February 12, 2009, - 12:05 pm

FBI Solves Islamic Terrorism Problem, Moves On

By Debbie Schlussel
This latest move by the FBI shows that the agency still just doesn’t get it. Not that this is any surprise to me, since I’ve been writing about the obtuseness of the agency with regard to Islamic terrorism for almost a decade.

Mortgage fraud investigations are mounting as the economic crisis worsens, and FBI agents assigned to national security after the 9/11 attacks are “gradually moving back” to assist with financial fraud inquiries, a top FBI official said Wednesday.


With thousands of fraud investigations under way, the FBI is considering shifting agents away from counterterrorism work to help sort through the wreckage of the financial meltdown.


FBI Deputy Director John Pistole told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that the bureau may reassign some of the positions that were reallocated to anti-terrorism work after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Such a move would be a further sign of the government breaking with the Bush administration’s priorities, which pledged to assign every available resource to averting another terrorist attack.

I guess the FBI has come to the conclusions that:
1) the terrorism problem is solved; and
2) that mortgage fraud and Islamic terrorism are mutually exclusive–that Muslims tied to terrorist groups aren’t a huge percentage of the mortgage fraud cases, particularly in place like the Detroit area. (The biggest mortgage fraud perpetrators in Michigan were all Shi’ite Muslims tied to Hezbollah, who sent a good part of the illicit profits “back home” to South Lebanon a/k/a Hezbollah Country.)
If those are the FBI views–and it appears with this latest move that they are–the FBI continues to be Famous But Incompetent.
We can also expect more of what we’ve been seeing in Michigan–where the non-Muslim straw buyers (many of them Black) for the overly-valued homes are prosecuted, but their Muslim puppetmasters–who took the mortgage cash and continue to live in the homes are not prosecuted or get away with a slap on the hand. That’s been the practice of Detroit’s U.S. Attorney’s Office and Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, who’s safely in the back-pocket of the Hezbollah-supporting Michigan chapter of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee–at whose dinner he spoke a couple of weeks ago–and its head, FBI award revokee and “former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad.
It’s not that the FBI did such a fantastic job in seven years of “concentrating” on getting terrorists. The Bureau’s performance was terrible. As I noted, with the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) out of the investigative arms of U.S. Customs Service and the INS, America lost the long, voluminous track record that Customs and the U.S. Secret Service achieved in stopping, arresting, and putting Islamic terrorist money-launderers and weapons smugglers behind bars.
After taking this area of law enforcement over, the FBI committed malpractice–making few arrests, neglecting cases, and choosing to pander at Ramadan Iftar dinners and falafel lunches to the Islamic criminals and charities that perpetrated these crimes.
But now, with the FBI officially dumping this area of law enforcement investigation, terrorists can operate even more freely than they did under the FBI’s deliberately blind and lazy eyes.
Hey, Islamic terrorists. Alhamdillullah [Praise allah], now is your time. I’m sure you’ll make the most of it.

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February 12, 2009, - 11:56 am

How Bad is the Economy?: The “Canned Protein Index”

By Debbie Schlussel
How bad is the economy? So bad, that this is making a comeback and they can’t can it fast enough. Glad I keep kosher and can’t consume this. Still, I’m also glad that other people find an economical way to get their protein in these tough times. At least, I think it’s protein.

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February 11, 2009, - 4:08 pm

Mo’ Mrs. Conyers Stooopid: Detroit Cops Restrain Her, Chauffeur Her Son to Swanky Prep School in ‘Burbs

By Debbie Schlussel
When Monica Conyers–the crazed wife/beard of Commie Congressman John Conyers–became the President of the Detroit City Council, she promised the media that she’d learned her lesson and would start behaving like an adult. She also said she would tone down her behavior.
If you believed her, I have some land under the Detroit River to sell you (and it’s not in the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, which she wanted to name after hubby John).
To those who were realists, we weren’t disappointed. It’s not just that Mrs. Conyers apparently took bribes and is a subject of an FBI investigation. She’ll likely be indicted for the Synagro sludge contract scam. But the Missus is in the news, today, for entirely new, unrelated different negative stories.


John & Monica Conyers

First, there’s the fact that Conyers improperly used a Detroit-owned car and enlisted Detroit Police Department cops chauffeur her son to Cranbrook, the Detroit area’s swankiest private school and one of its most expensive. The last time Cranbrook was in the news was in the ’80s, when it came out that Cranbrook officials drew bagels on the applications of prospective Jewish students, in order to keep Jewish enrollment down. The Detroit Newsistan doesn’t name the school, but it’s Cranbrook. Previously, the Conyers forced one of his Congressional staffers to serve as cook, butler, and chauffeur to Cranbrook for their two sons.
Monica Conyers’ chutzpahdik response to this improper use of Detroit city property and personnel to chauffeur her kids 15 miles outside the city to fancyland: “People are jealous.” Damn right, they’re “jealous.” Maybe they’re jealous that they don’t get taxes to fund a private chauffeur and town-car to their kids’ school.
Then, there’s Mrs. Conyers latest tantrum, at which security had to restrain her. She accused a councilman of having cancer and exhibited assorted other outrageous behavior:

Detroit City Council President Monica Conyers had to be restrained during a confrontation last week with Councilman Kwame Kenyatta in which she hurled insults at Kenyatta about his hearing aid, health and education.
Kenyatta would not discuss who said what except to deny Conyers’ assertion in the argument that he has cancer and to say he never raised his voice. . . .
Sources who described the incident on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter said the Feb. 4 argument escalated after Conyers called Kenyatta stupid, following his insistence that she submit in writing her request to cut his budget.
When Kenyatta asked her what she said, Conyers responded he needed to learn how to talk to a woman.
Kenyatta shot back that when he was with a woman, he would do so. That prompted Conyers to yell at Kenyatta that he was stupid, citing his lack of a college degree, to tell him he “can’t hear” — a dig at his hearing aid — and to try to rub in his face rumors that Kenyatta has cancer.
As at least one council staffer and a council security officer restrained Conyers while she tried to walk toward Kenyatta, he retorted that he hears just fine, doesn’t have cancer and told her she needs help. Kenyatta made a report with the council’s security unit about the incident, which took place in his office.

In the past, I told you about Mrs. Conyers’ many other insane exploits in instability, including her shouting match calling then City Council President Kenneth Cockrell, “Shrek”, and screaming tirade at hotel management at a Denver hotel for not having giant suites for her during the Democratic National Convention.
The good news in all of this is that Kenneth Cockrell, who is now Mayor of Detroit, will not win election to this position, which he filled when Mayor Kwame “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick resigned. If he loses–and it looks like he will–he will return to the Detroit City Council President position, and she will just be a Councilwoman. Sadly, she’ll still be a Councilwoman.
Happily, she’ll continue to provide me with humorous, clownish behavior for the immediate future, regardless.
Here’s a video reminder of the esteemed Monica Conyers, comedy star:

Do it, baby.

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February 11, 2009, - 3:04 pm

SI Swimsuit Cover Model is Israeli Draft Dodger

By Debbie Schlussel
Bar Refaeli, the latest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover model, is being touted all over the place because she’s an Israeli.
But the important fact about her is not that she’s Israeli, but that she’s an Israeli draft-dodger and snob. Oh, and she’s a phony.
As readers know, I’ve written about Ms. Refaeli, who is Leonardo DiCrapio’s girlfriend (and it’s been rumored he got her the SI cover), and here are the important details:

[J]ust like Ted Nugent, she dodged the draft–and said something just a tad different, a year ago, about serving in the Israeli Army when she was asked about it by Israel’s Yediot Achronot.


Bar Refaeli: Beautiful Israeli Draft-Dodging Bitch

In Israel, everyone is required to either serve in the military or do national service. She didn’t, and she bragged about it, saying that was for the “little people.”

In her interview, the Israeli model said she was not against army service, even though she never enlisted, having married an acquaintance to evade the draft. The couple was soon divorced.
“I really wanted to serve in the IDF, but I don’t regret not enlisting, because it paid off big time,” she said. “That’s just the way it is, celebrities have other needs. I hope my case has influenced the army.”
“Israel or Uganda [DS: where she was modeling while fellow Israelis were risking their lives in the Army], what difference does it make? It makes no difference to me. Why is it good to die for our country? What, isn’t it better to live in New York? Why should 18-year-old kids have to die? It’s dumb that people have to die so that I can live in Israel,” Refaeli added.

Yup, Israeli soldiers were blown to bits and/or tortured and cut up to bits by Hezbollah, HAMAS, and assorted other Muslims so that Bar Refaeli could have a modeling career?
She does have a point that it’s dumb that people have to die so that she can live in Israel. No-one should die for this selfish, ugly bitch hidden behind a hot body and a nice outer visage.
The problem here is that Israel no longer takes its mandatory two-year military service requirement seriously enough. . . when it comes to celebrities. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s son was a draft-dodger. Didn’t hurt him much.
But for the little people–the common, working-class Israelis, many of whom come from Arabic countries and Ethiopia and many of whom are religious Jews and the vilified “settlers,” who are the ones who actually serve in the Israeli Army–if you don’t do your service, you get arrested when you return to Israel. And without a certificate noting you did your service and were honorably discharged, it’s nearly impossible to get hired for a job.
If Israel had any guts and any will to survive, it will arrest and jail people like Bar Refaeli. But, instead–just as we honor American draft dodger celebrities, like Pat Buchanan and Ted Nugent–Israel honors this selfish, draft-dodging supermodel snob.
Israelis shouldn’t be feeling an ounce of pride over this woman. Bar Refaeli is an Israeli embarrassment.
I have just one thing to say to Ms. Refaeli, in her native tongue: Lech Le’Azazel (Go. To. Hell.)

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February 11, 2009, - 12:48 pm

This is “Gay Rights”?: Lesbo Discrimination Against Heteros Goes On a Lot in Hoops; Now Happening @ Homeland Security?

By Debbie Schlussel
Plenty of readers sent me the story of a straight Central Michigan University women’s basketball player suing the school and its butch-looking coach, alleging lesbian discrimination against her.
My first reaction is: There’s actually a straight college women’s basketball player?
My second reaction is: This is news to you?
Cuz’ it’s not news to me. This isn’t the first instance or lawsuit concerning reported lesbian discrimination against the few straight chicks in women’s hoops.
As I noted almost a decade ago and repeatedly on this site, when Nancy Lieberman–then Nancy Lieberman-Cline (she was married to a . . . guy, then)–coached the Detroit Shock WNBA basketball team, players told Sports Illustrated that Lieberman was carrying on a lesbian affair with her player, Anna DeForge, and that Lieberman favored DeForge over other players with regard to playing time, etc. The players alleged that she specifically favored lesbian players over straight ones.


CMU Hoops Coach Sue Guevara Sports Lesbo-Chic Brushcut of Predatory Discrimination

And there have been other complaints and lawsuits similar to the one in the news today, regarding former player Brooke Heike’s suit against CMU and coach Sue Guevara.
This kind of thing–gay discrimination against straight people–goes on all the time. But, sadly, the mainstream media doesn’t like to point it out because it goes against their orthodox narrative of gays as victims. It happens in the workplace, on the playing field, and everywhere else. Gays are not necessarily victims. In fact, plenty of times, they are perpetrators of discrimination.
But the mainstream media says nothing. It doesn’t bother them that college women’s basketball coaches–frequently lesbians–often use their teams as dating pools. But have a male college women’s basketball coach hit on a player, and we’ll hear about it endlessly. The lesbian women coaches think they are men and they overdo the male act. They’re more predatory than any male you could imagine. I used to hear endless stories about this from female athletes, when I was a tutor at the University of Wisconsin Athletic Department, while I was in grad school.
That’s why everyone thinks this lawsuit is news. It’s actually same-old, same-old of a frequently recurring instance of predatory lesbian coaches, who never feel the pressure of media scrutiny and instead only get undeserved accolades for achieving-while-butch.
You’ll see the same thing at the Department of Homeland Security, where “The Lesbionic Woman” a/k/a Janet Napolitano has already hired and promoted a number of unqualified women to prominent positions of power. Are these women qualified?
Or are they her next date to the Dinah Shore Classic and the WNBA All-Star Game?

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February 11, 2009, - 12:30 pm

Sarah Palin Revision of Sarah Palin Revisionism: Your Day in Sarah Palin Stupidity Confirmation

By Debbie Schlussel
Back in the fall, when I wrote about the absolutely ridiculous, stupid names Sarah Palin gave her kids, I got a torrent of e-mail from blind Palin supporters making an incorrect correction.
They were all upset that I wrote that Sarah Palin named baby mama daughter Bristol Palin after Bristol, Connecticut, the city where ESPN is located. They said I was all wrong when I wrote that Palin chose the name because she wanted to be on ESPN. They demanded I correct this. They insisted that Sarah Palin named the baby mama for Bristol Bay and its Alaskan beauty, a more plausible and measurably less ridiculous basis for naming your kid.
And the Palins told this revisionist story, so they’d look less absurd and cartoonish during the campaign (didn’t work).


Well, guess what? Your heroine, Sarah Palin (who also supports the bailout bill–so “Alaska can get its fair share,” she says; the only thing she opposed are “earmarks”) confirms the reason for the choice in stupid names. And it’s the stupid reason I originally cited.
Yup, the Palins lied. And now, they’re going back to the original story. I’m sure there’s even more stupidity like this in the Esquire interview she gave confirming this.

Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin says her daughter’s [sic; name] comes from Bristol, Conn., home of the sports network ESPN.
Palin tells Esquire magazine that when she was in high school, she wanted to be a sportscaster and was disappointed to learn where ESPN was located.
The Alaska governor says Connecticut was too far away. So instead, she says, she named her daughter Bristol.
Palin says she’s still angry with the media over questions about whether her 9-month-old son, Trig, is actually the child of 18-year-old Bristol.

But not too angry that her baby mama daughter isn’t married yet, apparently.
Gee, I wonder if she talks about why she tortured her son and named him Van Palin–the son who will never have legal capacity to change it.
Why are Sarah Palin’s kids’ names important? Well, if she’s that much of an idiot in naming her own kids, it translates into other areas. This woman is clueless.
The entire interview is in the Esquire issue which hits the stands on February 16th.

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February 10, 2009, - 11:30 pm

The End of Parenting: The Complete Morons Who Take Their Kids to “Friday the 13th”

By Debbie Schlussel
Tonight, I concluded that the decline of America is increasing with rapidity and escalation far worse than I’ve earlier diagnosed.
I just returned from a special critics and promotional screening of the latest installment of the “Friday The 13th” movie franchise. This latest one bears the same name as the 1980 original–simply, “Friday the 13th.” And I watched parents voluntarily subject their very young children to graphic, bloody violence, from which many parents in the Third World only wish they could shield their kids.
Al-Qaeda murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11. That was an outrage. But thousands more American parents–who are merely sperm, egg, and womb donors–are doing to this country what Al-Qaeda could never do. These American parents have voluntarily turned their kids’ minds to mush–kids who will still be around, who will “grow up,” and who will continue to add to America’s decline.


Does This Look Like It’s for Babies & 10-Year-Olds?

In the past, I’ve complained on this site about selfish parents who take their babies to the movies, so we hear them crying instead of the movie. And I’ve lamented that irresponsible parents take their very young kids to violent, graphic, sex-laden, R-rated movies like this one. This latest “Friday the 13th,” should have been rated NC-17 and, a few years ago, it would have been. But Hollywood is desperate to keep teens coming to these flicks and manages to get the ratings standards relaxed.
But while I blame Hollywood for creating ever trashier garbage, I blame these pseudo-parents far more.
Tonight, I saw ever more extreme examples of this–of the morons who are “raising” America’s next generation.
“Friday The 13th” is what you’d expect–except that it’s more graphic, bloody, and violent than ever. Posters and passes to the free screening of this movie say, “FROM THE PRODUCERS OF THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE.” (There are more graphic beheadings in this movie than a dozen Al-Qaeda videos.) It also is more replete with topless, heavily-implanted women, sexual language and content, and a prolonged, very explicit sex scene.
It’s NOT for kids. But fewer and fewer parents in America seem to care anymore.
Tonight, I saw–or rather, heard–at least two crying babies at the “Friday the 13th” showing. And I saw at least two parents with VERY young, impressionable kids. It was one of those times I wish I had a video camera with me. I spoke with each of these parents I saw.
First, the babies. I understand that it’s “Friday The 13th.” It’s no masterpiece. More like the anti-masterpiece. I expected lots of laughter at supposedly scary points in the movie and lots of talking back to the screen.
But I didn’t expect surround-sound baby. Two single parents–a baby mama and a baby daddy–brought their babies to the movie. They didn’t think: Hmmm . . . I don’t wanna or can’t afford to spring for a baby sitter. So, the right thing to do would be to be a good parent and a good citizen and stay home with my kid.
Nope, they thought: I wanna see a free movie, and damn it if I have this inconvenient product of my slutty single sex life get in the way. I’m gonna go see that movie, not matter what. And I don’t give a crap if the rest of the people in the theater can’t enjoy the movie when my baby predictably cries or makes noises.
That was selfish enough. But, then, as you’d predict, their babies repeatedly cried, cooed, and screamed during the entire movie. Not once did they get up and leave the theater. No, that would ruin their movie-viewing experience. Who gives a crap about the rest of the people in the theater?
I asked both of the parents of these babies why they brought their crying babies to the movies. Both happened to be Black, but don’t you worry that this is a race thing, because I’ll get to the two moronic single White mothers who brought their young kids later on in this column.
First, there was a single Black mother with her baby. I shouted to her, “Why did you bring a baby to “Friday the 13th?” “Shut up, bitch,” was the response. To another film critic’s questions, she and her friends said, “Mind ya own damn bid’ness.” Um, well, we would, if we wouldn’t have to hear the result of your bid’ness throughout the movie, sister.
Then, there was the single Black father and his aging mother with a baby. I’d bet money his mother is raising this grandkid. They were parked next to me, and after the movie, I asked, “Why was it necessary for you to bring your baby to ‘Friday the 13th’? Don’t you think that’s rude and irresponsible?”
His response: “He say he wanna get scared.”
Me: “Huh? How old is this kid? Can he even talk?”
Baby Daddy: “He one-year-old.”
Me: “A one-year-old can understand what’s going on in ‘Friday the 13th’? Come on . . . .”
Baby Daddy: “You’d be surprised.”
Me, getting into my car: “Well, that’s very irresponsible parenting and very rude to the rest of us who heard his crying.”
Then, there are the two White, single mothers with their kids, who looked to be between the ages of 8 and 11.
White Single Mother #1 took two young daughters to see this disgustingly violent, explicitly sexual movie. I asked her youngest daughter how old she was. She looked at me and her mother like even she knew she wasn’t old enough to be there.
White Single Mother (WSM) #1: “She’s eleven.”
Me: “Why would you take an eleven-year-old girl to see this movie?”
WSM #1: “Well, if I would have known it would be like this . . . .”
Me: “If you would have known?! Lady, it’s ‘Friday the 13th.'”
And it’s R-rated. WSM #1 threw her hands up and smiled because she knew quite well what the content of “Friday the 13th.” It’s not like there haven’t been a gazillion sequels to and incarnations of this movie over the last three decades (the first was in 1980).
Me: “Great parenting. You’re a moron.”
White Single Mother #2 had a teeny, tiny, young boy with her. I asked the boy how old he is. He, too, had the same look of guilt as White Single Mother #1’s daughter. He knew he shouldn’t be at this movie.
White Single Mother (WSM) #2: “He’s ten.”
Me: “Why are you taking a ten-year-old to see such a graphic, violent movie?”
WSM #2: “It’s only a movie. And, yeah, I know it’s violent and stuff, but he knows right from wrong. And ya know, it’s only a movie and stuff.”
Me: “Huh? That’s Bullsh-t. He’s only ten and you’re taking him to a movie where people are hacked to death, burned alive, and otherwise killed in morbid, grisly ways?”
WSM #2: “I can’t believe you just cussed in front of my son.”
Me: “Why does that suddenly bother you, since you just dragged your ten-year-old son to a movie at eleven o-clock at night, in which they’re swearing throughout the entire movie? [Every other word is sh-t, f-ck, the p-word, etc.] You’re completely irresponsible.”
WSM #2: “Well, that’s not real. Mind your own business.”
You know what? I wish Americans could mind their own business. I wish that we didn’t have so many morons, so many irresponsible people raising kids in America. But that is my business, and it’s yours, too. Because how they raise–or rather, don’t raise–their kids is going to affect us and future generations of this country. “Deep Throat” is “just a movie,” too. I wonder why this woman isn’t also showing that to her 10-year-old. Or maybe she is.
Trust me–this isn’t the first time White Single Mothers #1 and #2 are subjecting their kids to these kinds of movies, violence, and sex, because they, themselves, can’t pass up a free movie ticket. If they have no problem with this, odds are that they have no problem with a lot of other objectionable things that come up in raising their kids. And the same goes for Black Single Mom and Father. They’ll do the same. These so-called parents have no sense, no basic standard of what it means to be responsible, to raise your child with the tools to be good people and use common sense. It’s, frankly, indecent. And sickeningly selfish.
And this is one of the reasons I’m not optimistic about America’s future.
When I was a kid, my parents investigated the movies I saw BEFORE I saw them. They didn’t let me see the movies I was too young to see. They didn’t view parenting as a passive, go-through-the-motions avocation. It was their very serious vocation. (And they taught me to be a polite citizen–not to consider a movie theater my own personal living room, in which I can answer my cell phone, bring a crying baby, provide John Madden-style endless play-by-play color commentary of the obvious regarding what’s happening on-screen, or otherwise disturb everyone else repeatedly.)
At first, my father wouldn’t let me see “Star Wars,” because he heard there were monsters and scary-looking people in it. I was seven or eight at the time and begged him to see it. He saw it on his own first to check it out and loved it, realizing that his concerns were not borne out. He couldn’t wait to take us. But I’m glad–and lucky–that I had a parent who cared enough to be concerned in the first place.
When I was in high school, my dad wouldn’t let me see “Risky Business” because it glorified prostitution and pimping (as a way to get into the college of your choice). But compared to the new “Friday the 13th,” “Risky Business” is nothing.
Sorry, but parents who take their ten-year-olds to see “Friday the 13th” shouldn’t have kids. It’s child abuse of a more insidious kind.
These were just four irresponsible parents–all single parents, too. But I’ve seen other parents take their young kids to violent, risque movies. And there are, sadly, tens of thousands–probably hundreds of thousands and even millions–of American parents just like them who just don’t give a damn.
They don’t give a damn about the rest of the people in the theater. And, even worse, they don’t care a whit about their own children.
And when people don’t care enough about their own kids, who and what will they care about?
Certainly not the rest of their country. The stuff to which you subject your children is the stuff that they will be.
Garbage in, garbage out. And sadly, we have a lot of trash to take out in America.
Let’s take out the trash before it takes us out.

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February 10, 2009, - 6:13 pm

Wonderful: Now Your Kids Can Learn American History . . . in Spanish!

By Debbie Schlussel
Our friend, artist and Jedi Master of PhotoShop, David Lunde wonders, rhetorically, why this outrage from his home state of Wisconsin isn’t getting any national mainstream media coverage.
Well, I’m not surprised this is happening, since it’s just miles from my far-left grad school haunt of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The reason we’re not hearing about this is that it is A-OK in the eyes of the liberal mainstream media. And because we are losing our country to outsiders who refuse to be absorbed into America.

Being taught about famous people and events in Wisconsin history in Spanish is not how some Waunakee parents want their fourth-graders learning social studies at school.
“We as parents have been in such an uproar over this,” said Keith Wilke about the district’s elementary language program in which students learn Spanish by having the language integrated into social studies lessons for 30 minutes three days a week in first through fourth grades. “They’re force-fed Spanish.”


This is the third year for the program, which has added one grade a year since 2006 and is designed to continue until fifth grade.
“A fair amount of (social studies instruction) has been in Spanish,” said Wilke, who has a daughter in fourth grade. “The kids are to the point where they don’t understand it.” . . .
While some parents object to the program, they do support teaching the subjects separately.
“We would love to see them fit it in,” parent Jean Magnes said of teaching Spanish, but “people are furious” with the current model. . . . “I’m seeing my (younger) child lose significant education in social studies because of this immersion.”
Magnes said because of how the subject has been taught, students aren’t learning Spanish or history.
“They don’t enjoy (Spanish), don’t speak it,” she said.

But wait, it gets worse. It’s not just Spanish. It’s Spanish Obama propaganda. Awesome.

Some parents were particularly upset that some Arboretum Elementary students – including one fourth-grade class – were shown parts of President Barack Obama’s inauguration on a Spanish-language television channel.

Buh-bye, America. Hola, Hispanislamica. Or, in the case of this story, Hispansconsin.

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February 10, 2009, - 3:14 pm

Child Abuse Cinema: “Under the Sea 3D” Hits Your Kids Over the Head 3D with Global Warming Fright

By Debbie Schlussel
Earlier today, I attended a special critics screening of “Under the Sea 3D” at an IMAX theater. The movie comes out Friday, and I’ll post my review then. Again, this isn’t a review, but I fotta say this: while the visuals are extremely cool and stunning, the audio felt like child abuse. To hear narrator Jim Carrey say a gazillion times how we are destroying the planet, how global warming is gonna kill the cute, cuddly sea lions living in Australia’s Barrier Reef, etc., etc., etc., was really getting on my nerves. It reminded me of “Arctic Tale,” which pulled the exact same stunt. I was wishing for a mute button . . . in vain. “Shut up, already.”
And movie-makers lie to parents in the trailer, below, not giving them an iota of an inkling that this 40-minute visual feast will be ruined by the pungent stink of non-stop, “You are ruining the planet and will make cute animals–and scary, poisonous sea snakes–die.” Not sure how you can “leave your world behind” and “lose yourself”–as the trailer tells you to do–when this movie won’t let you get away from left-wing environmentalist propaganda.

Hollywood has learned a new trick: Stunning eye-candy visuals, accompanied by hypocritical celeb lecturing.
Hey, Jim, how much energy did you waste filming the stupid “Yes Man”? How much global warming did you create with your and girlfriend Jenny McCarthy’s private jet-trip to be on Oprah, last year? When she dies or they burst a hole, what will you do to make sure that McCarthy’s silicone implants don’t pollute the environment? Dude, did ya know they’re not biodegradable?
Just checkin’. And wondering why that wasn’t in “Under the Hypocri-Sea 3D.” I guess you killed a whole lotta cute sea lions yourself, huh?

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February 10, 2009, - 2:42 pm

We’re Trusting Our Nukes to . . . Them?!

By Debbie Schlussel
Back in December, I told you about the completely insane Bush Administration efforts to share our important nuclear technology with the United Arab Emirates–the anti-American, anti-Israel confederation of Arab Muslim Gulf states, which helped the 9/11 hijackers and the Taliban.
I’ve expanded upon it in an article on page 9 of the January issue of “Outpost,” a publication of Americans for a Safe Israel. Please read it because, unfortunately, the Obama Administration is embracing this dumb Bush idea and moving it forward.
Also in that issue, there’s a great piece by Geert Wilders, the brave Dutch fighter against Islamic invasion and maker of the short movie, “Fitna.” He’s on target when he repeats what we’ve been saying on this site for years:

There is no moderate Islam, there will never be a moderate Islam.

In years past, I’ve said we should nominate the uber-oxymoron “moderate muslim” for the “List of Banished Words.”

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