February 17, 2009, - 3:18 pm

HA! At Least One Clinton Gets It (Temporarily)

By Debbie Schlussel
Too bad it’s the wrong Clinton.
With Barack Obama’s FBI and National Intelligence chiefs claiming that finance, not terrorism, is the number one national security problem facing America, it’s good to hear a Clinton get it.
Unfortunately, it’s not the Clinton working for Obama. And unfortunately, it’s the Clinton who’s taken gazillions from the countries and individuals that support Islamic terrorism. But you know what they say about a broken clock.

Former President Bill Clinton said Monday he thinks the country will surmount the current economic crisis, but sees the threat of terrorism and global instability as a longer-term problem.

If only, he was as concerned with terrorism when he was President. On the other hand, while he gave up opportunities to kill Bin Laden, Bush welcomed thousands of new Muslim legal aliens to America and made a special civil rights section of the Justice Department just to go after free speech of those commenting against Muslims.
Even worse, Obama is a bad combination of the worst of the two on this issue.

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February 17, 2009, - 2:13 pm

Photo of the Day: CAIR Honors Muslim Wife-Beheader

By Debbie Schlussel
Our “Religion of Peace” buds at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) always tell us that honor killings are not a Muslim thing. Oh, and that Islam is a peaceful religion and that American Muslims are moderate.
And just to make that point, they gave an award to Muslim Propanganda Cable TV Network, Bridges TV, founder, chief, and chief wife beheader Muzzammil Hassan of Buffalo, New York. You know those American Muslims. So much more moderate than Muslims in every other single place in the world.
Thanks to reader John for sending this splendid pictorial of American Muslim Moderation According to CAIR. (Yes, the award was given before the beheading. They’re not dumb.)


Then-National CAIR Chairman Parvez Ahmed Gives Wife Beheader Muzzammil Hassan Award

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February 17, 2009, - 1:53 pm

Illegal Alien Supporters Protest “Homeland Security”

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m no fan of reality TV shows. But as they go, ABC’s “Homeland Security USA” is the only useful one. I like it because it shows only a fraction of the illegal aliens–quite a few of them, Muslim and Arabic–who try to lie their way into America. (Though the show doesn’t tell you who these people are, but you can put two and two together when a belly dancer from Turkey tries to defraud her way in. She’s from the “Religion of Peace.”)
And apparently, America agrees. The show is doing relatively well in the ratings. The marketplace has spoken.
The show–which airs another episode at 8:00 p.m. Eastern tonight–also illustrates how much time and effort and how many chances to get in, thankless Customs and Border Protection inspectors must exhaust to keep out a single illegal alien. To me, that’s the only thing to get out of the show–that we must expend so much effort to keep out a single illegal alien (while tens of thousands try to get in), that we can only lose.


And I find it laughable and hilarious that illegal alien activists are protesting this show and trying to get ABC to dump it. Unlike most “reality” shows, this one isn’t scripted behind the scenes to create phony situations.
If anything it’s edited to understate the problems we face at our borders. The show only focuses on those who are kept out, but not on the many illegal aliens who get in not by sneaking, but just by coming to America’s ports, borders, and airports and being let in by Customs and Border Protection. And as such it gives an artificial sense of security–that we are tougher at the borders, when we actually are less tough than pre-9/11. And it doesn’t show the cornucopia of bureaucrats in the Department of Homeland Security who nix these agents at every step of the way and let many illegal aliens into the country.
But illegal alien activists can’t stand this bit of sunshine showing on ABC every week.
Gee I wonder why. The truth hurts.

Orange County residents on both sides of the illegal immigration debate will square off in front of ABC Disney studios in Burbank on Sunday, one group in protest and another in support of the network’s television program “Homeland Security USA.” . . .
Critics of the show . . . have called the series government propaganda, saying that it only portrays one side of a complex and controversial issue, especially regarding illegal immigration.
Tina Shull, a UCI graduate student, said she plans to be at the protest with at least 30 others – mostly students – because she said the show misrepresents what happens to illegal immigrants by demonizing them.
“They’re not some other class of human beings. They are family members. They are my husband,” she said.
Shull’s husband, an Albanian [DS probably Muslim] who came to the country illegally and unsuccessfully applied for asylum, was detained for three months before he was eventually deported.
She’s lived apart from him for a year and half, she said, adding that she isn’t the only person who has been affected by U.S. immigration policies.

Good, I hope she’s not the only one. If she were, we’d be in even worse shape than we already are.

“Because I’ve seen it first hand, there is a whole other layer of what DHS does that most of the general public doesn’t know about [DS: secret magic tricks and scientific experiments performed by aliens from outer space?] and the show perpetuates the stereotype,” she said.
Shull, who started a Facebook page slamming the show, got hundreds of comments just in the first days of its debut and circulated a petition that was sent to ABC executives.

Good luck.
The Latin American Herald-Tribune announces that “Hispanics Object” to the show. Really? That’s interesting ‘cuz many of the agents stopping illegal aliens on the show are Hispanic, themselves. Do they hate themselves?
I don’t think so. A better headline, “Illegal Aliens Object to Border Patrol Reality TV Show.”

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February 17, 2009, - 10:34 am

If Barack Obama Really Wanted to Help the American Economy & Small Businesses

By Debbie Schlussel
In early January, I wrote on this site about new anti-lead rules–a complete overreaction to the China lead crisis–which would require retailers, second-hand shops, and even garage and yard sale purveyors to spend between $400 and several thousand dollars to test products for lead.
Here’s an excerpt:

The regulations, passed under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act in August and set to go into effect Feb. 10, are aimed at eliminating lead-tainted products designed for children 12 and younger. They require all such products – clothes, toys and shoes – be tested for lead and phthalates, the chemicals used to make plastics pliable.


The main issue for retailers is the costly testing, which can run from about $400 for a small item to thousands of dollars for larger toys with multiple pieces, according to Kathleen McHugh, president of the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association.
Products not tested would be deemed hazardous whether they contain lead or not, under the wording of the law.

I predicted that it would completely hurt small business owners who can’t exactly afford more distress in this sick economy. Since then, I got e-mails from several small business owners about how they had to offer fire sales to get rid of items that might test positive for lead. They simply can’t afford the overbearing, costly tests.
Reader Reuven, a small business owner and Orthodox Jewish immigrant, who cannot believe this is happening in America, wrote:

I have not seen too much written on the new HR 4040 bill signed by President Bush in August ’07 (Consumer Product Safety Commission details here), and it is something that is having major effects in the juvenile product industry. I am glad to hear your take on this stupidity. As a small business owner I am facing ruin just as a result of this bill. The state of the economy is bad enough but this puts things over the edge.
The little guy is getting punished for the criminal (at worst) and mistaken (at best) actions of large corporations who are the ones now able to handle the requirements of this bill. There are so many businesses that are closing as a result of the cost of testing product that inherently does not have these safety issues, but testing is required to prove it.
Shocking that Pres Bush signed this and republicans went along with no amendments. But then what can we expect from gutless politicians and bureaucrats who have no foundation in the real world?
The wider issue is new clothing and, in my case, strollers and US toys that are made on a small scale but still require testing for every batch on every product. This is in addition to everything in inventory must be tested. The problem is also that they have painted a broad range of categories with one standard that does not make sense. In theory, would a mini van or school bus need to be tested as they are primarily designed for a child under 12? No, because they fall under NTSB guidelines but the principles are the same.
My business that was profitable and providing for my family (wife and 4 kids) and has 8 employees relying on me for their living is going to have to let most go or even shut down completely just from this bill. There was never an issue with strollers, and now small manufacturers are going to be closing their doors, next the small retailers and all the things that go with that.
The bill will prevent Americans from inventing or making something in their home to supplement their income and move up in life to chase the American dream. I am a legal resident from overseas and even I know that this is just un-American!
I think I may have to dump my inventory before the February date as I delve into the nitty gritty of the requirements! If you are in the market for a stroller. . . .
As the religious Jewish saying goes, “Think positive and it will be positive.”

Well, in this case, we needed more than positive thoughts. We needed leaders, and we didn’t have them . . . on either side of the aisle. Thank President Bush for signing this big government absurdity into law.
The law went into effect on Tuesday. And it’s forcing retailers who didn’t sell out certain toys and a lot of dirt bikes to store this inventory and take it off the market. It’s inventory people want to buy and sellers want to sell, but the government–big government is telling both they can’t.

It became illegal Tuesday to sell off-road machines geared for children younger than 12 because parts in them contain lead at levels greater than 600 parts per million. Most motor vehicles have such parts.
“I think they took this law a little too far,” said Margie Hicklin-Krsul, the owner of Redline Sports, a sports bike dealership in Butte. “I’ve never had anyone come in and say, ‘My child keeps putting parts of his motorcycle into his mouth.'”
About 100,000 of the bikes – popular for trails, zipping around backyards and racing on motocross tracks – sold last year for $1,500 or more, according to industry estimates. The ban, not yet permanent, is a blow to motocross racers of any age who want a small bike and now won’t be able to get new equipment or repair what they have.
Dealerships – where sales already were sputtering due to the recession – received notices over the last month that they must pull the bikes off showroom floors. Industry leaders say some 13,000 dealers are now stuck with $100 million worth of inventory that may end up worthless.
Congress tightened lead limits on children’s products last summer after a series of discoveries of dangerous lead levels in toys, and the rules took partial effect last week when a judge nixed a 12-month reprieve while the Consumer Products Safety Commission finalizes them.
The law won’t be enforced for a year, but retailers can no longer sell products that contain materials in question. And they may find once the rules are clarified that the inventory now filling their storage rooms is worthless. . . .
Renton Motorcycle Co. outside Seattle moved 169 dirt bikes and ATVs off its sales floor last Tuesday. After selling about 600 starter bikes and ATVs in 2008, the shop now may not be able to service them or accept them in trade for a bigger bike, said sales manager Mike Dunaway. . . .
Dealers have been warned that a single violation of the law carries a fine of $1,825 and penalties could run to $1.8 million with repeated offenses. . . .
“We’re going to park them in the back room and wait for the government to decide what to do,” said Wayne Gabbert, owner of Outdoor Motor Sports Inc. in Helena. “It’s another one of these good-government deals where they try to save everybody.”

Yeah, and ruin everybody.
If I were Barack Obama, I’d, TODAY (or actually, last week), issue an executive order halting the enforcement of this rule (the government has already put off until the summer enforcing the rule against second-hand retailers). It would enable businesses to take their toys and dirt-bikes out of storage and sell them before they go out of style or become anachronistic due to new styles and fads.
And he’d gain the support and appreciation of so many small business owners for reversing the horrible behavior on this from President Bush. If ever there was a time for the supposedly pro-business Bush to veto a bill, it was this statist law. He failed.
But I’m not Barack Obama. And he’s not a capitalist. And he hasn’t shown an iota of concern for saving America’s small businesses. Nor did the Democrats AND Republicans who helped make this law.
Don’t hold your breath for him to do away with these ridiculous anti-lead toy laws. They go overboard.
We’re from the government. And we’re here to help you.

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February 17, 2009, - 9:55 am

Neither Hope Nor Change: Obama Keeps Bush’s Failed Cybersecurity Chief, Considers Promoting Her

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s not just that most of his administration is a bad re-run of the Clintons. It’s that for the other positions Barack Obama is keeping some of the more incompetent, failed people and programs of the Bush Administration. For a guy who derided the last eight years, you gotta wonder why he so embraces some of the worst features of it.
And that includes Melissa Hathaway.
Last week, Barack Obama named Hathaway to conduct a two-month review of America’s cyberdefense policies and is considering elevating Hathaway to cabinet status–taking her out of the Department of Homeland Security, with her reporting directly to Obama.
But here’s the rub. Hathaway, 40, was Bush’s cybersecurity point man and policy advisor for the last two years. And she was a complete failure. During her tenure and top Bush cybersecurity chick, cybercrimes against federal computers soared 40% from 2,000 at the end of 2006 (Hathaway took over in March 2007) to 5,488 cyberattacks against government computers in 2008. And those are just the “major intrusions.” It doesn’t even include the many minor hacker attacks on federal data.


It’s ironic that just as the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) released date to the media on cyberattacks during the time Hathaway ran our “security” efforts, Barack Obama–the “smartest” man in the world, allegedly–isn’t even smart enough to read the handwriting on the wall about this completely inept “cyrbersecurity expert.”
Fail to prevent attacks on America, get a promotion. Hmmm . . . sounds just like the entire FBI and CIA in the post-9/11 Bush Administration.
Also ironic, Obama assigned Hathaway to review President Bush’s cyberdefense policies and their effectiveness. You know–the policies Melissa Hathaway put into place. Do you get to do your own job performance review? Didn’t think so. But apparently they do in the O-ministration.
Hathaway, by the way, had a $30 billion budget to prevent cyberattacks, and–judging by its complete failure–it was a waste of your tax dollars.
For a guy who is telling failed Wall Street CEOs their pay must be limited, why is Barack Obama giving a promotion to a woman who wasted $30 billion in taxpayer money? More “Do as I say, not as I do” Obamanations.
Clearly, this woman is a complete failure. So why is Obama keeping Melissa Hathaway, and even promoting her?
Don’t ask me. Ask Mr. Hope and Change. I’m sure he’ll be able to come up with enough fertilizer to make some kind of answer grow out of it.
For now, he’s saying he chose her because she “spent two years at the epicenter of Bush’s cyberefforts.”
Yeah, two years of failure. And now we can have four to eight more years of that when we can ill afford to.
If your social security number or tax info “accidentally” gets accessed by hackers, you’ll know who to blame.
Not just Melissa Hathaway. But the guy who kept her on the job and promoted her.
Graph Shows Failure of Obama Cybersecurity Chief; Now She Gets to Evaluate Herself . . .

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February 16, 2009, - 2:03 pm

Tennis v. The Jews: No Tears Over Israeli Tennis Star’s Lack Of Golden Tix to Islamic Minstrel Show

By Debbie Schlussel
A number of readers, knowing I’ve followed the pandering tennis career of Israeli Jewish tennis player Shahar Pe’er (also spelled without the apostrophe, as “Shahar Peer”), have written me about Dubai’s decision to deny this woman a visa to play in the Dubai Tennis Championship.
But I don’t shed any tears for Shahar Pe’er, for a number of reasons.
First of all, Dubai and the rest of the United Emirates have, for decades, refused entry to Jews with Israeli passports and anyone (who isn’t a Muslim) with an Israeli stamp on his/her passport.


Shahar Pe’er: Jewish Minstrel Show Participant @ Qatar Open


Tennis Judenrein Continues

That the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA)–now, apparently, the Eva Brauns of the court–and that Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) subscribe to this tennis apartheid–which I’ve decried on this site for a number of years–is an outrage in and of itself. The WTA refused to host and/or sanction tennis tournaments in South Africa for many years, in opposition to apartheid. Why haven’t they done the same thing in Dubai? They (WTA officials) know the visa policy there, and they don’t care. This isn’t the first time Pe’er couldn’t play in the Dubai. And now, suddenly, the tennis world is shocked–shocked!–that the policy it endorsed (overlooking Dubai’s bigoted Israeli boycott) is suddenly blowing up in its face.
It’s happened before, and I’ve written about it. And where are all the tennis pros who decry anti-Semitism and the anti-Israel boycott? Where are they, and why isn’t a single tennis pro speaking out and/or refusing to play? Judenrein in the tennis world is very acceptable.
But then there’s the fact that Ms. Pe’er played in the Qatar Open. Had she gotten a visa to play in the Dubai tournament, it would be the same thing: An Islamic Minstrel Show. “Look at the little Jew we allowed to play here, so we’d look good to the world, while we continue to boycott all of her Jewish countrymen.” Whether or not these Gulf States grant visas to these Jewish Israeli tennis players makes no difference because it is just for show, since they won’t let any other Jews from Israel in. Until that changes, nothing has changed.
And then, there’s Ms. Pe’er. As I’ve noted before, she’s a willing minstrel in the Islamic minstrel show. Her doubles partner, Indian Muslim Sana Mirza, dumped her from a match in her native India because she didn’t want to upset Muslims that she was playing with a Jew. And Pe’er took it. She continues to befriend and play doubles with this person. Like I said, Judenrein is acceptable . . . even to Israeli Jewish tennis players.
Pe’er also didn’t have a problem playing in the Qatar Open, even though she knew she was a Jewish minstrel, on display for Qatar’s Olympic bid, and even though her fellow Jewish countrymen aren’t allowed in. Qatar put pictures of Pe’er in its native dress in USA Today and every other willing media outlet. Look at the Jew. We allowed her to set foot on our soil for our Olympic bid.
And there are other ways this tennis kapo displayed that she’s not a proud Jew or a proud Israeli. When Pe’er recently played a tournament in New Zealand, she declined to defend Israel’s defense against HAMAS. (At least she joined the Israeli Army, as is required of all Israelis, but she received “outstanding athlete status,” so she basically played tennis instead of serving and got away with it.)
And now? Shahar Pe’er remains silent, not a word to raise the ire of the world that she dare protest the “no Jewish Israelis” policy of this shameless country that aided and abetted the 9/11 hijackers and continued to recognize the Taliban through December of 2001.
This Pe’er woman is a selfish slave to her career. She has no allegiance to her country or her people.
And that’s why I cry no tears over Shahar Pe’er. She continues to make a lot of money in sponsorships and prize money as 48th in the world. And she puts up with the anti-Semitic policies of tennis tournaments her organization sanctions, never once embarrassing the tennis world into doing the right thing. Instead, she consistently enables jihadists for the sake of a tennis paycheck.
No tears over Dubai’s decision to deny spoiled brat diva Shahar Pe’er a Golden Ticket to the Islamic minstrel show.
It’s no shanda [Yiddish for embarrassment, scandal, shame] that there will be no Shahar in Dubai.
The scandal is that everyone just noticed they boycott Israel.

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February 16, 2009, - 12:37 pm

Aaron Klein Watch: WND/ Aaron Klein Rip Me Off . . . AGAIN, Regurgitate Schlussel Column

By Debbie Schlussel
For like the gazillionth time, inept plagiarist Aaron Klein–the lazy fraud from World Nut Daily–again ripped me off today. I’ve told you about past instances, in which he repeated my entire column almost word for word, with his byline, and in which he ripped off my work for “his” book.
On Friday, I published a “Myths & Facts” column debunking the claim circulating around the internet–and repeated by such ignoramuses as Brigitte Tudor a/k/a Brigitte Gabriel–that Barack Obama gave $20.3 million to bring Palestinians and HAMAS terrorists to America. As I noted, the money is UNRWA money.
Well, guess who ripped me off . . . AGAIN, because he can’t come up with his own stuff? Aaron Klein and World Nut Daily, which, yesterday, repeated my column and add a few extra quotes. What the heck would they do without me? They’re simply shameless in their stealing. And I hope you won’t support these thieves.



Aaron Klein: WND’s Talentless Hack is Serial Plagiarist

The false rumors about the Obama funding have been going around for weeks. And Aaron Klein didn’t know any better, nor did he bother to look into it. But, suddenly, once I wrote debunking this myth, the ganif [Yiddish for “thief”] Klein–who constantly lurks on this site for new material and ideas to steal–took note and repeated, without credit as usual, what I wrote. Incredibly–as he did the last time he ripped me off–the ganif Klein marks this a “WorldNetDaily Exclusive.” Hilarious. I report it on Friday. He steals it and regurgitates it on Sunday, and suddenly this is an “exclusive”?!
As I’ve noted in the past, Aaron Klein constantly sports a yarmulke (the skullcap worn by religious Jews) and claims he’s an Orthodox Jew in marketing himself and “his” work, er . . . rip-offs. But he’s not a religious Jew and e-mailed me on the Jewish Sabbath, which he admits. And even if that were not the case, the guy can’t even abide by the Ten Commandments, like that tiny detail about “Thou Shalt Not Steal.”
And he’s a liar. Aaron Klein had to apologize and retract a story he made up, claiming that FOX News paid ransom to Palestinian terrorists for FOX News personnel’s release. It never happened. He simply fabricated it and got caught.
As I’ve also noted in the past, Aaron even ripped off this site for his crappy book, in which he not only ripped off my column on Richard Gere and his work with terrorists, but he got it wrong. When you don’t do your own work, you don’t know what you’re talking about. This guy is a congenital thief who needs help. But Joseph Farah, the equally unethical editor and owner of WND, condones this kind of rip-off. So much for his claims to being a born-again Christian. He asked me to come back to his black helicopter site, but I wouldn’t. So, I guess ripping me off is the next best thing. So much for his claim to being a born-again Christian. They’re supposed to believe in the Ten Commandment part about not stealing, too.
There’s nothing you can believe about this hypocrite, including and especially his byline. He has no original ideas–he’s stolen yet another from this site today–and anything he writes is either ripped off from a website, like mine, or from Israeli newspapers. Israelis laugh at him, as do many of the Muslims in Gaza he claims to have interviewed who never heard of the guy. Much of his work–if it isn’t ripped off from others–is fabricated. Don’t believe a thing you read by this guy. Jayson Blair had nothing on him.
World Repeat Daily, starring Aaron the Plagiarist Klein.

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February 16, 2009, - 12:27 pm

VIDEO: Your Day in American “High Culture”

By Debbie Schlussel
Yet again, the NBA–at this weekend’s All-Star game–contributes to the high-brow in American culture. I guess we should be happy that this crummy strip-tease act includes no 4-letter words nor pimps and hos. In case you were wondering, this group of “dancers” calls themselves the Jabbawockeez and with Shaq, they’re called the Shaqawockeez. I guess I should have called this, “Your Day in Ebonics on Parade.” What’s that sound I hear? The worms rustling as Marcel Marceau turns over in his grave.

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February 16, 2009, - 11:19 am

Presidents Day, Bribing Kids Into “Yes We Can” Edition; AP Tells Us That Obama Does “Wonders For Kids”

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember the Obama campaign videos of kids teaching other kids to blackmail their parents and grandparents into voting for Obama? Remember JINO-AINO (Jew In Name Only-American In Name Only) Sarah Silverman’s vile video in which–in between F-words–she told kids to extort Obama votes from their grandparents by threatening not to visit?
Well, the campaign continues and so does the bribery and extortion. In honor of Presidents Day, the National Education Association a/k/a Crappy Teachers Eternal Job Security Club and kidthing.com held a contest for kids to see who could spout the most Marxist pro-Obama garbage. Winners of the letters and drawings contest are featured in a free e-book released today. Hmmm . . . who knew a new version of Das Kapital for Das Kids was being released today?


Contest Winner Aaron Van Blerkom, Age 7

Asks President Obama to Make it Rain Candy

Kids in schools all over America were forced to participate in this ridiculous Konsomol Youth (the kids part of the Soviet Communist Party) style promotion. Kids who won predictably asked President Obama to end war forever, make the planet greener, and–my personal favorite, but equally as plausible–“Make it rain candy!” (I think the stimulus bill does that, at the cost of a gazillion dollars.) And then there’s the kid version of Rodney King . . .

Anthony Pape, 10, of DuBois, Pa., offered: “I hope that we will have no war ever again. I mean why are we fighting why can’t we all be friends.”
Fellow 10-year-old Sasha Townsend of Soquel, Calif., had a similar request, and then some.



“I would appreciate it if you would try to make this a greener planet and try to bring home the troops and end the war,” the fifth-grader wrote. “I am very luckey [sic] because I am not part of a military family, but it saddens me to hear about all the people who die in Iraque [sic]and know that somewhere In the world people are greiving [sic]over a lost family member.”

Hmmm . . . I think we just found the new Miss Teen South Carolina.

Seven-year-old Aaron Van Blerkom’s letter was simpler – but no less problematic.
“Dear Mr. Obama,” the Pasadena, Calif., first-grader began, “Please Make it rain candy!”
The “Dear Mr. President” project was a joint effort between the National Education Association and kidthing.com, which is putting out the book for use with its downloadable media player. A special hardcopy edition of the book will be sent to the White House for Obama, who has done wonders to bring the office of the presidency to life for young people.

HUH? Did Associated Press just preach Obama campaign BS as fact? Obama has done wonders? Ronald Reagan didn’t do wonders to bring the office of the Presidency to life for young people? Um, as someone who was a kid during that time, I beg to differ about who did wonders when and for whom.
It gets worse:

Lawrence Hitchcock, chief executive officer of the Web site, said more than 4,500 letters were considered. . . . “There were Latino kids saying, ‘Please change the immigration laws so my dad can come back from Mexico.’ This is a profound snapshot of a social narrative of young kids during an important moment in history. It really kind of stunned us what came in through the front door.”

Uh, no. It’s a not-so-profound regurgitation of hackneyed far-leftism from some young kids carefully chosen by lefties who run the NEA and wish to perpetuate themselves and their agenda.

Another of the winners, 12-year-old Destiny McLaurin, a sixth-grader from Medford, N.Y., had friendship on her mind. . . .
“I feel very proud because I know he’ll be able to make a change in the country and we’ll be a lot more happier,” Destiny said. “I think he should make people feel more welcome, people who don’t really get along with other people.”
Aaron’s wish is a little more specific. If Obama makes candy drop from the sky, he’s hoping for his favorite: candy canes! And if the president showed up at his school, he’d have these requests:
“Make fires and earthquakes not exist. Make no tornadoes or any of those things that break things.”
An 11-year-old boy from Ohio drew himself in tears at the side of a relative. His dream, he wrote, is that a “cure for cancer will be found” with Obama in the White House. . . .
Another child drew Obama as the “new sunrise of America.” One made Earth and labeled it “Obamaland,” and still another created the president’s face as half dark and half light skin tones with the words: “United We Are One.”

No better time to quote Moon Unit Zappa from her ’80s hit: Gag me with a spoon.
Of course, if your kid said, “Dear President Obama, Please don’t tax my mommy and daddy out of a job,” or, “Please don’t make nice with bad people like Mr. Ahmadinejad who said my great-grandparents really didn’t die in an oven and who wants to kill me and my family,” you can bet he or she didn’t win. Life is tough that way. If you don’t spout the orthodox party line of the “popular kids” in the White House, fuhgedaboutit.

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February 16, 2009, - 8:50 am

Good News: Obama Already Stimulated New Employment for Deserving (Knee-Clubbing) American

By Debbie Schlussel
Who says Barack Obama isn’t stimulating new jobs for Americans?
While hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their jobs since Obama took office, there’s good news. He’s stimulated employment for at least one American.
And she credits her new opportunities directly to the new President.

In HBO’s latest Real Sports episode, debuting Tuesday, disgraced figure skater Tonya Harding responds to then-candidate Barack Obama saying he wouldn’t “do a Tonya Harding” on opponents. She says it helped her get work – she does paid appearances – “because people forget who Tonya Harding is.”


Ms. Harding is charging $10 per autograph, these days. In this economy, who the heck is paying her ten bucks for her signature? Who the heck paid that when times were better?
And, hey, she’s also a commentator on Tru TV’s Dumbest Criminals shows. Hmmm . . . .
Now, if only Barack Obama could create jobs for the millions of Americans who didn’t hire someone to club the kneecaps of their competition. And if only he could do it as economically (versus the gazillion dollar do-nothing stimulus bill) as he did with the former champion ice skater. You see, you can create new jobs without massive spending.
Well, two jobs. As we know, Obama also stimulated new employment for the Tonya Harding of politics, too.

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