January 16, 2009, - 1:47 pm

Gay Male Supermodel . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . or new Detroit Lions head coach Jim Schwartz? Hard to tell the diff.
* Cartoonish Pee Wee Herman-style front-pointed hairstyle (with contrasting color hair flourish) . . . Check.
* Man-purse . . . Check.
* All black . . . Check.
* Stylish Ahmadinejad-esque, notched-collar black leather blazer . . . Check.
* Tapered black flood skinny pants . . . Check.
* Looks Like Martin Short as Ed Grimley . . . Check.
Check . . . Check . . . Check:






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January 16, 2009, - 12:16 pm

SLAPP: Future Docs Who Signed Pro-HAMAS Petition Try to Silence Schlussel, Threaten Lawsuit

By Debbie Schlussel
There’s a legal concept known as SLAPP–Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. When people who want to silence you and take away your First Amendment rights because you are using those rights to expose them, they slap you with a SLAPP.
This litigation jihad is a common practice of CAIR, the Flying Imams, and other Muslims who want to shut up their critics. And now–not for the first time–I’ve been threatened by them.
The other day, I posted the names of all of those medical students who signed a pro-HAMAS, anti-Israel statement. Now, some of those future doctors are upset when they find that my article on their petition is atop google in results for their names. But they’ve grown up in the internet age. They know better. And, frankly, if they’re not smart enough to know that when they sign a public anti-Israel petition, word gets around, then maybe they really aren’t smart enough to operate on your body or prescribe treatment for it.


If At First They Don’t Succeed, Muslims Bring in the Lawyers

Now, some of those future doctors are so upset that they’re threatening to sue me. I’m not worried. They knew what they were doing and they need to face the fact that in this country, it is subject to public scrutiny.
Take Muslim Yale Medical School student Omer Ibrahim. A foreigner who was granted U.S. citizenship, he wants to become a psychiatrist, and he’s upset that I exposed that he signed the petition. But the guy has obvious anger management issues, and his e-mails indicate that instead of becoming a psychiatrist, he should see one. Oh, and I love his F-word bedside manner. Would go over real well at any of America’s fine hospitals. To be fair, future doc Ibrahim, when pressed, says he condemns HAMAS, though we shall see if he responds to my request to condemn HAMAS’ anti-Semitic charter and its attacks on Israel.
But the petition he signed–while not mentioning HAMAS–is quite clear. It’s a lying, anti-Israel petition in “solidarity” with “the people of Gaza.” That’s HAMAS.
Read future Dr. Ibrahim’s e-mail exchange with me:

From: Omer Ibrahim omer.ibrahim@yale.edu
Date: Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 9:44 PM
Subject: Future Doctors Against Hamas – You BETTER read this
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Ummmmm so I just saw your post on “Future Doctors Who Support Hamas,” and I would just like to point out a SMALL but crucial fact (#2 on this list). . . .
2) Here’s the FUNNIEST part. You’ll love this. In American Law, what you posted would be labelled as libel and slander. And JUST IMAGINE EVEY SINGLE person on that list will be making a salary in the 6 figure digits. MEANING with at least HALF of them suing you for this clear and utter slander against their character, you will be in so much fucking debt that your grandchildren are going to need
I would think about THAT before you decide to wage a war against one of this society’s most influential and powerful people. If I were you, I’d delete that post. ASAP.

Hmmm . . . what does he mean by “this society’s most influential and powerful people”? Who is that? Muslims?

From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: Future Doctors Against Hamas – You BETTER read this
To: Omer Ibrahim omer.ibrahim@yale.edu
Will you condemn HAMAS? . . . [W]here are you from?


From: Omer Ibrahim omer.ibrahim@yale.edu
Date: Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: Future Doctors Against Hamas – You BETTER read this
To: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
I will GLADLY condemn HAMAS. Anyone would! But the fact that you clumped every single med student with Hamas, you are screwed. It doesnt matter where I am from. You are screwed. You KNOW that we did NOT sign that petition trying to support Hamas. you KNOW it.

Um, actually, I know that they were, indeed, trying to support HAMAS. Otherwise they wouldn’t have signed that lying, anti-Israel petition.

You were trying to change up the facts. All I am
saying to you right now is, you are in LEGAL trouble. It has NOTHING to do with me or what I say right now. You just slandered half of the nation’s current med students . . . . It’s your conscience you have to deal with. NOt to mention your wallet, because my friend in California (all the way across the US) saw your post on Google. All I have to say, is that you fucked up all of our medical careers, and be prepered for the backlash. You have no idea who you picked a fight with. You have NO FUCKING idea.

Reality Check: The people who signed this petition are the ones who “f-cked up” their medical careers and did to themselves whatever happens to them as a result of this. I must be “prepered [sic] for the backlash”? Hmmm . . . is that a threat to my life? Read the two sentences after that. Sure sounds like it. Again, this is a future psychiatrist? Hello . . .?

From: Omer Ibrahim omer.ibrahim@yale.edu
Date: Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 3:08 AM
Subject: Re: Future Doctors Against Hamas – You BETTER read this
To: Omer Ibrahim oi9@pantheon.yale.edu, Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
It’s a legal issue now. I am taking it there. I did not break my back to move to this country, struggle for the US citizenship, struggle…no, FIGHT to get into medical school, to be faced with this. I am sorry, but I am taking legal action. . . . Next time, you will think before you post slander like this. I swear to god, you better think before you do this again. You will be hearing from the rest of us again shortly. and I promise you.

Actually, next time, you and your friends will think twice about signing pan-terrorist petitions. But I’m glad you and your friends didn’t this time around and tipped us all off to their true extremist views.
The last e-mail I got from him says this:

I clearly don’t give a damn of whether you get sued into the ground or not. Have a miserable life.

I’ve asked Mr. Future Doc Omer Ibrahim, again, where he is originally from. I’ve also asked him whether he will specifically condemn HAMAS attacks on Israel and HAMAS’ anti-Semitic, anti-Israel charter. Will let you know if and when he responds.

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January 16, 2009, - 11:51 am

On Bush’s Good-bye Speech & His Real Record of “Keeping America Safe”

By Debbie Schlussel
As you probably did, I predicted that, last night in his goodbye speech, President Bush would tell America how he’s kept us safe in the War on Terrorism. And he didn’t disappoint in that prediction.
And while it was a classy speech, it simply wasn’t true. Yes, there have been no Islamic terrorist attacks on U.S. soil since 9/11, but Bill Clinton could have said the same about the 1993 WTC attack when he left office.
But here’s the reality check: As I’ve been saying for years, George Bush wasted a tremendous opportunity to actually make us safe in the long run, instead of a phony, ephemeral facade for the duration of his Presidency. He could have restricted Islamic immigration and conducted mass deportations, like they are now doing–far too late–in France. Instead, he welcomed more and more Muslims into our country, quadrupling the number of Saudi student visas and granting Visa Waiver status to a gazillion countries which are home to those who hate us.


Bush’s Real Legacy: More Mahmud Abouhalimas Roaming Free on U.S. Soil

In the long run, because of their birthrates and immigration laws allowing them to sponsor relatives, we will be less safe–in fact, we will lose our country to Islam. It may take 100 years, but it will happen, and that will be Bush’s true legacy. Look at Israel, The Muslim Arab birthrate is what’s governing much of the situation they find themselves in.
And instead of cracking down, he created a giant bureaucracy that panders to Muslim extremists and rubber stamps citizenship and green card applications–you know, the falsely-named Department of Homeland Security he bragged about in last night’s speech. The same Department of Homeland Security whose chief, Chertoff, feted Hezbollah’s two most important imams–open supporters of the terrorist group that murdered hundreds of Americans–in Dearbornistan.
And after 9/11, President Bush further emboldened the enemy by establishing a special, unconstitutional division of his Justice Department, devoted to the civil rights of Muslims and Arabs. The group has gone after other Americans innocently expressing their views about Islam and exercising their free speech rights. This makes us safer? Not really. It makes the enemy on our own shores safer, though.
Ironically, one story that epitomizes how Bush made us less safe is this one that just happened yesterday, as Bush was preparing to go on camera:

A federal judge has turned down a request to stop the Bush administration from instituting new visa rules that will make it easier for farmers to bring in foreign workers to harvest spring crops. . . .
The new Labor Department rules go into effect Saturday, three days before the Bush administration leaves office.

There was once a guy named Mahmud Abouhalima, who got one of these agricultural worker visas. But instead of helping farmers, he was driving a cab on the streets of New York City, where there’s far more fertilizer and far fewer crops.
He was one of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers–in fact, he was one of the leaders of the plot–and an Al-Qaeda terrorist.
Thanks, Bushie, for allowing a whole new generation of Mahmud Abouhalimas to enter the country and making it a whole lot easier.
That is your real legacy. In a few generations, not only will America not be safe, it may not be America at all.

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January 15, 2009, - 1:36 pm

Disconnect: “Defiance” Director Zwick Not So Defiant Against Islamic Terrorists

By Debbie Schlussel
As I always say, Hollywood loves the dead Jews, but they hate the live ones.
Hollywood loves the Holocaust, but hates Israel. They love to portray Jews as victims of the Nazis, but they hate to portray the Jews as victims of the new Nazis–extremist Muslims around the world, whether it’s the HAMAS terrorists in Gaza or the Muslims who demonstrate on the streets of Fort Lauderdale and openly tell Jews to “go back to the oven.”
And so it goes with Writer/Director Edward Zwick, whose “Defiance” opens in nationwide release tomorrow (Friday).
“Defiance” is a great movie, one of the year’s best. And it’s an important movie, as it shows that Jews were not the stereotypical weaklings who meekly went to the camps to their slaughter. Those who could–with all odds against them and laws preventing them from owning firearms and weapons–did fight back. The Bielski brothers saved hundreds of Jewish lives and killed more than a few Nazis in the process. They are the good guys. And, just as it should be, there is no ambiguity about that in this film.


Not So Defiant: “Defiance” Director Ed Zwick

But Ed Zwick is trapped back in time, or perhaps he is trapped forward in time . . . in a “post-Zionist Hollywood.” He fails to make the connection with Jews under siege in Israel today, with Jews under siege in greater numbers today than at any time since the Holocaust.
On Friday, I interviewed him. I solicited questions from readers (who had some great suggestions–thanks). But I already knew one question I was going to ask. And I had a pretty good idea of the answer he’d provide.
I know Dr. Jay Bielski, son of Zus Bielski, one of the brothers portrayed in this movie (by Liev Schreiber). I noted to Mr. Zwick that while Jay said that this movie captured his father perfectly, Jay–after several years as a U.S. Marine during Vietnam–served in the Israeli Defense Force and fought in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Right now, Jay’s two sons serve in the IDF. (Zwick is friends with Jay Bielski and says the Bielskis “brought him home” to Judaism and Jewish pride. But I don’t see it.)
I also noted to Zwick that he produced “The Siege,” the 1998 movie which showed an alleged post-9/11-style persecution against “innocent” Muslim-Americans “victims,” which never happened.
I asked him why Hollywood is so anti-Israel and when would he come full circle and make a movie that shows the Jews who are now the victims of the new Nazis in the Middle East, in Israel.
Edward Zwick’s squirming was so loud, I felt like I was watching worms crawl through my phone.
Zwick said he didn’t know of any anti-Israel movies coming out of Hollywood. He said he couldn’t see himself doing a movie about the Jews versus the Islamic terrorists in Israel because,

It’s very difficult to parse morality in what’s going on in the Middle East and especially in the last two weeks. It’s full of moral complexity that I’m not sure I could address in a two-hour movie. What I’m loathe to do is to analogize between this [the Nazis vs. the Bielskis] and the contemporary situation. I didn’t want to have a movie with an agenda.

But when I pointed out that there is clearly an agenda and clearly good guys and bad guys in “Defiance” (not to mention, “The Siege”), he responded with more psychobabble gobbledygookish squirming, that his movie

showed the difference between passivity and powerlessness [and was] a necessary historical redress.

Well, there’s a “necessary historical redress” about what Islamic terrorists are doing against Jews in Israel and throughout the world. Sadly, Zwick either doesn’t get it or won’t admit to it, lest he be out of step with Hollywood’s rigid orthodoxy on the subject.
Oh, and Zwick also said

in the Middle East, you’re not talking about genocide.

When Muslims, especially those of Palestinian terrorist groups, shout how they want to “push the Jews into the sea” and “spill rivers of Jewish blood,” it’s quite clear that it, in fact, is genocide they wish to carry out.
Next week, “Defiance” opens in Israel, and Israeli soldiers will reportedly be shown the movie (perhaps in time for the start of the next failed “truce”).
Let’s hope the Israeli soldiers connect the dots that Edward Zwick–and the rest of Hollywood–won’t.
They are fighting the same Nazis, the same evil the Bielskis fought.
Since I’ve invoked his name, I want to be fair and point out that Jay Bielski disagrees with my take on this. He recommends that people read this New York Times column by Zwick, in which Zwick brags about his grandfather and great-uncles who were bookies for Al Capone’s mob. This is something to be proud of? Yet, he won’t defend Israel.
Jay says that his friend, Zwick, is on the right side of the Israeli-Islamic terrorism issue, but can’t afford to say so, in order to sell this movie. If that’s the case, that’s even worse because it means that you can be “Defiant” against the Nazis, but not Hollywood.

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January 15, 2009, - 12:42 pm

Judge Leon: Yet Another Gitmo Terrorists’ Hero in a Robe

By Debbie Schlussel
You gotta wonder about Federal Judge Richard Leon.
He just ordered the release of Al-Qaeda terrorist Mohammed El-Gharani from Guantanamo Bay. Leon claims that testimony from other Gitmo detainees that El-Gharani was in Al-Qaeda is “unreliable.”
But El-Gharani, a Black Muslim from Chad, was captured in Pakistan when he was 14. Hmmm . . . I’m sure he was just, um, “visiting” Pakistan (by himself at age 14) for a little R & R, right? Or maybe it was to date one of those Paki “hotties” in hijabs and niqabs? Newsflash: Chadians don’t normally go to Pakistan as their primary tourist destination or vacation getaway of choice. Newsflash #2: Most Chadians don’t have a pot to whizz in, much less the funds to travel to Pakistan. There’s a reason El-Gharani “relocated” to Pakistan.
The judge seemed to be hung up on El-Gharani’s age. But that’s clueless. Anyone reading a paper or watching even the liberal-dominated mainstream news media knows that Al-Qaeda–and all Islamic terrorist groups–recruit them young.


Mohamed El-Gharani: Funny, He Doesn’t Look Pakistani

The feds say that Gharani stayed at an al-Qaeda-affiliated guest house in Afghanistan, fought in the battle of Tora Bora following the US-led invasion, and served as a courier for senior al-Qaeda operatives.
But, you know, Judge Richard Leon, knows better. Here’s a clue for Hizzoner Judge Leon: Pakistan isn’t a regular tourist destination for Chadian teens. There is a reason this guy was in Pakistan, and it wasn’t a good one.
G-d save this sinking nation from these clueless, dangerous judges.

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January 15, 2009, - 12:14 pm

Hezbollah High: Your Tax Dollars @ Work

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve written a ton about Hezbollah High a/k/a Fordson High School in Dearbornistan, the nation’s first Muslim Arab-dominated public high school, where Muslim Arabs are about 95% of the student body. As I’ve noted, Imad Fadlallah, Fordson’s principal, is the cousin of Hezbollah’s spiritual leader, and, one year, he gave students the day off on election day to campaign against Christian candidates for office. I’ve also written about how he has engaged in fraud by changing grades and graduating students who didn’t have even close to the credits required to graduate high school. And I’ve written about how Fadlallah has a non-stop campaign of harassment against non-Muslim staff.
Well, now, a study commissioned by Dearbornistan Public Schools found that too much Arabic language is being used at Fordson, slowing assimilation and integration in to America. Shocker.


Hezbollah High: Principal Imad Fadlallah is
Hezbollah Spiritual Leader/Terrorist Mohammed Fadlallah’s Cousin

But since the study didn’t give the Dearbornistan Public Schools the finding they wanted, the school district’s politically correct superintendent, Brian Whiston, is making media appearances all over Detroit trashing the study he, himself, commissioned. What a tool.

A recommendation to bar Arabic speech in the city’s most heavily Arab public high school unless it is absolutely necessary has sparked a sharp debate between those who say it’s necessary to help students perform better and those who say it only helps alienate them.
A study commissioned by the Wayne County Regional Education Service Agency said the use of Arabic by students in the bilingual programs in Dearborn Public Schools slows the assimilation of students “into the school and American society in general” and fosters suspicion among students and teachers who don’t speak the language.
Students’ ability to communicate in the language they feel most comfortable with is a basic right, said Imad Hamad, regional director of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee.

Um, no, it isn’t a right, basic or otherwise. Figures that a man, Imad Hamad, who committed marriage and visa fraud, is a “former” Islamic terrorist, and had the FBI revoke an award they were going to give him, is against using English in America. Why speak English, when you can speak the official lingua franca of terrorism?

“It should not be touched,” Hamad said. “I am not a fan of restricting or reducing language. I feel that goes against the best interest of any type of education.”
The 44-page report from the Michigan Leadership Institute, an independent education and municipal consulting group based in Old Mission in the Grand Traverse Bay area, addressed the usual problems public high schools grapple with, including overcrowding, test scores and No Child Left Behind compliance, but also took note of the specific challenges for the district with an Arab population that reaches as high as 90 percent in some schools.
Though the language divide is a problem at all three high schools in the district, the report singled out Fordson High School to prohibit all non-English use unless absolutely necessary to communicate with parents or students.
“To do otherwise reinforces a perception by some that Fordson is an Arab School in America rather than an American school with Arab students,” the report stated.

Um, that’s exactly what it is: an Arab School in America, or let’s say what it really is: a tax-funded Muslim Extremist School in America. There’s not need to worry about “a perceptoin by some.”
In this case, perception is, indeed, reality.

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January 15, 2009, - 11:29 am

Jon Stewart In the Tank for HAMAS: “Israelis Forced Palestinians to Live in Their Hallway”

By Debbie Schlussel
This is one of the problems with America’s high school and college kids and many others who are already in the job market. They rely on an annoying, sarcastic, ignoramus, left-wing, self-hating Jewish comedian as their primary news source.
This video is posted on a gazillion Islamic, pro-HAMAS (redundant)and far-left websites, urging readers to “thank Jon Stewart.” This Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz video is being sent out with gushing praise by the pro-HAMAS/pro-Hezbollah American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. As you’ll note, Stewart a/k/a Leibowitz entitles Israel’s response to HAMAS terrorism, “Strip Maul.” Get it?–He thinks Israel is unfairly “mauling” the Gaza Strip. Idiocy.
As you’ll also note, Stewart seizes on a dumb interview New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave to CNN. A number of readers sent me that video, but I didn’t post it because his analogy is stupid and inaccurate: The Palestinians are not “an emotionally disturbed person in the hallway banging on your door.” They are not crazy–they are cold and calculating. And, of course, you wouldn’t expect 50 NYPD police to respond to one crazy person in your hallway. This is far different than that. It’s a nation of mass murderers trying to burn your home down with you inside.

And, of course, Stewart uses another bullcrap analogy, claiming the Israelis “forced” the Palestinians to live in the hallway. On the contrary, the Palestinians invaded and camped out in the hallway, while the Israelis were kicked into the hallway by all the Arab nations where 1 million Jews lived before they were expelled to Israel and elsewhere.
In any event, if you are a Jew or any other American who (inexplicably) likes the obnoxious Jon Stewart, but–unlike him–actually gets it on Islam’s war against the West, I hope you’ll stop watching this overpaid emperor with no clothing.
He’s the new hero of the net’s HAMASniks. He can’t be yours.
But one thing’s for sure: He epitomizes that word that rhymes with “classhole.”

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January 14, 2009, - 9:32 pm

Funny Ad of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
This ad recently appeared in the Chicago Tribune. It was sent to me by my friend Ruth S. King, who suggests that Caroline Kennedy go shopping at this furniture store, which–if you can’t read the smaller print–says that their seats last much longer than six years.


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January 14, 2009, - 4:01 pm

World’s Most Famous Failed High School Jock Gets New Sports Card Series

By Debbie Schlussel
Yes, I know, his high school hoops team went to the Hawaii state championship, but it wasn’t that he was all that on the court. If it were, he’d have gotten a basketball scholarship.
Still, now, I’m gonna have to rethink my patronage of Topps (I have a Wacky Packs collection), since they now think photos of some guy’s high school basketball games are worthy of a sports card series:

The Topps Company, Inc. today unveiled a Barack Obama commemorative trading card series which pays special tribute to President-Elect Barack Obama and his historic achievements. . . .


“The presidential election of Barack Obama is a milestone event destined to be written about and discussed for generations,” said Topps CEO Scott Silverstein. “Through the medium of its familiar trading cards, Topps is proud and honored to offer consumers with a one-of-a-kind keepsake of this remarkable moment.”
The Topps 90-card series documents, in nearly 200 color photos and fact-filled text, Obama’s only-in-America life story, beginning with his humble childhood and culminating with his incredible rise to the White House.
Each of the 90 cards comprising the Barack Obama Inaugural Edition tell a different and compelling story of his life — from his childhood in Hawaii to his college days at Columbia and Harvard … from his job as a community organizer on Chicago’s South Side to his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004…from his whirlwind presidential campaign to his rousing victory speech on election night. Poignant relationships with his parents, grandparents, wife, children and other family members are featured, as well as those with political figures and global leaders, in photos and words, many culled from Obama’s own speeches and writings.


The series also includes:
* Newsworthy appearances of influential public figures such as Oprah Winfrey, Caroline Kennedy and Bruce Springsteen
* A “first dog” redemption card which entitles fans to receive a printed Topps card featuring the to-be-determined White House pup
* A rare Obama card pictured in his Punahou High School basketball uniform — within a vintage 1978 Topps basketball card design
* Foil stamped inaugural parallel cards
* Silver foil sticker parallels which include powerful slogans and quotes as well as photographic imagery
Each foil-wrapped pack contains six premium-quality cards, plus one sticker, at a suggested retail price of $1.99 per pack and is available now in stores nationwide.

Already trading at e-bay.
Better name for this: Wacky Packs, All New Series #10.
Strange, but these “poignant photos” aren’t included in the Topps series. Damn. . .



Barack & Michelle Hussein Obama w/PLO Advisor Edward Said

No Rashid Khalidi cards either, since the video is still “unavailable.”
In other silly Barack-Obama-As-Faux-Sports-Star news, the Brooklyn Cyclones will change its name to the “Baracklyn Cyclones” on June 23 and give away Obama bobbleheads. Pathetic.

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January 14, 2009, - 12:35 pm

Print Out For Future Reference: Meet HAMAS’ Future American Doctors

By Debbie Schlussel
On this site, I’ve written in extensive detail about (and compiled a long list of) the various Muslim doctors who’ve headed terrorist groups, perpetrated terrorist plots, and, in at least one case, deliberately let his Jewish patient die by refusing to treat him (right here in America). And don’t forget Dr. Yazeed Essa, the Palestinian Muslim doctor, who drugged and murdered his pregnant wife in a car crash, then fled to the Mid-East. Today, he was held on $75 million bail (he was finally returned to Cleveland from Cyprus to face justice, after a year and a half of Muslim Cypriot pontificating).
Now, I want you to print out this list, below, of all of America’s (and some Canadian and foreign) medical students who are open supporters of HAMAS against Israel. They’ve all signed an anti-Israel (and let’s face it–Pro-HAMAS) petition that is circulating throughout the world’s medical schools and medical communities. (Since this list is constantly updating, I’ll try to update it, too.) If they have no problem with Islamic terrorists brutally murdering innocent civilians, imagine what they have no prob doing to your body.


The Hypocritic Oath: First, Do Harm and Support HAMAS

Save this list for the future, as I don’t think it’s in your best interest to go to any of these future doctors–you never know what politics will be entering into their treatment of you. Best advised to keep these people far away from your life and limb.
Oh, and a few other points to keep in mind:
1) America’s Jews, whom these anti-Semites hate, are the biggest donors to most of these medical schools listed. How many of these anti-Semites (and some Jewish self-haters) are going to medical schools that remain open because of Jewish donors? Most of ’em.
Here’s an example from from the November 14, 2008 issue of “The Michigan Difference,” the University of Michigan’s promotional publication capping off the school’s 2008 capital campaign (which raised a record $3.116 Billion).
In the section on “Science, Technology and Environment,” the front page highlighted the new Taubman Scholars program, created to enable top med school scientist to pursue promising research. The U-M hospital is named the Taubman Center and that he funded the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Insititute. A. Alfred Taubman is a pro-Israel Jew.
Some of these pro-HAMAS future MDs are students at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, which is a Jewish school and part of Yeshiva University. It was set-up to help Jews pursuing medicine to avoid anti-Semitism and discrimination far milder than the HAMAS version that these idiot signatories don’t seem to have a prob with. Nauseating.
2) Many of these students are Muslim aliens who are here to study medicine because their places in our tax-funded medical schools (even the private medical schools with large endowments, like Harvard, get a ton of federal money for studies and in financial aid support for students). How many of these alien Muslim students are in our tax-supported medical schools in place of American students who wanted to become doctors, but their spots were given to these HAMASniks? Far too many.
3) Israel is well-known for treating and providing excellent medical care even to Islamic terrorists who attacked them and Palestinians bent on their destruction. On the other hand, HAMAS is not allowing a number of wounded Palestinians to go to hospitals to seek medical care. That these medical students would sign this, is a disgrace.
4) A significant portion of advanced medical discoveries, inventions, and technology, today, come from the Israelis. Since these future docs hate Israel, perhaps these doctors should bar themselves from using any of these advances created and developed by the “Evil Zionist Entity” and stick to the barbaric, um, “methods” of HAMAS healthcare (like beheadings, IEDs, and throwing people off buildings).
Also highlighted in “The Michigan Difference” University of Michigan publication, on page 3 of the second section, there is an article entitled, “Named Directorship and Support for Discovery at LSI [Life Science Institute].” The article features the UM/Israeli Universities Research Partnership and notes this:

The UM/Israeli Universities Research Partnership promotes a fresh model of global research. Support from donors [DS: lists all the donors]. . . enables LSI scientists and graduate students to build international collaborations with their peers from leading universities and institutes in Israel — home to some of the world’s most advanced life sciences research. The Innovation Partnership equips LSI scientists to commercialize lab discoveries that could lead to new therapies for cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Well, perhaps these anti-Israel future doctors should opt out on these “Evil Zionist Entity” medical discoveries.
Here is the list of those who signed the petition, but first there is the letter from far-left Jewish Harvard Medical School student, Simeon Kimmel, one of the petition’s authors, who is circulating it:


Would You Want Him to Operate on You?: Future Doctor, Current HAMAS Supporter, and Harvard Med Student Simeon “Sim” Kimmel

Hi all,
A number of us from HMS with medical students at Tufts and BU have
written a letter in solidarity with the civilians in Gaza who are
suffering a health and human rights catastrophe. As a Jew, I feel
like I have a particular responsibility to speak up. We will be
submitting this to the student version of the Lancet. We invite you
to add your voices. We are working on organizing an event where
physicians who have worked on the ground in Gaza recently will share
their experiences and will keep you posted.
Sim Kimmel

HAMAS-Friendly Future Doctors Who Authored the anti-Israel Petition:
Rami Abdou, Boston University School of Medicine, MSI
Iyah Romm, Boston University School of Medicine, MSI
Davida Schiff, Boston University School of Medicine, MSI
Kirsten Austad, Harvard Medical School, MSI
Sam Dubal, Harvard Medical School, MSI
Simeon Kimmel, Harvard Medical School, MSI
Eugene Schiff, Tufts University School of Medicine, MSI
List of HAMAS-Friendly Future Docs:
Fazia Mir, Aga Khan University Karachi, Pakistan, MS IV
Ferheen Shamim, Albany Medical College, MS III
Sta. Ana Victor, Albany Medical College, MS IV
Michael Berlin, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MS II
Mandeep Cheema, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MS II
Rachel Fremont, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MD/PhD
Surah Grumet, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MD/PhD
Ehsan Jazini, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MS II
Enko Kiprilov, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MD/PhD
Yamileth Martinez, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MS II
Stefan Muehlbauer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MD/PhD
Daniel O’Neil, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MS II
Sami Saba, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MS II
Mia Shapiro, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, MS II
Saira Alimohamed, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, MS IV
[Continue Reading, List of Many Medical Students for HAMAS Continues]

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