March 10, 2009, - 2:46 pm

Dumb: NFL Gets Homeland Security Exemption from Lawsuits

By Debbie Schlussel
On this site, I’ve repeatedly decried the litigation explosion–oodles of dumb, frivolous lawsuits and class actions that clog the system and make everything more expensive for the consumer.
And while I’m all for tort reform, I’m completely opposed to giving special exemptions to fat cat industries that continue to soak the system. I’m talking about the National Football League.
The NFL is populated by billionaire owners and multi-millionaire players. In most cases, stadiums are publicly funded by taxpayers. And even if they aren’t, taxpayers pay for the extra police that surround venues on gameday. It’s rare that the teams actually pay the city. It’s usually the city and state that end up paying–one way or another–for the venue.


But the NFL fat cats have a lot of money. And big money brings campaign contributions and expensive lobbyists. And out of this, the NFL has eked out the SAFETY Act–Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies. It will shield them from lawsuits when they don’t provide adequate security.
First off, can we stop with the pretentious, nonsense names for all these dumb Congressional bills for special interests? Whatever happened to the days of “House Bill 392” and “Senate Resolution 453”?
Then, there’s the bill itself. When the Superbowl was here in Detroit a few years ago for Superbowl XL, the government provided 10,000 federal agents and cops to guard the game and its surrounding areas. But friends of mine–several friends of mine, actually, managed to sneak into the Big Game without tickets. They’re my friends and nice, harmless people who wanted to see a big event and couldn’t score tickets. Not saying I’m condoning this trespass, but the point is that it happened.
What if my friends were terrorists with bombs? They’d have had no problems. Not only were they not noticed going into Ford Field, but they didn’t have the search of person and bags that goes along with that.
Clearly, the NFL security wasn’t tight. And this is Detroit we’re talking about, so they should have been even stricter.
And I wrote about other gaping security holes (here and here). The official NFL hotel and headquarters for the Detroit Superbowl was in a building built on top of an empty parking lot. I parked in the lot and no-one checked me or my car. I could have blown up the entire Jefferson Avenue and Renaissance Center above me (where the NFL and fans were doing shows and gathering for parties and press conferences) if I wanted to. A door from under the parking lot was open, and it led to the inside of the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel. If Ahmed from Canada wanted to blow up NFL headquarters, he could’ve.
If my friends or I were terrorists, we could have harmed hundreds or perhaps thousands of people. But under this new law, the NFL is now exempt from terrorism lawsuits, so long as they use and buy equipment from companies that have sweetheart deals with the Department of Homeland Security.
It’s ridiculous and ripe for abuse. And if you are blown up because the NFL bought equipment from someone whose girlfriend or boyfriend works at ICE and rubberstamped as approved security gear, somehow the NFL is now “not at fault” even when there’s a breach because it failed to adequately guard the perimeter, as was the case at Ford Field.
Then, there’s the tiny detail of who runs NFL security. The League employs former FBI agents and other similar retired Feds to run its safety operations. You know, the same FBI that allowed 9/11 to happen and ignored its agents’ pleas to look at Zaccarias Moussaoui’s hard drive a month before the attacks. This agency full of self-important bureaucratic blowhards is hardly the place you pluck retirees from if you want your consumers and spectators safe from attack. Blackwater–now Xe–might be a better place to start. The people for whom Blackwater provided security don’t get killed. But fuhgedaboutit–the NFL sticks with the former Famous But Incompetent.
Why is it that the NFL deserves this special exemption from suit, when, say, a small or mid-sized or even big business that’s not in a glamorous field like sports has a terrorist attack against it? Why is that business left to face myriad lawsuits which may put it out of biz, when the fat cats at the NFL–Big Football–won’t be?
It’s like “Animal Farm,” in which all of the animals in the barnyard are equal, but some are more equal than others.
In this case, it’s the pigs. No, the hogs. With greedy NFL owners and players always soaking taxpayers for playing palaces and security, these guys are definitely the ones feeding at the trough.
It’s one thing to curb frivolous lawsuits. It’s entirely another to exempt an entire entertainment industry segment because they bought crony-recommended equipment, and leave the rest of American businesses holding the bag.

The National Football League and dozens of other companies and organizations have won exemption from lawsuits under a post-9/11 law that prohibits them from being sued if terrorists attack a site they are protecting.
The law, called the SAFETY Act (Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies), aims to help security providers by guaranteeing they will not pay any claims that terror victims might file after an attack.
The law was created in 2002 in response to multibillion-dollar lawsuits filed after the 9/11 attacks that left companies afraid they would be sued if security equipment failed to stop terrorists.
The protection extends only to companies’ services or equipment that the Homeland Security Department has approved as being effective in anti-terrorism.
Among those with top-tier protection is the NFL, which in December received liability exemption against future claims stemming from an attack at any of the nation’s football stadiums. The law requires a court to dismiss lawsuits against companies whose products have Homeland Security’s highest reliability rating.
The NFL got the protection after the government approved the league’s nine-page stadium-security guidelines.

You’re gonna secure an entire stadium at a Superbowl with only nine pages of details? Hello . . . ?

The benefit to the NFL is “fairly obvious,” said NFL security chief Milt Ahlerich. “An attack from a terrorist organization could put us out of business.” League guidelines, developed shortly after 9/11, include digital security cameras in stadiums, quick searches on entering spectators and barriers that keep cars and trucks 100 feet from a stadium.

Oh, and here’s the KEY:

Many beneficiaries of the legal protection are large government contractors that sell equipment such as airport X-ray machines and chemical sensors.
Among the other companies are aviation giant Boeing Corp., which got the exemption for its strengthened flight deck doors on planes, and IBM, granted an exemption for its software used to more accurately verify names and identities.
Homeland Security spokeswoman Amy Kudwa said the protection has led to “wider deployment of anti-terrorism technologies and services.”

Um, they should be using that technology anyway. Not to would be security malpractice.

Another class of companies on the list is given a lesser form of liability protection – they can be sued, but the law limits damages to the amount of the company’s insurance coverage.
The law requires all of the protected companies and organizations to carry terrorism insurance. The amounts vary.

Hmmm . . . why do they need to carry insurance, if they’re exempt from all lawsuits?
This whole thing is a giant form of corporate welfare. It provides a boon to insurance companies, NFL fat cats, and people who make security machines which may or may not work.
But if you get disfigured in a terrorist attack because the NFL was too concerned about bringing Michael Vick back into its employ than spending money on adequate security at a Detroit Superbowl, you’ll get bupkus. No, not Dick Butkus. Bupkus.

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March 10, 2009, - 1:05 pm

New York Times Sports Dude Bummed that Israel Beat Sweden in Davis Cup

By Debbie Schlussel
Previously, I wrote about how the cowardly Swedes couldn’t–and wouldn’t–provide adequate security for the Israeli Davis Cup Tennis Team, now that Sweden is Islamo-Swede-Barbaria. (Lookin’ forward to the IKEA mosque.) So, as I noted, the Swedes as brought to you by Mohammed, had Israel play its Davis Cup matches without an audience.
Well, Israel won. And the New HAMAS York Times is upset that Israel won and finds the need to denigrate the victory a little. You know, just for the Jewish Purim holiday:
NYTimes Sports “reporter” Christopher Clarey writes this baloney:

Perhaps with crowd support, Sweden might have found the strength to win.


F-U Sweden: Victorious Israeli Tennis Team After Winning Davis Cup

Perhaps, if there was a crowd and a Muslim would-be assassin of Israeli tennis players sneezed in the crowd and his boogers ended up on some wimpy Swedish policeman’s pepperoni pizza distracting a Swedish player who–in anticipation of his Muslim future–wondered if that makes the Pepperoni halal and suddenly felt emboldened by Allah, Sweden would have found the strength to win. Perhaps.
Perhaps if Yasser Arafat’s, Edward Said’s, and George Habash’s ghosts arose in the Malmo arena for the occasion of an interfaith Arab terrorist orgy and simultaneously put a fatwa on the Israeli tennis team, their rackets would have turned into IEDs and they’d have blown up. Perhaps.
It’s ridiculous. Israel won. Why does this creepy NY(HAMAS)Times reporter find it necessary to come up with excuses for why Israel shouldn’t have won and scenarios in which it would have lost? Because he’s mad that Israel won, despite all the anti-Semitic Muslim violence on the streets surrounding the tennis matches. And he just can’t keep this anger bottled up inside and do real, objective sports reporting.
So sad for NYTimes’ Christopher Clarey that Israel will now reach its second Davis Cup Quarterfinal in history. Hey, where’s the Al-Qaeda and HAMAS tennis teams? Oh, yeah, they’re practicing their rocket-lob shots . . . elsewhere.
But wait, there’s more. Clarey uses the usual epithets and euphemisms for violent Muslims who’ve taken over the streets of Malmo, Sweden (and America, soon enough).

It was easier to understand the council’s concern after seeing footage of youths, some masked, abusing police officers and equipment in the aftermath of a protest march Saturday near the arena.

“Youths”? Translation: MUSLIMS. Muslims, some masked, abusing police officers and equipment in the aftermath of an ANTI-SEMITIC protest march Saturday near the arena.

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March 10, 2009, - 12:41 pm

“I’m Gonna Kill Myself”: And Now She Has 14

By Debbie Schlussel
While listening to this tape of the OctoMom’s 9/11 call from October, I had a few non-deep thoughts:
1) She repeatedly says, “I’m Gonna Kill Myself.” If only . . . .
2) I felt like I wanted to kill myself, too, and that was just after the first ten seconds of listening;
3) This is how she was with just ONE kid, and then there were fourteen. Don’t expect them to turn out LESS nutty than her.

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March 10, 2009, - 12:07 pm

Polls: Palestinians Would Elect HAMAS in West Bank; U.S. Funding of Abbas a Complete Failure

By Debbie Schlussel
Not that this is a new concept, since I’ve argued it on this site for several years now, but HAMAS is the most popular movement among the Palestinians. Among ALL Palestinians. It’s not just in Gaza, but in the so-called West Bank, too.
And as I’ve repeatedly said, not only would HAMAS eventually win in democratic elections all over the so-called Palestinian Authority–thanks, President Bush, father of HAMAS electoral victory–but our repeated funding of the Fatah terrorist group and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a Abu Mazen, was a failure.
Yes, President Bush threw gazillions Abbas’ way. As I noted on this site, we funded Palestinian Authority soap operas for Ramadan viewing, so they could sit still without killing people for an hour or two (“Desperate No-Head-Wives” would have been a great title), we funded Palestinian mortgage bail-outs, we funded Palestinian start-up businesses, and we funded their political campaigns. These are all things we scream about when we do them for Americans (and rightly so), but we don’t seem to mind when we do them for terrorism supporters.
In Alien v. Predator, er–HAMAS v. Fatah–We Bet & Lost, No Matter Who Won . . .



That’s right, all of these people whose mortgages we bailed out, whose businesses we funded, and whose soap operas we backed–they support HAMAS, which will win in any future elections in the future in the so-called West Bank. Here are the numbers:

The West Bank is under Israel’s overall security control, but parts of the territory are governed by the Western-backed government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. A poll Monday showed that the popularity of the Islamic militant group Hamas, which rules Gaza, has grown among Palestinians at Abbas’ expense after Israel’s recent offensive in Gaza. . . .
In the West Bank and Gaza, support for Hamas is growing and support for Abbas is slipping, according to a poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. The poll attributes the shift to Israel’s three-week offensive in Gaza, which sought to stop Hamas rocket fire on Israeli towns. Nearly 1,300 Palestinians were killed, and many saw Abbas as ineffective in stopping the violence.
The poll says Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh would likely beat Abbas with 47 percent of the vote to Abbas’ 45 percent if presidential elections were held now. Three months ago, Abbas would have beat Haniyeh by 10 points, the center said.
During the same period, Hamas’ popularity climbed five points to 33 percent, while the popularity of Abbas’ Fatah movement dropped two points to 40 percent, the poll found.
The poll was conducted between March 5 and 7 among 1,270 adults in the West Bank and Gaza. It has a margin of error of three percentage points.

As I wrote over the last several years, the “our violent Islamic terrorists versus your violent Islamic terrorists” strategy was stupid to begin with and destined to be a failure.
And now it is. Just wait until the democratic elections they now have thanks to Bush. HAMAS will win it all. And Obama will continue his backdoor negotiations he’s been having with them since last summer.

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March 9, 2009, - 11:45 pm

TWELVE NANNIES & New House Lease, OctoMom Palestinian Tells ET; OctoMom’s Daddy Dumps on GM & Wall Street

By Debbie Schlussel
Tonight on “Entertainment Tonight,” Palestinian Octomom Nadya Suleman told “reporter”/drooling panderer Thea Andrews that she is moving into a new house and will have TWELVE nannies for her children, which she says will cost $16,000 to $17,000 per month.
Where the heck is the money coming from?
Suleman didn’t say how much the house will cost–Andrews, of course, didn’t ask. But she said she put a big chunk of money down and is in a “lease contract.” AP reports her Palestinian immigrant father, Ed Doud, bought the $600,000 home. Watch this video report about the repo of her current home.

Since Suleman gave ET exclusive interviews and has been doing so for at least the last week or more, it’s apparent that she is getting paid by ET for the exclusives. It’s part of a deal with Radar Online, the left-wing celebrity site (which has attacked me on more than one occasion for being conservative and anti-jihad).
Predictably, ET’s Andrews didn’t ask Suleman if she’s going to pay back taxpayers for the gazillions she’s already taken in Medicaid and cost taxpayers for her eight kids to continue living in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of the hospital where were they were born, Kaiser-Permanente.
As you may know, some of her kids have ailments–one of them is unable to see at this time and almost all of them were born underweight. And they cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep in NICU with these ailments.
(She fears the hospital will not let her take the kids home, and she is consulting with Sean Hannity’s new friend, fake doctor, Dr. Phil, to help keep them.)
ET’s Andrews asked Suleman if she’s gotten “any more death threats,” to which OctoMommy replied that she only got

angry letters from taxpayers. And that’s fine, you know, taxpayers are entitled to their opinion, but I’m not taking any more than other people.

Oh, really.
OctoMom’s Palestinian immigrant father, Ed Doud, isn’t any more plausible in his excuses.
Tonight, on ABC News’ “Nightline,” he asked why people are not angry about General Motors and Wall Street and “millionaire CEOs,” instead of his daughter.
As if that has anything to do with the price of Tea in China . . . or Medicaid bills you, the American taxpayers, are footing for the OctoMom’s fourteen kids.

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March 9, 2009, - 6:11 pm

Text Messages: Former Detroit Mayor Admits “I Sold Weed in College,” Had Five Extramarital Chicks in Harem; Detroit Judge: “F-CK The Police!”

By Debbie Schlussel
The big buzz in Detroit, today, is the release of 1,400 text *** UPDATE: 6,000 text messages **** messages between former Detroit Mayor Kwame “The Kingpin” Kilpatrick and several other City of Detroit employees with each other and third parties. Read them all here.
While wading through a lot of graphic, sexually explicit discussions, I found these items, most interesting:
* Ruth Carter, now a 36th District Court Judge in Detroit, was then the City’s lawyer and said in one of many unprofessional text messages, “F-CK the Police!” Gee, if I’m a prosecutor, how can I ever have a case decided fairly when police are witnesses?
* Kilpatrick was apparently carrying on extramarital affairs with up to five women at the same time. No wonder Detroit was a mess under his “leadership.”


* One of Kilpatrick’s harem members, co-conspirator Christine Beatty (his then-Chief of Staff), asked him to tell her something about him that she didn’t know, and his reponse was:

I sold weed in college.

As I previously noted on this site, friends of mine in law enforcement told me Kilpatrick was in a drug gang called NFL–the [N-word]s of Forest Lawn (a street/area in Detroit). They told me that when they were tailing top drug kingpins in Detroit, they found them at Kwame Kilpatrick Mayoral campaign fundraisers. So, I’m not shocked by the former Mayor’s admission he was a drug-dealer.
* There are also text messages from then-Detroit Counsel Ruth Carter telling Kilpatrick that she spoke with Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox (who was supposed to be investigating the Mayor and an alleged lewd party at the Manoogian Mayoral Mansion with strippers who were later assassinated). She says in the messages that “Mike” asked if you “want to be cleared by him or by Duggan [Mike Duggan, then-Wayne County Prosecutor].”
Many, including myself, have long commented on the quickness with which Cox cleared Kilpatrick and claimed the party never happened. He refused to interview witnesses and stopped a separate Michigan State Police investigation.
Cox, a pan-Islamist Republican who continues to allow Muslims from the Middle East to fly here and defraud Medicaid–and deliberately interfered in and botched a federal investigation into the matter, is running for Governor of Michigan. Do you really want the GOP side of the Kwame Kilpatrick regime to become Governor of Michigan?
I sure don’t.
Detroit, the sewer of America.

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March 9, 2009, - 5:06 pm

Three Cheers for Judge Cook: Says No To Fed Prosecutors, Gives Criminal Immigration Official Bailey Tougher Sentence

By Debbie Schlussel
Shame on me.
Earlier today, I assumed Federal Judge Julian Abele Cook, Jr. would give in to the federal prosecutors’ absurd request to give corrupt former top federal immigration official Roy Bailey only two years behind bars, despite taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from illegal aliens and their sponsors–many of them tied to Hezbollah–to allow the aliens to remain in the U.S., and in many cases updating their status to full American citizenship.
But I was wrong. Cook sentenced Bailey to the full 37 months behind bars that came with the crime to which he pleaded guilty (and he gave him a $30,000 fine). If it were me, I would have thrown out the plea agreement in the first place, since Bailey should have done decades, not months, behind bars. But this is better than what I expected here.


Federal Judge Julian Abele Cook, Jr. Gives Roy Bailey 37 Months

And I commend Judge Cook. In doing so, he rejected the limp, wimpy feds and their soft-on-open-borders-crime attitude.

Prosecutors sought a lesser sentence because Bailey has cooperated in another investigation. But the judge said a heavier punishment was needed to help restore the integrity of the U.S. immigration system.

Cheers to Judge Cook for doing and saying the right things in this sentence. Jeers to the feds for doing the exact opposite.
And good luck in “restor[ing] the integrity of the U.S. immigration system.”
We’re far, far away from that. But this is a tiny start.
Glad I was wrong. But don’t forget, this man will still only do 37 months behind bars for selling out America’s national security many times over.

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March 9, 2009, - 4:48 pm

Stop Illegal Aliens from Taking Our Jobs: Tell Elected Officials to Keep E-Verify

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember E-Verify? It’s the federal program in which employers quickly and electronically verify that their employees and/or prospective employees are citizens or aliens permitted to work on U.S. soil.
It’s also the program that came under attack from courts, illegal alien advocates, and everyone else bent on allowing illegal aliens to continue to invade America, take jobs from Americans, and drive down wages.
Now, E-Verify may disappear, unless it is renewed for the next five years through Congressional action. Otherwise it will expire. Your immediate phone call to both of your U.S. Senators is imperative. As reader “A” writes:

It looks like the vote on E-Verify will be later today or tomorrow. I would be so happy if you put up a quick posting on your website to let all of your readers know what they can to help. If all of your readers made one, just one phone, call think of the difference we could make.

Indeed. Here is more info from NumbersUSA.


Your phone calls to your Senators are especially important today to ensure that E-Verify opponents don’t kill the 5-year re-authorization by just “running out of time. Call your Senators now at 202-224-3121. Check for talking points, and here are a few suggestions:
* Do NOT vote for “cloture” (cloture= to terminate debate by calling for a vote) to shut off debate on the Omnibus before the E-Verify amendment comes up for a vote.
* A vote for cloture before an E-Verify vote will be graded by NumbersUSA as a vote AGAINST E-Verify and a vote FOR hiring illegal aliens. . . .
Sen. Sessions’ Amendment 604 to the Omnibus Bill (HR 1105) is on the list of amendments to be debated and voted on tonight and tomorrow. Please call your Senator to urge them to support E-Verify!
Since December of 2007, 4.4 million jobs have been lost while the federal government continues to bring in approximately 1.5 million foreign workers per year.
The jobless rate jumped to 8.1% according to numbers released by the Labor Department this morning. It’s the highest rate since 1983. Another 651,000 jobs were cut in the month of February. We Need Immigration Reform and We Need To Start With E-Verify!!! Please share this information with everyone you know and call today.
If we all made one phone call think of the impact we would have.
There are now 12.5 million unemployed American workers.

With Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) worksite enforcement raids now under attack from Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano a/k/a “The Lesbionic Woman,” E-Verify is more important than ever.

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March 9, 2009, - 3:49 pm

The Purim Holiday Starts Tonight

By Debbie Schlussel
Tonight, one of my favorite Jewish holidays–Purim–takes place. It lasts a day and goes until tomorrow night.
Purim marks the victory of the Jews against the evil Persian advisor Haman and his decree to destroy the Jews. But more than that, it’s one of the most anti-feminist holidays ever, even though a woman–Queen Esther–is the heroine.
King Xerxes (the king in “300“) gets rid of his queen (legend has it, he beheads her) because she refuses to go to his party and put herself on display for his male partiers. And then he holds a beauty contest for his next queen from all the nations in his kingdom. Not exactly Betty Friedan/Gloria Steinem stuff. And that’s part of why I like this politically incorrect story of Jewish survival.


Purim Hamantashen Pastry, Queen Esther, Tomb of Mordechai/Esther

Purim takes place in ancient Persia, where King Xerxes was “king of the world,” with his kingdom spanning well over 127 nations, from India to Ethiopia. Ironically, we live a modern day Purim, as Iran–modern-day Persia–may now have the complete makings of nukes, and they are, once again as in ancient Persia, aimed at the Jews’ destruction.
It’s kind of a mix of St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween. St. Patrick’s day, because on the holiday of Purim, it’s a good deed to get so drunk you can’t tell the difference between the holiday’s villain, Haman, and one of its heroes, Mordechai. Halloween, because kids on Purim dress up in costume, and because, as part of our observance of Purim, we deliver baskets of goodies to at least two of our friends and also to some poor people on the holiday.
The holiday has a party atmosphere, and as we read the Scroll of Esther (we’re supposed to hear it read two times on the holiday), which tells the story of the Jews’ survival against evil in ancient Persia, we make noises with noisemakers to drown out the name of Haman, the one who wanted to do us in. We’re commanded to have a giant feast on this holiday and it is custom to eat three-cornered, triangular pastries with filling, known as Hamantashen. They’re supposed to look like the pointy ears of the villain, Haman.
Here’s my Debbie’s Notes version of the Purim story, from a previous post on Purim:

King Xerxes I, in the 5th Century B.C., was King of Persia, though he ruled most of the world, as his kingdom consisted of 127 states and provinces. He had a beautiful wife, Vashti, who refused to show up to his big, boozed-up party with the Kingdom’s men. He wanted to show her off, but she didn’t want to leave her own party. He was advised that he should get rid of her (some say she was beheaded), or else all of the wives throughout his kingdom would take it as an example not to obey their husbands. So, Xerxes gets rid of her and held a giant beauty pageant throughout his entire kingdom (the first Miss Universe pageant). Eventually, he chose the the beautiful, Jewish Esther as his queen. Esther hid her Judaism from the king and her uncle, Mordechai, once overheard a plot to kill the king, which he exposed. For that, he was honored by the King.
Haman, the king’s trusted advisor, hated Mordechai because he would not bow down to Haman (he would only bow down to G-d). Haman was henpecked by his ambitious wife, Zeresh, who was kind of like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. And he had ten sons who were equally pushy.
Soon, Mordechai found out that Haman wanted to annihilate the entire Jewish population of the world (and hang Mordechai), and he got King Xerxes to sign a decree ordering that. The Jews fasted and mourned over their impending destruction, and Mordechai beseeched Esther to appeal to the King to save the Jews.
One night, Esther approached the King (against protocol because only the King could summon the queen, not vice versa–and she could have been beheaded for this; it wasn’t exactly the days of Hillary Clinton wearing the pants). She invited him to a dinner, where she told him that she was Jewish and of the plans to annihilate her people. King Xerxes was angry when he learned of this and had Haman hung on the gallows prepared for Mordechai. He also agreed to try to stop this and arm the Jewish people so they could respond to the decree for their destruction and live.
The holiday is called Purim because Haman literally conducted a lottery to decide in which month to mass murder the Jews.

The Purim story is a central story of Jewish survival.
While some uneducated Jews believe the Purim story is legend, not only is it very real and an important saga in Jewish history, but the tombs of Queen Esther and her uncle, Mordechai, are tourist sites marketed by the Ahmadinejad government in modern day Hamadan, Iran (pictured above; Esther is called “Khashayarsh,” there).
Yup, gotta love those Iranians–they wanna kill us, but they continue to use our history to make a buck.
From Megillat Esther–the Scroll of Esther:

‘What shall we do unto the queen Vashti according to law, forasmuch as she hath not done the bidding of the king Ahasuerus by the chamberlains?’
And Memucan answered before the king and the princes: ‘Vashti the queen hath not done wrong to the king only, but also to all the princes, and to all the peoples, that are in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus.
For this deed of the queen will come abroad unto all women, to make their husbands contemptible in their eyes, when it will be said: The king Ahasuerus commanded Vashti the queen to be brought in before him, but she came not.
And this day will the princesses of Persia and Media who have heard of the deed of the queen say the like unto all the king’s princes. So will there arise enough contempt and wrath.
If it please the king, let there go forth a royal commandment from him, and let it be written among the laws of the Persians and the Medes, that it be not altered, that Vashti come no more before king Ahasuerus, and that the king give her royal estate unto another that is better than she.
And when the king’s decree which he shall make shall be published throughout all his kingdom, great though it be, all the wives will give to their husbands honour, both to great and small.’

Then he held the beauty pageant:

After these things, when the wrath of king Ahasuerus was assuaged, he remembered Vashti, and what she had done, and what was decreed against her.
Then said the king’s servants that ministered unto him: ‘Let there be sought for the king young virgins fair to look on;
And let the king appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom, that they may gather together all the fair young virgins unto Shushan the castle, to the house of the women, unto the custody of Hegai the king’s chamberlain, keeper of the women; and let their ointments be given them;
And let the maiden that pleaseth the king be queen instead of Vashti.’ And the thing pleased the king; and he did so.

Read the Scroll of Esther in its entirety in English.
And to my Jewish readers, Happy Purim!

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March 9, 2009, - 1:49 pm

Sell Out America’s Borders to Hezbollah, Get Less Than Two Years: The Roy Bailey Comedy Continues

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: Judge Cooke Sentences Roy Bailey to 37 Months ****
For the last several years, I’ve written about Roy Bailey, once the top Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Deportation and Removal Operations official. He decided who got to stay inside our borders and who had to go. And, instead of enforcing immigration laws and deportation orders from immigration court, for Bailey, it had a lot to do with who was lining his pockets and who helped him attain ownership of a Dodge Viper, a Jaguar, and other fancy cars.
Sadly, today at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time–just minutes from now–Bailey is scheduled to be sentenced to LESS THAN TWO YEARS (!!!!!) in prison for selling out America’s borders to hundreds–maybe thousands–of Islamic illegal aliens bent on our destruction, and even helping Lebanese Arabs illegally transport weapons over our border from Canada. Read the Bailey indictment and tell me if you believe he only deserves two years in prison.


Roy Bailey: Sold Out America’s Borders to Hezbos, Gets Only Two Years

The feds escorted Bailey off the job in 2004, but allowed him to collect a federal paycheck for three-and-a-half years thereafter, until they finally decided to indict him . . . after they deliberately allowed the key conspirator in the case, Hezbollah financier Talal Chahine, to flee the country.
As I detailed on this site, Roy Bailey took hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes and extorted money, free meals, home repairs and landscaping, and other forms of emoluments, in exchange for allowing mostly Muslim illegal aliens into this country to roam free. Those Muslim illegal aliens were tied to Hezbollah and mostly came from Lebanon and Syria, handpicked by Chahine–who laundered and donated over $20 million to Hezbollah and didn’t pay taxes on it. And Bailey looked the other way on Chahine’s cousins’ sham marriages to American women they paid off. We’re talkin’ top Hezbollah people here.
Worse, Bailey adjusted the immigration status of many of these individuals from illegal and prime deportation meat to green card holders and citizens. And Bailey transported guns for Muslims between the Canadian border and metro Detroit. He also did blackmail work, threatening other Muslims, at Chahine’s direction. And Bailey had other side deals, like that with immigration lawyer Namir Daman and Lebanese restaurateur Samir Leon, for whom he adjusted immigration status of their clients and employees, respectively. Curiously, Mr. Leon has never been prosecuted for bribing Bailey or for having Bailey transport guns for him into our borders. Since Mr. Leon lives here legally, why did he go to that much trouble to smuggle guns into the U.S. from Windsor, Ontario, Canada?
I won’t completely blame Federal Judge Julian Abele Cook, Jr. for the two years or less that he will likely give Roy Bailey. He could buck the trend and ignore the feds in sentencing the man. But, sadly, despite federal sentencing guidelines and a U.S. Probation Officers’ report that he do more time, federal prosecutors recommend that Bailey–who stood to do decades in prison–will get little time for selling out his country to Islamic extremists bent on our destruction because of wimpy feds who couldn’t care less. Yes, you can blame the Bush AND Obama feds for this. Beginning last year, the feds started asking for less and less time for Bailey. First, they asked for 33-37 months under a plea agreement with Bailey. That happened under then-U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III a/k/a “Abu Porno,” Bush’s Islamo-pandering top Justice Department official in Detroit. For “work” like this, Bush rewarded this prosecutor, Murphy (who praised Hezbollah at a Dearbornistan Heights mosque) with a federal judgeship.
On Friday, the feds recommended even less time–just two years for Bailey’s traitorous sell-out of America in this absurd Sentencing Memorandum. The feds ask Judge Cook to give Roy Bailey only two years because of his past military service. If you serve in the U.S. military, that somehow lessens the damage when you later sold out the same country you swore to serve and protect and whose Constitution you swore to uphold?
The feds also say that Roy Bailey “cooperated” with their investigation and helped them to prosecute a “high ranking federal official.” But the fact is that the only official he helped prosecute, Patrick Wynne, was a low-ranking, street-level immigration agent, with whom Bailey conspired to steal the property of detained aliens. Don’t you usually reward the small fish for giving up the big fish and not the other way around? The street-level agent got 57 months in prison (nearly five years). Yet, the big fish, Bailey will do two or less years in the big house. Whatta joke.
The whole thing is nauseating. Even more so is the fact that the biggest fish of all–Hezbollah financier Chahine, who got Bailey to look the other way on so many dangerous people in America, including his sister-in-law, FBI/CIA Hezbollah spy Nada Nadim Al-Aouar Deladurantaye Valley Prouty–got away because Judge and then-U.S. Attorney Murphy warned Chahine he was under investigation and gave him many hints to leave, then allowed him to flee the country and escape justice.
So when Judge Cook gives Roy Bailey less than two years in prison, despite taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to help Muslim illegal aliens tied to Hezbollah into our country and then make them legal permanent residents and citizens, remember that you got scammed.
America got scammed because a top federal official repeatedly took bribes from unsavory people to allow more unsavory people into America and let them stay.
You got scammed when the feds looked the other way, even though information on this appeared on the front pages of the Detroit Free Press as early as 2002 or 2003.
You got scammed again when the feds then allowed this man to collect a federal salary of $140,000 without working for over three-and-a-half years (almost double the period of time that he will serve in federal prison.)
You got scammed even more when the feds allowed the biggest fish in this scheme–a top Hezbollah financier–to flee the country after giving him warning signs that he should leave, despite ripping America off to the tune of $7 million in unpaid taxes.
And you’ve been scammed yet again, as the feds ask for less than two years in prison for a man who committed treason against America’s borders and citizenry when he was supposed to be enforcing immigration law.
America is not safe. Our Justice Department is just going through the motions. And that’s why we are losing. And the mainstream media doesn’t ask these questions. Instead, it regurgitates the feds’ press releases, making them look like they are getting tough on these people, when they are really getting softer and softer.
This isn’t the first time a top federal official will get almost nothing for selling out our borders and was allowed to stay on the job for years. As I’ve reported on this site previously, Daphiney Caganap accepted tens and thousands of dollars in bribes to allow illegal aliens and drugs into our borders, as the top border inspector in the San Diego area. Instead of being immediately prosecuted, she was promoted and allowed to stay on the job for years in Metro Detroit, where she held mandatory candle parties for her employees at the airport. She stood to do 36 years in prison and instead got probation and no prison time.
As I’ve also previously noted, Carol Jenifer, a former Detroit INS District chief, was also caught taking bribes from assorted individuals in exchange for citizenship. Nothing ever happened to her and she was allowed to keep her job and retire with a full pension, courtesy of you, the American taxpayer.
(Is it of note that Bailey, Caganap, and Jenifer are Black? Some immigration authorities have sent me cases where we’ve thrown the book at far lower ranking White immigration officials and suggest that race has at least a little to do with the lax punishment of Bailey, Caganap, and Jenifer.)
We are desperate but not serious about our borders. Roy Bailey, Daphiney Caganap, and Carol Jenifer are just the manifestations of the festering and growing cancer we allow to metastasize.
Compare Roy Bailey’s likely sentence to that of Jonathon Pollard. He’s serving life in prison for spying for an ally–handing info to that ally, Israel, that we were supposed to give the Israelis under an agreement we had with them.
Yet, Roy Bailey sold out our borders to Hezbollah, to Syrians–making countless numbers of them U.S. citizens–and transported guns for Lebanese Arabs over our borders. Less than two years (after time off for good behavior) for this guy after he deliberately jeopardized America’s national security.

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