January 20, 2009, - 2:31 pm

Ellen Burstyn: Obama Inauguration is Our Payment for Her (& Others’) Guilt Over THEIR Racism

By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve written many times, last year, on this site, the election of Barack Obama won’t end the constant affirmative action over past racism that we are endlessly subjected to, even though many of our parents and grandparents weren’t even here at that time. On the contrary, Obama’s Inauguration, as we saw earlier today, will only encourage the race merchants, at least one of whom spoke at the event. I’m talking about the racist Rev. Joseph Lowery’s claim that White people have yet to do the right thing (he’s waiting for the White Man to “embrace what is right”). Apparently those of us with White skin are all wrongdoers, in his worldview. And in Obama’s too, since he invited him and since his camp likely vetted this BS beforehand.
On Sunday, Tavis Smiley told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that the inauguration of Obama as President is “only the down payment” on what America owes Black people. To that, I ask, when do we White eternal wrongdoers get to walk out on that mortgage and walk away, or at least get some kind of federal bailout from this constant set of payments we can’t afford after this down payment we can’t afford?


Loony Actress Ellen Burstyn: Obama Inauguration is Payment for Her Racism–So She Could Sit, She Allowed Black Man to Stand on Bus to Texas

And then, there is White “wrongdoer” Ellen Burstyn (See Rev. Lowery’s Inauguration comments). This nutjob actress, at the O-Nauguration, is typical of the White “wrongdoers” (See Rev. Lowery’s Inauguration comments) who helped elect Barack Obama. She recounts her sorrow over an instance of racism that she actually believes she is not responsible for. But in reality, she was a participant. And it is her guilt over her racism and that of millions more Americans that deluded them into voting for this guy and causes them to continue to see apparitions of a deity in him that simply aren’t there.

Ellen Burstyn portrayed Barbara Bush on screen in Oliver Stone’s W, but in reality the Academy Award winner has never been to an inauguration. “If you’re only going to do one inauguration in your life, this is the one,” Burstyn said.
As a member of the Creative Coalition, she spoke Monday to a group of the nation’s top high school students. She told them that after she graduated from high school in Detroit in the 1950s, she took a bus trip to Texas on a crowded public bus there she sat next to a black man, who was startled and jumped up. A white man informed her, “We don’t sit next to colored folks down here,” she said. “I felt this shame come over me that went right into my heart.
“Today that shame is lifted on Martin Luther King’s birthday, and I have the honor to read the words of our next president, Barack Obama.”

Um, Ellen, that racism you committed when you sat by and allowed this to happen is not “lifted.” Voting for, electing, and inaugurating this guy won’t change what you did.
Ms. Burstyn–who fancies herself a New-Age Sufi Muslim minister (I don’t think real Sufis see her thus) did nothing and didn’t sit with the Black guy or beckon him to sit down while she stood. Yes, she participated in the racism against this Black man on the bus. Not me. So why should I have to pay for her racism with a liberal, inexperienced, far-left vessel as President, who starts out his first day with a man he invited to speak to America, calling all of us White wrongdoers, people who have yet to “embrace what is right”?
Hello . . .?
Four to eight years of this crap because of the racism of this White liberal anti-Rosa Parks’ White guilt and that of tens of millions of other Americans. What we need to solve this is a National Psychiatric Czar, not a Black President.
Get ready for your next payment on whatever it is upon which Tavis Smiley et al. believe we only made a downpayment.

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January 20, 2009, - 9:36 am

Obama Inaugural Balls Speak Volumes: The Fantasia Barrino BabyMama Mortgage Bailout Ball; “Impartial” NBC Reporter Parties @ Al Gore Green Ball

By Debbie Schlussel
Today’s USA Today has a rundown of some of the Inaugural Balls which took place last night or are taking place tonight in honor of the coronation of the new supreme deity a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama.
And the balls and their guests are emblematic of all that is Obama Hopeless Change.
* The Hip Hop BabyMamma Mortgage Bailout for American Idol Winners Ball
First there is the Hip Hop Inaugural Ball, hosted by the Hip Hop Summit Action Network (HHSAN), which is headed by the openly anti-Semitic Benjamin Chavis Muhammad–who was fired from the NAACP for stealing $54,000 (which he used to pay off a woman he sexually harassed), then blamed it on “right-wing Jews.” As I detailed in the Jerusalem Post, he was scooped up by Russell Simmons to head up the HHSAN, which has put forth a number of openly anti-Semitic Black Muslim candidates for office.


Fantasia Barrino:

“Belle” of the Hip-Hop BabyMamma Foreclosure Ball

But I call this ball, the American Idol Baby Mama Mortgage Bailout Ball. That’s because one of the advertised guests of honor of this ball is Fantasia Barrino, the woman who won the third season of “American Idol,” has a kid out of wedlock (which she celebrates in the song “Baby Mama”), and was a recent candidate for mansion foreclosure because of her spending.
You’d think a woman who earned millions could pay her bills, but you’d be wrong. I mean if you or I earned that much, we’d be on easy street. But not the belle of the Hip Hop Summit Action Network ball (as much as they even have “belles,” rather than bitches and hos). I mean everyone has to own a $240,000 Mercedes, or they’re a nobody, right?

Attorneys for Fantasia Barrino agreed over the weekend to settle a debt with a Florida creditor to prevent the “American Idol” star’s $1.3 million home from being auctioned off today.
“Assuming the promised payments all get paid as indicated, we will be satisfied,” said Larry Goldman, the lawyer representing creditor Broward Energy Partners. “I didn’t want to take her house.”
The 24-year-old singer owes the Florida company $65,000 – money she borrowed in 2006 to pay back taxes she owed the IRS.
Barrino made a $10,000 payment in August 2007. But she never paid the rest, so the company won the right in court to auction off her home for the balance.
Barrino has agreed to make payments over the course of several months, Goldman said. . . .
The auction set for today has been canceled as a result of the settlement agreement. But Barrino still stands to lose her home in a future auction if the settlement is not followed.
Fantasia, who starred as herself in a Lifetime movie chronicling her rags-to-riches story, has had some financial problems since winning the third season of “American Idol” in 2004.
In 2005, she nearly lost another home she owns in Charlotte to foreclosure as well as her $240,000 Mercedes Benz. In both cases, she had failed to make payments as promised and only resolved the matters after being sued, according to court documents.
Tax records show the singer still owes $14,678 for last year’s property taxes on the two-story golf-community home that was to be auctioned.

* The “Hey, America Feels Kinda Cool Again” Ball
I kid you not–this is actually the name of a ball for America-hatin’ celebs who, like Michelle Obama, have never been proud of their country before. The name says it all. It’s sponsored by Rock the Vote. So much for Rock the Vote’s pretense at being non-partisan. They’re saying that for the last eight years, being American wasn’t cool. Just like what Will Smith told Oprah. Among those who are appearing at this tribute to hating America the last eight years: Sheryl Crow, the Beastie Boys, and some others I never heard of. Since America apparently wasn’t cool for the last eight years, perhaps these has-beens can turn over all of their “uncool” earnings over the last eight years, which they made off of stupid Americans who patronized them, and give it to the poor. Don’t hold your breath.
In other, “America wasn’t cool before” Inaugural news, the Washington Post tells us that Americans living abroad now say they feel cool again. Let ’em stay there. When Muslims complete their takeover of Europe, and these idiots want to return to American soil, we’ll see what is and isn’t truly cool to them.


Maria Menounos: NBC Reporter Bares Her Bias @ Al Gore Ball

* Al Gore’s Green Inaugural Ball
Sending my scientific team there now to determine how big of a carbon footprint Al Gore created by flying to DC for this, riding a limo, heating the ball location in freezing temperatures, and providing lighting and other electricity for attendees and the band. This one was held last night and featured NBC News reporter Maria Menounos and Oprah reporter Lisa Ling. Hmmmm . . . so much for their “impartiality” and “objectivity” in covering the issues, like alleged global warming and other green movement hysteria.
Lost on one of the attendees, will.i.am, is the title of his upcoming new album with Fergie, “The E.N.D.–The Energy Never Dies.” Um, will.i.am or whatever your real name is, that’s the point: The energy never dies, and anyone who claims we’re depleting it or destroying the planet by using energy–or wiping with more than one square of toilet paper–is clueless. Hello . . .?
Yup, all of these balls, these people, their hypocrisy–it’s a microcosm of the Obama act. Four years and possibly eight (if Sarah Palin’s the nominee) of this to go.

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January 19, 2009, - 2:05 pm

Forget the O-Nauguration: FREE Makeup & Perfume Across the US, Tomorrow (Thanks to Greedy Lawyers)

By Debbie Schlussel
Forget Barack Obama’s Presidential Inauguration, tomorrow. For women (and perhaps a few gay men) across America, tomorrow is free makeup and perfume day, courtesy of greedy lawyers and nitwit class action plaintiffs.
They sued department stores and high-end makeup purveyors around the country over alleged price-fixing in the 1990s. What was the “price-fixing”? Well, the lawyers claimed that America’s women were deprived and otherwise ripped off because the defendant department stores and cosmetic companies allegedly coordinated and alternated when they would offer a free gift to go along with the purchase of makeup by Estee Lauder, Clinique, etc.
Do you remember what makeup you bought at a department store in the 1990s? Do you feel “victimized” that one store offered a special free gift with purchase one week and another the next week? Me, neither. But you can thank Fatemah Azizian, Soraya Farrah (both Arabs, but every ethnicity is represented) and the other named Plaintiffs in the Fatemah Azizian et al. v. Federated Department Stores, Inc. et al. (Read the Full Lawsuit Complaint) for your free makeup windfall, tomorrow.


And even if you do feel victimized and raped by this horrible example of torture, don’t worry about finding your receipt from October of 1996 for a $12 eyeliner. You don’t have to prove that you actually bought anything from any of these companies in order to take part in this silly, exorbitant plunder. Since the stuff is being given away free on a first-come, first-served basis tomorrow, the true alleged “victims” in this case may not even comprise any of the swag recipients. And that’s not the point of this lawsuit.
Anyone can just show up, tomorrow morning, at any of the stores listed here and get one of the cosmetics and perfumes specified free of charge. (Guys, here’s an idea to please your wife or girlfriend for free–go pick up some free perfume for her, courtesy of a dumb lawsuit. Or stock up so you won’t have to spring for a Valentine’s Day gift, next month.)
Addressing the “injustice” of getting free gifts from Nordstrom or Macy’s back in 1994 isn’t the point of this class action lawsuit settlement. Nope. The point is to transfer millions in wealth to greedy lawers. Soaking Big Cosmetics–that’s the point. Soaking Big Makeup for greedy lawyers. It’s a transfer of wealth from those who tested substances on women’s faces to those who spent three years in law school. I did a little research. Here’s the payout list of approved attorney’s fees from the case:




Over $24 million to lawyers who sued over women getting a free makeup gift in the 1990s. Is it just me, or is there something terribly wrong with this picture? Something that free makeup won’t help other than as lipstick on a legal pig.
I can just see the salivating Gitmo inmates now. After all, if women can get hundreds of millions to settle a lawsuit for their “injury” of receiving a free makeup gift in the 1990s, imagine what a Muslim who was “forced” to listen to Christina Aguilera music, sit on a La-Z-Boy chair, read Harry Potter, will get.
Cosmetics companies and department stores are shelling out $175 million in this settlement (with the attorney’s fees, it’s $200 mill). And guess who’ll pay the price? You, the consumer. And it won’t just be women who buy cosmetics who will be paying higher prices to make up for this tremendous payout. Department stores, like Macy’s and Neiman Marcus, will raise their prices on everything. Not exactly the step they want to or should take in this sour economy.
Sadly, this isn’t the only ridiculous, costly class action settlement of late. I’ve written about plenty of them, including dumb lawsuits about bananas and another about low-carb candy. And they will never end until we tighten up rules on class action suits. And that won’t happen in a lawyer-friendly Obama administration.
And it won’t happen with judges like Federal Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong, who awarded the absurd amount of lawyer fees in this ludicrous lawsuit. (She was appointed to the bench by George Herbert Walker Bush.)
Questions need to be asked, which Her Dishonor Ms. Brown didn’t ask. Like, how exactly did Ms. Azizian, Ms. Farrah, and the other plaintiffs in this class action lawsuit find out that they were injured in 1994 by getting a free cosmetic gift with their purchase? How did they learn of the free gift coordination between stores and cosmetic companies? How did they find a lawyer to file the suit? I think it’s clear that it was the other way around–the lawyers found them. And that’s called “solicitation,” illegal for lawyers to do in most state in the Union. The whole thing stinks, so much so that free perfume tomorrow won’t mask the stench.
The next time a trial lawyer–I call them the “Ludicrous Litigeratti” tells you how trial lawyers do important work seeking legal redress for injuries in the courts, your response should be:
Yeah, important work like Fatemah Azizian et al. v. Federated Department Stores, right?
The plaintiffs in this case aren’t victims. They’re perpetrators.
Since I posted this today, I can’t miss out on saying this:
Martin Luther King, Jr. may have had a dream, but thanks to the greedy trial lawyers, we have free face cream.

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January 19, 2009, - 1:39 pm

VIDEO: “Impartial” Al-Arabiya Reporter Laughs About HAMAS Missile Being Launched from Her Building

By Debbie Schlussel
Check out this video of Al-Arabiya reporter Hannan Al-Masri, laughing when she learns that a HAMAS missile was just launched at Israel from the Al-Arabiya building. Haha funny. Sent to us by our friend Kenneth Sikorski of Tundra Tabloids, who has video of HAMAS rockets just launched to break the faux-ceasefire. To read English subtitles, click on the arrow on the bottom right-hand corner, then click on “CC.”

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January 19, 2009, - 12:34 pm

On MLK Day, I Introduce You to “Biggie Defense Derangement Syndrome”

By Debbie Schlussel
On Friday, in my review bashing the awful movie, “Notorious,” I warned you that this was the new civil rights–that glorifying and whitewashing a scumbag rapper thug criminal onscreen was the new equality. I said the same when I trashed this movie about rapper Christopher “The Notorious B.I.G.”/”Biggie Smalls” Wallace on the nationally syndicated ABC radio show hosted by Curtis Sliwa, early Friday Morning.
And I was right, if the angry e-mails from mostly Blacks in the hip-hop crowd are any indication. Here are just a few. Beware that these “writers,” while loving words that only have four letters, have an aversion to capital letters, periods, and the whole “racist” sentence structure created by Whitey to keep the man down.


But they are entertaining in their blunt defense of criminality and rap garbage. One writer, for instance, says I’m wrong to call a Biggie song obscene because it only has 6 swear words. Hmmm . . . didn’t know there was an official threshold quota delineation. It should be noted that the only “song” we hear Biggie rap in this movie is called “Party and Bullsh-t,” in which the genius lyrics include at least 27 repetitions of the profound line, “And Party and Bullsh-t.”
Don’t forget that every single one of these e-mailers is an Obama supporter, but unlike them, let’s heed the word of Martin Luther King, Jr. and judge these e-mailers not by the color of their skin, but the very obvious low-rent content of their character:

From: Nana Opong nanayg33@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 7:25 PM
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
You talk all this shit about if u were an african american you’d be upset that Biggie smalls movie is being released well take it from me, an African American Male, Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up please. You bad mouth Obama as well as Biggie Smalls. These are two Figures who came from nothing to something and ironically these are african americans. And you only said that shit about LarryFflint so it can supposedly justify you shit talking about Biggie. ANd its sad that you couldnt wait for him to die, your an ignorant bitch. But i guess every one needs Haters even dead people and our future black president.Eat a dick bitch and go back to the rat hole u came from.


From: jay kinnebrew young_takeover@yahoo.com
Date: Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 4:34 AM
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
You knew that when you went to see the Biggie Smalls movie you wouldnt like it. Im just going to jump right into it and say you are a closed minded tight ass racist bitch. Your opinion is ONE SIDED. For you to see a movie about a young black man who made some mistakes in life like ANY HUMAN BEING and relate this ONE MOVIE that does glorify violence in some ways,and call it THE OBAMA NATION. You are one of the reasons why this country will probably never change. Obama HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS MOVIE AND THAT WAS A LOW BLOW. YOU ARE IGNORANT JUST LIKE YOUR FELLOW RADIO HOST CURTIS “ASSHOLE” SLIWA. Do everybody a favor and just go see movies with happy ending and roses and flowers because we all know thats what movies are alllllll aboout these days.


From: Arian Hernandez harian73@yahoo.com
Date: Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:59 PM
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Your interview with Curtis in which u degrated Christopher Wallace, was horrible. You said his song Ten Crack Commandments had a curse word as every other word [DS: actually, I didn’t say that–I was talking about “Party and Bullsh-t,” but who cares about accuracy in quoting?], but had you actually listened to the song you would have heard Biggie rap for more than 2:30 and only use SIX curse words. Six. That is not a good example of a song with to many curse words. And to say he was talentless like you said would suggest that you can do what he did, if rapping requires no talent then why dont you prove it by recording your own rap about what ever you want. Sit down and write a poem using complex multi word rhymes that tells a vivid story using metaphors, similies, aliteration and other literary devices most college graduates could not write. Then record it to a beat so that it makes the listener keep the rythym with their head and try their hardest to memorize the words.
You have no understanding of hip hop at all so do not speak on it. stick to your politics. You said the world is better off with out Chris Wallace. But then again if you died i doubt anyone would waste any film making a movie on your life. You are what the Hip hop world calls a hater. You owe an apology to BIG’s family and his fans.


From: Lamar Hayward l7hayward@gmail.com
Date: Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 9:28 PM
Subject: Notorious
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Your review of the movie Notorious is typical of a person who can
never understand the struggle. The struggle I speak of is the prospect of being raised in the hood. Disgusting, NC-17, are terms that does apply if taken out of context. To understand, you must understand the essence of hip-hop. This is life as I and many others know. There is no escape from your upbringing. I apologize if I’m all over the place. I challenge you to live in the hood for one week. That would end badly for you, I’m sure. Narcotics, lack of proper education, and free will can change sugar into sh+t. Every verse from BIG’s mouth is truth. Until you can proof that reality doesn’t exist; please don’t comment. He is a loss voice of my generation. Have you ever heard BIG’s interviews? Have you spoken to, or heard anybody associated with BIG speak about his personality? As a movie, yes I knew it was going to be vulgar, but truthful to a degree. Kids movie, of course not. Teens can understand if they grew up in a similar environment. But this is not a movie for pure entertainment. It’s a biography, a slightly skewed view of reality. I don’t know you but I will pay attention from now on.
Sincerely, Reno Bryce


From: B Williams phillyboxer215@yahoo.com
Date: Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 1:04 PM
Subject: I just wanted to say
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Hello Debbie I just listend to a show to a radio show that you were on and I just had to comment on the remarks and comments you made about not just the biggie movie but the man personally the comment “the world is a better place without him” was the comment that I found to be especially sickening especially when you consider the fact that the man was not engaged in criminal activity for some time before his death and more importantly the man was a father a husband a son and loved by manny people you know nothing of the plight of inner city young men white,black,latino and asian in america yet you presume to judge those who come from rough backrounds from your high chair? you disgust me who the hell gives you the right to judge anyone you disgust me and make me sick.

Fact Check: Biggie and his posse of fellow human trash robbed and beat up his own concert promoter. Guess you forgot that. He let another man go to jail for a long time on gun charges he should have faced. He fathered at least two kids out of wedlock with two different women (one of ’em was Lil’ kids’ baby she aborted) in addition to his son with his wife.
I, myself, grew up in a Black neighborhood and still live in a Black neighborhood, where most of my neighbors are Black. I also went to a Black high school, two miles from Eminem’s “Eight Mile.” My “high chair” is not so high. But even if this were not the case, would that disqualify me from criticizing this horrid movie? No. That’s like saying I’d have to try suicide before I decide I’m against it.

From: gamma91@aol.com
Date: Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 5:11 AM
Subject: Notorious B.I.G
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Are you a racist?
Biggie was the greatest rapper of all time
Speaking for all the people in the struggle
But i guess you never struggled before huh?
You have to respect what he did to feed his family
You cant just disrespect an icon for everyone trying to get out of the hood
Im 17 years old and i hope you read this message
Because i cant respect you or anything you did after that comment on biggies movie
P.s your probably from a rich neighborhood where no one knows what being broke means
Shame on you

See my response to the e-mail above.
Gee, if you criticize a movie glorifying a low-life criminal thug drug-dealer rapper, who happens to be Black, you’re a racist.
Is this the new civil rights Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream about? Somehow, I doubt it.
But one thing’s for sure: As long as Black America continues to worship and defend scum like Christopher “Biggie” Wallace, it will continue to make up a good part of America’s underclass and prison inmate population. As long as they choose to hold themselves captive of this crap, they will never be “free at last.”

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January 19, 2009, - 11:34 am

Famous D-List Has-Been Child Actor “Conservative” Now in the Tank for B (Hussein) O

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve always been tired of conservatives eager to find validation for their views in proud high school graduates who make their living in vapid silver screen propaganda and/or shrill, annoying screams of sheep a/k/a music. If you need to find a C- or D-list celeb to validate your views, you’re an idiot (and though you may hate to admit it, a lot of the Palin-worship falls in this category).
One of those C-List guys who is always on the list of “look who kinda sorta agrees with us” is Ricky Schroder, whose last best work happened a couple of decades ago or more (take your pick from “Silver Spoons” and “The Champ”). (Sorry, but he wasn’t all that in “NYPD Blue” or “Return to Lonesome Dove”.)
Well, this guy to whom some turned for validation, is now attacking “partisanship” and announcing his support for Obama by showing up at the Inauguration. He’s appearing at the “Declare Yourself’s ‘New Birth of Citizenship’ Gala” ball, along with Jamie Foxx, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan’s lesbian lover DJ Samantha Ronson, and some others, and told USA Today this (which is strangely only in the print edition and not online, where it was substituted by a quote from actress Hayden Pannetiere):


I’m excited to hear his ideas. I hope he can unify this country. Even though I didn’t personally vote for Obama, I feel like he deserves my support. He’s my president. I’m tired of the partisanship of the last 16 years. It’s bad for our country. It’s tearing us down.

HUH? I guess Schroder won’t mind that Obama has already reached out to terrorist group HAMAS and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez nor will h e care when Obama starts hanging with Iran’s Ahmadinejad. After all, to oppose this is “partisanship” that would “tear us down,” right?
Here’s a clue, Ricky:
Partisanship is good for America. It’s an important check and balance on one party run amok, which is what they have in monarchies and dictatorships.
But we all know it’s cool, hip, and chic to decry “partisanship” . . . especially when you looking for work in Hollywood and stuck in cable TV movie hell.
Think about this the next time you cheer on these celebs like Schroder or Ted Nugent–a draft-dodger who fathered 7 kids with 5 different women, three of them out of wedlock–for adopting your views.

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January 19, 2009, - 11:00 am

Hey, American Muslims a/k/a HAMASniks, King Was Pro-Israel

By Debbie Schlussel
Muslims a/k/a HAMAS supporters around America are using today–Martin Luther King, Jr. Day–to help promote their terrorist causes. Today, for example, Detroit-area Muslims are holding an MLK protest “in solidarity with the people of Gaza” a/k/a HAMAS. The pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah American Arab Anti-Discrmination Committee (ADC)–headed by “former” Islamic terrorist, FBI Award revokee, and marriage fraud perpetrator Imad Hamad–is hosting a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day even using young children and making them pretend they know what’s going on to show their “solidarity with the children of Gaza.”
But here’s a tip to the Muslims, a tip I have to remind you of every single year. Martin Luther King, Jr. was openly pro-Israel and equated anti-Israel sentiment with anti-Semitism.
Here’s an excerpt of what I wrote on King Day, last year:


Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Down w/the Jewish, Israeli Struggle

Every year, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I write about how various Muslim and Arab groups (mostly dominated by Muslims) invoke the name of Martin Luther King, Jr. for their various whines about alleged oppression and trumped-up discrimination, coupled with their various hate-filled diatribes against Israel. And every year, on Martin Luther King Day, I have to remind them, that if they want to own the King legacy, they have to own it all . . . including his love for Israel as a Jewish state. And including his views that you–the haters of Israel–are, in fact, anti-Semitic.
While the oft-cited “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend” may be fabricated, King’s record and views on Israel are clear in his documented words and actions. As I wrote in 2005, in “Radical Islam Wishes You a Happy MLK Day“:

King was adamantly opposed to the views of [Islamists including Imad] Hamad and ADC [American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee]. At a 1968 Harvard appearance, King rebuked a student who attacked Israel. “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism,” King said.

(Although an oft-cited “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend,” purportedly by King, may be fabricated, his Harvard quotes are well-documented, in Seymour Martin Lipset, “The Socialism of Fools-The Left, the Jews and Israel,” Encounter, (December 1969), p. 24.)

Hey Muslims, we know you like to hijack things. But quit hijacking Martin Luther King, Jr.’s name for your terrorist causes. We know how you really feel about Blacks, whom you call “abeed” (slaves), and we know how King felt about you (anti-Semites). And we know how he felt about Israel. He supported it.
* ALSO READ: “Radical Islam Wishes You a Happy MLK Day

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January 19, 2009, - 10:32 am

They Have Extreme: On MLK Day/Obama Eve, Blacks in Iraq Persecuted Same as Blacks in Entire Muslim World

By Debbie Schlussel
Right before America’s first Black President is inaugurated, and while we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, it’s important to contrast how America treats its minorities versus how Blacks are treated in Iraq. Yes, this is yet another example of how Bush’s dream of democracy in Islamic countries doesn’t really change repression–it just puts it in the hands of extremists who happen to be elected extremists.
Blacks in Iraq aren’t treated much better than they are throughout the rest of the Islamic world, which represses them and calls them “abed” (slave), from the streets of Baghdad and Riyadh and Gaza City to the streets of Dearbornistan:

For many years, the black residents of Zubayr [DS: Iraq] say, they have lived a second-class existence in Basra province, an area where Africans were first brought as slaves about 1,500 years ago. They hold no political office, often live in crippling poverty and are still sometimes referred to as “slaves” by other Iraqis.


Iraq’s Blacks: No Martin Luther King, Jr. Day for these “Abeed” (Slaves)

Yet, taking inspiration from Obama’s campaign, a slate of black Iraqis who call themselves the Free Iraqi Movement is making a long-shot run in the elections for provincial legislatures Jan. 31.
“We heard Obama’s message of change,” said Jalal Chijeel, secretary of the political party. “Iraq needs change in how they see their own black-skinned people. We need our brothers to accept us.”

Dream on, Al-Dude.

He said other Iraqis initially “laughed at us for thinking we should be leaders.”
There are no reliable data on how many Iraqis are of African descent. Chijeel said they may account for as few as 300,000 of Iraq’s 28 million people.
The history of discrimination is clearly visible: Many black Iraqis in Zubayr live in stone and mud huts that are little changed since they were built three centuries ago.
Chijeel and others here complain that black Iraqis are denied good jobs, which means many can’t afford to pay for uniforms or books so their children can go to school.
Even the relatively affluent face problems. Khalid Majid, 39, said he took his 6-year-old daughter out of school because she suffered constant harassment from classmates who called her abd, the Arabic word for slave, and other derogatory names.
“It is my wish that she will read and write, but I cannot let her have these . . . problems,” Majid said.
On Tuesday, the Free Iraqi Movement will host some of the 2,500 black Iraqis who live in the neighborhood to watch Obama’s inauguration speech.
They’ll have a feast where candidates will mingle with potential voters, and they plan to perform a traditional dance they inherited from their East African ancestors.
Shihab Musat, 57, will be among those celebrating Obama’s inauguration and voting for the black candidates.
Musat said he remains skeptical that Iraq is ready to accept blacks as equals.
“I don’t know this Obama well, but I hope he will push Iraq’s leaders to treat the black people with respect,” Musat said as he stood outside a one-room house he shares with 14 family members. “My life has not been very different than my father’s. I do not expect my sons’ lives to be much better.”

I suppose they should be thanking their lucky stars (or moongod) that, at least, they’re not being tortured, gang-raped, and hacked to death as the Muslim government of Sudan does to its Blacks.
But it’s important to see the contrast. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream. They have extreme. They have Islam a/k/a Jim Crow laws on steroids.

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January 16, 2009, - 3:17 pm

Weekend Box Office: Terrific “Defiance,” “Paul Blart, Mall Cop” vs. Disgusting Worship of “Biggie” Rap Thug

By Debbie Schlussel
January is usually the pet cemetery for unwanted dogs in the movie biz. All of the ones that aren’t wanted are dumped and buried there. But not this weekend. While I did not screen “Hotel For Dogs” (sorry), I saw the rest and liked three out of four–rare for me:
* “Defiance“: This is not only a well-done movie, it is an important movie. It chronicles the real-life story of the Polish Jewish Bielski brothers, who fought back against the Nazis. They were brave Jewish partisans who saved hundreds of Jewish lives and killed a lot of Nazis, too. The Jews didn’t willingly march to their deaths in the camps. When they could–as with the Bielskis–they fought back. And there were several other Jewish partisan groups that did so throughout Nazi Europe, not just the Bielskis.


The Bielski’s heroic fight is captured well here by Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber. Although I’m no fan of Craig as James Bond, he was in his element here (and while it’s not important to the movie, I am a woman–and he looked very hot here, all the more so because he was a Jew with guns fighting Nazis, plus I like the rugged look). While Craig is good, it must be remembered that Craig–who makes his living off of movies where he has guns–is for gun control. Gun control is what made it harder for the Bielskis and other Jewish partisans to survive and fight–they needed to steal guns in the wake of laws that prevented Jews from owning them. This is why I used to speak at the NRA convention about the Bielskis (I’ve since been barred from the group at NRA Islamofascist board member Grover Norquist’s insistence.)
The real star of the movie is Schreiber, who has the best line in the movie. Tuvia Bielski (Craig) is their leader, and he requires Zus Bielski (Schreiber) to only take some of the (Nazi-sympathizing) local villagers’ food at gunpoint and allow them on their way. Zus wanted to take all of the food and kill them. Because they followed Tuvia’s more liberal policy, the surviving villagers tell the Nazis and it results in lost lives. Says Zus: “Your policy of diplomacy is sh-t.” Exactly what President-Elect Obama needs to be told.
Another great line is when a religious Jew with his Torah books tells Tuvia Bielski that his courage amidst the Nazi mass-murder makes him renew his faith in G-d. Brought tears to my eyes, and reminded me of my father and grandfather.
The movie is excellent, and I highly recommend it. But don’t forget, in the back of your mind, that while the movie shows courage against evil, its writer/director, Edward Zwick, won’t show that same courage when it comes to Islamic terrorism and defending Israel.
* “Paul Blart: Mall Cop“: This movie was waaaay better than I expected. Hilarious, fun, perfect escapist movie for you and your whole family. Loved it.
Paul Blart–a loser, overweight, longtime mall security guard (Kevin James)–is lonely and ridiculed. His illegal alien Latina wife, who married him for a green card, left him, and he lives with his mother (and daughter). And everyone at the mall treats him like dirt. One day, he meets a cute girl working at a hairpiece kiosk, and instantly, he’s in love. But while she’s nice, she’s not interested. Soon, though, Paul Blart, Mall Cop, has the opportunity to prove himself and be her hero when he gets stuck in the mall, as criminals take over the mall and try to rob credit card codes.
While some of the jokes are dumb, most of it is laugh out loud funny. I laughed the whole time. Well worth the ten bucks for what it is–pure, light comedy.
One note: You can tell the movie was made a while ago because one of the stores in the mall is “The Sharper Image,” which is now out of business.

* “Notorious“: If I were a Black American, I’d be p-ssed that Hollywood is constantly glorifying the worst examples for my kids. On the other hand, I walked out of this movie thinking, hmmm . . . if Hollywood can make a scumbag White guy (Larry Flynt) and a scumb Latino guy (Ernesto “Che” Guevara) into heroes, then this is the new “civil rights,” the new “equality.” A Black drug-dealing, womanizing sleazebag who chants cusswords for a living and fathers kids all over the place, out of wedlock, can be lionized by Hollywood, too.
Let’s get this straight: Christopher Wallace a/k/a “Biggie Smalls” a/k/a “The Notorious B.I.G.” was a piece of crap, whose death (a result of rival rap gangs feuding) is no loss to America. If only all of these East Coast-West Coast trash-talking rappers would eliminate each other, our country–our society–would be a whole lot better off, so long as there aren’t these fictional, white-washing accounts of what great people they were.
Wallace was a no-talent hack whose every other word–as the dialogue in this movie–was the f- or p-word, whether he was rapping or “conversatin’.” He was a violent guy–not shown in this movie–who beat up and robbed the promoter of his concerts. He was a gun-toting thug, who sold crack–beginning at age 13–to pregnant women when other drug dealers wouldn’t. Thankfully, that’s shown in the movie. “I’m a businessman,” he says. Indeed.
Wallace also recruited other thugs and trashy human vessels to bring their filth upon America, like his extramarital girlfriend, Lil’ Kim–who got preganant by him and aborted the kid (not depicted in the movie). And “Biggie” beat and robbed even those who promoted his concert. The guy was a human sewer.
Sadly, Wallace’s 12-year-old son plays his worthless father (from age 8-13) in this ode to crap and probably believes the hype. It should also be noted that Sean “Diddy” Combs is the one who made this guy into a rap star. Yup, the same “Diddy” who is a big-time Obama star. Just another example of Obama’s “peeps” (that’s street for “people”).
This movie, like Wallace, was filthy and disgusting. Even more disgusting was what a hero this movie made this lowlife out to be. Couldn’t believe people were crying for this bloated bozo at the end of the movie. I fought my urge to cheer when the shots hit his flesh onscreen. Just die already, I thought. Buh-bye.
Skip at all cost.
* “Last Chance Harvey“: Harvey (Dustin Hoffman) is a music composer for TV ads, but he’s older and about to be “downsized” by his mean boss. And he’s gone to London to attend his daughter’s wedding. But Harvey feels as if he’s an outcast. His daughter shuns him for her stepfather (Mr. Barbra Streisand a/k/a James Brolin), and he feels all alone and distraught. But, soon, he meets Emma Thompson, an airport employee at Heathrow, and everything is suddenly looking up again. This is sort of like a “Before Sunrise” for middle-aged adults. Entertaining, but nothing new or different from a million other movies. Enjoyable enough, but kind of hackneyed, even if Dustin Hoffman is very good here. And some of the scenes between him and his daughter were painful and extremely sad.

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January 16, 2009, - 3:03 pm

Hopeless Change: Obama Seeks New BFF in Chavez Outreach

By Debbie Schlussel
This is the Obama we warned you about, the Obama he warned you he was.
He hasn’t even been sworn in yet, but Barack Hussein Obama is trying to get pro-Castro/Hezbollah/Syria tyrant, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, to be his new Best Friend Forever:

The U.S. Embassy’s top official in Venezuela said Thursday the United States will seek increased cooperation with the government of Hugo Chavez under Barack Obama, but Chavez said he’s not convinced that relations will improve.
Charge d’Affaires John Caulfield said he told Venezuela’s foreign minister, Nicolas Maduro, that Obama’s administration would seek “renewed dialogue” after the president-elect takes office next Tuesday.


“We spoke about the opportunity for a renewed dialogue,” Caulfield said following a closed-door meeting with Maduro.
Diplomatic relations between the United States and Venezuela reached a new low on Sept. 12, when Chavez expelled the U.S. ambassador and recalled his own envoy from Washington.
The socialist leader has repeatedly suggested that relations will not be fully restored until President George W. Bush leaves the White House.
“If he respects Venezuela, he’ll receive a respectful response,” Chavez told a crowd of red-clad supporters at a theater in Caracas.
Otherwise, Chavez warned, Venezuelans will “continue our fight against imperialism.” . . .
Chavez has . . . emerged as Latin America’s most outspoken critic of the United States while forging strong ties with Washington’s foes, including Syria, Iran and communist-led Cuba.
This isn’t a case of keeping your enemies closer. It’s a case of utter stupidity and enabling and empowering your enemies. America’s enemies. At least four years of this.
And don’t forget, Barack’s friends–like billionaire hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons–long ago made Chavez their BFF and defended his attacks on America.

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