January 14, 2009, - 12:07 pm

UGG-ly Jihad: Overpriced Boot Company Gives You Another Reason Not to Buy

By Debbie Schlussel
No, I am not one of the many doltish American (and those of other nationalities) women (and some very gay men) who threw out $200-$300 on the most ugly, overpriced boots imaginable. But, price and hideousness aside, the Ugg folks now provide us with another reason not to patronize them. The company is based in Australia, which is overrun by Muslim extremists. They know what the keffiyeh is and what it now stands for, which we all know is jihad. They’ve seen the Nicholas Berg and other such videos. They’ve seen the HAMAS parades.
And please don’t tell me that this is just a “paisley scarf” the way they did when Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs exposed Dunkin’ Donuts and its Rachael Ray keffiyeh campaign.


UGG. Ugh.
**** UPDATE: Although the color of the keffiyeh is not always significant (I’ve seen Palestinian terrorists wearing the black kind and the red kind, and regular pro-terrorist Muslims like Saudi King Abdullah and other Gulf State royalty often wear the red and white keffiyeh), our friend, Terrorism Investigator and Private Detective Bill Warner, notes that the Somalian Islamic Al-Qaeda offshoot–the Al-Shabaab terrorist group–has chosen the red and white keffiyeh in this UGG ad as its terror headgear of choice. Check out the collection of Al-Shabaab photos he’s posted (including this one, below).

Somalian Islamic Terrorist Group Al-Shabaab & UGG Like the Same Scarf of Death

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January 14, 2009, - 11:39 am

It’s Official: Pepsi Admits New Ad Campaign That Looks Like Obama’s is For Obama; Honest Tea, Dunkin’ also in Obama Tank

By Debbie Schlussel
On Monday, I showed you the new Pepsi “Hope” campaign that looked a heck of a lot like the Obama campaign. Pepsi claimed any similarity was just a coincidence. And some readers said I was totally off-base.
Well, I wasn’t.
Now, Pepsi admits it–the campaign was meant to look just like the Obama campaign, and the soft drink company is now officially entirely in the tank for B. Hussein O. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since Pepsi was a historical participant in the Arab boycott on Israel (which is why it was never allowed in our home when I was a kid).
Well, If A Tea Says He’s Honest, It Must Be True . . .

Caffeine-Free & Full of Fertilizer

And, damn, one of my fave low-cal teas, Honest Tea (which is also Obama’s fave) is now in the tank for him, too, proclaiming that this proven liar is “Honest.” Puh-leeze:

On Friday, Pepsi crews will hit the streets of D.C with product samples, as well as scarves, hats and buttons that read “Hope” and “Change.” Ads with the new Pepsi logo appear in outdoor ads with such Obama-isms as “Yes, you can.”
New Pepsi ads will air in pre-inaugural coverage on networks such as CNN beginning Jan. 18.
“This is a unique moment,” says Frank Cooper, vice president, portfolio brands. “There are very few times when people of various backgrounds and affiliations come together with a common sense of purpose.” . . .
[QVC] has paid a fee to broadcast live on Inauguration Night from a glitzy ball hosted by The Creative Coalition, a political advocacy group founded by TV star Alec Baldwin, and sponsored by Pepsi.

Honest Tea:

The brand struck marketing gold when Obama was seen drinking its Black Forest Berry tea on the campaign trail. A small number of custom bottles, renamed “Barack Forest Berry” and graced with a picture of Obama on the label, are going out to the media. . . .
“We appreciate the relationship, and it’s a meaningful relationship, and we don’t want to cheapen it in any way,” says Jesse Merrill, Honest Tea director of marketing.

Um, I think you just did.
Dunkin’ Donuts–official home of Rachael Ray’s jihadist scarf:

Red-white-and-blue-sprinkled “Stars & Stripes” doughnuts will be sold in the chain’s stores nationwide from Jan. 17 through Jan. 23 for 89 cents. The brand’s blogger, Dunkin’ Dave, also will tout the doughnuts on social-networking site Twitter.
“There’s a hope and energy that will be created with the inauguration and new administration coming in,” says Will Kussell, president and chief brand officer. “You’re going to see us be a little more topical and put more variety in our doughnut line in 2009.”

It used to be that companies and products didn’t officially get involved in politics. It’s bad for business because the company risks alienating those on the other side of an issue or candidate. If you’ll recall, despite Ronald Reagan’s famous love of Jelly Belly jelly beans, the company deliberately never capitalized on it, not wanting to offend anti-Reagan customers.
I guess these companies forgot about the 58 million-plus Americans who voted for John McCain. Or they just don’t want our business. We get the in-your-face message.

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January 13, 2009, - 2:44 pm

“Nuts. Signed The American Commander”: Lt. Gen. Harry W.O. Kinnard, RIP

By Debbie Schlussel
A great American hero–whose memorable words to the Nazis obscured his post-WWII contributions–has died. Lt. Gen. Harry W.O. Kinnard knew how to deal with the 1940 Nazis, and I’m sure he’d know how to deal with the 2008 Nazis (the “Religion of Peace”). Sad to see him go. His life was full of so many great stories, like this one:

Lt. Gen. Harry W.O. Kinnard II, who died Jan. 5 at his home in Arlington County, was a West Point graduate whose decades-long military career stretched from World War II to Vietnam, but he was most often associated with one word that became instant legend. The word was “nuts,” the reply to a German surrender ultimatum during the crucial Battle of the Bulge.


Lt. Gen. Harry Kinnard (Right), Great American, RIP

Gen. Kinnard, 93, died of complications of Parkinson’s disease.
In 1944, then-Col. Kinnard was a 29-year-old assistant chief of staff to Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe, commander of the 101st Airborne “Screaming Eagle” Division. When the German army launched a last-ditch attack in the Ardennes Forest on Dec. 16, the 101st was rushed into the Belgian town of Bastogne to defend the intersection of five strategic roads. Two days later, the division, outnumbered by more than 4 to 1, found itself surrounded by German tanks and infantry. The Americans were unprepared for fighting in the bitter cold and were pounded relentlessly by artillery. Their situation seemed hopeless.
On Dec. 22, the Germans sent two officers and two noncommissioned officers into Bastogne with a white flag and Lt. Gen. Heinrich von Luttwitz’s typewritten demand that U.S. forces surrender, the “one possibility” of saving American troops from “total annihilation.”
McAuliffe’s instinctive response was to laugh and exclaim, “Us surrender? Aw, nuts!” He told his staff that he wasn’t sure how to respond officially and asked for suggestions.
“That first remark of yours would be hard to beat,” Col. Kinnard told him, and other staff members enthusiastically agreed. McAuliffe then called in a typist and dictated: “To the German Commander: Nuts!” and signed it, “The American Commander.”

The American soldiers who escorted the German emissaries back to their lines had to explain that “Nuts!” was the equivalent of “Go to hell.”
In the early morning of Christmas Day, the 101st Division repulsed a German assault. The siege of Bastogne ended when U.S. forces attacking from the south joined the 101st.
Harry William Osborn Kinnard II was born in Dallas and was raised in an Army family. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1939 and was a member of the Hawaiian Division when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. As a platoon leader in the 27th Infantry “Wolfhound” Regiment, he commanded a machine gun nest on Waikiki Beach in anticipation of a Japanese land assault.
He parachuted into Normandy overnight on June 5-6, 1944, and took command of the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment. He was battalion commander during the airborne invasion of Holland later in the year.

But that wasn’t the only remarkable set of achievements in this man’s amazing life:

His awards include the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star Medal and the Silver Star.


Kinnard, a career soldier who in later years was the principal architect of the Army’s concept of using helicopters in infantry warfare in Vietnam, died in Arlington, Va., his family told The New York Times.
A native of Dallas, Kinnard graduated from West Point in 1939 and spent 30 years in uniform, retiring in 1969.
He parachuted into Normandy on D-Day with the newly organized 101st Airborne Division and was decorated for heroism during its drive against German forces in the Netherlands.

Men like this made America great. We need more of them.
Lt. Gen. Harry W.O. Kinnard, Rest In Peace.

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January 13, 2009, - 1:27 pm

Guys, Check Out Your Ring Finger: Another Stupid Pop Culture Measurement

By Debbie Schlussel
I don’t buy into this. And I’ve heard the same baloney about this same measurement allegedly indicating whether a man will cheat, whether he has sexual prowess, and something about penis size. All stupid, and all for vapid women with nothing better to do than watch “The View,” read and believe everything in Cosmo, and then go shop at Chico’s for some ugly new woven print jacket, before heading home to catch Oprah and order out for dinner (because they can’t cook).
But I figure it’s worth posting this junk “science” for the entertainment in silliness value:

The length of a man’s ring finger may predict his success as a financial trader. Researchers at the University of Cambridge in England report that [DS: effeminate English] men with longer ring fingers, compared to their index fingers, tended to be more successful in the frantic high-frequency trading in the London financial district.

You Are . . . Your Digits?: Ring Finger Junk Science . . .


Indeed, the impact of biology on success was about equal to years of experience at the job, the team led by physiologist John M. Coates reports in Monday’s edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The same ring-to-index finger ratio has previously been associated with success in competitive sports such as soccer and basketball, the researchers noted.
The length ratio between those two fingers is determined during the development of the fetus and the relatively longer ring finger indicates greater exposure to the male hormone androgen, the researchers noted.
Previous studies have found that such exposure can lead to increased confidence, risk preferences, search persistence, heightened vigilance and quickened reaction times.
In a separate study last year, Coates and colleagues reported that the hormone that drives male aggression and sexual interest also seemed able to boost short term success at finance.
They studied male financial traders in London, taking saliva samples in the morning and evening. They found that those with higher levels of testosterone in the morning were more likely to make an unusually big profit that day. Testosterone, best known as the male sex hormone, affects aggression, confidence and risk-taking.
In the new study, the researchers measured the right hands of 44 male stock traders who were engaged in a type of trade that involved rapid decision-making and quick physical reactions.
Over 20 months those with longer ring fingers compared to their index fingers made 11 times more money than those with the shortest ring fingers. Over the same time the most experienced traders made about 9 times more than the least experienced ones.
Looking only at experienced traders, the long-ring-finger folks earned 5 times more than those with short ring fingers.
While the finger ratio, showing fetal exposure to male hormones, appears to signal likely success in high-actively trading that calls for risk-taking and quick reactions, it may not indicate people who would do well at other sorts of financial activities, the researchers said.
Some traders require additional skills on dealing with clients and sales workers.
And the advantage may even reverse for some, Coates team said, such as traders taking a more analytical and long-term approach to the markets.
One study, which looked at average finger ratios in university departments found that faculty from math, science and engineering exhibited longer index finger ratio, rather than ring finger, they noted.

To the guys reading this whose fingers don’t “measure up,” take a good laugh at this pop science bullcrap. Anyone who believes that the fingers of a small, select group of 40-odd British pansies and London girlie-men–who’ve willingly allowed Muslims to take over their country–can be accurately projected onto your life to describe your likely success, is an idiot.
I don’t judge people by their finger-length. Anyone who does has a life as meaningless and useless as the people who did this ridiculous, profligate “study.”
In this faltering worldwide economy (that, yes, is also taking place in London and throughout Britain), you’d think they’d quit wasting money on dumb studies like this. But you’d be wrong.

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January 13, 2009, - 1:01 pm

“Dear World”: Important VIDEO Message to the World of HAMASniks and “Disproporationate Response” Dolts

By Debbie Schlussel
This video is a reading (by radio host Rich Levin) of an important column that was one of my father’s faves. It’s a must-view for anyone who thinks Israel is “over-reacting” to HAMAS or is engaging in “disproportionate response.” And for anyone who isn’t a true expert on the Muslim War on the Jews a/k/a the Arab-Israeli conflict.
I’ve posted this video before. But it remains relevant with the times. Ever more so as their war on us escalates. While you may think the author is too controversial, he was actually a visionary in many ways. He said that the Jews could not live in peace with the Muslims, who are bent on their destruction. But, while the Israeli mainstream and even the Israeli left now seems to have adopted that view, it is too little, too late. And instead of transfering Jews out of Gaza and the so-called West Bank, the author was for transfering the real interlopers–the Muslims–out, the way they did to a million Jews in Arab Muslim lands, expelled from their homes and countries.

I’ve met the late author of the column read in this video, and I must say that despite the unfair vilification of him, I was impressed. The speech I heard him give didn’t contain an ounce of extremism. And I was impressed with his conduct in the face of undue critics in my presence.
I’m sure he’s turning over in his grave now, watching what’s happening.

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January 13, 2009, - 12:41 pm

Music Vids of the Day: Male Skanks Who Make an Occasional Good Song

By Debbie Schlussel
People often ask me what kind of music I like. I have pretty eclectic musical taste. I like hard rock, ’80s hair bands, classical music, jazz, funk, R&B, ’70s and ’80s hits, klezmer music, bluegrass, house/trance music, and lots of other stuff. But if it works as workout music, it’s the best. Take these two songs. I don’t exactly admire the messed up himbos that sing them, but I like the songs, both of which are in my workout repertoire and both of which were bumper music for my radio show. Power rock is great for getting you pumped up at the gym or for a good run.

Tommy Lee

Limp Bizkit – My Way

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January 13, 2009, - 11:39 am

Driving Miss Aikman: Your Tax Dollars @ Work

By Debbie Schlussel
Did you hear that multi-billionaire Rupert Murdoch is hard up for money?
Well, he must be . . . since U.S. taxpayers–not Murdoch–paid the tab for U.S. Marshals and their cars to ferry around a FOX Sports statistician and his former jock broadcasting talking head buds. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, since Immigration and Custom Enforcement’s second-in-command, Theresa Bertucci, used the Federal Protective Service police to “guard” the federal monument known as her brother’s casket, when she ordered them to abandon protecting federal buildings to accompany her at her bro’s funeral and make her look important. And then there’s her boss, acting ICE chief John P. Torres, who uses ICE as his own personal Walter Mitty baseball and harem fantasy.
Just more of the same, with the perpetrator getting to retire in style with full pension benefits, courtesy of you. All the world’s a hip-hop video starring them, and you’re their bitches:
The U.S. Marshals Service . . .


Instead of Arresting Them . . .

They’re Driving Them . . .
U.S. Marshals Service: Fed Jock-Sniffers Chauffeuring Jock Fed-Sniffers

A lawyer for the United States Marshals Service improperly used federal vehicles and on-duty deputies to escort him to World Series games, the Super Bowl and other major sporting events where he worked as a part-time statistician for Fox Sports, according to a report made public Monday by the Inspector General of the Department of Justice.
Investigators found that the lawyer, Joseph Band, also arranged for deputy marshals to provide vehicle escorts to Fox Sports announcers at two World Series games in 2007, and an N.F.L. playoff game and the Super Bowl in 2008. The report identified the broadcasters as Tim McCarver, Joe Buck and Troy Aikman.
The report found that Band, whose job at the Marshals Service’s Office of General Counsel included advising employees on “matters of ethics and integrity,” repeatedly committed “ethical violations” in using federal resources for personal business and that he “lacked candor” when questioned by investigators.
Band’s lawyer, Jacob A. Stein, declined to comment Monday. He said that Band retired at the end of 2008 from the Office of General Counsel, where he had worked since 1992. . .
Investigators referred the matter to the United States attorneys offices in Boston and in the Eastern District of Virginia, which each declined to prosecute the case. . . .
Dan Bell, the vice president for communications at Fox Sports, said Band had worked as a statistician for Fox and other networks.
“At select events, he did offer transportation to some Fox Sports personnel,” Bell said in a statement. “We were unaware, however, that those arrangements were in any way inappropriate, and regret to learn now that they apparently were.”

You need to be a rocket scientist to know that it’s not the job of the U.S. Marshals Service to be Joe Buck’s personal driver?! Hello . . .? Clearly not brainiacs or men of integrity at FOX Sports (with the exception of the brilliant Scott Ackerson, who produces FOX NFL Sunday).
The rules for use of federal agents’ vehicles are very strict. I’ve been out to lunch and coffee with ICE, FBI, and other federal agents. And they were strictly prohibited from using their government vehicles to drop me off somewhere or give me a ride. Agents have gotten suspended for 30 days for this kind of improper use of their “G-Rides.” Everyone involved here knew better.

The Office of the Inspector General initiated the investigation after receiving a complaint that Band had used public resources to transport himself and the Fox Sports broadcasters McCarver and Buck at two World Series games in Boston in 2007.
Investigators found that in at least three cities (Boston; Tampa, Fla.; and Phoenix), United States Marshals granted Band’s request for vehicles and drivers, even though it should have been clear that he was not at the games on official business, the report said. An exception was in San Francisco; the report said that Federico Rocha, a marshal from the Northern District of California, advised Band to take a trolley or cab to the 2007 baseball All-Star Game.
According to the report, Band also arranged for an escort for the limousines of Buck and Aikman at an N.F.L. playoff game in Tampa in 2008. A month later, at the Super Bowl in Glendale, Ariz., Band arranged for himself, Aikman and Buck to arrive at the game in a vehicle driven by a deputy marshal.
In written statements included in the report, the Marshals Service mostly denied any claims that they had misused federal resources. David Gonzales, the marshal for Arizona, argued that the transport of Aikman and Buck could be considered “dignitary protection.

Gimme a break. By that logic, the transports of Diddy, Paris Hilton, Sean Penn, and Weird Al Yankovic could be considered “dignitary protection.” But you don’t see the feds using tax-paid employees and cars to ferret them around America. Like Buck and Aikman, they can well afford to pay for their own custom transportation.
The U.S. Marshals Service, doing “the work that some Americans just won’t do”–ie., serving as Troy Aikman’s personal chauffeur.

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January 12, 2009, - 3:45 pm

USA Today Gushes Over Pop Music’s Biggest HAMASnik (and HAMAS Financier)

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s ironic that during the HAMAS-Israel War, USA Today chooses to gush over Yusuf Islam a/k/a Cat Stevens a/k/a Stephen Georgiou, as if he were the greatest thing since sliced falafel.
Instead of being told about how Stevens is barred from Israel for being the money mule for HAMAS there, we’re treated to the name of Islam’s Jewish kapo manager, David Spero, and claims that he is a moderate Muslim who is serving as an “ambassador.”

David Spero, Yusuf’s manager, sees maturity, not a radical personality change. “Cat Stevens was the voice of a generation, and Yusuf is a voice of that same generation grown up,” he says.


HAMAS Mule Yusuf Islam & Equally Extremist Klan

After nearly drowning off the coast of Malibu in 1976, the singer turned to Islam and found “a message to the human heart” in a copy of the Quran his brother gave him. “It didn’t have any connection to politics or global issues or the continuing turbulence in the Middle East,” he says. “That wasn’t the issue.”
Yusuf initially ducked public scrutiny when he became a Muslim. . . .

Read the rest of this entry »

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January 12, 2009, - 3:10 pm

HOPEless Fizz: Pepsi in the Tank for Obama

By Debbie Schlussel
I knew there was a reason I like Coke better than Pepsi. And it’s not just taste. It’s good taste.
Yup, in the political taste test, Coke has the good sense to stay out (though I’m sure plenty of Coca-Cola execs gave heavily for Obama). But not Pepsi. Its new emblem and “HOPE” campaign came straight out of the Obama campaign. Yuck:

What’s red, white and blue, round in shape and has some curvy lines? President-elect Barack Obama’s logo. Pepsi’s new logo, too. Adding to “Obama brand” and “Pepsi brand” similarities: Both camps are preaching a message of optimism and hope.

JUST A COINCIDENCE?: Most Recent Old Pepsi Emblem & Ad Campaign . . .


Obama Emblem & Ad Campaign . . .

New Pepsi Emblem & Ad Campaign . . .

Pepsi spokeswoman Nicole Bradley says that no marketing ideas were exchanged between the Pepsi and Obama teams. “We can’t speak to the president-elect’s design sensibilities, but we’re all over his prevailing spirit of optimism,” she says. “That’s as refreshingly bipartisan as it gets.”

Meaning that this flat soda (or pop, as we call it in Michigan) is in the tank for Barry Hussein.
Coke. It’s the Real Thing. Pepsi. It’s a sad Obama knock-off.

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January 12, 2009, - 2:59 pm

No, The Muslims Didn’t Get Me (Yet)

By Debbie Schlussel
Because I haven’t posted anything yet, today, I’ve gotten a lot of e-mails from concerned readers. Yes, I’m okay. I had a very important meeting, today (from which I just returned), and didn’t have time to post anything beforehand. Can’t give you the details. It’s top secret. But I’m back and have more than a few things to put up.
Thanks for your concern. And stay tuned for new material.

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