February 23, 2009, - 12:12 pm

Yet Another Nazi Dies in the Comfort of . . . America

By Debbie Schlussel
In the past, I’ve written about how I enjoy reading the “Remembrances” feature, which appears in the Saturday Wall Street Journal. They are articles about unsung people who died recently. Usually, they consist of great Americans–inventors and entrepreneurs–but sometimes, the recently deceased so featured are not so admirable.
Such is the case with Konrad Dannenberg, designer of the V-2 rockets used to attack Allied lands during World War II. As I read the WSJ article, I knew that Dannenberg was a Nazi. My late grandfather Isaac, a Holocaust survivor, was forced to work on the V-2 and helped build these rockets at one of the many concentration and death camps, where he struggled to survive. So, I was disappointed to read that Mr. Dannenberg, who died last week, passed on in Huntsville, Alabama. Why does this Nazi get to live a full life and die in the U.S.?, I asked myself.


Astronaut Wally Schirra & Former Nazi Konrad Dannenberg of NASA

Of course, it was a rhetorical question. As we all know, the U.S., sadly, brought many Nazi war criminals into the country and gave them essentially full immunity, if they would help us in the sciences or in combating Communists. Dannenberg contributed greatly to the U.S. space program and is in large part credited with putting Americans on the moon.

Konrad Dannenberg helped design the engine of the German V-2 rockets that terrorized Antwerp and London during World War II. He later helped forge the Saturn V rockets that took U.S. astronauts to the moon. . . .
[He] contributed to many space milestones, from the Army Redstone missiles to early designs for the U.S. space station. After retiring from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 1973, he served along with other German space veterans as a tour guide at local rocket displays around Huntsville, home to the Marshall Space Flight Center. . . .
Mr. Dannenberg served briefly in the German army during the invasion of France. He then joined Werner von Braun’s rocket-development team at Peenemunde, a village on an island in the Baltic where the German army had gathered a scientific elite for weapons development. Like many of the scientists, Mr. Dannenberg was also a member of the Nazi Party, having joined in 1932, according to the book “Missiles for the Fatherland: Peenemunde, National Socialism, and the V-2 Missile,” by Michael B. Petersen. . . .
After the war, Mr. Dannenberg was one of 117 German rocket scientists, including Mr. von Braun, brought to the U.S. to jump-start America’s missile program. After a few years working on Army missiles at Fort Bliss in Texas, the team was transferred to the Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, where work on ballistic missiles began in earnest, including the Redstone and Jupiter systems that carried nuclear weapons.
The sudden appearance of dozens of Germans who had worked for the German wehrmacht was initially unsettling to some. . . .
In 1960, Mr. Dannenberg was named deputy manager of the Saturn program, which was energized by President Kennedy’s call for a moonshot. “It makes you jittery to think of the pace at which we must move,” he told The Wall Street Journal in 1961. NASA awarded him its Distinguished Service Medal for his role in developing the Saturn, the largest rocket ever built.
After retiring, Mr. Dannenberg helped initiate Space Camp at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville in 1984

Who knew that American space camps were developed by a Nazi?
Was it worthy to bring so many Nazis–like Dannenberg who joined the Nazi party in 1932–into America? Could we have made the gains we did in space and in defeating Communism, without them?
I think the answer to the second question is yes, we could have, though it would have been a lot tougher. And it’s regrettable that people whose work helped kill allied populations and send Jews to ovens never got their just reward. Yes, they were scientists and not SS guards or Gestapo members, but they were part of the Third Reich and knew which side they were on.
Konrad Dannenberg got to live to the age of 96 in freedom. Many of the victims of Hitler’s regime of which he was a part had their lives ended far too soon. I wonder if Mr. Dannenberg ever publicly renounced his Nazi party membership and, with it, Nazi party views on Jews and others. I wonder what he’d have said about the Jews in a casual conversation.
Sadly, America’s patriation of our enemies onto our soil didn’t end with the Nazis, and we’ve brought far worse vermin on our soil. We have several individuals–including a man associated with the Achille Lauro hijacking and the murder of Leon Klinghoffer, and another man responsible for the Hezbollah bombings of 300 U.S. Marines and Embassy officials in Beirut. Both of these men are living on American soil, under the protection of the American government, under the guise that they are “helping us find bigger fish.” As if these fish, themselves, aren’t big enough to be fried.
And trust me, these Islamic terrorists given free reign here aren’t contributing even an infintesmal fraction of what Dannenberg did.
Konrad Dannenberg, you didn’t face real justice in this world. But at least some of your work was helpful to America. Still, did your help and aid to the U.S. somehow erase that you created weapons for a regime that murdered six million Jews and five million others?
I wonder what my late grandfather, who was forced to work on the V-2s in the camps, would say about this man’s long, grand life on American soil.

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February 22, 2009, - 3:00 pm

Dubai Judenrein Tennis Update: And the New Hottest Tennis Player in the World is . . .; Prominent Black Who Fought for Tennis Equal Rights Disses Williamses

By Debbie Schlussel
Dubai was fined $300,000 over refusing a visa to Jewish Israeli tennis player Shahar Pe’er to play in last week’s Dubai Tennis Championships tourney. Big whoop. That’s not how you punish the gazillionaires of Dubai, for whom this payment is a drop in the bucket and the cost of doing (anti-Semitic) business. (For them, this is probably the cost of one night’s rental of their harem.) You punish them by canceling the tournament and pulling it for the next year, too, and so on and so forth. I guess we could call this the Hitler fine. Easy to pay, not a big deal.
Meanwhile, at least one person–sadly, only one–has the real courage the cowardly tennis world needs in this matter.
And the new hottest tennis player in the world is . . . Andy Roddick. No, not because of his good looks (which he, indeed, has), but because of his uncommon courage (which, to me, is a whole lot sexier). Roddick pulled out of Dubai’s Judenrein Dubai Tennis Championships and objected to what was done with the rejection of Shahar Pe’er.


Andy Roddick: Tennis Hottie Has Uncommon Courage

U.S. star Andy Roddick said he wouldn’t defend his Dubai title next week.
“I really didn’t agree with what went on over there. I don’t know if it’s the best thing to mix politics and sports, and that was probably a big part of it,” Roddick said.

Roddick won the Dubai tournament last year, and is foregoing likely prize money and points in the tennis rankings by skipping Dubai. Good for him. He has the cojones the rest of the men in the Dubai tourney, including Israeli Andy Ram (who was given a visa and is now playing in this Judenrein country’s tennis minstrel show), do not.
And, for the record, no, Andy Roddick is not Jewish. But he is, indeed, regardless of his religion (and perhaps especially since he is not a Jew and stood up for Jews), a hero in my book.
And finally, there are the comments of my friend, prominent Detroit-based Black national political advisor and consultant Sam Riddle, who takes on the Williams Sisters for their continued play in the Judenrein tennis tournament. Sam was instrumental in fighting for the civil rights of Blacks in the tennis world, and he sees this issue similarly. Here’s the courageous press release Sam sent out:


Sam Riddle Schools the Williams Sisters on Discrimination

Rights Advocate Sam Riddle Slams Williams Sisters For Dubai Play
The man that helped orchestrate the first congressional hearing on discrimination in sports is slamming Venus and Serena Williams for participating in the Dubai Tennis Championships after Israeli Shahar Peer was denied a visa to Dubai.
Sam Riddle, a veteran political consultant based in Detroit says that it was the ultimate irony and height of hypocrisy for the Williams sisters to participate in Dubai when their family has been so outspoken against racism.
To those of us of color, discrimination in any form is wrong. When Shahar Peer was denied a visa to Dubai to participate in the Dubai Tennis Championships, that was a denial founded on the fact that Peer is Jewish and an Israeli citizen. That is wrong. Venus and Serena were uniquely positioned to let the world know that they stand strong against such discrimination. They should have withdrawn from the tournament and refused to play in Dubai as Andy Roddick did”, said Riddle.
Riddle said he will send Venus and Serena copies of the Congressional Record of the Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Employment Opportunities of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, Second Session, Oversight Hearing on Discrimination in Tennis held in Washington, DC, October 6, 1988.
Riddle thanks Congressman Dale Kildee (D-Michigan) and Riddle’s client, William Washington–the father of University of Michigan tennis star [DS: and former champion tennis pro] Malivai Washington–for working to ensure that the historical congressional hearing occurred.
“Shortly after the hearing the USTA opened the doors in a big way for minority participation. Back then, we had to take on apologists for the institutional racist policies of the USTA. Now it is the Williams sisters that have a steep learning curve. The Williams benefited from our politics of confrontation and now they must develop priorities other than the anti Semitic policies of those that sponsored the Dubai tournament”, said Riddle.

RIGHT ON, SAM! Courage, today, is rare, but with those who embody it, it is present in spades.

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February 22, 2009, - 2:03 pm

USA! USA! USA!: 29 Years Ago Today

By Debbie Schlussel
Hard to believe that it’s already been 29 years since the USA Hockey Team beat the Soviets in the semi-finals of the 1980 Olympic Games in Lake Placid. But it happened on February 22, 1980.
I’ve written about the “Miracle on Ice” many times, and noted how it’s one of the major events that sparked the Reagan Revolution, from which Americans felt proud to be American again, after the ravaging of the country by Jimmy Carter (it was the tail end of the Carter years). It’s part of a chain of events that gave voters the courage to put an end to Carter liberalism and send Reagan to the White House for the next eight years. As I’ve also noted, it’s one of the main highlights of a film that our hostages in Iran saw upon their release, showing them what they missed while in the captivity of Islamic kidnappers.


As I’ve noted also, these kids were amateurs (mostly from working class, blue collar families), unlike the pros who play in the Olympics today. My friend, Mark Wells, who scored three goals as a member of the US Hockey Team, never made it big. As I’ve written on this site, he lives in the Detroit area where, for years after the Olympic victory, he slaved nights as a shift manager for Ram’s Horn 24-hour Restaurants.
As I always say, too bad there isn’t an Al-Qaeda hockey team (or an Islamic hockey team) for us to beat to get out of the Barack Malaise Days ahead.
Do you believe in miracles?! Not from Obama, I don’t.
Read my review of the movie, “Miracle.”

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February 20, 2009, - 4:53 pm

“Waltz With Bashir”: Anti-Israel Propaganda Made by Israelis; Shame on Oscar

By Debbie Schlussel
At Sunday’s Academy Awards, “Waltz With Bashir” is nominated for Best Foreign Language Film.
And while the foreign language it is in is Hebrew, it might as well be in Arabic or Farsi. That’s because while neither Ahmadinejad nor the Muslim world could possibly make something more anti-Israel . . . and, frankly, anti-Semitic, they’ll simply love this movie. And that’s why I’m betting on it to win the Oscar. It’s high quality Bin Laden cinema.
Since we already have an annoying actress cleaning up in the movie awards biz for playing a semi-pornographic, hot SS guard as the good guy (Kate Winslet in “The Reader“–read my review) for sending Jews to the ovens, while the two Jewish Holocaust survivors who testified against her are the insensitive bitches of the movie, why not round out the Nazi anti-Semitism with a little anti-Israel anti-Semitism to keep up with the times?


This movie and “The Reader” would make for a great double feature at the next SS/Gestapo reunion.
And it’s no surprise that “Waltz With Bashir” is made by Israelis–in particular, director Ari Folman doing his best Leni Riefenstahl. Goebbels would be proud. As I’ve often noted on this site, the Israeli left and the Israeli movie industry make our left and our Hollywood look like centrists and moderates.
I saw in this animated piece of garbage virtually every canard that HAMAS, Hezbollah, and Israel’s enemies around the world have hurled.
Jews as Nazis . . . Check.
Arabs killing Arabs, but it’s the Jews’ fault . . . Check.
Jews as murderers of “innocent” Muslims . . . Check.
Terrorist Muslims as innocent victims of the Jews . . . Check.
Jews as the Michael Vicks of the Middle East, killing dogs and Arabian horses . . . Check.
Israelis as porn and sex addicts . . . Check.
Israelis as drug addict slackers . . . Check (well, that part is true about the Israeli left, like the scum that made this movie).
Check, Check, Check, Check, Check.
The only thing missing from this vile celluloid exercise in the sickening are the traditional blood libels of Jews cooking Arabs and using their blood in pastries. The Israeli filmmakers–nice guys that they are–want to leave at least something as the exclusive domain of the Arab world and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
The movie follows Folman, the director of this film, a middle-aged former Israeli soldier who served in Lebanon during the Israeli invasion in the early 1980s. Let’s not forget what Folman goes to great lengths to omit from this movie: Israel entered Lebanon in the early 1980s at the invitation of the majority of the Lebanese people –both Shi’ite Muslims (the same ones who now support Hezbollah) and Maronite Christians. As I’ve written, most of the Lebanese people welcomed the Israelis as heroes for liberating them from Yasser Arafat and his P.L.O., who took over their houses, raped their daughters, and murdered their sons. No less than David K. Shipler, the New York Times’ anti-Israel then-correspondent detailed this, and I’ve summarized much of it on this site, as well as given other examples from my own knowledge and research over the years.
There’s a reason that much of Lebanon was known as “Fatahland” at the time. None of that exists in the vacuum of this lie-filled movie.
At the beginning of the movie, a friend and Folman are at a bar. The friend says he has nightmares about 26 dogs trying to kill him. These are the 26 dogs he shot as Israel invaded South Lebanon. The killings were necessary because the dogs would bark and alert wanted Palestinian terrorists that the Israelis were coming to capture them.
But since this is an anti-war, anti-Israel movie, the Israelis are as bad as Michael Vick. Because shooting dogs to save people from Islamic terrorists is just a vile thing to do . . . according to PETA and these Israeli self-hating filmmakers who produced this trash.
While his friend tells of his guilt over the dogs, Folman tells him he can’t remember a thing about his service in Lebanon. It’s “not in his system,” he says. Of course, those inhuman Israelis–it’s just not in their system to care about–or even remember–war.
Folman seeks out his former unit members from his time in Lebanon to remind him what happened there. The whole rest of the movie is spent rehashing and blaming Israel for the events at Sabra and Shatila–Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, where Maronite Christian Phalangist soldiers killed Palestinians, some of them terrorists (but they don’t want you to know that in this movie). What Ari Folman also doesn’t want you to know is that these camps were not only the subterfuges for Yasser Arafat’s P.L.O., but they were the breeding and training grounds–much as all Palestinian refugee camps remain today–for Islamic terrorists.
Frankly, while–unlike the message of this movie–the Israelis (the movie also singles out Ariel Sharon and Menachem Begin, in addition to soldiers and commanders) have no blame in the Sabra and Shatila massacre, I can’t blame the Phalangists for slaughtering the Palestinians there. What would you do if Sunni Muslim terrorists under the leadership of Arafat ravaged your country, took over your homes, raped your wives and daughters, and executed your sons before your eyes? Would you look the other way? Or would you seek the only justice available in the Middle East?
But the movie only shows us one group of people taking over Lebanese homes . . . Israeli soldiers. And it shows them watching vile, obscene porn, lounging in their bathtubs, and drinking their alcohol. Uh, thanks, Ari Folman, but you have the wrong ethnicity. Not that a minor detail such as that would get in your way of vilifying Israel and the Jews.
And you wouldn’t know that it was the Phalangists–and not Israelis–who “massacred” these terrorist-monger Palestinians, unless you sit through the entire movie. It implies the Israelis did it, until the last third of the movie. You know, they wouldn’t want you to get the wrong impression–i.e., that Israelis didn’t massacre anyone, but that their Arab brethren who were forced to live with them were driven to it.
On the subject of the Phalangists, the movie is named for their dead leader, Bashir Gemayel–a charismatic, pro-Israel leader who was about to recognize Israel and, for the first time ever, create real peace in the Israeli-Lebanese relationship. Sadly, he was assassinated by the Syrians, shortly after becoming Lebanon’s leader, for that very reason.
But instead of wishing he had taken over, director Ari Folman vilifies the dead Gemayel. The people in his movie describe the Phalangists’ admiration of him as homo-erotic, a claim he’d never dare make about the real homo-erotic admiration actually going on in Lebanon . . . for Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah.
Unlike Mr. Folman, the dead Bashir Gemayel’s family (excluding his Syrian-allied brother Amin Gemayel) continues to sacrifice its family members even in recent times, as victims for trying to free Lebanon from the puppets of foreign Islamic rule based in Iran and Syria.
And Folman does exactly what we’ve seen from the supporters of HAMAS and Hezbollah. In a 1.5 hour movie, I counted at least three comparisons of Israeli soldiers to Nazis and the situation to the Holocaust–that’s one per half hour. They were called “Nazis.” And their entrance into and activities in Lebanon were called both “Auschwitz,” and the “Warsaw Ghetto.” So let’s compare: Innocent Jews rounded up and cooked in ovens versus Palestinians who raped, tortured and murdered the people versus Lebanon getting a tiny deserved taste of their own medicine. Hmmm … sounds exactly the same to me. How’ bout you?
In addition to being Nazis, cruel dog-killers, porn addicts, and home invaders, we’re told that Israeli soldiers killed an entire field of Arabian horses. “The horses never did anything to anyone. They didn’t deserve to die,” Folman tells us.
Yup, that’s what you want to do when you go to war against Palestinian terrorists who are shooting down on your country and using the country to your north as a base of attack: Worry about guard dogs who protect them . . . and Arabian horses who might get in the way of bombings and gunshots. The PETA plan of attack–I’m sure it works wonders . . . in the cartoon land of the vegetarians and Ari Folman.
We are also shown scenes of Israeli soldiers landing on a Lebanese beach and shooting up a car carrying a family, just for the heck of it. Oh, and then there’s that porn again. We are constantly shown scenes of naked Israeli soldiers, with full-frontal penile nudity on the water off the coast of Lebanon, and full-frontal naked women who are the fantasies of pot-smoking Israeli soldiers. And then there are the scenes of Folman and one of his former unit-mates in Holland smoking pot.
Perhaps Mr. Folman should have stuck to pot-smoking instead of filmmaking, because clearly his vision of what really happened in Lebanon is drug-addled.
The only part of this movie that isn’t animated is the end, during which the audience is treated to gruesome footage of Palestinians’ bodies at Sabra and Shatila and piercing screaming of crying Palestinian women. Hmmm . . . too afraid to show us the crying and screaming and far more gruesome pictures of what the Palestinians living in those camps did to Lebanese Shi’ites and Christians all over the country?
Yeah, why give the complete picture when the goal is to destroy Israel from within? It was a civil war between Christians trying to save their once civilized and beautiful country and Muslims trying to savage it and wrest control. Israel had far less business interfering in this alleged “massacre” of its enemy by its ally than it did interfering–which Israel did not–in the many, far larger Palestinian massacres of Lebanese Christians and Shi’ites.
As I left the theater, a noblesse oblige ignoramus-ette said to me, “Oh, the inhumanity of those Israelis and Jews.”
To her, I said,

Lady, if you had a clue, you’d know that the Lebanese people were raped and murdered by these Palestinians, that they welcomed the Israelis in to rescue them. Too bad they didn’t bother to show you that in this propaganda film.
Oh the inhumanity of those Israelis and Jews that they didn’t let the Maronites finish the job.

Look for Oscar gold, Sunday Night, for the new Goebbels-esque filmmaker, Ari Folman and his “Waltz with Bashir.”
READ “When Shi’ites Welcomed Israel Into Lebanon: P.L.O. Mass Murder, Torture & Rape in ‘Fatah-land.'”
**** UPDATE, 2/22/09: Fortunately, “Waltz with Bashir” did not win the Oscar. Glad to be wrong in this case. ****

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February 20, 2009, - 3:15 pm

Movie Review Coming Soon

By Debbie Schlussel
For those of you looking for this week’s movie reviews, there were three new movies, this week. One of them, “Medea Goes to Jail,” did not have a critics’ screening. I hope you will forgive me that I will not pay to sit through this movie to review it. I could not make last night’s screening of “Fired Up!” and I hear I did not miss much.
I did see “Waltz With Bashir,” which is, unfortunately but predictably up for an Academy Award this weekend. I’ll be posting my review of this horrid FOUR MARXES PLUS anti-Israel propaganda (by anti-Israel Israelis), shortly. It’s the most baloney-filled, anti-Israel piece of propaganda I’ve ever seen. High quality Bin Laden cinema.

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February 20, 2009, - 2:42 pm

Congrats!: Taxpayers Subsidize New HAMAS Wing of Jimmy Carter Library

By Debbie Schlussel
I know a Presidential library isn’t exactly the same thing as a real library. But I’m wondering if you can soon take out a draft of Mein Kampf from the Jimmy Carter Presidential library. Or at least see it on exhibit.
One exhibit that should at least be there, if Mein Kampf isn’t an option, is the HAMAS charter, calling for the end to the Jews, Israel, and pretty much anyone else who isn’t an extremist Muslim.
That’s ‘cuz Jimmuh has announced that his Presidential library will undergo a $10 million renovation to include his life after leaving the White House.
And since he’s now an official advisor to HAMAS, your tax dollars are likely funding the HAMAS floor of the new wing of this library.


How Much Will HAMAS be Promoted in Jimmuh’s Jihad Joint Presidential Library?

While some federal tax money initially goes to Presidential libraries, the rest is funded by private donors–which will pay for new $10 mill “renovation.” And if they’re American taxpayers, these donors usually get a tax deduction, subsidized by, um . . . you. That, of course doesn’t include the many Islamic donors and fat Gulf state sheiks who donated to Jimmuh’s House of Pain, er . . . Presidential Library.
On the other hand, many of those Islamic donors to “Jimmuh’s Joint for Jihad” do make income from everything they own here in America, so they’re getting tax deductions in addition to a whole museum of propaganda for HAMAS’ fave American. Two bites at the apple.
Jimmuh’s already raised $7 million of the $10 million. Since he’s done so much for them, I say HAMAS and Iran should return the favor and spring for the additional $3 mill. I guarantee they’ll get more bang for their buck than they get from their IEDs and rocket missiles.

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February 20, 2009, - 12:01 pm

Islamic Terrorists Attacked Bangladesh Journalists With Grenade

By Debbie Schlussel
Our friend, the heroic Salah Uddin Shoiab Choudhury, sends this exclusive breaking news story from his influential Weekly Blitz newspaper in Bangladesh. Islamic terrorists threw grenades at a meeting of journalists there.
I urge you to read Shoiab’s work and patronize his newspaper and site, as he remains on trial (with a possible death penalty) for supporting positive relations with Jews, Christians, the West and Israel.
Go here for a refresher on his case. I first learned about Shoiab and his plight from intrepid Jerusalem Post investigative reporter and friend, Michael Freund, whose blog I highly recommend.

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February 20, 2009, - 11:17 am

Violent Criminals Who illegally Carry Guns v. Me: Guess Who Gets Treated Better

By Debbie Schlussel
As readers know, I am seeking a Concealed Pistol License (CPL). I told you about the Obama-supporter-filled course I took this summer, a course you must take in Michigan if you want to apply for and get a CPL.
This morning, I went to get fingerprinted at my county sheriff’s office, a requirement for those who want a CPL. Not that this is news to me, but as I was being fingerprinted, I saw the stark contrast of how I–a person seeking to be able to carry a gun for my own personal protection after tons of death, rape, and torture threats from peaceful, moderate American Muslims–was treated versus criminals.
It took almost a half-hour for them to fingerprint me. Why? Well, they repeatedly roll every finger, every knuckle, every crevice of your hand to get prints from them on a computer screen. It hurt, it was very uncomfortable and ridiculous, and I felt like someone was giving me an unwanted, over-zealous finger Shiatsu massage. I had to do all kinds of contortions for this absurd process. My fingers and entire palm still hurt a lot and are all red and swollen. Take it from me: If you are a hand model, don’t ever seek a Concealed Pistol License in Michigan.


I was also repeatedly told by personnel in the sheriff’s office that my fingers were too small and that my fingerprints were not as readable as most people. I joked to them that that this was because I got kidnapped by the mob, and they erased all my fingerprints.
Meanwhile, right next to me, as I stood getting this ridiculous, uncomfortable hand manipulation–so some hand-porn addict can one day look at the side shot of my naked palm–I watched criminals, job applicants for law enforcement in the sheriff’s office, and those seeking to adopt kids get one-minute fingerprint takings, using ink. While a computer technician took and analyzed almost 5 or six repeated prints of each tiny portion of my hand, each finger and the sides and other angles of my palm, criminals were quickly doing basic, quick fingerprints in ink.
What a contrast. If you are an innocent citizen who wants to protect him/herself, you are given an anal/rectal exam of your hands. But if you are a criminal or someone seeking to be a law enforcement officer, no such treatment. I once represented a woman who allegedly stole $17,000 from the U.S. Air Force (I got everything eventually dropped for her and she now has no criminal record). The woman was fingerprinted in under a minute. Basic, quick fingerprints with ink. But I guess you actually have to (allegedly) steal $17,000 from the taxpayers to get decent treatment. Wanting to carry a gun–now, that’s the real crime.
It’s really sickening. But this is gun control. They can’t outright take away the Second Amendment. So they’ll make it tougher and harder to exercise it. By design, they degrade you in processes like this.
They repeatedly wipe your fingers with this vomit-inducing, malodorous substance–so bad, I thought I was going to dry-heave, several times. After several handwashings, I still smell it and am thinking of soaking my hands in a giant bottle of vanilla, later this afternoon–a trick a fishmonger mentions in the charming movie, “Crossing DeLancey“. Let’s see if it works.
But the stench of this experience–where people who want to exercise their Second Amendment rights in Michigan are treated far worse than hardened, violent criminals–will remain starkly in my olfactory memory bank forever.
We’re from the government. And we’re here to help you.

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February 19, 2009, - 4:42 pm

HILARIOUS Video of the Day: Muslim Explains Wife Beheading in Buffalo

By Debbie Schlussel
The Nose on Your Face produced this hilarious video that explains to us naifs the beheading of Aasiya Zubeir Hassan in Buffalo, New York by her husband, Bridges TV founder and Islamic propagandist Muzzammil Hassan:

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February 19, 2009, - 3:05 pm

Biotch-lets: VenuSerena Defend Judenrein Tennis Tourney

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, I criticized Venus and Serena Williams, the highly-ranked women’s tennis players who are participating in the anti-Semitic Dubai Tennis Championships. As I pointed out, these two hypocritas have spoken out against racism and discrimination, but apparently only care if that discrimination is pigment-based against them.
As I’ve noted in the past, even though the Williams sisters have reached unimaginable heights atop the tennis world and earned unbelievable riches, their father, Richard Williams, constantly screams, “racism.” And they never disagree with him. What’s that I hear from Mr. Williams about Dubai? Al-crickets chirping in the Dubaian desert.


Got IslamoFascism?

Well, I apparently was understating their hypocrisy and outrageous behavior. Check this out from the Williams Sisters who don’t want to upset “sponsors” (which include title sponsor Barclays, the bank owned by Abu Dhabi Emirate sheikhs) and want to earn money. Venus Williams sits on the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Players’ Council, and she made the decision for the women tennis players not to boycott this anti-Semitic tourney.
Just ask yourself what the Williams’ response would be if White tennis players said these things about a Whites-only tennis tournament:

Venus Williams says her fellow players had no intention of boycotting the Dubai Championships after Israeli Shahar Peer was denied a visa. . . .
“There are so many other people involved. Sponsors are important to us,” said Williams.
“We wouldn’t be here without sponsors. We can’t let sponsors down.
“Whatever we do, we need to do as a team – players, sponsors, tour and whoever – and not all break off in one direction. We are team players.”

Yeah, team players for Judenrein.

“I have to look at the bigger picture.
“The big picture is that Shahar Peer didn’t get a chance to play, but making an immediate decision we also have to look at sponsors, fans and everyone who has invested a lot in the tournament.
“I think there are rules and protocols as to how you can proceed.”

Uh-huh. Once there were Jim Crow “rules and protocols as to how you can proceed,” Venus.
Sister Serena agrees with this “outlook.”
I’ve never liked the hypocritical, selfish Williams sisters, and in the past, I’ve referred to them on this site as VenuSerena, far too nice a name for them. A more appropriate moniker rhymes with another one of the things they are: rich.
By the way, this reminds me of the Wayans brothers’ hilarious parody of VenuSerena in a “Got Milk?” ad. Except that I think the Wayans brothers looked more like women. (If you can find the video or a pic of the Wayans as the Williams, please send it.)

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