March 9, 2009, - 11:17 am

DumbAssity of the Day: “View” Hags Hasselbeck, Behar Out Federal Air Marshal

By Debbie Schlussel
**** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATE: A Federal Air Marshal Writes ****
I thought it was obvious that the names and identities of Federal Air Marshals are supposed to remain secret. I know several FAMs and I’d never ever disclose their identifying info. It’s well known that Federal Air Marshals whose names have been publicly disclosed are useless to to the FAMS program.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to figure that out.
But apparently you do have to have a few more brain cells than yenta co-hosts of ABC’s “The View,” Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Joy Behar (which isn’t difficult, given the high levels of air inside their heads).


Airhead “View” Hag Big-Mouths Hasselbeck, Behar Out Air Marshal

On this morning’s episode of the anti-male vapidity-fest (which is in Los Angeles, this week), Hasselbeck (sadly ABC’s version of conservatism–dumb, ignorant, and not too conservative beyond talking points someone fed her) announced to the audience.

We’d like to thank Robert Thompson.

She and Behar then went on to tell us that Mr. Thompson was sitting next to them on their Sunday First Class flight from New York to Los Angeles, that he told them he was a “View” fan and wanted to take pictures with them. They said he told them during the flight that he was coming home from serving in Iraq and that his family paid for the First Class upgrade.
At the end of the flight, these brainiacs–Hasselbeck and Behar–told the world that this guy, Thompson, told them he was really a Federal Air Marshal.
It didn’t occur to these two geniuses that maybe they shouldn’t announce and disclose this info on TV.
But since they ran their big mouths, we now know that:
1) A guy named Robert Thompson is a Federal Air Marshal;
2) He sits in First Class;
3) FAMs are guarding flights from New York to Los Angeles on Sundays;
4) Don’t believe any stories people tell you on flights about coming home from Iraq or their families paying for First-Class upgrades–probably an FAM cover story (and Thompson and other FAMs will have to come up with new stories, now);
5) Don’t tell anything to dumb women–be they faux-conservative or liberal–who host women’s talk shows, unless you want it mindlessly blabbed to the world; and
6) Don’t claim you’re a fan of “The View,” and expect anyone in the Federal Air Marshal Service to ever believe again that you’re a man (admitting to this–even if you’re making it up–tells us all you left your man card back at the departure gate, never to be found again).
Like I said, you don’t need to be brain surgeon or rocket scientist to know not to announce these details on national TV, but for these “View” hags, Hasselbeck and Behar, it’s apparently a rocket surgeon. For all Hasselbeck’s bloviating about worrying about America’s national security, she won’t even think twice about jeopardizing it, herself. And this starstruck Air Marshal didn’t think twice about telling these blabbermouths who he really is.
Memo to Self: Flight with Federal Air Marshal Bob Thompson not safe from terrorists, due to:
1) Lack of Brains;
2) Lack of Testosterone.
Time for Mr. Thompson to get desk duty. His cover’s been blown.
**** UPDATE–A Federal Air Marshal writes:

WTF was he thinking? Our agency does not condone its agents slobbering over celebs like a soccer mom sitting next to Brad Pitt. I mean of alllll people to yap to? Jeez. I can count the number of times I have even engaged someone in conversation in the last year on one hand.
Biggest fan-FAM deserves whatever the agency does to him. I hope his teammates take him aside and advise him that they don’t like him risking their asses to score points with a washed up menopausal comic and her token Chrissy Snow RINO sidekick. They are sheep and they don’t like the sheepdogs so it’s not like he can win them over to the conservative way of thinking. Wow is all I can say.
PS Thanks for torturing yourself with “The View,” so I don’t have to.

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March 8, 2009, - 12:45 pm

Funny VIDEO: OctoMom Palestinian Nadya Suleman Gives Birth

By Debbie Schlussel
No comment necessary.

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March 6, 2009, - 5:50 pm

L.A. Times Movie Writer’s Schlussel Obsession Continues, Big Hollywood Responds; Watchmaniacs Compare Schlussel, Ebert Reviews

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Patrick Goldstein? He’s the Los Angeles Times Movie Writer who has this fixation with me. He stalks my reviews and comments on the great Big Hollywood site and elsewhere.
In his latest harangue, Goldstein writes a full column devoted to the dissection of my reviews and site and whines that he never heard of me before, and now my reviews are making waves. Heh. His biggest intended insult–since I like Ann Coulter, a great wit, talent, and intellect–is actually a huge compliment:

Schlussel makes the saber-toothed Coulter look like Miley Cyrus.


Big Hollywood’s John Nolte Smacks Down

Small-Minded L.A. Times’ Patrick Goldstein Re- Schlussel

Anyway, our friend, the great John Nolte–movie critic and Editor-in-Chief of Big Hollywood (also a screenwriter and director)–writes a great response to Herr Goldstein, making one from me unnecessary, since I couldn’t possibly do better or even close to as good as John’s solid smackdown. A sampling:

My wife and I argue about once a year. It comes from nowhere and starts for no reason. It’s a cleansing of sorts where we burst into a litany of long held grievances: You live in the bathroom! You leave dirty dishes in the sink! You have the TV too loud at night! You drive too fast . . .! Anyone listening to this little rock throwing contest would think we were crazy, and this kind of “crazy” is what came to mind while reading the L.A. Times own Patrick Goldstein’s burst into a fit of rock throwing at Debbie Schlussel. . . .

Read the whole thing.
Meanwhile, some Watchmaniacs (my term for the blind worshipper dweebs who salivate over “Watchmen” and send the world’s wrath your way if you disagree as I did) have spent their oodles of time comparing my negative review of “Watchmen” to that of Roger Ebert (who gave it four stars). They concentrate on a certain area they seem to have more of an obsession with than they claim I do.

Schlussel vs. Ebert

swinging computer-generated penis frequently in your face on-screen
a naked blue man, complete with discreet genitalia




Obviously, the first quote is from my review, and it’s the accurate one. Roger Ebert loved this trashy movie.
As longtime readers know, this isn’t the first Schlussel v. Ebert. Roger and I have had our tangles (here, here, and here).
He even cited me in one of his movie reviews, in response. But he’s actually a nice guy, despite his completely wrong-headed politics, which often seep into his reviews and definitely dominated his support of Islamic terrorist Ibrahim Parlak.

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March 6, 2009, - 5:05 pm

Chuck Daly: Pray For One of Sports’ Classiest Coaches

By Debbie Schlussel
As kids, my little brother and I were always big fans of Chuck Daly. We are twelve years apart and we had, among other things, our fandom of the Detroit Pistons in common. The legendary Detroit Pistons head coach–who led the Pistons “Bad Boys” to two back-to-back NBA championshipa–was always a nice guy and class act, in an industry filled with headcases, including on the coaching side. And he also coached the U.S. Olympic Basketball Team known as “The Dream Team” to win the Gold Medal.
Today, we learned that this true gentleman has been stricken with pancreatic cancer, the cancer which is quickly fatal for all but 5% of cases. As readers know, I lost someone near and dear to me to this horrible disease from which few live past five years and most live only months after diagnosis.
Chuck Daly was a coaches’ coach, with old-fashioned values you don’t much see in today’s pro coaches. When my brother and I met him in various settings, he was always down to earth and kind. And remember, this is the guy who had to simultaneously deal with the egos of Dennis Rodman, John Salley, and Isiah Thomas. (Yes, Bill Laimbeer played for him, too, but he wasn’t a problem child, just a “Bad Boy” who played his role.)


Pray for Chuck Daly, Legendary Coach & Class Act

Sadly, Chuck Daly is apparently in Stage Four of the cancer. But you never know. Sometimes, miracles happen.
I pray for Chuck Daly’s recovery and hope that he is comforted and does not suffer.
I’ve met few nicer, classier people in pro sports (and I used to be a sports agent, so I’ve met many).
Chuck Daly is the walking definition of a mensch, and I wish him much energy and strength in this fight for his life.

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March 6, 2009, - 11:42 am

Reaching Out to Hezbollah: UK Takes Page From Failed Bush Playbook, Obama Future

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember, back in 2005, when the Bush Administration floated a ridiculous trial balloon about making nice with Hezbollah, via the New York Times’ front page?

Earlier this year, while thousands of Lebanese people called for the ouster of Syria from their country, U.S. bureaucrats openly floated the idea of embracing Syrian-controlled Hezbollah. “U.S. Called Ready to See Hezbollah in Lebanon Role, A Sharp Policy Reversal,” read the headline in an outrageous March 10, 2005 front-page New York Times article. Incredibly, the U.S. was following the lead of France in embracing the terror group, only a few weeks after Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice was blocked–by France–from getting the EU to formally label Hezbollah as a terrorist group.


Britain’s New Mickey Mouse Foreign Policy: Recognize Hezbollah

Condi Clueless and George W. Bush wanted to recognize and reach out to the terrorist group that tortured Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem to death, murdered over 300 American Marines and civilians in bombings of the Marine barracks and U.S. Embassy in Beirut, and murdered over a 100 others in bombings of the Jewish Community Center and Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina (not to mention so many other murderous offenses around the world).
The idea was so outrageous (though little noticed) that even liberal Tim Russert, then-host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” hammered Condi Clueless about it, in an appearance on the show. But, secretly, the Bushies pushed on with this ridiculous plan (and failed). They sent pro-Hezbollah U.S. Congressman Darrell Issa a/k/a “Jihad Darrell” to repeat his many Hezbo-loving trips to South Lebanon and to suck up to Syrian dictator, terror-host and Hezbollah surrogate Bashir Assad.
President Obama, during the campaign, made no pretensions about being against these groups bent on our destruction. Now, the Brits are openly pursuing his announced plan–and Bush’s secret one. They’re now looking to do what Bush wanted to do, recognize Hezbollah as a legitimate political party. Say what you want about Tony Blair (of whom I wasn’t a fan). Even he had the guts to point out that Hezbollah was training the terrorists in Iraq who murdered British and American soldiers, and he pointed out that the IEDs were supplied by Hezbollah.
Looks like this new guy Brown is just completely clueless and dangerously so:

Britain overturned its policy on a key Middle East issue yesterday by agreeing to talk to Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shia movement which fights Israel and is banned as a terrorist organisation by the US.
Bill Rammell, the Foreign Office minister, told MPs the government would authorise “carefully selected” contacts with the political wing of Hezbollah, which is represented in the Lebanese parliament. Other EU countries, including France, already deal with the group.

“Carefully selected”? As in, negotiating with “carefully selected” SS and Gestapo members. Or “carefully selected” 9/11 masterminds from Al-Qaeda. You don’t negotiate with these people. Period.

The move, urged privately by British diplomats for some time, may be partially intended to encourage the US to follow suit as Barack Obama’s administration pursues a fresh approach of engagement with parties shunned by George Bush.

“Fresh”? There’s nothing fresh about it. On the contrary, it’s purely rotten. Just because something’s different–and insane–doesn’t make it “fresh.”

But Foreign Office officials said the decision would not create a precedent for talking to Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist movement in control of the Gaza Strip, although calls have increased recently for the government to do just that.

Um, yes, it will creat precedent. Hello . . . .? Anyone home?

Hezbollah (Arabic for “Party of God”), was created after Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon. In its early years, it was linked to hostage-taking and acts of terrorism, and claimed credit for leading resistance to Israel’s 18-year occupation.

WRONG. As I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, Hezbollah was founded much earlier to resist PALESTINIAN occupation of Lebanon (and rape, torture, and murder of Shi’ites by Palestinian Sunni P.L.O. terrorists) and was known originally as the Organization of the Oppressed on Earth (because of the way Shi’ites were treated like garbage by Sunnis around the world). Parts of Lebanon were then called “Fatahland” for a reason. As noted above, Hezbollah still takes hostages and commits terrorist acts.

“We have reconsidered our position on no contact with Hezbollah,” the Foreign Office said, “in light of more positive recent political developments in Lebanon, including the formation of the national unity government in which Hezbollah are participating. We are exploring certain contacts at an official level with Hezbollah’s political wing, including MPs.”

Thank President Bush, in part, for that, since he urged free elections in Lebanon, which brought Hezbos even more power.

Britain faced a classic dilemma of how to distinguish between a movement which engages in political and military activities. Last July the government announced it was banning Hezbollah’s “military wing” – Foreign Office officials insisted that the distinction was valid.

PUH-LEEZE. That’s so much bullcrap. A distinction without a difference. The “political wing” of Al-Qaeda? The “political wing” of the Nazi Party? Maybe we should have had relations with them.

Rime Allaf, a Middle East expert at London’s Chatham House, said the decision was the right one.

No kidding. An Arab Muslim thinks Britain should recognize Hezbollah. Shocking. Who’da thunk?

“It’s a different matter with Hamas, as they are still involved in a daily struggle against Israel. Current western policy doesn’t make any sense. You can’t base Middle East policy on whether a party has good relations with Israel or not.”

Um, we base western Mid-East policy on whether a “party” murders innocent civilians–including hundreds of Americans, like Hezbollah did. Hezbollah isn’t in a daily struggle against Israel? Are you joking? They continue to rocket Northern Israel and to vastly re-arm, courtesy of Iran, for the next attack.
The Foreign Office said Britain’s ambassador in Beirut attended a meeting last month of British and Lebanese MPs, including one from Hezbollah. The UK envoy urged all sides to show restraint during the ongoing crisis in Gaza.
Restraint = not blowing up any of the stupid infidels who are useful idiots in your fight for world domination.
Hmmm . . . if they’re gonna talk openly with Hezbollah, why not Al-Qaeda? There’s really no difference between the groups, except that one is Shi’ite and the other is Sunni. But both murder innocent westerners at the drop of a hat, and they work together to do it (Hezbollah is part of the Al-Qaeda network, and they worked together in Iraq to kill our and British troops).
Disgusting. Extremely stupid. And incredibly dangerous.

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March 6, 2009, - 10:53 am

“Watchmania” Garbage For Kids: Toys “R” Us Markets “Watchmen” Action Figures, Memorabilia

By Debbie Schlussel
For the last two days, I’ve been getting a ton of e-mails and comments on this site from blind worshippers of the “Watchmen”–I call them, “Watchmaniacs”–that the movie isn’t being marketed to kids. They called me a liar for daring to say so.
Oh, really?
What would you brainiacs say is the target demo for Toys “R” Us? (Yes, I know, the Toys “R” Us site says it’s for ages 18 and up, but it’s not up at the stores. And, hello, it’s Toys “R” Us.)
Hey, Mommy, I want a Comedian action figure. I wanna grow up to be a rapist, chick-beater, and butcher, just like him. Mommy, get me a latex outfit like Silk Spectre, so I can practice being on top.


Toys “R” Us Sells Rapist/Murderer “The Comedian” &

Whorish “Silk Spectre” Action Figures to Kids

And my friend, the great John Nolte, movie critic and Editor-in-Chief of Big Hollywood (where I am a contributor), informs me that the “world’s biggest toy store” isn’t just selling the “Watchmen” action figures. He says he’s seen “Watchmen” lunchboxes and thermoses at Toys “R” Us, too.
Hey, Watchmaniacs, who uses lunchboxes? College students? Adults? Not usually.

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March 5, 2009, - 6:05 pm

Obama Tacky: Prez Who Whines Against CEO Perks & Salaries/Urges Belt-Tightening, Buys Gauche $3,500 Swingset for Daughters; UPDATE: Swing Set is $10,000?!

By Debbie Schlussel
**** SCROLL DOWN FOR UPDATE: Obama Swing Set Might Have Cost $10,000 ***
As I’ve written over and over again on this site, the Obamas have no sense of decency or self-discipline. They just don’t have any sensitivity to what the rest of America is going through. And they’re not the “regular people” the press keeps telling us that they are.
President Obama whines on about and rails against high salaries and perks of CEOs and tells us all we must tighten our belts. Yet, he sends his kids to a school that costs him about $55,000 a year (where they dine on roast Atlantic salmon and cheese and crackers), and Mrs. Obama just hired a hifalutin designer to re-decorate the White House residence to the tune of $100,000.
But their latest purchase in this era of tough times for most other Americans is the new swing set the Obamas bought their daughters, to the tune of $3,500 plus. It’s also their tackiest.


Obama $3,500-Plus Swingset: Spend As I Say, Not As I Do

To most Americans, a $3,500 swing set–let alone anything for $3,500–is far out of reach. While most American kids don’t even have swing sets, those who do generally have something far more modest than this showy display. For all of Mrs. Obama’s bragging to the press how her girls are going to have to make their beds and will be treated like regular kids, it was all bunk. Her kids got a swing set befitting the spoiled kids of rich elitists she claims they aren’t.
And it’s just plain tacky. When your country is suffering, when people are losing their jobs and homes en mass, their investments are plummeting, and you are telling Americans to do more with less and tighten their belts . . . you rub their noses in it by buying your kiddies a backyard toy for nearly four grand?! Talk about hypocrisy.
Gauche to the nth.
I believe Americans should be able to do and spend with their own money as they please, but since Barack Obama is telling us otherwise and taxing us to death, he should take a little of his own advice–like cutting his spending and not purchasing the swingset of gazillionaires.
The Obama purchase of the Rainbow Castle Package 4 is excessive for liberals who are taxing everyone else to death and telling us to eat cake, while tightening our belts. It’s not only hypocritical, it’s a bad example.
Even more glaring is the fact that instead of pointing this out, the mainstream media fawns over this swing set, gushing about what great parents the Obamas are for buying this monstrosity. You know, the same media yelling and whining and screaming about anyone else with money actually spending it on anything.
Play the politics of class-envy and hate the rich . . . but only when they’re not surnamed Obama.
**** UPDATE, 03/06/09: Reader Mike writes that the press is low-balling the cost of the Obama swingset, and that it apparently costs $10,000.

You are way off about the price of that swingset. I’ve priced them out. There is no way that cost $3,500. (I know, I bought one from rainbow a few years back) That set shown has to have cost way over 10K.
For what its worth.

$10,000 for a swingset for his kids in this economy, while he’s telling everyone else in America to tighten their belts while he taxes them to death?!
Whoa, that’s chutzpah.

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March 5, 2009, - 4:25 pm

HOprah Watch: Oprah Winfrey Endorses Polygamist Marriage on Daytime Talk Show

By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve noted repeatedly on this site, HRHSBotU [Her Royal Highness, Supreme Being of the Universe] Oprah Winfrey frequently uses her show to praise and whitewash Islam, yet she also repeatedly uses it as a forum to denigrate the far less threatening Christian polygamists who are Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints followers. Oprah’s view is this–Muslim polygamists who hate America and support terrorism: A-OK; Christian polygamists who aren’t bothering me and pose me no threat: Impending great American disaster.



Islamo-Panderers Oprah, Lisa Ling Support Polygamy
(Ling w/ HAMAS Supporters for Story Glorifying Female Homicide Bombers

(Islamist Oprah by Six Meat Buffet)

The “reporter” HRHSBotU Oprah uses to give these reports, Lisa Ling, constantly does reports on the polygamy of these fundatmentalist Mormon separatists, but has yet to do a show on Muslim polygamy that exists in this country. (For example, Ali Jawad–the Hezbollah-supporting, convicted insurance defrauder Muslim I got John McCain to kick off of his campaign–apparently has two wives, his American one and the Shi’ite Muslim secretary he got pregnant and married under Islamic law, who now lives in Lebanon.) Ling also did a number of pandering pro-HAMAS interviews in Gaza and sympathetic interviews with other Palestinians who support homicide bombings. Then, Ling’s clueless representatives had the chutzpah to contact me, pretending she never did such things and was concerned about Islamic terrorism funding (she wasn’t).
Today, Oprah and Ling did another one of their “exposes” on the polygamous FLDS sect in Texas. Ling pointed out to Oprah that one FLDS polygamist said that we are no different from him–that we have multiple affairs with different people, and that they are being punished for sanctifying it with marriage.
To that, Oprah responded:

Yeah, I think we need to take a look at that. . . . I think he has a point there.

Great. Can’t wait ’til she and Lisa Ling do the show on Islamic polygamy, since she now thinks polygamy has a point.
Not holding my breath, though.
* Schlussel v. Oprah’s Skank, Lisa Ling
* HOprah Watch: Daytime Queen is Tough on Christian Polygamy; Muslim Polygamy–Not So Much
* Oprah: Daytime Talk’s Jihadi Sister
* Oprah Promotes Queen Rania and Extremist Islam of Jordan

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March 5, 2009, - 3:03 pm

More Foreclosed Home Squatter Chutzpah

By Debbie Schlussel
*** bumped up from 11:38 a.m. Eastern ***
Recently, I told you about Tasha Flowers, a woman who filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the Detroit Police Department for allegedly coming to “her” home and beating her and her kids. What was left out of both Detroit newspapers’ “coverage” of this story was a tiny, unimportant, irrelevant detail: that single mother Ms. Flowers and her seven kids had broken into the home, which wasn’t theirs and were squatting there. The Detroit Police came to usher them out from the home in which they were illegally trespassing.
Now, there’s an even more chutzpahdik story of squatters in a foreclosed home. Michael Ljajcaj and his wife and kids were foreclosed out of their Detroit area home. Ljajcaj’s father-in-law, instead of paying off the foreclosed mortgage they blew off, bought Ljajcaj and his wife a new 2900 square foot home in another Detroit suburb, on which he closed last month.


Michael Ljajcaj:

Blew Off His Mortgage, Got Foreclosed Upon,

Yet Had the $ to Buy This New House


Roslyn Jackson & Shawn Willis:

Illegally Squatting in Michael Ljajcaj’s New House

Ljajcaj and his family tried to move into the new home, but they couldn’t. That’s because squatters Roslyn Jackson and her boyfriend Shawn Willis (and Jackson’s daughter) are illegally living there. Even though the two are being charged with criminal trespass, they won’t leave the home. And apparently, police can’t legally remove them . . . yet. The bank–which owned the foreclosed home and sold it to Ljajcaj–has been going through eviction proceedings to to remove these squatters since December. It is still ongoing.
Since news coverage of this story says that Ljajcaj, himself, is making mortgage payments on this squatted upon home, I wonder why the bank for the home he first bought–and from which he and his family were foreclosed–is sitting by and allowing him to buy a new 2900 square foot home, regardless of whether or not it’s in his father-in-law’s name.

Michael Ljajcaj was taking measurements to put a fence around his newly purchased home when he started to suspect that someone was living there.
The Realtor’s [DS: sic] key box on the front door was missing and the shades were drawn, though he remembered leaving them up the last time he was inside.
Ljajcaj’s worst fear was realized a few weeks later when he said he knocked on the door and a woman answered, claiming the home was hers before slamming the door in his face.
“I said, ‘This is my house. What are you guys doing in my house?’ ” said Ljajcaj, 46, whose father-in-law purchased the 2,900-square-foot Macomb Township foreclosed home for Ljajcaj and his family. “She said, ‘No, this is my house now.’ It was a big surprise.”
Three months later, Ljajcaj still hasn’t settled into his home — despite making his first mortgage payment Monday — because the matter has been tied up in court as both sides attempt to prove ownership, and the current occupants battle criminal trespassing charges.
Ljajcaj said he worked with a Realtor [DS:sic] to purchase the home that he closed on last month. Meanwhile, Roslyn Jackson, 36, formerly of Georgia, says she signed a three-year lease on the property legally in November and has notified the FBI’s mortgage fraud department about the matter.
“He doesn’t own the house,” said Jackson, who lives in the home with her 14-year-old daughter. “I’ve done the research. It’s unbelievable.”
But an eviction notice was waiting for Jackson and her boyfriend, Shawn Willis, 37, of Detroit, when they returned to the home Wednesday after appearing in Shelby Township District Court on charges of trespassing, breaking and entering and illegal entry without owner’s permission. Magistrate Michael Osaer adjourned the criminal proceedings to give Jackson and Willis time to retain an attorney. . . .
The progress was hopeful to Ljajcaj, who wants nothing more than to move his family into the $240,000 home.
Ljajcaj said he was foreclosed on his Shelby Township home and needed to find a new place to live.

His father-in-law, Roy Lindquist, made an offer on the bank-owned Macomb Township home as soon as it went on the market. . . .
In December, the bank that owns the house began the process of evicting Jackson, who originally was given a Jan. 30 eviction date, according to Richard Graving, Ljajcaj’s attorney. . . .
However, Jackson’s eviction date was postponed while she appealed her eviction before Macomb Circuit Judge Mark Switalski, who denied the appeal on Monday.

With the Flowers woman and her kids, and now this couple who is squatting in a home purchased by a man who was foreclosed upon on another home, and no-one doing anything to prevent these things from happening, it’s no wonder we’re in the mess we are.
Neither of these couples should be living in this home. One of them still owes money on his former, foreclosed home. And the other is squatting illegally.

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March 5, 2009, - 1:35 pm

Your Tax Dollars @ Work: Arab Muslims Get Special Help on Digital TV Switch

By Debbie Schlussel
Say, did you know that TV is switching to digital?
I’m scratching my head, wondering what it is about Arab Muslims that they need special tax grants from the federal government to get “training” on what to do with the June 12th switch to digital TV.
You’d think that Arab Muslims, like everyone else in America, actually saw the ads that have been appearing on TV for months, the gazillion announcements and newspaper articles, etc., telling us that on June 12th you either need to have cable, satellite, a digital TV, or a converter box, or you will not get TV reception.
But apparently you would be wrong because an agency that caters to and promotes Arab Muslims–the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS)–got a special government cash grant to hold a seminar yesterday especially for Arab Muslims. Apparently, their TVs (and brains) work differently than yours, so they need special help.


Your Tax Dollars Give Special “Digital Switchover Training” to Muslims

It’s not me saying so. It’s ACCESS. And your tax dollars.
As I’ve repeatedly noted on this site, ACCESS gets millions in your tax money and used it to train Al-Qaeda terrorists to get Commercial Driver’s Licenses and HazMat Hauling Certificates. They also used your tax money to build an anti-Israel “museum,” to fly thousands of pregnant Muslim illegal aliens here to get U.S. citizenship for their kids and have Medicaid pay for their births, to help Muslim illegal aliens get into America, stay here, and game the system, and to lobby on behalf of Hezbollah and HAMAS to keep them off the State Department terrorist list.
Your tax money funding special seminars for Arab Muslims on the digital TV switchover. Why don’t they just tell them at Friday Jumaa services at the mosque?
After you’re done rigging the IED and killing the evil Zionists, you need to get a converter box.

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