February 10, 2009, - 2:00 pm

What Would Lincoln Do?: Celebrating Eternal Welfare Queen John Dingell; Anti-Israel Rep. Doesn’t Live Up to the Daddy My Grandpa Knew

By Debbie Schlussel
While auto company jobs continue to get slashed, the big story in the Detroit area is, unfortunately, the long-running career of America’s longest public welfare recipient–John Dingell. The man gets paid $140K a year by American taxpayers, but hasn’t had a real job since his 20s. But, sadly, unlike so many other people in Michigan who actually produced something for a living, his job has yet to get slashed.
Dingell–one of the most anti-Israel and pan-terrorist Congressmen (remember when he said Hezbollah isn’t a terrorist group, despite its murder of over 300 Americans?) has been on the public dole for well over a half-century. As of this week, he’s now the longest serving member of the U.S. House of Representatives in history? Why is this cause to celebrate?
I raised this same question back in 2005, when President Bush hosted a luncheon in honor of Dingell’s 50th year in Congress.


Artwork by David Lunde/Lundesigns

It’s ironic that in this era where everything about Abraham Lincoln is hip again, one of the most important aspects of Lincoln isn’t: term limits. When I worked for Republican Congressman Philip M. Crane, he asked me to research Abraham Lincoln and term limits, and I spent a lot of time on it. In fact, Lincoln believed so strongly in term limits that he self-limited his terms in the legislature.
After serving four terms in the Illinois House, Lincoln declined to be renominated and left of his own accord. After one term in Congress, he also practiced self-term-limiting and declined to be renominated. In those days, even officeholders had some class. They weren’t pigs. They were true citizen legislators who served a few terms and then went back to live under the laws they made.
These days, we celebrate welfare queen John Dingell. No, America’s fattest cat welfare queen is not the mythical stereotype of a Black woman in a Cadillac driving to pick up her welfare check. It’s a fat, bald White guy in his seventies who doesn’t know when to quit.
The celebration of Dingell’s “history”-making is ironic, too. Today’s Detroit Newsistan has a ridiculous, pandering, entire “news” section dedicated to John Dingell. It’s as if the Newsistan became Dingell’s “Glamour Shots” for the day.
My favorite part of the section is the article, “Son Strives to Measure Up to Father’s Public Service” (not linking to it b/c I don’t give traffic to the Newsistan unless absolutely necessary). But John Dingell, Jr. doesn’t even come close to living up to John Dingell, Sr.–who was a friend of my late grandfather, Irving Wolf Schlussel.
Dingell has one of the most anti-Israel and pan-terrorist voting records in the House. His father was the complete opposite. From my 2005 column on Dingell’s father and my grandfather:

[T]he Dingell apple falls far from the tree. Dingell’s father, John Dingell, Sr., who preceded him in Congress, was very pro-Israel. So was the entire Michigan Democratic Party–which today is the domicile of the Islamofascists.
Below is an article from The Detroit Times, from November or December of 1948, not long after Israel became a State. It is about a pro-Israel dinner hosted by my late grandfather, Irving W. Schlussel, a lawyer, Detroit Jewish Community Council President, and President of the Jewish National Fund (which reclaims swamp and rocky land in Israel and plants trees on it). John Dingell, Sr. is one of the honorees, and he is pictured in the photo with my grandfather. Dingell, Sr. was inscribed in the JNF’s “Golden Book” for his support for Israel. His statement (some of which is unfortunately cut off in the only copy in my possession) is very pro-Israel. Today, he is probably turning over in his grave, at the disgusting actions and statements of his terror-apologist son.


Also, below, is another article from The Detroit Times from 1951. It is about a dinner, also hosted by my grandfather, Irving Schlussel.The dinner was in honor of then-Michigan Governor G. Mennen “Soapy” Williams and Lt. Governor (later U.S. Senator) Phil Hart. Although he is not mentioned in the article or pictured in the photo, John Dingell Sr. was in attendance, because, again, he was a strong supporter of Israel, unlike his terror-apologist son, who has been in office 50-years too long. At this dinner, the Williams-Hart Forest in Israel was established.



Celebrating that an out-of-touch, anti-Israel welfare queen who refuses to “take sides” against a terrorist group that murdered hundreds of Marines, is still in office is mind-boggling. That’s not an achievement. It’s a travesty. No-one, except Hezbollah, should be celebrating that this guy served in Congress the longest.
The Detroit Newsistan headline calls John Dingell a “Crusader.” But let’s just call him what he really is: a hack.
John Dingell, Jr.’s retirement is several decades overdue.
**** UPDATE: Braunstein Speaks also writes about Dingell’s “history-making” career of longevity in Congressional ineptitude. He writes aobut the Dingell family dynasty and compares it to the domination of the Kennedys in American politics. Braunstein and I agree: America is not a nation of royalty. Time to end the dynasties. Read Paul Braunstein’s piece on Dingell-ling.

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February 10, 2009, - 1:29 pm

Wrigley Has the Guts–and Morals–Disney Doesn’t

By Debbie Schlussel
After the Super Bowl, I told you about the violent criminal behavior of Super Bowl MVP Santonio Holmes (who also is baby daddy to three kids with three different women). But Disney didn’t have the guts or the morals to say no to Holmes. Instead, Disney went ahead and put Holmes in its Disney ad and its post-Super Bowl parade.
But Wrigley is having none of this kind of thing.
The company suspended Doublemint Gum ads featuring singer Chris Brown, upon allegations of and an arrest for physically assaulting his girlfriend, singer Robin “Rihanna” Fenty.

Wrigley is concerned by the serious allegations made against Chris Brown. We believe Mr. Brown should be afforded the same due process as any citizen. However, we have made the decision to suspend the current advertising featuring Brown and any related marketing communications until the matter is resolved.


Rihanna reportedly suffered bite marks and contusions.
It’s very similar to the kind of violence Santonio Holmes visited upon the mother of one of his three kids, slamming her into a door and walls, etc.
But Wrigley had the guts to say no for now. Disney did not and promoted violent thug Holmes to young kids.
Three cheers to Wrigley for showing that morality and decency still matter. Continuing jeers to Disney for thinking otherwise.

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February 10, 2009, - 10:21 am

PETA Compares Blacks, Jews to Dogs, Animals

By Debbie Schlussel
As we all know PETA a/k/a PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) will go quite far to get attention.
But this goes beyond aging Playboy bunnies in lettuce bikinis and naked Dennis Rodman poster. Way, way, waaaaay beyond.
In protesting the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, yesterday, PETA had two of its nutjob protesters wear Ku Klux Klan outfits, complete with white hood, outside of New York’s Madison Square Garden.
They passed out leaflets accusing the American Kennel Club of trying to create a “master race” of dogs. When questioned, PETA spokesanimal (oh, wait, he’s a person–damn, they give us a human instead of the more superior beings, animals, to be their spokesman) Michael McGraw said, “It’s a very apt comparison.”


PETA Klansman Compare Blacks, Jews to Dogs

When you’re talking the Klan, the two groups of people they hate the most are Blacks and Jews. They want to rid the world of them to create a master race. The PETA implication here is that Blacks and Jews are like dogs. Yup, slavery and concentration camps were the same as a dog show in Manhattan. Thanks, PETA, for clearing that up. Do I really need to state the obvious–that breeding a master human race is hardly the same as breeding dogs?
Nazis, Klansman, and other anti-Semites made that comparison when they had signs that said, “No Jews or Dogs Allowed.” We really don’t need PETA to bring it back into contemporary fashion.
If this is PUTAh’s logic, perhaps its members should stop eating vegetables, in addition to animals. After all, plants are bred, crops are bred, and those poor little vegetables and plants feel pain, when their lives are snuffed out.
More PUTAh nuttiness to make your day.

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February 9, 2009, - 2:33 pm

Al-Jazeera American OutWeek: Is Terrorist News Net’s Marine Boob Closeted Gay? Tries to Sell Milln $ Fruit Loop Home While Doing Anti-US “My Lai” Specials

By Debbie Schlussel
Don’t say I didn’t warn you about Josh Rushing, Al-Jazeera’s American boob.
Longtime readers know that I’ve been following this complete dummy, a former Marine, since he was the incompetent spokesman for U.S. Central Command featured in the anti-American fake-umentary, “Control Room.” In the movie, he sympathized with an Al-Jazeera reporter and a self-hating former Jew and Castro fan who converted to Islam. And he attacked Israel and America. His statements and behavior were so stupid and inaccurate that the U.S. military ordered him not to do interviews and demoted him to an important “war” post in Hollywood.


Josh Rushing: Al-Jazeera’s Bitch

Rushing left the military (which really didn’t want to keep him) and couldn’t find a job. So, the Terrorist News Network a/k/a Al-Jazeera scooped this “immense talent” up, and is apparently paying him a nice chunk of change to do his anti-American “documentary” show, “Heart of Darkness” (gee, that name and topic are soooo original) on the exaggerated My Lai massacre in Vietnam. A better title, “Josh Rushing: My Lies on My Lai.” (By the way, the feelings are mutual–Rushing attacked me in his book, which no-one bought. In fact, my name was one of the selling points in his book marketing campaign. Didn’t work.)
Al-Jazeera paid this unemployable moron so much that he was able to buy a swanky pad right in the middle of what the Washington gay community affectionately calls, the “Fruit Loop,” otherwise known as DuPont Circle. And not only is this million-dollar plus home smack dab in the middle of gay America, but it’s, well, . . . gay. Look at these photos from the Craigslist.com listing for the home. Very froofy decor for a married guy. Actually, living in the Fruit Loop is very froofy for a married guy . . . unless the marriage is well, um, “beardworthy.” Those many pics of Rushing supermodeling in his jihadist scarf of death were gay enough. We know it’s Rushing’s abode because the address in the ad matches on Washington, DC tax records:

Fruity Pebbles: Scenes From Al-Jazeera’s American Gigolo’s Apartment . . .



Why do I ask if Josh Rushing is gay? Normally, I don’t believe in outing people. That’s the business of less polite people, like, say, Laura Ingraham, the classy pseudo-conservative chick who outed gays at Dartmouth College to their parents, by publishing their names in the Dartmouth Review. I believe what people do behind their closed doors is their biz.
But not when they work for Al-Jazeera. You see, Al-Jazeera promotes extremist Islam, and it’s owned and operated by extremist Muslims. It’s on the side of HAMAS, which executes gays, and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood (from which HAMAS emanated), which does the same. And if Al-Jazeera has as its American apologist for Islam a closet gay, that is our business. And it’s noteworthy, since a number of top Islamic extremist operatives in America are gay. They pimp for a lifestyle and way of life that murders gays, that believes in instant death for them. So, I gotta ask why Al-Jazeera’s American in-your-face exhibit has a very froofy apartment in the center of gaydom. It smells just a tad hypocritical.
Oh, and then there’s the issue of just how much Al-Jazeera is paying this gigolo to spout his anti-Americanism and his My Lai lies. He surely didn’t afford these fruitily flamboyant digs on a retired Marine lieutenant’s salary (he was promoted to captain shortly before he left American taxpayers’ employ). They clearly paid him a lot.
But not enough, apparently. Not enough . . . since Josh Rushing, former Marine (I know they say you’re never a former Marine, but this case is the exception) and current Al-Jazeera English-language America-hater, has had his crib on the the market for six months and is desperate to get rid of it. Could it be he just can’t make the payments, after all?
Could he be the next candidate for a mortgage bailout?
You gotta laugh–and cry–at the irony, if American taxpayers have to bail out an anti-American Marine from his Fruit Loop digs.
Josh Rushing continues to sell America out. And America may end up buying him out.
Semper FOOLis.

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February 9, 2009, - 12:33 pm

Say Good-Bye: The Companies That May Leave Us Include Anti-Israel Owned Clothing Outlet

By Debbie Schlussel
Yahoo business analyst Rick Newman posted predictions of 15 major companies he believes may go out of business in 2009. The 15 companies are:
* Rite-Aid
* Claire’s Stores (I never understood why this was in business. How many cutesy, tacky hair accessories does one need?)
* Chrysler
* Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group
* Realogy Corp (Coldwell Banker, ERA, Sotheby’s real estate franchises)
* Station Casinos
* Loehmann’s Capital Corp.
* Sbarro
* Six Flags
* Blockbuster (I’m surprised he didn’t list Hollywood Video, which is worse off and almost dead.)


* Krispy Kreme
* Landry’s Restaurants
* Sirius Satellite Radio
* Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings (Donald Trump, You’re Fired.)
* BearingPoint
For me, there is good news and bad in these–and for all of us, this is bad news and a loss of jobs and income-spending workers in our downward spiralling economy.
For the good, there is Loehmann’s–the designer clothing discounter. Although it still bears the Jewish surname of its founders, the store has long been owned by a series of anti-Semites and Mid-East haters of Israel.
Previously, Loehmann’s was owned by First Islamic Investment Bank a/k/a Arcapita, which–as I’ve written extensively since 2002–employed as one of its top executives, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Islam’s most prominent Sunni cleric. Al-Qaradawi supported homicide bombings of Jews in Israel and American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, among many other disgusting views of his. Arcapita is owned by a number of Israel-boycotting Gulf-state princes and Sheikhs, including the owners of Al-Jazeera and some who apparently donated to terrorist telethons. Arcapita owns Caribou Coffee and Church’s Fried Chicken, among other holdings, and it applies strict sharia (Islamic law) compliance to these properties.
Now, though, Loehmann’s is owned by Istithmar, a government-owned entity of Israel-boycotting Dubai. Dubai and the rest of the United Arab Emirates–which helped the 9/11 hijackers carry out their plot and foiled FBI investigation of it thereafter–won’t allow Jews with Israeli passports or Israeli stamps on passports into the country. If you shop at Loehmann’s, you are supporting all of this.
If Loehmann’s goes out of biz, I won’t be shedding a single tear.
But then there’s Sirius. If that goes–and I don’t think that’s as likely as Loehmann’s demise–I’ll lose an outlet for my movie reviews. I do movie reviews every Friday Morning on the great Mike Church‘s show on Sirius Patriot Channel 144. Not only would I hate to lose that, but I’d hate to see my friend, the brilliant Mike Church, lose his outlet. Not that I think that’s gonna happen. Mike Church is a tremendous talent, whom I believe they’ll keep, even if Sirius doesn’t survive.
Moreover, Mel Karmazin, who headed Sirius before he took the helm of SiriusXM, recruited Howard Stern and Martha Stewart to the company. And I doubt he’d let his baby-Sirius–die. They won’t just lose these talents. They’ll find a way to keep them on satellite.
Which major corporations do you think will not survive 2009?

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February 9, 2009, - 11:30 am

Most Favored Kingpin: Obama Preferred Terrorist Drug-Dealer Empowerment Foreign Policy

By Debbie Schlussel
You know what’s hilarious? The Obama Administration’s new idea to enlist Iran to combat the Afghan drug trade, that’s what’s hilarious.

Richard Holbrooke, the Obama administration’s new point man on Afghanistan and Pakistan, is expected to engage Iran as part of a broad effort to stabilize Afghanistan and combat the country’s growing drug trade, according to officials briefed on the special representative’s plans.
Many in the Obama administration believe that Iran and the U.S. share common interests when it comes to Afghanistan, these officials said. . . . And these officials said they believe Iran may be willing to work with the U.S. to strengthen the fragile government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai.


Mr. Holbrooke is expected to seek Iran’s support for a renewed international effort to combat Afghanistan’s growing drug trade. Iran has one of the highest opium-addiction rates in the world, and Iranian authorities have long pushed U.S. and North Atlantic Treaty Organization forces in Afghanistan to take stronger measures to combat opium production and trafficking there.

I’m laughing my rear off . . . for several reasons.
1) One of Iran’s biggest cash cows is pot and coke sales. Have Holbrooke and President Obama never heard of the Bekaa Valley? It’s the part of Lebanon controlled by Iranian-controlled Hezbollah, where the top crops are marijuana and the coca leaf.
We’re enlisting the world’s largest coke and pot dealers to help us stop Afghanistan from being opium dealers?! Am I the only one who sees the absurd irony in this?
What’s next–Are we gonna enlist the Gambino family to put the Lucchese family out of business?
2) Afghanistan is a Sunni Muslim country. Iran is Shi’ite. Newsflash: Sunnis and Shi’ites hate each other. And the only time the two groups work together is to fight America, Israel, and the west.
Yes, I know that Iran has given a ton of financial aid to Afghanistan (a drop in the bucket compared to what we’ve given the country), but taking money is one thing. Taking dictation is another.
Ya think a Sunni country is gonna dump its cash cow opium drug dealing so that a Shi’ite country can’t be the world’s dominant drug dealer? I can only see the reaction of Al-Qaeda-allied poppy farmers in the mountains and countryside of Afghanistan and their response to being told by Shia Iran that they can’t grow their cash crop illicit drug, while Iran’s Hezbollah continues to grow its cash crop illicit drug.
3) Do we really want extremist Iran–on the State Department list as a terrorist-sponsor state and key sponsor of Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Syrian terrorism–to be the “mentor” for Afghanistan? From the clutches of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban to the clutches of Hezbollah and Khomeiniland? Is this what our soldiers continue to die for in Afghanistan?
Yet another dumb move in the extremely stupid Obama Iran-empowerment program. Just what we need, Iran asserting itself over the entire region, at a time when the Shi’ite revolution is already a major problem in world stability.
Like I said, I’m laughing my rear off. (It’s more convenient than crying.) And so is anyone who knows a thing about this region and its competing Muslim factions . . . which apparently includes no one on the Obama foreign policy team.
I guessed they smoked too many doobies in college. Or in Obama’s case, snorted too many lines of coke.
I’ve heard of “Most Favored Nation Status,” but “Most Favored Drug-Dealer Nation Status” is ludicrous.

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February 9, 2009, - 11:01 am

Sadly, Illegal Alien Lawsuit Against Rancher Nothing New

By Debbie Schlussel
You may have read about the illegal alien lawsuit against an Arizona rancher. The story, written by Washington Times reporter Jerry Seper–who admittedly (in e-mails to me) reads this site and has ripped off (without credit) exclusive stories from this site about ICE–is nothing new.
This isn’t the first time nor, unfortunately, the last time that illegal aliens have and will use our legal system to take away the freedoms, rights, and property of American citizens. Fortunately for the rancher in this case, Roger Barnett, he is only being sued civilly.
As I noted on this site several years ago, in “Gaza in Arizona: How ‘Civil Rights’ Lawyer Morris Dees Seized American Land For Illegal Aliens,” Dees and his Southern Poverty Law Center helped prosecute secure borders advocates and put them behind bars. Not only that, but the SPLC and the ACLU worked with the U.S. government to seize the Arizona ranch of the anti-illegal alien activists and secure U.S. citizenship for the illegal aliens. That was despite the fact that these activists gave the illegal aliens cookies, water, and warm blankets.


Here’s a snippet of what happened then:

Two miles from the border with Mexico, U.S. citizen Casey Nethercott’s dream ranch is now the property of Edwin Alfredo Mancia Gonzales and Fatima del Socorro Leiva Medina, both illegal immigrants from El Salvador.
And Nethercott didn’t sell it to them. They took it by force, after trespassing on it to sneak into the U.S. All orchestrated by Dees.
Dees’ legal squad used American courts to put Nethercott in jail and transfer his property to the illegals he tried to keep out.

Read the rest.
The story in the case against Roger Barnett has a similar storyline. Illegal aliens break the law and enter through the Southern border illegally. An Arizona rancher catches them on his property and points a gun at them until authorities arrive. The rancher is now the bad guy and the object of endless nightmare litigation, to the point he will lose everything even if he wins.
These federal prosecutions and lawsuits are not new, but they are increasing in volume because we do nothing and accept this as the status quo. Wall or no wall, crackdown on illegal aliens or not, we are losing the battle in the courts.
The lawsuit highlighted in the news today is just the latest on a downward spiral in our fight against illegal aliens and an upward spiral in their frivolous, absurd legal actions to secure their entry into our country and a golden ticket to remain here. In this case, the lawyers are from MALDEF–the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Foundation. But it makes no difference, which part of the alphabet soup of America’s ruin perpetrates the legal actions. They are winning, and we are losing.
The Courts are where Muslims are asserting Islam upon our country, and it is where illegal aliens are securing their invasion and takeover of our country.
If we ignore the courts, we do so at our peril. Unlike the border, there is no barrier to the ridiculous whatsoever in America’s unduly “hallowed” legal forums.

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February 6, 2009, - 3:52 pm

Scary, But the Usual: U.S. Will Release Hardened Black September Terrorist to Freedom

By Debbie Schlussel
The story of Khalid Duhham al-Jawary is a familiar one.
Muslim Palestinian terrorist easily comes to America and stays. Muslim Palestinian terrorist plots to blow up New York City and finally gets caught. Muslim Palestinian terrorist gets relatively short prison term and will soon get out. Muslim Palestinian terrorist will either get deported to plot yet more terrorist attacks from overseas a la Fawaz Abu Damra or get to stay here and live amongst us in freedom.
But read about who this guy is and ask yourself why this Black September Islamic terrorist will get to go free. Ask yourself if we should ever give this guy another breath of fresh air in freedom.


Khalid Duhham Al-Jawary: America Will Soon Free Mass-Murdering Terrorist

Oh, and one other thing: Black September, the P.L.O. faction that carried out the Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes in 1972, is named for the 1970 mass slaughter of 10,000 plus Palestinians by . . . JORDANIAN Muslim Arabs (with King Hussein atop them), not Jews. (Its leader, Abu Iyad, was, at the same time,Yasser Arafat’s deputy.)

He built three powerful bombs – bombs powerful enough to kill, maim and destroy – and put them in rental cars scattered around town [New York City], near Israeli targets.
The plot failed. The explosive devices did not detonate, and Jawary fled the country, escaping prosecution for nearly two decades – until he was convicted of terrorism charges in Brooklyn and sentenced to 30 years in a federal penitentiary.
But his time is up.
In less than a month, the 63-year-old Jawary is expected to be released. He will likely be deported; where to is anybody’s guess. The shadowy figure had so many aliases it’s almost impossible to know which country is his true homeland. . . .
An Associated Press investigation – based on recently declassified documents, extensive court records, CIA investigative notes and interviews with former intelligence officials – reveals publicly for the first time Jawary’s deep involvement in terrorism beyond the plot that led to his conviction.
Government documents link Jawary to Black September’s murderous letter-bombing campaign targeting world leaders in the 1970s and a botched terrorist attack in 1979. Former intelligence officials suspect he had a role in the bombing of a TWA flight in 1974 that killed 88 people.
“He’s a very dangerous man,” said Mike Finnegan, the former FBI counterterrorism agent who captured Jawary. “A very bad guy.” . . .
On Jan. 12, 1973, Jawary flew to Boston via Montreal and then to New York City. He began scouting targets for a terrorist attack.
He picked two Israeli banks on Fifth Avenue and the El-Al cargo terminal at Kennedy Airport.
Possibly working with two or more people, Jawary rented three cars and assembled three bombs consisting of large containers filled with gasoline, propane tanks, plastic explosives, blasting caps and batteries, according to FBI and federal court records.
Two of the bombs used alarm clocks, but a third employed a sophisticated electronic-timing device commonly referred to as an “e-cell,” said Terence McTigue, who worked on the New York Police Department’s bomb squad. It was twice as powerful as the other two bombs.
On March 4, Jawary – and possibly others – readied the cars in anticipation of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir’s visit to the city.
Each car contained a Hebrew-language newspaper with propaganda from Black September – the terrorist organization that carried out the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics just months earlier – tucked inside.
But the bombs failed to explode. They were discovered after the two cars on Fifth Avenue were towed, and the FBI learned about the third car at JFK and notified police.
McTigue disarmed the e-cell bomb at JFK. . . . McTigue also recognized something else as he examined the car bomb: a plastic explosive called Semtex from Czechoslovakia. It had been used in scores of letter bombs sent around the world the previous year, targeting Jews and Israelis and even US Secretary of State William Rogers. One had killed an agricultural counselor at the Israeli Embassy in London, and another mangled the hands of a 26-year-old postal worker in The Bronx.
McTigue knew those letter bombs. He had handled them. The letters had pressure-release firing devices and were the work of Black September, Palestinian guerrillas believed by intelligence officials to be controlled by Yasser Arafat. . . .
The FBI began a large investigation. Agents lifted 60 fingerprints; they all matched Jawary’s. They uncovered a fake Jordanian passport behind an air-conditioning duct and bomb materials from a room Jawary had rented at a hotel near JFK. . . .
Jawary also worked as a document forger for the PLO and Hawari.

Jawary is also believed to be the perpetrator of several plane bombings, killing over 100 people. Read the rest of the details. But they were beyond the FBI purview, and he’s never faced justice for those. This is not a guy who should ever breathe freedom again.

Judge Jack Weinstein sentenced Jawary to 30 years in prison in April 1993. In a written opinion issued after the trial, Weinstein said Jawary was a serious threat.
“It is highly likely that were this defendant released he would continue his dangerous terrorist activities,” the judge said. . . .
But those countless hours behind bars are almost over. Freedom looms for this gaunt and graying terrorist who was transferred recently to a federal detention center in Manhattan.
Jawary is scheduled to be released Feb. 19 after completing only about half his term, which includes time served prior to his sentencing and credit for good behavior, according to the federal Bureau of Prisons.
Once he is released, Jawary will be handed over to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement and held until his deportation.
It remains unclear where he’ll go, largely because Jawary’s true identity remains in question – even to this day.
Those who helped put Jawary behind bars believe he’ll pick up where he left off.
“What is he going to do when he gets out?” McTigue said. “He’ll be deported and received as a hero and go right back into his terrorist activities.”

You got that right. What the heck are we doing letting this guy out? We keep child molesters in prison longer than their sentences, when we believe they will molest again. But we don’t do the same for would-be mass murderers like this terrorist creature.
So typical. And lest you think otherwise, there are many Jawarys on our soil and in our midst, just waiting for the right time and place to do their “work.”

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February 6, 2009, - 12:22 pm

Sean Vannity’s Anti-Fairness Doctrine: Hannity Told Ann Coulter She Can’t Appear on Larry King, Steve Malzberg

By Debbie Schlussel
As one of the many former friends of Sean Hannity, I know well how he treats his friends. Hint: It’s not much better than his enemies. As readers know, he’s repeatedly read word-for-word from this site and my New York Post columns–without credit to me–on stories I’ve broken, from Imam Husham Al-Husainy’s extremism and Hezbollah support to the Muslim foot baths at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. He admitted he stole from me and promised to give me credit, but predictably never delivered. The guy is a rip-off artist and a hack with zero insight. Period. It took the mensch, Michael Reagan, to give me credit for my work on one of Sean Hannity’s shows.
But, then, there’s how he treats the people he’s still friends with, like his good friend, Ann Coulter. When Ann Coulter’s latest book, “Guilty,” came out, Hannity told Ann she had to cancel appearances on Steve Malzberg’s WOR radio show in New York and on CNN’s “Larry King Live,” with the implied or expressed threat that if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be on FOX News or his radio show anymore. Ann apparently notified Malzberg of this in writing in an e-mail. Listen to the audio from the Roger Hedgecock Show–move the cursor on the audio stream to the halfway mark.



Vannity “Fairness” Doctrine: Sean Censors Ann Coulter

I know for a fact that Sean Hannity has had Steve Malzberg blackballed at FOX for a while. He tried to do the same to me. For all his claim to want to further conservatism, he’s really not about that. He’s about Vannity only. . . to the point where he censors his own friends. Ann–whose book remains on the New York Times best seller list–could have even more books had she appeared on Larry King, who gets millions of viewers. But Sean Hannity told her she’s not allowed to appear. I can tell you that I know for a fact that Sean is doing this with other individuals.
For all of Vannity’s faux-outrage when NBC originally canceled and allegedly banned Ann Coulter from NBC, Sean Hannity did far worse to her.
Call it Sean Hannity’s Anti-Fairness Doctrine.
Yesterday, news stories told us how archeologists found remnants of the world’s largest snakes from the times of dinosaurs.
Sorry, but I think we know who the world’s largest snake is. And he lives in contemporary times.
Hey, Sean, you’re not a great American. Not even close.

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February 6, 2009, - 12:05 am

Weekend Box Office: Animated Movie Bests Actors

By Debbie Schlussel
Four new movies out this weekend, and I did not screen one of them, “The Pink Panther 2.” Among the other three, the best–by far–is the super animated 3-D “Coraline.” And don’t forget last week’s two great offerings, Taken” (which I originally gave Three Reagans, but thought I underrated it and upgraded it to Four Reagans) and “The Uninvited” (Two-and-a-half Reagans).
* “Coraline“: Don’t let the fact that this is animated fool you. It’s lifelike and extremely entertaining from start to end. Although this movie is extremely creepy for a movie aimed at tween kids, it was fantastic. The 3-D graphics are among the best I’ve seen in an animated movie. As an adult, I loved it. It’s non-stop eye candy, almost to the point of overload, but not stepping over the bounds of well done.


Coraline (voiced by Dakota Fanning) is a tween daughter of a couple who move to a new city to an old pink mansion that’s been divided into apartments. Coraline’s parents (mother is voiced by Teri Hatcher) are online writers for a website about plants, who don’t actually plant or grow anything. They’re no fun and pay very little attention to their daughter (no surprise, since Coraline’s dad is a Michigan State grad–just kidding, but he wears the MSU shirt non-stop). Alone and looking for excitement and stimulation, she wishes for something better than her current parental situation and soon finds it. A neighborhood boy gives her a doll that looks just like her, with buttons for eyes.
Soon, Coraline’s doll displays magical powers, and a secret portal in the apartment takes her to an alternate universe where her parents have buttons for eyes, but they look exactly like her real parents. Except that they pay attention to her. Her alternate universe mother is fun and cooks delicious dinners of her favorite foods, and her father plays magnificent music on the piano. They even have a beautiful magical garden. But everything is not what it seems. The message: Be careful what you wish for. What seems much better than the family you have, may really be much worse.
But before we get to that message, we and Coraline meet the other, extremely eccentric neighbors who live in the apartments of the subdivided house, “The Pink Palace.” There is the greasy Eastern European neighbor who has a circus act performed by rats. And then there are the two old, big-busted spinster sisters who have hardened saltwater taffy collections dating back to the early 1900s. I did find one scene–in which one of the corpulent sisters is in an onstage cabaret act wearing what amounts to a bikini and semi-pasty bra to be extremely odd, much less in a movie for kids.
But then, the whole movie is odd and creepy. This is not for young kids, who will be extremely frightened. There are discussions of replacing people’s eyes with buttons in the alternate world. And there is an evil witch-like character.
But don’t let my description scare you away. A ten-year-old or older could watch this movie and be fascinated. It’s wonderful and weird at the same time. Great for adults to take their children, too. But again, be forewarned about the creep factor.
* “He’s Just Not That Into You“: The first half of this movie is mostly hilarious, though not believable. It’s hard to believe that there’s a woman on this earth as desperate, clueless, and aggressive for men as Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin, whose parents had to be different and display their special spelling skills). Watching her turn off guys with such extremely obtuse behavior was at once funny, but extremely annoying and painful. And that turned me off.
Then, there was Jennifer Aniston, living for 7 years with Ben Affleck, who is against marriage. She’s not happy either and wonders if he really loves her, since he won’t seal the deal with a wedding. There was no chemistry there and the whole thing wasn’t believable onscreen. (Ben Affleck has so jumped the shark, and Aniston is still playing Rachel from “Friends,” which gets old.) Then, there is the mopey, bitter-looking Jennifer Connolly who is completely overbearing on her husband on all things, especially smoking. She is more bothered by the possibility that he’s smoking behind her back than if he’s cheating on her. Which . . .
Well, then there’s Scarlett Johansson, who meets Connolly’s studly husband (Brad Cooper) at the supermarket, and they have an instant attraction and non-stop flirtation. He feels tied down because he married before he was ready to someone he doesn’t think he really loves.
Then, there are Drew Barrymore and Kevin Connolly. Connolly is attracted to Johansson, who’s “just not that into him.” And Barrymore–more annoying and baby-talkish than ever–is desperately trying to find a guy, most of whom are “just not that into her.”
With so many characters and intertwined story lines, are you keeping track?
Finally, there is Justin Long (Barrymore’s real-life ex), who though no stud, begins giving Gigi advice on guys’ secrets and how to handle them. (He’s the real star of this movie and the only one who shined in it.)
The bottom line is obvious: If a guy doesn’t call, he’s just not that into you. Get lost.
While the message of this movie, as summarized above and in the title is hardly news, the other messages in the movie were kind of sad: That all guys are cads, or at least most of them; That a long-term live-in relationship is more stable than marriage, since your husband is trapped and wants to cheat.
But other than that it was entertaining and funny, until the last third when it turned cheesy, sappy, and predictable, since ultimately it became the chick flick it pretended it wasn’t, but really was. And at that point I was . . .
Just not that into it.

* “Push“: This movie was a mess. There was so much action it made my head spin. But it was supposed to be a thriller, and it just wasn’t thrilling. I didn’t care what happened next, even if it was about people with special powers who could tell the future. I liked the high-styled Hong Kong sets. But usually high-style in movie makes up for low substance. This is no exception. It was mindless.
Three Americans (Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, and Camilla Belle) have special powers. Evans can move things with his mind, Fanning can see into the future in pictures she draws, and Belle can get into people’s minds and make them think memories that never existed and take actions against their own wills. They’re trying to find a suitcase that may save their lives and reverse visions of their impending deaths. Sadly, neither Fanning nor Belle can act worth a lick, so that made the movie completely dull.
The Americans are in Hong Kong trying to escape an evil U.S. government division called Obama. No, actually, they’re not that creative. It’s just called, “Division,” headed by Djimon Hounsou. They run around Hong Kong trying not just to escape Division, but also a family of Chinese with similar powers who want to kill them.
Not only was this movie a complete mess, it was kind of boring. Lots of action, but the same stuff, the same types of scenes basically repeating themselves, with droll, overblown sassiness by Fanning that sounded like she was reading lines rote.
Extremely violent and bloody. Not fun. Great visuals, but little else. Tried way too hard to be cool, and wasn’t.

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