February 26, 2009, - 12:04 pm

Will You Let Your Kids Go to the T.I. Farewell Tour?

By Debbie Schlussel
For weeks, I’ve been hearing ads on Top 40 radio stations aimed at kids for the “T.I. Farewell Tour.”
Since I’m familiar with rapper T.I. a/k/a Clifford Harris, I knew that this “Farewell Tour” is not a prequel to this loathsome 28-year-old individual’s retirement. You see, T.I. is scheduled to begin a year’s stint in the Big House, federal prison after pleading guilty to firearms charges. The guy is a thug, and he’s not only been promoted on Top 40 radio but also on MTV, where he was a reality show star. In a case of art imitates life, T.I. played a drug dealer in the movie, “American Gangster.”
Since I knew the T.I. story, I thought, Wow, even for a rap star, that’s pretty galling. The guy is basically mocking and exalting his stay in federal prison and status as a convicted felon. It’s nothing new that criminal status and–especially prison stays–are the currency of street cred in the rap world. But to have and advertise your tour as a “Farewell Tour”? Well, there is no shame anymore. Not an iota of it.


Rapper T.I. a/k/a Clifford Harris

A brief summary of the history of T.I.: He’s already a convicted felon–he was convicted of felony drug charges in 1998. He promotes drugs and drughouses in his rap “songs.” More:

The entertainer, whose real name is Clifford Harris, was arrested in a federal sting Saturday after his bodyguard-turned-informant delivered three machine guns and two silencers to the hip-hop star, according to a Justice Department statement.
Authorities said that Harris, 27, provided the bodyguard $12,000 to buy the weapons, which Harris is not allowed to own because he is a convicted felon. Court documents said Harris was convicted on felony drug charges in 1998, and a federal affidavit said he has been arrested on gun charges in the past. . . .
The guns were not registered on the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record as required by law. The bodyguard — who has worked for Harris since July — told authorities he had bought about nine guns for the rap star in the past, the statement said.
On Wednesday, authorities said, Harris arranged for the bodyguard to pick up $12,000 in cash from a bank to buy the guns. After his arrest, the bodyguard made phone calls to Harris, which authorities recorded, the statement said.
Harris was supposed to pick up the guns after meeting the bodyguard in a shopping center parking lot in midtown Atlanta. . . .
Court documents in the case show Harris was convicted on felony drug charges in Cobb County, Georgia, in 1998 and sentenced to seven years’ probation. “Harris has additional arrests and at least one probation violation for unlawfully possessing firearms,” according to an affidavit.
Harris’ music is built around the drug culture and is known as “trap musik,” the name of Harris’ second album. A “trap” is Southern slang for a drug house.

While I blame T.I.–the guy is vermin, I blame MTV, radio stations, and concert tour promoters and venues (all of whom are promoting this guy and the “Farewell Tour”) even more. They’re the ones promoting this mockery.
So, did you let your kids go to the T.I. Farewell Tour? If you’re reading this site, probably not. Still, as I’ve noted, there are parents who irresponsibly take their ten- and eleven-year-old kids to see the grisly, gruesome “Friday the 13th,” without a second thought.
And sadly, there are plenty just like them who allow their young kids and teens to see T.I.
Say good-bye, America. A good-bye which may not be as long or drawn out as I originally assumed.
T-Minus one month until this cretin gets, temporarily, out of America’s kids’ face. Unfortunately, there are plenty in line to take his place.
Too bad, it’s just an ephemeral “farewell.” If only it was, good riddance forever.
There are plenty of rumors that this great influence on American culture, T.I., is Muslim. But if he isn’t, I’d bet he will be when he comes out . . . thanks to our wonderful federally-funded Muslim imam prison cleric brainwashing system.

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February 26, 2009, - 11:45 am

VIDEO: Your Tax Dollars @ Work–Gang Tattoo Removal, Alaska Earmark (Where’s Palin?), Etc.

By Debbie Schlussel
For all the Obama hype, claiming that the stimulus package’s associated omnibus spending bill doesn’t include earmarks, it’s a lie. It actually includes 9,000 earmarks, including tattoo removal for gang members in Los Angeles trying to get jobs. Yeah, let’s spend money on violent thugs to “reform” and get jobs and screw the innocent people who never joined gangs and defiled their bodies of their own volition. (Plus, wouldn’t you prefer that the evidence that someone was in a gang remain?)
Then, there’s at least one mentioned earmark for North Pole, Alaska. Since Sarah Palin keeps claiming she’s against the spending bill and earmarks (while at the same time grabbing for Alaska’s “fair share”), where is she on opposing the million for North Pole? Alaskan crickets chirping beneath the snow. (It’s the same stunt she pulled when she claimed she was against the “Bridge to Nowhere,” after she supported it.)
It’s the biggest increase in federal spending since 1978–that’s the Carter years, which the Obama years are starting to echo all too much. MUST WATCH VIDEO:

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February 25, 2009, - 6:01 pm

Obama’s Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel, Pro China “Intelligence” Man

By Debbie Schlussel
My friend, Brian, calls our President, “Mao-bama,” and that’s lookin’ more and more correct for a number of reasons–some of ’em literal.
Barack Obama’s choice of Chas Freeman, Jr.–a supporter of anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and pro-Chinese Communist sentiment–as head of the National Intelligence Council should disturb all Americans.
Yid With Lid, Ashley Rindsberg, and Gabriel Schoenfeld (in today’s Wall Street Journal) have important pieces on this man who will write daily intelligence briefings, known as the National Intelligence Estimates. It’s scary.
Yid With Lid writes about some of Freeman’s statements:

Do you know that when the British explorers came to the “New World” they met “Iroquois and Algonquin chiefs with names like Abdul-Rahim and Abdallah Ibn Malik?”

Read all of his following pieces on Freeman and his Middle East Policy Council:


Obama Intelligence Dude Chas Freeman w/Anti-Israel, Anti-U.S. Prince AlWaleed Bin Talal

* Mayflower MUSLIMS??? What Obama’s Proposed Intelligence Chief is Teaching Your Children
* Obama’s New Spy Chief Publishes a Vicious Anti Israel Journal
* Obama Picks Israel Hater to Lead National Intelligence Council ?!?!
Ashley Rindsberg writes about how Freeman was still doing biz with the Bin Ladens AFTER 9/11. This guy is gonna be writing Intelligence Reports for the Prez???!!!
You want a guy who owes the Saudis and pimped vile anti-Semitic smear-papers by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt briefing the leader of the free world, every single day and culling which info the Prez sees and which he does not?
Only if you want Islamic terrorists and Chi-coms to be promoted as our allies in national security matters.
Here are a few excerpts from Schoenfeld’s WSJ piece, along with my commentary:

In 1997, Mr. Freeman succeeded George McGovern to become the president of the Middle East Policy Council. . . . [I]ts original name until 1991 was the American-Arab Affairs Council, and it is an influential Washington mouthpiece for Saudi Arabia.
As Mr. Freeman acknowledged in a 2006 interview with an outfit called the Saudi-US Relations Information Service, MEPC owes its endowment to the “generosity” of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia. Asked in the same interview about his organization’s current mission, Mr. Freeman responded, in a revealing non sequitur, that he was “delighted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has, after a long delay, begun to make serious public relations efforts.”
Among MEPC’s recent activities in the public relations realm, it has published what it calls an “unabridged” version of “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” by professors John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt. This controversial 2006 essay argued that American Jews have a “stranglehold” on the U.S. Congress, which they employ to tilt the U.S. toward Israel at the expense of broader American interests. Mr. Freeman has both endorsed the paper’s thesis and boasted of MEPC’s intrepid stance: “No one else in the United States has dared to publish this article, given the political penalties that the Lobby imposes on those who criticize it.”

The Mearsheimer/Walt article and book are well known to be anti-Semitic diatribes–the modern day Protocols of the Elders of Zion, for which the two have been richly rewarded on the Arab Muslim speaking tour circuit.

Mr. Freeman believes, as he said in a 2007 address to the Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs, that “Israel no longer even pretends to seek peace with the Palestinians; it strives instead to pacify them.” The primary reason America confronts a terrorism problem today, he continued, is “the brutal oppression of the Palestinians by an Israeli occupation that is about to mark its fortieth anniversary and shows no sign of ending.”

Anyone who echoes that BS is completely clueless. Bin Laden–when he first started in the terrorism biz–never even mentioned Israel. He only latched onto it, when his attacks on the Saudi monarchy didn’t get traction. There is terrorism because there is Islam. And because there are those who are not Muslim. Period.

The specter of a Chinese threat, he remarked during a China forum at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in October 2006, is nothing more than “a great fund-raiser for the hyper-expensive advanced weaponry our military-industrial complex prefers to make and our armed forces love to employ.”
On the massacre at Tiananmen Square in 1989, Mr. Freeman unabashedly sides with the Chinese government, a remarkable position for an appointee of an administration that has pledged to advance the cause of human rights. Mr. Freeman has been a participant in ChinaSec, a confidential Internet discussion group of China specialists. A copy of one of his postings was provided to me by a former member. “The truly unforgivable mistake of the Chinese authorities,” he wrote there in 2006, “was the failure to intervene on a timely basis to nip the demonstrations in the bud.” Moreover, “the Politburo’s response to the mob scene at ‘Tiananmen’ stands as a monument to overly cautious behavior on the part of the leadership, not as an example of rash action.”

Wow, a guy who not only defends the massacre at Tiananmen Square, but a guy who thinks it wasn’t tough enough. Incredible. Yup, just the guy we need to have final say on the President’s daily intelligence briefings.
I urge you to read all of the articles linked above.

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February 25, 2009, - 4:04 pm

Obama DumbAssity of the Day: Will Name LA RAZA Dude to Head . . . U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services???!!!!

By Debbie Schlussel
I feel like we’re living in an episode of “The Twilight Zone.” Can it really be that Barack Hussein Obama is about to name an open borders guy from Casa De Maryland–an affiliate of La Raza–to head up U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services???!!! According to the Washington Post, the answer is Si, Gringos.
Oy Vey:

Tom Perez, Maryland’s labor secretary and a former Montgomery County council member, could soon join the Obama administration, sounces tell The Post.
Immigrant advocates say the White House and the Department of Homeland Security have nearly finalized their choices to lead two major immigration agencies.


Thomas Peres (right) at Illegal Alien In-State Tuition Rally

For U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, sources tell our colleague Spencer Hsu that Perez appears to be the pick. Perez, a key player on Obama’s transition, was a top official in the Justice Department under President Clinton.
For DHS assistant secretary for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, all signs point to John T. Morton, a career Justice Department official who has overseen complex immigration and terrorism cases — most recently as chief of the criminal division’s domestic security section.

Thanks to the readers at Free Republic for tipping me off that Perez is former board director for Casa de Maryland, an open borders/illegal aliens advocacy group and an affiliate of Reconquista group, La Raza.
More on Perez, via 24Ahead, from the Washington Post (see caption of picture at link) on Perez’s support for in-state tuition for illegal aliens:

Maryland’s labor secretary, Thomas E. Perez, right, joined students in Annapolis to urge approval of a bill granting in-state tuition rates to undocumented immigrants.

Let me remind you that the head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is in charge of almost all immigration benefits–citizenship, green cards, some visas, etc. Do we want a man who believes illegal aliens deserve to be here to be in charge of whether or not these lawbreakers get citizenship? Maybe Victoria’s Secret will hire Rosie O’Donnell as a lingerie model.
As reader Ray writes:

Doomed . . . . We’re all doomed.

Wish I could disagree, Ray. Wish I could.


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February 25, 2009, - 3:28 pm

More American Dumbass-ity: Bail OK’d For Qaeda Official’s Bro-in-Law

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m getting tired of using the words “stupidity,” “moronism,” and “imbecility” to describe completely dumbass moves like that of the latest soft-on-terrorism story, below. Those words seem like an understatement, so I’m making up a new word, “dumbass-ity,” which I think best describes the outrageous idiocy of our “justice” system vis-a-vis Islamic terrorists.
U.S. Magistrate Arthur Nakazato is letting the brother-in-law of Osama Bin Laden’s bodyguard out on bond, despite strong evidence he’s part of Al-Qaeda and sympathizes with the group. The man, Ahmadullah Sais Niazi (hmmm . . . the surname is is spelled almost exactly the right way), lied to authorities about it and committed immigration fraud, as well as several other crimes. Nakazato is requiring the man be kept on electronic tether, which, as I’ve noted on this site, worked quite well in the case of Hezbollah terrorist Fawzi Mustafa Assi (who, posing as a Muslim woman in hijab, fled Detroit to Canada to Lebanon while on electronic tether).


Dumbass-ity: The Release of Ahmadullah Niazi, Qaeda Guy

A federal magistrate on Tuesday set bail at $500,000 for an alleged brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden’s bodyguard. . . .
Ahmadullah Niazi, 34, appeared in U.S. District Court on charges of lying about alleged ties to terrorist groups on his citizenship application. He has not yet entered a plea and will be arraigned next week.
U.S. Magistrate Arthur Nakazato ruled that Niazi must submit to electronic monitoring and home detention and surrender his passport and other travel documents. He cannot leave Southern California.
Niazi is not charged with terrorism, but Assistant U.S. Attorney Deirdre Eliot told Nakazato that searches of his home and computers yielded evidence that he sympathizes with terrorist groups and has ties to men who are globally designated as terrorists.
Niazi is an Afghan native and a naturalized U.S. citizen. Authorities allege his sister, Hafiza, is married to Amin al-Haq, identified in court papers as a high-ranking al-Qaida member. Prosecutors say al-Haq was believed to have been bin Laden’s bodyguard around and after Sept. 11, 2001.
Al-Haq also is suspected of working with Younis Khalis, who founded the terrorist organization Hezb-e-Islami, which fights against international and U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Khalis assisted in founding al-Qaida and helped bin Laden leave Sudan in 1996, Eliot said.
“In our eyes, this isn’t just an immigration case. In our view, the defendant is involved with the mujahadeen himself,” Eliot said. “Frankly, there is no amount of bail or equity in a home that can protect the citizens of this community.”

Niazi also falsely reported to the FBI that a man he and the mosque figured was an FBI informant (and was) was a jihadist and got a restraining order against him. That’s how they do it.

FBI Agent Thomas J. Ropel III testified that the convert Niazi reported was actually an FBI informant who had infiltrated several mosques in Orange County. Niazi was in charge of the convert’s spiritual education and taught him Arabic, Ropel said. . . .
Court documents show testimony by Niazi was instrumental in the mosque getting a restraining order against the convert.
Ropel said he believes Niazi reported the convert as a way to protect himself after realizing he might be an FBI informant. Niazi himself had been under surveillance since 2006 and subsequently lied during interviews with the FBI, Ropel said.
Niazi told agents that he and the convert had only discussed jihad once or twice, but secret recordings made by the informant showed the two had talked about it at least 20 times in conversations instigated by Niazi, Ropel said.
Niazi also called bin Laden “an angel” and referred to sending money to the Afghan mujahadeen, Ropel said.
Niazi told the informant it was his “duty to engage in violent jihad” and was preparing to send the informant to terrorist training camps in Yemen or Pakistan, Ropel said.

Predictably, this Al-Qaeda sympathizers has as his lawyer the preferred ethnicity of the Islamic jihad, a Jew–defense attorney Chase Scolnick said the FBI should have been grateful for Niazi’s cooperation.

Niazi is charged with perjury, procurement of naturalization unlawfully, passport fraud and making a false statement. He could face up to 35 years in prison if convicted of all charges.

Yup, but we’re letting this guy out on bond. Definition of Dumbass-ity.
(Predictably, CAIR and its executive director, Hussam Ayloush, come to the rescue and defend this guy. Is there an Islamic terrorist CAIR hasn’t defended? Well, not really, unless you include their phony, belated condemnation of Bin Laden once he murdered 3,000 Americans.)

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February 25, 2009, - 2:06 pm

TMZ: Barack Silent on Luxe Parties by Bank Who Gave Him Unusually Low Mortgage Rate

By Debbie Schlussel
For all his talk at last night’s speech to Congress and the nation about how lavish parties, planes, and perks of company CEOs would end, Barack Obama remains silent about the luxe parties of Northern Trust, the bank that gave Obama a lower-than-the-little-people interest rate on his Rezko Mansion loan.
He gave a “no comment” to TMZ:

We’ve been calling the White House for the last day, trying to get a reaction from the Prez on our story about the lavish parties Northern Trust threw in L.A. last week. We finally got a statement back — “No comment.”
Remember, this is a bank that got $1.6 billion in bailout money and blew a wad of cash paying Sheryl Crow, Chicago, and Earth, Wind & Fire. And then there were the dinners, the Tiffany gift bags, the fabulous cocktail parties — all from the bank that laid off 450 workers in December.



Obama was under fire for a mortgage he got from Northern Trust back in 2005. Obama got a 5.625% rate, which was lower than the going rate of about 6%. The Federal Election Commission recently ruled no laws were violated and the rate was in line with other mortgages.
But “no comment.” Really?

Yup, really. That’s the Obama way: Do as I say, not as I do. Hypocrisy We Can.

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February 25, 2009, - 2:01 pm

Japanese Michelle & Barack Give Us Their Version of Obama Speech to Nation

By Debbie Schlussel
Like a Saturday Night Live skit, this is funny for like the first minute and 15 seconds. Is it just me or does the Japanese Mrs. Obama look like Michael Jackson? Some people are saying this is racist because the Japanese Barack is in blackface. I post, you decide.

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February 25, 2009, - 1:31 pm

Why the Trashing of Brilliant Bobby Jindal? Rumor: Team SarahMessiah Behind Some of it

By Debbie Schlussel
I’m not surprised to hear liberals trashing Bobby Jindal’s speech last night in response to the Obama speech. That was predictable.
But I am surprised to hear the Republican–some of it conservative–trashing of Jindal. Jindal is a brilliant, articulate conservative, and the guy I most like out of those being talked about as possible Republican nominees for President in 2012.
Since I was in the middle of re-arranging furniture, I listened to the speech on the radio, and I thought it was just fine. Because I listened to, rather than watched it, I think I heard it more than those who saw it on TV, and I liked it. It wasn’t a spectacular speech, but it had its moments.
I liked how Jindal asked if we really want the same federal government that “helped” during Hurricane Katrina to help us now. He gave a great example of how the feds got in the way of a Democrat official in Louisiana, a sheriff, who was sending out boats to rescue people (because the boats didn’t have certificates of insurance).


Bobby Jindal & Family

There was nothing wrong or objectionable with the Jindal speech, and it had some uplifting stories, such as the personal story of his parents and the doctor who allowed his father to pay him back in installments for delivering Jindal when he was born. That’s the kind of doctor my Dad was. But try finding a doctor to do that today and a patient who actually makes the payments.
Like I say, the liberal trashing of Jindal is predictable. He matches Barack Obama in every category and exceeds him, and they don’t like that.
But there are rumors that much of the conservative trashing of Jindal has been spurred by the jealous Team SarahMessiah freaks, who rightly see Jindal as a huge threat to Sarah Palin’s chances to get the Republican nomination in 2009.
Where Palin has repeatedly displayed her ignorance, Jindal consistently displays brilliance. She’s a religious Christian, but so is he minus the housing and encouragement of Baby-Mama-dom in his children. He’s an effective Governor who never–previously in his career–taxed his citizens for a multi-million dollar sports center boondoggle. Oh, and he’s never vocally supported Title IX and other non-conservative big government discrimination programs. I bet Bobby Jindal can tell us which newspapers and magazines he reads–or at least be able to lie and name a few when asked. I think he knows what the right to privacy is–and that it’s a made up corollary to the Constitution invented to justify nationally sanctioned abortion. And I’d even put money on the theory that Bobby Jindal can name some Supreme Court decisions other than Roe v. Wade with which he disagrees. He’s a Rhodes Scholar, and she went to six different colleges in six years and barely graduated with a degree in journalism (the universal degree of dummies and athletes). Yes, the contrast is stark.
In short, Bobby Jindal’s the real conservative, whereas Sarah Palin is the pretend conservative whose blind ambition far exceeds her basic knowledge of conservative principles, let alone commitment to them. And he can actually articulate this clearly. Moreover, despite his minority status (in case you didn’t know, he’s of Indian descent), Bobby Jindahl’s success has little to do with that, unlike someone else who was picked and has arisen merely because of her internal plumbing and little else.
It was an insult to Jindal, last night, when I heard ABC News’ Aaron Katursky say on ABC Radio that the Republicans picked Jindal to deliver the Republican response because they want a minority and because, as Katursky claimed, “Republicans now realize that White men are in the minority.”
Bobby Jindal’s the real deal. And that’s why we hear so much trashing of Jindal today in the news.
There are two people who should and very much are afraid of him–and are: Team Obamessiah and Team Sarahmessiah.
And that simply adds to his luster.
(Oh, and please Team Sarahmessiah members, don’t send me the vile, hatemail–much of it blatantly anti-Semitic–which you sent the last time I exposed your heroine as an empty skirtsuit. Don’t tell me–as you did–that I’m committing a “Holocaust” on Sarah Palin. Sorry, but my great-uncles and -aunts cooking in ovens ain’t the same as me writing a little realism about Sarahmessiah. And don’t–as an Arab supporter of Sarahmessiah did–send me e-mails attacking Jewish settlers in Israel as terrorists and praising Muslim imams. Or telling me that Track and Van Palin are more normal names than Debbie–a shortened version of a Biblical name–which you claim is a “dumb name” and a “fat girl’s name,” among other dumb comments I received from you about my name.)

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February 25, 2009, - 11:26 am

FUNNY: Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Palestinian OctoMom, Nadya Suleman

By Debbie Schlussel
Ever since the story of OctoMom Nadya Suleman broke, I remained silent. So many people have written about this nutjob mother of octuplets, that I had nothing to add.
I might have written to point out that this family full of government dependents that cost taxpayers millions in Medicaid-covered NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) expenses are Palestinian Arab immigrants. I also wondered how she was able to afford all that plastic surgery–that terrible nosejob (her nose is way too small for her face) and continuing lip injections–while soaking the government. And I figured that she’ll also suddenly be able to come up with the money to get her 14 Palestinian kids matching nose jobs when they’re old enough.
But now Jimmy Kimmel has interviewed Ms. Suleman, and all questions have been answered once and for all, except how her Palestinian father, Edward Doud, got here to the States. Was his immigration legal, or did he come here originally on a tourist or student visa (and later apply for and get a green card after overstaying)?

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February 25, 2009, - 10:53 am

VIDEO: Katie Couric @ Obama Speech–“There’s The White Guy”

By Debbie Schlussel
Sadly, this video cuts short of my fave snub of the night: when Hillary Clinton does contortions to hug Maryland U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski and avoid shaking hands or facing California U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer. (Clinton’s bro was dumped by his wife who was Boxer’s daughter.)
Still, it’s got that catchy Katie Couric cheerleading over diversity, caught on tape by Breitbart TV:

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