January 21, 2009, - 6:49 pm

Thanks, 78% of Jews & 63 Milln Plus Americans: Obama’s First Call to . . . Holocaust Denier/Terrorist Paymaster

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s no coincidence that Barack Hussein Obama’s first official call to a foreign leader went to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a “Abu Mazen.” By choosing Abbas as his first phone homie, he was sending a message. It’s a bad sign for Israel (and thanks, Bush, for recognizing a Palestinian state, dude).
In case you need a reminder, Abbas’ Ph.D. thesis asserted that there was no Holocaust. Oh, and then there’s that little detail of how he was Arafat’s paymaster for the Black September terrorists who perpetrated the Munich Olympics terrorist mass murders.



I hope the 78% of my fellow co-religionist Americans (who voted for BHO) are happy. We warned you. Oh, and then there’s the 63 million plus Americans, most of whom I believe–and polls show–are not supporters of Fatah a/k/a the P.L.O., which Abbas heads. You guys are a bunch o’dummies. The masters of your own destruction. And sadly, ours, too.
Amerikahu FUBAR.

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January 21, 2009, - 5:40 pm

Noted Islamofascist “Conservative” Grover Norquist in the Tank for Obama; Says he “Closed the Door” on Rev. Wright

By Debbie Schlussel
As long as conservatives continue to exalt pan-Islamic extremist Grover Norquist as one of their leaders, they will fail. And it figures that Norquist gave the forgiveness to Barack Obama over Rev. Wright that he’s in no position to give. I mean, after all, Rev. Wright is a former Muslim who continues to support HAMAS and anti-Semitism, just like . . . Grover Norquist.
Today’s Wall Street Journal had quotes from a number of prominent people commenting on the Obama Presidency. All of those quoted were far more prominent than Norquist, but none as tight with the WSJ editorial board and staff. Norquist’s quote was notable in how he claimed that Obama “closed the door” on racism and Rev. Wright:


HUH?: Islam’s Fave Republican Grover Norquist

Claims Obama “Closed the Door” on Rev. Wright

It was wonderful to hear President Obama state what is self-evident to most Americans. Before President Obama’s speech there was a great deal of pundit chatter about how far “we” had come as a nation. Many of “us” have not moved from the position championed by Martin Luther King.
I was pleased that Obama’s campaign and speech closed the door on more recent history – his own Chicago church’s wallowing in racial division and resentment.

(Norquist goes on to attack state power and government spending, even though he championed the Bush Medicare bill, the most expensive single government program Bush created, far more expensive than anything in contemporary times.)
HUH?! Does anyone actually believe Obama closed the door on Rev. Wright or racial wallowing?
I guess Jihad Grover missed the part where Rev. Joseph Lowery (Obama’s chosen speaker) prayed for the day when the White man will embrace “what is right.” And I guess he invented the part that “closed the door” on Wright, rather than conveniently threw him under the bus, while not explaining belonging to his church for two decades.
It’s interesting how Jihad Grover is so willing to forgive Obama but not so willing to stop his endless pan-Islamic McCarthyism campaign against those of us who are against Islamic terrorism. He got me disinvited from speaking at the NRA Convention (the NRA later had to re-invite me but hasn’t invited me back since) because he didn’t like that I wrote about his friend, Islamic Jihad terrorist group founder Sami Al-Arian’s activities and because I wrote about his friend Congressman Darrell Issa’s open support for Hezbollah and Yasser Arafat.
Who knew the NRA was the official defender of Islamic terrorism? After all, I thought they were about one issue–the Second Amendment–but I was wrong.
It should also be noted that Norquist illegally laundered over $1 million in Indian Tribe money for Jack Abramoff, ripping off taxpayers and taking his cut. He was never prosecuted by the Bush Administration. That’s something I wish Obama would “open the door” about.

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January 21, 2009, - 3:28 pm

Dear Johnny Knoxville . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Here’s some advice. Next time you are detained at LAX for carrying an inert grenade, say you are a Muslim. Better yet, say you are a Muslim imam. Say that you were just praying and that it was a misunderstanding by ignorant, Islamophobic Americans. And sue the heck out of everybody. Grenade, shrenade.

Authorities detained Johnny Knoxville on Thursday for allegedly bringing an inert grenade into Los Angeles International Airport. After security screeners spotted the grenade in the “Jackass” star’s carry-on luggage, a bomb squad determined it lacked a firing pin or explosive. Police say Knoxville was later released and allowed to board an American Airlines flight to Miami.


Prosecutors will decide whether to charge the 38-year-old with bringing a prohibited item into a secure area of the airport, a misdemeanor. An e-mail to Knoxville’s publicist was not immediately returned.
Knoxville, whose real name is Philip John Clapp, told officers the grenade was a prop he forgot to remove from his bag, Airport spokeswoman Nancy Castles said.

Should have told them it was a secret metal Koran. “Al-Jackass” . . . that’s the ticket.

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January 21, 2009, - 2:43 pm

Obama Countdown Clock Needs to be Doubled; Stuff I Like, Timekeeping Edition

By Debbie Schlussel
My friend, Mary, sends me this link to the Obama Countdown Clock. Liberals did this kind of thing with Bush, counting the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until he left office. And, while I’m an optimist, I think, unfortunately, the Obama clock s site needs to double the amount of time on the clock. I think Obama’s in for eight years. So many Americans are just so deluded. Who needs mushrooms and pot, when you can get high on Obama?
I like Bobby Jindal the best of the possible hopefuls for 2012. But Republicans simply don’t have anyone who can beat this guy, the media, and pop culture combined–all three of which need to be beaten by the Republicans in the next Presidential election. I think we may also see amnesty for illegal aliens and a whole new lot of voters for Obama to keep him there.
If I were a betting woman, I’d sadly have to put my money on an eight-year Obama countdown clock.


Speaking of clocks, as readers know, I occasionally post about stuff I like. This is my favorite clock (pictured above). It’s made by Kikkerland, a cool company which makes all kinds of cool wind-up gadgets and toys (some of which I have in my home office and wind-up when I’m bored). Every time the time changes and a number flips over the legs move and look like it’s moving forward.
It would be cool to have a Kikkerland Obama Countdown Clock, but since these creative types tend to be uber-liberals, not likely to happen.

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January 21, 2009, - 2:16 pm

Quote of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel

Families are tightening their belts and so should Washington.

–President Barack Hussein Obama, announcing the freeze in salary for top staff (who already make almost $200K per year) and apparently meaning, “Familes are tightening their belts and so should Washington, with the exception of the Obama family.”
Examples of Obama Washington “belt-tightening”:
* $55,000-plus per year for Malia and Sasha Obama to go to swanky private school with gourmet organic meals fit for an Oprah
* Michelle Obama spending $100,000 to redecorate White House residence just redecorated four years ago.

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January 21, 2009, - 1:11 pm

Black Single Mothers, White Single Mothers, and Sarah Palin’s Baby Mama Daughter

By Debbie Schlussel
For years, I’ve decried single mothers a/k/a baby mamas.
But now, I’m really not sure whether I’m allowed by the orthodox Palinmaniac division of conservativism to talk about the problem of single mothers anymore. Yes, I know I can write about Black baby mamas like Fantasia Barrino, as I did yesterday. And I can write about White celebrity liberal single mothers like Rosie O’Donnell and Sheryl Crow and others similarly selfish, as I’ve done over the years.
But I don’t think I’m allowed to talk about Bristol Palin, who has known she’s been pregnant for months, just had the baby, and–whaddya know?–she’s still single. I guess it has yet to dawn on Palin supporters who claim to be conservative that their precious former Veep candidate continues to support this single motherhood figuratively and financially.
Remember how we were told during the campaign that Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston were going to get married, so we should look the other way regarding them, while we continue to decry the single motherhood of the rest of America? Well, they have yet to get married. What were they waiting for? What are they waiting for?


Sarah Palin-Enabled Single Motherhood:

Baby Daddy Levi Johnston & Baby Mama Bristol Palin

There’s really no good reason why the Palin daughter and the father of this illegitimate kid with an enormously pretentious name haven’t married yet. It’s not like Levi Johnston is off to war, serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, or something like that. In fact, I’m not actually sure what this guy does, other than take online high school correspondence courses, like the mother of his kid. Perhaps they’ve taken the trashy, selfish tack that Bristol Palin wants to get back in shape and look thin for wedding pictures, instead of the apparently less important matter of a kid actually having married parents when it is born. Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston–they went to so much trouble to put together such a hifalutin’ name for this baby, but not too much trouble to give him parents who are husband and wife.
Why is this my business, you ask? They’re kids and they’re private people. Well, not actually, since they put out press releases to People magazine and everywhere else, engaged a bidding war for the photos of their bastard kid (which snagged them $300,000), and, as you’ll recall, during the campaign the two said they’d get married, which they have yet to do. And above all, it’s our business because the mother and chief enabler and financier of all of this is Bristol Palin’s mother, a woman whom people are touting as a conservative family values person, who–with this–has demonstrated that she actually isn’t one.
And don’t tell me the empress-with-$150,000-clothing Sarah Palin has nothing to do with this. Again, she’s the enabler, financier, housing provider, and chief cheerleader of this girl. Not to mention, she happens to be her mother. I suppose she could never at any point during her daughter’s pregnancy (or now that her daughter is a single mother) have told her daughter to get married or move out and get off the teat. After all, that would look bad. And with Sarah Palin’s boundless ambition in politics, it’s more important to look good and not spur negative news stories, than do the right thing.
But I’m sure the same people who blindly follow Sarah Palin and think she’s G-d the same way Obamaniacs think the same of him, will attack me for daring to point this out. You know, the same people who bought Ann Coulter’s latest book and cheer on her chapter echoing what I and others have been saying for years–that single mothers are a national problem, not a solution. But I guess that means single mothers other than those with the surname, Palin. This is, after all, the same Ann Coulter who named Sarah Palin her conservative of the year.
I like Ann, who is usually right. But on this, she’s just a hypocrite. A hypocrite laughing all the way to the bank.
She calls single mothers, “selfish,” which they are. But she won’t dare say it about Sarah Palin and her baby mama daughter.

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January 21, 2009, - 11:15 am

The Obama Girls’ Menu: For All the Talk About Helping the Poor, Obamas Lead the Elitist Life

By Debbie Schlussel
For all of his talk about helping the poor and telling us we have to be community activists, we already know how out of touch with even the average American Barack Hussein Obama is. It’s not just Obama’s “Arugula Moment,” when he famously lamented the price of arugula at Whole Foods to Iowa farmers who’d heard of neither the snooty greens nor green purveyor.
It’s the school to which the Obamas send their kids and the unnecessary and costly redecorating Mrs. Obama will do at the White House.
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January 20, 2009, - 7:37 pm

During the O-Nauguration, I Was Screening This

By Debbie Schlussel
I was away for the late morning and early afternoon, screening the new animated 3D movie, “Coraline.” I missed the O-Nauguration, but it looks like I made the right decision. I’m prohibited from posting my review until the day it debuts (February 6th). But WOW! Here’s the trailer (if the mother sounds familiar, it’s because she’s voiced by Teri Hatcher of “Desperate Housewives”), which simply doesn’t do it justice:

Stay tuned for my complete review.

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January 20, 2009, - 3:40 pm

Violent Arab Chick, Other Protestors Give “Classy” Good-Bye to Bush

By Debbie Schlussel
Hmmm . . . I wonder if a band of American non-Muslims could throw shoes at an Obama White House and get away with it the way Jamilla El-Shafei (who runs shoebush.org) and her buds did in their “classy” send-off to President Bush in solidarity with one of their violent Islamic (redundant) compatriots in Iraq:

More than 200 protesters led by a Maine activist marched to the front gate of the White House today and tossed their shoes at the fence as a farewell gesture to outgoing President Bush.
No one was injured or arrested in the protest, which made its way from DuPont Circle down Connecticut Avenue to the president’s residence.


San Diego’s Cherie Taylor, Other Obama Supporters

Show Solidarity w/Iraqi Pan-Terrorist

Jamilla El-Shafei, who led several anti-war protests while Bush vacationed in Kennebunkport, was the lead organizer for Shoebush.org, which sought to emulate the actions of Iraqi journalist Mutandar Al-Zaidi.
Organizers collected donated shoes around Maine for the protest today.
El-Shafei said the incident has become symbolic for activists who feel their efforts have gone unnoticed by the president.
“(Al-Zaidi) pierced through the reality Bush was portraying,” she said.
El-Shafei said she was pleased by the turnout, which included members from activist groups such as Code Pink and The World Can’t Wait, because of the number of events taking place around the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama, including a day of service.
Organizers were uncertain whether they would be able to throw shoes at the White House or would face arrest due to the heavy security for Tuesday’s inauguration. El-Shafei said she was grateful for that.
“We were determined to make a statement and the police let us make it,” she said.

This is what we get when we keep allowing Muslims into the country. More Jamillas until they reach critical mass . . . and it isn’t just shoes they throw at the White House.
As Ron Burgundy would say, you stay classy, Jamilla. . .

**** UPDATE: On the other hand, as Independent Conservative says in the comments section, if you let so many Muslim immigrants into the U.S.–as Bush willfully did–then, perhaps you are a deserving target of shoe-throwing from them . . . and us.

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January 20, 2009, - 3:15 pm

Photo of the Day: Meet Al Sharpton, “Education Expert” (& High School Grad)

By Debbie Schlussel
Check out this Reuters photo and read the caption. Is it just me, or do you also scratch your head wondering what Al Sharpton is doing as a panelist in a forum on education? I mean, after all, this is a guy who graduated high school, and that’s it. He dropped out of college and spent his college years as a tour manager for James Brown. That’s quite an impressive credential in advising America how to improve its schools.
That’s not to mention the disgusting fact that a high school named for one of American history’s most prominent Jews, Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo, would invite one of America’s most famous Jew-haters to pontificate about anything there.
Then, there’s John McCain. That this guy–just like Sean Vannity and Bill O’Reilly (who constantly give this Black supremacist Nazi a forum)–doesn’t have the guts or the least bit of principle to say, “I’m not appearing at a forum with this racist, bigoted anti-Semite who incited the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum and several Black employees of Freddy’s Fashion Mart,” says it all. We already know that Al Sharpton is at home with the Obama White House and will probably be a guest there. But don’t think a McCain White House would welcome this putrid scumbag any less.


Here’s a refresher on Weird Al’s “interactions” with the Jews, which included shouts of “Kill the Jews” and “Burn Down the Jew Store.” Not interested–nor should anyone else in America be–in what he thinks we should do to “improve” American education.

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