February 5, 2009, - 9:07 pm

Go To College All Over Again: Schlussel Site on ASU Course Syllabus

By Debbie Schlussel
Earlier this week, there was a lot of traffic to this site from Arizona State University. To my surprise, this site and another were assigned reading for a ASU’s English 216: Persuasive Writing on Public Issues, taught by Ryan Muckerheide.
This was the assignment on Monday, February 2nd:


Read and analyze a recent post from one of the following blogs, and post your response on your blog. The post you review must be substantive (at least a couple of hundred words), and you should also read the comments to see how other readers view the post.
* Daily Kos (liberal)
* Huffington Post (liberal)
* Ace of Spades HQ (conservative)
* Debbie Schlussel (Conservative radio host)
Read in Envision, 30-49
Discuss logos, ethos, pathos in class

Glad to see conservatives are getting equal time. Here’s hoping they get equal chances at good grades, without regurgitating the usually required liberalism.
I guess I should lay off telling any blonde ASU co-ed jokes . . . until next semester.

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February 5, 2009, - 8:22 pm

Strangest Sports Stories of the Day

By Debbie Schlussel
A couple of strange sports stories today:
* Dumbest new idea for a themed high school since the gay high school: ESPN and the New York City Department of Education are teaming of to create a new high school focusing on the business side of sports.
No word on when the New York City Department of Education will team up with someone to create a new high school focusing on reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and basic core knowledge.
Is it just me, or are you tired of themed high schools, especially for something–sports business–in which there are very few jobs and in which the salaries are artificially much lower than market rates in an already terrible economy. Having a high school to train for jobs in sports business is like having a high school to train for the New York Knicks starting center jobs. The jobs are almost as scarce.


Why do high schools need a theme? What ever happened to basic learning and education? Am I wrong, or isn’t that what high school was supposed to be for? Just asking.
Oh, and one last thing: Each of the students at BOSS–the Business of Sports School–will provide free labor for ESPN, as they’ll each be required to work at one of ESPN’s companies. Hmmm . . . sounds like national “voluntary” service–only not for the country, but for ESPN. Gee, why didn’t Chrysler think of this?
* St. John (Kansas) High School boys basketball coach Clint Kinnamon was told to stop hypnotizing his basketball team.
I just love this story. Two years ago, this team won the state championship and, last year, finished second. And parents didn’t seem to think there was a problem with their kids being regularly hypnotized by a professional hypnotist the coach hired to do this.

But, all of the sudden, this year–now that the team isn’t doing so hot (just 7-6 through last week)–parents are worried that their kids might get hooked on hypnosis. Not sure what “hooked on hypnosis” means–like they’re gonna ask this guy, “Please hypnotize me. I need another fix of mindlessness.”
But seriously, parents put up with a coach having their kids regularly hypnotized for two years? Oy vey.
Parents actually signed permission slips for this. Incredible.

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February 5, 2009, - 3:20 pm

“10-Pack” AUDIO Clip Of Da Day: Darwin Award Candidate Calls 911 While Dealing Drugs

By Debbie Schlussel
Question: Can we call this guy a “community organizer”?
Yes. We. Can.
Darwin Award candidate Alejandro Melendez calls 911 that people with guns were behind him. Then, he hangs up. When 911 calls back, he tells them to hold on, while he does a drug deal. Now, that’s what I call, “community organizin’.”




Dispatcher: “Hello?”
Suspect: “Hello?”
Dispatcher: “Hi, it’s police.”
Suspect: “Yeah, I’m… Did you come?”
Dispatcher: “Ok, what do they, we’re on the way.”
Suspect: “I’m right here at the pit stop. Hold on one second.”
Voice: “Thank you sir, what do you need, a ten pack? You need a ten pack?”
Suspect: “Alright. Huh? 75. Yeah.”
Dispatcher: “He’s in front of the Pit stop doing a drug deal.”

DebbieSchlussel.com New Word of the Day: Ten-pack.

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February 5, 2009, - 2:41 pm

Enough Already!: Hollywood Pushes Recycle T-Shirt on Us in TWO New Movies Out Friday

By Debbie Schlussel
Since I see the new movie releases before they come out, I couldn’t help but notice a really annoying trend of Hollywood preaching.
In two new movies coming out on Friday–“He’s Just Not That Into You” and “Push“–the main star is wearing a recycle symbol t-shirt. I guess they think if they can’t directly lecture you, they’ll do it subliminally. But, sorry, Hollywood liberals, I noticed, and ya know what? It’s REALLY obnoxious.
In “He’s Just Not That Into You,” star Ginnifer Goodwin (her parents got the “Jennifer Memo” but couldn’t spell), playing a very aggressive stalker of men, is shown wearing this t-shirt while sitting on her bed. Ah, sexy. Um, I’m Just Not That Into Recycling.
In “Push,” Dakota Fanning (who stopped being cute two years ago and stopped being a good actress when she was born) plays a psychic with super jedi mind trick powers. But despite all those powers, the only jedi mind trick she can play on the audience is her hypocritical t-shirt.


No word on whether the recycle symbol t-shirt is a symbol that these two hacktresses are the most recycled pieces of equipment on the Hollywood set.
If I want to recycle (and I don’t), I’ll recycle. When I see a movie, I want to relax and see a movie, not get preached to from Hollywood starlets and their t-shirts. But with two out of the four new movies out Friday pulling this stunt, you can’t get away from it at the theater. Enough already.
(Can’t post my reviews of these movies until Friday. They’ll be posted here at Midnight. Stay tuned.)

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February 5, 2009, - 2:33 pm

BLECCH!: Important VIDEO- If U Eat Out, U Could Get Brainworm

By Debbie Schlussel
This is gross, but it’s must viewing for anyone who eats out. If a waiter/waitress doesn’t wash his/her hands after eating pork, you could get this in your brain. Beware. And–I thought this was basic hygiene–wash your hands!

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February 5, 2009, - 12:17 pm

It’s Not Just Heim or the Grand Mufti: Islam & Nazism’s Long-Standing Connection; ODESSA

By Debbie Schlussel
Last night, after attending a critics’ screening of yet another new Hollywood offering of crap, I watched the great 1974 movie, “The Odessa File,” starring John Voight as a German reporter who infiltrates a group of Nazi SS officers in 1963 Munich. (I highly recommend this Four-Reagan-worthy film.)
It was fortuitous, given yesterday’s allegations that Nazi “Dr. Death,” Aribert Ferdinand Heim, became the pious Muslim, Tarek Hussein Farid, and allegedly died in Egypt (though Simon Wiesenthal Center Nazi Hunter Efraim Zuroff doubts he’s dead).


Nazi/Muslim Aribert Heim Echoes Themes of “Odessa File”
You see, there are many, many connections and collaborations between Islam and the Nazis. It’s not just Farid. It is many other things you probably don’t know about, some of which were elements of “The Odessa File,” a terrific thriller which is partially based on fact.
You probably know about the special Islamic unit of the Nazi SS. And you probably know about the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin Al-Husseini (Yasser Arafat’s relative), and his cordial meeting and plea to Hitler to finish the Final Solution of the Jews more quickly and expand it to the Middle East. And you know about American Muslims’ constant shouts of, “Go back to the oven,” on the streets of Ft. Lauderdale.
But did you know that the yellow star that Nazis forced Jews to wear originated in the Islamic world, where Muslims forced Jews to wear it? And did you know that Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner–the most senior aide to Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann–lives the good life, sheltered from justice in Islamic terror-host state Syria?


One and The Same
And did you know that organized former SS officers, known as “ODESSA” (Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehorigen, or “Organization of Former SS Members”)–which helped these former SS officers elude justice–was working with Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, to help him achieve a new Final Solution of Jews in Israel?


Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, Hangs w/ Hitler


Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Proudly Inspects Muslim SS Unit
Nazi scientists and former SS officers worked with Nasser to develop rocket missiles loaded with deadly diseases, designed to kill as many Jews as possible. It was the ODESSA Nazis’ job to create the guidance technology for the deadly missiles. Fortunately, they were not successful.
In part because of Hajj Amin Al-Husseini (who lived in Egypt), ODESSA–and its former Nazis–were welcome in Egypt and helped lead to the expulsion of Egypt’s Jews. Nasser was very proud of his association with the Nazis and the Muslim Brotherhood was very close with this secret society of Nazi SS men.
That’s probably why Aribert Heim a/k/a Tarik Farid ended up in Egypt. And since most major Sunni Muslim terrorist groups–Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, the P.L.O./Fatah, etc.–came out of the Muslim Brotherhood (the most influential organization in Sunni Islam), the tight Nazi/Islamic alliance continues.
Instead of going to the movies, this weekend, I recommend renting “The Odessa File.” This exciting, suspense-filled movie stands the test of time. And given the Heim story in the news, it’s relevant to date.
Another close Nazi-Islamic connection is that of Youssef Nada and the Third Reich. Mark Erikson of Asia Times does a good summary:

Another valued World War II Nazi collaborator was Youssef Nada, current board chairman of al-Taqwa (Nada Management), the Lugano, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Bahamas-based financial services outfit accused by the US Treasury Department of money laundering for and financing of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda. As a young man, he had joined the armed branch of the “secret apparatus” (al-jihaz al-sirri) of the Muslim Brotherhood and then was recruited by German military intelligence. When Grand Mufti el-Husseini had to flee Germany in 1945 as the Nazi defeat loomed, Nada reportedly was instrumental in arranging the escape via Switzerland back to Egypt and eventually Palestine, where el-Husseini resurfaced in 1946.

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February 5, 2009, - 11:27 am

Obama Expands Worst Bush Idea: Announces He’ll Give Your Tax $$$ to Mosques, Islamic Charities

By Debbie Schlussel
From the beginning of the Bush Administration, I and others–including the late Rev. Jerry Falwell–were against President Bush’s Faith-Based Initiative.
Not only does it violate church-state separations, but it meant that your tax dollars were likely to subsidize an extremist mosque (redundant phrase). What ever happened to you give to your church, I give to my synagogue, and the Saudis and other extremist Gulf States give to America’s mosques?
And, as I noted then, President Bush invited Hezbollah agent and pro-Iranian Imam Hassan Qazwini to his Crawford ranch to help him design the program. Bush stood next to Qazwini at the White House in early 2001, when he announced the program.
As it turns out, little of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives money ended up going to mosques and Islamic charities under Bush. Though some of it did.


Obama & Josh DuBois Will Give Your $$$ to Islam

But President Obama, announced yesterday that he was going to change that. In fact, Obama, openly noted that his new, expanded Office for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships WILL, for certain, give money to mosques and Islamic charities in a signal of “outreach to the Muslim world.” And Obama hired a 26-year-old campaign worker, Joshua DuBois, to dole the money out to the “Religion of Peace.”

When President Barack Obama launches his version of the faith-based initiative Thursday, he will expand the mission to include abortion reduction and outreach to the Muslim world. . . .
He [DuBois] said the president he [sic] won’t necessarily single out any particular part of the world, but clearly outreach to Muslim nations will be part of the mix.

So much for all the attacks on me for pointing out Barack Obama’s Islamic heritage, over two years ago–before anyone else. This morning, Obama preached from the Koran at the National Prayer Breakfast:

In Islam, there is a hadith that reads ‘None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.’

You know what? Here’s another hadith [considered the words of Mohammed] from Islam:

Sahih Bukhari Hadith Volume 4, Book 52, Number 176: Narrated by ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar: Allah’s Apostle said, “You (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, ‘O ‘Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.'” Sahih Bukhari Hadith Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177: Narrated by Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”

Read more of these scintillating hadiths.
Your hard-earned tax dollars will be going to spread this “wisdom” very soon, all in the name of “outreach to the Muslim world.”
Thank President Bush for starting this outrageous program (so much for “keeping us safe since 9/11”). Thank President Obama for expanding it.
Islam is one of the few businesses that is succeeding in America’s bad economy. Why are we giving it a tax-funded bailout?
Read more about your tax dollars going to fund the spread of Islam in America in “Funding Islamic Hate.”

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February 4, 2009, - 4:38 pm

Spectator UK Columnist Who Attacks Schlussel Needs More Original Name, Hearing Checked

By Debbie Schlussel
Even though their country has been completely invaded and taken over by Muslims (who try to blow up cars and clubs and airports on their soil), the British continue to stick their heads in the sand (and openly wish they were someone’s tampons).
And with the exception of the great Melanie Phillips, the UK’s Spectator–once a prestigious newspaper–is the same.
Take Clive Davis, who has a one-sided obsession with me and has been trolling this site. I don’t know much about him, other than that he stole his name from the legendary Jewish-American recording company executive and that he needs to remove the wax that’s plugging his ears. It’s affecting his hearing.


Pan-Islamist, British Clive Davis; Cool, Original, American Clive Davis

You see, Clive Davis #2 (#1 is the real Clive Davis, who produces music, not BS) is apparently emblematic of the pan-Islamic Stockholm Syndrome that has enveloped Britain. He’s upset with me that I dared 1) point out singer John Legend’s jihadist keffiyeh at an NFL-sponsored pre-Superbowl event and 2) that I–and a CBS local news reporter–noted that Nintendo puts out a toy that tells kids, “Islam is the light.” For him, anything that echoes the sounds of Islamic propaganda is a dog whistle. He can’t hear it.
Oh, and because the money-driven Nintendo claims that what does in fact say, “Islam is the light,” doesn’t say it, then, we must believe Nintendo and not our own ears. That settles it. Clive Davis is so gullible that he believes Nintendo’s story that the baby is just babbling. Hey Clive, I have some real estate at 10 Downing Street to sell you.
I guess it really said, “Rislam Ris Re Right.” Or is that, “Mislam Mis Me Might”?
Trust me. If I’d written about a doll that told kids, “Jesus is the light,” or “The Torah is the light,” Clive Davis #2 would be able to hear that one loud and clear.
The Spectator UK’s site calls itself “Champagne for the Brain.” More like “Crack for the Hack.”

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February 4, 2009, - 2:32 pm

About Yesterday’s Free Denny’s Breakfast

By Debbie Schlussel
If you watched Sunday’s Super Bowl, you probably saw the Denny’s ad announcing it was serving free “Grand Slam” breakfasts, from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., yesterday.
With a bad economy and people always wanting free stuff, I wondered how large the turnout would be. Well, two million Americans–that’s 2/3 of a percent of the U.S. population–took Denny’s up on the offer and ate the 760-calorie (420 of it from fat) breakfast. With 158% of the recommended daily allowance of cholesterol, the Grand Slam includes two eggs, two strips of bacon, two sausages, and two pancakes. Since it’s not kosher, I wouldn’t eat this. But even if I could, that’s a whole lotta food just for breakfast.
One piggish Chicago Tribune reporter went to five different locations and ate FIVE Grand Slam breakfasts. Trying to be the next annoying Morgan Spurlock?


So, how much did this giveaway cost? Denny’s says it cost a total of $5 million, including the cost of the Super Bowl ad and other promotion. $5 million to feed 2 million people–that’s not bad.
While some Denny’s waitstaff got stiffed on tips, Denny’s actually made money or at least broke even on the giveaway. How did the restaurant chain do it? Here’s the catch: the drinks were not free.

The entire promotion – including food, labor and airing an ad on Sunday’s Super Bowl – cost Denny’s about $5 million. “We’re re-acquainting America with Denny’s,” says CEO Nelson Marchioli. “We’ve never been thanked this much – and folks are saying they’ll come back.”
The gambit earned Denny’s something that money alone can’t buy: positive public relations, and lots of it. By Denny’s estimates, it got $50 million in free news coverage, almost all of it positive. No injuries – or police issues – were reported at any locations, say Denny’s officials.
“I’m very grateful,” said Jennifer Haslam, who waited in line more than an hour in Newark, Del., with son Joshua, 2. “That was four eggs that I didn’t have to use of mine.” Her family lives on her husband’s take-home pay of $400 a week. “I’ll be honest. I just paid my rent. I had $10 to my name, and that went to gas.” . . .
Denny’s didn’t do this just out of the goodness of its corporate heart, however. The low-budget family dining chain did it because its franchise sales at sites open at least a year were down 7.2% last quarter at a time the hobbled economy ought to be giving it an opportunity to nudge the market-share needle. In tough times, many consumers are willing to trade down to restaurants such as Denny’s. If value chains such as Wal-Mart and McDonald’s can make hay in a bum economy, why not Denny’s? . . .
Consumer response to the promotion has been all Denny’s could hope for. Besides guests at restaurants on Tuesday, the Denny’s website has had 40 million hits since the Super Bowl ad aired.
“We’ve had a lot of fun today,” Marchioli says, exhaling a small sigh of relief.
Then, he quietly admits the one thing that almost every customer – and business executive – wonders about the promotion.
Did Denny’s really lose its burnt-orange shirt on it?
Marchioli is silent for a moment. He hedges. Then he concedes: If you factor in the profits from all of Tuesday’s drink orders – which are far more profitable than food orders – “we’ll do better than break even.”
And, yes, he just may do it again.

I think this was a smart investment. People who might never have tried Denny’s–due to it’s senior citizen and seedy image, might have changed their minds after tasting the free meal. And, you’ll note from the video below (and in other reports I saw), a sizeable portion of the customers for the promotion were Black. In the past, many Blacks shunned Denny’s, after it was sued over alleged discrimination against Black customers. Perhaps this is the way for Denny’s to re-attract them.
Fun video:

Did you go to Denny’s for the free breakfast, yesterday? If so, how was it?

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February 4, 2009, - 2:03 pm

The Attack on Profit Extends to Shipwrecks

By Debbie Schlussel
While many corporations, which put their hands out for taxpayer bailouts, are guity of excessive spending and salaries, the attack on profit has gotten out of hand. These days, it even extends to shipwrecks. For-profit companies, according to some archeological pontificators, should stay out of the shipwreck and treasure hunting biz or do it for free out of the goodness of their hearts.
The current controversy surrounds Odyssey Marine Exploration, which discovered the HMS Victory, a vanished English warship that sank in the English Channel during a 1744 storm. The company announced the discovery on Discovery Channel’s “Treasure Quest.”


But archeologists are upset that Odyssey is a for-profit company, which makes money from selling relics it recovers from shipwrecks it discovers. (The company also creates museum exhibits and contributes to many ventures that preserve history.)
The thing is, no government invests (nor should it) in finding these shipwrecks. They only sue to leech the recovery, after a company like Odyssey Marine invests considerable funds and resources and is successful. I’ve written about a previous lawsuit filed by Spain against Odyssey when it found a sunken Spanish ship, off the coast of Florida.
If archeologists–who don’t, themselves, work for free–are so concerned with the preservation of gold coins and other valuable relics, let them invest their own millions and locate them. I doubt any archeologist who invested his own money, then found pots of undersea gold coins, would be in a rush to donate them all to museums “for the common good.”
Odyssey Marine Exploration took the risk, and invested the time and the money. The company should reap the rewards of its hard work.
Bottom line: If you can’t make money on it, you won’t do it.
Take it from me, a person who does a lot of free/pro bono work. It’s not profitable. And there’s usually no incentive to do it.

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