March 12, 2009, - 6:05 pm

Detroit City Council Whiners (& Racists) Bitch at Jay Leno

By Debbie Schlussel
This story is a couple of days or so old in Detroit, but it might be new to you. In any event, it’s worth repeating because it shows yet more of the insanity of the People’s Third World Republic of the Detroit City Council.
Last Thursday, the racists of the Detroit City Council recounted the racism of White people in the history of America. They did this because they don’t want the mostly-White suburbs of Detroit to save their rotting convention center (they’d rather lose more business and let the city die, apparently). After that, they sang “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Yup, that’s a Detroit City Council meeting for ya.
Now, Detroit City Council Member Martha Reeves–yes, of Martha Reeves and the Vandellas fame–is whining against Jay Leno for his crime of wanting to do a free concert for out of work Detroit-area residents in a suburban location. Leno generously decided to do this with the help of Pepsi, but his charity is somehow not good enough because it’s not in the hood?


Martha Reeves Whines Over Jay Leno Charity Concert

It should be noted that Barbara Rose-Collins, the woman leading the singing in the video and who recounted White “racism,” was kicked out of Congress after embezzling taxpayer and campaign money and spending it for junkets to and trinkets from Africa. She’s lucky they allowed her to resign, instead of putting her behind bars. At the time, The Weekly Standard interviewed her staffers and they recounted her racist, abusive comments to them, that their Black skin was too dark, that they didn’t work as hard as White people, and that her coffee needed to match her skin color.
Yup, Detroit . . . where stupid is as stupid does.

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March 12, 2009, - 3:43 pm

No You Di’int: Hezbollah Republican Congressman Who Denounces Earmarks . . . is Earmark Pimp

By Debbie Schlussel
Longtime readers know of my, um, “affinity” for Jihad Darrell–Republican Congressman Darrell Issa, the gazillionaire Hezbollah and Arafat fan from San Diego.
Issa has had people call me and offer trips to meet him. He’s sent a “dossier” against me (an ineffective binder of my articles on him, paid for by your tax dollars and compiled by his staff) to conservative David Horowitz, trying to get FrontPageMag not to run my stuff on him (David stood by me). And he’s accused me of being the cause of alleged attempts on his life, rather than his own comments siding with terrorists. He’s also a former luxury car thief, liar about his military service, arsonist and insurance defrauder, and threatened one of his employees, reportedly at gunpoint. It’s because of this that my father worried when I acquired the site (Jihad D forgot to renew it).


Jihad Darrell’s Crying Game: Pro-Hezbollah Rep. Darrell Issa Pimps Us Out on Earmarks

And that’s not to mention his strong support for Hezbollah and his former job as Yasser Arafat’s taste-tester and hand-model evaluator. Oh, and don’t forget that Jihad D said that 9/11 was “simply a plane crash.” I’ve detailed a good deal of this previously on this site and in the New York Post, as well as his cry-fest when Karl Rove made him drop out of the race for the California gubernatorial recall race.
Now, Issa–who once said the biggest problem with the Republican Party was its positions on guns and abortion–is trying to position himself to right of everyone. He has ambitions (which will likely never be realized), and he now realizes that you can’t get there from the RINO left.
So, he’s come out loudly against earmarks (gee, what a novel position). Problem is, Issa is something of an Earmark Pimp.
Well, it wouldn’t be the first–or the last–time that Jihad Darrell fed us his hypocrisy soup:

U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista, vowed Tuesday not to ask for any more special project funding, also known as earmarks, until the funding-allocation process is reformed. . . .
“After eight years in office, it’s become clear to me that projects are not judged on the merits, but on the seniority and power of the requesting member or lobbyist,” he said.
Last year, Issa requested millions for projects in his district under a spending bill finally approved Tuesday by the U.S. Senate. Issa’s requests totaled $7.6 million, $2.1 million of which was for individual requests, the remainder in concert with other members of Congress, according to an analysis by the Washington watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense. . . .
Steve Ellis, vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, said he was pleased to hear Issa’s announcement.
“The thing is that the first step towards recovery is admitting that you have a problem,” Ellis said.

Ha. That’s funny, Steve. But the problem is Darrell Issa. And the voters of the San Diego area still haven’t admitted it. They need an intervention about this pan-terrorist fraud.
Whatta hypocrite. Not to mention, a maggot.


Darrell Issa: Earmark Pimp Moonlights as

Prez of the Bashar Assad Fan Club, American Auxiliary

Full analysis of earmarks in the 2009 Omnibus Spending bill at
Quick Video Message to Jihad Darrell:

* My New York Post column on Jihad Darrell
* Jihad Darrell: Terrorism’s Manchurian Candidate

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March 12, 2009, - 2:47 pm

Videos of the Day: Do They Stand the Test of Time?

By Debbie Schlussel
I have very eclectic musical taste, in part because of my dad who took me to jazz (George Benson, Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, etc.) and other concerts. I love jazz, ’70s, ’80s, metal and hair bands, etc. But I also like funk–hey, I went to a mostly Black high school. One of my classmates, Terrence Parker, began as a well-known DJ and mixmaster in high school and still goes by the name DJ Mixmaster X. He made the best mix tapes (remember those?) and is now big in club circles all over the world.
Yesterday, I saw a screening of the movie, “Adventureland,” which comes out in April. It takes place in the ’80s and features an ’80s hits soundtrack. It reminded me of these three songs from the ’80s (both are not in the movie), which used to be on my workout tape (remember those?), back then. Guess which one didn’t survive? Hint: it’s the one with the weird chip-munk voices on it. Surprisingly, that song–featuring the Black/White French-Canadian duo, Cheri–reached the top of the dance music charts. Now, it’s just completely cheesy. But the other two are classics for me.
From 1980:

Love the guitar portions of this (even if I don’t like the “getting high” stuff in this song)–From 1982:

From 1982:

If you like ’80s club/house/dance music, some of the best remixes are at the Vinyl Morpher and at Terrence Parker’s site, linked above.

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March 12, 2009, - 1:27 pm

Religion of Mortgage Fraud, Hezbollah & “Peace”

By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve noted on this site, a good deal of the mortgage defrauders in the Detroit area are Muslims. Some of them have been tied to Hezbollah.
And, unfortunately, as I’ve also noted, few of them are prosecuted. Instead, ambitious politicians, like Republican Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, don’t want to upset Muslims, so they go after the straw buyers the Muslims employ. That’s what Cox has done in a number of giant mortgage fraud cases. None of the Muslims who had their house bought and sold a gazillion times over while they continued to live in it and collect ever-increasing mortgage cash from phony appraisals, which constantly escalated upward from the real value of the home.
But I gotta give Detroit-area prosecutor Kym Worthy, the Wayne County Prosecutor, credit for going after some of these people . . . finally. I’m not a fan of hers and, sadly, she continues to employ an open Hezbollah supporter, Abed Hammoud (identified as a Hezbollah agent by a Kuwaiti newspaper), as head of her public corruption prosecution section (and he protects his Muslim and pan-Islamic buddies from justice).



Mortgage Defrauders/Shi’ite Muslims Nadia Ali, Hussein Bazzi, Mirza Salmaci:

Did They Send the Money to Hezbollah?

But this is at least something:

Three people face several charges in what prosecutors said is a mortgage and deed fraud scheme in Dearborn Heights.
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy announced Wednesday that charges were filed against Mirza Salmaci [DS: Full Name is Mirza Ali Salmaci], 37, of Dearborn; Hussein Bazzi, 33, of Dearborn Heights; and Nadia Ali, 32, of Brownstown Township.
The prosecutor says the three allegedly conspired to fraudulently sell a property in Dearborn Heights to a fictitious buyer.
Salmaci and Bazzi are licensed real estate salespeople. Prosecutors say they prepared documents in the name of a real individual who lives in Port Huron without that person’s knowledge. Ali allegedly pretended to be that fictitious buyer.
All three are charged with the felonies of money laundering, false pretenses and conspiracy to commit false pretenses. Conviction could result in prison sentences of up to 10 years.
All three defendants were arraigned Wednesday in 19th District Court in Dearborn.


Mirza Salmaci, 37, of Dearborn, Hussein Bazzi, 33, of Dearborn Heights and Nadia Ali, 32 of Brownstown Township are accused of conspiring to fraudulently sell a home in the 26000 block of Cherry Hill to a fictitious buyer.
Salmaci and Bazzi, both licensed real estate salespersons, are alleged to have prepared documents in the name of a person who lives in Port Huron without her knowledge. Ali is alleged to be a loan officer.
All of the defendants face up to 20 years in prison on multiple charges, which include conspiracy to commit false pretenses and money laundering. Salmaci is also charged with filing an unauthorized credit application, identity theft and using a fake identification to commit a felony.

All three of them are, FYI, Shi’ite Muslims whose families are from Hezbollah country in South Lebanon. The Bazzi family is big in Hezbollah. And big in all kinds of fraud in the U.S. Look up the last name “Bazzi” on google and you’ll find a veritable monster truck jam full of results on crime committed by different Bazzis living in America.
Of note is that Salmaci’s relative, “Robert” Talal Salmaci, is an insurance agent who says on his website, “I work in real estate.” Is he licensed to “work in real estate”? And just what is he doing? He has an online blog in which he constantly supports HAMAS and Hezbollah (and attacks me). If I were authorities, I’d look into his transactions, too. (Robert Salmaci’s brother, Tarick Salmaci, was a professional boxer who appeared on the failed NBC reality show, “The Contender,” hosted by Sylvester Stallone.)

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March 12, 2009, - 10:53 am

German Indictments of Nazi Demjanjuk No Cause for Celebration; Only ICE Gave Death Camp Guard Any Real Punishment

By Debbie Schlussel
A number of readers have sent me e-mails celebrating that former Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk was charged by Germany as an accessory to murder in 29,000 cases.
Yeah, that’s nice. But, as I’ve repeatedly written about Demjanjuk (see also here), the dude is 88 years old. He’s lived a long life, longer than most people live. In some cases, this Ukrainian Nazi lived four times as long as his victims. Any punishment he gets now will be like a paper cut. He’s lived long enough to have children, see them grow up and get married, have grandchildren–which many of his Treblinka victims never got to do, thanks to him–and he’s done it all on U.S. soil. He’s lived here in mostly freedom for over half a century.


John Demjanjuk:

Just One of Many Nazis Who Gamed the System for a Good Life in America


Nazi Death Camp Guard John Demjanjuk Then (Third From Left)


As longtime readers know, I’ve been writing about John Demjanjuk for many years and following him since I was in the seventh grade. Really. When I was in seventh grade, I accompanied my father and my Holocaust survivor maternal grandfather, Isaac, to a forum in the Detroit Jewish Community featuring officials from the Justice Department Office of Special Investigations (OSI), who were heading up the prosecution of Demjanjuk. That was in the early ’80s.
The man, Demjanjuk, has successfully fought and appealed and motioned the U.S. and Israeli Justice systems to death. His argument that he wasn’t Nazi death camp guard, Ivan the Terrible, but that the was Ivan-the-not-quite-as-Terrible was a successful one (even though it’s not true). His arguments that we can’t rely on Soviet documents identifying him was successful, too.
Demjanjuk also somehow successfully convinced some courts he wasn’t really an SS Guard, even though he had the SS tattoo under his arm. I suppose someone tattooed him at gunpoint. Nope, that was reserved for people like my cousin, Avraham, who had the numbers forcibly tattooed on his arm at the point of the guns of people like Demjanjuk.
He successfully beat tough, good people at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detention and Removal Operations, who really were the only people who meted out any justice to Demjanjuk. They kept him in an ICE jail until they had to let him out after the usual 90-180 days or so. I commend ICE for, again, being the only people to give this Nazi killer any form of real imprisonment, though it was still better and far more humane than the suffering and death he imposed on Treblinka Jews.
And, as I’ve repeatedly noted, Demjanjuk–who lied on his documents to enter and get citizenship in this country–wasn’t punished for it much, if at all.
For instance, where the heck was Germany with their 29,000 criminal counts decades ago? Why did they wait until now?
They should have done it a long time ago and the U.S. would have extradited the guy there to face justice.
This guy gamed the system because the system in America allowed him to game it.
Now, it’s just too little, too late. John Demjanjuk, mass-murdering Nazi, won’t ever be adequately punished on this earth.
But when he dies, I hope he’ll be getting it from G-d.
Unfortunately, the same goes for so many Nazi war criminals on our soil (like Johann Leprich). They fight and/or hide until they’re so old, we let ’em out or they’ve managed to escape justice until too late.
**** UPDATE: Read my friend, Fred Taub of Boycott Watch’s “Call Him Ivan the Terrible.” Fred has followed the Demjanjuk case from the beginning and is an authority on the whole matter.

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March 11, 2009, - 11:17 pm

Told Ya: Baby Mama Bristol Palin Will Remain Single Mother, Splits with Baby Daddy

By Debbie Schlussel
Hate to say it in this instance, but . . . . I told you so.
When I wrote a column about how Bristol Palin remains a single mother–a baby mama–and had no legitimate reason to prolong getting married, several worshippers at the alter of St. Sarahmessiah told me I was wrong, that these two kiddie-parents (the Palin daughter and boytoy Levi Johnston) would be married this summer.
But, you see, I never believed they’d be married. In fact, I thought their engagement was a fiction put on by the Palin family to help win the Presidential election. And, unfortunately, I was right. As I noted, this kid had a very pretentious name (“Tripp Easton Mitchell Johston”), but not what was far more important–a father married to his mother.


Splitsville: Sarah Palin-Enabled Single Motherhood Now Permanent, w/ Permanent Victim

I’m not surprised that this future marriage was a fiction. That’s what campaigns are: showbiz. Smoke and mirrors. The daughter of Sarah Palin broke up with baby daddy Johnston several weeks ago, despite telling FOX News Channel’s Greta Van Susteren that they were going to be married when they finished high school. It was a lie.
I really don’t care much about these two pieces of trash, but for the fact that they’ve now added their progeny to the problems America faces with the kids of single mothers, which I’ve been detailing on this site and elsewhere for years.
But the issue I do care about is who will be the next Republican Presidential nominee. And how so-called social conservatives continue, with a straight face, to praise baby grandmama Sarah Palin (and chose her as their conservative of the year). She was not at home, when the pregnancy happened. She was busy blindly chasing her ambitions. And this is what happens when you have a working mother and a Mr. Mom, i.e., the Palins. Now, Todd Palin can proudly wear a new title, Mr. Grand-Mom.
You can attack me all you want for saying so, but working mothers are more likely to have kids who engage in premarital sex at an earlier age and they’re more likely to have kids that become parents out of wedlock. The Palins are just an embodiment of the facts and statistics.
And let’s be intellectually honest here. If one of Barack Obama’s daughters was a single mother, we conservatives would be legitimately all over it. Or if her name was Sha’niqua. Yet, most of the same people who would be all over it, don’t seem to have a problem with Sarah Palin and the family atmosphere from which she was absent that created this Baby Mama situation. Not only don’t they have a problem with it, they send me anti-Semitic and vile, unhinged e-mails exercising the c-word for daring to point this out.
“Conservative of the Year,” indeed.
I’m extremely bummed out that Barack Obama is President and is destroying this country. I voted for McCain-Palin in November.
But one thing I’m not bummed out about: That Republicans aren’t the party of this first–the first teen baby mama in the Vice Presidential mansion living on the public dole.
(Techically, lesbian Veep daughter Mary Cheney was a baby mama of sorts, since her significant he/she/it/whatever was pregnant with a kid, but not exactly the same thing. And at least she’s not a teenage kid having kids. Even so, that “first” was more than enough.)
The only one I feel sorry for here: this kid, who has the misfortune of being born to a single mother in a family that has far more pretensions than actual good values. Good luck, Tripp. You’ll need it. For your sake, I wish it were otherwise.
Sorry, kid, but you’re just not the luckiest bastard on earth. Or even in Alaska.
(Hmmm . . . am I still allowed to use the word, “bastard”?)
EXIT Question: How hard will it be for Levi Johnston to have that Bristol tattoo lasered off his finger? Hey, another reason why tattoos aren’t a good idea.
As reader “California Screaming” reminds me, there is an earmark for tattoo removal in the stimulus package. You know, the stimulus package which Baby Grand-Mama Sarah simultaneously claimed she was against and was fighting for her “fair share.”
**** UPDATE–“Musical” Accompaniment:
Three Six Mafia – Baby Mama

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March 11, 2009, - 9:49 pm

Yuck: Another Long Day Screening Movies

By Debbie Schlussel
It was a long day, with three movie screenings, back to back. I hate this because it makes me feel gross. I know I shouldn’t whine while so many Americans are busting their butts to survive. But, at these things, you’re sitting there for six hours straight doing nothing but passive viewing as life passes you by. Yuck. Not healthy, but no way else to get ’em all in for reviewing.
Here’s what I saw, with my reviews to be posted at Midnight, Thursday Night/Friday Morning on the days they open. (I saw “The Last House on the Left” yesterday–so, yes I’m all movied out.)
The Last House on the Left“:

Sunshine Cleaning“:


Race to Witch Mountain“:

If you managed to wade through all these trailers, imagine sitting through several hours of this stuff. You might think it’s fun, but trust me, it gets old. I know, quit whining.

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March 11, 2009, - 12:44 pm

EXCLUSIVE–Fleecing of America: Costly ICE Switch to Sig Sauer Guns Tied to Sexual Relationship

By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, I mentioned that Department of Homeland Security-approved security technology will often have a lot to do with who is sleeping with whom.
And I wasn’t making that up.
Over the last several years, I’ve gotten many verified complaints from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and personnel, about various contracts that ICE signs for costly, less effective equipment and other items, merely because the purchaser or deciding party at ICE was “dating” (euphemism) the salesman at the company. There are a lot of items on which ICE has spent your tax dollars–from computer programs to the company that moved ICE to its current headquarters to the guns–all of which ICE has chosen either because of nepotism or sex and not because they were the best or least expensive items sought.



ICE Switch from Glock to Sig Sauer Dangerous, Tied to Sex

Some of this involves ICE official, Theresa Bertucci–whose whole family now seems to work for ICE (and who improperly used ICE police to guard the important American site of . . . her brother’s funeral). Bertucci made sweetheart deals with a company called Bearing Point.
But, now, ICE agents tell me that they are being forced to switch to a cumbersome Sig Sauer gun (from smaller Glocks) because the ICE employee who made the decision was sleeping with the Sig Sauer salesman. And it could endanger ICE agents, not to mention make it easier for illegal aliens to “make” them. Here’s what ICE agents are telling me about why they must now transition to the Sig Sauer as their primary sidearm:

We are currently transitioning from our Legacy (INS or U.S. Customs Service) weapons to the Sig Sauer P229R and this must be completed by end of this month.
We can’t understand why this is happening, except that we’ve been hearing that the Sig Sauer contract was obtained fraudulently as a former female ICE employee was sleeping with the guy from Sig Sauer, and that allegedly that ICE person was indicted for fraud.
The Sig Sauer is a much bigger in size weapon, ironic that we wear plain clothes during work. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents use the Glock–the one I carry. I was a U.S. Customs Agent, and this was our weapon, which ICE said was no good. It’s funny that even CBP carries the smaller weapon and they are uniformed. Since we are not, a bigger weapon–the Sig Sauer–will stick out, and illegal aliens and other criminals will spot us and our guns.
ICE has given us just one day to learn this new weapon and qualify at the range. One eight hour day. Yet, in the U.S. Customs Service Academy (before ICE), they gave us about five months to learn how to use our current weapon. This is unbelievable. There are many ICE agents failing and having their guns pulled. Why ICE is only giving us one day to learn is beyond me. Talk about liability. Wait until the criminal defense attorneys and trial lawyers start using this in court.
Another ICE disaster.

Yes, that’s ICE, where nepotism, cronyism, and sex dominate–not protecting us against illegal aliens and terrorist arms smuggling.
It’s sad that this is happening, but even sadder is that nepotism and sleeping around is unfortunately the reason why a lot of things happen at Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
As I’ve noted on this site, the acting head of the agency, John P. Torres, ignored federal hiring rules and ICE and Homeland Security procedures and set up rubber-stamping committees so he could hire his unqualified extramarital girlfriend to get a top ICE Special Agent job.
He set the atmosphere for this kind of abuse at ICE, and got promoted for doing so. And until he and Ms. Bertucci–they are the top two people at ICE until the new ICE secretary is confirmed–are disciplined for this behavior, American taxpayers will continue to be abused by these two proud high school grads (well, actually, Bertucci got her GED) running the Department of Homeland Security’s largest law enforcement agency.
At ICE, it’s not what you know. It’s with whom you’re exchanging bodily fluids. (Attention, Terrorists . . . .)

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March 11, 2009, - 12:24 pm

Israeli “Waltz w/ Bashir” Director Pimps for HAMAS

By Debbie Schlussel
I warned you about Academy Award-nominated Israeli movie, “Waltz With Bashir.” As I noted, the far-left, false, anti-Israel movie made by Israeli self-haters is high quality Bin Laden cinema.
Now, our friend, Finnish commentator Kenneth Sikorski (KGS) of Tundra Tabloids points out that the movie’s director, Yoni Goodman, is pimping for HAMAS. Goodman made a short film attacking Israel for blockading HAMASastan a/k/a Gaza and whining about the economic effects it is having on them. To that I say, Tough. Whit. (Yup, I mean the word that rhymes with “whit.”) Needless to say, I’m not posting the propaganda video here.


Waltz with Islamic Terrorists

As KGS correctly notes, the short film is the moving picture version of the HAMAS talking points this self-hating jerk put to film. If only he would have the conscience to do a film about the economic effects the HAMAS rockets have on Sderot, Israel, where poor, working-class Jews (from families who were thrown out of their homes in Arab countries) struggle to survive and can’t afford to move.
If only.

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March 11, 2009, - 11:20 am

Left-Wing Kids’ Network Nickelodeon Honors Chick-Beating

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: Chris Brown Withdrew from Nick Kids’ Awards, today, but NOT at the request of Nickelodeon ****
You have to give Nickelodeon–the vapid network aimed at kids–credit for incredible chutzpah.
For years, the cable channel, has featured specials hosted by Linda Ellerbee, lecturing your kids on everything from being nice and “tolerant” of Muslims after 9/11 to why nuclear weapons and the Iraq war are bad. Oh, and then there’s the promotion of teen baby mama Jamie-Lynn Spears by the network.
But after years of moralizing, Nickelodeon itself is filled with hypocrisy. Network execs say they will leave singer Chris Brown, who’s been charged with beating girlfriend/singer, Robin “Rihanna” Fenty, on the ballot for the 2009 Kids’ Choice Awards. No biggie that Brown has been charged with two felonies for the assault on Rihanna.


Chris Brown: Nickelodeon Honors the Guy That Did This to Rihanna

After all, it’s “democracy.” Don’t you get it? The kids have a right to choose, no matter how bad the candidate.
Yup, these idiots that run Nickelodeon think their stupid Kids’ Choice Awards is some sort of hallowed American Presidential election, where no-one can take someone off the ballot for chick-beating. Hellooooo . . . .? There’s a reason you have to be 18, i.e., an adult, to vote in elections in America. This is a stupid kids awards show, where winners get slimed, for G-d’s sake. It’s not immune from interference by responsible adults. The problem is trying to find one at the MTV Networks offices (MTV Networks owns and runs Nickelodeon). Instead the network released the statement that they can’t interfere in the balloting process:

“The kids who vote will ultimately decide who wins in the category,” Nickelodeon said in a statement Tuesday.

So, to sum up Nickelodeon’s “morals” and worldview:
Brainwashing your kids with left-wing politics and indoctrination . . . Awesome! Telling your kids that beating women up isn’t okay . . . um, it’s not right for us to judge.
This is what happens when you tell kids they can’t judge (unless it’s conservatives and conservative values they’re condemning). You raise a nation of kids who will tolerate even the intolerable, like beating women up “just ‘cuz.”
Oh, and guess who’s coming to Brown’s defense? Why, it’s none other than admitted Muslim polygamist singer Akon, whose songs are simply vile (when they’re not cleaned up for Top 40 radio) and himself has a record of violence, including beating up a fan at a concert.

“I wouldn’t take anybody’s personal issues or problems,” Akon told the Associated Press. “I won’t hold them accountable for that when it comes to work.”

Yup, look the other way on wanton, gratuitous violence. And tell kids to do the same. Excellent. Well, I guess–since this idiot Rihanna took him back–we should reinforce that message to America’s kids. Right?
This isn’t new for Nick. In 2003, when NBA star Kobe Bryant was then under the gun and had been charged with raping a woman in Colorado, the network refused to take him off the ballot from that year’s Kids’ Choice awards ballot. I was on MSNBC’s “Scarborough Country,” debating this with actress Kathryn Joosten of ABC’s “Desperate Housewives,” who insisted that he should remain on the ballot and that he was innocent until proven guilty. In Chris Brown’s case, we’ve seen the pics of Rihanna’s face. Clearly, he beat her.
I still believe, even though Bryant managed to beat the allegations and get them dropped, that you don’t keep accused criminals on ballots of kids’ awards shows.
It ain’t exactly rocket science.
The Kids’ Choice Awards show airs on Nickelodeon on March 28th.

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