February 19, 2009, - 1:20 pm

Federal Judge Who Freed Qaeda Terrorists, Is Witness @ Federal Trial, Makes Another Improper Move

By Debbie Schlussel
Longtime readers of this site are familiar with the case of Richard Convertino, a former federal prosecutor who convicted Al-Qaeda terrorists, and Judge Gerald Rosen, a Napoleonic federal judge who worked behind the scenes to overturn this conviction in his court. In the past, I’ve written about the events in the New York Post.
New readers can catch up here, here, here, and here, among many other posts I’ve written on this matter. But here’s the Debbie’s Notes version:


Unethical Federal Judge Gerald Rosen Freed Terrorists, Including Karim Koubrit

Convertino, a then-Assistant U.S. Attorney and rising star, was opposed every step of the way by Justice Department officials, as he prosecuted Al-Qaeda terrorists who plotted to blow up a U.S. Air Force Base in Incirlik, Turkey (which the U.S. and Israel used as a take-off base for their respective AWACS and F-16 aircraft) and various U.S. sites, including Vegas’ Luxor hotel and Disneyland. Wit all the odds against him, Convertino got convictions against the terrorists. But jealous, publicity-seeking and politically correct superiors who were in bed with the Islamic organization that gave these terrorists job-training, worked to get the convictions overturned.
They had a willing participant in Judge Rosen, who improperly and unethically leaked information about the case before him to Detroit Newsistan reporter (and fabricator) David Shepardson, and who went on ex-parte fact-finding missions, etc.–all of which are improper and unethical behavior for a federal judge.
As part of their plan to overturn Convertino’s conviction of Islamic terrorists, the feds went after Convertino and ultimately indicted him over trumped-up charges. After a month-long trial, a federal jury acquitted Convertino in less than 45-minutes. One of the Al-Qaeda terrorists, Karim Koubriti, now has a Commercial Driver’s License, drives a truck carrying who knows what, and is suing Convertino.
Now, Convertino is suing the federal government over all of this, and at the center of it is Detroit Free Press reporter David Ashenfelter who refuses to disclose the sources of information that was illegally and criminally leaked to him. The sources are believed to include Judge Rosen and Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathon Tukel. While the case was before him, Rosen improperly discussed the case before him to several reporters, including an AP reporter, a U.S. News & World Report reporter, reporters from both Detroit major papers, and with me (my discussion with him was on the record, which is why I’m disclosing it here).
Full disclosure: These Detroit Free Press also leaked and outed the name of a Muslim informant to the Justice Department, whom I represented (in an unrelated, different matter). That informant, thereafter, had to leave the country and had several attempts on his life.
The lilliputian Judge Rosen’s behavior, during the initial terrorism trial and its aftermath, was such an outrage that some of it may have constituted federal crimes, including the Privacy Act, which prevents the disclosure of private information. Rosen now has an attorney and is trying to avoid being deposed and required to testify in federal court for Convertino’s lawsuit. You have to scratch your head when a sitting Federal Judge–now the Presiding Judge of U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan–has an attorney and may be guilty of committing federal crimes. (For the curious, the liberal Rosen was appointed by George H.W. Bush.)
Tonight, Judge Rosen–again, a subpoenaed witness in a federal trial and the Chief Judge of a Federal Court in which a contempt motion in a lawsuit over this matter is pending–will be a participant in a forum put on by the liberal media to defend Free Press reporter Ashenfelter’s right to shield federal employees who broke the law, helped free Al-Qaeda terrorists who planned to attack America, savaged an innocent man’s reputation, and outed a Muslim federal informant, spurring attempts on his life.
Another participant in the event is David Ashenfelter’s lawyer, Herschel Fink (who is a personal friend and a great lawyer, but on this case we completely disagree). The only person in the Convertino case not invited to this one-sided forum is Stephen Kohn, Richard Convertino’s lawyer.
It is highly questionable and completely improper for Judge Rosen to be participating in this event. But, as I’ve detailed on this site, the short, nasty, and brutish Judge has a history of violating all respected and required canons of judicial behavior.
Since Judge Rosen is repeatedly trying to avoid testifying in the Convertino lawsuit, one wonders why he’s now deigned–in this completely improper forum–to open his big mouth and let loose. Surely, if his position is that he has no testimoney to offer that is material to the case, then he would have no place in tonight’s forum.
And if he does have something relevant to say, it’s improper for him to be saying it at The Detroit Newsistan and Free Press offices. The proper forum for him in which to testify is a federal court, where he and his lawyer will probably plead the Fifth Amendment.
On the other hand, since, for years, Judge Rosen has been illegally and unethically leaking information about a federal terrorism trial before him to Detroit Newsistan and Free Press reporters, at least now, he’s finally being open about it.
One other thing about Judge Rosen that I reported previously. He covered up that two criminal defense attorneys representing the Al-Qaeda terrorists in his courtroom stole stationery of another federal judge and impersonated him on his stationery to third parties. And it’s not the first time he’s done this. As I also reported:

Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm (former Michigan Attorney General), when she was Assistant U.S. Attorney, stole official stationery of terror trial Judge Gerald Rosen, forging his signature on a letter.

Rosen knew about this, but refused to turn the matter over to federal authorities, so that Granholm could be prosecuted for the crimes she committed (theft, forgery, impersonating a federal official, etc.). Instead, Rosen covered up the crime, and by doing so, may have committed a crime, himself. Should Barack Obama choose to nominate Ms. Granholm to the U.S. Supreme Court as has been rumored–or some other position needing confirmation–Judge Rosen could be, again, called to testify.
And I’m sure he’ll have his lawyer in tow.

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February 19, 2009, - 12:17 pm

More Tennis World Apartheid: Israeli Gets Visa to Dubai Islamic Minstrel Show; Israel to Play Empty Arena Davis Cup; UPDATE: Letter From Swedish Reader

By Debbie Schlussel
While the women’s portion of Dubai Tennis Championships continues to go on minus those undesirable Jewesses, there’s more similar behavior afoot in the pro tennis world.
Israeli Andy Ram has gotten news that he will, indeed, get a visa to play doubles in Dubai in next week’s mens portion of the same tournament. But, as I’ve noted before, even if he gets a visa to play, so what? That doesn’t change the fact that no other Jewish Israelis can enter the country and that Dubai continues to boycott Israel, along with dozens of other Muslim states. This is an Islamic minstrel show. See. Look at the Jew. We let him play. (I can imagine this being said in the voice of “Family Guy”‘s Stewie Griffin.)
And we know why Dubai will give Ram the visa. They don’t like the bad publicity they’ve gotten this week, publicity that will all die down by next week, after which their “No Jewish Israelis Allowed” policy will remain in place and unquestioned.


Israeli Doubles Player Andy Ram


Then, there’s the Davis Cup, next month. Organizers say that Sweden and Israel will play each other in their first-round Davis Cup matches to an empty arena, March 6-8, because of security concerns. The matches take place in Malmo, Sweden, which has already been the site of anti-Semitic violence on a Jewish synagogue–it was firebombed!–and where anti-Semitic, anti-Israel demonstrations are planned during the matches.
The Swedes said they couldn’t provide adequate security at the event. And I’m betting they got word or suspect that one of their many “moderate Muslim” residents was going to execute a terrorist attack. They don’t cancel these things or exclude audiences over nothing. Europe is now at the whim at will of the wildings of Islam. Not a clash of civilizations. A loss of civilization. Because Sweden and these other countries let these savages invade their countries. Now, they are reaping the rewards.

Davis Cup

Yup, the Nazis of Europe have been reborn from their sleep. And they are called . . . Muslims. Religion of Peace, baby!
**** UPDATE: Here is a letter I got from Swedish expat reader Carl after the bombing of the Helsingborg Synagogue near Malmo Sweden, in January. He writes about what wimps and cowards Swedish law enforcement authorities are, just like with the Davis Cup:

Dear Ms. Schlussel,
About a fortnight ago I wrote to you regarding the onslaught of the Religion of Peace in the city of my birth, Malmo. I did not then anticipate that I should feel impelled to write to you again as soon as today, but I read your reporting on the attack on the synagogue in Helsingborg and I thought I should furnish you with some more information.
It turns out that the attack that occurred on Monday evening (local time) was the second time in about 72 hours that the synagogue came under threat from fire. On Friday evening, a mysterious incident occurred which the authorities would like to classify as something, though hardly fire from natural causes but, being arson or “equally possible” a misdirected new year’s rocket. Yes, the probabilities are very interesting.
Incidentally, it is interesting to note that in Swedish media the building (The von Platen House at Springpostgranden) is referred to as the Jewish congregation’s premises and the word synagogue is all but absent. I cannot believe this to be a coincidence but rather a deliberate attempt to downplay the importance of the building as a place of worship. Equally interesting to note is Swedish media’s quickly vanishing interest in the event(s). I suppose the editors don‚Äôt want to place themselves in a position where they might have to publicly ask the Swedish authorities why a certain group of people should be exempt from prosecution of a so-called hate crime.
I apologize for the fact that you should have to report on such atrocious events in my native country. It is my hope that you will believe me when I say that not too long ago events such as these would have been unthinkable in Sweden. Indeed, even more unthinkable would have been the cowardly response from Swedish authorities now on display.

Here’s another e-mail I got from Swede Carl regarding the “Religion of Peace” takeover of his country, which is the cause of next months empty Davis Cup matches involving Israel:

Dear Ms. Schlussel,
As a Swedish expatriate in the United States and well aware of your country’s problems with immigrant assimilation I should like to share with you what has just happened in the city of my birth, Malmo, once very beautiful and known as the City of Parks. The religion of peace has come to spread its message.
Swedish City Hit By Youth Riots [DS: Yeah, “Youths” (euphemism). Uh-huh.]
The first link is a brief narrative by the BBC and the second link is a pictorial narrative by the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

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February 18, 2009, - 6:36 pm

Stuff I Really Like: The Sharon Persimmon

By Debbie Schlussel
My favorite fruit is the persimmon, the orange-colored sweet fruit that tastes like heaven if it’s just ripe.
And, as a persimmon afficionado, I can tell you that the best-tasting persimmon there is comes from Israel’s Sharon Valley–“Emek HaSharon,” in Hebrew. You won’t taste a better persimmon, and they are in the U.S., right now. Sharon [pronounced, “Shah-Rone”] Valley persimmons are far superior in taste and other qualities to both the Hachiya and Fuyu varieties of persimmons. They’re also known as the “Sharon fruit.”
And the benefit is that they taste ripe and sweet even when they are hard. You don’t have to wait for them to soften or discolor. Sharon Valley persimmons also have no core, so you can eat the whole thing but the leaves. Persimmons are a high-fiber fruit. And they taste like candy. Very healthy and filling, and your kids will love it.



Sharon Valley Persimmons

A study from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry compared apples and persimmons. Persimmons, it was concluded, had more fiber, minerals and polyphenols and could be better for your heart than the apple.

And if you live in a relatively sized American city, chances are that you can find the Sharon Valley persimmon. We’re right smackdab in the middle of Sharon Valley persimmon season. And a ton of them have been shipped to the U.S. over the last month. Persimmons–at least where I live–used to be considered exotic, but now they’re far easier to obtain.
They’re an inexpensive, tasty, and healthy delicacy.
But the season for these fruits is a short one–it runs from December through March. Try some before they’re gone. You’ll thank me.
Read more about Sharon Valley Persimmons.
Here’s a great alcohol-optional Sharon Valley persimmon smoothie recipe, courtesy of Joel A. Moskowitz, MD and Arlene Moskowitz and the San Diego Jewish Press Heritage:

For this you will require 2 cups diced Sharon fruit, 1/3 cup of sugar, 1 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup Sabra liqueur, 1 cup ice cubes and, frozen in an ice cube tray, 1/2 cup evaporated milk.
Drop the frozen evaporated milk ice cubes into a blender. Add the Sabra, yogurt, Sharon fruit, sugar and ice cubes. Blend (high) till slushy. Should take about two minutes. Pour into glasses and garnish with extra fruit.
Serves five or six.

I also love dried persimmons (which are largely made from California persimmons). They’re a great snack, and they used to carry these at Trader Joe’s. But as with everything I like at that store, they discontinued them (the Schlussel-Trader Joe curse). If you know of a great, inexpensive outlet for dried persimmons, please let me know.

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February 18, 2009, - 5:15 pm

Whoa: Woman Caught on Video Poisoning Baby Food @ Mkt

By Debbie Schlussel
This woman was once charged with stabbing her boyfriend, but somehow she got away with it and found a new way of attempted murder and a younger set of targets.
Baby Food Poison . . . the new sexy scent by Victoria’s Secret.

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February 18, 2009, - 2:02 pm

Dubai Tennis Judenrein Update: WSJ Dumps Sponsorship, Most Others Don’t; Williams Sisters Participate in Anti-Semitism; TIME Mag Blames Israel, Israeli Elections’ “Extremism”

By Debbie Schlussel
The good thing about the current, sudden, selective outrage over Dubai’s anti-Semitic visa policy–because it barred player Shahar Pe’er from playing in the Dubai Tennis Classic–is that we learn who stands for what.
The Wall Street Journal dumped its sponsorship of the tournament. But, as I’ve repeatedly noted, this isn’t the first time Pe’er was excluded from the country for the annual Dubai tourney, nor is it a new concept that Dubai and the rest of the United Arab Emirates boycott Israel and Jewish Israelis. Where was the Wall Street Journal all of those other years? Why, it was promoting Dubai as a travel and vacation destination, even recommending to readers that they participate in marathons there.


Tennis Apartheid Has Very Few Defections

Glad the Journal finally “discovered America” and the real Dubai. Congrats for that. But what took so long? Still there are many other companies that won’t do a thing and continue to sponsor this Judenrein Tennis Tournament:

The Journal Europe also plans to pull a special tennis-themed advertising section scheduled for Monday and is withdrawing its sponsorship of a related men’s tennis tournament beginning next week in Dubai.
The newspaper — which like the U.S. Journal is published by News Corp. — is among more than a dozen sponsors of the annual Dubai event, which started Sunday, including Barclays PLC, Rolex, Sony Ericsson and Washington Post Co.’s Newsweek.
Sony Ericsson, a joint venture of Sony Corp. and Sweden’s Telefon AB L.M. Ericsson, said it stood by the women’s tennis organizing body, the WTA Tour, of which it is the title sponsor. The WTA Tour said it is “deeply disappointed” in the decision and warned that it may not continue to hold the tournament in Dubai. Newsweek declined to comment, and Rolex didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Barclays, the Dubai tournament’s title sponsor, said the bank’s sponsorship deal “does not allow us to interfere
with any actions or decisions that have to do with the tournament itself, or the players, or the regulations of the host country.” . . .
The Tennis Channel, which owns the U.S. broadcast rights to the tournament, said it won’t televise the event.

Then, there are the Williams sisters, Venus and Serena. Can you imagine if a country hosting a tennis tournment wouldn’t grant visas to Black players? Can you imagine if the country would grant visas to a select few Black players for the purpose of a tennis tournament, but wouldn’t allow any other Blacks into the country?


Venus and Serena Williams: Partners and Participants in Tennis Apartheid

The tournament would have been canceled long ago. And no players–including the Williams sisters–would be playing.
But, instead, the Women’s Tennis Association, allowed the tournament to go on, and Venus and Serena Williams both played and advanced. This is nothing new since tennis players continue to play in these Gulf state tournaments year in and year out, regardless of the host countries’ Judenrein policies.
Remember 1988–when the U.N. put tennis pro Boris Becker on a list of boycotted athletes because he once played in South Africa and despite the fact the said he’d never play there again?
No such anger and outrage when it’s the Jews. To paraphrase Martin Niemoller:
First, they boycotted the Jewish Israelis. But I wasn’t a Jewish Israeli Tennis Player.
And finally, there’s the media coverage. Do you wonder why SLIME, er . . . TIME Magazine is almost outta biz? I don’t. It’s not just the internet. It’s that people are tired of the same stale, old left-wing and anti-Israel garbage. That’s what TIME (and Newsweek–a sponsor of the Dubai tournament) are.
TIME’s “coverage” of the Dubai-Shahar Peer matter should be labeled “commentary.” It blames this decades old Arab state boycott of Israel–which has been in place and enforced since Israel became an officially-recognized country in 1948–on Israelis choosing “right wing extremists” in the recent Israeli elections and the brief Gaza War. TIME calls it:
petty tit-for-tat retributions that have been as much a part of the 60-year old Arab-Israeli conflict.
Really? Name the war in which Israel attacked Dubai . . . or any of the Gulf states. For which action–which “tat”–is Dubai responding? Funny, I don’t recall the Six-Minute War when Israel handily defeated surrounding armies of fat sheikhs and their inbred Emirati families from the nations of the U.A.E.
And I never heard of the Rosh HaShanah War in which Israel dropped grass-killing compounds on the golf courses and cacti of Dubai. I didn’t even know they allowed hijackers to use Israeli banks and fake Israeli IDs so they could fly planes into the Burj Al-Arab Hotel skyscraper to murder 3,000 Dubaians and other Emiratis. Oh, wait–I’m sorry. That was Dubai which helped hijackers fly planes into American buildings. I suppose Israel committed that “tat,” too, for which it deserves this–pardon the double entendre (TIME’s word choice, not mine)–“tit.”
Reality check: Again, the Arab boycott of Israel has existed as long as the modern State of Israel has. It wasn’t a tit in response to a tat. It was Jew-hatred and Judenrein. Period.
Then, there’s TIME’s claim about Israeli elections being the “cause”–and therefore, in TIME’s HAMAS-green eyes–the legitimation of this Jew-boycott from a tennis tourney.

With Israeli politics shifting to the right since the Gaza incursion, the Jewish state may find itself even more isolated within the region. One sign of how badly the peace process has gone off track is the rise of Avigdor Lieberman, the leader of the far-right party Yisrael Beiteinu (“Israel is Our Home”) who has called for Israeli Arabs to take loyalty oaths or have their citizenship revoked.

And in a country where its Muslim population routinely blows up teen Jewish boys in Bible study, Jews at restaurants, etc., this is a “bad idea” because . . .? Jews can’t even get into Dubai, but Israel is the “extremist” for asking its Muslim citizens to promise to stop the killings? Hello . . .? Have we all forgotten that just a year ago a boy’s yeshiva was attacked by an Israeli Arab worker who shot and killed 10 kids and seriously wounded several others?

If politicians like Lieberman start gaining a larger platform for their extremist views, Israeli passports may become even more radioactive.

Ah. Israel, which has democratic elections–unlike any U.A.E. country, all of which are run by dictatorial royalty which lives most of the time in Switzerland–is the “extremist.” Israel, which allows Arabs–Arab Muslims–to be citizens with full voting rights is the “extremist.” Not the Emirates, none of which (including Dubai) allow any foreigners to ever become citizens and/or vote, and which has a huge population of mostly Muslim slave labor from other countries. And that’s not to mention the Muslim boys from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh the country traffics in sex slaves.
As for Avigdor Lieberman, he ran in a free election and came in third (they’re upset about who came in third?) on legitimate Israeli security concerns of a growing enemy of mass murderers within. In Dubai, they don’t have free elections. Yet they have the real extremists (unlike Lieberman) who rule by dictatorial fiat and would instantly beat to death and/or behead anyone who threatened their population.
That’s in addition to the Holocaust-denying, 9/11 truther speakers that Dubai has been sending around the world and whose books its been publishing. And the fact that Dubai recognized the Taliban even through December 2001, while it blew off FBI 9/11 investigators looking into the help Dubai gave the terrorists.
Yeah, let’s not focus on that piddly stuff about Dubai and attack Israel for its election choices, as an excuse to practice Hitler-esque anti-Semitism.
It’s okay, though. Bad habits are tough to break. And TIME Magazine, which is hemorrhaging readers, has been anti-Israel from time immemorial. If it’s broke, don’t fix it. That’s their attitude. And it’s why in five years or less, it will probably only exist as an also-ran website.
And by the way, TIME’s distorter, er . . . “reporter” is Andrew Lee Butters, who is stationed in Beirut. Yeah, I’m sure he’s real objective.

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February 18, 2009, - 1:17 pm

Big Government, Animal Rights Great for Deadly Snakes

By Debbie Schlussel
India’s snake charmers have felt the weight of big government regulations and animal rights overkill for almost two decades. It’s taken away their livelihood, and they’re not happy. But they’ve been put to the side in the name of defending against that pandemic of . . . “snake abuse”?!:

Nearly 1,000 snake charmers held a protest in eastern India Tuesday, playing their flutes as they marched through the streets demanding the right to perform with live snakes.
Shows featuring cobras and other live snakes have been banned in India since 1991 though they are still a common sight, especially in tourist areas and in small villages.


There are about 800,000 snake charmers still in India, according to the Snake Charmers Federation of India.
The technique – playing a flute to charm the animal out of a basket – is often handed down from father to son and charmers say their traditional way of life is threatened by the Wildlife Protection Act passed eight years ago.
Raktim Das, general secretary of the charmers federation, told reporters on the sidelines of the protest in Calcutta that the government should make the traditional performances legal again.
And it should set up serum farms where charmers could use their expertise in handling snakes to extract venom for medical use, he added.
Animal rights activists say that snake charming is a cruel practice because the animals sometimes have their mouths sewn shut, fangs removed or venom glands pierced to protect their handlers.
Snakes are deaf and their “dancing” movement is a self-defense response to vibrations they perceive as threatening.
Shakti Banerjee, director of the Wildlife Protection Society of India, said the ban should be upheld because it has been effective in curbing abuse of snakes.

Well, maybe, instead, they can start charming Sean Vannity, Aaron Klein, Joseph Farah, and the Democrats in Congress. No one will ever know the difference.

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February 18, 2009, - 12:10 pm

Pets, the New People, Alert: PETA Won–Introducing “Pet-ernity” Leave

By Debbie Schlussel
As I often say on this site, despite how much we ridicule the behavior of the animal rights crowd and PETA (a/k/a PUTAh–People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans), they have won.
They’ve won because Americans–and others in Western cultures–now treat their pets to superhuman status and treat them better than their kids and consider them to be kids. They’ve won because Americans spend gazillions on country clubs, aromatherapy, pet surfing, pet massage, pet yoga, and other absurdities for pets I’ve detailed ad nauseam on this site.
And now they’ve won because a single jewelry store produced and–was robbed of $300,000 in pet jewelry. PET JEWELRY?!!!! Hilarious. What the heck do dogs need $300,000 in jewelry for?
Oh, but wait, there’s something even more ridiculous. Because, you see, they’ve won because there is now bereavement leave from work to mourn over pets and “maternity” leave for newborn pets. It’s not here in America yet. But–since we seem to adopt the worst aspects of European and other socialist democracies–I predict it’s coming, real soon. The same countries that open their borders to limitless numbers of Muslim immigrants, also elevate animals to work-related human status. Yes, there is a connection. It’s called, “lack of a brain.”


Laugh your rear off:

Some pet owners can actually get company-blessed time off for pet-related matters, in what are dubbed “peternity” leaves, according to the Sloan Work and Family Research Network blog.
Virgin Mobile in Australia recently announced that it now offers peternity leaves for employees with new puppies or kittens under 10 weeks old. Such employees, who must have worked for the company for more than two years, can get five unpaid days off. (Owners of other animals, such as birds, fish or hamsters, can’t take advantage of the policy, alas. [DS: HUH? I think we have a case here for a species discrimination lawsuit.]) Several U.K. and Canadian companies, including the Bank of Scotland, also offer time off to care for new or sick pets or for pet bereavement.


DUMB to the Nth: Richard Branson Gives Virgin Mobile Employees Pet-ernity Leave

The trend doesn’t seem to have caught on yet among U.S. businesses, although some companies, such as Google, do allow workers to bring pets to work. . . . (In this week’s episode of “The Office,” there was a subplot about taking time off for cat-care.)

New DebbieSchlussel.com word of the day:
Peternity (noun): Imbecile western executives with lots of money, even more free time on their hands, and zero common sense or connection with reality, find new ways to simultaneously ruin their companies, their societies, and further degrade the value of human life.
$300,000 jewelry for dogs, leave for animal bereavement. Like I said, PETA a/k/a PUTAh has won. For us, animals are, indeed, people.


: Reader J has already experienced executives who take “Pet-ernity Leave”:

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your story about pets’ elevated status.
I used to work for a major American investment bank here in the UK. One day my boss (the European head of Client Service and Administration) got up from her desk in a panic – was crying and headed for the elevator after telling us she had to leave because “something terrible had happened at home.” Naturally, we all assumed there had been a serious accident or death in the family. Well, there was a death – two of her kids’ guinea pigs had died. She was gone for the rest of the day. Of course, after everyone found out what happened no one could take her seriously. At a department meeting shortly after, a colleague of mine actually had the nerve to ask her if she thought her pets had made some sort of suicide pact (I can’t deny it was hilarious).
I understand that people do care about their pets, and I’m not making fun of that but seriously. . . .

Yeah, seriously. If only some sense of seriousness entered into it. Sadly, Pet-ernity is the comedy that is very real.
Question: When will they be giving Pet-ernity leave for pet rock collections?

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February 18, 2009, - 11:46 am

VIDEO of the Day: NBC News Pandered to Islamic Wife Beheader

By Debbie Schlussel
Our friend, radio talk show host David Weinbaum, sends this very ironic NBC Nightly News Report from the past.
It’s funny. I didn’t see the NBC News follow-up to this video, when one star of it beheaded the other. It’s interesting: Aasiyah Zubeir Hassan tells us she founded Bridges TV (the Islamic propaganda cable channel) because she didn’t want her kids growing up with people thinking they’re terrorists. But I guess there’s no prob with her children growing up motherless and with people thinking they’re the progeny of a wife-beheader (hubby Muzzammil Hassan). Oh, and don’t believe the 8 million Muslims figure either. That’s more Islamic propaganda and a figure that comes straight from the fabricators at CAIR. The real figure–using Pew research results–is closer to 1.8 million.

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February 18, 2009, - 9:38 am

So Sad, Too Bad: Students Kicked Out of School For Wearing Jihadist Scarf of Death, “Israel Rest in Peace” T

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE #2: Predictably, school bows to CAIR and ACLU, reverses decision, and allows Muslims to wear jihadists scarves of death.
How long ’til the ACLU takes up the cause of the “Death to the Jews” people? Not long at all.
My friend, Scott Baker, the entertaining host of Breitbart TV, sends along a TV report he spotted on local TV. Go over there and watch.
Here’s a tip: A t-shirt that says, “Rest in Peace, Israel,” is not a fashion statement or protected speech. Nor is a keffiyeh. Both–especially in a school where kids are forced to be there by law–constitute “fighting words,” just as a swastika or a white Klan hood does. It means, “We want to kill Jews.” And Americans. Is there anyone who thinks the many Muslims wearing keffiyehs at HAMAS demonstrations in GAZAstan and around the world–oh, and in beheading videos–is a mere “fashion statement”? If you’ll note, one of the keffiyeh scarves the kids wore shows a picture of the mosque built on top of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. We all know what that means–that they’ll do anything to get Jerusalem and drive the Jews out of all of Israel.


NOT a Fashion Statement, Not Suitable for American Tax-Funded Schools

(HAMAS & Fatah Terrorists Wear Jihadist Scarves of Death)


Keffiyeh Scarves: Official “Mere Fashion Statement” of the Nicholas Berg Video

Another, Similar “Mere Fashion Statement” . . .

And these choices in clothing are not free speech protected by the First Amendment. There have been many court decisions holding that schools have a right to restrict clothing that might be considered offensive and incite violence toward other students. It’s necessary to maintain order and decorum during the school day. That these kids chose to wear it on the first day of class was not a “fashion statement.” They wanted to scare Jewish students and get in their face. It’s the 1930s all over again, but not Germany. Here.
I love how one of these kids, Mohammad Al-Abassi, says his ancestors wore this. Check out his mother, Loretta Riggs–an idiot woman who converted to Islam. Do you really think her ancestors were wearing a keffiyeh? No, but the Barbary pirates and Al-Mohad Muslims trying to kill them were wearing keffiyehs.
Again, watch the video.
**** UPDATE: I just noticed that one of the kids, Ahmad Alsadi, can’t speak English too well and has a strong accent. Hmmm . . . . Attention, ICE Agents: What is this kid’s immigration status?

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February 17, 2009, - 4:01 pm

VIDEO of the Day: Israeli Singer Ohad & Black Jewish Choir–Forget American Idol

By Debbie Schlussel
This recently released video features popular Israeli singer Ohad Moskowitz (not to be confused with pan-Islamist, incompetent ICE agent “Abu Moskowitz” a/k/a Brian Moskowitz), “The Jewish Choir,” and the young Yonatan Sheinfeld (12 years old). “The Jewish Choir”–for the curious–is a group of Jewish Israelis who live in Dimona, Israel.
They are singing two of the most popular, well known Hebrew and Jewish songs, mixed together. The first song, “Kol HaOlam,” was written by Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav (also known as Breslov)–an important figure in the Chassidic Jewish movement. It speaks of how the whole world is just a narrow bridge. The second song, “Oseh Shalom,” is a Jewish prayer for G-d to bring peace on the Jewish people. I’ve posted the English lyrics below. But even if you don’t understand Hebrew and/or are not Jewish, these singers–the choir, the young boy, etc.–have great voices, and their performance is excellent.

Thanks to The Cool Jew for the tip.
“Kol HaOlam” [“The Whole World”] English Lyrics:

The Whole World
is a very narrow bridge.
And the main thing to recall
is not to be afraid–
not to be afraid at all.

“Oseh Shalom” [“He (G-d) Who Makes Peace”] English Lyrics:

May He who makes peace
In the high places (the heavens)
Make peace upon us
And all of Israel
And let us say Amen.

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