February 24, 2009, - 6:55 pm

VIDEO of the Day: Amazing Half-Court Shot Beats Buzzer

By Debbie Schlussel
It took refs reportedly about five minutes to decide whether New Jersey Nets player Devin Harris’ shot from mid-court beat the buzzer . . . and it did. Amazing shot.

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February 24, 2009, - 5:23 pm

New Nick Cage Doomsday Movie Looks Interesting

By Debbie Schlussel
Last week, studio reps sent me the newest trailer for the upcoming film “Knowing” (which opens in mid-March). If you watched the Academy Awards pre-game, you might have seen a shorter version of it. Because of technical problems, I wasn’t able to record the trailer and couldn’t post it. But they recently sent me another. The movie looks interesting, and I normally like Nicholas Cage and doomsday movies. We’ll see on this one. I learned long ago that you can never judge from trailers.
Below is Trailer #2, followed by the first trailer (released last year). Stay tuned for my complete review of this movie on opening day.

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February 24, 2009, - 3:51 pm

Bad News: Hillary Appoints Clinton “Horseman of the Apocalypse” As Foreign Policy Advisor

By Debbie Schlussel
Conservative writer and former longtime Commentary Magazine Editor-in-Chief Norman Podhoretz once called Dennis Ross one of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” of the Bill Clinton anti-Israel foreign policy.
Ross–along with fellow pro-Arafat Clintonista Court Jews Aaron David Miller, Carl Haas, and Daniel Kurtzer (most of whom went on to advise Bush, too)–developed Clinton’s pro-Arafat stance, in which Israel was pressured to give up more and more land for pieces of paper. This included the failed Oslo Accord and Binyamin Netanyahu nearly giving up the entire so-called West Bank and all of Gaza to Arafat under a proposed Wye Accord (Arafat rejected it).
Now Dennis “Screw Israel” Ross is back at it, since Hillary Clinton just appointed him as special advisor on the Gulf, Iran, and Southwest Asia (the largely Islamic portions of Asia).
This is troubling on three fronts:


Al’hamdillullah [Praise Allah], SecState Hillary Appoints Arafat Pal Dennis Ross as Top Advisor

1) It gives Ross an in on the Obama “Screw Israel” Clinton Reunion–we’ve already seen that disaster the first time he helped foment it under Bill Clinton’s foreign policy;
2) It gives Ross an opportunity to advise Hillary on behalf of the anti-Israel Gulf states–including Saudi Arabia, Al Jazeera’s Qatar, and the Judenrein Tennis nations of the United Arab Emirates–AhMADMANejad’s Iran, and the anti-Israel extremists of Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.; and
3) Dennis Ross reportedly received lucrative speaking fees from Gulf states post-Bill Clinton and while on speaking tours for his numerous “Let’s Pressure Israel” books.
The worst of Bill Clinton’s Middle East policy is now Hillary Clinton/Obama’s Middle East policy.
Horseman of Israel’s Apocalypse #1 has returned. How long until it’s a complete reunion?

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February 24, 2009, - 2:47 pm

Your Day in Hollywood “Religion of Peace”: Britney Spears’ Creepy Dad Seeks Restraining Order Against Muslim Arab Hanger-On-ers

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Osama “Sam” Lutfi and Adnan Ghalib, respective former manager and former boyfriend of Britney Spears (from when she was strung out on drugs or something)?
Well, Spears’ guardian/dad, Jamie Spears, is trying to keep this Arab Muslim former Britney tag-team from once again getting its Religion of Peace-ful hands on the talentless multi-millionairess. He calls them “predators.”
Once you go Mohammed, you never . . . get them to go away.


Muslim Britney Sandwich: Osama Lutfi & Adnan Ghalib w/ Spears

Um, why are these guys still here? As I noted a while ago, Ghalib–a former strip club operator–has a green card as the result of an apparent sham marriage. Where are you, ICE Agents?
By the way, these showbiz dads are all alike in their creepiness in talking about their zero-talent daughters’ bodies. First there was Jessica Simpson’s father talking about her “double Ds.” Now, there’s Spears’ pop testifying in court.

Spears also testified that under his care, Britney is “physically very wonderful, body and weight-wise.”


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February 24, 2009, - 1:59 pm

America’s “Moderate Muslims”: FBI’s Mueller Admits Somali Homicide Bomber Radicalized in U.S.

By Debbie Schlussel
Several months ago, I told you about Shirwa Ahmed and other Minnesota Muslims of Somali descent who disappeared and were believed to have become homicide bombers. As I noted, the boys and men were radicalized at their Minnesota mosque, the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center. And I noted that Ahmed was the Al-Shabab terrorist group’s recruiter here in America.
Well, yesterday, FBI Director Robert Mueller–who for 7.5 years has been telling us how “moderate” and “peaceful” American Muslims are–finally admitted the obvious, that Ahmed was radicalized here, which led to his homicide bombing death in northern Somalia in October. He was recruited here, he was radicalized here. Mueller noted this before the Council on Foreign Relations, a group which is a fellow traveler in the “moderate American Muslim” bullcrap theory.

It appears that this individual was radicalized in his hometown in Minnesota.

Flashback: Video on Shirwa Ahmed’s Funeral, His Mosque & His Imam . . .

Duh. And D’oh. Where is the FBI when it comes to his mosque? Nowhere to be seen. Not a single mosque member has been arrested, even though evidence points to Ahmed’s imam, who leads a mosque that has seen many Somali-Americans disappear to Somalia to become jihadists.
And Mueller continues to get it wrong on this. He claims:

A man from Minneapolis became what we believe to be the first U.S. citizen to carry out a terrorist suicide bombing.

But that’s not true. In fact, there have been other Americans–including one from Texas–who’ve previously been found to have fomented terrorist attacks in Somalia. I’ve written about it on this site. Ahmed is just the first one the FBI bothered to notice . . . far too late.
This whole thing is nothing new, since we know other Muslims were radicalized here–but we’re not supposed to say so because, ya know, American Muslims are “different” and “moderate.” Or at least that’s the line we’re supposed to toe, even though we know it’s a lie. There were the Lackawanna Six. Yes, they trained overseas for terrorism, but they got the idea to do it, while hanging in their native Buffalo. And then, there was John Allen Muhammad and his “Allah One” route–the name he picked for assassinating random Americans as a sniper. And there are so many other such cases.
And we will see the cases increase and escalate because for 7.5 years, George Bush continued to allow Muslims into America, and Barack Hussein Obama continues to do the same.
One other thing: This episode demonstrates the absolute unreliability of the statements of Zuhdi Jasser, the so-called moderate Muslim who pushes upon us the BS that the majority of Muslims are peaceful (which is why thousands of them marched on the streets of Dearborn in support of Hezbollah and HAMAS for weeks in 2006 and 2009).
Jasser kept claiming that Shirwa Ahmed’s mosque and the imam of the mosque, Sheikh Abdirahman Ahmed (who is on the no-fly list), are blameless and moderate, even though many Muslims from that mosque become radicalized by him and travel to Somalia to kill countless others.
You can’t believe a thing Jasser says. And you shouldn’t believe Robert Mueller has finally come to his senses 7.5 years after 9/11. He continues to pander to, excuse, and apologize for mosques like the one that was the impetus for Shirwa Ahmed’s Somalian one-way explosion trip.

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February 24, 2009, - 9:31 am

Bidens’ Fund Got Seed Money, Millions in Biz From $8 Billion Defrauder Stanford; What Was VP Joe’s Role?

By Debbie Schlussel
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that this isn’t front page news. After all, the media has to protect the Veep of the Obamessiah.
Still, for those not interested in being shielded, it should be headline news that a fund operated by Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and his brother, James, had millions of dollars worth of dealings with Stanford Financial Group and another Stanford-controlled entity. In fact, Stanford entities provided the Bidens the seed money for their business and invested millions in and brought many clients (and their money) to the Bidens’ company.

A fund of hedge funds run by two members of Vice President Joe Biden’s family was marketed exclusively by companies controlled by Texas financier R. Allen Stanford, who is facing Securities and Exchange Commission accusations of engaging in an $8 billion fraud.


Hunter & Joe Biden

The $50 million fund was jointly branded between the Bidens’ Paradigm Global Advisors LLC and a Stanford Financial Group entity and was known as the Paradigm Stanford Capital Management Core Alternative Fund. Stanford-related companies marketed the fund to investors and also invested about $2.7 million of their own money in the fund, according to a lawyer for Paradigm. Paradigm Global Advisors is owned through a holding company by the vice president’s son, Hunter, and Joe Biden’s brother, James.
The fund has offered to turn over the $2.7 million investment it received from Mr. Stanford’s firm in 2007 to a court-appointed receiver in the SEC’s civil fraud case involving Mr. Stanford, according to Paradigm’s attorney, Marc X. LoPresti. . . .
The vice president’s office had no comment.


A Paradigm marketer, Jeffrey Schneider, confirmed accounts provided by others that he brought in the Stanford business. Stanford would bring clients to the fund and Paradigm would manage it, according to Mr. LoPresti. The fund is mentioned on the Web site of a Stanford entity called Stanford Trust Co. as one of its “investment management strategies.”
Mr. LoPresti said Stanford entities put up the $2.7 million in seed money and marketed the fund. SEC records show the fund, which was launched in June 2007, had 104 investors as of Nov. 10, 2008, with assets of $49.8 million. Paradigm Global, of New York, manages portfolios of hedge funds with a total of about $270 million in assets.
Under an agreement, Stanford was entitled to share in a portion of the fund’s management and performance fees, Mr. LoPresti said. “That’s all I’m going to say on the fee side of things,” he said.
Mr. LoPresti said the fund last week deposited about $2.7 million that Stanford contributed to the fund into a special account. He said Paradigm offered to turn it over to a receiver appointed last week by a U.S. District Court judge in Texas to take control of the assets of Mr. Stanford and his companies. The attorney said Paradigm hadn’t yet heard back. The receiver, Ralph S. Janvey, didn’t return a call seeking comment.
In a statement Monday, Mr. Janvey said mutual funds not directly held in Stanford Financial Group accounts should be released from a court-ordered asset freeze.
Mr. LoPresti said the Paradigm Stanford fund is unaffected by the freeze. He said the fund lost 9.5% in 2008 and is up 0.1% this year.
The Bidens’ 2006 purchase of Paradigm has sparked litigation. In December, James and Hunter Biden settled a lawsuit brought in New York state court by a onetime business partner, Anthony Lotito Jr. Mr. Lotito alleged the Bidens owed him money from the Paradigm purchase. In court filings, he also contended that James Biden asked him to help Hunter Biden, who had been a Washington lobbyist, get into the hedge-fund business. Mr. Lotito alleged that Joe Biden was concerned about the impact his son’s lobbying could have on his planned 2008 run for the Democratic presidential nomination. Mr. Biden did run for president but dropped out of the race.
A lawyer for the Bidens has denied Mr. Lotito’s claim that the Paradigm purchase was prompted by Joe Biden’s desire to get his son out of the lobbying business.

Deny, deny, deny. But it has the ring–and stench–of truth. That’s why only a Biden lawyer is talking and not the Vice Presidential spokesman.
Bottom line: The son and bro of a then-Senator and now-Veep don’t just get millions to invest “just ‘cuz,” especially when the two have zero experience (Hunter Biden was a lobbyist) in the finance arena. It usually has to do with that guy–the Senator/now-Veep, himself.
So, what was Joe Biden’s role in all of this?

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February 23, 2009, - 6:30 pm

About Those Coke Scholarships

By Debbie Schlussel
If you watched last night’s Academy Awards show on ABC, you likely saw sponsor Coca-Cola’s commercial patting itself on the back and you for drinking Coke, because the company takes some of its profits and gives college scholarships.
But you know what would have been a more truthful and less effective commercial? Coke telling Coke drinkers how some of those college scholarships go to illegal aliens who should be deported, not given a free ride to college by law-abiding Americans who support secure borders and didn’t know their soft drink choice was funding the exact opposite.
As I’ve noted on this site, Coke has given thousands in college scholarships to people who are here illegally, like Hector Vega–to whom coke gave $20,000.


Who knew that when Coke put out the “I’d like to buy the world a
Coke,” it meant bringing the world here to drink the Coke (and never making them leave?
Have a Coke and a dumb gringo smile.

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February 23, 2009, - 4:04 pm

Attention, Black America: Forget the White House, You Can Be a NEWBO

By Debbie Schlussel
CNBC is heavily advertising a Thursday Night special, called, “NEWBOs: The Rise of America’s New Black Overclass.” The ads, featuring pictures of rappers Sean “Diddy” Combs, ‘Lil Wayne, and Wyclef Jean, LeBron James, and assorted other pro athletes, tout these men as “THE NEW AMERICAN DREAM.”
Huh? Isn’t this the image Black Americans have been trying to get their kids away from–i.e., that their only hope is to become an athlete or entertainer?
Well, now comes Wall Street Journal reporter Lee Hawkins hosting this story about this “world of opportunity.” He reports on

a generation of self-made, young, black multimillionaires emerging from sports, media and entertainment to live the American dream. . . . It’s a world of opportunity, opulence . . . .




Blacks making it in sports and music–this is new? That’ll be a surprise for Michael Jackson, O.J. Simpson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, etc., etc., etc.
Anyway, Mr. Hawkins has developed a new term for them, “NEWBOs”–the New Black Overclass. Um, here’s a tip, if Diddy and ‘Lil Wayne are your “overclass”–your antidote to the Black underclass–your people are in trouble.
One other thing: In materials promoing this stupid show with a new label for an old concept, Hawkins apparently plans to ask these athletes and performers how racism has affected them. Racism? Um, hello . . . . who do you think is buying the CDs (or downloads) and tickets to sporting events?
Here’s a hint: the majority of them are not Black. Yes, NEWBOs are a problem for all of America, Black or White. NOT a solution or something to be admired.
This silly show airs on CBNC, this week.

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February 23, 2009, - 3:46 pm

HOprah Watch: All That’s Oprah Is Not Gold; Oprah Mag Fails

By Debbie Schlussel
Everything Oprah Winfrey touches isn’t gold.
For years, she fancied herself as not just a religion and an advice giver on every area of social life, but as a Martha Stewart type, too. That’s why Oprah started “O at Home” Magazine.
Sad for her, the magazine just went out of business. Below is part of the postcard Oprah officials sent subscribers. As you’ll note, Oprah’s keeping this real quiet. She doesn’t want the news of her failure to become a big news story.
Don’t worry, though. It’s not like the magnificently rich and completely out of touch Oprah will feel a thing. Unlike the rest of America, which is feeling the tough times, for Oprah, it’ll just give her more time to focus on more gushing Romeo and Juliet Islamic Terrorist stories for her “O Magazine.” Read more reasons why Oprah Sucks.


So sad, too bad.

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February 23, 2009, - 1:46 pm

Get Ready For More Giant Tax-Funded Bailouts: DC Statehood Moves Forward; Could Puerto Rico Be Next?

By Debbie Schlussel
For years, the District of Columbia has sought statehood. It would mean two extremely liberal Senators, and at least one extremely liberal Congressmen, both with votes. Think Marion Berry and Jesse Jackson (who was touted as a possible DC U.S. Senator in the past).
Now, this nightmare looks to become a reality. Joe Lieberman and Republican Orrin Hatch are sponsoring this bad idea in the Senate (former special prosecutor Kenneth Starr supports it, too), and it is moving along with disturbing ease. Although President Bush constantly threatened to veto the bill, Barack Obama (who co-sponsored it in the Senate) will sign it.
Initially, the idea is to give D.C. full voting rights, including one Congressional seat, and increase the membership of the U.S. House from 435 to 437 (Utah would get the other additional Congressional seat). But if D.C. has full voting rights, then they will argue for–and get–two U.S. Senators, too. Those aren’t in the bill, but what court will say that full voting rights includes Congressmen, but not Senators? Trust me, they’ll get all of it.


The Next Stop on the Barack-tatorship Tour

And when that happens, what will prevent us from granting statehood to Puerto Rico (also very liberal and Democratic), American Samoa, Guam, etc.? Even the tree snakes that have infested Guam will probably get a vote.
And you know what all this means don’t you? It’s not just the liberal votes in Congress. It’s the gazillions of your tax money transferred out of your pockets and into the new “states'” hands. If you like the stimulus bill and the bailouts you’ve paid for, thus far, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
And that’s why Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress will get it done. A special thanks to Senator Hatch for this moronic move. It will help solidify liberal control and rubber-stamping of socialism for the foreseeable future.
Good luck, America. You’ll need it.

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