January 27, 2009, - 9:39 pm

Al-Arabiya Obama Interview: Attacks America, Ambassador For Muslims

By Debbie Schlussel
Earlier today, I posted part of the Obama Al-Arabiya interview, his first official interview as President. But it was only Part 1 of the video. I’m now reposting it and posting Part 2, which is the worst part. Watch them both, as they are illustrative of everything I and many others warned about.
You may have thought he was America’s President. But that’s not how he sees things. Obama sees himself as the ambassador of the Muslim world to everyone else, and he finds it necessary to apologize for America’s actions–no, actually, to attack America–vis-a-vis the Muslim world (to whom we’ve mostly pandered anyway–but I guess he doesn’t think it’s enough). It’s sickening. Oh, and then there’s that little issue of how he says Israel should negotiate with its enemies without preconditions. So, HAMAS doesn’t have to denounce its stated mission of eliminating not only Israel, but the Jews, too. But Israel must negotiate with this league of Nazis. We told you so.
Part I:

Part II:

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January 27, 2009, - 1:59 pm

Extreme Sign of the Times

By Debbie Schlussel
How bad is the economy? Well, in Michigan, it’s so bad that people who put up money for a reward for tips in a suburban Detroit murder case have taken their money back.

The reward fund for tips to solve the murders of Ron and Christine Jabalee has shrunk by $150,000, after officials said tough economic times have more people requesting their money back.
The money was the highest amount collected by Crime Stoppers for a reward fund when it hit $200,000, a record for the crime fighting organization. But the reward pot now sits at $50,000.


Ron & Christine Jabalee: Reward in Their Death Shrinks in Bad Economy

Several contributors to the fund have asked for their money back in the past six months, say Crime Stoppers of Michigan officials. John Broad, president of Crime Stoppers of Michigan, said donors sign a one-year contract to donate the money.
The Jabalees’ murder remains unsolved. . . .
The Jabalees, both 58, were found stabbed to death in October 2006 in the garage of their New Baltimore home.
Their murder remains unsolved.
A blood-scrawled message was found near their bodies on the floor of the garage near the couple’s 2006 Jeep Wrangler, said police, who theorize the message was left behind by the dying couple to help police identify their killer or killers.
A picture of the blood-written note was released in August 2007 by police in hopes of gathering more tips in the case. Police suspect the killer or killers tried to mop most of the message away.

Very sad. But people need the money to live. These people were generous in better times, and they should be recognized for that. Better to survive, than to go hungry or on public assistance because your money is tied up in what is basically a cold case. Still, many tips have come in on this case from good, decent people, who aren’t motivated by the money.

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January 27, 2009, - 12:31 pm

Obama & the Hypocritinator Take New Steps to Kill Auto Industry

By Debbie Schlussel
As many have noted, the biggest obstacle to the success of the American auto industry is government regulations that make it virtually impossible to make a good, affordable car.
Now, Barack Hussein Obama is set to take another step to re-regulate the car industry out of existence. Under the Clean Air Act, only the EPA administrator can grant permission for new tailpipe emission standards. But Obama will order the EPA to allow California and 13 other states the right to set their own tougher tailpipe emissions standards.
Since a car company cannot afford to tailor cars to different emissions standards of each state, automakers must tailor their cars to the extreme emissions standards of the toughest state. In this case, it’s California. Faux-Republican/authentic commie Arnold Schwarzenegger have been pushing Obama to do this. He wants to impose a thirty percent reduction in tailpipe emissions by 2016. This is going to cost automakers billions. You know–the billions they don’t have. And it will help ease them into extinction.


(Arnold Drawing from Schlussel Wacky Packs Collection)

All the while, Gov. Schwarzenegger won’t terminate his contributions to polluting the environment. He hasn’t given up his Hummer (he is the one who single-handedly created the consumer demand to own one, after he got the first from the U.S. military). And he continues to fly back and forth, daily, from his Southern California home to Sacramento.
Yup, it’s that new action hero: the Hypocritinator. He may be back. But with his new emissions standards and the help of Obama, America’s auto industry may not be able to say, “I’ll be back.”
I warned idiotic, prominent, star-struck conservatives who fawned over Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was considering whether or not to run for Governor. I said he’d be a disaster. But they didn’t listen.
Sadly, I was right. Thank these conservative cheerleaders–including and especially the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund and Peggy Noonan, both of whom were having print orgies over this guy–who helped push this auto-industry killer onto the political scene, when he should have been making Terminator 19.
Way to go guys. More job losses are just what America needs right now.

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January 27, 2009, - 11:06 am

Memo to Prospective Football Players: If You Don’t Wanna Die, Don’t Play

By Debbie Schlussel
Am I the only one who is tired of dead football players’ families suing everyone but themselves when their relatives die from what is a dangerous sport?
When you suit up and get on the field, you assume the risk. But that’s not the litigious American way.
Yesterday, as an NFL widow settled her lawsuit against the pro league for her husband’s overheating death, a high school coach pleaded not guilty to reckless homicide for the heat-related death of one of his players.

It’s ridiculous. Football is not like playing with dolls. It’s rough and tough, and there are risks. That’s not rocket science. Well, maybe to these families who were “clueless” (but aren’t so clueless when it comes to dollar signs), it’s brain science and rocket surgery. Football players play in extreme conditions, both hot and cold. Some will get hypothermia and frostbite. Others will get extremely thirsty and overheated. Still others will get paralyzed, concussions, and other conditions that will limit their lives and possibly end them early. And some players will be overweight and get maladies and early deaths related to that and pain medications they take.
None of this is news–except to litigious widows and parents who went along with it and are upset that one of these known risks was borne out.
Yesterday, Kelci Stringer, widow of late NFL player Korey Stringer, settled her wrongful death lawsuit against the NFL for his 2001 death from heatstroke at training camp. In her ridiculous suit, the golddigging Mrs. Stringer claimed the NFL didn’t do enough to ensure that equipment used by players protected them from injuries or deaths caused by the heat.
But Stringer arrived to camp extremely overweight and out of shape. He should have known better. He did know better. But he went on the field in hot weather anyway, apparently to keep collecting that high dollar paycheck to keep Ms. Thang a/k/a Mrs. Stringer in the high-on-the-hog lifestyle to which she’d suddenly become accustomed. Whose fault is that? Would any equipment have prevented that? Yes–one machine, not provided by the NFL. It’s called Kory Stringer’s brain. He was an adult. No-one forced him on the field. No-one forced him to feast all off-season, not work out, and show up out of shape on the field.
That was all his own doing. And no lawsuit will prevent that from happening in the future. In fact, settling stupid lawsuits like this will only encourage more of this in the future.
Then, there’s David Jason Stinson, football coach at Lousville’s Pleasure Ridge Park High School. Yesterday, he pleaded not guilty to reckless homicide in the heat-related death of 15-year-old football player Max Gilpin, who died three days after he collapsed while running sprints during an August football practice. It’s ridiculous to charge a coach unless there’s proof the coach forced the player to continue when the player asked to stop, and the coach had some inkling of the consequences.
Yes, it’s very hot in August in most places in the country. August–in most places in the country–is also high school football training camp time. Parents know it’s hot. They know that football players are put through grueling physical workouts at football practice, particularly in August before the season starts. But Max Gilpin’s parents allowed their son to attend the practices. They didn’t say: It’s too hot out, and you’re really not in the physical condition to do this.
And even if Gilpin was in the right condition, things happen. People die because they exert themselves too much and don’t know when to stop. A 15-year-old doesn’t have the personal responsibility that adult Korey Stringer did. But his parents do. And they didn’t have a problem sending their kid to participate.
Oh, and there’s that little detail about the medications Gilpin was taking while under his “concerned” parents’ roof. He was on Creatine, but stopped taking it right before the August football practices began. And he was on Adderall for ADHD. It’s not a stretch to suggest that these drugs likely affected this kid’s physical condition.
Yes, there were six heat-related deaths in high school and one in college in 2008. But the only solution to that is to 1) cancel football training camps and practices before the season begins, 2) move the football season to the dead of winter, so players can practice in the cooler fall and suffer frostbite in February and March, or 3) practice football indoors, where conditions aren’t those on the field, and players can suffer concussions falling on the hard floors of a gym. Or they can just cancel all football. That would stop all football-related deaths for certain (except suicides).
Some athletes push themselves too far for the condition they are in. And they will die from heat or exhaustion. The only way to prevent it is external. Only they know when to say when. And if they aren’t adults, their parents know what can happen. It’s a tragedy that this fifteen-year-old kid died before his life was fully lived. But the tragedy isn’t the fault of his football coach.
When you step onto a football field as a player, you assume the risks.
Stop blaming the failure of your brain and the rest of your inner biology on everyone else.
If you don’t want to die, here’s a tip: Don’t play football. And don’t cross the street, for that matter. Life . . . and death happen.
From my 2002 column, “Pro Sports’ Litigation Lolitas“:

Kelci Stringer is another “victim.” It’s lamentable her pro-football player husband, Korey Stringer, died in Minnesota Vikings training camp on a hot day. But, as a first-round draft pick and starter, he was well compensated and insured for risk of injury. Stringer was also paid his multi-million dollar salary to stay in shape. But he didn’t – getting fat over the off-season, dangerously trying to lose it and get in shape just a few days before camp.
But is that his fault? Not according to Mrs. Stringer’s lawyers (and Jesse Jackson, who has – surprise! – interjected himself in this shakedown). They’ve filed a $100 million lawsuit against the Vikings. No matter that out-of-shape Stringer was up to a bloated 335-pounds. Newspaper photos showed him doubling over, gasping for breath during drills that in-shape athletes finessed.
Mrs. Stringer is a “victim,” and instead of quietly dealing with her grief, everyone else must pay for this woman “scorned” by the Vikings. Costs of the suit will be passed on to Vikings’ ticket-buying fans who, unlike wealthy Mrs. Stringer, are mostly working-class stiffs.

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January 26, 2009, - 7:21 pm

See a Pattern Here?: Obama’s First Formal Prez Interview w/ Terrorist News Net #2; UPDATE: Video Added; UPDATE 2: Part 2 Video Added

By Debbie Schlussel
Last week, I told you about President Obama’s first call to a foreign leader–to Palestinian President/P.L.O. terrorist/Holocaust denier/Munich Olympic terrorist massacre paymaster, Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a Abu Mazen.
Today, Obama gave his first formal interview–to anti-Israel, pan-terrorist network Al-Arabiya (a rival to Al-Jazeera) a/k/a Terrorist News Network #2 (#1 is Jazeera).
Do you see a pattern here? It’s kinda clear. Obama is taking a stand: He’s on the side of the Islamic world and is signaling that to them, by honoring them with prominent firsts of his administration.
This isn’t just symbolism. It’s policy. It’s gonna be a long and painful 4-8 years of pandering to the Islamic world. It was bad enough with Bush, but we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Part I:

Part II:


Hmmm. . . I wonder if Obama was interviewed by the Al-Arabiya reporter who laughed when she learned that HAMAS rockets were being launched at Israeli civilians from the Al-Arabiya building in Gaza. That would be even more fitting–and part of the emerging Arabama pattern.
One other thing: I was interviewed by Al-Arabiya for a special they did on alleged Islamophobia in America on the fifth anniversary of 9/11. As an example of this Islamophobia, Al-Arabiya cited American law enforcement’s concern over several groups of Muslims who drove around the Midwest buying disposable cellphones and sending them to the Mideast. These Muslim Arabs lied to police and admitted they knew the phones would be used in IEDs.
Yup, sounds like Islamophobia to me. No coincidence that this is Obama’s first official network interview. Just confirmation of what I and so many others warned the 63 million about, but the 63 million either didn’t listen or didn’t care.

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January 26, 2009, - 3:20 pm

Git-R-Done!: Schlussel/Larry The Cable Guy Confab

By Debbie Schlussel
A while ago, I told you that Larry the Cable Guy a/k/a comedian Dan Whitney is a reader of this site. Well, on Saturday Night, after the Jewish Sabbath, we finally met up.
A friend of mine and I attended the Larry the Cable Guy show at Detroit’s Fox Theater, courtesy of him. The large theater was packed–and it was the second show he did that day. This guy works hard. The show was almost three hours long with almost no props and not a single moment of boredom. It was very entertaining.
Even in this poor economy, Larry the Cable Guy sold so well because his humor speaks to your average, blue collar American who can relate to him and his common sense humor far more than they can relate to elites (like the one in the White House) who send their kids to gazillion dollar private schools with gourmet organic menus. Although many of his jokes are raunchy–and that’s part of most comedians’ shtick (Dan’s risque factor pales in comparison with many other comedians, Black or White)–his several-hour monologue was peppered with great jokes about Al Gore, global warming, the Obama Inauguration, China, etc. It was timely and very funny. My friend and I laughed a lot.


After the show, we spent several hours with Dan, his beautiful wife, and his father-in-law on the Git-R-Done! tour bus, talking politics. Dan, his wife, and his father-in-law are all bright, articulate, traditional, down-the-line conservatives who could kick the butt of any liberal commentator or celebrity any day of the week on pretty much any issue. And they are super nice people. Dan had some great stories about his dealings with liberal Hollywood and encounters with flabulous filmmaker Michael Moore and Chris “Obama thrill up my leg” Matthews.
It was fun. (My only regret is that I completely forgot to get a picture with them.) Thanks Mr. & Mrs. Larry the Cable Guy.
Check out the Larry the Cable Guy website for his tour schedule.

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January 26, 2009, - 1:49 pm

Dumbest Barackmania: “Obama Was Here” Tourism

By Debbie Schlussel
Forget spending thousands to follow the footsteps of Moses or Jesus. Why do that when you can spend your fortune following the real “savior” and visiting the Baskin-Robbins shop at which he once worked?
Not an exaggeration. “Barack was here” isn’t the name of a crazy Kramer-like bus tour. It’s what I call the newest, possibly most stupid form of Obama product sales–“Obama was here” tourism.

Three miles and a world away from the bikinis and high-rises of Waikiki, Mitch Berger slows his minibus to a crawl in the residential neighborhood of Kaimuki, a onetime ostrich farm for Hawaiian royalty. Pointing toward a nondescript blue duplex, he announces that President Obama’s Kenyan father had lived in a house at the same location while attending the nearby University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1960.


Ben & Olive Nworie of Los Angeles Take Pics

@ Ice Cream Shop Where Barack Worked in High School

“He was 25, and (Obama’s mother, fellow student Stanley Ann Dunham) had just turned 18,” says Berger, a Honolulu guide who includes the neighborhood on his new Obama-themed tours. “It wouldn’t be too far off to think that the 44th president was conceived right here.”
Customer Ben Nworie, a Nigeria-born college professor and pastor living in Los Angeles, stops taking notes for his congregation back home and delivers a one-word reaction: “Wow.” . . .
From the $8 million retreat he rented on Kailua Beach over the Christmas holidays to the bone-crunching shore break where he perfected his body-surfing techniques as a teenager, Obama’s current and former island haunts are part of a presidential sightseeing trail that stretches from Indonesia to Africa. . . .
Yes, you can buy a laminated “Obama’s Oahu” driving map and plot a walking tour of Makiki, the president’s middle-class, unassuming boyhood neighborhood, on the local website Obamasneighborhood.com. .

Remember when they tried to auction off Britney Spear’s shaved off hair and extensions for $1 million? I bet I could get that much with a piece of Obama’s used chewing gum.

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January 26, 2009, - 11:54 am

No Surprise: Iraqis Prefer U.S. Jailers to Iraqi Ones

By Debbie Schlussel
For all the hype about Abu Ghraib and the alleged “torture” of Americans forcing Iraqis to wear hoods, the bottom line is no surprise. Iraqis are afraid of their own people and prefer the humane Americans. Many Iraqis with family members in prison in Iraq dread the current transfer of Iraqi prisoners from U.S. detention to Iraqi detention. It reminds me of the Palestinians, many of whom, off-the-record, dread Palestinian control and prefer living under the far more humane Israelis.

Rana Karapha gazed through a Plexiglas partition and wondered when her husband on the other side would come home.
More than a year after U.S. soldiers raided their home and brought him to this detention center near Baghdad, he is still being held without charges. Now he has another worry: a possible transfer to an Iraqi-controlled prison.
We are afraid if the Iraqi forces took him. The treatment there is very bad,” Karapha, 28, said during a recent visit with their two preschool children.


Now the Real Torture Begins: Iraqi Prisoners

Transferred from U.S. Oversight to Iraqi Shi’ite Muslims

She said she has a brother-in-law in an Iraqi prison who has been beaten and must pay bribes for food and showers. The detention center here, operated by the U.S. military, is better, she said.
Starting Feb. 1, the U.S. military will release up to 1,500 detainees a month to the Iraqis, as part of the security agreement that went into effect Jan. 1 to give the Iraqi government more authority.
The pact calls for the U.S. military to transfer wanted criminals to Iraqi custody. All other detainees must be released “in a safe and orderly manner.” A record 18,500 Iraqi detainees were freed in 2008. No one has been let go since New Year’s Day, and 15,100 remain.
“We’re a turnstile operation now,” said Lt. Col. Brad Graul as he walked through the processing center where detainees will be given a set of clothes and $25 in Iraqi dinars.
The first 1,500 to be released are considered low-risk because they joined the insurgency for money or because their families were threatened. The military is scrambling to ensure there is no way out for 5,000 “unreconcilables,” as Brig. Gen. David Quantock calls the most hardened prisoners. . . .
Brig. Gen. Robert Kenyon, who runs Camp Cropper, said many of those 3,000 men will go free unless the United States can persuade Iraqi judges to loosen their traditional rules that require two witnesses or a confession to convict someone. The United States argues that forensic evidence such as bomb residue and fingerprints should be accepted to prosecute detainees, some of whom were rounded up years ago in military operations.
Iraq’s Ministry of Justice declined to comment. . . .
Signs at Camp Cropper order guards to “treat detainees with dignity and respect.”
Some doubt that sentiment is shared in Iraqi prisons.
Last month, the monitoring group Human Rights Watch reported widespread abuses in Iraqi prisons, such as beatings, electric shocks and forced confessions.
“The Americans tortured five or six people, but (Shiite) militias killed thousands” in Iraqi jails
, said Agahad Shalal, a member of the local council, whose office is next to Abu Ghraib. . . .
“The U.S. is transferring detainees at a time when the Iraqi police, army and criminal justice system are not yet ready to absorb them,” said Anthony Cordesman, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “There are no historical cases where states as shattered as Iraq have suddenly become models of Western concepts of the rule of law.”
In the town of Abu Ghraib, construction foreman Mohammed al-Khalde stood on a concrete slab that will soon be a new market and reflected on how much has changed.
In 2004, I was against the Americans. They looked at me like the enemy. But now I respect them,” he said. “I prefer the Americans keep charge of the detainees. . . . Most Iraqis are incompetent and think in sectarian ways.

Yes, there will be plenty of real torture–as there already is (and as there is throughout the Muslim world)–in Iraqi prisons, unlike the exaggerated version of events that happened under U.S. control in Abu Ghraib.
But, mark my word, there will be no “60 Minutes” or CBS News or Seymour Hirsch exposes of Iraqi Shi’ite Muslim torture of prisoners. There will be no outcry from the international media or Al-Qaeda recruitment videos about it.
Muslims are allowed to torture and brutally slay other Muslims and those of every other religion and background. But Westerners aren’t allowed to give them even an accidental. papercut.

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January 26, 2009, - 11:07 am

Barbarians Inside the Gate: ACLU Lawyer Was Bush National Intelligence Lawyer for 2 Years, Top Secret Clearance

By Debbie Schlussel
President Bush bent over backward so far for the civil liberties of extremist Muslims, it looked more like he was bent over forward. Given this, I guess it should be no surprise to learn that, for the last two years, the lawyer for Bush’s National Intelligence Director, Mike McConnell, was and continues to be former ACLU lawyer Tim Edgar.
He says he’s alarmed by some of the things he’s seen in his job but can’t comment to the media (on the record) about it. Don’t kid yourself, though. This guy has top secret security clearance, and he was a big critic of government surveillance of Muslim suspects. If you think he hasn’t told his ACLU and Muslim pals what our intelligence agencies are doing, I have some land where the Twin Towers once stood to sell you. He meets regularly with them on your dime.


Tim Edgar: Bush Brought in ACLU Terrorists’ Lawyer

to Oversee National Intelligence Agencies

Tim Edgar, lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, never imagined he’d be Tim Edgar, lawyer for the director of national intelligence. Many in the intelligence establishment certainly never thought that Edgar, one of their community’s fiercest critics, would be a co-worker.
Edgar now works for Mike McConnell, the outgoing director of national intelligence, as a civil liberties officer. With a top security clearance, Edgar reviews classified intelligence programs to ensure the mandate to root out terrorists is balanced with the need to guard people’s rights and privacy.
So, does Edgar feel there are proper controls on the government’s warrantless surveillance program and other initiatives launched under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which he derided at the ACLU as “a massive tool for secret surveillance?” Does he still think the Justice Department, overseen partly by his boss, the intelligence director, is “quick to label people as connected to terrorism and slow to clear them?”
Edgar prefers to keep his opinions inside the government now. “If you go tell Congress, the press, whatever, ‘Boy, they had this really lunatic idea, at this horrible office over here and we stopped them’ . . . that’s obviously not going to engender (colleagues’) trust.”

Translation: Of course, he still has his ACLU-bred, far-left opinions on how to (not) protect America. He just doesn’t want to repeat them at this point, lest one of these idiots who gave him this job catch a brain cell and realize Edgar shouldn’t be there.

The intelligence director’s office is one of eight departments and agencies required by law to have civil liberties officers, though not all have complied. Edgar, who pushed for the requirement as an ACLU lawyer, stands out because of his high profile in the civil liberties world. “I was surprised to be offered the job and maybe surprised that I took it,” he says. McConnell’s invitation in 2006 signaled a commitment to civil liberties, he adds. “It was better to have someone like me in this position.” . . .
Edgar meets regularly with civil liberties groups and organizations representing Muslims, South Asians and other groups who fear their rights are threatened by the war on terrorism.
“We have to maintain a level of trust and confidence with all of those outside constituencies . . .” he says.

Uh, no we don’t. We have to maintain a level of fear and respect with those “constituencies” (which are really enemies bent on our destruction, living on our soil). They are laughing at this “trust and confidence” our idiotic government gives them.
Flashback to 1941: Wouldn’t it have been great if we hired the German-American Bund’s lawyer to oversee the activities of the OSI and regularly meet with German and Japanese sympathizers and spies?

Edgar says his office has had notable successes. Among those he can discuss, he cites . . . his office’s involvement in setting new guidelines for what sort of information the FBI can collect on people with suspected terrorist ties before opening a formal investigation.

Wow, he made it that much tougher for an already politically correct FBI to identify and investigate terrorists. Give him a (Cuban) cigar.

But he still sees much to change: “If I wasn’t alarmed by some of the things I’m looking at, I wouldn’t be doing my job.”

The alarm is that we hired the enemies’ lawyer and let this inmate run our intelligence asylum.
Bush may be gone, but the idiocy of whom he hired and what he did over the last eight years keeps on giving (in addition to giving us Barack Obama). This guy is still there, and I’ll bet he stays on for the Obama administration.
On the other hand, now that his boys are in, he may feel his infiltration and weakening of America is now in even more “capable” hands.
Don’t you worry, though. Once Mr. Edgar leaves (and makes a bee line back to the ACLU), there’s really nothing stopping him from using all he learned at the Office of the National Intelligence Director . . . on behalf of Islamic terrorist defendants.
We have rules requiring former officeholders and government officials to wait before they become lobbyists, but there’s no waiting period for them to go back to representing terrorists.

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January 26, 2009, - 10:27 am

Mediocrity Nation: Coach Fired For Team WINNING 100-0

By Debbie Schlussel
On the one hand, this is involves girls basketball, so who cares? On the other hand, this story is important because it shows how absurd the attack on achievement has gotten on this country.
A Dallas high school basketball coach was fired because his team beat another team 100-0, and he refused to apologize for it. Even worse, the school has forfeited the game to the 0-100 losers in the game. Since when must a coach apologize for doing his job well? Since America became more concerned with people’s feelings–particularly kids–and not recognizing achievement. First, it was affirmative action. Then, it was getting rid of high school valedictorians at many school. And now this.
In just three years as coach, Micah Grimes took his team from a 2-19 joke to state championship contenders. And, now for refusing to apologize for his success, he’s out of a job.


The Covenant School fired its girls basketball coach Sunday, the same day he posted a message on a youth basketball Web site saying he disagreed with school officials who had publicly apologized for the team’s 100-0 victory over Dallas Academy.
In reporting the firing, Kyle Queal, Covenant’s head of school, emphasized that former coach Micah Grimes “now only represents himself” when discussing the game, which has become a national talking point. Queal said he could not say whether the firing was a direct result of the posting and declined to answer any questions.
In a statement posted Sunday on www.flightbasketball.com, Grimes offered his first public comment since the story was first reported.
“I respectfully disagree with the apology, especially the notion that the Covenant School girls basketball team should feel ’embarrassed’ or ‘ashamed,’ ” part of the post says. “We played the game as it was meant to be played and would not intentionally run up the score on any opponent. Although a wide-margin victory is never evidence of compassion, my girls played with honor and integrity and showed respect to Dallas Academy.”
Grimes also included the quarter-by-quarter scoring on his post: 35, 24, 29, 12.
At the end of his post on the Web site, which identifies him as co-founder of Flight Basketball, Grimes wrote, “So if I lose my job over these statements, I will walk away with my integrity.” . . .
He was in his fourth season as girls basketball coach, having built the program from a 2-19 record his first season to a state championship contender last season. Covenant, which plays larger out-of-district schools, is 6-3 this season and undefeated in its Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools district. It has informed TAPPS headquarters that it has chosen to forfeit the Dallas Academy game. . . .
On Thursday, Covenant posted a statement on its Web site that said it “regrets … the outcome of the game with the Dallas Academy Varsity Girls Basketball team. It is shameful and an embarrassment that this happened. This clearly does not reflect a Christ-like and honorable approach to competition.”

In real life, there are winners and losers–sometimes as lopsided as a 100-0 win. It’s a bad lesson for everyone to make a coach apologize for such a win and then to fire him when he won’t.
With this constant attack on achievement in America, we’ve become Mediocrity Nation.

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