 2009, - 7:33 pm

Mathematicians: The New “Sexiest Man Alive”?

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m not saying this is how I think–it isn’t. But the fact is that in our base society, a man’s wallet is to a woman’s looks. Each is the determining factor to most, regarding desirability and attractiveness. It is what it is. And many women judge men by their financial worth, with men judging women by looks. You don’t see very many fat, ugly women married to gazillionaires and vice versa.
So, given this looks- and money-obsessed society in which we live, the sexiest man alive is a . . . mathematician?! If wallets are the test, a new study says the best occupation in terms of making a living–steady stream of income, low stress–is that egghead dude who knows all the formulas (in this story, it’s a woman, but you get the point):

Nineteen years ago, Jennifer Courter set out on a career path that has since provided her with a steady stream of lucrative, low-stress jobs. Now, her occupation — mathematician — has landed at the top spot on a new study ranking the best and worst jobs in the U.S. . . .
The study, to be released Tuesday from CareerCast.com, a new job site, evaluates 200 professions to determine the best and worst according to five criteria inherent to every job: environment, income, employment outlook, physical demands and stress.


The findings were compiled by Les Krantz, author of “Jobs Rated Almanac,” and are based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau, as well as studies from trade associations and Mr. Krantz’s own expertise.
According to the study, mathematicians fared best in part because they typically work in favorable conditions — indoors and in places free of toxic fumes or noise — unlike those toward the bottom of the list like sewage-plant operator, painter and bricklayer. They also aren’t expected to do any heavy lifting, crawling or crouching — attributes associated with occupations such as firefighter, auto mechanic and plumber.
The study also considers pay, which was determined by measuring each job’s median income and growth potential. Mathematicians’ annual income was pegged at $94,160, but Ms. Courter, 38, says her salary exceeds that amount. . . .
Other jobs at the top of the study’s list include actuary, statistician, biologist, software engineer and computer-systems analyst, historian and sociologist.
Mark Nord is a sociologist working for the Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service in Washington, D.C. He studies hunger in American households and writes research reports about his findings. “The best part of the job is the sense that I’m making some contribution to good policy making,” he says. “The kind of stuff that I crank out gets picked up by advocacy organizations, media and policy officials.”
The study estimates sociologists earn $63,195, though Mr. Nord, 62, says his income is about double that amount. He says he isn’t surprised by the findings because his job generates little stress and he works a steady 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. schedule. “It’s all done at the computer at my desk,” he says. “The main occupational hazard is carpal tunnel syndrome.”
On the opposite end of the career spectrum are lumberjacks. The study shows these workers, also known as timber cutters and loggers, as having the worst occupation, because of the dangerous nature of their work, a poor employment outlook and low annual pay — just $32,124. . . .
But Eric Nellans, who has been cutting timber for the past 11 years for Pike Lumber, is passionate about his profession. “It’s a very rewarding job, especially at the end of the day when you see the work you accomplished,” he says. Mr. Nellans, 35, didn’t become discouraged even after he accidentally knocked down a dead tree and broke his right leg in the process four years ago. “I was back in the woods cutting timber in five weeks,” he says.
Other jobs at the bottom of the study: dairy farmer, taxi driver, seaman, emergency medical technician and roofer.
Mike Riegel, a 43-year-old roofer in Flemington, N.J., says he likes working “outside in the fresh air.” Since he runs his own business, which he inherited from his father, he can start and end his day early in hot weather or do the opposite when it’s cold.
The study estimates roofers earn annual incomes of $34,164, which Mr. Riegel says is consistent with what he pays new employees. Roofers also ranked poorly because of their hazardous working conditions. “You obviously can’t be afraid of heights,” says Mr. Riegel, who once fell two stories while working on a rooftop in the rain but luckily landed safely on a pile of soft dirt. “I missed some cement by 10 feet.”

While a wallet may be sexy to many women, the fact is that these men in the dangerous, low-paying jobs actually do and produce things. No, they are not from the cerebral disciplines. But there’s something to be said for–and something appealing about–men doing masculine work like this. Some of it is also work that is so hard and physically challenging that it cannot be done into old and even middle age for a living.
Given the way the economy is going, though, many more in our society may have to return to this type of work as manufacturing and white collar jobs disappear and college becomes more and more meaningless.

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